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9th National Certification Exam Energy Managers & Auditors DECEMBER 2009 Paper 4

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Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (JNTUH), Hyderabad
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Paper 4 Energy Auditor Set A Solutions Regn No: _________________ Name: ___________________ (To be written by the candidate) 9TH NATIONAL CERTIFICATION EXAMINATION December, 2009 FOR ENERGY AUDITORS PAPER 4: Energy Performance Assessment For Equipment and Utility Systems Date: 20.12.2009 Timings: 1400-1600 HRS Duration: 2 HRS Max. Marks: 100 General instructions: o o o o o Please check that this question paper contains 8 printed pages Please check that this question paper contains 16 questions The question paper is divided into three sections All questions in all three sections are compulsory All parts of a question should be answered at one place Section - I: SHORT DESCRIPTIVE QUESTIONS Marks: 10 x 1 = 10 (i) Answer all Ten questions (ii) Each question carries One mark S-1 S-2 S-3 A cogeneration plant with a back pressure turbine has a constant steam demand and fluctuating power demand. What is the common option to meet the fluctuating power demand? Ans Parallel operation with grid What are the two major sources of waste heat available from a water-cooled Diesel Generator set? Ans Exhaust flue gases and jacket cooling water For determining heat loss in flue gases due to incomplete combustion which flue gas constituent needs to be measured? Ans Carbon monoxide 1 _______________________ Bureau of Energy Efficiency Paper 4 Energy Auditor Set A Solutions S-4 S-5 Which parameter needs to be measured to assess the percentage loading of a motor by slip method neglecting voltage correction? Ans Motor speed How many volt-amperes (VA) does a 100 Watt incandescent light require? Ans 100 VA S-6 In the indirect method of boiler efficiency evaluation, list any two additional losses computed for solid fuel fired boilers as compared to liquid and gas fired boilers? Ans. Unburnt losses in fly ash (Carbon) Unburnt losses in bottom ash (Carbon) S-7 Why do biomass combustion projects qualify for CDM benefits even though they emit carbon dioxide? Ans: Because it absorbs the same amount of carbon in growing as it releases when consumed as fuel Or Biomass is carbon neutral S-8 Name two most common bio fuels used for transportation S-9 Ans 1. Biodiesel 2. Ethanol Which loss is assumed in the determination of electric motor efficiency? Ans The stray load loss is estimated and not measured for testing electric motor efficiency. S-10 In a shell and tube heat exchanger, engaged in heat transfer between fouling fluid and clear fluid, the fouling fluid should be put on shell side or tube side? Ans Tube side . End of Section - I . 2 _______________________ Bureau of Energy Efficiency Paper 4 Energy Auditor Set A Solutions Section - II: LONG DESCRIPTIVE QUESTIONS Marks: 2 x 5 = 10 (i) Answer all Two questions (ii) Each question carries Five marks L-1 The steam flow to a process plant is 5000 kg/hr. 2000 kg/hr of condensate at 173oC is returned to boiler feed water tank due to its own pressure. However there is 10% heat loss in transit to boiler feed tank. The balance is made up as feed water at 30oC. The final feed water temperature observed was 95oC. Comment on the feed water temperature. The plant personnel are sure that the temperature gauge is in order. Ans Heat in condensate (less 10%) + Heat in make up water = Heat in feed water 2000 X 173 X 0.9 + 3000 X 30 = 5000 X Tf 311400 + 90000 = 5000 X Tf Tf = 80.28oC (3 Marks) The feed water temperature cannot be more than 80.28oC. The high temperature of 95oC is mostly due to live steam leakage, as the temperature gauge is OK. (2 Marks) L-2 The maximum demand registered by an automobile plant is 5000 KVA and the power factor is 0.95. The plant management