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ICSE Class X Prelims 2023 : Environmental Applications (GEMS Modern Academy, Dubai) Mock 2

6 pages, 48 questions, 40 questions with responses, 40 total responses,    2    0
Ranjit Menon
GEMS Modern Academy, Dubai
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MOCK EXAMINATION - 2023 ENVIRONMENTAL APPLICATION Grade: 10 Date: 17.2.23 Time: 2 Hrs. Max. Marks: 100 [The time stated above is the time allowed for writing the examination. In addition, the first 15 minutes will be the time given for reading the question paper.] GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS This question paper is divided into two sections. Section A contains THREE questions; ALL questions are compulsory. Section B contains SIX questions. Answer any FOUR of these questions. Answers must be written in the answer booklet provided. Intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given brackets [ ] Section A [40 MARKS] (Answer all the questions in this section) Question 1 Choose the correct answers to the questions from the given options. i. Which of the following air pollution control devices has maximum efficiency? a. Electrostatic precipitator b. Cyclone separator c. Fabric filter d. Wet scrubber ii. The expanded form of NRA is: a. Natural Resource Assessment b. Non-Resource Accounting c. Natural Resource Accounting d. Native Resource Assessment iii. Which of the following are to be managed for sustainable development? a. industries b. forests c. crops d. resources iv. The World Heritage sites in the Taj Trapezium Zone are: a. Taj Mahal, Agra Fort and Akbar Tomb b. Taj Mahal, Buland Darwaza and Agra Fort 1 [20] c. Taj Mahal, Agra Fort and Fatehpur Sikri d. Taj Mahal, Moti masjid, and Fatehpur Sikri v. What kind of energy do the sensors mounted on the satellite gather a. Kinetic energy b. Electromagnetic energy c. Potential energy d. Sound energy vi. Community participation brings many lasting benefits to people except a. It promotes sense of ownership and control amongst people. b. It encourages sharing of ideas, knowledge and innovations. c. It increases the cost of labour as people themselves participate in the activities to be conducted. d. It creates better network amongst people and encourages social participation. vii. Agroforestry is a community forestry where agriculture is practiced along with _________ and _________ a. agriculture and composting b. employment and exploitation c. tree plantation and animal husbandry d. burning of wood and jhumming viii. Choose the correct full form of the given abbreviations: a. HOV High Occupancy Vehicle b. TBS Tarun Balak Sangh c. CNG Consolidated Natural Gas d. PIL- Private Interest Litigation ix. Which type of bus brings passengers between city sectors? a. Rapid b. Feeder c. Express d. Inter district x. What is the aim of Basel Convention? a. Restricting movement of waste b. Controlling movement of hazardous waste c. Analysis of waste d. Characterization of waste xi. Substance released into the air, especially due to internal combustion engine. a. Greenhouse gases b. Effluents c. Emissions 2 d. All of the above. xii. Which of the following gases is responsible for yellowing of the Taj Mahal? a. Sulphur b. Nitrogen dioxide c. Sulphur dioxide d. Chlorine xiii. The meaning of Dastakar is: a. Art b. Handicraft c. Craftsman d. Craft xiv. Leachate is: a. A contaminated liquid generated from water percolating through a solid waste disposal site b. A run-off from agricultural land c. Liquid waste from an industry d. Domestic wastewater xv. Mini hydel generates ___________. a. Less than 100 kW b. Less than 1000 kW c. More than 1000 kW d. 100 MW xvi. Dry Compost toilets relies on _________. a. Saturated condition b. Unsaturated condition c. Chemicals d. Heat xvii. It refers to trees and shrubs planted in rows at right angle to the prevailing wind: a. Alternate cropping b. Contour bunding c. Tree breaks d. Mulching xviii. A non-governmental organization in Rajasthan, best known for doing ecological research and land development to provide clean water to people: a. Auroville b. Tarun Bharat Sangh c. Jal parishad d. Jal sevak 3 xix. Adopting alternative technology is a. Lavish lifestyle b. Use of material that are recyclable c. Survey of waste land d. Genetic engineering xx. The expanded form of NGO is: a. No Government Organization b. Non Governmental Organization c. Non Global Organization d. National Government Organization Question 2 (i) Define National Debt. [2] (ii) State two advantages of Mahatma Gandhi s idea of decentralized governance like Panchayati Raj. [2] (iii) What is clean coal? Give two ways how it can be economically beneficial. [3] (iv) Examine the scope of grass root upward planning rather than trickle-down effect planning. [3] Question 3 (i) Define EIA. Name a project for which EIA is mandatory. [2] (ii) What are Euro norms? State an advantage of implementing these norms. [2] (iii) What does WWF stand for? State its two objectives. [3] (iv) Mention any three initiatives adopted by you to conserve environment. [3] 4 Section B (Answer any four questions from this section) Question 4 i) What is natural resource accounting? How is it calculated? How does it help to conserve natural resources? [5] ii) State any five barriers to successful community forestry. [5] iii) What is the role of law in controlling air pollution? [5] Question 5 i) Discuss two positive impacts and three negative impacts of globalization. [5] ii) Why is there a need for rainwater harvesting? State in brief Tarun Bharat Sangh s work in water conservation. [5] iii) Explain the causes and consequences of excessive groundwater use. [5] Question 6 i) What is remote sensing? How can it be used to monitor the environment? [5] ii) The Central Pollution Control Board and State Pollution Control Board are the agencies at the Centre and State level to make laws and legislation to control air pollution from various sources. Write the main role of the Pollution Control Board. [5] iii) Distinguish between the following: [5] a)Micro and Macro dams (Two points) b) Indigenous and Modern Technology ( Three points) Question 7 i) State any three disadvantages of the existing Sewage system. What are the alternatives to the existing sewage system? [5] 5 ii) Discuss any five ways by which NGOs can promote women welfare. [5] iii) Define Appropriate technology. State any three reasons for its development. [5] Question 8 (i) Study the picture given below and answer the questions that follow: [5] (a) Describe the process of preparation of biogas. (b) Discuss two advantages and one disadvantage of using biogas as kitchen fuel. ii) Mention any two causes and any three effects of desertification. [5] iii) Discuss the traffic management system of Curitiba. [5] Question 9 i) There are many technical methods of controlling air pollution. Describe the working of an electrostatic precipitator. [5] (ii) As a responsible citizen of the country what measures would you take to reduce the use of plastic in your locality? [5] (iii) Mention any four significances of wetlands. State the objectives of Ramsar convention. [5] 6

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