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ICSE Class X Prelims 2024 : History and Civics (Boys High School & College (BHS), Prayagraj / Allahabad)

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Boys' High School & College (BHS), Prayagraj / Allahabad
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BOYS' HIGH SCHO0L AND COLLEGE FIRST TERM EXAMINATION (2024-25) CLASS - X Estd. 186l HISTORY AND CIVICS Maximum Marks: 80 Time: Two hours Attempt allquestions from Part I (Compulsory). Atotal of five questions are to be attempted from Part II, two out of three question from Section A and three out of five questions from Section B. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets J Question 1 Choose the correct answer to the questions from the given options: i) Which of these is not a federal feature of India? a) Written Constitution b) Division of Powers ) [16] Presidential forn of government d) Bicameral Union Legislature ii) The chairman of the Rajya Sabha is: a) The Prime Minister b) The President c} The Vice President d) None of these ii) The President may submit his/her resignation letter to a) The Vice President b) Speaker of the Lok Sabha e) The Prime Minister c) Council of Ministers iv) The maximum strength of the Lok Sabha provided by the Constitution is a) 250 b) 273 c) 530 d) 552 v) Who takes over as the acting President, when the office of the President falls vacant? a) The Prime Minister c) The Speaker d) The leader of the opposition 6) The Vice President vi) Which of these is not contained in the Union List? a) Railway c) Currency d} Public Health b) Defence vii) The states of Satara, Nagpur and Jhansi were annexed under the a) Subsidiary Alliance c) Divide and Rule Policy d) The Indian Arms Act j Doctrine of Lapse vil) An Act which was regarded by the Hindus as an incentive to convert to other religions. a) Widow Remarriage Act 5) The Charter Act c) General Service Enlistment Act d) The Religious Disabilities Act ix Which of these was not an interference by the British in the social religious practices of India? a) The sepoys were forbidden to wear turban b) They could not keep beard c) Fhe practice of the custom of sati was abolished d Denial of foreign service allowance (Bhata) x) Raja Ram Mohan Roy condemned polytheism and propagateda) Idol worship b) Christianity Monotheism d) Atheism xi) Jyotiba Phule formed the Satyashodhak Samaj with the objective of liberating the c) Peasants a Shudras xii) The second session of the Indian National Congress was presided over by a) Brahmins b) Christians a) A.0.Hume sej Dadabhai Naoroji b) W.C. Bannerjee d) Surendranath Banerjee ay Gopal Krishna Gokhale b) Bal Gangadhar Tilak c) Lala Lajpat Rai d) Bipin Chandra Pal xii) Who among these was not an Assertive Nationalist? xiv)Choose the odd one out: Triple Entente comprised of - c) France d) Russia bY Germany was a Ferdinand Franz Archduke assassinated xv) Gavrilo Princep, who a) Britain a) Russian b) German xvi) The Treaty of Versailles was signed on - a) 1September 1939 b) 11November 1918 c)French - Serb . 28 June 1919 d) 28 June 1914 Question 2 Ay yho was Nana Sahib? What was Nana Sabib's grievance against the British? Mention Iwosocial reforms advocated by Jyotiba Phule for the uplifment of women i) State two reasons why Tilak is considered the precursor of Gandhiji ivy Namne two weckly newspapers started by Tilak to sprend the ideals of nationalisn among the Indians. What was the most humiliating portion of the Treaty of Versailles for (Germany? ) What is the puposc of an Adjournment Motion? )What is an Ordinance? When can the President issue and Ordnance? 21 (21 [2) 21 (2) (21 PART II SECTION A (Attempt any two questions from this Section) Question 3 The Council of States (Rajya Sabha) represents the regional interests of the states. In this context discuss the following i) Composition of the Rajya Sabha. ii) Why is the Rajya Sabha known as the Permanent House? 14| ii)Mention any two Cxclusive powcrs of the Rajya Sabha. ? uestion 4 The Indian Constitution establishes a parliamentary fornm of government in which the President is only anominal head. With reference to the above answer the following - Y Howis the President of India elected? n Why is the President elected indirectly? iY Mention two Financial Powers and two Discretionary Powers of the President. (3| [3| (4| Question 5 With reference to the speaker of the Lok Sabha answer the following - Howis the Speaker elected? i t t How does the Speaker maintain order and discipline inside the House? cii) State four of the Regulatory Powers of the Speaker. (31 [3| [4) SECTION B (Attempt any three questions from this Section) Question 6 jY Identify the queen in this picture. What title was she given by the British Parliament? [31 nWhat promises did she make regarding the princely state_ in the proclamation of 1858? [3] ii) Why was the Delhi Durbar held? How did this event generate hatred among the Indians against the colonial government? [(4] Question 7 The Early Nationalists sowed the seeds of nationalism and laid a strong foundation for the National Movement. In this context explain - i) Methods of struggle adopted by the Moderates. ii) Dadabhai Naoroji's role in the Congress and his efforts to sprcad nationalist ideas. ii) Any two contributions of Surendranath Banerjee. [3| [3) [4] Question 8 British eDcouraged communal and separatist trends in India. With reference to the statement given answer the following - i) State any three examples to show that the British Policy of Divide and Rule gave rise to the formation of Muslim League. [31 3 ii) What were the objectives of the Muslim League? i) Discuss the significance of the Lucknow Pact. Qar stion 9 [4] The Treaty of Versailles was documented by Allies. It was a 'dictated peace'. In this context answer the following questions [3] i) How did the Treaty of Versailles seek to cripple Germany's military strength? ii) What did France gain from the Treaty of Versailles? [3] ij State any four objectives of the League of Nations. [4] Question 10 The rise of Fascism and Nazism was due to several factors. In the context explain - Political Instability Y Charismatic Leaders iiMention any four similarities between the ideologies of Fascism and Nazism. [3] [3 [4|

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