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CA IPCC : Question Paper (with Answers) - ACCOUNTING May 2013

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DISCLAIMER The Suggested Answers hosted in the website do not constitute the basis for evaluation of the students answers in the examination. The answers are prepared by the Faculty of the Board of Studies with a view to assist the students in their education. While due care is taken in preparation of the answers, if any errors or omissions are noticed, the same may be brought to the attention of the Director of Studies. The Council of the Institute is not in anyway responsible for the correctness or otherwise of the answers published herein. The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India PAPER 1 : ACCOUNTING Question No. 1 is compulsory Answer any five questions from the remaining six questions. Wherever necessary, suitable assumption(s) may be made by the candidates. Working Notes should form part of the answer. Question 1 (a) MIs. Zed Laptop Co. has a hire-purchase department and goods are sold on hire-purchase adding 25% to cost. From the following information (all figures are at hire-purchase price), prepare Hire-Purchase Trading Account for the year ending March 31, 2013 : ` April 01, 2012 goods with customers (Instalments not yet due) 80,000 Goods sold on Hire-purchase during the year 4,00,000 Cash received during the year from customers 3,00,000 Instalments due but not yet received at the end of the year, customers paying 10,000 (b) M/s. Big Systematic Ltd. maintains self-balancing ledgers preparing control accounts at the end of each calendar month. On 3rd January, 2013 the accountant of the company located the following errors in the books of account: (i) An amount of ` 8,700 received from customer Mehra was credited to Mehta, another customer. (ii) The sales book for December, 2012 was undercast by ` 1,000. (iii) Goods invoiced at ` 15,600 were returned to supplier, M/s Mega Ltd., but no entry was made in the books for this return made on 28th December, 2012. Pass the necessary Journal Entries to rectify the above mentioned errors. (c) On 15th December, 2012, a fire occurred in the premises of M/s. OM Exports. Most of the stocks were destroyed. Cost of stock salvaged being ` 1,40,000. From the books of account, the following particulars were available: (i) Stock at the close of account on 31st March, 2012 was valued at ` 9,40,000. (ii) Purchases from 01-04-2012 to 15-12-2012 amounted to ` 13,20,000 and the sales during that period amounted to ` 20,25,000. On the basis of his accounts for the past three years, it appears that average gross profit ratio is 20% on sales. Compute the amount of the claim, if the stock were insured for ` 4,00,000. The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India 2 INTERMEDIATE (IPC) EXAMINATION: MAY, 2013 (d) In 2011, M/s. Wye Ltd. issued 12% fully paid debentures of ` 100 each, interest being payable half yearly on 30th September and 31st March of every accounting year. On 1st December, 2012, M/s. Bull & Bear purchased 10,000 of these debentures at ` 101 cum-interest price, also paying brokerage @ 1% of cum-interest amount of the purchase. On 1st March, 2013 the firm sold all of these debentures at ` 106 cum-interest price, again paying brokerage @ 1 % of cum-interest amount. Prepare Investment Account in the books of M/s. Bull & Bear for the period 1st December, (4 x 5 = 20 Marks) 2012 to 1st March, 2013. Answer (a) Hire-Purchase Trading Account (On the basis of Hire-Purchase Price) for the year ending 31st March, 2013 Particulars To Balance b/d : H.P stock as on 1.4.2012 To To Goods sold on hire purchase A/c Stock reserve (Closing) To Particulars ` (1/5 of 1,70,000) Profit & Loss A/c ` 3,00,000 By Bank 80,000 By Goods sold on hire 4,00,000 (loading) 80,000 34,000 By Stock reserve (Opening) 62,000 (1/5 of 80,000) 16,000 purchase A/c (1/5 of 4,00,000) By Balance c/d: H.P Debtors (Instalment due) 10,000 H.P Stock as on 31.03.2013 (Working Note) 1,70,000 5,76,000 5,76,000 Working Note: H.P Stock on 31.03.2013 ` Stock with customers (Instalment not due) on 1.04.2012 80,000 Goods sold on hire purchase during the year 4,00,000 4,80,000 Less : Cash received during the year Instalments due but not received H.P Stock on 31.03.2013 The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India 3,00,000 10,000 (3,10,000) 1,70,000 PAPER 1 : ACCOUNTING (b) 3 Journal Entries In the books of M/s Big. Systematic Ltd. ` (i) Mehta (In Sales/ Debtors Ledger) Dr. 8,700 To Mehra (In Sales/ Debtors Ledger) (Being