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Test Booklet No. This Booklet contains 20 pages. Test Booklet Code : C Practical Skills In Science And Technology foKku ,oa izkS|ksfxdh esa iz;ksxkRed dkS'ky Time allowed : 1 Hours fu/kkZfjr le; % 1 ?k.Vs TEST BOOKLET ijh{kk iqfLrdk Maximum Marks : 20 vf/kdre vad % 20 General Instructions lkekU; funs Z ' k % lkekU; 1. Attempt all questions. lHkh iz'u vfuok;Z gSaA 2. There are 30 multiple choice questions in total. Only one of the options in every question is correct. bl iz'u i=k esa dqy 30 cgqfodYih iz'u gSaA izR;sd iz'u esa dsoy ,d gh fodYi lgh gSA 3. The question paper consists of two sections - Section A and Section B. Each of the 20 questions in Section A carries half mark and each of the 10 questions in Section B carries one mark. bl iz'u i=k ds nks [k.M gSa & [k.M d rFkk [k.M [kA [k.M d ds lHkh 20 iz'u vk/ks vad ds gSa rFkk [k.M [k ds lHkh 10 iz'u ,d vad ds gSaA 4. 15 minutes additional time will be given to you to read the questions. i'u i<+us ds fy, vkidks 15 feuV dk vfrfj le; fn;k tk,xkA 5. The Answer Sheet is inside this Test Booklet. When you are directed to open the Test Booklet, take out the Answer Sheet and fill in the particulars on SIDE-2 carefully with blue/black ball point pen only. In no case, pencil is to be used. Read General Instructions for Candidates on SIDE-1 carefully. m kj i=k bl ijh{kk iqfLrdk ds vUnj j[kk gSA tc vkidks ijh{kk iqfLrdk [kksyus dks dgk tk,] rks m kj i=k fudky dj i` " B&2 ij dsoy uhys@dkys ckWy ikWbaV isu ls fooj.k HkjsaA fdlh Hkh fLFkfr esa isafly dk mi;ksx u djsaA i`"B&1 ij fyf[kr ^^ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa ds fy, lkekU; funsZ'k** /;kuiwoZd i<+saA 6. Use Blue/Black Ball Point Pen only for writing particulars on this page/writing particulars and marking responses on SIDE-2 of the Answer Sheet. bl i`"B ij ,oa m kj i=k ds i`"B&2 ij fooj.k vafdr djus ,oa fu'kku yxkus ds fy, dsoy uhys@dkys ckWy ikWbaV isu dk iz;ksx djsaA 7. On completion of the test, the candidate must hand over the Answer Sheet to the Invigilator in the Room/Hall. The candidates are allowed to take away this Test Booklet with them. ijh{kk lEi gksus ij] ijh{kkFkhZ d{k@gkWy NksM+us ls iwoZ m kj i=k d{k fujh{kd dks vo'; lkSai nsaA ijh{kkFkhZ vius lkFk bl ijh{kk iqfLrdk dks ys tk ldrs gSaA 8. The CODE for this Test Booklet is C. Make sure that the CODE printed on SIDE-2 of the Answer Sheet is the same as that on this booklet. In case of discrepancy, the candidate should immediately report the matter to the Invigilator for replacement of both the Test Booklet and the Answer Sheet. bl ijh{kk iqfLrdk dk ladsr C gSA ;g lqfuf'pr dj ysa fd bl iqfLrdk dk ladsr] m kj i=k ds i` " B&2 ij Nis ladsr ls feyrk gSA vxj ;g fHk gks rks ijh{kkFkhZ nwljh ijh{kk iqfLrdk vkSj m kj i=k ysus ds fy, d{k fujh{kd dks rqjUr voxr djk, A 9. The candidates should ensure that the Answer Sheet is not folded. Do not make any stray marks