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Chapter 3.8 - Lighting System

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Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (JNTUH), Hyderabad
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Question bank for Energy Managers & Energy Auditors Chapter 3.8: Lighting System Part-I: Objective type questions and answers 1. GLS stands for_____. a) General Lamp source c) General Lighting Service 2. b) General Lamp Service d) General Lighting Source A device that distributes and filters the light emitted from one or more lamps is ___. a) Control gear 3. b) Lamp c) Luminaire Ignitors are used for starting____. a) FTL b) CFL c) Sodium vapor lamps 4. d) None of the above The ratio of luminous flux emitted by a lamp to the power consumed by the lamp is ___. a) Illuminace 5. d) Starter b) Lux c) Luminous Efficacy d) CRI Which of the following is the best definition of illuminance? a) Time rate of flow of light energy b) Luminous flux incident on an object per unit area c) Flux density emitted from an object without regard for direction d) Flux density emitted from an object in a given direction 6. Color rendering index is measured in the scale of____. a) 1 100 7. c) 100 1000 b) Excellent c) Average d) Very poor One lux is equal to ___. a) one lumen per meter b) one lumen per m3 9. d) None Color rendering index of Halogen lamps compared to low pressure sodium vapor lamps is ___. a) Poor 8. b) 1 100% c) one lumen per m2 d) None Color rendering index of incandescent lamp is: a) fair when compared to HPSV lamp b) poor when compared to LPSV lamp c) same when compared to HPMV lamp d) excellent when compared to fluorescent lamp 10. Which of the following light source has least life? a) Sodium vapor 11. c) Halogen d) incandescent The minimum illuminance required for non working interiors as per IS 3646 is___. a) 100 lux 12. b) Mercury Vapour b) 50 lux c) 20 lux d) 1000 lux For the same lamp output, 250 W HPMV lamp can be replaced with____. a) 150 W HPSV b) 200 W GLS c) 25 W CFL 3.8 Lighting system - revised (table format) d) 150 W HPMV 58 Question bank for Energy Managers & Energy Auditors 13. If voltage is reduced for gas discharge lamps, it will result in a) Reduced power consumption b) Increased power consumption c) Increased light levels d) No change in power consumption 14. The percentage savings when a 300 W GLS lamp replaced with 250 W ML lamp are: a) 83% 15. b) 17% b) 10,000 hours b) HPSV c) HPMV d) Incandescent b) less than 5 m c) Above 10 m d) Less than 1 m Replacing a 400 W HPMV with 250 V HPSV lamp in street lighting operate for 4000 hours per annum will result in annual energy savings of: a) 600 kWh 19. d) 1,000 hours Low bay application areas are classified for heights____ a) Between 5 -7 m 18. c) 7,000 hours Suitable lamp sources for the application of street lighting are____ a) halogen lamps 17. d) None of the above The average rated life of CFL is___ a) 5,000 hours 16. c) 9% b) 300 kWh c) 150 kWh d) 1000 kWh What is the typical frequency of operation of electronic ballast? a) 50 Hz b) 10 kHz c) 50 kHz d) 30 kHz 20. Which of the following options reduces the lighting consumption in the wide spread plant? a) Replacing 150 W HPSV lamps with 250 W HPMV lamps b) Maintaining 260 V for the lighting circuit with 220 V rated lamps c) Installing separate lighting transformer and maintaining optimum voltage d) None of the above Part-II: Short type questions and answers 1. What is a lamp and describe briefly the most commonly used lamps? Lamp is equipment which produces light. Lamps that are commonly used are: Incandescent, gas discharge lamps, include mercury, metal halide and high pressure sodium, low pressure sodium and fluorescent lights. 2. What is the difference between a filament lamp and a gas discharge lamp ? Filament lamps like incandescent lamps produce light by virtue of a filament heated to incandescence by the flow of electric current through it. The light from a gas discharge lamp is not produced by heating a filament, but by the excitation of gas contained in either a tubular or elliptical outer bulb. 3. What is the function of Luminaire in a lighting system? Luminaire is a device that distributes filters or transforms the light emitted from one or more lamps. 3.8 Lighting system - revised (table format) 59 Question bank for Energy Managers & Energy Auditors 4. What does a luminaire consists of? Luminaire or light fixture consists of the following components: Lamp socket, Ballasts, Reflective material, Lenses, refractors or louvers, 5. Lamps, housings Define Lux (lx)? Lux (lx) is the illuminance produced by a luminous flux of one lumen, uniformly distributed over a surface area of one square meter. It is also defined as the International System unit of illumination, equal to one lumen per square meter. 6. Define luminous efficacy? Luminous efficacy is defined as the ratio of luminous flux emitted by a lamp to the power consumed by the lamp. Efficacy is energy efficiency of conversion from electricity to light form. 7. What is Colour Rendering Index (CRI) in lighting technology? Colour Rendering Index (CRI) is a measure of the degree to which the colours of surfaces illuminated by a given light source confirm to those of the same surfaces under a reference illuminent; suitable allowance having been made for the state of Chromatic adaptation. 