amount received from Mehra was wrongly credited to Mehta, now rectified) (ii) (a) Suspense Account (In Sales / Debtors Ledger) 8,700 Dr. To Sales Account (In General Ledger) (b) Sales/Debtors Ledger Adjustment Account Dr. (In General Ledger) 1,000 1,000 1,000 To General Ledger Adjustment Account (In Sales/ Debtors Ledger) (Being rectification of the error resulting from under casting of the Sales Book) (iii) (a) M/s. Mega Ltd. A/c (In Creditors/Bought Ledger) ` 1,000 Dr. 15,600 To Purchase Returns A/c (In General Ledger) 15,600 (b) Creditors/Bought Ledger Adjustment A/c Dr. 15,600 (In General Ledger) To General Ledger Adjustment (In Creditors/Bought Ledger) A/c 15,600 (Being goods returned to supplier not recorded earlier, now recorded) (c) Memorandum Trading Account For the period 01.04.2012 to 15.12.2012 Particulars To Opening stock To Purchases To Gross Profit @20% ` Particulars ` 9,40,000 By Sales 13,20,000 By Closing Stock 4,05,000 (Bal. figure) 20,25,000 6,40,000 26,65,000 26,65,000 Statement of Claim ` Estimated value of Stock as at date of fire The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India 6,40,000 4 INTERMEDIATE (IPC) EXAMINATION: MAY, 2013 Less: Value of Salvaged Stock 1,40,000 Estimated Value of Stock lost by fire 5,00,000 As the value of stock is more than insured value, amount of claim would be subject to average clause. Amount of Claim= Amount of Policy Actual Loss of Stock Value of Stock Amount of Claim = (d) 4,00,000 5,00,000 = ` 3,12,500 6,40,000 In the books of M/s Bull & Bear Investment Account for the period from 1st December 2012 to 1st March, 2013 (Scrip: 12% Debentures of M/s. Wye Ltd.) Date Particulars Nominal Interest Value (` ) Cost (` ) Date Particulars Nominal Interest Value (` ) Cost (` ) 1.12.2012 To Bank A/c 10,00,000 20,000 10,00,100 1.03.2013 By Bank A/c 10,00,000 50,000 9,99,400 (W.N.1) (W.N.2) 1.3.2013 To Profit & loss A/c - 30,000 1.3.2013 By Profit & loss A/c 10,00,000 50,000 10,00,100 700 10,00,000 50,000 10,00,100 Working Notes: (i) Cost of 12% debentures purchased on 1.12.2012 Cost Value (10,000 ` 101) Add: Brokerage (1% of ` 10,10,000) Less: Cum Interest (10,000 x 100 x12% x 2/12) Total ` = = = = 10,10,000 10,100 ( 20,000) 10,00,100 (ii) Sale proceeds of 12% debentures sold on 31st March, 2013 ` Sales Price (10,000 ` 106) Less: Brokerage (1% of ` 10,60,000) Less: Cum Interest (10,000 x 100 x12% x 5/12) Total The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India = = = = 10,60,000 (10,600) (50,000) 9,99,400 PAPER 1 : ACCOUNTING 5 Question 2 P, Q and R were carrying on a business in partnership, sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 5 : 3 : 2 respectively. The firm earned a profit of ` 3,60,000 for the accounting year ended 31st March, 2012 on which date the firm's Balance Sheet stood as follows: Balance Sheet as at 31st March, 2012 Liabilities ` Assets ` P's Capital 7,00,000 Freehold Land and Building 8,00,000 Q's Capital R's Capital 5,70,000 Machinery 4,30,000 Furniture & Fixtures 3,50,000 1,02,000 Creditors 79,400 Stock Outstanding Expenses 2,98,800 4,900 Debtors 1,60,000 Cash at Bank Total 17,84,300 73,500 Total 17,84,300 P died on 31st August, 2012. According to firm's partnership deed, in case of death of a partner:(i) Assets and Liabilities have to be revalued by an independent valuer. (ii) Goodwill is to be calculated at two years' purchase of average profits for the last three completed accounting years and the deceased partner's capital account is to be credited with his share of goodwill. (iii) The share of the deceased partner in the profits for the period between end of the previous accounting year and the date of death is to be calculated on the basis of the previous accounting year's profits. Post death of P, Q & R will share profit in the ratio of 3 : 2. Profits for the accounting years 2009-2010 and 2010-2011 were as follows :- ` For the year ended 31st March, 2010 2,90,000 . For the year ended 31st March, 2011 3,40,000 Drawings by P from 1st April, 2012 to the date of his death totalled ` 46,000. On revaluation, Freehold Land and Building was appreciated by ` 1,00,000; Machinery was depreciated by ` 10,000 and a Provision for Bad Debts was created @ 5% on Debtors as on 31st March, 2012. P's sole heir was given ` 5,00,000 immediately and the balance along with interest @ 12% per annum was paid to him on 31st March, 2013. Prepare Revaluation Account, P's Capital Account and P's Heir Account, giving important working notes. (16 Marks) The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India 6 INTERMEDIATE (IPC) EXAMINATION: MAY, 2013 Answer Revaluation Account Particulars To Machinery To Provision for doubtful debts( 5% of 1,60,000) To Capital accounts: P Q R (Profit transferred) ` Particulars ` ` 10,000 By Freehold Land & Building 8,000 41,000 24,600 16,400 82,000 1,00,000 1,00,000 1,00,000 P s Capital Account Particulars To Drawings To P s heir (Balance transferred) ` Particulars ` 46,000 By Balance b/d 11,00,000 By Q s capital A/c By R s capital A/c By Profit and Loss Suspense A/c By Revaluation A/c 11,46,000 7,00,000 1,98,000 1,32,000 75,000 41,000 11,46,000 P s Heir Account Date 31.08.2012 31.03.2013 Particulars To Bank A/c To Bank A/c ` Date 5,00,000 31.08.2012 6,42,000 31.03.2013 ` Particulars By P s Capital A/c By Interest A/c 11,00,000 7 6,00,000 12% 12 11,42,000 42,000 11,42,000 Working Notes: 1. Calculation of gaining ratio of Partners Q and R P Q R New share 3/5 Old share 5/10 3/10 2/5 2/10 The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India Gaining share 3 3 6 3 3 = = 5 10 10 10 2 2 4 2 2 = = 5 10 10 10 Sacrificing share 5/10 PAPER 1 : ACCOUNTING 2. 7 Calculation of Goodwill ` 2009-10 2,90,000 2010-11 3,40,000 2011-12 3,60,000 9,90,000 Average Profit = 9,90,000/3 = ` 3,30,000 Goodwill = 3,30,000 x 2 = ` 6,60,000 Share of P in goodwill = 6,60,000 = ` 3,30,000 5 10 Adjustment for P s share of goodwill through Q s and R s capital accounts (in their gaining ratio 3:2) : Q s capital A/c (3,30,000 x 3/5) R s capital A/c (3,30,000 x 2/5) 3. ` 1,98,000 ` 1,32,000 Share of P in Profits for the period between 1.4.2012 to 31.8.2012 i.e. till the date of death 1st April, 2012 to 31st August, 2012 = 5 months Profit for year 2011-12 = ` 3,60,000 Estimated profit for 5 months = 3,60,000 x 5 =` 150,000 12 Share of P = 1,50,000 x 5 =` 75,000 10 Question 3 The Balance Sheet of M/s. Cube Limited as on 31-03-2013 is given below: Particulars Note No. Amount (` in lakh) Equity & Liabilities Shareholders' Funds Shares Capital Reserves & Surplus The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India 1 700 2 (261) 8 INTERMEDIATE (IPC) EXAMINATION: MAY, 2013 Non-Current Liabilities Long term Borrowings 3 350 Trade Payables 4 51 Other Liabilities 5 12 Current Liabilities Total 852 Assets Non-Current Assets Fixed Assets Tangible Assets 6 375 Current Investments 7 100 Inventories 8 150 Trade Receivables 9 225 Cash & Cash Equivalents 10 2 Current Assets Total 852 Notes to Accounts: ` in Lakhs (1) Share Capital Authorised : 1,000 100 lakh shares of ` 10 each 4 lakh, 8% Preference Shares of ` 100 each 400 1,400 Issued, Subscribed and paid up: 50 lakh Equity Shares of ` 10 each, full paid up 500 2 lakh 8% Preference Shares of ` 100 each, fully paid up 200 Total 700 (2) Reserves and Surplus Debit balance of Profit & Loss A/c The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (261) PAPER 1 : ACCOUNTING 9 (3) Long Term Borrowings 6% Debentures (Secured by Freehold Property) 200 Directors Loan 150 350 (4) Trade Payables Sundry Creditors for Goods 51 (5) Other Current Liabilities Interest Accrued and Due on 6% Debentures 12 (6) Tangible Assets Freehold Property 275 Plant & Machinery 100 375 (7) Current Investment Investment in Equity Instruments 100 (8) Inventories Finished Goods 150 (9) Trade Receivables Sundry Debtors for Goods 225 (10) Cash and Cash Equivalents Balance with Bank 2 The Board of Directors of the company decided upon the following scheme of reconstruction with the consent of respective shareholders: (1) Preference Shares are to be written down to ` 80 each and Equity Shares to ` 2 each. (2) Preference Shares Dividend in arrears for 3 years to be waived by 2/3rd and for balance 1/3 rd, Equity Shares of ` 2 each to be allotted. (3) Debenture holders agreed to take one Freehold Property at its book value of ` 150 lakh in part payment of their holding. Balance Debentures to remain as liability of the company. (4) Interest accrued and due on Debentures to be paid in cash. The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India 10 INTERMEDIATE (IPC) EXAMINATION: MAY, 2013 (5) Remaining Freehold Property to be valued at ` 200 lakh. (6) All investments sold out for ` 125 lakh. (7) 70% of Directors' loan to be waived and for the balance, Equity Shares of ` 2 each to be allowed. (8) 40% of Sundry Debtors and 80% of Inventories to be written off. (9) Company's contractual commitments amounting to ` 300 lakh have been settled by paying 5% penalty of contract value. You are required to : (a) Pass Journal Entries for all the transactions related to internal reconstruction; (b) Prepare Reconstruction Accoun; and (c) Prepare notes on