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19th National Certification Exam Energy Managers & Auditors SEPTEMBER 2018 Paper 3

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Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (JNTUH), Hyderabad
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Paper 3 Set A 19th NATIONAL CERTIFICATION EXAMINATION FOR ENERGY MANAGERS & ENERGY AUDITORS SEPTEMBER, 2018 PAPER 3 : ENERGY EFFICIENCY IN ELECTRICAL UTILITIES Section I: OBJECTIVE TYPE Marks: 50 x 1 = 50 (i) Answer all 50 questions (ii) Each question carries One mark (iii) Please hatch the appropriate oval in the OMR answer sheet with HB pencil only, as per instructions 1. 2. 3. Which of the following incandescent bulbs will have the least resistance ? a) 220 V, 60 W b) 220 V, 100 W c) 115 V, 60 W d) 115 V, 100 W In a rolling mill, the loading on the transformer was 1200 kVA with the power factor of 0.86. The plant improved the power factor to 0.98 by adding capacitors. What is the reduction in kVA ? a) 144 b) 147 c) 171 d) 163.3 A 22 kW, 415 V, 45 A, 0.8 pf, 1475 rpm, 4 pole 3 phase induction motor operating at 420 V, 40 A and 0.8 pf. What will be the motor efficiency? a) 85.0 % b) 94.5 % c) 89.9 % 4. The purpose of inter-cooling in a multistage compressor is to a) Increase the pressure of air b) Reduce the work of compression c) Separate moisture and oil vapour 5. d) Less than double Which of the following is not a part of vapour compression refrigeration cycle ? a) Compressor b) Evaporator c) Condenser 8. d) 860 kCal/hr If two identical pumps operate in series, their shut-off head is a) Not affected b) More than double c) Doubled 7. d) None of the above One ton of refrigeration is not equal to__________. a) 3024 kCal/hr b) 3.51 kW c) 12000 Btu/hr 6. d) None of the above d) Generator If the power consumed by an air conditioner compressor is 1.7 kW per ton of refrigeration, then its energy efficiency ratio (Watt/Watt) is _____ a) 1.7 b) 2.1 c) 0.59 d) None of the above 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. The adsorption material used in an adsorption air dryer is a) Calcium chloride b) Magnesium chloride c) Activated alumina d) Potassium chloride The cooling tower size is _____________ to the entering Wet Bulb Temprature (WBT), when the heat load, range and approach are constant. a) Directly proportional b) Inversely proportional c) Constant d) None of above The T5, T8 and T12 fluorescent tube light are categorized based on a) Diameter of the tube b) Length of the tube c) Both diameter and length of the tube d) Power consumption If the wet bulb temperature of air is 38 0C, then it s relative humidity is __________%. a) 38 % b) 90 % c) 100 % d) Insufficient data The hydraulic power in a pumping system depends on a) Pump efficiency b) Motor efficiency c) Both motor and pump efficiency d) None of the above Small diameter by-pass lines are installed in pumps sometimes to ________________. a) Save energy b) Control pump delivery head c) Prevent pump running at zero flow d) Reduce pump power consumption It is acceptable to run pumps in parallel provided their_________ are similar a) Suction heads b) Discharge heads c) Closed valve heads d) Total head at full flow L / G ratio in a cooling tower is the ratio of _________________. a) Length and girth b) Length and Temperature gradient c) Water flow rate and air mass flow rate d) Air mass flow rate and water flow rate Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP) fans consume less energy than aluminum fans because a) They are lighter b) They have better efficiencies c) They encounter less system resistance d) They deliver less air flow Ratio of luminous flux (lumen) emitted by a lamp to the power consumed (watt) by the lamp is called a) Luminous intensity b) Luminous efficacy c) Reflectance d) Luminance Illuminance of a surface is expressed in a) Radians b) Lux c) Lumens d) LPD 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. Use of soft starters for induction motors results in a) Lower mechanical stress b) Lower power factor c) Higher maximum demand d) All the above The