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1st National Certification Exam Energy Auditors 2004 Paper 2

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Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (JNTUH), Hyderabad
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Paper EA2 - Energy Auditor - Set A NATIONAL CERTIFICATION EXAMINATION 2004 FOR ENERGY AUDITORS PAPER EA2: Energy Efficiency in Thermal Utilities Date: 22.05.2004 Timings: 1400 - 1700 HRS Duration: 3 HRS Max. Marks: 150 General instructions: o o o o o Please check that this question paper contains 7 printed pages Please check that this question paper contains 65 questions The question paper is divided into three sections All questions in all three sections are compulsory All parts of a question should be answered at one place Section I: OBJECTIVE TYPE (i) (ii) (iii) 1. Answer all 50 questions Each question carries one mark Put a ( ) tick mark in the appropriate box in the answer book Excess air can be derived by measuring percentage of .. in flue gas a) CH4 2. c) Coal d) Natural Gas b) Iso-Octane c) Hexane d) Propane b) Hydrogen in fuel c) Sulphur in fuel d) Ash in fuel b) 11.6 c) 3.76 d) none of the above Which parameter of coal gives a rough estimate of Calorific Value a) Hydrogen 7. b) LDO Stoichiometric air to fuel ratio for burning one kg of Carbon is a) 10.0 6. d) N2 The limiting temperature to which the flue gases can be cooled is influenced by percentage of a) Carbon in fuel 5. c) CO LPG consists of one of the following a) Methane 4. b) O2 Which of the following fuel requires the largest amount of excess air for complete combustion? a) Furnace Oil 3. Marks: 50 x 1 = 50 b) Fixed Carbon c) Carbon d) none of the above. A system in which the boiler operates with a FD and ID fan is called a) Natural draft _______________________ Bureau of Energy Efficiency b) Forced draft c) Induced draft d) Balanced draft 1 Paper EA2 - Energy Auditor - Set A 8. Steam generation in a boiler is 26 tonnes in 2 hours. Fuel consumption in the same period is 1 ton per hour. Continuous blow down is 10% of feed water input. The evaporation ratio is a) 11.7 9. b) 12 c) 13 Suitable atomizing viscosity of fuel oil for use in LAP/MAP burners is a) 300 Redwood Seconds-1 c) 400 Redwood Seconds-1 10. b) 100 Redwood Seconds-1 d) 600 Redwood Seconds-1 The evaporation ratio in a fuel oil fired boiler was found to be 20 . This was mainly due to a) more feed water fed in c) low dryness of the generated steam 11. b) deaeration c) 12 kgs/cm2 b) 125 mm in 30 metres d) 350 mm in 30 metres Which of the following is not a property of ceramic fibre insulation? b) light weight d) thermal shock resistant Furnace wall heat loss does not depend on b) velocity of air around the furnace d) stock to be heated. Which of the steam traps operates on the principle of difference in density between steam and condensate a) thermostatic 19. d) 20 kgs/cm2 b) stand alone gas turbine d) extraction condensing turbine a) temperatures of external wall surfaces c) k-value 18. d) none of the above Steam mains should be run with a falling slope of in the direction of steam flow for effective line condensate drainage a) low thermal conductivity c) high heat capacity 17. d) none of the above Which of the following has the highest overall efficiency a) 50 mm in 30 meteres c) 250 mm in 30 metres 16. c) deoxidation b) 8 kgs/cm2 a) combined cycle c) back pressure steam turbine 15. c) scale formation Enthalpy of evaporation of steam will be highest at a) 2 kgs/cm2 14. b) corrosion Removal of dissolved gases from the boiler feed water is called a) degasification 13. b) over capacity utilization of boiler d) none of the above The presence of silica in the boiler water causes a) steam carryover 12. d) 26 b) inverted bucket c) bi-metallic d) none of the above Which property of ceramic coating influences energy savings in furnaces a) conductivity c) emissivity _______________________ Bureau of Energy Efficiency b) convective heat transfer coefficient d) coating thickness 2 Paper EA2 - Energy Auditor - Set A 20. Heat loss through openings in furnaces is directly proportional to a) fourth power of furnace temperature b) square of absolute furnace temperature c) absolute furnace temperature d) fourth power