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9th National Certification Exam Energy Managers & Auditors DECEMBER 2009 Paper 2

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Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (JNTUH), Hyderabad
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Paper 2 Set B Solutions Regn No: _________________ Name: ___________________ (To be written by the candidate) 9th NATIONAL CERTIFICATION EXAMINATION December, 2009 FOR ENERGY MANAGERS AND ENERGY AUDITORS PAPER 2: Energy Efficiency in Thermal Utilities Date: 19.12.2009 Timings: 1400-1700 HRS Duration: 3 HRS Max. Marks: 150 General instructions: o o o o o Please check that this question paper contains 14 printed pages Please check that this question paper contains 64 questions The question paper is divided into three sections All questions in all three sections are compulsory All parts of a question should be answered at one place Section - I: OBJECTIVE TYPE Marks: 50 x 1 = 50 (i) (ii) (iii) Answer all 50 questions Each question carries one mark Please hatch the appropriate oval in the OMR answer sheet with Black Pen or HB pencil, as per instructions 1 The material used to control SO x in the FBC boiler is a) lime 2 b) alumina b) atomization of oil c) furnaces d) coal storage In industrial applications the commonly used trap for main steam lines is a) thermostatic trap c) thermodynamic trap 4 d) limestone Carpet loss occurs in a) coal combustion 3 c) silica b) inverted bucket trap d) open bucket trap Mark the best choice of insulation material for electric heat treatment furnace among the following a) glass wool b) calcium silicate c) fire bricks d) ceramic fibre 1 _______________________ Bureau of Energy Efficiency Paper 2 Set B Solutions 5 The low combustion temperature in FBC boilers results in minimal formation of a) CO 6 b) SOx c) NOx d) CO2 For same inlet conditions of the steam which of the following will generate the maximum power a) condensing turbine c) extraction-cum-condensing turbine 7 Demineralisation of water is the process to remove a) dissolved oxygen 8 b) dissolved salts b) bottoming cycle d) reheat cycle o 4 4 b) T 2 c) A d) A Water hammer is common in a) water pipes c) steam pipes with steam and condensate 11 b) condensate pipes d) main steam lines with good traps Which of the following requires the least amount of oxygen/ kg of substance for combustion a) methane 12 d) chlorine If the furnace temperature is T ( K) and the area of opening is A, quantity of radiation loss in a reheating furnace is directly proportional to a) T 10 c) carbon-dioxide In a glass industry waste heat is used for power generation. This type of cogeneration is called a) topping cycle c) gas turbine cycle 9 b) back pressure turbine d) extraction-cum-back pressure turbine b) carbon c) sulphur d) hydrogen Good opportunity for energy savings from continuous blow down of boiler is by a) recovery of flash steam for use in deaerator b) using the blow down steam to run steam turbine c) reusing the hot water so formed as make-up water d) none of the above 13 Which of the following benefits is not achieved by maximizing condensate recovery? a) minimization of boiler exit flue gas temperature c) reduction in water treatment costs 14 Furnace wall heat loss does not depend on a) temperatures of external wall surfaces c) material of stock to be heated 15 b) velocity of air around the furnace d) brick thermal conductivity of wall Which fuel requires the lowest amount of excess air for combustion? a) pulverised coal 16 b) maximization of boiler output d) reduction in energy input costs b) bagasse c) fuel oil d) natural gas. One kg of wood contains 20% moisture and 5% hydrogen by weight. How much water is evaporated during complete combustion of one kg of wood? a) 0.65 kg b) 250 gram c) 0.2 kg d) none of the above 2 _______________________ Bureau of Energy Efficiency Paper 2 Set B Solutions 17 Which data is not required to calculate the efficiency of boiler by indirect method? a) flue gas temperature c) calorific value of fuel 18 The pour point of furnace oil is o a) 100 C 19 b) ambient temperature d) blow down rate o d) 20 C b) chemical resistance d) porosity In which of the following equipment is stored heat used for preheating combustion air a) convective