on the Answer Sheet. Do not write your Roll Number anywhere else except in the specified space in the Test Booklet/Answer Sheet. ijh{kkFkhZ lqfuf'pr djsa fd bl m kj i=k dks eksM+k u tk, ,oa ml ij dksbZ vU; fu'kku u yxk, A ijh{kkFkhZ viuk vuq ekad ijh{kk iqfLrdk@m kj i=k esa fu/kkZfjr LFkku ds vfrfj vU;=k uk fy[ksaA 10. Use of white fluid for correction is not permissible on the Answer Sheet. m kj i=k ij fdlh izdkj ds la'kks/ku gsrq lQsn yqbM ds iz;ksx dh vuqefr ugha gSA u gha Name of the Candidate (in Capitals): _________________________________________________ ijh{kkFkhZ dk uke cM+s v{kjksa esa % Roll Number : vuq ekad in figures vadksa esa _________________________________________________ : in words 'kCnksa esa _________________________________________________ Section A [k.M d 1. A sharp image of a distant object is obtained on a screen by using a convex lens. In order to determine the focal length of the lens, you need to measure the distance between the (1) lens and the object. (2) lens and the screen. (3) object and the screen. (4) lens and the screen and also object and the screen. ,d m ky ysal dk mi;ksx djus ij insZ ij fdlh nwjLFk oLrq dk Li"V izfrfcEc izkIr gksrk gSA ysal dh Qksdl nwjh Kkr djus ds fy, gesa ekiuh gksxh (1) (2) ysal rFkk insZ ds chp dh nwjhsA (3) oLrq rFkk insZ ds chp dh nwjhA (4) 2. ysal rFkk oLrq ds chp dh nwjhA ysal rFkk insZ ds lkFk&lkFk oLrq rFkk insZ ds chp dh nwjhA A student obtains a blurred image of an object on a screen by using a concave mirror. In order to obtain a sharp image on the screen, he will have to shift the mirror (1) towards the screen. (2) away from the screen; (3) either towards or away from the screen depending upon the position of the object. (4) to a position very far away from the screen. ,d fo|kFkhZ vory niZ.k dk mi;ksx djus ij insZ ij ,d oLrq dk /kq /kyk izfrfcEc izkIr djrk gSA insZ ij Li"V izfrfcEc izkIr djus ds fy, mls niZ.k dks fdl vksj foLFkkfir djuk gksxk \ (1) (2) insZ ls nwjA (3) insZ dh vksj vFkok insZ ls nwj] ;g oLrq dh fLFkfr ij fuHkZj djsxkA (4) C insZ dh vksjA insZ ls cgqr nwj dh fLFkfr esaA 2 3. The two dots P1 and P2 shown in each of the following diagrams I, II, III and IV denote the position of two pins in respect of distance and direction for performing an experiment on tracing the path of a ray of light passing through a rectangular glass slab. In which one of the four cases, one is likely to get best result ? (1) I (2) II (3) III (4) IV uhps n'kkZ, x, vkjs[kksa I, II, III rFkk IV esa ls izR;sd esa nks fcUnq P1 rFkk P2 fdlh dk p dh vk;rkdkj flYyh ls xqtjus okyh izdk'k dh fdj.k dk iFk vkjsf[kr djus ds fy, iz;ksx esa nks fiuksa dh nwjh rFkk fn'kk ds izfr fLFkfr;k fufnZ"V djrs gSaA fdl vkjs[k esa fiuksa dh lgh fLFkfr n'kkZ;h x;h gS] ftlls loksZ ke ifj.kke izkIr gksxk \ (1) (2) II (3) III (4) C I IV 3 P.T.O. 4. The path of a ray of light passing through a rectangular glass slab was traced and angles measured. Which one