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ICSE Class X Prelims 2025 : Biology (R. B. K. School (RBK), Mira Road) : Bio prelim-2 paper

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Bhavish Shetty
R. B. K. School (RBK), Mira Road
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- SECOND pRELIM EXAM 2024-25 Max. Marks :SO Dur.: 2 Hrs Subject : BIOLOGY Grade: 10 oate: 09101/25 Number of printed pages : 8 SECTION A (40 Marks} (Attemi>t all questions from this section) Question 1 ~\) . Choose the correct answers to the questions J from the given options. l151 \ (1} CNG in fuel stands for: ~a) Condensed Natural Gas (b) Compress_ed Nitrogen Gas (c) Compressed Natural Gas (d) Condensed Nitrogen Gas (2) Which of the following is a genetic disorder in which the sufferers are at a risk of bleeding to death as blood fails to clot in them? (a) sickle cell anaemia '(b) haemophilia (c) colourblindness (d) astigmatism (3) Rekha placed two carrots of equal size and weight, one each, in two different beakers. Beaker A contained ~istilled water and Beaker B contained concentrated sugar solution. Aftef about few hours, her observations will be: (a) Carrot in Beaker A will float and B~aker B_ will sink. 1. (b) Carrot in Beaker A will sink and Beaker B will float. (c) Carrots in both Beaker A and Beaker B will sink. (d) Carrots in both Beaker A and Beaker B will float. ' ' (4) An aircraft flying alrpost 20,000 ft above sea !evel crash landed in a htt.ly_terrain. Few .. people who survived the crash, were. later found to be dead due to carbonmonoxide poisoning. This is because of formation of a stable compound ___ in the blood. (a) carbaminohaemoglobin. (b) oxyhaemoglobin ~(c) carboxyhaemoglobin (d) cyanocobalamine 1 RBK School ICSE- Grade 1-10 & ISC - Grade 11~12 I / (S) V~stigial organs are those organs that have ceased to be of any use to the possessor but st ~II persist generation after generation. Which of the following option In a man supports this statement? P: Wisdom teeth and canine teeth Q_:_ V~rmiform appendix and pinna R: Incisors and canines (a) Only p \ {b) Only Q (c) Only p and Q (d) Only Q and R ~S) People living near metal Industries, where there is constant hammering of metals, often suffer from hearing loss. This condition is due to damage to the _ __ "(a) tympanum (b) ciliary muscle {c) Eustachian tube (d) comea (7) Which of the following is a function of the cytokinins? (a) Promoting cell elongation. (b) Inducing Apical dominance , (c) 'Promotes chlorophyll synthesis in chloroplasts (d) Accelerates leaf senescence. (B) The site of maturation of sperms is , (a) Seminiferous tubule (b) Interstitial cells (c) Epididymis (d) Prostate gland (9) Which of the following statements represents the characteristic feature of the prophase? ~ (a) Centrioles move apart and reach opposite poles. (b) Sister chromatids reach opposite poles. (c) Chromosomes line up along the equator. (d) Spindle fibr0s disappear. (1O) Stimulation of nerves of sympathetic nervous system _ __ (a) retards heartbe~t (b) accelerates heartbeat (c) constricts pupil of the eyes (d) increases peristalsis 2 RBK School ICSE - Grade 1-10 & ISC - Grade 11-12 . ~ . , \ I d ye llow ------. eare h h we re young, aPP--- -- ic 0 f this ma y be w e ~re yan leaves of a ban st mo top the t. tha d ied not ne (11) An se re green. The most likely cau while the remaining leaves we ------------ phyll (a) n.~:m.