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Chapter 3.2 - Electric Motors

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Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (JNTUH), Hyderabad
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Question bank for Energy Managers & Energy Auditors Chapter 3.2: Electric Motors Part I: Objective type questions and answers 1. The synchronous speed of a motor with 6 poles and operating at 50 Hz frequency is ___. a) 1500 2. b) 3-7% c) 10% and above d) 8-10% b) square of speed c) cube of speed b) SPDP c) Both d) None What determines the thermal loading on the motor? a) Duty/Load cycle b) Temperature of the winding c) Age of the motor 6. d) not applicable Which types of following motors are most efficient? a) TEFC 5. d) 750 The power consumption, in case of centrifugal loads (like pump, fan, blower etc.), proportional to ____. a) speed 4. c) 3000 The efficiency figures for energy efficient motors (in comparison with standard efficiency motor) can be generally higher by____%. a) 1% 3. b) 1000 d) Ambient conditions Unbalance in voltages at motor terminals is caused by ____. a) Supplying single phase loads disproportionately c) Both (a) & (b) 7. b) Use of different sizes of cables d) None of the above With decrease in speed of the motor, the required capacitive kVAr: a) Increases 8. b) Decreases c) Does not change d) None of the above Application of DC motors is generally restricted to a few load speed applications because of _____. a) cost of the motor is high c) Maintenance problems 9. b) problems with mechanical commutation d) None of the above The speed of an AC motor depends on ____ . a) Frequency c) both (a) and (b) 10. b) No. of poles d) None of the above The speed of the motor can be varied by ___. a) Changing supply frequency c) Using multi speed windings 11. b) Changing no. of poles d) All the above Which of the following are ill suited for energy efficient motors application? a) Pumps 12. b) Fans c) Punch Presses d) All the above Reduction in supply voltage by 10% will change the torque of the motor by ___. a) 38% b) 19% c) 9.5% 3.2 electric motors - revised (table format) d) no change 10

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