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CA IPCC : Question Paper (with Answers) - ADVANCED ACCOUNTING May 2012

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Tilak Vidyalaya Higher Secondary School (TVHSS), Kallidaikurichi
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DISCLAIMER The Suggested Answers hosted on the website do not constitute the basis for evaluation of the students answers in the examination. The answers are prepared by the Faculty of the Board of Studies with a view to assist the students in their education. While due care is taken in preparation of the answers, if any errors or omissions are noticed, the same may be brought to the attention of the Director of Studies. The Council of the Institute is not in any way responsible for the correctness or otherwise of the answers published herein. The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India PAPER 5: ADVANCED ACCOUNTING Question No. 1 is compulsory Answer any five questions from the remaining six questions. Wherever necessary, suitable assumption(s) should be made by the candidates. Working notes should form part of the answer. Question 1 Answer the following questions: (a) A Company had deferred research and development cost ` 450 Lakhs. Sales expected in the subsequent years are as under: Years Sales (` in Lakhs) 1 1200 2 900 3 600 4 300 You are asked to suggest how should research and development cost be charged to Profit and Loss Account assuming entire cost of ` 450 Lakhs is development cost. If at the end of 3rd year, it is felt that no further benefit will accrue in the 4th year, how the unamortized expenditure would be dealt with in the accounts of the company ? (b) ABC Limited purchased a machinery for ` 25,00,000 which has estimated useful life of 10 years with the salvage value of ` 5,00,000. On purchase of the assets Central Government pays a grant for ` 5,00,000. Pass the journal entries with narrations in the books of the company for the first year, treating grant as deferred income. (c) From the following information, compute the amount of provisions to be made in the Profit and Loss Account of a Commercial Bank for the year ending on 31-03-2012. Assets (Category of Advances) ` In Lakhs Standard Advances 7,000 Sub-standard Advances 3,500 (Include secured exposures ` 1,000 Lakhs and balances unsecured exposures ` 2,500 Lakhs includes` 1,500 Lakhs in respect of infrastructure loan accounts where escrow accounts are available) Doubtful advances-unsecured portion Doubtful advances-secured portion The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India 1,500 2 INTEGRATED PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE EXAMINATION: MAY, 2012 For doubtful up to 1 year 500 For doubtful more than 1 year and up to 3 years 600 For doubtful more than 3 years 300 Loss Advances 200 (d) (i) Explain the concept of Weighted average number of equity shares outstanding during the period . State how would you compute, based on AS-20 the weighted average number of equity shares in the following cases: No. of Shares 1st April, 2011 Balance of Equity Shares 4,80,000 31st Equity shares issued for cash 3,60,000 Equity shares bought back 1,80,000 Balance of equity shares 6,60,000 1st February, 2012 31st (ii) August, 2011 March, 2012 Compute adjusted earning per share and basic earning per share based on the following information: Net profit 2010-11 Net profit 2011-12 No. of equity shares outstanding ` 11,40,000 ` 22,50,000 ` 5,00,000 Until 31st December,2011 Bonus issue on 1st January, 2012 1 equity share for each equity share outstanding as at 31st December, 2011 (4 5 = 20 Marks) Answer 1 (a) (i) Based on sales, research and development cost (assumed that entire cost of ` 450 lakhs is development cost) is allocated as follows: Year Research and Development cost allocation (` in lakhs) 1st 450 1200 = 180 3,000 2nd 450 900 = 135 3,000 The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India PAPER 5 : ADVANCED ACCOUNTING 3rd 450 600 = 90 3,000 4th 3 450 300 = 45 3,000 (ii) If at the end of the 3rd year, the circumstances do not justify that further benefit will accrue in the 4th year, then the company has to charge the unamortised amount i.e. remaining ` 135 lakhs [450 (180 + 135)] as an expense immediately. (b) (c) Journal Entries in the books of ABC Ltd. Year Particulars Dr. (`) Cr. (`) 1st Machinery Account Dr. 25,00,000 To Bank Account 25,00,000 (Being machinery purchased) Bank Account Dr. 5,00,000 To Deferred Government Grant Account 5,00,000 (Being grant received from the government treated as deferred