out of the following is the correct representation of an angle of incidence i, angle of refraction r and angle of emergence e as shown in the diagrams ? (1) I (2) II (3) III (4) IV dk p dh vk;rkdkj flYyh ls xqtjus okyh fdlh izdk'k fdj.k dk iFk vkjsf[kr djds dks.kksa dh eki dh x;hA uhps fn, x, vkjs[kksa esa ls fdlesa vkiru dks.k i] viorZu dks.k r rFkk fuxZr dks.k e lgh fn[kk, x, gSa \ (1) (2) II (3) III (4) C I IV 4 5. Which two circuit components are connected in parallel in the following circuit diagram ? (1) Rheostat and voltmeter (2) Voltmeter and ammeter (3) Voltmeter and resistor (4) Ammeter and resistor uhps fn, x, ifjiFk vkjs[k esa dkSu ls nks ifjiFk vo;o ik'oZ la;ksftr gSa \ (1) (2) oksYVehVj rFkk ,sehVj (3) oksYVehVj rFkk izfrjks/kd (4) 6. /kkjk fu;a=kd rFkk oksYVehVj ,sehVj rFkk izfrjks/kd An ammeter has 20 divisions between mark 0 and mark 2 on its scale. The least count of the ammeter is (1) (2) (3) (4) 0.02 A 0.01 A 0.2 A 0.1 A ,d ,sehVj ds iSekus ij 0-fpg~u rFkk 2-fpg~u ds chp 20 Hkkx vafdr gSaA bl ,sehVj dk vYire eki D;k gksxk \ (1) (2) (3) (4) C 0.02 A 0.01 A 0.2 A 0.1 A 5 P.T.O. 7. To determine the equivalent resistance of two resistors when connected in series, a student arranged the circuit components as shown in the diagram. But he did not succeed to achieve the objective. Which of the following mistakes has been committed by him in setting up the circuit ? (1) Position of voltmeter is incorrect. (2) Position of ammeter is incorrect. (3) Terminals of voltmeter are wrongly cotmected. (4) Terminals of ammeter are wrongly connected. nks izfrjks/kdksa] tc og Js.khc) la;ksftr gSa] dk rqY; izfrjks/k Kkr djus ds fy, fdlh fo|kFkhZ us fp=k esa n'kkZ, vuqlkj ifjiFk vo;oksa dks O;ofLFkr fd;k] ijUrq mls lQyrk izkIr ugha gqbZA ml fo|kFkhZ us ifjiFk la;kstu esa fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu lh xyrh dh Fkh \ (1) oksYVehVj dh fLFkfr lgh ugha FkhA (2) ,sehVj dh fLFkfr lgh ugha FkhA (3) oksYVehVj ds VfeZuy xyr la;ksftr FksA (4) ,sehVj ds VfeZuy xyr la;ksftr FksA 8. A little dilute hydrochloric acid is dropped on a pH paper. The colour of the pH paper turns to (1) (2) (3) (4) dark pink light green light blue bright yellow tjk&lk ruq gkbM ksDyksfjd vEy pH-i=k ij fxjk;k tkrk gSA ,slk djus ds i'pkr~ pH-i=k dk jax dSlk gks tkrk gS \ (1) xgjk xqykch (2) gydk gjk (3) gydk uhyk (4) pedhyk ihyk C 6 9. The correct method of finding the pH of a solution is to (1) heat the solution in a test tube and expose the pH paper to the vapours formed. (2) pour few drops of the solution from the test tube on the pH paper. (3) drop the pH paper in the solution. (4) put a drop of the solution on the pH paper using a dropper. fdlh foy;u dk pH eku Kkr djus dk lgh <ax ;g gS fd (1) foy;u dks ij[kuyh esa xje djsa rFkk cuus okyh ok"i esa pH-i=k dks j[ksaA (2) foy;u dh dqN cq nksa dks ij[kuyh ls pH-i=k ij MkysaA (3) pH-i=k dks foy;u esa MkysaA (4) 10. M kij }kjk pH-i=k ij foy;u dh ,d cw n