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Set-B MAHESH TUTORIALS I.C.S.E. GRADE - X (2015-2016) Exam No. : MT/ICSE/PRE PRELIM-I-SET - B-002 MARATHI (Three hours ) Answer to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. This paper comprises of two sections; Section A and Section B. Attempt all the questions from section A. Attempt four questions from Section B, answering at least one question each from the two books you have studied and any two other questions. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ]. Section - A (40 Marks) Attempt all questions. Question 1 Write a short composition in Marathi of approximately 250 words on any one of the following topics : [15] (i) Keeueer efouesu ee efJe<e eeHewke er ke esCel eener Ske e efJe<e eeJej megceejs 250 Meyoeb ee ceje erle mebef#eHle efveyebOe efuene. Deepe eer efMe#eCeHe leer yeeueke e ee meJee ieerCe efJeke eme meeOeC ee ee < erves meeceL e&Meeueer Deens ke e ? HetJeea eer cnCe `` [er ueeies ce ce, efJe ee esF& IeceIece!'' ner eesi e Deens ? Ske efJe eeLeea meJe&iegCe mebHevve yeveC eemee er ke e e eesi e Deens - DeeHeues cele ceeb[e. (ii) e elves JeeUt es ke Ce jie[erlee lesuener ieUs ! - ke uHevee efJemleej ke je. (iii) ceuee HebKe Demeles uHevee mHe< ke je. (iv) `F e lesLes ceeie&'- F s es ogmejs veeJe { F eMeefke le-Heefj eceeuee He ee& e veener. {efveM e eer ceveg< e mebke ebMeer mebIe<e& ke jCes Hemeble ke jlees. He l eske De[Le eeuee DeeJneve mecepetve l eeJej efJepe e efceUJelees - eeJej DeeHeues ke e e cele Deens ? mHe< ke je. T15 PIB 002 Copyright reserved. This Paper consists of 6 printed pages. Turn over