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Roll No. jksy uaCode No. Series RKM 31 (B) dksM ua- Please check that this question paper contains 8 printed pages. Code number given on the right hand side of the question paper should be written on the title page of the answer-book by the candidate. Please check that this question paper contains 24 questions. Please write down the serial number of the question before attempting it. i;k tk p dj ysa fd bl iz'u&i=k esa eqfnzr i`"B 8 gSaA iz'u&i=k esa nkfgus gkFk dh vksj fn, x, dksM uEcj dks Nk=k m kj&iqfLrdk ds eq[k&i`"B ij fy[ksaA i;k tk p dj ysa fd bl iz'u&i=k esa 24 iz'u gSaA i;k iz'u dk m kj fy[kuk 'kq: djus ls igys] iz'u dk ekad vo'; fy[ksaA SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (Theory) (FOR BLIND CANDIDATES ONLY) foKku vkSj izkS|ksfxdh lS)kfUrd dsoy us=kghu ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa ds fy, Time allowed : 2 hours Maximum Marks: 60 fu/kkZfjr le; % 2 ?k.Vs 31(B) vf/kdre vad % 60 1 P.T.O. General Instructions : (i) The question paper comprises of two sections, A and B. You have to attempt both the sections. (ii) You are advised to attempt all the questions of Section A and Section B separately. (iii) All questions are compulsory. (iv) There is no overall choice. However, internal choice has been provided in some questions. You are to attempt only one option in such questions. (v) Marks allocated to every question are indicated against it. (vi) Questions number 1-4 in Section A and 17, 18 in Section B are very short answer questions. These are to be answered in one word or one sentence. (vii) Questions number 5-8 in Section A and 19, 20 in Section B are short answer questions. These are to be answered in 30-40 words each. (viii) Questions number 9-14 in Section A and 21 - 23 in Section B are also short answer questions. These are to be answered in 40-50 words each. (ix) Questions number 15, 16 in Section A and 24 in Section B are long answer questions. These are to be answered in 70 words each. lkekU; funsZ'k % (i) bl iz'u&i=k ds nks [k.M] v ,oa c gSaA vkidks nksuksa [k.Mksa ds iz'uksa ds m kj nsus gSaA (ii) vkidks fdlh ,d [k.M ds lHkh iz'uksa ds m kj ,d lkFk fy[kus ds i'pkr~ gh nwljs [k.M ds m kj nsus gSaA (iii) lHkh iz'u vfuok;Z gSaA (iv) bl iz'u&i=k esa dksbZ O;kid p;u ugha gSA rFkkfi dqN iz'uksa esa oSdfYid vUr% p;u miyC/k gSaA ,sls iz'uksa esa vkidks fn, x, p;u esa ls dsoy ,d iz'u gh djuk gSA 31(B) 2 (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) izR;sd iz'u ds fy, fu;r vad mlds lkeus n'kkZ, x, gSaA [k.M v ds iz'u la[;k 1&4 rFkk [k.M c ds iz'u la[;k 17] 18 vfr y?kq m kj izdkj ds iz'u gSaA bu iz'uksa ds m kj ,d 'kCn vFkok ,d okD; esa nsus gSaA [k.M v ds iz'u la[;k 5&8 rFkk [k.M c ds iz'u la[;k 19] 20 y?kq m kj izdkj ds iz'u gSaA buesa izR;sd ds m kj 30&40 'kCnksa esa nsus gSaA [k.M v ds iz'u la[;k 9&14 rFkk [k.M c ds iz'u la[;k 21&23 Hkh y?kq m kj izdkj ds iz'u gSaA buesa izR;sd ds m kj 40&50 'kCnksa esa nsus gSaA [k.M v ds iz'u la[;k 15] 16 rFkk [k.M c dk iz'u la[;k 24 nh?kZ m kj izdkj ds iz'u gSaA buesa izR;sd ds m kj 70 'kCnksa esa nsus gSaA SECTION A [k.M v 1. Write chemical name of washing soda. 1 /kkou lksMk dk jklk;fud uke fyf[k,A 2. What kind of waves are light waves ? 1 izdk'k dh rjaxsa fdl izdkj dh rjaxsa gksrh gSa \ 3. The image of an object as seen in a concave mirror is virtual, erect and larger in size than the object. What is the position of the object ? 