MkysaA Which one of the following will be required to identify the gas evolved when dilute hydrochloric acid reacts with zinc metal ? (1) (2) (3) (4) Blue litmus solution Red litmus solution A burning splinter Lime water tc ruq gkbM ksDyksfjd vEy ftad /kkrq ls vfHkf ;k djrk gS rks mRi xSl dh igpku ds fy, fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdldh vko';drk gksxh \ (1) uhys fyVel dk ?kksy (2) yky fyVel dk ?kksy (3) tyrh rhyh (4) pwus dk ikuh 11. A liquid sample turned red litmus paper blue. This indicates that the liquid sample is that of (1) (2) (3) (4) an alcohol distilled water sodium hydroxide solution hydrochloric acid ,d nzo dk uewuk yky fyVel i=k dks uhyk dj nsrk gSA ;g ladsr nsrk gS fd ;g nzo dk uewuk (1) dksbZ ,sYdksgkWy gSA (2) vklqr ty gSA (3) lksfM;e gkbM kWDlkbM foy;u gSA (4) gkbM ksDyksfjd vEy gSA C 7 P.T.O. 12. Sulphur dioxide gas is collected in the laboratory by the (1) upward displacement of air. (2) downward displacement of air. (3) upward displacement of water. (4) downward displacement of water. iz;ksx'kkyk esa lYQj MkbvkWDlkbM xSl dks ,df=kr djrs gSa (1) (2) ok;q ds v/kkseq[kh foLFkkiu }kjkA (3) ty ds mifjeq[kh foLFkkiu }kjkA (4) 13. ok;q ds mifjeq[kh foLFkkiu }kjkA ty ds v/kkseq[kh foLFkkiu }kjkA Some crystals of copper sulphate were dissolved in water. The colour of the solution obtained would be (1) green (2) red (3) blue (4) brown dkWij lYQsV ds dqN f LVyksa dks ty esa ?kksyk x;kA izkIr foy;u dk jax gksxk (1) gjk (2) yky (3) uhyk (4) 14. Hkwjk When the stopper of a bottle containing a colourless liquid was removed, the bottle gave out a smell like that of vinegar. The liquid in the bottle could be (1) (2) sodium hydroxide solution. (3) acetic acid. (4) C hydrochloric acid solution. saturated sodium bicarbonate solution. 8 ,d cksry ftlesa jaxghu nzo Hkjk gS] dh MkV [kksyus ij mlls fljds tSlh xa/k fudyrh gSA cksry esa Hkjk nzo gksxk (1) (2) lksfM;e gkbM kWDlkbM dk dksbZ foy;uA (3) ,slhfVd vEyA (4) 15. gkbM ksDyksfjd vEy dk foy;uA lar`Ir lksfM;e ckbdkcksZusV foy;uA A student put five raisins each in two beakers A and B. Beaker A contained 50 mL of distilled water an d beaker B had 50 mL of saturated sugar solution. After some time the student would observe that (1) raisins in beaker A were more swollen than those in beaker B. (2) raisins in beaker B were more swollen than those in beaker A. (3) raisins in both beakers A and B were equally swollen. (4) raisins in beaker A did not swell up at all. ,d fo|kFkhZ nks chdj A o B ysdj izR;sd esa 5&5 fd'kfe'k ds nkus Mkyrk gSA chdj A esa 50 mL vklqr ty rFkk chdj B esa 50 mL phuh dk lar`Ir foy;u Hkjk FkkA dqN le; i'pkr~ og Nk=k ;g ns[ksxk fd (1) chdj B dh vis{kk chdj A esa fd'kfe'k ds nkus vf/kd Qwys gSaA (2) chdj A dh vis{kk chdj B esa fd'kfe'k ds nkus vf/kd Qwys gSaA (3) nksuksa chdjksa esa fd'kfe'k ds nkus cjkcj Qwys gSaA (4) chdj A esa fd'kfe'k ds nkus fcydqy ugha QwysA 16. Before carrying out the test for