Share Capital and Tangible Assets to Balance Sheet, immediately after the implementation of scheme of internal reconstruction. (16 Marks) Answer (a) Journal Entries in the books of M/s. Cube Ltd. Particulars (i) 8% Preference share capital A/c (` 100 each) Debit (` in lakhs) Dr. Credit (` in lakhs) 200 160 To 8% Preference share capital A/c (` 80 each) To Reconstruction A/c 40 (Being the preference shares of ` 100 each reduced to ` 80 each as per the approved scheme) (ii) Equity share capital A/c (` 10 each) Dr. 500 To Equity share capital A/c (` 2 each) 100 To Reconstruction A/c 400 (Being the equity shares of ` 10 each reduced to ` 2 each) (iii) Reconstruction A/c To Equity share capital A/c (` 2 each) 1/3rd (Being arrears of preference share dividend of 3 years to be satisfied by issue of 8 lakhs equity shares of ` 2 each) The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India Dr. 16 16 PAPER 1 : ACCOUNTING (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) 6% Debentures A/c To Freehold property A/c (Being claim of Debenture holders settled in part by transfer of freehold property) Accrued debenture interest A/c To Bank A/c (Being accrued debenture interest paid) Freehold property A/c To Reconstruction A/c (Being appreciation in the value of freehold property) Bank A/c To Investments A/c To Reconstruction A/c (Being investment sold at profit) Director s loan A/c To Equity share capital A/c (` 2 each) To Reconstruction A/c (Being director s loan waived by 70% and balance being discharged by issue of 22.5 lakhs equity shares of ` 2 each) Reconstruction A/c To Profit and loss A/c To Sundry debtors A/c (225 x 40%) To Stock-in-trade A/c (150 x 80%) To Bank A/c (300 x 5%) To Capital reserve A/c (Being certain value of various assets, penalty on cancellation of contract, profit and loss account debit balance written off, and balance transferred to capital reserve account as per the scheme) (b) 11 Dr. 150 Dr. 12 Dr. 75 Dr. 125 Dr. 150 Dr. 629 150 12 75 100 25 45 105 261 90 120 15 143 Reconstruction Account Dr. Cr. (` in lakhs) To Equity Share Capital 16 By The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (` in lakhs) Preference Share Capital 40 12 INTERMEDIATE (IPC) EXAMINATION: MAY, 2013 To Sundry Debtors 90 By Equity Share Capital 400 To Finished Goods 120 By Freehold Property 75 To Profit & Loss A/c 261 By Bank 25 To To Bank A/c Capital Reserve 15 By 143 Director s Loan 105 645 645 (c) Notes to Balance Sheet (` in lakhs) 1. (` in lakhs) Share Capital Authorised: 100 lakhs Equity shares of ` 2 each 200 4 lakhs 8% Preference shares of ` 80 each 320 520 Issued: 80.5 lakhs equity shares of ` 2 each 161 2 lakhs Preference Shares of ` 80 each 160 321 2. Tangible Assets Freehold Property Less: Utilized to pay Debenture holders 275 (150) 125 75 Add: Appreciation Plant and Machinery 200 100 300 Question 4 A sole trader requests you to prepare his Trading and Profit & Loss Account for the year ended 31st March, 2013 and Balance Sheet as at that date. He provides you the following information: Statement of Affairs as at 31st March, 2012 Liabilities Bank Overdraft ` Assets 4,270 The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India Furniture ` 96,000 PAPER 1 : ACCOUNTING Outstanding Expenses Salaries 6,000 Computer 8,000 Rent 13 24,300 Mobile Phone 8,000 Stock 89,500 22,500 52,500 Bills Payable Trade Creditors 14,000 Trade Debtors Bills Receivable 55,000 15,000 Capital Unexpired Insurance (balancing figure) Stock of Stationery 200 Cash in Hand Total 1,97,430 2,400 300 2,90,700 Total 2,90,700 He informs you that there has been no addition to or sale of Furniture, Computer and Mobile Phone during the accounting year 2012-13. The other assets and liabilities on 31st March, 2013 are as follows: ` Stock 95,400 Trade Debtors Bills Receivable 65,000 20,000 Unexpired Insurance Stock of Stationery 2,500 250 Cash at Bank Cash at Hand 18,000 7,230 8,300 6,000 Salaries Outstanding Rent Outstanding Bills Payable 26,500 Trade Creditors 76,000 He also provides you the following summary of his cash transactions: Receipts ` Payments Cash Sales 5,09,800 Trade Creditors Trade Debtors 1,51,900 Bills Payable Bills Receivable 65,000 Salaries ` 3,06,000 80,000 99,000 Rent 72,000 Insurance Premium 10,000 Stationery The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India 1,500 14 INTERMEDIATE (IPC) EXAMINATION: MAY, 2013 Mobile Phone Expenses 9,000 Drawings 1,20,000 It is found prudent to depreciate Furniture @ 5%, Computer @ 10% and Mobile Phone @ 25%. A provision for bad debts @ 5% on Trade Debtors is also considered