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2013 pupil performance analysis (MY IDEAL - ROHIT SHARMA)

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Ashutosh Rath
De Paul School, Berhampur
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GEOGRAPHY H.C.G. - Paper 2 II. ANALYSIS OF PERFORMANCE Question 1 Study the extract of the Survey of India Map sheet No. 45D/7 and answer the following questions: (a) Give the six figure grid reference of: (i) Triangulated height 217 (ii) A lined well near Chekhla. (b) (c) (d) [2] (i) Name the left bank tributary of the main river. (ii) State the direction in which this left bank tributary is flowing. (i) Mention a special feature associated with the streams in grid square 9879. (ii) Name the types of drainage pattern found in grid square 9382. [2] [2] Give the four grid reference of each of the following: (i) Open scrub (ii) Bantawada. [2] (e) Name two relief features that can be seen in grid square 9782 and 9574. (f) Why do you find limited cultivation in the map extract? [2] Give two reasons for your answer. (g) [2] What is the compass direction of Antroli (9576) and Chekhla (9281) from Sangla? (h) [2] What type of rainfall is experienced in the region shown in the map extract? Justify your answer giving one reason. (i) [2] Calculate the distance in kilometres along the cart track between Chitrasani (999747) and Pirojpura (978753). (j) (i) [2] What is the geographical name that you would give to the general pattern of settlements in the region shown on the map. (ii) Name one region shown on the map which is unsuitable for the cultivation of crops. [2] 89 Examiners Comments (a) Errors were committed by candidates in the 3rd and 6th digits of grid references. (b) Many candidates wrote incorrectly due to a confusion between a tributary and river hence the direction too was incorrect. (c) (i) Many candidates wrote barren land instead of broken ground. (ii) Most candidates wrote correct answers. (d) Most candidates answered both parts of the question correctly. (e) Candidates could not write the correct term for relief features. (f) Most candidates answered this question correctly, but a few got confused with the term Limited Cultivation . (g) Some candidates were confused since two directions were asked from one place. (h) Some candidates wrote monsoon rainfall or scanty rainfall. (i) Candidates made mistakes in obtaining an exact six figure grid and also in measurements. A few candidates did not mention the units. (j). (i) This part of the question was answered correctly. (ii) Most candidates could not locate the region on the map. Some candidates wrote four figure grid references. Suggestions for teachers - Additional and extensive practice of six figure grid reference must be conducted. - Teach students about river banks and clarify the meaning of tributaries. - Draw the symbol on the blackboard and explain the causes of formation of broken ground. - Revision and practice should be given due emphasis. - Contours and cross sections should be drawn on the blackboard to teach relief features. - Students should be encouraged to study details of land use from the textbook. - Insist on using the keyword FROM to another place, while teaching cardinal directions. - Teach students about the nature of rainfall being Seasonal and evidences to support the same. - Explain how the exact location of six figure grid is to be carried out. Importance of unit must be reminded to students. - Students should be told that region refers to an area. MARKING SCHEME Question 1. (a) (i) 940792 (ii) 926814 (b) (i) Balaram Nadi (ii) Towards North West (c) (i) Broken ground (ii) Dendritic pattern (d) (i) 9680 and 9383 (ii) 9978 (e) (i) Conical hill (ii) Ridges (f) (i) Due to presence of sand dunes and fairly dense jungle. (g) From Sangla to Antroli is North-East and from Sangla to Chekhla is towards North. (h) Seasonal rainfall due to presence of sanddunes/ broken ground/water channel in the Balaram and Banas river / seasonal streams. (i) 2.4 Km 90 (j) (i) Scattered or Dispersed settlement (ii) Northern part of the region. Question 2 On the outline map of India provided: (a) Mark and name Chennai [1] (b) Label the river Godavari [1] (c) Shade and label the Chota Nagpur Plateau [1] (d) Shade and name the Gulf of Kachchh [1] (e) Mark and name the Indo-Gangetic Plains [1] (f) Shade and label an area with Red Soil [1] (g) Mark and name the winds which bring rain to Mumbai in July and August [1] (h) Mark and name the Satpura Range [1] (i) Mark and name the Jharia Coal Field [1] (j) Shade and label the Northern Circar coastal region. [1] Examiners Comments (a) Most candidates marked Chennai either below or away from the coast. (b) Most candidates labelled the river Godavari correctly. (c) Accuracy in outlining the Chhota Nagpur Plateau posed a challenge. (d) Most candidates marked it correctly. A few marked over Gulf of Khambat (e) Most candidates shaded over Nepal and Rajasthan. (f) Red soil is found in many areas so it was marked correctly. (g) Name of the wind