income) Depreciation Account (25,00,000 5,00,000)/10 Dr. 2,00,000 To Machinery Account 2,00,000 (Being depreciation charged on Straight line method) Profit & Loss Account Dr. 2,00,000 To Depreciation Account 2,00,000 (Being depreciation transferred to P/L Account) Deferred Government Grant Account (5,00,000/10) Dr. 50,000 To Profit & Loss Account 50,000 (Being proportionate government grant taken to P/L Account) Statement showing the amount of Provisions on Assets Assets Standard Sub-standard: Secured portion The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India Amount 7,000 1,000 (` in lakhs) % of Provision provision 0.40 28 15 150 4 INTEGRATED PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE EXAMINATION: MAY, 2012 Unsecured infrastructure loan account where escrow account is available 1,500 20 300 Other unsecured 1,000 25 250 Upto one year 500 25 125 More than 1 year but upto 3 years 600 40 240 For more than three years 300 100 300 1,500 100 1,500 200 100 200 Doubtful -Secured portion: Doubtful unsecured portion Loss Required provision (d) (i) 3,093 (a) As per para no. 16 of AS 20, the weighted average number of equity shares outstanding during the period reflects the fact that the amount of shareholders capital may have varied during the period as a result of a larger or lesser number of shares outstanding at any time. Therefore, For the purpose of calculating basic or diluted earnings per share, the number of equity shares should be the weighted average number of equity shares outstanding during the period. (b) Weighted average number of equity shares Period Weighted shares 1st April, 2011 to 31st August, 2011 4,80,000 shares x 5/12 2,00,000 shares January, 2012 8,40,000 shares x 5/12 3,50,000 shares 1st February, 2012 to 31st March, 2012 6,60,000 shares x 2/12 1,10,000 shares 1st September, 2011 to 31st 6,60,000 shares (ii) Earnings per share Basic EPS 2010-11 = ` 11,40,000/5,00,000 shares = ` 2.28 Basic EPS 2011-12 = ` 22,50,000/10,00,000 shares = ` 2.25 Adjusted EPS 2010-11 = ` 11,40,000/10,00,000 shares = ` 1.14 Since the bonus issue is an issue without consideration, the issue is treated as if it had occurred prior to the beginning of the year 2010-11, the earliest period reported. Question 2 Ajay Enterprises, a Partnership firm in which A,B and C are three partners sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 4 : 3 : 3. the balance sheet of the firm as on 31st December, 2011 is as below: The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India PAPER 5 : ADVANCED ACCOUNTING Liabilities 5 ` Assets A s Capital 15,000 B s Capital 7,500 C s Capital 15,000 B s Loan A/c 4,500 Sundry creditors 16,500 ` Factory Building 24,160 Plant & Machinery 16,275 Debtors 5,400 Stock 12,390 Cash at Bank 275 58,500 58,500 On balance sheet date all the three partners have decided to dissolve their partnership. Since the realization of assets was protracted, they decided to distribute amounts as and when feasible and for this purpose they appoint C who was to get as his remunerations 1% of the value of the assets realized other than cash at Bank and 10% of the amount distributed to the partners. Assets were realized piece-meal as under: ` First instalment 18,650 Second instalment 17,320 Third instalment 10,000 Last instalment 7,000 Dissolution expenses were provided for estimated amount of 3,000 The creditors were settled finally for 15,900 Prepare a statement showing distribution of cash amongst the partners by Highest Relative capital method . (16 Marks) Answer Statement showing distribution of cash amongst the partners by Highest Relative Capital method (HRCM) Balance due On receipt of instalment amount Add: Cash at bank (` ) 1st Less: Dissolution expenses provided for Less: C s remuneration 18,650 Creditors (` ) 16,500 275 18,925 (3,000) 15,925 The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India B s Loan (` ) 4,500 A (` ) 15,000 Capitals B (` ) C (` ) 7,500 15,000 6 INTEGRATED PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE EXAMINATION: MAY, 2012 of 1% on assets realized (18,650 x 1%) Less: Payment made to creditors Balance due On realization of 2nd instalment Less: C s remuneration of 1% on assets realized (17,320 x 1%) Less: Payment made to creditors (settled for the total ` 15,900) Transferred to P& L A/c Less: Payment for B s loan A/c Amount available for distribution to partners Less: C s remuneration of 10% of the amount distributed to partners (12,485 x 10/110) Balance distributed to partners on the basis of HRCM Less: Paid to C (See W.N.) Less: Paid to A and C in 4:3 (See W.N.) Balance due On