desirable. (16 Marks) Answer Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st March, 2013 Particulars Particulars ` To Opening Stock To Purchases (W. N. 3) 4,13,500 To Gross profit c/d (Bal. Fig.) 3,34,100 By ` Credit (W.N. 1) 2,31,900 Cash 5,09,800 89,500 By ` 7,41,700 Sales: Closing stock 95,400 8,37,100 To Insurance (W.N. 5) To To Salaries (W. N. 6) Rent (W.N. 7) To To Stationery (W.N. 8) Mobile Phone expenses 1,450 9,000 To Provision for doubtful debts (5% of 65,000) 3,250 To 8,37,100 9,900 By Depreciation: 3,34,100 99,300 72,000 Furniture 4,800 Computer 2,430 Mobile Phone To Gross profit b/d 2,000 Net Profit 9,230 1,29,970 3,34,100 3,34,100 Balance Sheet as on 31st March, 2013 Liabilities ` Capital A/c: Opening Balance Less :Drawings ` Asset ` Furniture 1,97,430 (1,20,000) 77,430 The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India 96,000 Less: Depreciation (4,800) Computer 24,300 Less: Depreciation (2,430) ` 91,200 21,870 PAPER 1 : ACCOUNTING Add: Net Profit 15 1,29,970 2,07,400 Mobile Phone 8,000 Bills Payable 26,500 Less: Depreciation (2,000) Trade Creditors 76,000 Trade Debtors 65,000 Outstanding expenses: Less: Provision doubtful debts for (3,250) 6,000 61,750 Salaries 8,300 Bills Receivable 20,000 Rent 6,000 Closing Stock Unexpired Insurance 95,400 2,500 Stock of Stationery Cash at bank Cash in hand 3,24,200 250 18,000 7,230 3,24,200 Working Notes: 1. Trade Debtors Account ` To Balance b/d To Credit Sales (bal. fig.) ` 55,000 By Cash /Bank 2,31,900 By By Bills Receivable A/c (W.N.2) Balance c/d (given) 2,86,900 2. 1,51,900 70,000 65,000 2,86,900 Bills Receivable Account ` ` To Balance b/d 15,000 By Cash/Bank 65,000 To Sundry Debtors (bal. fig.) 70,000 By Bal. c/d (given) 20,000 85,000 3. 85,000 Trade Creditors Account ` To Bank/Cash To Bills payable A/c (W.N.4) To Bal. c/d(given) 3,06,000 By 84,000 By 76,000 4,66,000 The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India ` Bal. b/d Credit Purchases (bal. fig) 52,500 4,13,500 4,66,000 16 INTERMEDIATE (IPC) EXAMINATION: MAY, 2013 4. Bills Payable Account ` ` To Cash/Bank A/c 80,000 By Bal. b/d 22,500 To Bal. c/d (given) 26,500 By Sundry Creditors (bal. fig.) 84,000 1,06,500 5. 1,06,500 Insurance expenses for the year 2012-2013 ` Insurance paid during the year Add: Unexpired Insurance as on 1.4.2012 Less: Unexpired insurance as on 31.3.2013 10,000 2,400 (2,500) 9,900 6. Salaries for the year 2012-2013 ` Salaries paid during the year Add: Salaries outstanding as on 31.03.2013 Less: Salaries outstanding as on 1.4.2012 99,000 8,300 1,07,300 (8,000) 99,300 7. Rent expenses for the year 2012-2013 ` Rent paid during the year Add: Rent outstanding as on 31.03.2013 72,000 6,000 78,000 Less: Rent outstanding as on 1.04.2012 (6,000) 72,000 8. Stationery expenses for the year 2012-2013 ` Stock of stationery as on 1.4.2012 Add: Stationery purchased during the year 200 1,500 1,700 Less: Stock of stationery as on 31.3.2013 (250) 1,450 The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India PAPER 1 : ACCOUNTING 17 Question 5 (a) The Receipts and Payments Account, the Income and Expenditure Account and additional information of a sports club for the year ended 31st March, 2013 were as follows: Receipts & Payments Account For the year ending on 31st March, 2013 Receipts ` Payments ` To Balance b/d 42,000 By Secretary s Salary 10,000 To Entrance Fees 2011-12 10,000 By Printing & Stationary 26,000 To Entrance Fees 2012-13 1,00,000 By Advertising 16,000 By Fire Insurance 12,000 To Subscription 2011-12 6,000 To Subscription 2012-13 1,50,000 To Subscription 2013-14 4,000 To Rent Received 24,000 To Interest Received By 12% Investments (Purchased on 01-10-2012) By Furniture 6,000 By Balance c/d 3,42,000 2,00,000 20,000 58,000 3,42,000 Income & Expenditure Account For the year ending on 31st March, 2013 Expenditure ` Income ` To Secretary Salary 15,000 By Entrance Fees 1,05,000 To Printing & Stationery 22,000 By Subscription 1,56,000 To Advertising 16,000 By Rent 28,000 To Audit Fees 5,000 By Interest on Investments 12,000 To Fire Insurance 10,000 To Depreciation: Sports Equipments 90,000 Furniture 5,000 To Surplus 1,38,000 3,01,000 The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India 3,01,000 18 INTERMEDIATE (IPC) EXAMINATION: MAY, 2013 Additional Information: The assets and liabilities as on 31st March, 2012 include Club Grounds & Pavilion ` 4,40,000, Sports Equipments ` 2,50,000, Furniture & Fixtures ` 40,000, Subscription in Arrear ` 8,000, Subscription received in advance ` 2,000 and Creditors for Printing & Stationery ` 5,000. You are required to prepare