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12th National Certification Exam Energy Managers & Auditors OCTOBER 2011 Paper 4

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Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (JNTUH), Hyderabad
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Paper 4 Energy Auditor Set A Key 12th NATIONAL CERTIFICATION EXAMINATION FOR ENERGY AUDITORS October, 2011 PAPER 4: Energy Performance Assessment for Equipment and Utility Systems Date: 16.10.2011 Timings: 14:00-16:00 HRS Duration: 2 HRS Max. Marks: 100 General instructions: o o o o o Please check that this question paper contains 12 printed pages Please check that this question paper contains 16 questions The question paper is divided into three sections All questions in all three sections are compulsory All parts of a question should be answered at one place Section - I: BRIEF QUESTIONS Marks: 10 x 1 = 10 (i) Answer all Ten questions (ii) Each question carries One mark S-1 When you do a walk through energy audit of a cooling tower, which two parameters will you quickly spot check for indication of the cooling tower performance? Ans Cold well temperature and wet bulb temperature (Range and approach may also be considered) S-2 Which component of a cooling tower enhances heat transfer by maximizing water and air contact? Ans S-3 Fill What is the index used to express the harmonics level in an electrical system? Ans S-4 Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) The EER of an air conditioner as indicated in BEE Star labeling scheme is represented in_________ Ans S-5 Watts/Watts For the determination of which boiler losses by indirect method, the specific heat of superheated water vapour is used? Ans Loss due to moisture in air, loss due to hydrogen in fuel and loss due to moisture in 1 _______________________ Bureau of Energy Efficiency Paper 4 Energy Auditor Set A Key fuel S-6 Ans S-7 Ans S-8 Ans S-9 (Full marks may be given for any two right answers) While reducing excess air in a boiler, what two parameters should be closely monitored in the exit flue gases? CO and O2 Between back pressure turbine and condensing turbine which will have more power generation efficiency? Condensing turbine Calculate the boiler efficiency where the Turbine heat rate is 1930 kCal/ kWh and the generating unit heat rate is 2250 kCal/kWh Boiler Efficiency=( Turbine Heat Rate*100)/Unit Heat Rate= 85.7% In a power plant boiler, if there is air ingress in the flue gas duct, which auxiliary equipment would be most affected? Ans S-10 Induced Draft Fan The loading and unloading of a reciprocating compressor is carried out based on______ Ans Pressure ( Also full marks may be given If a candidate writes Air Demand ) . End of Section - I . Section - II: SHORT NUMERICAL QUESTIONS Marks: 2 x 5 = 10 (i) Answer all Two questions (ii) Each question carries Five marks L-1 An open cycle gas turbine was running with naphtha as fuel. The following are the data collected during the gas turbine operation: Fuel (Naphtha) consumption :180 kg/hr GCV of naphtha fuel :11500 kCal/kg Overall Efficiency of gas turbine which includes air compressor and alternator : 25% Cost of naphtha fuel : Rs.40,000/Ton Find out the cost of fuel for generating one unit of electricity. Ans Heat input to turbine = = 11500 x 180 2070000 kCal/hr 1 Mark 2 _______________________ Bureau of Energy Efficiency Paper 4 Energy Auditor Set A Key Efficiency of gas turbine Gas turbine output = = = 25% 2070000 x 0.25/ 860 601.7 kWh 2 Marks Cost of generating 601.7 units of electricity = = Cost of One unit of Electricity generation = = L-2 Ans 180 kg x Rs.40 Rs.7200/hr 7200/601.7 Rs.12/kWh 2 Marks In an air conditioning duct 0.5 m x 0.5 m, the average velocity of air measured by vane anemometer is 28 m/s. The static pressure at suction of the fan is -20 mmWC and at the discharge is 30 mmWC. The three phase induction motor draws 10.8 A at 415 V with a power factor of 0.9. Find out the efficiency of the fan if motor efficiency = 90% (Neglect air density correction). Volume flow rate of the fan, Q = = = Velocity x Area 28 x (0.5 x 0.5) 7 m3/s 1 Mark Power input to the fan shaft Fan efficiency = = Fan efficiency = = = = Motor input power x motor efficiency (Sqrt 3 x 0.415 x 10.8 x 0.9) x 0.9 6.3 kW 1 Mark Volume in m3 / Sec x total pressure in mmwc 102 x Power input to the shaft in (kW) 1 Mark for writing the formula 7 x (30-(-20)) x 100 102 x 6.3 54.5% 2 Marks . End of Section - II . Section - III: LONG NUMERICAL QUESTIONS Marks: 4 x 20 = 80 (i) Answer all Four questions (ii) Each question carries Twenty marks N-1 Calculate the efficiency of the Atmospheric Fluidised Bed Combustion Boiler by indirect method using the following data: Analysis of blended coal (% by mass) Carbon Hydrogen Nitrogen Sulphur : : : : 53.9 % 3.1 % 1.1 % 0.3 % 3 _______________________ Bureau of Energy Efficiency Paper 4 Energy Auditor Set A Key Ash Oxygen Moisture GCV : : : : 23.8 % 10.5 % 7.3 % 5060 kCal / kg The boiler operating parameters are given below. Steam pressure Steam temperature Actual air supplied Mass of dry flue gas Specific heat of flue gas Flue gas temperature CO2 in flue gas CO in flue gas : : : : : : : 62.0 kg / cm2g 470 oC 8.91 kg/kg of coal 9.31 kg/kg of coal 0.23 kCal/kg oC 160 oC 14.7 % : 325 ppm GCV of bottom ash GCV of fly ash 800 kCal/kg 452.5 kCal/kg Ratio of bottom ash to fly ash : 15 : 85 Ambient temperature : 32.4 oC Loss due to hydrogen in fuel Loss due to moisture in fuel Loss due to moisture in air Surface heat losses (as assessed) Ans : : : : : : 3.54 % 0.93 % 0.2 % 2% To find all losses 1. % Heat loss in dry flue gas (L1) = L1 = = = m x C P x (Tf Ta ) x 1 00 GCV of fuel 9.31 x 0.23 x (160 32.4) x 100 5060 5.40 % 4 Marks 2. % Heat loss due to partial conversion of C to CO (L2) = = %CO x C x 5654 % CO %CO2 a x GCVof fuel x 100 0.0325 x 0.539 x 5654 x 100 0.0325 14 .7 x 5060 =0.13 % 4 Marks 3. % Heat loss due to unburnt in fly ash 4 _______________________ Bureau of Energy Efficiency Paper 4 Energy Auditor Set A Key % Ash in coal Ratio of bottom ash to fly ash GCV of fly ash Amount of fly ash in 1 kg of coal Heat loss in fly ash % heat loss in fly ash L3 = = = = = = 23.8 15:85 452.5 Kcal/kg 0.85 x 0.238 = 0.2023 kg 0.2023 x 452.5= 91.54 kCal / kg of coal 91.54 x 100 / 5060 = 1.81 % 4 Marks 4. % Heat loss due to unburnt in bottom ash GCV of bottom ash Amount of bottom ash in 1 kg of coal Heat loss in bottom ash % Heat loss in bottom ash L4 800 Kcal/kg = = = 5. Loss due to hydrogen in fuel L5 6. Loss due to moisture in fuel L6 7. Loss due to moisture in air L7 8. Surface heat losses L8 N-2 = = = = = 0.15 x 0.238 = 0.0357 kg 0.0357 x 800 = 28.56 kCal/kg of coal 28.56 x 100 / 5060 = 0.56 % 4 Marks 3.54% (given) 0.93% (given) 0.2% (given) 2% (given) Boiler efficiency by indirect method = 100 (L1+ L2+ L3+ L4+ L5+ L6+ L7+ L8) = 100-(5.40 + 0.13+ 1.81+ 0.56+ 3.54+0.93+0.2+2) = 100-14.57 = 85.43 % 4 Marks a) For a VFD retrofit in a compressed air system with an initial investment of Rs.2.55 lakhs the annual savings are Rs.58,000/The NPV of the project over a six year period for 8% discount rate is Rs.13,134. The NPV of the project over a six year period for 10% discount rate is Rs.