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ICSE Class X Prelims 2024 : English Paper 1 (English Language) (Bombay Scottish School, Mahim, Mumbai)

8 pages, 46 questions, 20 questions with responses, 23 total responses,    6    0
Harsha Vardhan
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m mllap 6 tottirJJ 6cf,ool, :llla~i NT PRELIMIN ARY ASSESSME EN GLISH LAN GUAGE : IO : 80 Gr ad e Max. Marks . .0l : 09 Da te 20 24 No. of Qu est ion s : 05 u ho 2 : ion rat Du No. of Printed sides : 08 . t rss pa p . [An sw sw er booklet pro vid ed ] an the on ers o thi n tte wn be st .er mu Th fi r. t 15 nu nu tes is_ allotted for reading the qu est ion papebra ck ets [ J. inen giv are s ion Th e in ten d~ trS pa rts of qu est e ma rk s for qu est ion s or Queatio~ 1 n 30 minutes on thi s question (Do no t sp en d more tha .) (20] following: 50 words) on an y one of the Write a co mp osi tio n (300-3 (i) I I (ii) (iii) II I (iv) glow of the a beginning "In the flickering th wi ry sto al gin ori an ite Wr ma n hovering ... str ee tlig hts I saw a str an ge ' l an d yo u ha d ponsibility at home / schoo res ge hu a en giv nly de sud You were ghting ho w yo u ate one su ch ins tan ce highli arr .N it t ou ab go to w ho e lea rne d no clu smanaged it an d wh at yo u mi / d ge na ma d an n tio ua de alt wi th the sit fro m thi s experience. alt h en tal impact on mental he So cia l me dia ha s a de trim en t. her for or against thi s sta tem Ex pre ss yo ur views eit , a sta ge wh ere tal en ts s; it's a miniature society son les t ou ab y lel so 't isn School challenges . cu ltiv ate d am ids t the da ily en ts bloom, an d resilience is fea tur es an d the va rio us ev ghting its un iqu e Describe yo ur school highli p an all rou nd personality. tha t ha ve he lpe d you develq (v) or an ac co un t of ite a story or a de scr ipt ion Wr . ow bel en giv e tur pic Stu dy the su bje ct of the position ma y be ab ou t the com ur Yo u. yo to s est gg su wh at it re mu st be a cle ar gestions from it; however, the sug e tak y ma u yo or e tur pic tur e an d yo ur composition. co nn ect ion between the pic 1 (11' ,.,, ,~. -, ),( '-"'~ ,~f, , _2; ~~,<','}~ 1~ ~-= - \ ~-~:!-:.~: - .. , . Quest ion 2 (Do not spend more than 20 minute s on this questio n. [10] Select any one of the fallowing: (i) You recent ly adopte d a rescue d dog. Write a letter to your friend sharin g with him /her your experi ence of adopti ng a rescue d dog .T.ell your friend all about your new pet's antics , habits and how you have grown very attacbe cl to it . Encou rage your friend also to adopt and not shop for a pet. I (ii) There is no prope r playgr ound for the childre n of your locality. However there is a vacan t plot belong ing to the municipality, lying vacan t and misus ed by miscr eants. Write a letter to the Mu nicipal Comm ission er reques ting him/h er to conve rt it into a playgr ound with ameni ties for childr en to play and make it the pride of the locality. Mentio n all the faciliti es you would like to have in the playgr ound. Quest ion 3 (10] . (a) Your schoo l is hostin g a scienc e exhibi tion .Draft a notice for the schoo l notice board invitin g senior studen ts to take part in the exhibi tion. \ (b) \. Write an email to the princi pal of a neighb ouring school reques ting her /him to send stude nts from Grade s 9 and 10 to visit the exhibi tion . , 1 I' 2 t Qu es tio n 4 ' .th re ns th at Re ad th e follo,\rin_ g P as sa ge ca ref ull y an d an sw er th e qu es tio : fol low e," . . be sid es th e "d iff icu lt onLily er aft k M ot he r ha d fivbe O th loo to ren i~d ch he r d my tw o sis ter s, Th ey we re m , To ny , an d Pa dd y, an Jrm s, er t fro i ch of th em , a1 a on an d M th em ve ry Y<:>ung, ju st a ye ar or so be tw ee n ea so th ey w; re 0s t ex ac tly lik e ste ps of sta irs . lp les s as a ne wl y ye ar s ro ll e d b Y and I .w as no w fiv e, an d sti ll as hewo rk , fo r of ten all Fo urba b tb re ak in g bo rn in t gu rg1e. I ot he r 1t wa s ha rd , he ar m y m r Fo y. f fa a s sh ap rh pe d an ile ro m m e in re tur n wa s a va gu e sm t on my e go d t I sit up wi th ou t su pp or co ul d ul co r d no e bl um m no t sp ea k or ev ent ge rs tw ist ed an fin y ' M t. er in 't sn k wa ta I e s ep s. Bu t of ten sh oo t owi n 'hle t al on .e tw ba ck wa rd s an d wo ul d ed in tw s m ar y m , lly ay s. tc ed co nt in ua lol led an d sa gg ed sid ew ad he y m d an , at th d an y ;u t s ud de nl y th is wa lit tle fell ow. d ke oo cr r, ee w as a qu ur s in an en sit tin g wi th m e fo r ho be d ha e sh y da e on w M ot b~ r tel ls m e ~o gr ea t bi g sto ry bo ok an d a of t ou es ur ct pi e m g in em , up ~t ai rs be dr oo m , sh ow d flo we rs th at we re in th di ffe re nt an im al s an fo r te lli ng m e th e na m es of em . Th is ha d go ne on th at pe re to e m t ge to s of it sh e try in g wi t!' 1o ut su cc es th me . Th en at th e en d wi d he ug la d an ed lk Di d ta ho ur s wh ile sh e "D id yo u lik e it, Ch ris ? r: ea y m to in ly nt ge id No d yo ur le an ed ov er m e an d sa all th e lovely flo we rs? d an ys ke on m e th d an s yo u lik e th e be ar boy." he ad fo r ye s, lik e a go od I ha d un de rs to od he r .. at th n sig no e ak m d ul Bu t I co , cr yi ng . us sta re an d le ft th e ro om rio cu y m m fro ay aw Th en sh e tu rn ed ss . It lo ok ed as th ou gh le pe ho ed em se l al It r. he an Th e do or cl os ed be hi nd ' co nt en tio n th at I w as es iv lat re y m r fo n io at th er e .w as so m e ju sti fic id io t an d be yo nd he lp . sti tu tio n. Th ey no w sp ok e of an in es te d to he r. w he n th is w as su gg ly, rce fie t os m al r he ot m "Never!" sa id m y is sh at te re d, no t hi s at th dy bo s hi is it t; io id "I kn ow m y bo y is no t an m in d. I'm su re of th at ." e pr oo f of he r fa ith . m so r he e giv d ul wo d Go ay ed ov e. Su re ? Yet in wa rd ly , sh e pr t qu ite an ot he r th in g to pr bu ve lie be to g in th e on Sh e kn ew it w as ge nc e. I w as lo ne ly , lli te in of n sig al re no ed I sh ow I w as no w se ve n, an d sti ll e w ith ot he rs , cu t at ic un m m co to le ab un m y ow n, my im pr is on ed in a wo rld of as s wa ll st oo d be tw ee n gl a gh ou th as em th tI off, se pa ra te d fro m d pl ay w ith th e re st , bu an t ou ab n ru to ed ng lo I ex is te nc e an d th ei rs . e fro m m y bo nd ag e. w as un ab le to br ea k lo os 3 au cl.4t. so simply after and feel the whole 8-J>Pd ; 1' It Then suddenly, it happened! emoon of a cold the years of waiting and uncertaillt1, round the big kitcfay scene as if it had happened las~ ":~k :YO\'V and made giant shado el1 Decembe~ day. Inside, all the f~Y \Vs fire that lit up the little room with a wat.m. 8'! :uddled together, writing . . dance on the walls and ceiling. In a comer Mona and Paddy were sittillg, h sing a bright piece of y U down little sums onto an old chipped slate, ~ew mows against the ow !.uch. It was a long al!, chalk._ I was close to them, propped up by a ' so me attracted that chalk the watching. It was d . slender stick of vivid yellow. Suddenly, I desperately wanted to do what my sis~r was omg. Then. without thinking or knowing exactly what I was ~omg, I reached out and took the stick of chalk out of my sister's hand-with my left foot. 1 do not know why I used my left foot to do this.. They could have been as useless to me as were my hands. That day, however, my left foot, apparently by its own volition, reached out and very impolitely took the chalk out of my sister's hand. I held it tightly between my toes, and, acting on an impulse, m~de a wild sort of scribble with it on the slate. Next moment I stopped, a bit dazed, surprised, looking down at the stick of yellow chalk stuck between my toes, not knowing what to do with it next, hardly lmowing how it got there. Then I looked up and. became aware that everyone had stopped talking and was staring at me silently. Nobody stirred. Across the open hearth, his face lit by flames, sat my father, leaning forward, hands outspread on his knees, his shoulders tense. I felt the sweat break out on my forehead. My mother came in from the pantry with a steaming pot in her hand. She stopped midway between the table and the fire, feeling the tension flowing through the room. She followed their stare and saw me in the comer. Her eyes looked from my face down to my foot, with the chalk gripped between my toes. She put down the pot. Then she crossed over to me and knelt down beside me, as she had done so many times before. "I'll show you what to do with it, Chris," she said, very slowly and in a queer, choked way, her face flushed as if with some inner excitement. Taking another piece of chalk from Mona, she hesitated then very deliberately drew, on the floor in front of me, the single letter :.A." "Copy that," she said, looking steadily at me. "Copy it, Christy." I couldn't. I looked