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ICSE Class X Notes 2023 : History and Civics (Childrens Academy, Bachani Nagar, Malad East, Mumbai)

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Bhavya Somaiya
Children's Academy, Bachani Nagar, Malad East, Mumbai
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THE MERCHANT OF VENICE ACT V SCENE 1 Ref I Jessica 1) Iwould out-night you, did nobody come; But, hark, Ihear the footing of a man. What does Jessica mean by the above lines? Who is she speaking to? Where does this scene take place? Ans. Jessica is speaking to Lorenzo and she means that she could outdo Lorenzo in enumerat1ng instances of moonlit nights, if they had only alitle longer time to themselves, but they are interrupted and she can hear the footsteps of someone approaching. This scene takes place in Belmont, in the avenue to Portia's house. 2) Earlier in the scene, what three qualities of the night does Lorenzo mention? Ans. Lorenzo says that the moon is shining very brilliantly. The sweet gentle breeze is breathing sofly through the trees. The trees received its sweet caressing silently. It is calm and quiet. 3) What does Lorenzo say about Troilus? Explain the allusion. Ans. Lorenzo says it was on a mobnlit night like this that long ages ago. Troilus climbed on the walls of Troy and sent forth sighs of love towards the tents of the Greeks, visible in the moonlight, where his beloved Cressida was sleeping that night, the night of her departure. Troilus and Cressida were lovers and had exchanged vows of eternal fidelity. However., during the siege of Troy, Cressida was handed over to the Greeks in an exchange of prisoners. She has vowed to remain constant, but soon fell in love with Diomede. For a long time, every night Troilus stood on the walls of Troy looking at the Greek camp. Thus, Cressida became a symbol of unfaithful lovers. What does Jessica say about Thisbe? Explain the allusion. Ans. Jessica says that it was on a moonlit night like this when Thisbe, with a heart throbbing 4) with fear, came daintily stepping over the dewy grass. The bright moonlight showed her the shadow of a lion, before she saw the lion, and warned in time, she fled away in terror. Thisbe a Babylonian maiden and her lover Pyramus were forbidden to meet by their parents. One day they arranged to meet in a forest. Thisbe heard the roar of a lion and fled leaving her cloak behind. The lion seized the mantle and tore it, staining it with the blood DATTANI TUTORIALS - Mob.9137743339 Page 68 ofan ox it had just killed. Pyramus saw her blood-stained cloak,thought Thisbe was dead and killed himself. Thisbe returned, saw her lover's body and killed herself too. bou! became symbols of faithful lovers. 5) What example of unrequited love does Lorenzo state? Ans. Lorenzo says that on a moonlit night like this. Oueen Dido stood on the wild sea shore, carrying in her hand a willow wand, the emblem of forsaken love, waving to her lover, Aeneas in his ship, vainly appealing to him to return to her. Aeneas was the Trojan warrior who founded the city of Rome. During his voyage he reached Carthage where he loved Queen Dido. After a long stay with her, he sailed away leaving Dido heartbroken. She killed herself out of grief. Shakespeare says that it must have been on a beautiful moon night that Dido walked sadly on the seashore, holding in ber handawillow, the symbolof deserted love. She beckoned to Aeneas to come back to Carthage. 6) What does Jessica say about Medea? Ans. Jessica says that on a moonlit night as this, Medea went forth to gather the magic herbs with which towork her spells, and by means of which she gave the aged Aeson the gift of renewed youth. Elizabethans believed that certain herbs had magical properties, if gathered by night. 