Energy Performance Index (EPI) of a building as per Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC) and as defined in the Energy Conservation Act, 2001 is: a) kWh per square meter per year b) kWh per square meter c) kW per square meter d) kWh per year Energy Conservation Act covers buildings having a connected load of a) 100 kW and above b) 100 kVA and above c) 500 kW and above d) All buildings with HT connection In a solar PV system the conversion from DC to AC is carried out by a) Converter b) Charger c) Battery d) Inverter The inlet air temperature to a two stage reciprocating air compressor is 35 0C. At which of the following 2nd stage inlet temperature s the compressor will consume least power ? 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. a) 75 0C b) 65 0C c) 60 0C d) 50 0C A fan is drawing 16 kW at 800 RPM. If the speed is reduced to 600 RPM then the power drawn by the fan would be a) 12 kW b) 9 kW c) 6.75 kW d) None of the above In which of the following fans air enters and leaves the fan with no change in direction ? a) Forward curved b) Backward curved c) Radial d) Propeller Increasing the Cycles of Concentration (C.O.C) of circulating water in a cooling tower, the blow down quantity will a) Increase b) Decrease c) Not change d) None of the above __________ can be achieved using infrared, acoustic, ultrasonic or microwave sensors for energy efficient lighting control. a) Time-based control b) Daylight-linked control c) Occupancy-linked control d) Localized switching The 5th and 7th harmonic in a 50 Hz power supply system will have: a) Voltage and current distortions with 55 Hz & 57 Hz b) Voltage and current distortions with 500 Hz & 700 Hz c) Voltage and current distortions with 250 Hz & 350 Hz d) No voltage and current distortion at all 30. A 7.5 kW, 415 V, 15 A, 970 RPM, 3 phase rated induction motor with full load efficiency of 86 % draws 7.5 A and 3.23 kW of input power. The percentage loading of the motor is about 31. 32. a) 37 % b) 43 % c) 50 % d) None of the above A two pole induction motor operating at 50 Hz, with 1 % slip will run at an actual speed of a) 3000 RPM b) 3030 RPM c) 2970 RPM d) None of the above The value, by which the pressure in the pump suction exceeds the liquid vapour pressure, is expressed as a) Net positive suction head available b) Static head c) Dynamic head d) Suction head 33. Which of the following ambient conditions will evaporate minimum amount of water in a cooling tower ? 34. a) 35 0C DBT and 30 0C WBT b) 38 0C DBT and 31 0C WBT c) 38 0C DBT and 37 0C WBT d) 35 0C DBT and 29 0C WBT A fan is operating at 970 RPM developing a flow of 3000 Nm 3/hour at a static pressure of 650 mmWC. If the speed is reduced to 700 RPM, the static pressure (mmWC) developed will be 35. a) 244.3 b) 650 c) 469 d) None of the above Select the incorrect statement: a) Transformers operating near saturation level create harmonics b) Devices that draw sinusoidal currents when a sinusoidal voltage is applied create harmonics c) Harmonics are multiples of the supply frequency d) Harmonics occur as spikes at intervals which are multiples of the supply frequency 36. 37. The illuminance is 10 lm/m from a lamp at 1 meter distance. The illuminance at half the distance will be a) 40 lm/m b) 10 lm/m c) 5 lm/m d) None of the above In an engine room 15 m long, 10 m wide and 4 m high, ventilation requirement in m 3/hr for 20 air changes/hr is a) 6000 b) 9000 c) 12000 d) None of the above 38. A package air conditioner of 5 TR capacity delivers a cooling effect of 4 TR. If Energy Efficiency Ratio (W/W) is 2.90, the power in kW drawn by compressor would be: a) 4.84 b) 1.38 c) 1.724 d) None of the above 39. A 5 kVAr, 415 V rated power factor capacitor was found to be having 5.5 kVAr operating capacity. The operating supply voltage at the same supply frequency would be approximately. 