was not mentioned correctly. (h) A few candidates marked Satpura very close to the coast. (i) Most candidates marked Jharia either above or below the correct location. (j) Many candidates shaded either too wide or too long. 91 Suggestions for teachers Students must practice marking of cities mentioned in the syllabus till they are perfect. Location and identification of rivers is essential for all map work. Use of Atlas brings about an accurate outline of Chota Nagpur Plateau on the blackboard. Clarify the location of Gulf of Kachchh and Gulf of Khambat on the map. Continuous practice of physical divisions of India is needed on sample maps. Teach students to shade important areas of each type of soil on the map. Teach students to label the arrows correctly. Practise marking of features accurately. Set map exercises for students after completing each chapter and ensure its correction. Teach students the end limits of each coast by marking them on the blackboard. MARKING SCHEME Question 2. 92 Question 3 (a) Name two types of cyclonic systems that affect India and two areas that receive rainfall from these systems. [2] (b) Give two important characteristics of the South West Monsoon rainfall. [2] (c) Give reasons for the following: (i) When the Malabar coast is receiving heavy rainfall in July, the Tamil Nadu coast is comparatively dry. (d) (ii) The Northern Plains of India have a Continental type of climate. (iii) Central Maharashtra receives little rainfall. [3] Study the climatic data given below and answer the questions that follow: Month Jan Feb Mar Apr Ma Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec y Temperatu 23.1 24.8 26.5 29.3 re C Rainfall 15.3 10.1 0.3 0.1 cm 32 32.8 33.1 32.1 30.5 29.3 28.7 26.1 1.3 4.5 6.1 10.2 10.5 20.1 16.8 19.0 (i) Calculate the annual rainfall experienced by the station. (ii) Suggest a name of this station, giving a reason for your answer. (iii) Name the season during which the rainfall is heaviest. Examiners Comments [3] Suggestions for teachers While teaching the chapter on climate revise the tropical and temperate cyclones in India and areas affected by them. Thorough revision of topics must be conducted. Teach the meaning of windward, leeward and rain shadow with the help of a map on the blackboard. Explain the difference between continental and maritime climate citing examples of cities. Teach the distribution of rainfall explaining the factors responsible using key terms. (a) Most candidates were unsure about the types of cyclonic systems. Some candidates mentioned S.W. and N.E. monsoon. (b) Most candidates answered the question correctly. A few however were unable to justify their answers. (c) (i) Candidates explained the answer correctly but missed key words - windward, leeward and rain shadow area. (ii) Most candidates answered the question correctly. (iii)Candidates offered reasonable explanations but missed writing key terms. 93 (d) (i) Most candidates answered the question correctly. (ii) Candidates were unable to identify the station and wrote Tamil Nadu instead of Chennai. (iii)Some candidates wrote the months i.e. October and November instead of seasons. Suggestions for teachers - Students must be constantly reminded to write in units. Insist on writing the name of the city rather than state when a station is asked. Students should be instructed to read the questions carefully before answering. MARKING SCHEME Question 3. (a) (b) (c) (d) - Tropical cyclones in Tamil Nadu coastal regions Western disturbances in North-West India (J.K, Punjab and H.P) Uncertain and Unreliable rainfall Uneven distribution of rainfall The amount of rainfall received depends on the relief of the region The bulk of the rainfall is received during this season in almost every part of India except Tamil Nadu.(any two points) (i) The south-west monsoons cause heavy rainfall on the Malabar coast after striking against the Western Ghat but Tamil Nadu receive less rainfall because it is situated in the rain shadow area. (ii) Being away from the influence of sea they have very hot summers and very cold winters. (iii) Central Maharashtra has very little rainfall as it lies in the rain-shadow area of the Western Ghats. (i) 114.3 cm (ii) Chennai / Vishakhapatnam (iii)Winter (December February) 44.4 cm Question 4 (a) Differentiate between Transported soil and In Situ soil, quoting a suitable example for each. [3] (b) State two differences between Bhangar and Khadar. [2] (c) Name the process by which Laterite soil is formed. Mention one disadvantage of this soil. [2] (d) With reference to Red soils in India, answer the following questions: (i) Name two states where it is found. (ii) State two advantages of this type of soil. (iii) Mention two important crops grown in this soil. 94 [3] Examiners Comments (a) Most candidates answered this question correctly. A few candidates appeared confused and wrote incorrect examples. (b) This question was answered correctly by most candidates. (c) Most candidates correctly answered the question. (d) (i) Answered correctly by