(-) 2468 Calculate the exact discount rate for NPV to be zero. b) A counter current Heat Exchanger with total heat transfer area of 52 m2 is used to exchange heat between a hot effluent stream of specific heat 0.33 kCal/kgoC and cooling water stream. The monitored parameters are given below: Parameters Unit Inlet Outlet Hot fluid flow kg/hr 86532 86532 o Hot fluid temperature C 84 57 o Cold fluid temperature C 45 54 Assuming LMTD correction factor of 0.89 for plate heat exchanger, calculate Ans i) The corrected LMTD ii) Overall heat transfer coefficient, U (kCal/hr.m2.oC) a) 5 _______________________ Bureau of Energy Efficiency Paper 4 Energy Auditor Set A Key The positive and negative NPV's which are closest to zero discount rates are Rs (+)13,134 corresponding to 8% discount rate and Rs (-) 2,468 corresponding to10% discount rate . Hence the exact discount rate = (0.08+(0.1-0.08)*(13134)/(13134-(-2468))*100 = 9.68 % 6 Marks b) i) LMTD, Counter flow = {(84-54) (57-45)}/ {ln (84-54) / (57-45)} = 19.64 0 C 8 Marks Correction Factor, F = 0.89 (given) Corrected LMTD = F x LMTD = 0.89 x 19.64 = 17.48 0 C 2 Marks ii) Overall heat transfer coefficient, U = Q / (A x Corrected LMTD) U = 771000 / (52 x 17.48) = 848 kCal/hr.m2.0C N-3 4 Marks a) A centrifugal water pump operates at 30 m3/hr and at 1440 RPM. The pump operating efficiency is 65% and motor efficiency is 89%. The discharge pressure gauge shows 3.4 kg/cm2. The suction is 3 m below the pump centerline. If the speed of the pump is reduced by 25 %, estimate the following: i) ii) iii) pump flow, pump head and motor power. Assume motor and pump efficiency remains same at the reduced speed. b) In a 75 kW four pole induction motor operating at 49.8 Hz and rated for 415 V and 1440 RPM, the actual measured speed is 1470 RPM. Find out the percentage loading of the motor if the voltage applied is 428 V. Ans a) Flow Head developed by the pump Power drawn by the pump i) Flow at 75 % speed = 30 m3/hr = 34 (-3) = 37 m = (30/3600) x 37 x 1000 x 9.81/(1000 x 0.65) = 4.65 kW 3 Marks = 30 / Q2 = 1440/1080 = 22.5 m3/hr 4 Marks ii) Head at 75 % speed = 37 / H2 = (1440/1080)2 6 _______________________ Bureau of Energy Efficiency Paper 4 Energy Auditor Set A Key = 20.81 m 4 Marks iii) Shaft Power at 75 % speed Power drawn by motor = 4.65/kW2 = (1440)3 / (1080 ) 3 = 1.96 kW = 1.96 / 0.89 = 2.2 kW 4 Marks b) % Loading = Slip (Ss Sr) x (Vr / V)2 x 100% 1 Mark Synchronous speed = 120 x 49.8 / 4 = 1494 rpm Slip = Synchronous Speed Measured speed in rpm. = 1494 1470 = 24 rpm. 2 Marks % Loading = 24 (1494 - 1440) x (415/428)2 x 100% = 47.27% 2 Marks N-4 Answer ANY ONE OF THE FOLLOWING among A, B, C and D A) A cement kiln exhaust gas has the following composition on dry basis : CO2 24.7%, O2 5.1%, CO - 0.1%, N2 70.1%. The static pressure and temperature measured in the duct are -710 mmWC and 3000C respectively. The velocity pressure measured with a pitot tube is 20.5 mmWC. The atmospheric pressure at the site is 10350 mmWC. Determine the volumetric flow rate of exhaust gas flowing through a duct of 3200 mm diameter ( Pitot tube constant = 0.89 ) Ans Molecular weight exhaust gas (dry basis) M = %CO2xMCO2 + %O2xMO2 + %COxMCO + %N2 x MN2 = {(24.7 x 44) + (5.1 x 32) + (0.1 x 28) + (70.1 x 28)}/100 = 32.16 kg/kg mole 5 Marks Exhaust Gas density at operating temperature= = [ PM / RT ] = [ (10350 710) x 32.16 ) / { 847.84 x (273+300) } = 0.638 kg/m3 5 Marks Duct Area= 3.14 x( 3.2/2) 2= 8.05 m2 2 Marks Volume flow rate =A Cp (2 x g x P / )1/2 = 8.05 x 0.89 (2 x 9.81x 20.5/0.638)1/2 = 179.89 m3/s Volume flow rate = 6 47 596 m3/ h 8 Marks or 7 _______________________ Bureau of