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11th National Certification Exam Energy Managers & Auditors FEBRUARY 2011 Paper 4

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Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (JNTUH), Hyderabad
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Paper 4 Energy Auditor Set A Key 11th NATIONAL CERTIFICATION EXAMINATION February, 2011 FOR ENERGY AUDITORS PAPER 4: Energy Performance Assessment For Equipment and Utility Systems Date: 06.02.2011 Timings: 1400-1600 HRS Duration: 2 HRS Max. Marks: 100 General instructions: o o o o o Please check that this question paper contains 12 printed pages Please check that this question paper contains 16 questions The question paper is divided into three sections All questions in all three sections are compulsory All parts of a question should be answered at one place Section - I: SHORT DESCRIPTIVE QUESTIONS Marks: 10 x 1 = 10 (i) Answer all Ten questions (ii) Each question carries One mark S-1 S-2 In what type of furnace, a top pressure recovery turbine is used? Ans: blast furnace In a heat exchanger, the hot fluid inlet and outlet temperatures are 110 C and 70 C. The cold fluid inlet and outlet temperatures are 30 C and 45 C. The effectiveness of heat exchanger is Ans: S-3 S-4 S-5 = 15/80 = 0.1875 Name two types of discounted cash-flow techniques used in the financial evaluation of energy saving projects Ans: 1 NPV: Net present value 2 IRR: Internal rate of return Name two areas of major thermal energy consumption in a cement plant Ans: Rotary kiln and precalciner For which fuel the difference between GCV and LCV will be higher, Coal or Natural Gas? Ans: Natural Gas 1 _______________________ Bureau of Energy Efficiency Paper 4 Energy Auditor Set A Key S-6 S-7 What are the two major functions of coke in a blast furnace? Ans: Coke is used in Blast Furnace (BF) both as a reductant (reduction of ore to liquid metal )and as a source of thermal energy. For a thermal power plant, which type of heat rate (Gross or Net) has a higher value for the same generator output? S-8 Ans: Net heat rate Why humidification is required in spinning and weaving sections of textile processing? S-9 Ans: Humidity is required to prevent yarn breakage and minimize build up of static charge to reduce dust and fibre fly (Fluff) What is the purpose of reheat in a thermal power plant cycle? S-10 Ans: There is a gain in net work and because of which the efficiency is enhanced. In a rotary kiln of cement plant, why % CO2 in exhaust gases cannot be an indicator of excess air? Ans: Because the process also emits CO2 . End of Section - I . Section - II: LONG DESCRIPTIVE QUESTIONS Marks: 2 x 5 = 10 (i) Answer all Two questions (ii) Each question carries Five marks L-1 The following are the operating parameters of a regenerative feedwater heater in a thermal power plant Saturation temperature of steam to heater Inlet feedwater temperature Outlet feedwater temperature Drain outlet temperature - 84.3 oC - 44 oC - 75 oC - 58.4 oC Calculate the Terminal Temperature Difference (TTD) and Drain Cooler Approach (DCA). Ans : TTD = 84.3 75 = 9.3 oC DCA = 58.4 44 = 14.4 oC 2 _______________________ Bureau of Energy Efficiency Paper 4 Energy Auditor Set A Key L-2 In a 30 kW four pole induction motor operating at 49.9 Hz and rated for 415 V and 1470 RPM, the actual measured speed is 1485 RPM. Find out the percentage loading of the motor if the voltage applied is 425 V. Ans: % Loading = Slip x 100% (Ss Sr) x (Vr / V)2 Synchronous speed = 120 x 49.9 / 4 = 1497 rpm Slip = Synchronous Speed Measured speed in rpm. = 1497 1485 = 12 rpm. % Loading = 12 x 100% = 46.6% ( 1497- 1470) x (415/425)2 . End of Section - II . Section - III: NUMERICAL QUESTIONS Marks: 4 x 20 = 80 (i) Answer all Four questions (ii) Each question carries Twenty marks N-1 Flow rates of the hot and the cold water streams flowing through a heat exchanger are 12 and 30 kg/min, respectively. Hot and cold water stream inlet temperatures are 72 C and 27 C, respectively. The exit