the Balance Sheet of the Club as on 31st March, 2013. (10 Marks) (b) On 1st April, 2012, M/s. Power Motors sold on hire purchase basis a truck whose cash price was ` 9,00,000 to M/s. Singh & Singh, a transport firm. The terms of the contract were that the transporters were to pay ` 3,00,000 down and six four-monthly instalments of ` 1,00,000 plus interest on outstanding amount of cash price for the intervening four months. The instalments were payable on 31st July, 30th November and 31st March in each one of the two accounting years. Interest was calculated @ 12% per annum. M/s. Singh & Singh duly paid the instalment on 31st July, 2012 but failed to pay the instalment on 30th November, 2012. M/s. Power Motors, after legal formalities, repossessed the truck valuing it at ` 7,00,000. M/s. Power Motors spent ` 80,000 on repairs and repainting of the truck and on 7th January, 2013 sold it for ` 7,50,000 cash. You are required to prepare M/s. Singh & Singh s A/c and Goods Repossessed Account in the books of M/s. Power Motors. (6 Marks) Answer (a) Balance Sheet of Sports Club As at 31st March 2013 Liabilities ` ` Assets ` ` Fixed Assets: Capital Fund: Club, Grounds & Pavilion Opening Balance (W.N.) 7,83,000 Furniture & Fixtures Add: Surplus 1,38,000 9,21,000 Add: Additions Current Liabilities: 4,40,000 40,000 20,000 60,000 Outstanding Salary (15,000-10,000) 5,000 Less : Depreciation (5,000) Outstanding Audit Fees 5,000 Sports Equipments 2,50,000 Creditors for Printing & Stationery Less: Depreciation It is assumed that the club is not registered under the Companies Act, 1956. The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India 55,000 (90,000) 1,60,000 PAPER 1 : ACCOUNTING {22,000-(26,000 5,000)} 1,000 Subscription received in advance 19 4,000 Investments : Investment (at cost) 2,00,000 6,000 Accrued Interest [` 12,000 - ` 6,000] Current Assets: 4,000 Accrued rent (28,000 - 24,000) Subscription receivable For 2011-12 (8,000-6,000) 2,000 For 2012-13 {(1,56,000(1,50,000 + 2,000)} 4,000 Entrance Fees receivables (1,05,0001,00,000) 5,000 Prepaid Insurance (12,000-10,000) 2,000 Cash and bank 58,000 9,36,000 9,36,000 Working Note: Calculation of Capital Fund as on 1st April, 2012 Balance Sheet of Sports Club As at 31st March 2012 Liabilities Capital Fund (bal.fig.) ` Assets 7,83,000 Current Liabilities: Subscription received in advance Creditors for Printing and Stationary ` Fixed Assets : Club, Grounds & Pavilion 2,000 5,000 4,40,000 Furniture & Fixtures Sports Equipments Current Assets: 40,000 2,50,000 Entrance receivables Fees Subscription receivables Cash and Bank 7,90,000 The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India 10,000 8,000 42,000 7,90,000 20 INTERMEDIATE (IPC) EXAMINATION: MAY, 2013 (b) In the books of M/s. Power Motors M/s. Singh & Singh s Account Date Particulars ` Date 1.04.2012 To Hire Purchase Sales A/c (Cash Price) 31.07.2012 To Interest A/c 30.11.2012 To To 4 12 By Bank (Down payment) 3,00,000 Bank (1,00,000+24,000) 1,24,000 ) Interest A/c 30.11.2012 By (5,00,000 .12 30.11.2012 ` 24,000 31.07.2012 By (6,00,000 .12 9,00,000 1.04.2012 Particulars 4 ) 20,000 Profit & Loss Account (Bal. fig.) Goods Repossessed A/c 7,00,000 1,80,000 12 11,24,000 11,24,000 Goods Repossessed Account Date Particulars 30.11.2012 To Singh & Singh s A/c 7,00,000 7.1.2013 7.1.2013 To Bank A/c (Repairs) 80,000 7.1.2013 ` Date Particulars ` By Bank A/c 7,50,000 By By Profit & Loss A/c -loss 7,80,000 30,000 7,80,000 Question 6 (a) The promoters of Glorious Ltd. took over on behalf of the company a running business with effect from 1st April, 2012. The company got incorporated on 1st August, 2012. The annual accounts were made up to 31st March, 2013 which revealed that the sales for the whole year totalled ` 1,600 lakhs out of which sales till 31st July, 20I2 were for ` 400 lakhs. Gross profit ratio was 25%. The expenses from 1st April 2012, till 31st March, 2013 were as follows: (` in lakhs) Salaries 69 Rent, Rates and Insurance 24 Sundry Office Expenses 66 Travellers' Commission 16 Discount Allowed 12 The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India PAPER 1 : ACCOUNTING 21 Bad Debts 4 Directors' Fee 25 Audit Fee Depreciation on Tangible Assets Debenture Interest 9 12 11 Prepare a statement showing the calculation of Profits for the pre-incorporation and postincorporation periods. (8 Marks) (b) On the basis of the following information prepare a Cash Flow Statement for the year ended 31st March, 2013: (i) Total sales for the year were ` 199 crore out of which cash sales amounted to ` 131 crore. (ii) Cash