of absolute furnace temperature 21. Fluidized bed temperature exceeding 950 o C in a FBC boiler may result in a) over heating 22. b) 60-70% b) topping cycle b) 1300oC c) heat wheel b) heat pump d) regenerator c) plate heat exchanger b) 400oC c) 600oC b) heat pump b) 2.5% c) 4.5% d) economizer d) 800oC c) heat wheel d) economizer d) none of the above The working media in a thermocompressor is b) compressed air c) high temperature oil d) steam Which of the following boiler has lowest permissible boiler drum TDS concentration a) low pressure water tube boiler c) lancashire boiler 33. d) 1700o C A three mm thick soot deposit on the heat transfer surface of a fire tube boiler can cause an increase in fuel consumption of a) electricity 32. d) cogeneration cycle Recovery of heat from dryer exhaust air is a typical application of a) 0.5% 31. c) combined cycle c) 1000oC b) recuperator a) waste heat recovery boiler 30. d) none of the above The waste heat recovery equipment in a combustion system will be more economical when the exit flue gases are at a temperature of a) 200oC 29. c) settling velocity The device that upgrades a low temperature heat source to a high temperature sink is called a) heat pipe 28. b) slip velocity Which among the following uses a working fluid for heat recovery a) heat pipe 27. d) none of the above Ceramic recuperators can withstand gas side temperature up to a) 400oC 26. c) 30-40% A cycle which generates first electricity or mechanical power is called a) bottoming cycle 25. d) ash carry over The difference between mean solid and mean gas velocity in FBC boiler is called a) fluidization factor 24. c) melting of lime stones In coal fired FBC boilers the percentage of bottom ash to the total ash is in the range of a) 20% 23. b) ash fusion b) fire tube boiler d) none of the above A power plant which uses first a gas turbine followed by steam turbine for power generation is called a) topping cycle _______________________ Bureau of Energy Efficiency b) combined cycle c) Brayton cycle d) bottoming cycle 3 Paper EA2 - Energy Auditor - Set A 34. The Gross Calorific Value of furnace oil, LSHS and LDO is of the order of a) 30 MJ /kg. 35. b) 32 MJ / kg. b) combined heat and power system d) Brayton system Which of the following loss component is the main contributor to total energy losses in an oil fired reheating furnace a) sensible heat loss in flue gas c) skin losses 37 b) loss due to evaporation of moisture in fuel d) heat loss through openings Velocity of steam in a pipe does strongly depend on a) number of bends and valves in the pipe c) length of the pipe 38. limitation of reduced life for handling high temperature manufacturing difficulty of the required design limitation of handling SOx, NOx gases. none of the above Which of the following will not conserve energy in a furnace a) preheating combustion air c) charge preheating 40. b) basic b) cooling tower d) boiler b) reheating furnaces d) heat treatment furnaces b) settling chamber c) cyclone d) scrubber system High emissivity coatings are most effective on a) inner surface of furnace c) refrigeration pipings 45. c) steam or gas turbine In a CFBC boiler the capture and recycling of bed materials is accomplished by a) bag filter 44. d) none of the above Regenerators are widely used in a) glass melting furnaces c) baking ovens 43. c) neutral The equipment having the highest efficiency in case of conventional power plant is a) electric generator 42. b) minimizing excess air d) addition of more burners Alumina is a .. type of refractory. a) acid 41. b) specific volume of steam d) none of the above The major limitation of a metallic recuperator is a) b) c) d) 39. d) 36 MJ / kg. Co-generation system is also known as a) reversible system c) re-generation system 36. c) 40 MJ /kg. b) outer surface of furnace d) none of the above Which of the following does not contribute to steam savings a) insulation of steam pipe lines b) superheated steam for indirect process heating c) providing dry steam for process d) none of the above _______________________ Bureau of Energy Efficiency 4 Paper EA2 - Energy Auditor - Set A 46. The efficiency of a typical FBC boiler would be around a) 90% 47. b) 80% c) 60% d) 50% In FBC boiler the combustion is carried out at a temperature