temperature of the hot stream is required to be 52 C. The specific heat of water is 4.179 kJ/kg K. The overall heat transfer coefficient is 800 W/m2 K. Neglecting the effect of fouling, calculate the heat transfer area for a) Parallel-flow b) Counter-flow a) Rate of heat transfer Cold water exit temperature M x cp x delt T (12/60) 4.179 x 1000 (72 52) = 16716 W 27 + [16716 / (4.179 x 1000 (30/60))] 27 + 8 = 35 C Terminal temperature differences for (72 27) and (52 35) 0C i.e., 45 C 3 _______________________ Bureau of Energy Efficiency Paper 4 Energy Auditor Set A Key parallel flow heat exchangers and 17 C respectively. LMTD (45 17)/ln(45/17) = 28.76 Overall heat transfer coefficient U 800 W/m2 K Heat transfer area required for parallel [16716 / (800 28.76)] flow 0.72 m2 b) Terminal temperature differences for (72 35) and (52 27) 0C i.e., 37 C counter flow heat exchangers and 25 C respectively. LMTD (37 25)/ln(37/25) = 30.6 Overall heat transfer coefficient U 800 W/m2 K Heat transfer area required for counter [16716 / (800 30.6)] flow 0.684 m2 N-2 Two energy conservation projects have been proposed. For the first project, a capital investment of Rs.1,50,000/- is required and the net annual saving is Rs. 50,000/- for 5 years. The salvage value at the end of 5 years for the first project is Nil. For the second project, a capital investment of Rs. 1,50,000/- yields savings of Rs. 50,000/- for first 2 years each and Rs. 60,000/- for next 3 years each. The salvage value at the end of 5 years for the second project is Rs. 10,000/-. Determine: a) Net present value for both the projects with a discount factor of 9%. b) Profitability index for both the projects with a discount factor of 9%. c) Internal rate of return for both the projects. Ans: a) NPV for project 1 = 150000 + 50000/1.09 + 50000/(1.09)2 + 50000/(1.09)3 + 50000/(1.09)4 + 50000/(1.09)5 = + 44483 NPV for project 2 = 150000 + 50000/1.09 + 50000/(1.09)2 + 60000/(1.09)3 + 60000/(1.09)4 + 60000/(1.09)5 + 10000/(1.09)5 = + 72287 b) Profitability index for project 1 = 44483 / 150000 = 0.297 Profitability index for project 2 = 72287 / 150000 = 0.481 4 _______________________ Bureau of Energy Efficiency Paper 4 Energy Auditor Set A Key c) IRR for project 1 = 19.86 % IRR for project 2 = 25.07 % N-3 In an air conditioning system of a food processing industry, the cold air flow rate is 20,000 m3/hr at a density of 1.2 kg/m3 .The inlet and outlet enthalpy of the air are 105 kJ/kg and 80 kJ/kg. The COP of the existing vapour compression system is 3.75. The efficiency of the motor coupled with the compressor is 90%. The management wants to install a Vapour Absorption System (VAR).The saturated steam for VAR will be supplied either from a new waste heat boiler to be installed with the existing DG sets or from the existing FO fuel fired boiler. The plant is operating for 8000 hr/annum. The investment of VAR system is Rs. 20 lakhs. The investment for waste heat boiler is Rs. 6 lakhs. The power cost is Rs. 6/kWh. As an energy auditor which one of the following options will you recommend to the management? Option1: Supply steam from the existing FO fuel fired boiler to VAR system and avoid the investment of waste heat boiler Option2 - Supply steam from the waste heat boiler, which needs an investment in addition to VAR system The steam consumption per TR will be 5.5 kg/TR. The cost of FO is Rs.32,000/ tonne. The evaporation ratio of the existing FO fired boiler is 14. Neglect losses in transmission of steam and chilled water. Ans. Existing Base Case VCR System TR Rating COP COP Compressor power input Motor input power Annual Energy Consumption Annual cost in VCR system (Base Case) = (20,000 m3/hr x 1.2 kg/m3) (105-80) kJ/kg -----------------------------------------------------3024 x 4.187 = 47.38 TR = 3.75 = Refrigeration effect kCal/hr ----------------------------------------Power Input kCal/hr = 47.38 x 3024 kCal -----------------------------3.75 x 860 = 44.43 kW = 44.43/0.9 = 49.37 kW = 49.37 x 8000 = 3.95 Lakhs kWh =3.95 x 6 = Rs. 23.7 Lakhs 5 _______________________ Bureau of Energy Efficiency Paper 4 Energy Auditor Set A Key Option 1 : VAR System with Steam Supply from Existing Boiler Steam Consumption /TR = 5.5 kg/TR Steam Consumption per hr = 5.5 x 47.38 = 261 kg/hr Evaporation Ratio IN THE EXISTING BOILER 1 ton of steam cost = 14 = Rs.32000 -------------- = Rs.2.29 /kg of steam 14 Investment for VAR system = Rs.20.00 Lakhs Electricity cost saving per hr = 49.37 x 6 =Rs. 296.22 Steam cost per hr = 261 x 2.29 = Rs. 598 Since the steam cost per hour is higher than electricity cost this option is not feasible Option-2: With VAR & steam supply from WHR steam boiler of DG set Total Investment = Rs. 20.00 + 6.00 = 26.00 Lakhs Annual Savings = Rs.23.7 lakhs Simple Pay back period = 26/23.7 = 1.09 years. Solution : Option 2 should be selected N -4 The candidate may answer ANY ONE OF THE FOLLOWING among A, B, C and D A) The following are the data obtained from a pulverized coal fired thermal power plant Main steam pressure and temperature Main steam flow rate Enthalpy of main steam Feed water temperature Cold reheat steam pressure and temperature Enthalpy of cold reheat steam Hot reheat steam pressure and temperature Enthalpy of hot reheat steam Reheat steam flow Generator output Boiler efficiency Back pressure Condenser CW inlet temperature Condenser CW outlet temperature Exhaust steam saturation temperature Enthalpy of wet steam at vacuum Condenser CW flow : 155 kg/cm2 (g), 540 oC : 624 TPH : 815.2 kCal/kg : 229 oC : 36 kg/cm2(g), 330 oC : 730 kCal/kg : 35 kg/cm2(g), 540 oC : 844.5 kCal/kg : 563 TPH : 207.3 MW : 85.5% : 0.9 kg/cm2 (g) : 26 oC : 37 oC : 45.4 oC : 508 kCal/kg : 24800 m3/hr Calculate a) Turbine heat rate, unit heat rate and turbine cycle efficiency b) Condenser heat load, effectiveness and calculated condenser vacuum in millibar Ans: 6 _______________________ Bureau of Energy Efficiency Paper 4 Energy Auditor Set A Key Turbine heat rate and unit heat rate Turbine heat rate, kCal/kWh 624000 815.2 229 563000 844.5 730 207300 Turbine heat rate 2075.5 kCal/kWh 2075.5 Unit heat rate 2427.5 kCal/kWh 0.855 Turbine cycle efficiency (thermal efficiency) Turbine cycle efficiency ,% Turbine cycleefficiency, % 860 100 Turbine heat rate 860 100 2075.5 Turbine cycleefficiency 41.4 % Condenserheat load, MCal/hr Q T Cp Q -Water flow rate, kg/hr T - Average CW temperature rise, oC Cp - Specific heat, kcal/kg oC Condenser heat load 24800 (37 26) 1 Condenser heat load 272800 MCal/hr Calculated condenser vacuum, kg/cm2 (a) Atmospheri c pressure Condenser back pressure Calculated condenservacuum 1 0.9 Calculated condenservacuum 0.1kg/cm2 (a) 98.06 millibar Condenser Effectiven ess,% Rise in cooling water temperatur e 100 Saturationtemperatur e of steam Cooling water inlettemperatur e Condenser Effectiven ess 37 - 26 100 56 .7 % 45.4 26 or 7 _______________________ Bureau of Energy Efficiency Paper 4 Energy Auditor Set A Key B) a) What are the major advantages of using sinter in a Blast furnace b) A furnace is fired with blast furnace gas having an analysis by volume as follows CO2 13 %, CO 25 %, H2 - 3.5 %, N2 58.5 % Calculate the percentage of excess air when the dry product of combustion contains 3.5 % O2 Ans: a) The major advantages of using sinter in Blast Furnaces are : Use of iron ore fines, coke breeze, metallurgical wastes, lime, dolomite for hot metal production Better reducibility and other high temperature properties Increased BF productivity Improved quality of hot metal Reduction in coke rate in blast furnaces b) Basis : 100 kg mol. of blast furnace gas Oxygen demand and flue gas formed are computed as under Constituents CO2 CO H2 N2 Total Amount, kg mol. 13.0 25.0 3.5 58.5 100.0 Oxygen required kg mol 0 12.50 1.75 0 14.25 Flue gas obtained, kg mol. 13.0 (CO2) 25.0 (CO2) 3.5 (H2) 58.5 (N2) 100.0 Let y1 = kg mol of dry flue gas obtained Z = kg mol of combustion air used N2 from combustion air = 0.79x O2 from combustion air = 0.21x O2 excess in flue gas Dry flue gas = 0.21 z 14.25 = (100 water vapour) + 0.79z + (0.21z-14.25) = (100-3.5) +z-14.25= 