40. a) 400 V b) 415 V c) 435 V d) None of the above The Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC) of window of a building is 0.30. This means that a) The window allows 70 % of the sun s heat to pass through into interior of the buildings b) The window allows 30 % of the sun s heat to pass through into the building interior c) 70 % of the sun s heat is incident on the window d) The window reflects back to exterior a minimum of 30 % of the sun s heat 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. The most system is: energy intensive heat transfer loop of a vapour compression a) Indoor air loop b) Chilled water loop c) Refrigerant loop d) Condenser water loop refrigeration One of the thermal power plants operating with 2 nos. of 500 MW units has reported the operating heat rate of 11250 kJ/kW. The Plant Load Factor (PLF) of the power plant is 73 %. The operating efficiency of the power plant will be a) 38 % b) 35 % c) 30 % d) 32 % Aggregate Technical & Commercial loss in distribution system covers a) I2R losses of all transformers b) Transmission & distribution loss c) Only transmission losses d) Energy and monetary loss The power measured in a boiler ID fan is 52 kW operating at 49 Hz. As an energy conservation measure the Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) was installed and the fan was operated at 34 Hz. The estimated power savings will be a) 36 kW b) 17.2 kW c) 34.7 kW d) 35 .7 kW The isothermal power of a 500 CFM air compressor is 72 kW and the efficiency is 78 %. The actual power drawn by the compressor will be a) 56 kW b) 92 kW c) 72 kW d) None of the above A heat pump used in a heat recovery application extracts 66220 kcal/hr and the power consumed by the heat pump is 23 kW. The estimated heat supplied by the heat pump is a) 2916 kcal/hr b) 47300 kcal/hr c) 86860 kcal/hr d) 86000 kcal/hr 47. A coal fired boiler primary air fan is maintaining a velocity pressure of 70 mmWC and the air temperature is 380C. The density of the air is 1.135 kg/m3 and the pitot tube constant is 0.85. The velocity of air in m/sec will be 48. 49. 50. a) 25.6 b) 29.56 c) 28.67 d) None of the above A two stage air compressor The required capacity of the of 5 0C will be ________TR. drawing 75 kW has heat rejection of 862 kCal/kWh. cooling tower when the operating temperature difference a) 21.55 b) 107.5 c) 22.93 d) 57.4 The star rating scheme of Fluorescent Tube light as per BEE Standards & Labelling Scheme is based on a) Lumen Output b) Lux per Watt c) Lux per Watt per m2 d) Lumen per Watt at different operating hours A pump with 230 mm diameter impeller is delivering a flow of 150 m 3/hr. If the flow is to be reduced to 110 m3/hr by trimming the impeller, what should be the approximate impeller size? a) 195 mm b) 175 mm c) 169 mm d) 207 mm -------- End of Section - I -------- Section II: SHORT DESCRIPTIVE QUESTIONS (i) (ii) S-1 Marks: 8 x 5 = 40 Section II contains Eight questions (S1- S8) Each question carries Five marks The operating data of an induced draft-cooling tower is as follows: Observed range : 8 0C. Cooling water flow rate : 12,500 m3/hr Drift loss : 0.1 % of circulation rate Wet Bulb Temperature : 27 0C Ambient Dry Bulb Temperature : 35 0C Effectiveness : 67 % Cycle of Concentration :3 Estimate the evaporation loss; make up water requirement and TR load of cooling tower. Ans Evaporation loss = 0.00085 X 1.8 X 12500 X 8 = 153 m 3/hr Blow Down =153 /(3-1)= 76.5 m3/hr Make up =153 + 76.5 + (12500*0.001)= 242 m3/hr Heat load =12500*1000*8/3024=33069 TR S-2 A plant is operating a chilled water system always at full load. The chilled water inlet and outlet temperatures are 12 0C and 7 0C respectively. The chilled water pump discharge pressure is 3.6 kg/cm2g and the suction is 5 meters above the pump centerline. The power drawn by the chilled water pump s motor is 70 kW and an efficiency of 90 %. The chilled water pump efficiency at the operating point from pump characteristic curve is 60 %. Find out the operating refrigeration load in TR. Ans Total head Pump shaft power 36 5 = 31 m 70 x 0.9 63 kW (63 x 1000) X 0.6 / 31 x 1000 x 9.81 0.124297 m3/s 447.5 m3/hr (447500 x 5) / 3024 740 TR Flow rate Refrigeration load S-3 Ans S-4 Ans In an air washer of a textile humidification system with an airflow of 3000 m3/h at 25 0C and 10 % relative humidity is humidified to 60 % relative humidity by