7) How does Lorenzo and Jessica's conversation about moonlit night and lovers turn personal? Give a brief summary of their repartee. Ans. Lorenzo says that on such a bright night as this, Jessica left her rich old father. Shylock the Jew, and ran away with a penniless husband from Venice and came to Belmont. Jessica with her quick wit gives a quick reply to Lorenzo's remark. She says on the same kind of with bright night, young LorenzO SWore to her that he loved her dearly. He won her heart many promises of constancy and love, but there was not a word of truth in any of them. retorts by saying that on such a bright night as this, the lovely little Jessica, like a Lorenzo little shrew spoke illof him by calling him faithless to her, and he pardoned it all. 8) Who is coming along with Who enters the scene now? What news does he bring? Portia? enters the scene. Ans. Stephano, aservant of Portia, before the Lady Portia will arrive at Belmont He has come to tell Lorenzo the news that the roadside shrines with holy crosses, where among wandering present at is She break. day blessing in her wedded life. for prayers offering and kneeling is she Mob.9137743339 DATTANI TUTORIALS - Page 69 Stephano said thata pious monk and her maid, Nerissa, are coming with her. Who enters the scene after Stephano? What news does he bring? Ans. Just then Launcelot enters the scene. He informs Lorenzo and Jessica that Bassani1o 123 sent a courier to announce that he will arrive shortly before break of day. 9) Ref II Jessica In such a night Did Thisbe fearfully o'ertrip the dew, And saw the lion's shadow ere himself, And ran dismay'd away. Lorenzo In such a night Stood Dido with a willow in her hand Upon the wild sea banks, and waft her love To come again to Carthage. 1) Who enters this scene? Where are they? Ans. In this scene Jessica and Lorenzo enter into the garden in front of Portia's house. 2) Give meaning of: (a) O'er trip Ans. (a) walk lightly over 3) (b) (b) Willow A symbolof deserted love (c) Waft (c) waved to What does Jessica say about Thisbe? In what context is the story of Pyramus & Thisbe referred here? Ans. It is a bright moonlit night, the atmosphere is romantic and that makes Jessica think of Thisbe who stepped outon such a moonlit night, tip toeing on dewy grass to meet her lover. In the moonlight she saw the shadow ofa lion. She fled away but dropped her cloak behind. The story of Pyramus and Thisbe is referred to by Jessica because their love storv is in some ways like her own, that Jessica's father does not agree to her love and hence she had to elope. The story of Pyramus and Thisbe is referred to here as they are examples of faithful lovers. What does Lorenzo say about Queen Dido? Relate her Story. 4) Ans. Lorenzo talks of a similar moonlit night when Queen Dido stood on the sea shore with a willow wand, symbolising forsaken love. She waved to her lover, Aeneas, who was sailing away and her appeals were in vain as they were unheard. The Story of Queen Dido is that DATTANI TUTORIALS- Mob.9137743339 Page 70 she was ihc Qucen of Carthayc and Aeneas was a Troian Prince who was driven to Carthage during ihc Trojan war. Here he met Dido, she entertained him, and in thc process teil n love with him. Later Acneas was bidden by the Gods to Jeave Carthaye. He left, leavin2 behind Dido, who was so heartbroken that she made a funcral pyre and jumped into it. What do the willow' & wild sea banks signify? 5) Ans. These words appear in relation to the story of Dido and Acneas. The Story is narrated by Virgil. Aeneas was the Trojan warrior who foundcd the city of Rome. During a voyage, when he reached Carthage, he fell in love with Qucen Dido, but later he left her. Queen Dido stood by the Sea banks with a willow in her handand finally killed herself in griet. The willow is to signify forsaken love and the wild' sea banks signify restlessness. Ref III Stephano: Stephano is my name; and Ibring word My mistress will before the break of day Be here at Belmont: she doth stray about By holy crosses,where she kneels and prays For happy wedlock hours. 