converts the existing electrical resistance heated furnace with an average load of 750 kW to gas heating as a cost reduction measure. What will be effect on maximum demand and power factor with this conversion? Ans. Registered maximum demand Electrical load (real power) = = = KVAR2 KVAR2 = = KVA2 KW2 (5000)2 (4750)2 KVAR = = 100 1561 5000 KVA 5000 X 0.95 4750 KW (502) (47.5)2 (3 Marks) KVAR in the system will remain same. Reduction in real power by conversion is 750 KW. Real Power = 4750 750 = 4000 KW KVA2 KVA = = = Power factor = KW2 + KVAR2 (4000)2 + (1561)2 4294 4000 / 4294 = 0.932 Reduction in Electrical Demand = = 5000 4294 706 KVA 3 _______________________ Bureau of Energy Efficiency Paper 4 Energy Auditor Set A Solutions Reduction in Power Factor 0.95 0.932 0.018 = = (2 Marks) . End of Section - II . Section - III: NUMERICAL QUESTIONS Marks: 4 x 20 = 80 (i) Answer all Four questions (ii) Each question carries Twenty marks N -1 Static pressure in mmwc Flow in m3/hr Shaft power in kW Work out the static efficiency of the fan by calculation Power drawn by the motor if the motor operating efficiency is 90% Shaft power (HP) a) b) c) d) e) Given below is a set of curves for a centrifugal fan. At its Best Efficiency Point (BEP) determine to the nearest approximation the following: Ans Static pressure in inches H2O 36 (2 Marks) Static pressure in mmwc 914.4 mmwc Flow in CFM 2750 (2 Marks) 4 _______________________ Bureau of Energy Efficiency Paper 4 Energy Auditor Set A Solutions Flow in m3/hr 4672.28 m3/hr Shaft power in hp 29 Shaft power in kW (2 Marks) ie 1.3 m3/sec (2 Marks) 21.6 kW (2 Marks) (2 Marks) Fan Efficiency Q x dP/(102 x kW) 1.3 x 914.4 /(102 x 21.6) 54 % (5 Marks) Motor input power at 90% 21.6 / 0.9 = 24 kW (3 Marks) The data is read from the graph and hence a deviation of +/- 10% in values may be given full marks. N-2 In a Continuous Process Industry 5 Tonne per hour hot oil on process stream has to be cooled from 230oC to 110oC by DM water at 25oC heated to 80oC on its route to boiler de-arator. (i) Depict the heat exchange process on a schematic for both parallel and counter flow heat exchanger clearly indicating inlet and outlet temperature and terminal temperature difference. (ii) Find out LMTD for parallel and counter flow heat exchangers and comment on the preference of the heat exchanger. (iii) Find out the DM water flow rate through the heat exchanger. Assume specific heat of hot oil to be 0.5 kCal / kgoC. Ans. Hot Oil 230oC 110oC Hot Oil 230oC TTD t2 = 30 TTD Counter Flow t1 = 150oC 110oC Parallel Flow TTD t1 = 205 25oC Cold DM Water LMTD parallel flow 80oC = 80oC TTD t2 = 85 25oC Cold DM Water t1 t2 -----------------------Ln t1 / t2 5 _______________________ Bureau of Energy Efficiency Paper 4 Energy Auditor Set A Solutions = 205 - 30 -----------------Ln 205 / 30 = 91.15oC (8 Marks) LMTD counter-flow = = t1 t2 -----------------------Ln t1 / t2 150 - 85 -----------------Ln 150 / 85 = 114.44oC (8 Marks) Counter flow heat exchanger is preferred as the LMTD is larger and hence heat exchanger area will be less and compact. Mc X 1 X (80 25) = mh X Cph X (230 110) Mc = 5000 X 0.5 X (230 110) / 55 = 5454.54 Kg / hr DM water flow rate = 5454.54 Kg / hr (4 Marks) N-3 The following are the data collected for a boiler using furnace oil as the fuel. Determine the boiler efficiency based on GCV by indirect method ignoring radiation and convection losses. Ultimate chemical analysis (% weight) : Carbon : 84, Hydrogen : 12, Nitrogen : 0.5, Oxygen : 1.5, Sulphur : 1.5, Moisture : 0.5, GCV of fuel 10,397 kCal/kg and humidity 0.015 kg moisture/kg of dry air. Flue gas analysis: CO2 : 12% volume, temperature : 20oC flue gas temperature : 180oC and ambient Ans: a) Theoretical Air = 11.43 x 0.84 + 34.5 x (0.12 0.015/8) + 4.32 x 0.015 = 13.74 (or) Theoretical Air = 11.6 x 0.84 + 34.8x (0.12 0.015/8) + 4.35 x 0.015 = 13.92 (2 Marks) b) Theoretical % CO2 = Moles of C/(Moles of N2 + Moles of