realization of 3rd instalment Less: C s remuneration of 1% on assets realized (10,000 x 1%) Less: C s remuneration of 10% of the amount (187) 15,738 (15,738) (15,738) Nil 17,320 762 (173) 17,147 (162) 16,985 (162) 600 Nil (4,500) (4,500) 12,485 nil (1,135) 11,350 (3,750) 11,250 (3,750) 7,600 (7,600) nil 10,000 (100) 9,900 The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (4,343) 10,657 7,500 (3,257) 7,993 PAPER 5 : ADVANCED ACCOUNTING distributed to partners (9,900 x 10/110) Less: Paid to A and C in 4:3 upto ` 8,750 (i.e. ` 7,600 paid on receipt of second instalment and balance of ` 1,150 to be paid now) (See W.N.) Less: Now, paid to A, B and C in 4:3:3 Balance due On realization of 4th and last instalment Less: C s remuneration of 1% on assets realized (7,000 x 1%) Less: C s remuneration of 10% of the amount distributed to partners (6,930 x 10/110) Less: Paid to A, B and C in 4:3:3 Loss suffered by partners 7 (900) 9,000 (1,150) 7,850 (657) 10,000 7,500 (493) 7,500 (7,850) nil (3,140) 6,860 (2,355) 5,145 (2,355) 5,145 (2,520) 4,340 (1,890) 3,255 (1,890) 3,255 7,000 (70) 6,930 (630) 6,300 (6,300) Working Note: Calculation of amount paid to partners on the basis of Highest Relative Capital Method A Capital - Profit sharing ratio ` 15,000 7,500 15,000 3 3 3,750 Profit sharing ratio ` 4 (A) C ` Balance of Capital Accounts B 2,500 5,000 10,000 7,500 7,500 Capital in profit sharing ratio taking B s Capital as base The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (B) 8 INTEGRATED PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE EXAMINATION: MAY, 2012 Excess of A s Capital and C s Capital (A-B) = (C) 5,000 nil 7,500 Again repeating the process for A and C Profit sharing ratio 4 1,250 2,500 5,000 3,750 nil Capital - Profit sharing ratio 3 3,750 Capital in profit sharing ratio taking A s Capital as base Excess Capital to be paid first (D) (C-D)=(E) Therefore, first ` 3,750 will be paid to C. Then A and C will receive in proportion of 4:3 upto ` 8,750 to bring the capital of all partners A, B and C in proportion to their profit sharing ratio. Thereafter, balance available will be paid to all partners viz A, B and C in their profit sharing ratio of 4:3:3. Question 3 (a) Following is the Balance Sheet of M/s competent Limited as on 31st march, 2012: Assets ` Assets ` Equity Shares of ` 10 Each fully paid 12,50,000 Fixed Assets 46,50,000 Revenue reserve 15,00,000 Current Assets 30,00,000 Total 76,50,000 Securities Premium 2,50,000 Profit & Loss Account 1,25,000 Secured Loans: 12% Debentures 18,75,000 Unsecured Loans 10,00,000 Current Liabilities 16,50,000 Total 76,50,000 The company wants to buy back 25,000 equity shares of ` 10 each , on 1st April, 2012 at ` 20 per share. Buy back of shares is duly authorized by its articles and necessary resolution passed by the company towards this. The payment for buy back of shares will be made by the company out of sufficient bank balance available as part of Current Assets. Comment with your calculations, whether buy back of shares by company is within the provisions of the companies Act, 1956. If yes, pass necessary journal entries towards buy back of shares and prepare e Balance Sheet after buy back of shares. (8 Marks) (b) The following balances appeared in the books of Paradise Ltd on 1-4-2011: (i) 12 % Debentures ` 7,50,000 The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India PAPER 5 : ADVANCED ACCOUNTING (ii) 9 Balance of Sinking Fund ` 6,00,000 (iii) Sinking Fund Investment ` 6,00,000 represented by 10% ` 6,50,000 secured bonds of government of India. Annual contribution to the Sinking Fund was ` 1,20,000 made on 31st March each year. On 31-3-2012,balance at bank was ` 3,00,000 before receipt of interest. The company sold the investment at 90%, for redemption of debentures at a premium of 10% on the above date. You are required to prepare the following accounts for the year ended 31st march, 2012: (1) Debentures Account (2) Sinking Fund Account (3) Sinking Fund Investment Account (4) Bank Account (5) Debenture Holders Account (8 Marks) Answer (a) Determination of Buy back of maximum no. of shares as per the Companies Act, 1956 1. Shares Outstanding Test Particulars Number of shares outstanding 1,25,000 25% of the shares outstanding 2. (Shares) 31,250 Resources Test Particulars Paid up capital (`) 12,50,000 Free reserves (`) (15,00,000 + 2,50,000 + 1,25,000) 18,75,000 Shareholders funds (`) 31,25,000 25% of Shareholders fund (`) Buy back price per share Number of shares that can be bought back (shares) 3. 