collections from credit customers during the year, totalled ` 67 crore. (iii) Cash paid to suppliers of goods and services and to the employees of the enterprise amounted to ` 159 crore. (iv) Fully paid preference shares of the face value of ` 16 crore were redeemed and equity shares of the face value of ` 16 crore were allotted as fully paid up at a premium of 25%. (v) ` 13 crore were paid by way of income tax. (vi) Machine of the book value of ` 21 crore was sold at a loss of ` 30 lakhs and a new machine was installed at a total cost of ` 40 crore. (vii) Debenture interest amounting ` 1 crore was paid. (viii) Dividends totalling ` 10 crore was paid on equity and preference shares. Corporate dividend tax @ 17% was also paid. (ix) On 31st March, 2012 balance with bank and cash on hand totalled ` 9 crore. (8 Marks) Answer (a) Statement showing the calculation of Profits for the pre-incorporation and postincorporation periods Particulars Total Amount Basis of Allocation (` in lakhs) Gross Profit (25% of ` 1,600) Less: Salaries The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India PrePostincorporation incorporation (` in lakhs) (` in lakhs) 400 Sales 100 300 69 Time 23 46 22 INTERMEDIATE (IPC) EXAMINATION: MAY, 2013 Rent, rates and Insurance 24 Time 8 16 Sundry office expenses 66 Time 22 44 Travellers commission 16 Sales 4 12 Discount allowed 12 Sales 3 9 4 Sales 1 3 25 Post - 25 9 Sales 2.25 6.75 Depreciation on tangible assets 12 Time 4 8 Debenture interest 11 Post - 11 32.75 119.25 Bad debts Directors fee Audit Fees Net profit 152 Working Notes: 1. Sales ratio (` in lakh) Sales for the whole year 1,600 Sales upto 31st July, 2012 400 Therefore, sales for the period from 1st August, 2012 to 31st March, 2013 Thus, sale ratio 1,200 = 400:1200 = 1:3 2. Time ratio 1st April, 2012 to 31st July, 2012 : 1st August, 2012 to 31st March, 2013 = 4 months: 8 months = 1:2 Thus, time ratio is 1:2. Audit fee has been assumed to be related with tax audit and therefore apportioned into pre and postincorporation periods on the basis of turnover. The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India PAPER 1 : ACCOUNTING (b) 23 Cash flow statement for the year ended 31st March, 2013 (` in crores) (` in crores) Cash flow from operating activities Cash sales Cash collected from credit customers Less: Cash paid to suppliers for goods & services and to employees 131 67 (159) Cash from operations 39 Less: Income tax paid (13) Net cash generated from operating activities 26.00 Cash flow from investing activities Payment for purchase of Machine Proceeds from sale of Machine (40.00) 20.70 Net cash used in investing activities (19.30) Cash flow from financing activities Redemption of Preference shares (16.00) Proceeds from issue of Equity shares 20.00 Debenture interest paid (1.00) Dividend Paid (11.70) Net cash used in financing activities (8.70) Net decrease in cash and cash equivalent (2.00) Add: Cash and cash equivalents as on 1.04.2012 9.00 Cash and cash equivalents as on 31.3.2013 7.00 Question 7 Answer any four out of the following: (a) What is an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software? What are the factors which you will take into consideration while choosing an ERP software? (b) What are the three fundamental accounting assumptions recognised by Accounting Standard (AS) 1? Briefly describe each one of them. The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India 24 INTERMEDIATE (IPC) EXAMINATION: MAY, 2013 (c) On 31st March 2013 a business firm finds that cost of a partly finished unit on that date is ` 530. The unit can be finished in 2013-14 by an additional expenditure of ` 310. The finished unit can be sold for ` 750 subject to payment of 4% brokerage on selling price. The firm seeks your advice regarding:- (i) the amount at which the unfinished unit should be valued as at 31st March, 2013 for preparation of final accounts and (ii) the desirability or otherwise of producing the finished unit. (d) M/s. Moon Ltd. sold goods worth ` 6,50,000 to Mr. Star. Mr. Star asked for a trade discount amounting to ` 53,000 and same was agreed to by M/s. Moon Ltd. The sale was effected and goods were dispatched. On receipt of goods, Mr. Star has found that goods worth ` 67,000 are defective. Mr. Star returned defective goods to M/s. Moon Ltd. and made payment due amounting to ` 5,30,000. The accountant of M/s. Moon Ltd. booked the sale for ` 5,30,000. Discuss the contention of the accountant with reference to Accounting Standard (AS) 9. (e) What are the issues, with which Accounting Standards deal? (4 x 4 = 16 Marks) Answer (a) An Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is an integrated software package that manages the business process across the entire enterprise by integrating informations created by different functional groups of the organisation. Choice of ERP software depends upon the following factors: 1. Functional requirement of the organisation: The ERP that matches most of the requirements of an organisation is preferred over the others. 