most candidates. (ii) A few candidates mentioned the disadvantages instead. (iii)Most candidates answered the question correctly. Suggestions for teachers Insist on students reading the question carefully to enable a better understanding of the concerned topic and hence avoid any form of confusion. Extensive revision must be carried out in class. Explain topics in detail followed by class and home assignments. Students should be asked to revise topics regularly and consistently. List advantages and disadvantages of each type of soil and revise the same. Explain the important crops grown in each soil with the help of charts. MARKING SCHEME Question 4. (a) Soils, which have been carried over distances or transported by rivers, winds and then deposited Alluvial soil In Situ soils are found in their place of origin Black soil/Red soil/Laterite soil. (b) Bhangar: - Older soil found about 30m above sea level in river terraces - Light grey in colour and non-porous - Less fertile soil. Khadar: - New soil found in the lower beds in the plains near the river. - Loamy, porous soil. - More fertile. (Any two points) (c) Laterite soil is a leached soil and formed due to weathering of rocks and due to high temperature and heavy rainfall with alternating wet and dry periods. (d) (i) Two states where Red soils are found are Tamil Nadu and Karnataka. (ii) Two advantages of red soil are: - These soils are productive when fertilizers and irrigation are used. - They are porous and friable in nature. (iii) Wheat, Rice, Millets, Cotton, Sugarcane Pulses. Question 5 (a) Mention two main characteristics of Tropical Rain Forests. (b) Name the tree, the timber of which could be used for the following: 95 [2] (c) (i) A soft and white timber used for making toys and match boxes. (ii) A hard durable timber used for ship building and furniture making. (iii) A sweet smelling timber which yields an oil, used for making handicrafts. (i) Name one region in India for each of the following: (ii) (d) (1) Tidal forests. (2) Thorn and Scrub. Explain why Thorn and Scrub forests are found in the above mentioned region. Briefly explain two reasons for forests being an important natural resource. [3] [3] [2] Examiners Comments (a) Most candidates appeared confused between Tropical Rain Forests and Deciduous Forests. A few candidates wrote the temperature and rainfall requirements as its characteristics. (b) (i) Most candidates answered the question correctly. (ii) Most candidates answered the question correctly with a few candidates writing incorrect examples. (iii)Most candidates answered the question correctly. (c) Many candidates mentioned states instead of stating regions. (d) Most candidates answered the question correctly. Suggestions for teachers Ensure students know alternative terms and are able to clarify the use of terms such as characteristics being different from requirements Active participation during classroom discussions must be given due importance, Tidal forests are found on the delta only, should be clarified. Guide students to answer correctly by making correct usage of sentences. MARKING SCHEME Question 5. (a) Two main characteristic of Tropical rainforests are: (i) There is dense growth of trees of varying heights. (ii) Sunlight does not penetrate through and floor of forest is dark (iii) Forests occur in mixed stands (iv) Forests are evergreen i.e. species shed leaves at different times. (v) They provide hardwood. (Any two) (b) (i) Semul, Chir pine, Silver fir (ii) Teak (iii) Sandal wood (c) (i) 1. Tidal forests found along the coastal areas of West Bengal and Andaman and Nicobar Islands. 2. Thorn and scrub are found in the northwestern parts of the county in the semi-arid areas of Gujarat, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh. (ii) These forests are confined to regions with less than 50 cm rainfall. 96 (d) Forests are considered a very important natural resource as: - They improve the fertility of the soil and prevent soil erosion. - They provide timber for house building, ship building and furniture. - They supply wood and charcoal for fuel in homes and in industries. - They provide wood pulp for the paper and rayon industries. - They provide an environment for wildlife. (Any two points) Question 6 (a) Name two states in which tube wells are extensively used. Give a reason to explain its importance as a source of irrigation. [2] (b) Give two main reasons why water scarcity occurs in India. [2] (c) (i) Name two states where perennial canals are widely used. (ii) Briefly explain two reasons for perennial canals being a popular form of irrigation in the named states. (d) [3] (i) Name two methods of water harvesting in India. (ii) Mention any two objectives of rain water harvesting. [3] Examiners Comments (a) Most candidates answered the first part of the question correctly however reasons stated were unsatisfactory. (b) This part of the question was answered correctly however a few justified the need for water resources. (c) (i) Most candidates answered the question correctly. (ii) This part of the question did not attract the desired answers and most candidates wrote vague and incorrect answers. (d) (i) Most candidates answered the question correctly (ii) Most candidates answered the question correctly. 