7,81,250 ` 20 39,063 Debt Equity Ratio Test Particulars ` (a) Loan funds (`)(18,75,000+10,00,000+16,50,000) 45,25,000 (b) Minimum equity to be maintained after buy back in the ratio of 2:1 (`) 22,62,500 The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India 10 INTEGRATED PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE EXAMINATION: MAY, 2012 (c) 31,25,000 Present equity/shareholders fund (` ) 8,62,500 (d) Maximum permitted buy back of Equity (` ) [(c) (b)] (e) Maximum number of shares that can be bought back @ ` 20 per share (shares) 43,125 shares Summary statement determining the maximum number of shares to be bought back Number of shares Particulars Shares Outstanding Test 31,250 Resources Test 39,063 Debt Equity Ratio Test 43,125 Maximum number of shares that can be bought back [least of the above] 31,250 Company qualifies all tests for buy-back of shares and came to the conclusion that it can buy maximum 31,250 shares on 1st April, 2012, as per the provisions of Section 77A of the Companies Act, 1956. However, company wants to buy-back only 25,000 equity shares @ ` 20. Therefore, buy-back of 25,000 shares, as desired by the company is within the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956. Journal Entries for buy-back of shares ` Debit (a) Equity shares buy-back account Dr. Credit 5,00,000 To Bank account 5,00,000 (Being buy back of 25,000 equity shares of ` 10 each @ ` 20 per share) (b) Equity share capital account Dr. 2,50,000 Securities premium account Dr. 2,50,000 To Equity shares buy-back account 5,00,000 (Being cancellation of shares bought back) (c) Revenue reserve account To Capital redemption reserve account (Being transfer of free reserves to capital redemption reserve to the extent of nominal value of capital bought back through free reserves) The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India Dr. 2,50,000 2,50,000 PAPER 5 : ADVANCED ACCOUNTING 11 Balance Sheet of M/s. Competent Ltd. as on 31st March, 2012 Liabilities ` Assets Share capital: ` Fixed Assets 46,50,000 1,00,000 Equity shares of ` 10,00,000 Current Assets (30,00,000 25,00,000 5,00,000) 10 each Reserves and Surplus: Capital redemption reserve 2,50,000 Revenue reserves 12,50,000 Profit and Loss A/c 1,25,000 Secured loans: 12% Debentures 18,75,000 Unsecured loans 10,00,000 Current liabilities 16,50,000 71,50,000 71,50,000 Note: Revaluation reserve account, Securities premium account and Profit and Loss account are considered as free reserves in total. (b) 1. 12% Debentures Account Date 31st March, 2012 Particulars Date To Debenture holders A/c 7,50,000 Particulars 1st ` By Balance b/d April, 2011 7,50,000 2. ` 7,50,000 7,50,000 Sinking Fund Account Date Particulars 31st To 10% Sec. Bond A/c (loss) 31st March, 2012 To General reserve A/c (Bal.fig.) March, 2012 ` 15,000 7,70,000 Date Particulars 1st By Balance b/d 6,00,000 31st March, 2012 By Profit and loss A/c 1,20,000 April, 2011 By Interest on sinking fund A/c (Interest on The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India ` 12 INTEGRATED PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE EXAMINATION: MAY, 2012 10% Govt. bond (` 6,50,000 x 10%)) 7,85,000 3. 65,000 7,85,000 Sinking Fund Investment Account (10% Secured Bonds of Govt.) ` 1st April, 2011 To Balance b/d 6,00,000 ` 31st March, 2012 By Bank A/c (6,50,000 x 90% = 5,85,000) 5,85,000 By Sinking Fund A/c 6,00,000 4. 15,000 6,00,000 Bank Account ` 31st March, 2012 To Balance b/d To Sinking Fund A/c (Interest) To Sinking fund Investment A/c 3,00,000 65,000 5,85,000 ` 31st March, 2012 By 12% Debenture 8,25,000 31 March By Balance c/d 9,50,000 5. 1,25,000 9,50,000 Debenture holders Account ` 31st March, 2012 To Bank A/c 8,25,000 ` 31st March, 2012 By 12% Debentures 7,50,000 By Premium on redemption of debentures 75,000 8,25,000 8,25,000 Question 4 Given below balance sheet of Vasudha Ltd. Vaishali Ltd as at 31st march, 2012. (Amount in `) The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India PAPER 5 : ADVANCED ACCOUNTING Vasudha Vaishali Assets Ltd Ltd. Liabilities Vasudha Ltd. Vaishali Ltd 2,10,000 1,60,000 2,86,900 1,72,900 65,000 Stock 91,500 82,500 Issued Share Capital: Factory Building Equity Shares of `b10 each 5,40,000 4,03,300 Debtors General Reserves 1,01,000 13 Profit & Loss A/c 66,000 43,500 Goodwill 50,000 35,000 Sundry Creditors 44,400 58,200 Cash at Bank 98,000 1,09,590 15,000 10,010 7,51,400 5,70,000 Preliminary Expenses Total 7,51,400 5,70,000 Total Goodwill of the Companies Vasudha Ltd. and Vaishali Ltd. is to be valued at ` 75,000 and ` 50,000 respectively. Factory Building of Vasudha Ltd is worth ` 1,95,000 and of Vaishali Ltd ` 