8. What should be the criteria for selecting energy efficient lamps replacement options? The lamp efficacy i.e., the ratio of light output in lumens to power input to lamps in watts should form the basis for energy efficient replacement options. Over the years development in lamp technology has led to improvements in efficacy of lamps. However, the low efficacy lamps, such as incandescent bulbs, still constitute a major share of the lighting load. High efficacy gas discharge lamps suitable for different types of applications offer appreciable scope for energy conservation. 9. Highlight advantages of CFL lamp (compact fluorescent lamp) over incandescent lamps? CFL lamps are generally used as replacement for incandescent lamps. The following are the advantages of CFL lamps over incandescent lamps: a. b. Longer life (typically 10,000 hours), c. Higher energy savings and hence cost savings (nearly 80% saving), d. 10. Higher illumination level (55-65 lm/watt) less heat generation What are the main disadvantages of filament lamps for panel indicator lamp application? Comparatively high energy consumption ( 15 W/lamp) than LED lamps Failure of lamps is high Very sensitive to voltage fluctuations 11. What are the merits of LED lamps over filament lamps ? Less power consumption ( less than 1Watt/lamp) Withstand high voltage fluctuation in the power supply 3.8 Lighting system - revised (table format) 60 Question bank for Energy Managers & Energy Auditors Longer operating life ( more than 100000 hours) 12. How good lighting distribution can be achieved in a plant? For achieving better efficiency, luminaires that are having light distribution characteristics appropriate for the task interior should be selected. The luminaires fitted with a lamp should ensure that discomfort glare and veiling reflections are minimised. Installation of suitable luminaires depends upon the height - Low, Medium & High Bay. System layout and fixing of the luminaires play a major role in achieving energy efficiency. This also varies from application to application. Hence, fixing the luminaires at optimum height and usage of mirror optic luminaries leads to energy efficiency. 13. Highlight various ways of how the light can be controlled efficiently in a facility? Various ways of light control techniques available in a facility are: Installation of microprocessor based controllers with occupancy sensors, infrared sensors, movement detectors Optimum usage of day-lighting and photovoltaic controls Installation of exclusive transformer for lighting 14. Grouping of lighting circuits which can be controlled manually or timer based control Installation of servo stabilizer for lighting feeder What are the advantages of installing microprocessor based controllers for lighting circuit? A new method of lighting circuit controls through microprocessor based controllers is becoming popular. This is achieved by infrared controlled dimming, use of movement detectors, occupancy sensors, to feed signals to control ON & OFF of lighting circuits. This method of control uses pre-programmed commands using logic circuits. 15. Describe the advantages of providing transformer exclusively for lighting? Most of the problems faced by the lighting equipment and the gears are due to the supply voltage fluctuations. Hence, the lighting equipments have to be isolated from the power feeders. This is carried out by installing lighting voltage transformers, which regulate the voltage exclusively for lighting circuits. This reduces the voltage related problems in turn increasing the efficiency of the lighting system. This also results in energy saving during the periods when the supply voltage levels are on higher side. In addition, it increases the life and performance of the control gear units of the lamps due to better voltage regulation. 16. Give a short note on utilization of Day lighting ? Whenever the orientation of a building permits, day lighting can be used in combination with electric lighting. This should not introduce glare or a severe imbalance of brightness in visual environment. Usage of day lighting (in offices / air conditioned halls) will have to be very limited, because the air conditioning load will increase on account of the increased solar heat dissipation into the area. In many cases, a switching method, to enable reduction of electric light in the window zones during certain hours has to be designed. 17. What are the advantages of installing a servo stabilizer for lighting circuits? Installation of a servo stabilizer provides a stabilized voltage to the lighting circuits. The performance of the gears such as chokes, ballasts, will be improved due to the stabilized voltage. This set up also provides, the option to optimize the voltage level fed to the lighting feeder. In many plants, during the non peaking hours, the voltage levels are on the higher side. During this period, voltage can be optimized, without any significant drops in illumination but at reduced power consumption. 3.8 Lighting system - revised (table format) 61 Question bank for Energy Managers & Energy Auditors 18. What do you understand by illumination ranges given in IS 3646? A range of illuminances is recommended for each type of interior or activity. Each range consists of three successive steps of the recommended scale of illuminances. For working interiors the middle value (R) of each range represents the recommended service illuminance that would be used unless one or more of the factors mentioned apply. The higher value ( H) of the range should be used at exceptional cases where low reflectance s or contrast are present in the task, errors are costly to rectify, visual work is critical, accuracy or higher productivity is of great importance and the visual capacity of the worker makes it necessary. Similarly, lower value ( L) of the range may be used when reflectance s or contrast is unusually high, speed & accuracy is not important and the task is executed only occasionally. 