the presence of starch in a leaf on exposure to sunlight, the leaf is put into alcohol contained in a beaker and boiled over a water bath. This step is carried out to (1) extract starch (2) dissolve chlorophyll (3) allow water to move into the leaf (4) make membranes of leaf cells more permeable /kwi esa j[kh fdlh i kh esa LVkpZ dh mifLFkfr dk ijh{k.k djus ls iwoZ i kh dks chdj esa Hkjh ,sYdksgkWy esa j[kdj ty "ed ij mckyrs gSaA bl pj.k dks dk;kZfUor djus dk dkj.k gS (1) LVkpZ fudkyukA (2) (3) i kh ds Hkhrj ty dk izos'k djkukA (4) C i.kZgfjr DyksjksfQy dks ?kksyukA i kh dh dksf'kdkvksa dh f>fYy;ksa dks vf/kd ikjxE; cukukA 9 P.T.O. 17. Out of four slides I, II, III, IV whose details are shown below, which one should be focussed under the microscope for showing budding in yeast ? (1) I (2) II (3) III (4) IV ;hLV esa eqdqyu dks fn[kkus ds fy, pkj LykbMksa] I, II, III rFkk IV, ftudk foLr`r vujs[k.k uhps n'kkZ;k x;k gS] esa ls lw{en'khZ esa fdls Qksdflr djsaxs \ (1) (2) II (3) III (4) 18. I IV While preparing a temporary stained mount of a leaf epidermal peel, the extra stain is removed by (1) washing with water. (2) washing with calcium chloride solution. (3) soaking with filter paper. (4) absorbing with cotton wool. fdlh i kh dh vf/kpehZ f>Yyh dk vLFkk;h vfHkjaftr vkjksg cukrs le; vfrfjDr vfHkjatd dks fdl izdkj gVkrs gSa \ (1) (2) dSfYl;e DyksjkbM foy;u ls /kksdjA (3) fQYVj i=k ls lks[kdjA (4) C ty ls /kksdjA #bZ ls vo'kksf"kr djA 10 19. In the experiment demonstrating respiration in germinating seeds, KOH is used to (1) absorb carbon dioxide produced by the seeds (2) absorb oxygen present in the flask (3) absorb water vapour released by the seeds (4) liberate oxygen to be used by the seeds vadqfjr gks jgs chtksa esa 'olu dks funf'kZr djus ds iz;ksx esa KOH dk mi;ksx (1) (2) ykLd esa mifLFkr vkWDlhtu dks vo'kksf"kr djus ds fy, fd;k tkrk gSA (3) chtksa }kjk eqDr tyok"i dks vo'kksf"kr djus ds fy, fd;k tkrk gSA (4) 20. chtksa }kjk mRiUu dkcZu MkbvkWDlkbM dks vo'kksf"kr djus ds fy, fd;k tkrk gSA chtksa }kjk mi;ksx dh tkus okyh vkWDlhtu dh mRif k ds fy, fd;k tkrk gSA The diagram given below illustrates (1) bud formation in yeast. (2) binary fission in amoeba. (3) formation of daughter cells in yeast. (4) pseudopodia formation in amoeba. uhps fn, x, fp=k esa D;k n'kkZ;k x;k gS \ (1) (2) vehck esa f}&fo[k.MuA (3) ;hLV esa larfr dksf'kdkvksa dk fuekZ.kA (4) C ;hLV esa eqdqy cuukA vehck esa iknkHk dk fuekZ.kA 11 P.T.O. Section B [k.M [k 21. Solutions of ferrous sulphate, zinc sulphate, copper sulphate and aluminium sulphate were separately taken in four test tubes and some iron nails were placed in each of the solutions. After few minutes, it would be observed that the colour of (1) all the four solutions changed. (2) solutions of zinc sulphate, copper sulphate and aluminium sulphate changed and that of ferrous sulphate did not change. (3) solutions of zinc sulphate and aluminium sulphate only