1) Who is Stephano? What message does he bring? Ans. Stephano is Portia's servant. He brings the message to Lorenzo that Portia is on her way to Belmont and that she would arrive before daybreak. She is at presentwandering among the roadside shrines, offering her prayers for blessings in her wedded life. 2) Give meaning of: (a) stray ahout Ans. (a) wander about 3) (b) (b) wedlock hours married life (c) By holy crosses (c) Roadside shrine According to Stephano, what has his mistress been doing while she was away from home? Ans. When Portia realized the difficult situation Antonio was in, she immediately told Bassanio to leave and be by his friends' side. She had a plan to disguise as a lawyer and meanwhile go to Venice to help Antonio out of the bond he has signed. Lorenzo and her other servants like Stephano that while her Portia informed Jessica. and Nerissa's husband go to Venice, they both will pray secluding for their well-being, So Stephano believes that his misress is going Lo holy themselves, crosses which DATTANI TUTORIALS - Mob 9137743339 means roadside shrines. Page 71 pray. 4) In reality what was Portia doing during thetime of absence? Assoon as Bassanio leaves for Venice, Portia tels Jessica and Lorenzo that she also was Ans. leaving with Nerissa to be in a secluded place and pray for their husband's well being.Actually, Portia, acording to her plan, was preparing to disguise as a lawyer with Nerissa as her clerk, and they both would go to the court of the Duke of Venice and save Antonio. Explain: Wake Dianawith a hymn' 5) Ans. Diana was the Roman Goddess of hunting and the moon. The moon was covered by acloud for a short while. Lorenzo who is a poet by nature refers to this as the sleep of the Moon goddess Diana and calls upon the musicians to wake her by their music. Ref IV Lorenzo Sweet soul, let's in, and there expect their, coming. And yet no matter: why should we go in? 1) Why does Lorenzo change his mind? Ans. Lorenzo decides to wait in the garden. He tells Stephano to go in to announce to the servants that Lady Portia will soon arrive. He tells him to send the orchestra out-of-doors to welcome the arrivals with music. A little later, how does Lorenzo describe the sky in the moonlit night? 2) Ans. Lorenzodescribes the sky as the floor of heaven. He says it is studded thick with glittering plates of bright gold. He is comparing the stars to small plates of gold. 3) What does Lorenzo say about the stars? Ans. As they move, every star, even the smallest one, is producing sweet music which is in concert with the cherub host of heaven who sing in praise of the Almighty. Such harmony also exists in human souls which are immortal; but when the souls are shut up in human bodies, we cannot hear it. The perishable flesh surrounds the soul and deadens the sound, soheavenly tones are inaudible to our ears. 4) Whateffect does sweet music have on Jessica? What reason does Lorenzo give for it? Ans. Jessica says that when she listens to sweet music, she becomes serious. It takes all the gaiety out of her. DATTAN TUTORIALS Mob.9137743339 Page 72 Lorenzo tells her that she becomes serious because for the time being. her whole mind 1s absorbed in it. 5) Describe the effect of music upon untamed spirits, Ans. Lorenzo according to Lorenzo s theoty" Says that one should observe savage and untamed beasts, or a number of wila, unbroken young horses, rushing madly over the plains, clamorouscries, full of energy and fierce strength. Even theyprancing wildly about witn come to a standsti and remain quietly listening, gazing calmly with eyes which lately quickly were so fierce, if they only hear the tones of a bugle ring out. 6) What does Lorenzo say about the man who has no love for music"? Ans. Lorenzo says that if a man has no love for music or whose music is incapable or responding tothe beauty of sweet harmonies, then he is capablesoul dishonesty. His spirit has no spark of brighter feelings: it is lifelessof treachery, intrigue and like the world sleeping at night. Hisemotions are sordid, and as dark as Hell. Such a man should never be trusted. Ref V LORENZO: By the sweet power of music: therefore the poet stones, and floods; Since naught so stockish, hard, and full of rage, But Music for the time doth change his nature. The Did feign that Orpheus drew trees, man that hath no musie in him self, Nor is not moved with concord of sweet sounds, Is fit for treasons, stratagems, and spoils; The motions of his spirit are dull as night, And his affections dark as Erebus: Let no such man betrusted. Mark the music. Who was Orpheus? What effect did his music bave on things around? Ans. Orpheus was the son of the Muse, Calliope. He had been taught to play the lyre by the God Apollo. His music attracted