C + Moles of Sulphur) = 100 x (0.84/12)/(13.74 x 0.77/28 + 0.005/28 +0.84/12 + 0.015/32) = 15.62% (or) 6 _______________________ Bureau of Energy Efficiency Paper 4 Energy Auditor Set A Solutions Theoretical % CO2 = Moles of C/(Moles of N2 + Moles of C + Moles of Sulphur) = 100 x (0.84/12)/(13.92 x 0.77/28 + 0.005/28 +0.84/12 + 0.015/32) = 15.44% (2 Marks) Depending on the variation in the above values (a and b) the subsequent calculations will also have a minor variation in the end result, which can be ignored. c) Excess air supplied = 7900 x(15.62 -12)/(12(100-15.62)) = 28.24% (2 Marks) d) Actual mass of air supplied = (1+0.2824) x 13.74 = 17.62 kg/kg of oil. (2 Marks) e) Actual mass of dry flue gas = 0.84 x 44/12 + 0.005 + 17.62 x 0.77 + 0.015 x 64/32 + 3(17.62-13.74) x 0.23 = 19.3596 kg/kg oil (2 Marks) f) % loss by dry flue gas = 19.3596 x 0.23 x (180-20)/10,397 = 0.0685 or 6.85% (2 Marks) g) % loss by formation of water from Hydrogen in the fuel 9 x 0.12 x (584 + 0.45 (180-20))/10,397 = 0.681 or 6.81% (2 Marks) h) % loss due to moisture in fuel = 0.005 x (584 +0.45 (180-20))/10,397 = 0.03% (2 Marks) i) % loss due to moisture in air = 17.62 x 0.015 x 0.45 (180-20)/10,397 = 0.183% (2 Marks) j) Boiler efficiency = 100- 6.85 6.81 0.03 0.183 = 86.127%. (2 Marks) N-4 A process plant is installing a 5 MW gas turbine cogeneration system with 12 TPH waste heat boiler to meet the power and steam demand of the plant. The plant will operate at 90% of capacity, meeting the entire power requirement of the plant, which is presently drawn from grid supply. The co-gen plant will also meet the steam requirement of 10 TPH, which is presently generated in a gas fired boiler with 86% efficiency on N.C.V. basis. Calculate the differential cost between cogenerated power and grid power per unit and also the additional natural gas requirement per day based on the following data. Capacity of gas turbine Plant load factor Auxiliary power consumption Operating hrs. per annum Net calorific value of natural gas Cost of natural gas Steam produced by co-gen waste heat Annual expenditure towards depreciation and interest Annual expenditure for operation & = = = = = = = 5000 kW 90% 1% 8000 9500 kCal / Sm3 Rs.8 / Sm3 10 TPH boiler = Rs 500 lacs 7 _______________________ Bureau of Energy Efficiency Paper 4 Energy Auditor Set A Solutions maintenance of co-gen plant Heat Rate of gas turbine on NCV Cost of electric power from grid supply Enthalpy of steam Feed water temperature Rs 200 lacs 3050 kCal / kWh Rs. 4.5/ kWh 665 kCal/ kg 85oC Power generation from cogen plant Auxiliary power Net power generation Natural gas requirement for power generation = = = = 5000X 0.9 X 8000 = 360 lac Kwh 1% 0.99 X 360 = 356.4 lac Kwh 360 X 3050 / 9500 = 115.57 lac Sm3 Cost of fuel per annum Annual expenditure for interest, depreciation and O&M Total cost of generation Ans = = = = = = = 115.57 X 8 = Rs.924.56 lacs 500 + 200 = 700 lacs = Rs.1624.56 lacs. (4 Marks) =1624.56 X 105 / 356.4 X 105 Cost of cogeneration power =Rs.4.56 / Kwh. (4 Marks) Gas consumption in existing gas = fired boiler = = [10000 (665 85) / (0.86 X 9500)] 710 Sm3/hr 17040 Sm3/day Cost of steam = = Annual savings by avoiding steam= In the existing gas fired Boiler = 710*Rs. 8/10 Rs. 568/Ton 10 X 568 X 8000 Rs. 454.4 Lacs. Cost of generation after giving = credit for steam generation Cost of generation after accounting = for steam cost = 1624.56 454.4 = Rs.1170.16 lacs Grid power cost Cost advantage for cogen plant generation Rs. 4.5 / Kwh 4.5 3.28 = Rs.1.22 / Kwh 1170.16 X 105 / 356.4 X 105 Rs. 3.28 / Kwh (5 Marks) = = Daily gas requirement for operating GT cogen plant = Additional gas requirement for co-gen plant = = 5000 X 0.9 X 3050 X 24 9500 34673.68 Sm3 / day (3 Marks) 34673.68 17040 = 17633.68 Sm3/day (4 Marks) -------- End of Section - III --------- 8 _______________________ Bureau of Energy Efficiency

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