1 vory niZ.k esa fdlh oLrq dk izfrfcEc vkHkklh] lh/kk rFkk vkeki esa ml oLrq ls cM+k fn[kkbZ nsrk gSA oLrq dgk fLFkr gS \ 4. Name an oxide of a non-metal which is neutral towards litmus. 1 v/kkrq ds fdlh ,sls vkWDlkbM dk uke fyf[k, tks fyVel ds izfr mnklhu gksA 31(B) 3 P.T.O. 5. How is steel different from iron ? Mention two most important properties of steel. 2 bLikr yks g s ls fdl iz d kj fHk gS \ bLikr ds nks vfriz e q [ k xq . k fyf[k,A 6. What is wind energy ? Write two advantages of using this energy in the generation of electricity. 2 iou tkZ D;k gS \ bl tkZ dk mi;ksx fo|qr~ tuu ds fy, djus ds nks ykHk fyf[k,A 7. What is a nuclear fusion reaction ? Write a condition under which a nuclear fusion reaction takes place. 2 ukfHkdh; lay;u vfHkf ;k D;k gS \ og ifjfLFkfr fyf[k, ftlesa dksbZ ukfHkdh; lay;u vfHkf ;k lEi gksrh gSA 8. What is bronze ? Write its two uses. Name a constituent which is common in brass and bronze. 2 dk lk D;k gS \ blds nks mi;ksx fyf[k,A fdlh ,sls la?kVd dk uke fyf[k, tks ihry rFkk dk lk nksuksa esa gh gksrk gSA 9. Write four reasons for counting sulphur non-metals. What are its two allotropic forms ? amongst the 3 lYQj dh x.kuk v/kkrqvksa esa fd, tkus ds pkj dkj.k fyf[k,A blds nks vij:i dkSu&dkSu ls gSa \ 10. Write four characteristic features of a chemical equilibrium. In what way is a dynamic equilibrium different from a static equilibrium ? jklk;fud lkE; ds pkj vfHkyk{kf.kd y{k.k fyf[k,A xfrd lkE; fLFkj lkE; ls fdl izdkj fHk gksrk gS \ 31(B) 4 3 11. List four defects of vision. What is the cause of the defect in which a person cannot see the printed words of a book clearly ? Name the type of lens used to correct this defect. 3 pkj n`f"V&nks"kksa dh lwph cukb,A ml n`f"V&nks"k dk D;k dkj.k gS ftlesa dksbZ O;f iqLrd esa Nis 'kCnksa dks Li"V ugha ns[k ikrk \ bl nks"k ds la'kks/ku ds fy, mi;ksx gksus okys ysal dk uke fyf[k,A 12. Two lamps, one rated 200 W; 220 V and the other 100 W; 220 V are connected in parallel to a 220 V supply. Calculate the current drawn from the supply line when (a) 100 W lamp is lit alone, (b) 200 W lamp is lit alone and (c) both lamps are lit together. 3 nks ySEi ftuesa ls ,d ij 200 W; 220 V rFkk nwljs ij 100 W; 220 V vafdr gS] 220 V dh vkiwfrZ ls ik'oZ e esa la;ksftr gSaA vkiwfrZ ykbu ls yh xbZ /kkjk ifjdfyr dhft, tcfd v dsoy 100 W dk ySEi ty jgk gS] c dsoy 200 W dk ySEi ty jgk gS rFkk l nksuksa ySEi ,d lkFk ty jgs gSaA 13. Name the products formed in the following reactions : (a) Ethanol is burnt in air (b) Propanone is treated with sodium borohydride (NaBH4) (c) Ethanol is treated with chromic anhydride 3 fuEufyf[kr vfHkf ;kvksa esa cuus okys mRiknksa ds uke fyf[k, % v ,FksukWy dk ok;q esa ngu c izksisuksu dh lksfM;e cksjksgkbM kbM (NaBH4) ds lkFk vfHkf ;k l ,FksukWy dh ksfed ,ugkbM kbM ds lkFk vfHkf ;k 14. Define polar and equatorial orbits for artificial satellites. Which orbit is suitable for (i) geostationary satellites, (ii) a satellite used for remote sensing ? 3 f=ke mixzgksa dh /kzqoh; rFkk fo"kqorh; d{kkvksa dh ifjHkk"kk fyf[k,A buesa ls dkSulh d{kk (i) rqY;dkyh mixzgksa] (ii) lqnwj laonsu ds fy, mi;ksx gksus okys mixzg] ds fy, mi;q gksxh \ 31(B) 5 P.T.O. 15. What is meant by dispersion of light ? State its cause. Describe an activity to show that the light of the sun gets split up into the seven colours of a rainbow by a prism. Write the colour sequence obtained on the screen. 