a) closer to steam temperature b) below ash fusion temperature of fuel used c) at adiabatic combustion temperature d) at and above ash fusion temperature 48. The coefficient of thermal expansion of refractory material should be a) low 49. c) high d) very high The purpose of venting air from steam systems is because air is a a) insulator 50. b) medium b) good conductor c) inert substance d) dilutant Estimate the efficiency of a re-heating furnace, operating at 10 tonnes per hour and consuming furnace oil of 460 kg/hour for reheating the material from 40oC to 1100oC. Consider specific heat of material as 0.13 kCal/kgoC. a) 25% b) 30% c) 35% d) 40% End of Section I . Section II: SHORT DESCRIPTIVE QUESTIONS (i) (ii) Marks: 10 x 5 = 50 Answer all Ten questions Each question carries Five marks S-1. List all the elements of an Ultimate Chemical Analysis of coal. Which additional coal information is necessary for the calculation of boiler efficiency. S-2. A boiler operator is trying to reduce excess air level from 30% to 10% in a coal fired boiler. Describe what will most likely happen to the CO, CO2 concentration as well as amount of unburnt carbon in the flue gas. Explain your answer! S-3. Explain why blow down is done in a boiler. List a disadvantage of blow down. S-4. What is the need for boiler feed water treatment? S-5. What happens to steam properties such as saturation temperature, enthalpy of evaporation, latent heat of steam, enthalpy of steam and specific volume of steam if the steam pressure is increased? S-6. How are SO2 emissions controlled in a FBC boiler and describe the method. _______________________ Bureau of Energy Efficiency 5 Paper EA2 - Energy Auditor - Set A S-7. Match the following: Cogeneration system Typical range of heat to power ratio a) Back pressure steam turbine b) Extraction-condensing steam turbine c) Gas turbine d) Combined cycle e) Reciprocating engine 1) 4.0 - 14.3 2) 1.1 2.5 3) 1.0 1.7 4) 1.3 2.0 5) 2.0 10.0 S-8. Define the efficiency of a furnace and explain why furnace efficiencies are lower than boiler efficiencies. State measures to improve the efficiency of furnaces. S-9. Draw the appropriate curves and mark the point of most economical insulation thickness in a X Y coordinate system where the Y-axis represents annual costs and X-axis represents the insulation thickness of a furnace. S-10. In a heat exchanger 90oC hot water flows inside the tube. Hot combustion gas at 600oC passes at the outside of the water tube. What is your best judgement about the surface temperature of the tube at the gas side? Explain! End of Section II Section III: LONG DESCRIPTIVE QUESTIONS (i) (ii) Marks: 5 x 10 = 50 Answer all Five questions Each question carries Ten marks L-1. Calculate i) The stoichiometric amount of combustion air required for the fuel whose composition is given below. ii) Calculate the NCV of the fuel based on the GCV of the fuel of 10,880 kcal/kg. Fuel composition data Constituents Carbon Hydrogen Oxygen Nitrogen Sulphur H2O Ash _______________________ Bureau of Energy Efficiency % by weight 85.9 12 0.7 0.5 0.5 0.35 0.05 6 Paper EA2 - Energy Auditor - Set A L-2. Explain the concept of a FBC boiler with a sketch. What are the major benefits of using a FBC boiler. L-3. Calculate the annual financial loss from an opening in a reheating furnace which is 1m x 1m, assuming a factor for total radiation of 0.70. The furnace radiates at 1200 C, and is operated for 12 hours a day, 200 days per year. Fuel oil costs are Rs.14,000/- per tonne and the oil has a Calorific Value of 10,000 kcal/kg. Ignore ambient temperature. L-4. A steam pipeline of 100 mm outer diameter is not insulated for 100 meters and supplying steam at 10 kg/cm2. Find out the annual fuel savings if the line is properly insulated with 65 mm insulating material. Assume 7000 hours/year of operation. Given: Boiler efficiency Fuel Oil cost Calorific Value of fuel oil Surface temperature without insulation Surface temperature after insulation Ambient temperature L-5. 90% Rs.13,000/tonne 10,300 kcal/kg 180oC 75oC 30oC Why is it advantageous to use steam at the lowest acceptable pressure in a process? End of Section III . _______________________ Bureau of Energy Efficiency 7

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