changed. (4) copper sulphate solution only changed. QSjl lYQsV] ftad lYQsV] dkWij lYQsV rFkk ,syqfefu;e lYQsV ds tyh; foy;uksa dks i`Fkd&i`Fkd pkj ij[kufy;ksa esa ysdj izR;sd ij[kuyh esa yksgs dh dqN dhysa Mkyh x;haA dqN feuVksa ds i'pkr~ ;g ik;k x;k fd (1) (2) QSjl lYQsV ds vfrfjDr vU; rhuksa foy;uksa dk jax ifjofrZr gks x;k gSA (3) dsoy ftad lYQsV rFkk ,syqfefu;e lYQsV foy;uksa ds jax esa ifjorZu gqvk gSA (4) 22. pkjksa ij[kufy;ksa ds foy;uksa dk jax ifjofrZr gks x;k gSA dsoy dkWij lYQsV foy;u ds jax esa ifjorZu gqvk gSA When sodium bicarbonate powder is added to acetic acid, a gas evolves. Which one of the following statements is not true for this gas ? It (1) turns lime water milky. (2) extinguishes a burning splinter. (3) dissolves in a solution of sodium hydroxide. (4) turns acidified potassium dichromate solution green. tc lksfM;e ckbdkcksZusV ikmMj dks ,slhfVd vEy esa Mkyrs gSa rks ,d xSl fudyrh gSA fuEufyf[kr dFkuksa esa ls dkSu lk bl xSl ds fy;s lgh ugha gS \ xSl (1) (2) tyrh rhyh dks cq>k nsrh gSA (3) lksfM;e gkbM kWDlkbM ds foy;u esa ?kqy tkrh gSA (4) C pwus ds ikuh dks nwf/k;k dj nsrh gSA vEyh r iksVSf'k;e Mkb ksesV foy;u dks gjk dj nsrh gSA 12 23. When acidified potassium dichromate solution is added to a jar containing sulphur dioxide gas, the solution becomes (a) colourless (b) brown (c) dark orange (d) green tc lYQj MkbvkWDlkbM xSl ls Hkjs tkj esa vEyh r iksVSf'k;e Mkb ksesV foy;u Mkyrs gSa rks foy;u (1) (2) Hkwjk gks tkrk gSA (3) xgjk ukjaxh gks tkrk gSA (4) 24. jaxghu gks tkrk gSA gjk gks tkrk gSA The correct set up for determining the equivalent resistance of two resistors R1 and R2 when connected, in parallel is (1) (2) II (3) III (4) C I IV 13 P.T.O. ik'oZ la;ksftr nks izfrjks/kdksa R1 rFkk R2 dk rqY; izfrjks/k Kkr djus ds fy, buesa ls dkSu lh izk;ksfxd O;oLFkk lgh gksxh \ (1) (2) II (3) III (4) 25. I IV To determine the equivalent resistance of a series combination of two resistors a student arranges the following set up : Which one of the following statements will be true for this circuit ? It gives : (1) (2) correct reading for current I but incorrect reading for potential difference V. (3) correct reading for potential difference V but incorrect reading for current I. (4) C incorrect reading for current 1 as well as potential difference V. correct readings for both I and V. 14 nks izfrjks/kdksa R1 rFkk R2 ds e esa la;kstu dk rqY; izfrjks/k Kkr djus ds fy, ,d fo|kFkhZ uhps n'kkZ, vuqlkj la;kstu O;oLFkk djrk gS % bl ifjiFk ds fy;s fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu lk dFku lR; gS \ (1) (2) fo|qr /kkjk I dk lgh ijUrq foHkokUrj V dk xyr ikB~;kad izkIr gksxkA (3) foHkokUrj V dk lgh ijUrq fo|qr /kkjk I dk xyr ikB~;kad izkIr gksxkA (4) 26. fo|qr /kkjk I rFkk foHkokUrj V nksuksa ds xyr ikB~;kad izkIr gksaxsA foHkokUrj V rFkk fo|qr /kkjk I nksuksa ds lgh ikB~;kad izkIr gksaxsA The current flowing through a resistor connected in an electrical circuit and the potential difference developed across its ends are shown in the given diagrams : The value of resistance of the resistor in ohms is (1) (2) 20 (3) 15 (4) C 25 10 15 P.T.O. ,d izfrjks/kd esa ls izokfgr fo|qr /kkjk rFkk mlds fljksa ij mRiUu foHkokUrj uhps n'kkZ, fp=k ds vuqlkj Fks % izfrjks/kd ds izfrjks/k dk vkseksa esa eku gksxk (1) (2) 20 (3) 15 (4) 27. 