5 OR What are magnetic field lines ? How is the direction of a magnetic field at a point determined ? Write two properties of magnetic field lines. What happens when a current carrying conductor is placed in a magnetic field which is perpendicular to it ? State the rule to illustrate the effect produced. izdk'k ds fo{ksi.k ls D;k rkRi;Z gS \ bldk dkj.k fyf[k,A ;g n'kkZus ds fy, fd lw;Z dk izdk'k fizT+e ds }kjk bUnz/kuq"k ds lkr o.kks esa foHkkftr gks tkrk gS] ,d f ;kdyki dk o.kZu dhft,A insZ ij izkIr o.kks dks eokj fyf[k,A vFkok pqEcdh; {ks=k js[kk, D;k gSa \ fdlh fcUnq ij pqEcdh; {ks=k dh fn'kk dSls Kkr dh tkrh gS \ pqEcdh; {ks=k js[kkvksa ds nks xq.k fyf[k,A D;k gksrk gS tc fdlh /kkjkokgh pkyd dks mlds yEcor~ pqEcdh; {ks=k esa j[kk tkrk gS \ mRi izHkko dh O;k[;k ds fy, fu;e fyf[k,A 16. What is meant by metallurgy ? List various steps involved in metallurgical processes. Describe the process of concentrating a sulphide ore. OR How is ethanoic acid prepared commercially from methanol ? State its four properties. Name the main products formed when ethanoic acid reacts with (a) sodium (b) ethanol in the presence of cone. H2SO4 31(B) 6 5 /kkfRodh ls D;k rkRi;Z gS \ /kkrqdh; izf ;kvksa ds fofHk inksa dh lwph cukb,A fdlh lYQkbM v;Ld ds lkUnz.k ds iz e dk o.kZu dhft,A vFkok esFkSukWy ls ,FksukWbd vEy dk okf.kfT;d mRiknu dSls fd;k tkrk gS \ blds pkj xq.k fyf[k,A ,FksukWbd vEy dh fuEufyf[kr ds lkFk vfHkf ;k esa cuus okys izeq[k mRiknksa ds uke fyf[k, % v lksfM;e c lkanz H2SO4 dh mifLFkfr esa ,FksukWy SECTION B [k.M c 17. Define parasitic mode of nutrition . 1 ^iks"k.k dh ijthoh fof/k* dh ifjHkk"kk fyf[k,A 18. Name an^ two factors which affect photosynthesis. 1 izdk'k&la'ys"k.k dks izHkkfor djus okys fdUgha nks dkjdksa ds uke fyf[k,A 19. How does air reach every cell of an insect ? OR Define respiration. State its two types. 2 fdlh dhV dh izR;sd dksf'kdk rd ok;q dSls igq prh gS \ vFkok 'olu dh ifjHkk"kk fyf[k,A blds nks izdkj crkb,A 20. What is meant by translocation with respect to transport in plants ? Why is it essential for plants ? 2 ikniksa esa laogu ds lanHkZ esa LFkkukUrj.k ls D;k rkRi;Z gS \ ikniksa ds fy, ;g D;ksa vko';d gS \ 31(B) 7 P.T.O. 21. What is autonomic nervous system ? What is its function ? Name its two constituent systems. OR 3 What are endocrine glands ? Why are they called ductless glands ? Name any three endocrine glands. Lok; k raf=kdk ra=k D;k gS \ bldk D;k dk;Z gS \ blds nks vo;oh ra=kksa ds uke fyf[k,A vFkok var%lzkoh xzafFk;k D;k gSa \ bUgsa ufydkfoghu xzafFk;k D;ksa dgrs gSa \ fdUgha rhu var%lzkoh xzafFk;ksa ds uke fyf[k,A 22. Name the biological process which is essential for the perpetuation of species. Define it. What are the two types of this process ? Out of the two types which one is superior and why ? 3 ml tSfod izf ;k dk uke fyf[k, tks tkfr;ksa dks 'kk'or cuk, j[kus ds fy, vko';d gSA bldh ifjHkk"kk fyf[k,A bl izf ;k ds nks izdkj D;k gSa \ bu nks izdkjksa esa dkSulk Js"B gS vkSj D;ksa \ 23. Why is disposal of waste essential ? List any four modes of disposal of waste. 3 vif'k"V dk fuiVkjk D;ksa vko';d gS \ vif'k"V&fuiVku dh fdUgha pkj fof/k;ksa dh lwph cukb,A 24. What is meant by organic evolution ? Describe in brief any four common features of different kinds of organisms which provide evidences in favour of evolution. tSo fodkl ls D;k rkRi;Z gS \ fofHk tho/kkfj;ksa ds ,sls fdUgha pkj lkekU; y{k.kksa dk la{ksi esa o.kZu dhft, tks fodkl ds i{k esa izek.k miyC/k djkrs gSaA 31(B) 8 5

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Additional Info : Solved CBSE Class 10 Board exam paper study guide - CBSE 2007 : SCIENCE FOR BLIND CANDITATES SET 2 - C.B.S.E. Free Online Question Paper
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