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Chapter 4.13 - Waste Minimisation and Resource Conservation

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Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (JNTUH), Hyderabad
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Selected questions Chapter 4.13: Waste Minimisation and Resource Conservation Short type questions 1. What do you mean by integrated solid waste management? Ans Integrated solid waste management is the application of suitable techniques, technologies and management programmes covering all types of solid waste materials from all sources to achieve the objectives of: a. b. 2. less waste and effective management of waste shell produced What are the various costs associated with Waste disposal? Ans The various costs associated with waste disposal is listed as below: Disposal cost Inefficient energy use cost Purchase cost of wasted raw material Production cost for the waste material Management time spent on waste material Lost revenue for what could have been a product instead of waste Potential liabilities due to waste. 3. What is waste minimisation ? Ans Waste minimisation can be defined as "systematically reducing waste at source". It means: Efficient use of raw materials and packaging Efficient use of fuel, electricity and water Improving the quality of waste generated to facilitate recycling and/or reduce hazard 4. Prevention and/or reduction of waste generated Encouraging re-use, recycling and recovery. List the 6 steps of a typical waste minimisation programme? Ans The 6 steps in a typical waste minimisation programme are 1. Getting Started 2. Analysing Process Steps 3. Generating waste minimisation opportunities 4. Selecting waste minimisation solutions 5. Implementing waste minimisation solutions 6. Maintaining waste minimisation 4.13 - Waste minimisation (table format) 77

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