1,75,000. Stock of Vaishali Ltd. has been shown at 10% above of its cost. It is decided that Vasudha Ltd will absorb Vaishali Ltd without liquidating later , by taking over its entire business by issue of shares at the Intrinsic Value You are required to draft the balance sheet of the two companies after putting through the scheme. (16 Marks) Answer Balance Sheet of Vasudha Ltd. as on 31st March, 2012 (After absorption) Liabilities ` Assets Share capital: (54,000 + 40,330) Equity shares of ` 10 each Fixed Assets: Goodwill (50,000+50,000) 9,43,300 Factory building (2,10,000 + Reserves and Surplus: 1,75,000) Securities Premium 1,01,000 Debtors (2,86,900 + 1,72,900) Profit and Loss A/c Current liabilities: Sundry creditors (44,400+58,200) 66,000 Stock (91,500 + 75,000) Cash at Bank (98,000 + 1,02,600 1,09,590) Miscellaneous expenses: Kindly ignore following words: without liquidating later 1,00,000 3,85,000 1,20,990 Current Assets: General reserves ` two companies to be read as Vasudha Ltd. after absorption of Vasiahali Ltd . The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India 4,59,800 1,66,500 2,07,590 14 INTEGRATED PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE EXAMINATION: MAY, 2012 Preliminary expenses 15,000 13,33,890 13,33,890 Working Note: 1. Computation of shares issued on the basis of intrinsic values Vasudha Ltd. Vaishali Ltd. ` ` 75,000 50,000 Factory building 1,95,000 1,75,000 Debtors 2,86,900 1,72,900 Goodwill Stock 91,500 Cash at Bank 98,000 1,09,590 7,46,400 5,82,490 Less: Sundry Creditors (44,400) (58,200) Net assets 7,02,000 5,24,290 54,000 40,330 ` 13 ` 13 Number of shares Intrinsic value (82,500/110%)= 75,000 Hence, Vasudha Ltd. will give its 40,330 shares of ` 10 each @ ` 13 each to Vaishali Ltd. Discharge of Purchase consideration Share Capital ` 40,330 Shares @ ` 10 each 40,330 shares @ ` 3 each Securities Premium ` 4,03,300 1,20,990 Note: If Vaishali Ltd. Company is not liquidated then above question will be solved on the basis of business acquisition. Question 5 (a) A Commercial Bank has the following capital funds and assets. Segregate the capital funds into Tier-1 and tier-II Capitals. Find out the risk-adjusted and risk weighted assets and capital adequacy ratio: Capital Funds: ( ` in Crores) Paid up Equity Share Capital 750 Statutory Reserve 150 The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India PAPER 5 : ADVANCED ACCOUNTING 15 Share Premium 150 Capital Reserve (of which Capital Funds ` 40 Crore were due to revaluation of assets and balance due to sale) 90 Assets: Cash balance with RBI 60 Claims on Banks 170 Other Investments 2,300 Loss and Advances: Guaranteed by Government of India/State Government 400 Granted to Staff of bank. fully covered by Super Annuation Benefits and mortgage of Flat/House 50 Other Loans and Advances 6,170 Premises, Furniture and Fixtures, Other Assets 3,925 Intangible Assets 15 Off-Balance Sheet items: Acceptance, Endorsements and Letter of Credit, Guarantees and Other obligations. 1,550 (8 Marks) (b) M/s Mars Electricity Company laid down a Main at a cost of ` 40,00,000 in 2008. During 2011 company laid down an auxiliary Main for one-fourth of the old Main at a cost of ` 15,00,000. It also replaced the rest of the length of the old Main at a cost of ` 45,00,000. The cost of material and labour gone up by 15%. Sale of old materials relazied ` 1,00,000. Old materials valued at ` 1,50,000 were used in auxiliary Main and those valued at ` 1,00,000 were used in replacement of the old Main. Show the Journal entries for recording the above transactions along with required workings. (8 Marks) Answer (a) ` in crores ` in crores (i) Capital funds Tier I Equity share capital 750 Statutory reserve 150 Securities Premium 150 Capital reserve (arising out of sale of assets) (90-40) 50 1,100 The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India 16 INTEGRATED PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE EXAMINATION: MAY, 2012 Less: Intangible Assets (15) 1,085 Capital funds Tier II Capital reserve (arising out of revaluation of assets) Less: Discount to the extent of 55% 40 (22) 18 1,103 ` in crores (ii) % of risk weight ` in crores 60 0 0 170 20 34 2,300 100 2,300 400 0 0 50 20 10 6,170 100 6,170 3,925 100 3,925 Risk Adjusted Assets Funded Risk Assets Cash balance with RBI Claims on banks Other investments Loans and advances: (i) Guaranteed by the government (ii) Granted to staff of bank, fully covered by Super Annuation Benefits and mortgage of Flat/House (iii) Other loans and advances Other assets Premises, furniture and fixtures and other assets 