25 10 For determining the percentage of water absorbed by raisins in a given time, apart from water, raisins and a watch, we shall also require (1) a beaker, a graduated cylinder, a thermometer, a filter paper. (2) a watch glass, a graduated cylinder, a thermometer, a weighing balance. (3) a beaker, a thermometer, a filter paper, a weighing balance. (4) a graduated cylinder, a thermometer, a weighing balance. fn, x, le; esa fd'kfe'kksa }kjk vo'kksf"kr ty dh izfr'krrk Kkr djus ds fy, ty] fd'kfe'k rFkk ?kM+h ds vfrfjDr gesa budh Hkh vko';drk gksxh (1) (2) okp Xykl] va'kkafdr flfy.Mj] rkiekih] Hkkj.k rqykA (3) chdj] rkiekih] fQYVj i=k] Hkkj.k rqykA (4) C chdj] va'kkafdr flfy.Mj] rkiekih] fQYVj i=kA va'kkafdr flfy.Mj] rkiekih] Hkkj.k rqykA 16 28. Four students focussed an epidermal peel of leaf under high power and made the following sketches. Which one out of the following is correctly sketched ? (1) I (2) II (3) III (4) IV pkj fo|kfFkZ;ksa us ,d i kh dh vf/kpehZ f>Yyh dks mPp {kerk ls Qksdflr dj fuEufyf[kr vkjs[k [khapsA busa ls dkSu lk vkjs[k lgh gS \ (1) (2) II (3) III (4) C I IV 17 P.T.O. 29. A black strip of paper was clipped on to a destarched leaf in a potted plant to cover a part of the leaf. The plant was then exposed to sunlight for four hours, the paper strip was removed and the leaf tested for starch. When Iodine solution was added (1) the entire leaf turned blue-black. (2) the covered part of the leaf became blue-black. (3) the uncovered part of the leaf became blue-black. (4) the colour of Iodine solution remained unchanged. xeys esa yxs ikS/ks dh ,d LVkpZ jfgr i kh ds fdlh Hkkx dks <dus ds fy, ml ij dkys dkxt dh ,d i h yisVh x;hA blds i'pkr~ ml ikS/ks dks 4 ?k.Vs rd /kwi esa j[kk x;kA fQj i kh ls dkys dkxt dh i h gVk;h x;h rFkk i kh esa LVkpZ dh mifLFkfr dk ijh{k.k djrs le; i kh ij vk;ksMhu foy;u Mkyk x;kA buesa ls dkSu lk ifj.kke lgh gksxk \ (1) leLr i kh uhyh&dkyh gks x;hA (2) i kh dk dsoy <dk Hkkx uhyk&dkyk gks x;kA (3) i kh dk dsoy fcuk <dk Hkkx uhyk&dkyk gks x;kA (4) vk;ksMhu foy;u ds jax esa dksbZ ifjorZu ugha gqvkA 30. Out of the four experimental set-ups shown below, which one will demonstrate the evolution of carbon dioxide during respiration of germinating seeds ? (1) (2) II (3) III (4) C I IV 18 uhps n'kkZ;h x;ha pkj izk;ksfxd O;oLFkkvksa esa ls dkSu lh vadqfjr gks jgs chtksa ds 'olu esa dkcZu MkbvkWDlkbM xSl ds fudyus dks funf'kZr djsxh \ (1) (2) II (3) III (4) C I IV 19 P.T.O. SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK jQ dk;Z ds fy, txg C 20

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