2. Reports available in the ERP: The organisation visualises the reporting requirements and chooses a vendor which fulfils its reporting requirements. 3. Background of the vendors: The service and deliverable record of a vendor is extremely important in choosing the vendor. 4. Cost comparisons: The budget constraints and fund position of an enterprise often becomes the deciding factor for choosing a particular package. (b) Accounting Standard (AS) 1 recognizes three fundamental accounting assumptions. These are as follows: (i) Going Concern: The financial statements are normally prepared on the assumption that an enterprise will continue its operations in the foreseeable future and neither there is intention, nor there is need to materially curtail the scale of operations. (ii) Consistency: The principle of consistency refers to the practice of using same accounting policies for similar transactions in all accounting periods unless the The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India PAPER 1 : ACCOUNTING 25 change is required (i) by a statute, (ii) by an accounting standard or (iii) for more appropriate presentation of financial statements. (iii) Accrual basis of accounting: Under this basis of accounting, transactions are recognised as soon as they occur, whether or not cash or cash equivalent is actually received or paid. (c) Valuation of unfinished unit ` Net selling price Less: Estimated cost of completion 750 (310) 440 Less: Brokerage (4% of 750) Net Realisable Value 30 410 Cost of inventory 530 Value of inventory (Lower of cost and net realisable value) 410 Incremental cost ` 310 (cost to complete) is less than incremental revenue ` 720 (` 750` 30). The enterprise will therefore decide to finish the unit for sale at ` 750. Note: The above answer is given on the assumption that partly finished unit cannot be sold in semi finished form and its NRV is zero without processing it further. (d) As per AS 9 Revenue Recognition , revenue is the gross inflow of cash, receivable or other consideration arising in the course of the ordinary activities of an enterprise from the sale of goods. However, trade discounts and volume rebates given in the ordinary course of business should be deducted in determining revenue. Revenue from sales should be recognized at the time of transfer of significant risks and rewards. If the delivery of the sales is not subject to approval from customers, then the transfer of significant risks and rewards would take place when the sale is affected and goods are dispatched. In the given case, if trade discounts allowed by M/s. Moon Ltd. are given in the ordinary course of business, M/s. Moon Ltd. should record the sales at ` 5,97,000 (i.e. ` 6,50,000 ` 53,000) and goods returned worth ` 67,000 are to be recorded in the form of sales return. However, when trade discount allowed by M/s. Moon Ltd. is not in the ordinary course of business, M/s. Moon Ltd. should record the sales at gross value of ` 6,50,000. Discount of ` 53,000 in price and return of goods worth ` 67,000 are to be adjusted by suitable provisions. M/s Moon Ltd. might have sent the credit note of ` 1,20,000 to Mr. Star to account for these adjustments. In both the cases, the contention of the accountant to book the sales for ` 5,30,000 is not correct. The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India 26 INTERMEDIATE (IPC) EXAMINATION: MAY, 2013 (e) Accounting Standards deal with the issues of (i) Recognition of events and transactions in the financial statements, (ii) Measurement of these transactions and events, (iii) Presentation of these transactions and events in the financial statements in a manner that is meaningful and understandable to the reader, and (iv) Disclosure requirements which should be there to enable the public at large and the stakeholders and the potential investors in particular, to get an insight into what these financial statements are trying to reflect and thereby facilitating them to take prudent and informed business decisions. The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India

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