12,439 ` in crores Credit conversion factor 1,550 100 Off-Balance Sheet items: Acceptances, endorsements and Letters of credit, Guarantees and other obligations 1,550 13,989 The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India PAPER 5 : ADVANCED ACCOUNTING Capital Adequacy Ratio = (b) 17 Capital fund ` 1,103 crores 100 100 = = 7.89% Risk adjusted assets ` 13,989 crores Journal Entries in the books of M/s Mars Electricity Company ` Replacement Account Dr. ` 34,50,000 To Bank Account 34,50,000 (Current cost of replacement of 3/4 Main charged to Replacement account) New Main Account Dr. 15,00,000 To Bank Account 13,50,000 To Replacement Account 1,50,000 (Cost incurred on laying auxiliary main including old material) New Main Account (See W.N.) Dr. 10,50,000 To Bank Account 9,50,000 To Replacement Account 1,00,000 (Additional Cost of New Main capitalised including cost of old material used) Bank A/c Dr. 1,00,000 To Replacement A/c 1,00,000 (Sale of old materials) Revenue Account Dr. 31,00,000 To Replacement A/c 31,00,000 (Net current cost of replacement transferred) Working Note: Amount of additional cost to be capitalised ` Cost of 3/4 of old Main (40,00,000 x 3/4) Add: Increase in cost by 15% 30,00,000 4,50,000 34,50,000 Cost of replacement The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India 45,00,000 18 INTEGRATED PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE EXAMINATION: MAY, 2012 Additional cost of new Main (to be capitalised) 10,50,000 Less: Cost of old material 1,00,000 Additional cash cost of replacement 9,50,000 Question 6 An Indian company Moon Star Limited has a branch at Verginia (USA) . The Branch is a nonintegral foreign operation of the Indian Company. The trial balance of the Branch as at 31st March, 2012 is as follows: Particulars US $ Dr. Office equipments Furniture and Furniture s Cr. 48,000 32,00 Stock (April 1, 2011) 22,400 Purchases 96,000 Sales Goods Sent from HO Salaries --- 1,66,400 32,000 3,200 Carriage inward 400 Rent, Rate & Taxes 800 Insurance 400 Trade Expenses 400 Head office Account Sundry Debtors Sundry Creditors --- 45,600 9,600 --- Cash at Bank 2,000 Cash in Hand 6,800 400 2,18,800 2,18,800 The following further information s are given: (1) Salaries outstanding $400. (2) Depreciate office equipment and Furniture & Fixtures @10% p.a. at written down value. (3) The Head Office sent goods to Branch for ` 15,80,000 (4) The Head Office shown an amount of ` 20,50,000 due from Branch. (5) Stock on 31st March, 2013 -$ 21,500. The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India PAPER 5 : ADVANCED ACCOUNTING 19 (6) There were no transit items either at the start or at the end of the year. (7) On April 1,2010 when the fixed assets were purchased the rate of exchange was ` 43 to one $ . On April 1, 2011, the rate was ` 47 per $. On March 31, 2012 the rate was ` 50 per $. Average Rate during the year was ` 45 to one $. Prepare: (a) Trial balance incorporating adjustments given converting dollars into rupees. (b) Trading, Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st March, 2012 and Balance Sheet as on date depicting the profitability and net position of the Branch as would appear in the books of Indian company for the purpose of incorporating in the main Balance Sheet. (16 Marks) Answer In the books of Moon Star Ltd. - an Indian Company Trial Balance (in Rupees) of Verginia (USA) Branch as on 31st March, 2012 Particulars Office Equipment Depreciation on Office Equipment Furniture and fixtures Depreciation on furniture and fixtures Stock (1st April, 2011) Purchases Sales Goods sent from H.O. Carriage inward Salaries(3,200+400) Outstanding salaries Rent, rates and taxes Insurance Trade expenses Head Office A/c Trade debtors Trade creditors Cash at bank Dr. US $ 43,200 4,800 Cr. Conversion rate US $ 50 50 21,60,000 2,40,000 2,880 320 50 50 1,44,000 16,000 22,400 96,000 47 45 45 10,52,800 43,20,000 32,000 400 3,600 800 400 400 9,600 2,000 The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India 1,66,400 400 45,600 6,800 45 45 50 45 45 45 50 50 50 Dr. Cr. ` ` 15,80,000 18,000 1,62,000 36,000 18,000 18,000 4,80,000 1,00,000 74,88,000 20,000 20,50,000 3,40,000 20 INTEGRATED PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE EXAMINATION: MAY, 2012 Cash in hand Exchange gain (bal. fig.) (b) 400 50 20,000 4,66,800 1,03,64,800 1,03,64,800 2,19,200 2,19,200 Trading and Profit and Loss Account of Verginia Branch for the year ended 31st March, 2012 ` ` To Opening stock 10,52,800 By Sales 74,88,000 To Purchases 43,20,000 By Closing stock 10,75,000 To Goods from Head