about me, looked ~ound ~t the faces, tense, excited faces that . were at that ~oment frozen, unmobile, eager, waiting for a miracle in their midst. The stillness was profound, -a- ~'"'' i,.....M;I ! k ing st ab with th e ch al rk je ild w a e ad m d t my foot an r he ld th e which pr od ~ ~u t ou crooked line an d nothing more. Mothe a very sl at e st eadY rce .1or me. h "Again." .1.. .:..d tim "T ty ag ai.n ' Chris ' " s e whispered in my ea r. e . . ou t again, for th e u.elil'stick_ of b ot fo ft ed le y en m iff t st pu I d d. an di th I . my ody r side. Th en I dr ew I drew ha lf th e ot he r. give tte le e th of de si to fling it aw ay an d d te ba lk bone an w I p. um st a ut , an d I was left with I tried on ce more. O er ld ou c T h roke sh y m on 1 other's ha nd My ha nd s up . en felt my m I sweated an d st ra in ed ;., er y m us cl e. et b k, th e flesh. I se t m y te to in t w en t my_ foot. I shoo bi ls ai rn ge fm ed th at my ~wam ything in th e ro om -t be were so tightly clench er Ev . lip er w lo y m erced ew it 80 ~a rd that I nearly pi e were mere pa tc he s of white. B ut -I dr kward, m aw nd re me. Shaky, with un til tb e faces ar ou fo be or flo e th on it was le tt er "A." 1 e e er th Th as ". w "A it r ut tte B le e. lin very uneven center ks . T he n wobbly si de s an d a ent, te ar s on he r ch ee om m a r fo ce fa r's he mot lder. looked up . I sa w my isted me onto hi s shou ho d an d pe oo st er th my fa d st ar te d- th e th in g ha It itf ne do d ha I ul dn 't so significant? sing itself. True, I co or e es Why is th is m om en t pr ex of ce an ch its mind m et hi ng m th at w as to give my ld sp ea k th ro ug h so orld, m y ke y ou w I w no ut B s. to a ne w w sp ea k with m y lip ritten words, my road w -ds or w en ok sp la st in g th an Left Foot ' to m en ta l freedom. au to bi og ra ph y 'My 's n ow Br ty ris Ch An ex tra ct from (as us ed in th e th e correct m ea ni ng se oo ch w lo be [3J n ve , gi For each word (i) I tr ie d ag ai n I I i I I tions provided: pa ss ag e) from th e op I.i ne rt . a. msane b. in se cu re c. in at te nt iv e d. in ac tiv e 2. co nt en tio n a. opposition b. sa tis fa ct io n c. in si st en ce d. in te nt io n e age means the opposit Which word in th e pass a. profound b. volition c. impolitely d. tension 5 ? of th e word compulsion I (iii) (iv) rd Answ er the following quest ions briefly in your own wo one'? How many childr en did Mrs. Brow n have? Who was e 'difficult a. [3 ] Why was the child consi dered difficult? '? [2] b. Why does the autho r call himse lf 'weird crook ed little fellow [2J What was heart- break ing work for the moth er? c. strong d. Give one sente nce from the passa ge that talks of his moth er's [2] belief regard ing him. ged to In not more than 50 words narra te how the autho r finally mana (8 ) write with his left foot with the help of his mothe r. Ques tion 5 word given Fill in each of the numb ered blank s with the corre ct farm of the (i) order the in brack ets. Do not copy the passa ge but write in corre ct serial [4 ] word or phras e appro priate to the blank space . Exam ple: 0- was furni ture The Curie s rente d a three room flat. There -0-(t o be ) not much . Marie becau se Marie hated dustin g. Their real life was in the labor atory and by ce Scien of r 1- (decid e)to work for the advan ced degree of Docto tist scien a 1897 she -2-(l ook) for a new subje ct to resea rch. Very recen tly, aneou sly called Henr y Bequ erel -3- (discover) that Urani um salts spont 4 rays gave out rays of an unkno wn natur e. The myste ry of the Pierre 's (fasci nate)M arie. What cause d them? What could they do? With rch resea her for rays encou ragem ent she - 5 - (choose) the urani um were um subje ct. She soon ---6- (disc over) that the rays given out by urani heat, light, very unusu al. She --7--( exam ine)th em in condi tions of comp ared wetne ss and darkn ess and nothi ng seeme d to affect them. She um, --8 other eleme nts with urani um, and found that only one, Thori . When active radio (give) out simila r rays and was thus- to use the termbeliev e her. Marie menti oned this theor y to other physi cists, they refus ed to y know n. alread were Scorn fully, they told her that all the scientific eleme nts (ii) Fill in the blank s with appro priate words . The snake slowly crawl ed __ its hole. (a) The ship was boun d _ _ Londo n (b) The five broth ers quarr eled _ _thems elves. (c) Jack