recuperator c) regenerator 21 o c) 50 C Which property is the most important for an insulating brick? a) mechanical strength c) compact strength 20 o b) 25 C b) radiation recuperator d) heat pump Turndown ratio for oil fired burners is the ratio of a) air to fuel input b) maximum fuel input to actual fuel input c) maximum air input to minimum air input d) maximum fuel input to minimum fuel input with same excess air 22 Flame flickering occurs in an oil fired burner because of a) oil not preheated c) oil pressure not sufficient 23 The unit of specific heat is a) kCal/kg 24 b) kCal/m o c) kCal/kg C b) methane c) ethane b) 9 c) 8 An axial compressor is used in conjunction with which of the following b) condensing turbine d) none of the above If the pressure of saturated steam is reduced through a pressure reducing valve a) enthalpy of evaporation will reduce c) enthalpy will reduce 28 b) it will get superheated d) it will produce wet steam What is the average yield in re-rolling mill furnace? a) 40-50% 29 d) butane d) 0.5 a) back pressure steam turbine c) gas turbine 27 d) kCal The amount of oxygen required to burn one kg of hydrogen is a) 3 26 3 LPG is predominantly a mixture of propane and ___ a) isopropane 25 b) moisture in oil d) high excess air b) 70-80% c) 80-85% d) 90-95% Radiation losses from a boiler practically a) increase with increase in its % loading c) are independent of its % loading b) decrease with increase in its % loading d) none of the above. 3 _______________________ Bureau of Energy Efficiency Paper 2 Set B Solutions 30 Scale losses in reheating furnaces will a) increase with CO in combustion gases c) decrease with excess air 31 Ceramic fibre gives the maximum energy savings when used in a) continuous furnace 32 b) annealing furnace b) 10-20% c) 20-30% b) heat wheel b) conduction b) 50-75 mm c) 75-100 mm b) back pressure turbine d) reciprocating engine b) 4400 kg d) 220 kg b) 30% c) 40% d) 70% Flash steam can be recovered from b) condensate at vacuum d) condensate at atmospheric pressure In a chain grate coal firing system primary air pressure is 75 mmWC. What should be the secondary air pressure with respect to primary air pressure? a) lower 42 c) 4500 kg The efficiency of a typical FBC boiler is of the order of a) leaking steam c) condensate at high pressure 41 d) 100-125 mm When 100 kg of fuel with 60% carbon is burnt with theoretical air, the mass of CO2 released will be a) 80% 40 d) none of these Which type of the following co-generation system has high heat-to-power ratio? a) 319 kg 39 d) heat pipe c) convection a) gas turbine c) extraction condensing turbine 38 c) heat pump What should be the appropriate coal size for fixed grate coal firing? a) 25-50 mm 37 b) effective removal of steam d) checking of steam line Maximum heat transfer to the stock in a reheating furnace is by a) radiation 36 d) 50-60% Which of the following heat recovery equipment works on a vapour compression cycle? a) thermocompressor 35 d) re-heating furnace Drain pockets are provided in a steam line for a) effective removal of line condensate c) removal of dirt 34 c) arc furnace Air compressor alone consumes about _____ of the energy generated in a gas turbine a) 5-10% 33 b) increase with excess air d) have no relation with excess air b) same c) double d) more than double The pressure in the heating zone of a furnace should be a) slightly positive c) highly negative b) slightly negative d) highly positive 4 _______________________ Bureau of Energy Efficiency Paper 2 Set B Solutions 43 Which of the following will be an ideal heating medium for heat transfer in a heat exchanger? a) hot water c) dry saturated steam 44 Which of these fuels has the highest heating value? a) LPG 45 b) methane o o b) ash content c) volatile matter d) fixed Carbon b) thermodynamic trap d) orifice type trap Fluidized bed combustion takes place in the temperature range of 0 0 b) below 500 C 0 c) 600-700 C 0 d) 800-900 C In an equipment with steam consumption of 1 ton/hr, the steam trap capacity will be a) < 1 ton/hr 50 d) 110 C The difference in temperature between steam and condensate is the principle of operation in a a) above 1000 C 49 o c) 90 C For coal fired boilers the flame length is influenced by a) temperature trap c) thermostatic trap 48 d) diesel oil o b) 60 C a) moisture 