19. Highlight the advantages of high frequency (HF) electronic ballasts in place of conventional ballasts? Electromagnetic chokes consume more energy compared to electronic chokes. Less heat generation, hence reduced loading on A/c (in A/C rooms). Lights instantly Improved power factor Less weight, Increased lamp life 20. Describe briefly the advantage of replacing a typical 250W HPMV with suitable HPSV lamp for street lighting purpose? 150 watt high pressure sodium vapour lamp can be used to a 250 watt mercury vapour lamp for street lighting purpose. A 250 watt mercury vapour lamp produces 12700 lumens output, where as a 150 watt H.P. sodium vapour lamp produces 15000 lumens output. A HPSV lamp can produce more lumens output with 100 watt less power consumption, though colour rendering index is not as good as a mercury vapour lamp. 250W HPMW lamp has around 5000 hours of burning life while 150W HPSV has about 12000 hours of burning life. Part-III: Long type questions and answers 1. List all the possible energy conservation measures possible in lighting system? Following are the possible energy conservation measures possible in lighting system: a. Use of natural day lighting, b. Use of electronic chokes instead of conventional electromagnetic ballasts, c. Use of 36 watt slim tubes instead of 40 watt standard fluorescent tube lamps, d. Use of CFL lamps instead of GLS lamps with e-chokes, e. Use of 250w, 150w, 70w sodium vapour / metal halide lamps to replace 400w, 250w, 125w mercury vapour lamps, f. Use of electronic chokes for HPSV, HPMV and metal halide lamps, g. Use of lighting voltage transformers for lighting circuits. h. Use of timer control or photo-sensors for lighting circuit control for occupancy control and street lighting purposes, i. Use of dimming controls, 3.8 Lighting system - revised (table format) 62 Question bank for Energy Managers & Energy Auditors j. Use of high reflectivity light fittings, k. Use of task lamps instead of cluster of lamps, l. Individual lamp controls instead of group switching, etc. 2. Describe the step by step methodology of lighting system audit in a plant? Improvement option in lighting at any facility would involve following step by step approach: a. Step-1: Inventorise the lighting system elements with respect to device rating, population & use profile. b. Step-2: Measure and document lux levels at various plan locations at working place, at day time and night times w.r.t lamps ON or OFF during the said period. c. Step-3: Use a portable load analyzer to measure and document the voltage and power consumption profile at various lighting load distribution panels d. Step-4: Compare the measured lux values with standard values and identify locations of under-lit and over-lit areas e. f. 3. Step-5: Analysis of failure rates of lamps, ballasts and actual life expectancy levels from the past data. Step-6: Based on above careful assessment has to be carried out along with energy saving potential, investment required and payback calculations. Compare the techno-economics of replacing 400 W HPMV lamps with 250 W HPSV, 250 W HPMV with 150 W HPSV and 125 W HPMV with 70 W HPSV lamps for same light output for 4500 hours of annual operation and consider Rs. 4.5 as per unit cost? A 400 watt HPMV lamp can be replaced by a 250 watt HPSV or metal halide lamp without any change in light output (though color rendering effect may be different). Similarly 250 watt & 125 watt HPMV lamps can be replaced by 150 watt & 70 watt HPSV / metal halide lamps. Savings due to these replacements are worked out below considering 4500 hrs of operation at Rs.4.50 per unit of energy. Replacement of HPMV with HPSV / MH lamp 400 W to 250 W 250 W to 150 W Power savings per lamp 150W 100W 55W Energy savings per lamp per annum (excluding ballast loss savings) 675 kWh 450 kWh 247.5 kWh Energy cost saving per lamp per annum Rs.3,037.50 Rs.2,025.00 Rs.1,113.75 Simple pay back period 4. 125 W to 70 W Less than 1 to 2 years, though MH lamps are costlier compared to HPSV lamps Compare the efficacy, colour rendering index and life of generally used lamps in the industry. Also state the typical applications of the same. 3.8 Lighting system - revised (table format) 63 Question bank for Energy Managers & Energy Auditors Type of Lamp Lux / Watt Incandescent 8-18 14 Avg. Range Fluorescent Lamps Color Typical Application Rendering Excellent Homes, restaurants, general lighting, emergency lighting Life (Hours) 1000 46-60 50 Good w.r.t. Offices, shops, hospitals, coating homes 5000 Compact fluorescent 40-70 lamps (CFL) 60 Very good Hotels, shops, homes, offices 8000-10000 High pressure mercury (HPMV) 44-57 50 Fair General lighting in factories, garages, car parking, flood lighting 5000 Halogen lamps 18-24 20 Excellent Display, flood lighting, stadium exhibition grounds, construction areas 2000-4000 High pressure sodium (HPSV) SON 67-121 90 Fair General lighting in factories, ware houses, street lighting 6000-12000 Poor Roadways, tunnels, canals, street lighting 6000-12000 Low pressure 101-175 150 sodium (LPSV) SOX 5. Tabulate the types of luminaries with their gear and controls used in different industrial locations? Location Source Luminaire Gear Controls Plant HID/FTL Industrial rail reflector: Conventional/low loss Manual/electronic electronic ballast High bay Medium bay Low bay Office FTL/CFL FTL/CFL Electronic/low loss Manual/auto Yard HID Flood light Suitable Manual Road peripheral HID/PL Street light luminaire Suitable Manual 3.8 Lighting system - revised (table format) 64

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