took excep tion _ my remar ks. (d) Silk-w orms feed _ _ mulb erry leave s . (e) my propo sal . Anna agree d _ (f) Unfor tunate ly he is defic ient_ comm on sense (g) The goat subsi sts __ the coars est of food . (h) 6 f4] (iii} Join the following se t mak ences to using and, but or so nCha e one complete sen ten ce without os th [4] e e correct option I. 1 . warne~ the boys not to go to the cliff . The boys wen t las t nig ht to the chff. Ja r' In spite of warn th the cliff, the y went the re las t (b) {c) (d) e boys not to go to In spite of warn th to the cliff, the y went the re las t nig htg e boys not to go Des pite warn mg th. e boy s abo ut the cliff, the y wen t to the . cliff 1 nig ht. ast the y wen t to the cliff No 80?ne r did I warn the boys tha n las t rught. 2 Yafou mu st ma ke you r payment .You will get the delivery of the car ter tha t. you mu st ma ke the (a) After you get the delivery of you r car, payment. not get delivery of Un less you ma ke the payment,you will the car. vered to you. (c) Make pay me nt and the car will be deli . (d) You mu st mak e you r pay men t if you wan t the car able to con her. 3. She wa s very clever. He was not . She wa s too clever for him to con her him. She was too clever tha t she con ned (b) e to get con ned . She was not only clever but also abl (c) to con her . She was so clever tha t he was not able (d) He retu rne d to Rome. 4. Cae sar con que red his enemies. mies the n he retu rne d No soo ner did Cae sar con que r his ene (a) to Rome. mie s wh en he retu rne d Har dly had Cae sar conquered his ene to Rome. mie s but also retu rne d Not onl y did Cae sar con que r his ene (c) to Rome. mie s tha n he retu rne d Har dly had Cae sar conquered his ene (d) to Rome. r ording to the ins truc tion s given afte Rewrite the following sen ten ces acc (iv) the nge cha be nec ess ary , but do not eac h. Make oth er cha nge s tha t may [8] the cor rec t opt ion s. me ani ng of eac h sentence. Choose 1. in with: The wall ... ) The ma son is building the wall. Beg a. The wal l is bui lt by the mas on. b. The wall wa s built by the mason. on. ,Jf! The wall is being bui lt bybythethemas on. mas lt d. The wall was being bui 7 2. 3. 4. 5. d He urged them to be quiet and listen to his wof s. his words. . (Begin with: He said) 5ten to rds " li and quiet be a. lie said that they must d ,, wo my to listen and quiet be to you b.---J-1e said "I urge d listen to my wor s. , ' t?"'. .... c. He said, "I had urged you to be quiet an ,, d. He said, "Be quiet and listen to my words. t Indirect Speech) ,, He said, "Bravo! You have done well. (Rewn e in He applauded him, saying that he has done well. b. He applaudin g said that he has done well. 11 c. He said to him that he was brave and has done we d. He said to him that he was brave to have done well. Her luck is too good to be true. (Rewrite using so. that) a. Her luck is so good that it is true. b. Her luck is so good that it has to be true. S,/' Her luck is so good thatit cannot be true. d. So true is her luck that it is good. Only a millionaire can afford such extravagance.( Begin: None... ) a. None of the men can afford such extravagance. b. None of the millionaires can afford such extravagance. None but a millionaire can afford such extravagance. / d. None out of the millionaires can afford such extravaga nce. 6. What is the use of offering bread to a man who is dying of thirst? (Begin: It is... ) / . It is useless to offer bread to a man who is dying of thirst. b. It is useless offering bread to a man who is dying of thirst. c. It is useless to have offered bread to a man who is dying of thirst. d. It is useless to be offering bread to a man who is dying of thirst. 7. He educated his daughter and set up a business for her. (Rewrite using besides) a. He educated his daughter beside that set up a business for her. b. Besides education his daughter, he also set up a business for her. c. Besides education she also got business from her father. JV- Besides educating his daughter, he also set up a business for her. 8. Very few _st~dents in ~e class are as diligent as Arpita. (Use more) a. Arp1ta 1s more d1hgent than very few students in the class. '\.$. Arpita is more diligent than most students in the class. diligent than most other students in the class. c. Arpita is not more d 1 . d. Arp1ta 1s more 11gent than most other students in the class. 8

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