97 Suggestions for teachers Questions that demand reasoning must be discussed in class to reinforce learning techniques. Correlate climate to irrigation and issues of water crisis to clarify concerned topics Educate students on sources of irrigation being more popular and their implications as a major source of water resources. Train students on how answers must be written according to questions posed. MARKING SCHEME Question 6. (a) Tube wells are extensively used in U.P, Bihar, Punjab and Haryana. They are perennial in nature. Suitable for small holdings. (Any two states) (b) Water scarcity is due to the rapid growth of population, growth of Industry and urbanization. (Any two points) (c) (i) U.P, Punjab, Haryana and Rajasthan are the important states used the perennial canals. (Any two states) (ii) Perennial canals are popular in these states due to presence of many perennial rivers, low level relief and deep fertile soils. (Any two points) (d) (i) Two methods of water harvesting are roof-water harvesting, construction of tanks, ponds and check-dams. (ii) Two objectives of rainwater harvesting are: - to meet the increasing demand for water, - to raise the ground water table, - reduce soil erosion. (Any one point) Question 7 (a) Name the ore of aluminium. Describe two main uses of aluminium. [2] (b) Name any two industrial products for which limestone is used as a source of raw material. [2] (c) (i) Name two industries that use a high quantity of coal. (ii) Name one important area that has large coal deposits in the states of Jharkhand and West Bengal. (d) [3] (i) Which state is the largest producer of mineral oil? (ii) Name two coastal and two inland oil-refineries in India. Examiners Comments (a) Most candidates answered the question correctly. (b) The question was answered correctly by most candidates. (c) (i) Most candidates named the industries however only a few wrote correct answers. (ii) Most candidates answered the question correctly. (d) (i) Most candidates wrote correct answers. (ii) Many candidates were confused on naming the correct oil fields and wrote Mumbai High in place of Mumbai. 98 [3] Suggestions for teachers Explain the topics using a tabular presentation/ chart showing list of minerals. Categorise industrial and domestic use of minerals. Thorough revision and active class room discussions are required to reinforce facts. Important & significant topics need constant revision supported by citing suitable examples. Clarify differences between coastal and inland / oil fields and oil refineries, etc. MARKING SCHEME Question 7. (a) (i) Bauxite is the ore of aluminium. (ii) It is mainly used in the making of aeroplanes and electric wires. (b) It is used in the chemicals, Iron and steel, cement, glass and fertilizers. (Any two industries) (c) (i) Iron and steel industries and the Railways use the maximum amount of coal. (ii) Jharia in Jharkhand and Ranigunj in West Bengal. (d) (i) Maharashtra is the largest producer of mineral oil. (ii) Mumbai and Vishakhapatnam are situated in the coastal region and Mathura and Digboi are situated in the inland region. Question 8 (a) Distinguish between Intensive commercial farming and Extensive commercial farming. (b) With reference to rice cultivation, answer the following: (c) (d) (i) Name two leading states in the production of rice. (ii) Give two advantages of growing rice in nurseries. (i) Name two states where coffee plantations are found. (ii) What conditions of soil and climate are favourable for the cultivation of coffee? [2] [2] [3] Explain in brief the following: (i) (ii) (iii) Retting. Ginning. Broadcasting. [3] Examiners Comments (a) A few candidates were confused and listed the difference between subsistence and commercial farming. (b) (i) Most candidates answered the question correctly. (ii) Many candidates wrote characteristics rather than advantages as posed by the question. (c) (i) Most candidates answered the question correctly. (ii) Errors were committed in concepts relating to temperature and rainfall. (iii) Most candidates answered this question correctly. (d) (i) The question was answered correctly by most candidates. (ii) Most candidates answered the question correctly. 