47 c) hydrogen The viscosity of furnace oil will be maximum at which of the following temperatures a) 40 C 46 b) super heated steam d) wet steam b) equal to 1 ton/ hr c) 1.5 ton/hr d) 2 ton/hr Latent heat of any vapour at its critical point will be a) highest b) above zero c) zero d) less then zero . End of Section I . Section II: SHORT DESCRIPTIVE QUESTIONS (i) (ii) Marks: 8 x 5 = 40 Answer all Eight questions Each question carries Five marks S-1 An oil fired boiler with a rated capacity of 12 ton/hr steam generation is switched over to rice husk firing. The boiler is de-rated to 7 ton/hr. List down five major reasons for derating. Ans: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) The external combustion zone reduces radiation heat transfer Rice husk ash deposition in heat transfer area High excess air as compared to oil firing Moisture content and fuel quality variation Boiler furnace temperature drops down during ash cleaning. (1 Mark each) 5 _______________________ Bureau of Energy Efficiency Paper 2 Set B Solutions S-2 What are the disadvantages of direct method of boiler efficiency evaluation over the indirect method ? Ans: Disadvantage of Direct Method S-3 Does not indicate individual losses If there is wetness in steam it may indicate higher efficiencies than actual Does not indicate the improvement to be made in various loss areas Fuel and steam flow measurements are difficult and may not be accurate Any small error in measurement would lead to large variation in efficiency levels (1 Mark each) The efficiency of a billet heating furnace with an output of 15 tonne/ hr was 32%. Find out the specific fuel consumption in litres/ tonne of billet heating and total fuel consumption per hour as per data given below: Billet heating furnace: Initial temp. Final temp. Specific heat of billet Density of fuel oil GCV of fuel oil = = = = = 50oC 1150oC 0.12 kCal/ kgoC 0.95 kg/ litre 10,000 kCal/kg Determine the specific fuel consumption in litres/ tonne and total fuel consumption in litres/hr. Ans. MgCp t = --------------Mf X GCV (1 Mark) Fuel consumption per tonne S.F.C. = = = = Fuel consumption for 15 TPH production = 1000 X 0.12 X (1150 50) / 0.32 X 10000 41.25 kg/ hr 41.25 / 0.95 43.42 litres/ tonne (2 Marks) 15 X 43.42 = 651.3 litres/hr (2 Marks) S-4 A gas turbine was running with naphtha as a fuel. The following are the data collected during the gas turbine operation: a) Fuel (Naphtha) consumption b) GCV of naphtha fuel = 360 kg/hr = 11500 kCal/kg 6 _______________________ Bureau of Energy Efficiency Paper 2 Set B Solutions c) Overall efficiency of gas turbine which includes air compressor and alternator d) Cost of naphtha fuel = 30 % = Rs 22000/ton Find out the cost of generating one unit of electricity? ANSWER: Heat input to the turbine = 11500*360 = 4140000 = 30 % = [(4140000*0.3)/860] = 1444 kWh Efficiency of gas turbine Gas Turbine Output [3 marks] Cost of generating 1444 units of electricity Cost of one unit of electricity generated = Rs 5.49 S-5 [2 marks] The fuel oil consumption in a 4 TPH oil fired boiler generating steam at 10 kgf/cm2g is 300 litres/ hours. Its efficiency by indirect method was found to be 80%. Find out the evaporation ratio and the steam generation rate with the following data: Enthalpy of Steam Feed water temperature G.C.V. of fuel oil Density of oil Ans. = 360 kgs * Rs 22 = Rs 7920 = (7920)/1444 = = = = 665 kCal/ Kg 65oC 10,000 kCal/ Kg 0.95 kg/ litre Efficiency = ER (hs hw) / G.C.V (1 Mark) Boilere efficiency = 0.80 hg = Enthalpy of steam = 665 kCal / Kg. hw = Feed water enthalpy = 65 kCal / Kg. G.C.V. of oil = 10,000 kCal / Kg. ER = 0.80 X 10,000 ---------------- = 13.33 (665 65) (2 Marks) Steam generation = 13.33 X 300 X 0.95 = 3799 Kg / hr (2 Marks) S-6 State the stoichiometric combustion equation for methane (CH4). How many kg of carbon dioxide will be generated by 8 kg of methane? Ans CH4 + 202 CO2 + 2H2O (2 Marks) 7 _______________________ Bureau of Energy Efficiency Paper 2 Set B Solutions 16 Kg 64 44 36 16 Kg methane produces 44 Kg. CO2 8 Kg methane produces 22 Kg. CO2 (3 Marks) S-7 An oil fired bogie type re-heating furnace has 2.5 meter width, 2.5 meter height and 6 meter length. The furnace has 14 oil fired burners with 7 burners on each of the side walls. The bogie height is 0.5 meter. Draw a