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ICSE Class X Prelims 2024 : Geography (Vibgyor High School, Malad East, Mumbai)

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Vibgyor High School, Malad East, Mumbai
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VIBGYOR HIGH VIBGY OR HIG H Second Preliminary Examination 2023-2024 GEOGRAPHY Grade: X Max. Marks Date Time Allowed:2 hours : 03/01/2024 : 80 INSTRUCTIONS: Answers to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. The intended marks for the questions or parts of questions are given alongside the questions. Part Iis compulsory. Part I, Q2 to be attempted on the provided map. Attempt any 5 questions from Part I. Note: To be supplied with this paper: Survey of India Map Sheet No.G43S7 To be supplied with this paper 20 cm twine. cities and other In all map work, by a wise use of arrows to indicate positions of map. insertions that you make, youwill be able to avoid overcrowding parts of the with your The map given at the end of this question paper mnust be fastened answer booklet. correct order. All sub-sections of each question must be answered in the This paper consists of 10 printed pages. 1 VIBGYO HIGH PART I(30 Marks) this part) (Attempt all questions from Study Map Sheet the Survey of India No.G43S7 and answer 21-31 , Northings 93-03]: [Eastings questions the following reference of the following : Find the four-figure grid Question 1 (i) Open Scrub a) b) 239 Police Station [1] following: Give the six-figure grid reference of the a) Triangulated Height 198 c) Covered tank in village Ganeshpura (i) [10] pattern in grid 3096 and grid (i) State the difference in the drainage [1] 2695. (iv) 2502 to grid Calculate the length of dam with earth work from grid 2800. (v) (vi) Mention any two types of vegetation found in the map area. [1] Identify the following: [2] a) b) c) d) (vii) Red square in 2895 Water channel on raised pillars in 2201 Broken black lines in 2597 landform in 3095 bank of the river is Find the direction of Sarod Nadi. On which village Chodungri located? (viii) map area receives Give any two evidences to prove that the [1] [1] seasonal rainfall. (ix) a) b) provided map? How many tehsils are marked on the Value of brown line 2698. features on the Mark and label the following Question 2 [1] provided outline [10] map of India: () (i) (ii) (iv) River Mahanadi Konkan Coast [(1] [1] Jaintia Hill [1] A in the South region of dense population VIBGYOR HIGH (v) Mark with arrows the winds that bring winter rain to north west [1] India (vi) Lake Wular (vi) Gulf of Mannar (1] [1] (vii) Largest iron field in India (ix) Chennai (x) Shade and label an extensive area with Alluvial soil (1] [1] Choose the correct option: Question 3 (i) (ii) Climate of India is strongly influenced by: a) Trade Winds b) c) Monsoon Winds Tropical Depression d) Loo Winds [10] [1] Which of the following forms the second largest soil group in India? a) b) c) d) (ii) Black Soil Alluvial Soil Laterite Soil Red Soil Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Tropical Rain Forest? (iv) a) They appear green all year round. b) The trees have a fixed time to shed their leaves. c) Tress reach the heigh of 60 m or more. d) Aparticular species can be found over a large area. Whichof the following least irrigated state of India, is solely dependent on canals? a) Mizoram b Assam c) Tripura d) Arunachal Pradesh [1] (v) er ert of ircias tot VWind poWeracourts for nsales power generation apaty a) 20 b) 25 C) 10 d) 15 (vi) Which of the folowing is the corect order of ororesing BiacK tea? a) b) Withering.Femertetion, Rolirg Dryng Biercirg Withering. Rolling. Fermentetion, Drying Biencing c) Blending. Withering.Fementaton Roling Dryng d) Withering. Biendirng. Roling Fementaton, Dryng (vii) Which of the following are mismatched? a) Electronics: Kanpur b) Petrochemicals: Chennai C) Software: Bengaluru d) Entertainment Mumbai (vi) Which of the following is the longest National Highway in India? (ix) a) NH 10 b) NH 7 c) d) NH 5 NH2 When algae grows extensively on water bodies and consumes ts nutrients, the process is krown as a) Biomagnification b) Eutrophication c) Pyrolysis d) Anaerobic Respiration (x) Hepatitis.diarrnoea and corona are 4 diseases a) bacterial b) viral c) fungal d) helminthic VIBGYOR HIGH PART II(50 Marks) Attempt any five questions from this part Question 4 () (i) (ii) Howdoes latitude influence the climate of India? Distinguish between Summer Monsoon and Winter Monsoon. Give areason for the following: a) Chennai has more rainy months but less rainfall than Kochi. b) Bhopal has higher annual range to temperature compared to Kochi c) (iv) Mawsynram receives the highest average annual rainfall. Study the table given below and answer the questions that follow: [10] [2] [2] [3] (1] [1] [1] [3] Station A Jan Feb Mar Apr May 4.4 10.7 23.3 30.0 2.5 1.5 1.3 24.5 25.7 4.6 