adding water through spray nozzles. The specific humidity of air at inlet and outlet are 0.002 kg/kg of dry air and 0.0062 kg/kg of dry air respectively. The density of air at 25 0C is 1.184 kg/m3. Calculate the amount of water required in kg/hr. The amount of water required: mw =v ( out - in) = 3000 X 1.184 X (0.0062- 0.002) = 14.9 kg/h In a Thermal Power Station, the steam input to a turbine operating on a fully condensing mode is 100 TPH. The heat rejection requirement of the steam turbine condenser is 555 kcal/kg of steam condensed. The temperature of cooling water at the inlet and outlet of the turbine condenser is 27 0C and 37 0C respectively. Find out the circulating cooling water flow. The quantum of heat rejected in the turbine condenser = Quantum of steam condensed (kg) x heat rejection (kcal/kg) = 100,000 x 555 = 55.5 Million kcal/h. Heat gained by circulating cooling water = Heat rejected in the condenser Circulating cooling water flow = 100,000 x 555 / (37-27) x specific heat (1) = 5550 m3/hr S-5 List any five benefits of power factor improvement in an industrial power distribution system Ans Refer Guide Book No 3, Chapter 1, Page No 11 S-6 During the performance evaluation of a DG set, the following parameters were noted Capacity of DG set Test duration Units generated 1500 kVA 36 minutes 442 kWh Average Power factor Calculate 1. 2. 3. 4. Ans 1. 2. 3. 4. 0.92 pf Length of diesel tank 90 cm Width of diesel tank 90 cm Height of the diesel tank 90 cm Initial tank dip level (from top) 63 cm Final tank dip level (from top) 79 cm the following: Diesel consumption (Litres) Average load (kW) Percentage Loading (%) Specific power generation (kWh/Litre) Diesel Consumption = Average load (kW) = Percentage Loading (%) = Specific power generation (kWh/Litre) (1 (1 (2 (1 Mark) Mark) Marks) Mark) 0.9x0.9x0.16 (442/36)x60 (736.7/.92)/1500 (442/129.6) =129.6 Liters =736.7 kW =53% =3.41 kWh/Litre S-7 How does a motor lose its efficiency upon rewinding?(2.5 Marks) What two parameters will indicate the efficacy of the rewinding? Ans Refer Guide Book No 3, Chapter 2, Page No 61 S-8 A medium sized engineering industry has installed two 480 CFM screw compressors, A & B. Compressor-A is operating at full load and Compressor-B is running in load - unload condition. The load power of both the compressor is 74 kW and the unload power of the Compressor-B is 26 kW. Both the compressors are operated during working day. The percentage loading of the Compressor-B during working day is 64 %. After arresting the leakage in the system the loading of the compressor was found to be 35 %. Estimate the energy savings per day. Existing Case: Energy consumed per hour by Compressor -A= 74 kW Ans (2.5 Marks) Energy consumed per hour by Compressor -B= 0.64 x 74 + 0.36 X 26 = 56.72 kW Total energy consumed (Compressor A& B) = 74 + 56.72 = 130.72 kW/hr Energy consumed per day= 130.72 X 24 hrs = 3137.3 kWh/day Leakage Calculation: Energy consumed per hour by Compressor -B= 0.64 x 74 + 0.36 X 26 = 56.72 kW Energy consumed per hour by Compressor -B= 0.35 x 74 + 0.65 X 26 = 42.8 kW Difference in power consumption = 56.72 - 42.8 = 13.92 kW/hr Savings by arresting leakage per day= 13.92 X 24 = 334 kWh/day -------- End of Section - II -------- Section III: LONG DESCRIPTIVE QUESTIONS (i) (ii) Section III contains Six questions (L1- L6) Each question carries Ten marks Marks: 6 x 10 = 60 L-1 A food processing plant has a contract demand of 2500 kVA with the power supply company. The average maximum demand of the plant is 2000 kVA at a power factor of 0.95. The maximum demand is billed at the rate of Rs.300/kVA. The minimum billable maximum demand is 75 % of the contract demand. An incentive of 0.5 % reduction in energy charges component of electricity bill are provided for every 0.01 increase in power factor over and above 0.95. The average energy charge component of the electricity bill per month for the company is Rs.10 lakhs. The plant decides to improve the power factor to unity. Determine the power factor capacitor kVAr required, annual reduction in maximum demand charges and energy charge