sketch of one side wall indicating the location of burners and chimney. Ans: 2.5 mtr To Chimney Bogie 0.5 mtr 6 mtr (5 Marks) (Burner 3 marks, chimney 2 marks) S-8 Mention five important areas which reduces yield in a re-rolling mill. Ans. (i) High excess air (ii) Non-uniform temperature (iii) High scale losses (iv) High negative furnace draft (v) Insufficient soaking of charge. (1 Mark each) ------- End of Section - II --------- 8 _______________________ Bureau of Energy Efficiency Paper 2 Set B Solutions Section III: LONG DESCRIPTIVE QUESTIONS (i) (ii) L-1 Marks: 6 x 10 = 60 Answer all Six questions Each question carries Ten marks In a chemical process industry a coal fired boiler of 77% efficiency is proposed to be replaced with paddy husk fired boiler of 67% efficiency. Calculate the fuel cost savings for changing over to paddy husk? GCV of coal Cost of coal GCV of paddy husk Cost of paddy husk Quantity of steam requirement Enthalpy of steam Enthalpy of feed water Annual operating hours of boiler = 4800 kCal/kg = Rs 4000/MT = 3500 kCal/kg = Rs 2200/MT = 20 TPH = 760 kCal/kg =120 kCal/kg = 7000 hours Ans (A) For Paddy Husk Fired Boiler: Heat content in the output steam = 20000*(760-120) = 12800000 kCal/hr Paddy husk requirement = (12800000)/(3500*0.67) =5458 kg/hr. Annual operating hours = 7000 Annual paddy husk consumption = 5458*7000 = 38206 MT Annual cost of paddy husk = 38206* Rs 2200 =Rs 840.53 lakh (B) [5 marks] For Coal Fired Boiler : Coal requirement = (12800000)/(4800*0.77) = 3463 kg/hr Annual operating hours = 7000 Annual coal consumption = 3463 * 7000 = 24241 MT Annual cost of coal = 24241 * Rs 4000 9 _______________________ Bureau of Energy Efficiency Paper 2 Set B Solutions = 969.64 lakh [4 marks] = { 969.64 840.53 } Cost saving = Rs 129.11 lakh. L-2 [2 marks] List 10 energy saving measures in a steam distribution and utilization system. Ans 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Monitoring Steam Traps Avoiding Steam Leakage Providing Dry Steam for Process Proper Utilisation of Directly Injected Steam Miminising Heat Transfer Barrier Proper Air Venting Condensate Recovery Insulation of steam pipe lines and hot process equipments Flash Steam Recovery Reducing the work to be done by steam Any other relevant options (1 Mark each) A process industry needs saturated steam at 5 kg/cm2(g) and 10 kg/cm2(g) pressure level for process heating. A fluidized bed boiler generates steam at 22 kg/cm2(g) pressure at the rate of 24 TPH. 4 TPH of steam is reduced through PRDS for meeting the 10 kg/cm2(g) steam requirement. The balance steam is passed through a Back pressure steam turbine. The turbine back pressure steam at 5 kg/cm2(g) is sent to a process in the plant. L-3 a) b) c) d) e) Mechanical Efficiency of steam turbine Losses in gear transmission Efficiency of alternator The total heat of steam at turbine inlet condition at 22 kg/cm2 (g) The total heat of steam at turbine outlet condition at 5 kg/cm2 (g) = 92 % = 4% = 96 % = 708 kCal/kg = 658 kCal/kg Calculate the total power output from the system. Ans. Step 1: Enthalpy drop across the turbine per kg of inlet steam (h1-h2) = (708-658) = 50 kcal/kg (2 Marks) 10 _______________________ Bureau of Energy Efficiency Paper 2 Set B Solutions Step 2: Total steam flow rate through turbine = 20000 kg/hr Total enthalpy drop across the turbine =20000*50=1000000 kcal/hr (2 Marks) Step 3: Mechanical Efficiency of steam turbine Efficiency of alternator % losses in gear transmission = 92% = 96 % = 4% Over all efficiency of the turbo alternator = 0.92 x 0.96 x 0.96 = 84.8% Energy output of turbine = 1000000 x 0.848 = 848000 Power output of the alternator = 848000/ 860 = 986 kW = 0.848 (6 Marks) L-4 In an engineering industry, a heat treatment electrical furnace is consuming 500 kWh per batch. The Energy Manager of the company wanted to convert it to furnace oil firing for cost savings. Estimate the furnace oil requirement in litres and cost savings, per batch, considering the following data. Calorific value of furnace oil Specific gravity of furnace oil Efficiency of electrical furnace Efficiency of furnace oil fired furnace Cost of electricity Cost of furnace oil Ans. Operating electrical load Efficiency of electrical furnace Useful heat (heat duty) : 10,000 kCal/kg : 0.9 : 70% : 58 % : Rs 