Energy Efficiency Paper 4 Energy Auditor Set A Key B) (i) If the heat rate of a power plant is 2900 kCal/kWh, what is its efficiency? (ii) What is the condenser vacuum in millibar, if the condenser back pressure is 0.89 kg/cm2? (iii) Explain how Terminal Temperature Difference (TTD ) can also be negative (iv) Calculate the % auxiliary power consumption for a Thermal power station if Gross Heat Rate is 3200 kCal/kWh and Net Heat rate is 3500 kCal/kWh. Ans (i) The efficiency of a power plant is inverse of heat rate Efficiency = ((1*860)/2900)*100 = 29.7% 5 Marks (ii) Condenser vaccum, kg/cm (a) = Atmospheric pressure Condenser back pressure 5 Marks Condenser Vacuum = 1 0.89 Calculated condenser vacuum = 0.11 kg/cm2 (a) = 110 millibar 2 (iii) In some of the cases, because of the de-superheating zone in the feed water heater, the feed water temperature leaving the heater may be higher than the saturation temperature of the condensing zone. Therefore, the heater may have a negative TTD 5 Marks (iv) Auxiliary Power(%)= (1-(Gross Heat Rate/Net Heat rate))*100 = (1-(3200/3500))*100 = 8.5% 5 Marks or C) In an oil fired furnace following are the operating parameters: Capacity of furnace - 10 T/hr Daily production operating at 10 hours a day - 100 T/day Specific fuel consumption - 65 litres /T of finished product Flue gas temperature at the exit of furnace - 600 oC Ambient temperature - 30 oC G.C.V of oil - 10,000 kCal/kg Theoretical air required for combustion - 14 kg of air/ kg of fuel Specific heat of flue gas - 0.26 kCal/kgoC Specific heat of air - 0.24 kCal/kgoC Oxygen in flue gas - 8% The management is planning to install a recuperator to preheat the combustion air upto 200oC Yield without the recuperator Yield after installing the recuperator - 90% - 95% Calculate 8 _______________________ Bureau of Energy Efficiency Paper 4 Energy Auditor Set A Key Ans (i) the percentage heat reduction in flue gas after installation of recuperator (ii) the increase in daily production due to yield improvement (iii) specific fuel consumption after installing the heat recovery recuperator (assuming 1 % fuel saving for every 20oC rise in combustion air temperature) (i) % excess air supplied = 8/ (21-8) = 61.5 % 2 Marks Actual mass of air supplied = [1 + (EA/100)] x theoretical air = [1 + (61.5/100)] x 14 =22.61 kg of air/kg of fuel 2 Marks Daily fuel consumption =65 x 100 = 6500 kg/day ( In the question the Sp. Gravity of fuel is not given. If the candidate has calculated as above ie 65 litres full marks may be given. If a candidate assumes a sp.gravity and multiplies 65 x assumed sp.gravity again full marks may be given.) Heat in flue gas = {6500 + (6500 x 22.61)} x 0.26 x (600-30) = 22743513 kCal/day Heat in preheated combustion air = 6500 x 22.61 x 0.24 x (200 - 30) = 5996172 kCal/day Percentage heat reduction in flue gas =(5996172 / 22743513) = 26.4 % 5 Marks (ii) Daily additional production due to yield improvement = 100 x 95/90 = 105.5 Tonnes/day Additional production = 105.5 100 = 5.5 T/day 5 Marks (iii) Reduction in fuel consumption = (200 - 30)/20 = 8.5 % Fuel consumption after waste heat recovery = 6500 (6500 x 0.085) = 5947.5 Specific fuel consumption Daily oil consumption Production Specific fuel consumption = 5947.5 kg/day = 105.5 T/day = 5947.5/ 105.5 = 56.37 kg/tone 6 Marks 9 _______________________ Bureau of Energy Efficiency Paper 4 Energy Auditor Set A Key or D) Determine the cooling load of a commercial building for the following given data: Outdoor conditions : DBT = 35 C, WBT = 25 C, Humidity = 18 g of water / kg of dry air Desired indoor conditions : DBT = 25.6 C, RH = 50 %, Humidity = 10 g of water / kg of dry air Total area of wall = 40 m2, Total area of window = 20 m2 U Factor ( Wall ) = 0.33 W / m2K U Factor ( Roof ) = 0.323 W / m2K U factor [ fixed windows with aluminium frames and a thermal break ] = 3.56 W / m2K Other data: 15 m x 25 m roof constructed of 100 mm concrete with 90 mm insulation & steel decking. 