Office 15,80,000 (21,500 US $ 50) To Carriage inward 18,000 To Gross profit c/d 15,92,200 85,63,000 To Salaries 1,62,000 To Rent, rates and taxes 15,92,200 18,000 To Trade expenses By Gross profit b/d 36,000 To Insurance 85,63,000 18,000 To Depreciation on office equipment 2,40,000 To Depreciation on furniture and fixtures 16,000 To Net Profit c/d 11,02,200 15,92,200 15,92,200 Balance Sheet of Verginia Branch as on 31st March,2012 Liabilities ` Assets ` ` Head Office A/c 20,50,000 Add : Net profit 11,02,200 31,52,200 Less : Depreciation Office Equipment Foreign Currency Translation Reserve Furniture 4,66,800 fixtures Trade creditors 3,40,000 Less : Depreciation Outstanding salaries and ` 24,00,000 2,40,000 21,60,000 1,60,000 16,000 1,44,000 10,75,000 Trade debtors 4,80,000 Cash in hand 20,000 Cash at bank The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India 20,000 Closing stock 1,00,000 PAPER 5 : ADVANCED ACCOUNTING 39,79,000 21 39,79,000 Question 7 Answer any Four of the following: (a) On 1st April, 2012 , a company offered 100 shares to each of its 400 employees at ` 25 per share. The employees are given a month to accept the shares. The shares issued under the plan shall be subject to lock-in to transfer for three years from the grant date i.e. 30, April 2012. The market price of shares of the company on the grant date is ` 30 per share. Due to post-vesting restrictions on transfer, the fair value of shares issued under the plan is estimated at ` 28 per share. Up to 30th April, 2012 , 50% of employees accepted the offer and paid ` 25 per share purchased. Normal value of each share is ` 10. Record the issue of shares in the books of the company under the aforesaid plan. (b) Tiger Motor Car Limited signed an agreement with its employees union for revision of wages on 01.07.2011. The revision of wages is with retrospective effect from 01.04.2008. The arrear wages up to 31.3.2011 amounts to ` 40,00,000 and that for the period from 01.04.2011 to 01.07.2011 amount to ` 3,50,000. In view of the provisions of AS 5 Net Profit or Loss for the period, Prior Period Items and Changes in Accounting Policies , decide whether a separate disclosure of arrear wages is required while preparing financial statements for the year ending 31.3.2012. (c) An airline is required by law to overhaul its aircraft once in every five years. The pacific Airlines which operate aircrafts does not provide any provision as required by law in its final accounts. Discuss with reference to relevant Accounting Standard 29. (d) X Ltd. sold JCB Machine having WDV of ` 50 Lakhs to Y Ltd for ` 60 Lakhs and the same JCB was leased back by Y Ltd to X Ltd. The lease is operating lease Comment according to relevant Accounting Standard if (i) Sale price of ` 60 Lakhs is equal to fair value (ii) Fair Value is ` 50 Lakhs and sale price is `45 Lakhs. (iii) Fair value is ` 55 Lakhs and sale price is` 62 lakhs iv) Fair value is ` 45 Lakhs and sale price is ` 48 Lakhs. (e) Cashier of A-One Limited embezzled cash amounting to ` 6,00,000 during March, 2012 . However same comes to the notice of Company management during April, 2012 only. financial statements of the company is not yet approved by the Board of Directors of the company. With the help of provisions of AS 4 Contingencies and Events Occurring after the Balance Sheet Date decide, whether the embezzlement of cash should be adjusted in the books of accounts for the year ending March, 2012 ? The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India 22 INTEGRATED PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE EXAMINATION: MAY, 2012 What will be your reply, if embezzlement of cash comes to the notice of company management only after approval of financial statements by the Boar Directors of the company ? (4 4 = 16 Marks) Answer (a) Fair value of an option = ` 28 ` 25 = ` 3 Number of employees accepting the offer = 400 employees x 50% = 200 employees Number of shares issued = 200 employees x 100 shares/employee = 20,000 shares Fair value of ESPP = 20,000 shares x ` 3 = ` 60,000 Expenses recognized in 2012-13 = ` 60,000 Journal Entry Date Particulars 30.04.2012 Bank (20,000 shares x ` 25) ` Dr. 5,00,000 Employees compensation expense A/c Dr. ` 60,000 To Share Capital (20,000 shares x `10) 2,00,000 To Securities Premium (20,000 shares x `18) 3,60,000 (Being option accepted by 200 employees) (b) It is given that revision of wages took place in July, 2011 with retrospective effect from 1.4.2008. The arrear wages payable for the period from 1.4.2008 to 31.3.2011 cannot be taken as an error or omission in the