not only men but beasts (animals) and elements of nature too like trees and rocks etc. 1) 2) Give meaning of: (a) stockish Ans. (a) stubborm (b) (b) stratagems plots (c) spoils (c) destruction DATTANI TUTORIALS Mob.9137743339 Page 73 3) What does Lorenzo think of a man who has no love for music? Who is Lorenzo referring to? Ans. Lorenzo feels a man who hates music is cold inside and one can expect treachery and dishonesty from him. His spirit has no spark and he is lifeless. His emotions are as dark as hell and such a man should never be trusted. Lorenzo may be referring to Shylock as Shylock believes that music issomething sinful and trivial. 4) 'Dark as Erebus': Explain Ans. In the classical mythology, Erebus is the home of the dead, the area of darkness near hell. Erebus was the son of Chaos., his name symbolizes darkness. 'Dark as Erebus' is said so as it isapplied to the dark and gloomy space under the earth through which the dead soul had to walk in their passage to Hades. What rem ark does Portia make about music? 5) Ans. Portia says that we appreciate things much better when we have leisure to pay attention to them. We can enjoy a good thing only at the appropriate time and place. So, however perfect the music is in daytime, it sounds sweeter in the night. Ref VI Portia He knows me,as the blind man knows the cuckoo, by the bad voice. 1) Whois Portia talking about? What does she mean by "He knows me, as the blind man knows the cuckoo, by bad voice"? Ans. Portia is talking about Lorenzo. Portia says that Lorenzo recognizes her by her unmusical voice just as a blind man recognizes a cuckoo by its bad voice. 2) Earlier in the scene, what birds are mentioned by Portia before Lorenzo recognized her? What does she say in connection with them? Ans. Portia mentions the crow, the lark, the nightingale the goose and the wren, before Lorenzo recognizes her. Portia says that when we pay to attention to it, the hoarse voice of the crow sounds as sweet as the melodious note of the lark. If the nightingale sings by day when every goose is cackling, it will not be appreciated any more than the twittering wren. The true value of a thing depends on the way it has been seen or heard at the most fitting time. Even good DATTANI TUTORIALS - Mob.9137743339 Page 74 things do not attain perfection and fail to deserve the praise due to them, simply because they are not well timed. 3) Ans. Who enters the scene now? Bassanio, Antonio, Gratiano and their followers enter the scene now. 4) What does Nerissa accuse Gratiano of? How does she condemn him? Ans. Nerissa has discovered that Gratiano has given the ring and accuses him of giving it to another woman. Nerissa says that even if he did not care sufficiently to keep it for her sake, yet for the sake of not breaking his earnest vow, he should have felt it was his duty to keep it. 5) Ans. 6) Ans. How does Gratiano describe the clerk to whom he gave the ring? Gratiano tells Nerissa he gave the ring to a boy. He was little, short youth no taller than Nerissa. He was the clerk of the young lawyer and he tallked, coaxed, and entreated him to give him the ring in payment for his services, until Gratiano could not be so hard-hearted as to refuse him any longer. What does Portia tell Gratiano about the ring she had given Bassanio? Portia tells Gratiano that she had also given a ring to her beloved husband. Bassanio, and made him swear never to part with it. He stands before them. She is willing to take an oath on his behalf that he will not part with it nor give it away though he were offered all the riches of the universe. 7) How does Portia retort to Bassanio, when he shows her that the ring is no longer on his finger? Ans. Portia retortsby saying that just as there is no ring on his finger, so there is no truth in his false heart. She swears that she will never be a wife to him until Bassanio shows her the ring again. 