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ICSE Computer Applications Question Bank

25 pages, 91 questions, 20 questions with responses, 25 total responses,    2    0
Black Emerald
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Java: ICSE 2012 Theory questions and answers covering the entire syllabus [KP] Q1.Give the definition (1-2 Lines) and an example where applicable: Object An entity having specific characteristics(variables) and behaviour(Methods) Abstraction Hiding unnecessary details and presenting the required ones. Encapsulation Binding and wrapping up of methods and data members. Class Representation for a set of objects having common behaviour and characteristics. Byte code The java byte code is a machine language instruction set. The byte code is independent of the computer system it has to run upon. Native Executable Code A machine code program which can run on a specific platform (hardware/ software) only. JVM Set of Java programs (interpreter compiler etc.) which converts source code to byte code and is also responsible for executing the program. (JRE) Applet Internet Applets are small programs that are embedded in web pages and are run on the viewers machine (which are meant to run on the internet browser) Stand Alone Applications Meant to run on an independent machine. Inheritance When a class acquires properties of another class (may add a few of its own). Polymorphism Behaving differently under different situations. Having one name but many different shapes. Template/Design of a class. (Table of contents of a class) public interface in { int x=0,y=0; //vars are given int input(); //function are not defined int add(int x, int y); int display(); } class example implements in { } Interface KP/ICSE2011/SectionA Page 1 of 25

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