-::f.ormation of new chloro . orophyll at all (b) the leaves did not have chl t. hgh s~n ng stro due to (c) chlorophyll was destroyed th 1 s. esi phot~syn (d) these leaves do not perform for dih ybr id cro ss in F2 ty c h 1 ratio P garden pea, the P eno (12) In Mendel's experiments on generation is: (a) 3:1 (b) 9:3:3:1 (c) 3:3:9:1 (d} 1:2:1 cha se a gra zin g de er, suddenly from the bushes to out s ing spr r tige a . en . Wh on: (13) Asserti it can deep into the forest. as t fas as ay aw s ion. run uat r Sit dee cy the erg en epares the deer's bo dy for em _pr in ess opr vas ne mo hor Reason: The , (a) A is true.and R is false. (b) A is false and R is true. (c) Both A and R ar.e. tr~e. (d) Both A.and Ra re false. i an d an alo e ve ra. He cony, a marigold, cactus, tuls bal his in nts pla ng you r fou to wa ter the (14) Rahul had forgot to inform his ne igh bo ur and r me sum in nth mo a for lhi ed . went to De were dead and on ly two sur viv nts pla two nd fou he rn, retu plants. on his His observation was- nt sur viv ed . t survive, cactus and tulsi pla no did a ver e alo and ld rigo ,(a) Ma ld and aloe vera survived. (b) Tulsi and cactus died, marigo e vera and cactus survived. (c) Marigold and tulsi died, alo marigold and tulsi survived. (d) Cactus arid aloe vera died, r squ the number of individuals pe (15) The term used to define i a) Population density (b) Death rate (c) Deruography (d) Birth rate 3 & ISC - Grade 11-12 RBK School ICSE - Grade 1-10 info@rbks e is: are kilo me ter at an y giv en tim I I -- - ------.------------- , ---------~ r= Question 2 (i) Name the following: erms. s as a lubricant for the sp rve se t tha ce tan bs su a a) Th.e. gland which secretes ve forms of a character. b) The term used for alternati ments and heartbeat. move with controlling breathing ciated ards the c) The part of brain asso which plant parts grow tow in nt me ve mo pic tro of d kin d) The term used for the Earth's gravity. ts halved. I er ge ich the chromosome numb wh in n isio div ll ce l na tio e) The type of reduc be in a the correct order so as to in up gro ch ea in ms ter (ii) Arrange and rewrite the ed. with the tenn that is underlin ical sequence beginning log o, blastocyst " a) foetus, morula, embry . leaves, ascent of sap b) water vapour, soil water ~ prophase. tefophase c) anaphase, metaphase tissue idermis, stoma, palisade d) spongy cells, up pe r ep eptor ron, sensory neuron, rec e) intemeuron, motomeu [5] V th suitable words: (ill) Fill in the blanks wi . The reason for the _ _under great pressure 1 e_ th gh ou thr ws flo eriole. This In a nephron, the blood r than the _ _3_ _ art we rro na is ole eri art _ ces 2_ er out along with substan filt high pressure is tha t the _ to od blo the of rt pa es the liquid ordinary hi gh _4_pressure caus . This filtration under extra ule tub al ren the o int ids ac such as glucose and amino _ _ 5 _ force is called _ _ to which the ms and name the category ter ing low fol the m fro t [5] (iv) Choose the odd one ou others belong: , cin, urochrome a) iodopsin, bilirubin, oxyto tonic, hypertonic b) hypotonic, neurotonic, iso ine, cytosine c) adenine, guanine, histam ine corticoids, adrenaline, thyrox seed d) mineralocorticoids, gluco inflated pea pod, green pea a, pe in ion sit po r we flo ry e) Purple pea flowers, axilla appropriate in Column I with the most (v) Match the items given : the correct matching pairs 4 rrc i: _ r,r;tde 1-10& ISC-Grade 11-12 ite ones in Column 11 and rewr [5 I ---- ~ Column I 1 Coleus f I ...... Column II a. ABA 2 Leydig cell 3 Birth rate 4 Spinal nerves 5 Stress hormone ~ ---- b. Natality c. 12 pairs d. Variegated leaf e. testosterone f. Mortality ' g. 31 pairs I I \ I I SECTION B (Attempt any four questions from this Section.) I I \ I Question 3 (i) Define lmbibition. ~ (ii) Expand: a)DNA b)MTP (iii) Mention two ways by Which insulin checks the rise of blood. sugar level in the body. (iv) Differentiate