8) Who finally interferes in the quarrelling? What does he say? What does Portia say in response? Ans. Antonio finally interferes in the quarrelling and says that he is truly grieved that he is the cause of allthis quarrelling. Portia tells Antonio not to be troubled with their quarrelling and that he is welcome in spite of it. 7743339 DATTANI TTORIALS- Mob.913 Page 75 9) How does Antonio show that his confidence in Bassanio isunabated? Ans. Antonio tells Portia that once he had been surety for the welfare of her hushand Had it not been tor the worthy doctor to whom Bassanio gave her Antonio's brty would have enshed. He sayshat he is so sure of her husband's faithfulness that he is rea to te his surety again, and otter his soul as the forteit this time. He swears that never again wll Bassanio knowingv break his word to her. How does Portia reveal her disguised presence at the trial? 10) Ans. Portia gives Antonio the same ring and tells him to tell Bassanio to take better care of it than he did ot the last one. Basaniorecognizes the ring as his own.He is dumbtounded to se the ring which be gave to the doctor in Venice. Portia then gives letter to Bassanio to read which Bellario of Padus ent to him. She explains that in the letter at will be state that the doctor of law was Poris herself and that the young clerk was Nerissa. She tells all of them that Lorenzo will testify that both of them started on their journey immediately ater Bassanio snd Antonio did and that they bave only just returned in f ct, she has not even entered her house yet. 11) What good news does Portia give Antonio? Ans. Portia givers Antonio unexpected good news. She gives him another leter and tells him to open if quickBy. There he will find that three of his trading ships have unexpectaily rached their destinaion with all their ich cargo intact. She furher tells him that she will not tell him by what strange chance she happened to obrain the leter. What comforting news does Nerissa give Lorenzo? How does Lorenzo respond? Ans. From the wealthy Shylock, Nerissa give Lorenzo and Jessica, a special legal agrement in which he leaves both of them all hisriches and propertv at his death. Lorenzo tells Portia and Nerissa that they drop manna for staning eople. 12) Who has the last word in the play? What does he sav? 13) Ans. Gratiano has the last word in the plav. Gratiano says that for the remainder of his life. his chief care will e to guard Nerissas ring and never to part with it. MCQ 1, What were the qualities of the night in Act 5Scene 1? a. Moonlit, breezy, calm and quiet WOuldpronounce the sentence, Shyloch Sho sentence himto be hangedon the gallows instead of beingbaptized at the font. ACT VSCENE I 1) Troilus and Cressida- Troilus was one of the sons of Priam,the King of Troy and Cressida was a Greek maiden, the daughter of Calchas, a priest in the Grecian army besiegingTroy. Lorenzo says it was ona moonlit night like this that long ages ago, Troilus climbed onthe walls of Troy andsent forth sighs of love towards the tents of the Greeks, visible in the moonlight, where his beloved Cressida was sleeping that night, the night of her departure. DATTANI TUTORIALS - Mob.9I37743339 Page 82 2) 3) Tolus andCressida were lovers and had exchanged vows of eternal fidelity. However, uring the siege of Troy, Cressida was handed over to the Greeks in an exchange of pnsoners. She has vowed to remain constant, but soon fell in love with Diomede. For a long time, every night Troilus stoodon the walls of Troy looking at the Greek camp. Thus, Crrsida became a symbol of unfaithful lovers. Thisbe and Pyramus- Thisbe was a beautiful maiden of Babylonia. Pyramus also belonged to the same place. They were lovers. Jessica says that it was on amoonlit night like this when Thisbe, with a heart throbbing with fear, came daintily stepping over the dewy grass. The bright moonlight showed her theshadow of a lion, before she saw the lion, and warned in time, she fled away in terror. Thiste a Babylonian maiden and her lover Pyramus were forbidden to meet by their parents. One day they arranged to meet in a forest. Thisbe heard the roar of a lion and fled leaving her cloak behind. The lion seized the mantle and tore it, staining it with the blood of an ox it had just killed. Pyramus saw her blood-stained cloak, thought Thisbe wasdead and killed himself. Thisbe returned, saw her lover's body and killed herself too. Both became svmbols of faithful lovers. Dido and Aeneas- Dido was the queen of Carthage and the foundress