preparation of financial statements and hence this expenditure cannot be taken as a prior period item. Additional wages liability of ` 40,00,000 (from 1.4.2008 to 31.3.2011) should be included in current year s wages. It may be mentioned that additional wages is an expense arising from the ordinary activities of the company. Although abnormal in amount, such an expense does not qualify as an extraordinary item. However, as per para no. 12 of AS 5, when items of income and expense within profit or loss from ordinary activities are of such size, nature or incidence that their disclosure is relevant to explain the performance of the enterprise for the period, the nature and amount of such items should be disclosed separately. However, wages payable for the current year (from 1.4.2011 to 1.7.2011) amounting ` 3,50,000 is not a prior period item hence need not be disclosed separately. This may be shown as current year wages. The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India PAPER 5 : ADVANCED ACCOUNTING 23 (c) A provision should be recognised only when an enterprise has a present obligation as a result of a past event. In the given case, there is no present obligation, therefore no provision is recognized as per AS 29. The cost of overhauling aircraft is not recognized as a provision because it is a future obligation and the incurring of the expenditure depends on the company s decision to continue operating the aircrafts. Even a legal requirement to overhaul does not require the company to make a provision for the cost of overhaul because there is no present obligation to overhaul the aircrafts. Further, the enterprise can avoid the future expenditure by its future action, for example by selling the aircraft. However, an obligation might arise to pay fines or penalties under the legislation after completion of five years. Assessment of probability of incurring fines and penalties depends upon the provisions of the legislation and the stringency of the enforcement regime. A provision should be recognized for the best estimate of any fines and penalties if airline continues to operate aircrafts for more than five years. (d) According to AS 19, following will be the treatment in the given situations: (i) When sales price of ` 60 lakhs is equal to fair value, X Ltd. should immediately recognize the profit of `10 lakhs (i.e. 60 50) in its books. (ii) When fair value of leased JCB machine is ` 50 lakhs & sales price is ` 45 lakhs, then loss of ` 5 lakhs (50 45) to be immediately recognized by X Ltd. in its books provided loss is not compensated by future lease payments. (iii) When fair value is ` 55 lakhs & sales price is ` 62 lakhs, profit of ` 5 lakhs (55 - 50) to be immediately recognized by X Ltd. in its books and balance profit of ` 7 lakhs (62-55) is to be amortised/deferred over lease period. (iv) When fair value is ` 45 lakhs & sales price is ` 48 lakhs, then the loss of ` 5 lakhs (50-45) to be immediately recognized by X Ltd. in its books and profit of ` 3 lakhs (48-45) should be amortised/deferred over lease period. (e) As per para no. 13 of AS 4, assets and liabilities should be adjusted for events occurring after the balance sheet date that provide additional evidence to assist the estimation of amounts relating to conditions existing at the balance sheet date. Though the theft, by the cashier ` 6,00,000, was detected after the balance sheet date (before approval of financial statements) but it is an additional information materially affecting the determination of the cash amount relating to conditions existing at the balance sheet date. Therefore, it is necessary to make the necessary adjustments in the The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India 24 INTEGRATED PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE EXAMINATION: MAY, 2012 financial statements of the company for the year ended 31st March, 2012 for recognition of the loss amounting ` 6,00,000. If embezzlement of cash comes to the notice of company management only after approval of financial statements by board of directors of the company, then the treatment will be done as per the provisions of AS 5. This being extra ordinary item should be disclosed in the statement of profit and loss as a part of loss for the year ending March, 2013. The nature and the amount of prior period items should be separately disclosed on the statement of profit and loss in a manner that its impact on current profit or loss can be perceived. The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India

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