between the pair on the basis of the condition given in the bracket. LUBB and DUP (name the valves who~e closure produces the sound) ;Z{2] (v) Given below is a diagram depicting a defect of the human eye. Study the diagram carefu\\y and answer the following questions. -a) Name the eye_ defect shown in the diagram. b) Give one possible reason that causes . this defect? c) Name a suitable lens to rectify this defect. Question 4 (i) Expand IAA.. [1] st ory. (ii) at~ t~e principles of Lamarck's the t (iii) Differe~t t between al medulla (part of nephron located in tha ren and tex cor al ren e ,a ) region [21 [2] (iv) state any two functions of spleen. {v) ~tudy_the type of pollution shown in To11owing questions: I. [21 the figure below careful!y and answer the ~~ -~ -I I [3] wn in the a) Identify the kind of pollution sho given diagram. tw? _ga~es that are _mainly - ,: -~ b) Name any 0 on. responsible for t,11s kmd ~ polluti -=- . -. ~~ "' ~ es ~ights c) l;xplain the statement, "Sometim og. get cancelled or delayed due to sm ' Question 5 ? (i) Define mutation~ I [1] x 7- to reduce excessive tran~piration. nt pla rium Ne a in ns ptio ada two n (ii) Mentio the basis of its constituent. parts. on e' som leo nuc and tide leo nuc en (iii) Differentiate betwe m suitable to absorb water from the the ke ma t tha ts roo of s stic teri rac (iv) Mention two cha soil effectively. stage. a human foetus in its developmental g ictin dep m gra dia a is ow bel en Giv (v) r the following questions. Study the diagram care_fully and answe 1 6 [2] , [2] [2] [3] a) State one s. . oting the growth of the foe!us. ignificant role of part numbered 2 in prom b) Why d0 pregnant woman trips over two steps t~e foetus remain unharmed even if the . Whil 1~sb e c 1m tng down the stairs? human beings? (in days) of the developing embryo in od peri nal tatio ges mal nor th~ is t" c) Wha Question 6 7-- gland. (i) State the exact location of thyroid CFC's in many countries. (ii) State the reason for banning use of cord (iii) State any two functions of spinal in hepatic portal circulation. (iv) State any t~o ~ignificance of liver at the _figure a stage in the evolution of man. Look (v)' Given below is a diagram showing stions: carefully and ansv,er the following que [1] [2] [2] [2] [3] uti_on of man. a) Identify the given stage in the evol this stage. b) State the cranial capacity of man at logical sequence in the c) Arrange the foil owing in the correct ord er of evolution: tralopithecus, Ramapithecus Neanderthal man, Homohabilis, Aus Question 7 Or gametes. (i) State Mendel's Law of purity of male bo~y. Give reason. (ii) Testes is located in scrotal sacs outside e use of Gibberellins in food industry. (.iii) Mention any two reasons for extensiv population explosion in India. (iv) State any two factors responsible for ous labyrinth and label its parts. . (v) Draw a neat diagram of the membran [1] [2] . [2] [2] [3} Question 8 g, [11 (i) Define synapse. this condition. (ii) What is haematuria?- State a reason for ascent of sap. (iii) Mention two forces that contribute to Grade 11-12 RBK School ICSE - Grade 1-10 &- ISC - org info@rbkschoof. 7 [2 (Iv) What; 1 ? s adrenal v,r, ,sm What causes this condition? ct (v T pe as r a particula ) he figure ts an experiment to demonstrate en res rep low be e~ giv t Ph of rtain condition inside th~ flask. ce a ts en res rep 'A' t be h s ha alp e ... ~ osynf e is. Th . . .. ( I ent. a) State the aim of the 9xperim rch test. rva tio ns at the end of the sta se ob ir the in fer dif 2 d an 1 leaves b) Explain the manner in which equation for c) Give the balanced chemical photosynthesis.

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