component. What will be the simple payback period if the cost of power factor capacitors is Rs.800/kVAr ? kW drawn Ans 2000 x 0.95 = 1900 kW Kvar required to improve power factor from 0.95 to 1 kW ( tan 1 tan 2) kW ( tan (cos- 1) tan (cos- 2) 1900 ( tan (cos-0.95) tan (cos-1) 1900 (0.329 - 0) 625 kVAr Cost of capacitors @Rs.800/kVAr Rs.5,00,000 Maximum demand at unity power factor 1900/1 = 1900 kVA 75 % of contract demand Reduction in Demand charges 1875 kVA 100 kVA x Rs.300 Rs.30000 x 12 Rs.3,60,000 Percentage reduction in energy charge from 0.95 to 1 @ 0.5 % for every 0.01 increase Monthly energy cost component of the bill Reduction in energy cost component 2.5 % Annual reduction Savings in electricty bill Investment Payback period L-2 Rs.6,60,000 Rs.5,00,000 5,00,000/6,60,000 0.76 years or 9 months Write short notes on the following with respect to the compressed air system : (each carries 2.5 Marks) a) Refrigeration drier b) Heat of compression drier c) Role of air receiver d) Dew point a) b) c) d) L-3 Rs.10,00,000 10,00,000 x (2.5/100) Rs.25,000/month Rs.25,000 x 12 Rs.3,00,000 Refer Refer Refer Refer Guide Guide Guide Guide Book Book Book Book No No No No 3, 3, 3, 3, Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter 3, 3, 3, 3, Page Page Page Page No No No No 94 95 97 93 In a boiler, the forced draught fan develops a total static pressure of 300 mmWC. Determine the shaft power (in kW) required to drive the fan if 10,000 kg of coal is burnt per hour with 13 kg of air per kg of coal burnt. The boiler house temperature is 20 0C and static efficiency of the fan is 80 %. The operating air density may be calculated from the following: R = 847.84 mmWC m3/kg mole K and Molecular weight of air, M = 28.92 kg/kg mole. Total Pressure = 300 mm of WC Mass of air handled, m = 10000 13/ 3600 = 36.11 kg/s Atmospheric pressure, P = 1 kg/ cm2 = 10 mtr of WC = 10,000 mm of WC. Temperature T = 20 + 273 = 293 K Gas Constant for air, R = 847.84 mm WC m3/kg mole K Molecular weight of air, M = 28.92 kg/kg mole Density, kg/m3 = (P x M) / (R X T) = (10000 x 28.92) / (847.84 x 293) = 1.164 kg/m3 Volume in m3/s = mass (kg/s) / density (kg/m3) = 36.11 / 1.164 = 31.02 m3/s Power to fan shaft, kW = [Volume (m3/s) x Total pressure (mm of WC)] / [102 x fan efficiency] = [31.02 x 300] / [102 x 0.8] = 114 kW L-4 A 7.5 TR package air conditioner is provided for a UPS room for removing the heat generated from the UPS of rated capacity 40 kVA. The following parameters were noticed while performing the assessment of the total system. UPS Parameters: Rating On Load (16 hrs) Input Power (kW) Output Power (kW) 11.94 8.61 1.16 0.00 40 kVA No Load (8 hrs) Air conditioner parameters: Installed capacity of Air conditioner 7.5 TR Outdoor unit (condenser) air velocity 6.1 m/s Radius of the fan opening at the point of velocity measurement in outdoor unit Air Density Ambient temperature 0.30 M 1.174 kg/m3 305 0K Temperature of hot air (condenser outlet) 313.5 0K Specific heat of air 1.009 kJ/kg K Power drawn by the compressor Efficiency of the compressor motor 5.40 kW 90 % Calculate a) Present delivery capacity of air conditioner (TR) (3 Marks) b) Power drawn per TR of refrigeration (3 Marks) c) Calculate the annual energy savings for 7200 hrs, if the UPS is relocated to a non-air-conditioned ventilated area. Assume energy cost Rs.8/kWh. Ans Capacity Installed 7.5 TR Outdoor unit air velocity 6.1 m/s Radius of the opening Area of cross section (3.14 x 0.3^2) Total Air flow (0.283 x 6.1) Density of the air 0.30 m 0.283 m2 1.72 m3/s 1.174 kg/m3 Mass of air, m (1.72x1.174) 2.02 kg/s Ambient temperature, T1 305 oK 313.5 oK 8.5 oK Air temperature, T2 Difference in Temperature (T2-T1), (dT) (4 Marks) Specific Heat at Constant pressure, cp 1.009 kJ/kgK Heat Transfer (mxCpx(T2-T1)) 17.32 kJ/s Heat transfer per hour 62352 kJ/hr Heat input from the compressor (5.4x0.9x860) Evaporator heat load (14949-4180) 14917 kcal/Hr 4180 kcal/Hr 10737 kcal/Hr 1 Tonne of refrigeration 3024 kCal/Hr Effective TR 3.55 TR Power drawn by the compressor power taken per TR of refrigeration 5.40 kW 1.52 kW/ TR Heat Load