4.5/kWh : Rs 20/litre : 500 kWh : 70% : 500 x 860 x 0.70 = 301000 kCal/ batch (2 Marks) FO required for meeting useful heat : 301000/10000 = 30.1 kg Efficiency of FO fired furnace : 58% Net FO required to meet useful heat : 30.1 / 0.58 = 51.9 kg = 51.9 / 0.9 = 57.6 liters/ batch Estimated furnace oil quantity : 57.6 litres/ batch (6 Marks) Cost savings = (500 x 4.5) (57.6 x 20) = Rs. 1098/batch (2 Marks) L-5 Explain briefly with the schematic the following heat recovery devices. a) Heat Pipe b) Metallic recuperator c) Plate heat exchanger 11 _______________________ Bureau of Energy Efficiency Paper 2 Set B Solutions Ans. a) Heat pipe The Heat Pipe comprises of three elements a sealed container, a capillary wick structure and a working fluid. The capillary wick structure is integrally fabricated into the interior surface of the container tube and sealed under vacuum. Thermal energy applied to the external surface of the heat pipe is in equilibrium with its own vapour as the container tube is sealed under vacuum. Thermal energy applied to the external surface of the heat pipe causes the working fluid near the surface to evaporate instantaneously. Vapour thus formed absorbs the latent heat of vapourisation and this part of the heat pipe becomes an evaporator region. The vapour then travels to the other end the pipe where the thermal energy is removed causing the vapour to condense into liquid again, thereby giving up the latent heat of the condensation. This part of the heat pipe works as the condenser region. The condensed liquid then flows back to the evaporated region. (4 Marks) b) Radiation Repuperator A metallic radiation recuperator consists of two concentric lengths of metal tubing. The inner tube carries the hot exhaust gases while the external annulus carries the combustion air from the atmosphere to the air inlets of the furnace burners. The hot gases are cooled by the incoming combustion air which now carries additional energy into the combustion chamber. Radiation recuperator gets its name from the fact that a substantial portion of the heat transfer from the hot gases to the surface of the inner tube takes place by radiative heat transfer. 12 _______________________ Bureau of Energy Efficiency Paper 2 Set B Solutions (3 Marks) c) Plate heat exchanger A plate type heat exchanger consists of a series of separate parallel plates forming thin flow pass. Each plate is separated from the next by gaskets and the hot stream passes in parallel through alternative plates whilst the liquid to be heated passes in parallel between the hot plates. To improve heat transfer the plates are corrugated. Hot liquid passing through a bottom port in the head is permitted to pass upwards between every second plate while cold liquid at the top of the head is permitted to pass downwards between the odd plates. When the directions of hot & cold fluids are opposite, the arrangement is described as counter current. The plate heat exchanger is a potential heat recovery device to recover heat from hot liquids and hot effluents. (3 Marks) L-6 a) Explain why dry saturated steam is preferred over wet or superheated steam for industrial process heating b) Explain with the help of enthalpy equation the impact of dryness fraction on the enthalpy of wet steam c) Why should one use dry saturated steam at the lowest possible pressure for indirect steam heating? Ans a) Dry saturated steam is the preferred choice because: Superheated steam gives up heat at a slower rate than saturated steam. Dry steam alone condenses quickly, thereby providing a higher heat transfer rate. (3 Marks) 13 _______________________ Bureau of Energy Efficiency Paper 2 Set B Solutions b) hg =hf + X x hfg Where hf = Enthalpy of saturated water at a given pressure. hfg =Enthalpy of evaporation hg =Enthalpy of saturated steam. X=Dryness fraction of steam. If the dryness fraction is low, then the enthalpy of wet steam will be lower as the mass of water in the wet steam will be higher. (4 Marks) c) The latent heat of steam increases with reduction of steam pressure. At lower pressure the latent heat is more which is mainly responsible for heat transfer. (3 Marks) -------- End of Section - III --------- 14 _______________________ Bureau of Energy Efficiency

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