Temp (0) Rain (cm) Jun July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 40.3 41.3 40.3 29.4 28.9 25.6 19.4 5.6 1.0 1.8 7.4 19.3 17.8 11.9 1.3 0.2 1.0 27.7 28.4 30.0 32.5 31.0 30.2 29.8 28.0 25.9 24.7 1.3 1.8 3.8 4.5 8.7 11.9 30.6 35.0 13.9 Station B Temp (0) Rain (cm) 1.3 11.3 Calculate the annual rainfall of station A a) b) Calculate the annual range of temperature of station B. c) Suggest a name for station A. Give reason for your answer. EEE [10) Question 5 (i) How do the following help in preventing soil erosion? a) Terrace Farming. b) Strip Cropping 5 [21 VIBGYOR HIGH ( ) cash crops grown in this How is red soil formed? State any two [2] soil. (iii) following: With reference to 'Regur Soil' ,answer the soil is found. a) Name any two regions where this b) Why is this soil ideal for dry farming? Which minerals is this soil rich in? c) (iv) Give areason for the following: [3] [1] [1] (3] a) Soils of the Western Ghats are affected by wind erosion. b) c) Shelter belts reduce soil erosion in arid areas. [1] Khadar is more fertile than Bhangar. [1] [10] Question 6 () State any two characteristics of Rain Forests. (i) a) b) (ii) (iv) What is Agro Forestry? State any two of its objective? Withreference to 'Littoral Forests' ,answer the following: a) State the climatic conditions required for these forests. b) Why do these forests have aerial roots? c) Mention any two trees found in this forest. Explain howman is responsible for the reduction of forest cover in [2] [1] [3] [1] [1] [1] [3] India. Question 7 () (ii) (ii) (iv) State any two disadvantages of canal irrigation. State twO advantages of tube wellirrigation. What is rainwater harvesting? State any two of its objectives. Give areason for the following: Well irrigation is confined mainly to alluvial plains. a) b) c) (i) [1] Inundation canals are being converted to perennial canals. Sprinkler irrigation helps in conservingwater. [10] Question 8 () [10] [2] [2) [3] [3) With reference to 'Bhakra Nangal Dam', answer the following: a) State two of its uses. b) List two states benefitted by it. State two uses of aluminium. [2] [1] (2] (ii) With reference to non-Conventional sources of following: VIBGYOR HIGH energy, answer tne a) b) Name one nuclear power plant in India. State twO advantages of biogas. (iv) WNith reference to 'Coal, answer the following: a) b) State twO of its disadvantages. State the best type of coal. Mention one region in India where it is found. Question 9 () State the importance of agriculture in India. (i) With reference to sugarcane crop, state the disadvantages of [3] [1] [2] [3] [2] [1] [10] [2] [2] 'Ratooning'. (ii) With reference to the image given above,answer the following: crop? a) What climatic conditions are required for this crop is grown. b) State any two regions in India where this [3] [1] c) [1] Name the soil ideal for its cultivation. Give a reason for the same. (iv) Give reason for the following: a) b) c) Millets are referred to as food grains of the poor. Plantations are managed by large multinational companies. India. Coffee is grown onthe slopes of the hills in Peninsular Question 10 (i) (ii) State twO problems faced by Textile industry in India. How are the following advantageous for a ministeel plant? a) b) (ii) [3] [1] [1] [1] [10] [2] [2] To use electric furnaces To be located far from the source of raw material following With reference to the Petrochemicals, answer the questions: 7 [3] VIBGYOR HIGH a) b) c) (iv) What are petrochemicals? petrochemicals. Name any two products made from [1] Why are petrochemicals growing in popularity? [1] [3] [1] Give a reason for the following: a) b) c) The silk industry has a small market. Maharashtra has higher output of sugar. [1] Ironand Steel Industry forms the backbone of industrial development in any country. [10] [2] Question 11 () Name the following: a) India'sfirst expressway. (ii) b) Subarban trains that handle commuter traffic. c) Statutory authority in charge of waterways in India. d) Tidal port of India. State any two disadvantages of roadways. (iii) Give reason for the following: a) b) c) (iv) a) b) Railways are not common in North-East India. Rivers of Peninsular India are not navigable. Airways are very useful during natural calamities. State the advantages of railways compared to airways. State the primary objective of Pawan Hans. [2] EEE ESE Question 12 [3] [1] [2] [1] [10] () What is waste? Name two sources of agricultural waste. (i) What is meant by Open Dumping? Why is open dumping not (iii) considered an environment friendly method? What is biomagnification? State any two of its effects on human life. (iv) Give reason for the following: Waste segregation is a key to waste management. b) Radioactive waste is more harmful than other waste. [2] [2] [3) [3] a) c) Sugarcane waste canbe recycled into useful products. [1] [1)

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