7 C CLTD at 17:00 hr : Details : Wall = 12 C; Roof = 44 C; Glass Window = SCL at 17 : 00 hr : Details : Glass Window = 605 W/ m2 Shading coefficient of Window = 0.74 Space is occupied from 8:00 to 17:00 hr by 25 people doing moderately active work. Sensible heat gain / person = 75 W ; Latent heat gain / person = 55 W ; CLF for people = 0.9 Fluorescent light in space = 21.5 W/m2 ; CLF for lighting = 0.9 Ballast factor details = 1.2 for fluorescent lights & 1.0 for incandescent lights Computers and office equipment in space produces 5.4 W/m2 of sensible heat One coffee maker produces 1050 W of sensible heat and 450 W of latent heat. Air changes / hr of infiltration = 0.3 Height of building = 3.6 m 10 _______________________ Bureau of Energy Efficiency Paper 4 Energy Auditor Set A Key Ans I External Heat Gain = U factor x net area of wall x CLTD = 0.33 x (40-20) x 12 ] = 79.2 W 2 Marks (ii) Conduction heat gain through the roof = U factor x net area of roof x CLTD = 0.323 x ( 15 x 25 ) x 44 = 5 329.5 W 2 Marks (iii) Conduction heat gain through the windows = U factor x net area of windows x CLTD = (3.56 x 20 x 7) = 498.4 W 2 Marks (iv) Solar radiation through glass = Surface area x Shading coefficient x SCL = (20 x 0.74 x 605) = 8954 W 2 Marks II Internal Heat Gain (i) Conduction heat gain through the wall (i) Heat gain from people Sensible heat gain = = (No. of people x Sensible heat gain / person x CLF) = (25 x 75 x 0.9) = 1687.5 W Latent heat gain Therefore, Heat gain from people (ii) Heat gain from lighting Energy input = = Sensible heat gain + Latent heat gain = No. of people x Latent heat gain / person = (25 x 55 ) = 1375 W = (1687.5 + 1375 ) = 3062.5 W = ( Energy input x Ballast factor x CLF ) ( Amount of lighting in space / unit area ) x Floor area 21.5 x ( 15 x 25 ) = 8062.5 W Therefore, heat gain from lighting = ( 8062.5 x 1.2 x 0.9 ) = 8707.5 W 3 Marks (iii) Heat generated by equipment : Sensible heat generated by coffee maker Latent heat generated by coffee maker Sensible heat gain by computers and office equipment Therefore, Heat generated by equipment = 1050 W = 450 W = 5.4 x 375 = 2025 W = 3525 W 2 Marks (iv)Heat gain through air infiltration = ( Sensible heat gain + Latent heat gain ) Sensible heat gain Airflow = (1210 x airflow x T ) =( Volume of space x air change rate ) / 3600 = { (15 x 25 x 3.6 ) x 0.3 } / 3600 = 0.1125 m3 / s Therefore, sensible heat gain= 1210 x 0.1125 x ( 35 25.6 ) =1279.58 W 11 _______________________ Bureau of Energy Efficiency Paper 4 Energy Auditor Set A Key Latent heat gain = 3010 x 0.1125 x ( 18 10 ) = 2709 W 3 Marks No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Space Load Components Conduction through exterior wall Conduction through roof Conduction through windows Solar radiation through windows Heat gained from people Heat gained from lighting Heat gained from equipment Heat gained by air infiltration Total space cooling load Sensible Heat Load (W) Latent Heat Load (W) 158.4 -----5 329.5 -----498.4 -----8954 -----1 687.5 1 375 8 707.5 -----3 075 450 1 279.58 2 709 29 689.88 4 534 Total Cooling Load = 34,223.88 W 4 Marks -------- End of Section - III --------- 12 _______________________ Bureau of Energy Efficiency

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