of the city. Aeneas was the Trojan warrior who founded the city of Rome. Lorenzo says that on a moonlit night like this, Queen Dido stood on the wild sea shore, carrying in her hand a willow wand, the emblem of forsaken love, waving to her lover, Aeneas in his ship, vainly appealing to him to return to her. Aeneas wasthe Trojan warrior who founded the city of Rome. During his voyage he reached Carthage where he loved Queen Dido. After a long stay with her, he sailed away leaving Dido heartbroken. She killed herself out of grief. Shakespeare says that it must have been on a beautiful moon-night that Dido walked sadly on the seashore, holding in her hand a willow, the symbol of deserted love. She to beckoned Aeneas to come back to Carhage. 4) Jason and Medea- Jason, a famous Greek hero led an expedition to Colchis in search of golden ram's fleece. Medea, his wife helped him to win the golden fleece. Besides,she gathered herbs of magical properties by night and administered them to her aged father-in-law Aeson to restore his youth. (Elizabethans believed that certain herbs had magical properties, if gathered by night.) Jessica says that on a moonlit night as this, Medea went forth to gather the magic herbs with which to work her spells, and by means of which she gave the aged Aeson the gift of renewed youth. 5) Diana- Roman Goddess of chastity and of the moon. She fell in love with the beautiful Endymion and came down from bheaven every night to live vith him. D4IT7 TLTORIALS- MoA9I37743339 Page 83 6) Motion- Movement. Elizabethans believed that rvery tar or panet prted, in s motion, a peculiar musicalnote and the eombinatin d all nrAm Umps "the grand harmony of the universe" The angels are sadtn be lintening ty the m the stars. As they move, every star, even the smallest ore, isprodxinz tH mn a n concert with the cherub host of heaven who sing in przise f the Ality. Sh A also exists in hurman souls which are fmnoral: but whe tteos e s in bodics, we cannot hear it The perishable flesh surrounds te ol i aia e so heavenly tones are inaudible to our ears. 7) Ovid and Orpheus- Orpheus was the son of the Muse, Callinpe He had been tavgt to play the lyre by the God Apollo. His music attracted not onty mes but bezsts (animals)and elements of nature too like trees and rock ete. The Roman Poet Ovidnarrated how Orpheus. 2 Greek musiciz, rate HIEs streams move from place to place, by the power of his music. 8) Erebus- In the classical mythology, Erebus is the bome of the dead the area of darkness near helL Erebus was the son of Chaos, his namesymbolzes dars Dark as Erebus' is said so as it is applied to the dark and goomy space under the earth through which the dead soul had to walk in their passage to Hades Lorenzo says that if aman has no love for music wbose soul music is cazbe c responding to the beauty of sweet harmonies, then be is ca able of treact.irii dishonesty. Hisspirit has no spark of brighter feelings: it is lifeless ke ie orii sleeping at night. His emotions are sordid. and as dakas Hell Such a manline be trusted 9) Endymion- Abeautiful youth who was loved by the moon. When he skpt zt night. the moon kissed him by pouring down her sivery light. 10) Antipodes- The Antipodes denote the points of theearh's surface which are exacty oppositeto each other. England has Australia for its Antipode since the wo countries are at the opposite points of the Earth. When the sun is shining in Australia, it is dark in England. Bassanio pays Portia an elaborate compliment He says that if Poriawaks a night she will illurminate the area with her brightness, as the sun does on the other side of he aorii 11) Manna- In the Old Testament of the Bible, the Jews are described as wandering people in the desert on a long journey. When they were starving. God sent them divine food called manna" which they found ying on the ground. This happened in answer to Moses' prayer to God. (Exodus 16:14). From the wealthy Shylock, Nerissa give Lorenzo and Jessica, aspecial legal agreement, in which he leaves both of them all his riches andpropertv at his death. Lorenzo tells Portia and Nerissa that they drop manna for starving people.

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