generated by UPS in Conditioned Space Heat Load Input Output Rating/ Location Power Power (kW) kCal/Sec kCal/Hr TR/hr (kW) (kW) Total TR/day 40 kVA On Load (16hrs) No Load (8hrs) 11.94 8.61 3.33 0.80 2880 0.95 15.2 1.16 0 1.16 0.28 1008 0.33 2.64 Total 17.84 The savings that can be achieved by providing clean, cool and dust free environment for UPS operation is given below. AC Load generated by UPS/ day = 17.84 TR Power taken by AC to generate 17.82 TR at 1.52 kW/ TR = 27.12 kW Annual energy savings at 300 days of operation = 8136 kWh Cost of power = Rs.8/ kWh Annual Cost Savings L-5 = Rs.65,088/- One of the textile processing plants has installed two numbers of 6 MW gas turbines and also Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG) to generate steam from the hot gases. The steam generated from HRSG is utilized for process steam requirement and also for 500 TR Vapour Absorption Machine (VAM). The VAM consumes 4.4 kg steam per TR and is operated at full load. Due to increase in gas price the plant has stopped gas turbine operations and avails power supply from the grid. To meet the steam requirement the plant has installed two numbers of 10 TPH Agro Waste Boilers and steam is supplied to the process plant as well as to VAM machine. The average cost of steam is Rs.1200/- per ton from agro waste boiler. The plant operates for 7000 hours in a year. The management is planning to replace the VAM chillers by electrical centrifugal chiller which will operate at 0.7 kW/TR. Compare the annual operating costs of electrical chiller and VAM. The cost of grid power is Rs 6.12/kWh. Consider all the other auxiliary power remains same in both the cases. Do you agree with the management decision of operating VAM machine for chilling requirements? Ans Capacity of VAM Machine Steam required/TR Total Steam requirement Cost of steam from Agro Boiler = = = = 500 TR 4.4 Kg/TR 500 X 4.4 = 2200 Kg/hr = 2.2 TPH 2.2 X 1200 = Rs 2640 / hr Power consumed by electric chiller = 0.7 X 500 = 350 kW Cost of electricity = Rs 6.12/kWh Operating cost of electric chiller = 350 x 6.12 = Rs 2142 Savings by Electric chiller Annual operating savings = 2640- 2142 = Rs.498/ hr = 7000 X 498 = Rs 34,86,000/- Disagree with the management decision. L-6 A distribution company has taken initiatives to reduce Aggregate Technical & Commercial (AT & C) loss in their network. The energy supplied, received and revenue details are given below : a) Input energy = 60 MU Metered Billed Energy = 43 MU Average Billing = 3 MU Amount Billed = Rs. 540 Million Arrears collected = Rs. 80 Million Amount received = Rs. 470 Million Estimate the following : (each carries 2.5 Marks) i) AT & C loss in % and revenue realized in Rs. /kWh ii) Revenue loss per kwh and monthly loss, if the purchased energy cost is Rs. 8.10/kWh Ans b) List five measures to reduce commercial loss in the network a) Billing efficiency = (43+3) /60 X 100 = 76.7 % Collection efficiency = ((470-80)/540) X 100 = 72.2 % AT&C Loss = 1- (Billing efficiency x Collection Efficiency) x 100 = 1- (0.767 x 0.722) X100 = 44.62 % Revenue realised / kwh = (470-80)/60 = Rs 6.5/kWh Revenue loss / kwh = Rs 8.10- 6.5 = Rs. 1.6/kWh Monthly Revenue loss = 60 X 1.6 = Rs 96 Million or (Rs.9,60,00,000/-) b) Few measures to reduce commercial losses in distribution system include: Refer Guide Book No 3, Chapter 1, Page No 27 -------- End of Section - III -------- (5 Marks)

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Tags : Bureau of Energy Efficiency, BEE, National Productivity Council of India, NPC, Energy Audit, Certified Energy Manager, Certified Energy Auditor, EM & EA, bee papers, bee sample papers, bee books, portal for bee india, bee question bank, bee question papers with answers, bee model test papers, solved board question papers of last year, previous years solved question papers, free online solved question paper, india sample questions papers, last 10 years papers, guess sample questions papers, important questions, specimen / mock papers, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005.  

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