82.25 + z = y1 Oxygen / dry flue gas = (0.21z-14.25)/ (82.25+z) = 3.5/100 Solving z= 97.88 kg mol 8 _______________________ Bureau of Energy Efficiency Paper 4 Energy Auditor Set A Key Oxygen from air = 97.88 x 0.21 = 20.65 Oxygen excess = 20.55 14.25 = 6.3 kg mol % Excess air = % excess oxygen = 6.3/14.25 x100 = 44.2 or C) a) 125 kg of fabric is to be dyed in a jigger. The dye liquor is heated from 30 0C to 90 0C. Calculate steam (steam enthalpy 660 kCal/kg) requirement per batch and specific steam consumption (kg of steam per kg of cloth), if liquor ratio is 1:6.5; allowing 10% margin for losses. b) In a textile mill, a thermic fluid heater of 15 lakh kCal/hr capacity is meeting process heat requirements. The observed parameters of thermic fluid heater are: Thermic fluid circulation rate Outlet temperature of fluid Return temperature of fluid Specific heat of fluid Density of fluid Present coal consumption GCV of coal - 100 m3/hr - 270 0C - 256 0C - 0.55 kCal/kg 0C - 830 kg/m3 - 300 kg /hr - 3500 kCal/hr i) What is the % loading of the thermic fluid heater? ii) What is the existing thermal efficiency? iii) The management is proposing to add a five chamber, (each chamber 1 Lakh kCal/hr duty) to the heater. Will it be able to take the load? Ans: a) Heat energy required / batch Specific steam consumption = 125 kg x 6.5 liq.ratio x 1.10 (including margin) x (90 30) = 53625 kCal/batch = steam quantity needed / batch = 53625/660 = 81.25 kg = 81.25/125 = 0.65 kg/kg Ans: 9 _______________________ Bureau of Energy Efficiency Paper 4 Energy Auditor Set A Key i) Heat duty % loading = 100 m3/hr x 830 kg/m3 x 0.55 x 14 = 6,39,100 kCal/hr = 6,39,100/15,00,000 = 42.60 % ii) Input energy = 300 kg/hr x 3500 kCal = 10,50,000 kCal/hr Efficiency of the heater = 6,39,100/10,50,000 = 60.86% iii) New chamber heat duty = 5 x 1,00,000 = 5,00,000 kCal/hr The total heat duty with new stenter loading = 6,39,100 + 5,00,000 = 11,39,100 kCal/hr It is possible to comment new stenter since this is within 15 Lakh kCal/hr capacity of the TFH or D) a) The following are the data obtained from the energy audit of a cement plant Clinker analysis (loss free basis) Constituents Determined SiO2 Fe2O3 Al2O3 CaO MgO (%) 20.54 4.14 5.53 63.79 3.8 Preheater exit gas analysis Oxygen (% v/v) 5.6 CO (% v/v) 0.1 CO2 (% v/v) 23.2 Preheater exit temperature 328oC Atomospheric pressure at site 10.318 m Static pressure (-684 mmwg) i) Calculate the heat of formation of clinker ii) Calculate the density of preheater exit gases b) An energy audit of a coal mill fan was carried out. It was observed that fan was delivering 1,60,000 Nm3/hr of air at static pressure rise of 65 mm WC. The power measurement of the 3-phase induction motor coupled with the fan recorded 20 kW/ 10 _______________________ Bureau of Energy Efficiency Paper 4 Energy Auditor Set A Key phase on an average. The motor operating efficiency was assessed as 0.90 from the motor performance curves. What would be the fan static efficiency? Ans: a) i) Heat of formation of Clinker HR = 2.22Al2O3+6.48MgO+7.646CaO 5.116SiO2 0.59Fe2O3 = (2.22 x 5.53)+(6.48 x 3.8)+(7.646 x 63.79) (5.116x 20.54) (0.59 x 4.14) = 417.11 kCal/kg Clinker ii) Density of gases at preheater exit stp (O2% x MW) + (CO2% x MW) + ((N2 + CO)% x MW) = kg/Nm3 22.4 x 100 stp 5.6 x 32) + (23.2 x 44) + (71.2 x 28) kg/Nm3 = 22.4 x 100 = 10318 * 684 S 273 10318 273 328 e (* as per the altitude of the plant above MSL) 10334 655 273 = 1.436 kg/m3 10334 273 316 = 0.623 kg/m3 t, p t, p 1.4257 kg/Nm 3 = 1.4257 kg/m3 b) Q = 1,60000 Nm3 / hr.= 44.44 m3/sec , SP = 65 mmWC, St = ?, Power input to 3 phase motor= 20 x 3 = 60 kW Power input to fan shaft = 60 x 0.90 = 54 kW Fan static = Volume in m3/sec x Pst in mmWc x 100 102 x Power I/p to shaft 11 _______________________ Bureau of Energy Efficiency Paper 4 Energy Auditor Set A Key = = = 44.44 x 65 x 100 102 x 54 0.524 x 100 52.4% -------- End of Section - III --------- 12 _______________________ Bureau of Energy Efficiency

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