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Chapter 2.6 - FBC Boilers

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Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (JNTUH), Hyderabad
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Question bank for Energy Managers & Energy Auditors Chapter 2.6: FBC Boilers Part-I: Objective type questions and answers 1. In FBC boilers fluidization depends largely on --------a) Particle size 2. b) 840 950 C c) 950 - 1000 C d) 1000 - 1200 C b) Alumina c) Silica d) All of the above The difference between mean solid velocity and gas velocity in FBC boiler is called ---------a) Fluidization 5. b) slip velocity c) settling velocity b) Burning variety liquid fuels c) Burning wide variety of coal d) None of the above The velocity of fluidizing air in atmospheric fluidized bed boiler is in the range of: a) Higher than 4.5 m/sec b) 1.2 3.7 m/sec c) Less than 1.2 m/sec 7. d) 4-6 m/sec The coal particle size used for CFBC boiler is in the range of: a) 5 6 mm 8. b) 6 12 mm c) 12 15 mm b) AFBC boilers c) Pulverized coal fired boilers d) Stoker fired boilers When the boiler bed temperature exceeds beyond 950 C, the result is: a) Low steam temperature b) clinker formation c) Melting of lime stones 10. d) 15 25 mm In India commonly used power plant boilers are: a) PFBC boiler 9. d) None of the above FBC boiler has an advantage of: a) Burning high quality coal 6. d) Neither (a) nor (b) The material used to control SO2 and NOx in the FBC boiler is a) Limestone 4. c) Both (a) and (b) The bed temperature for a FBC boiler ranges between---------a) 750 800 C 3. b) Air velocity d) Ash carry over For even distribution of fluidized air in AFBC boilers, which one of the following is used? a) perforated metal distributor plate 2.6 FBC boilers - revised (table format) b) In bed tubes 41

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