99 Suggestions for teachers Explain concepts clearly with examples and clarify the difference between intensive subsistence and intensive commercial farming. Revision of important states for each crop must be conducted regularly. Students must be made aware of a nursery and its functioning. - Guide students to read questions carefully to avoid missing subparts of the question. - Important terms must be listed and defined with adequate revision. (iii) The concepts on Broadcasting was not comprehended by many candidates who wrote incorrect answers. MARKING SCHEME Question 8. (a) Intensive Commercial Farming: - Size of is small due to fragmentation. - Maximum yield is produced with the help of irrigation, fertilizers and use of hybrid seeds. - Maximum capital, labour and skill is involved for making a small area productive. Extensive Commercial Farming: - It is capital-intensive farming - Single-crop cultivation predominates, like wheat, corn or barley. - This kind of farming is practiced mainly in sparsely populated areas where ample land is available for cultivation. (Any two points) (b) (i) West Bengal and Tamil Nadu are the leading producer of rice in India. (ii) This facilitates weeding and fertilizing fields. This method gives more yields. (c) (i) The two states Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu. (ii) Two favourable conditions are: - Its temperature range between 15 C and 28 C - Rainfall requirements range from125 cm and 250 cm well distributed through the year. - Volcanic soil/Red/ Laterite soil/ rich friable loams is suitable. (d) Retting:It is a microbiological process. It loosens the outer bark and facilitates of the (jute) fibre from the stalk. Ginning:It is an important step in the processing cotton. It is the separation of seeds and fibre from the raw material. Broadcasting:- It is scattering of seeds by hand over the soil. Question 9 (a) Name any two large sugar producing states, one each in north and south India. (b) Name an agro-based industry based in the following industrial centres: [2] (c) (i) Ahmedabad (ii) Mysore. State three favourable conditions responsible for the growth of the jute industry in West Bengal. [3] (d) [2] Give geographical reasons for the following: (i) The woollen industry is a localized industry in India. (ii) It is necessary to crush sugar cane within 24 hours of harvesting. (iii) Sericulture flourished in Karnataka. [3] 100 Examiners Comments (a) Most candidates answered the question correctly. (b) (i) The question was answered correctly by most candidates. (ii) A few candidates wrote incorrect examples. (c) Candidates had a wide choice yet a few made errors by listing requirements for jute cultivation instead of jute industry. (d) (i) Many candidates failed to comprehend the term Localized . (ii) This part of the question was answered correctly. (iii)Most candidates wrote answers that were general in nature like suitable climate, availability of water, etc. Suggestions for teachers Careful analysis of questions should be encouraged. Topics involving industry should be explained citing reasons for the centralization of any industry in a specific region with the help of a map. Ensure students have knowledge about concepts of requirements for crops and for industry are different. Simple language may be adopted to facilitate the teaching and learning process. Questions on reasoning must be given due importance. Advise students on writing specific answers. MARKING SCHEME Question 9. (a) Two largest sugar producing states in North India are Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh are in South India. (b) (i) Ahmedabad-Cotton Textiles (ii) Mysore- Silk industry. (c) The availability of raw material from the Ganga, Brahmaputra delta, HEP as well as thermal power from DVC and Cheap labour from the densely populated region in W.B and Bihar. (d) (i) The woolen textile industry is localized in North India due to its cold climate. India has a tropical monsoon climate. The demand is also seasonal. (ii) It is necessary to crush sugar cane within 24 hours of harvesting so that the juice does not dry up. (iii) Sericulture flourished in Karnataka due to best quality Mulberry grows very well here/ Favourable climate enables rearing silk worms all year. Question 10 (a) (i) What is the significance of the Electronics Industry in recent times? (ii) Name two cities that have leading Software Companies. [2] (b) Name the steel plants that were set up with Russian collaboration. [2] (c) Explain three reasons as to why there is a large concentration of iron and steel plants in the Chhota Nagpur Region. [3] 101 (d) What industrial product are the following centres noted for: (i) Gurgaon (ii) Perambur (iii) Chittaranjan [3] Examiners Comments (a) (i) Most candidates answered the question correctly. (ii) Most candidates stated correct examples with only a few writing incorrectly. (b) Most candidates responded effectively to the question and wrote correct examples. (c) Vague points like availability of labour, minerals, transport, etc. was written without mentioning the sources of specific areas and their availability. (d) (i),(ii)&(iii) Many candidates wrote incorrect answers. Suggestions for teachers Encourage students by conducting quiz like competitions in class in order to retain and remember centre wise lists of various industries and their products manufactured. Active classroom discussions on concerned topics. Insist on mentioning specific areas and sources of available facilities. Ensure students are given an industry and state wise list of various products mentioned in the existing syllabus. MARKING SCHEME Question 10. (a) (i) The electronic industry is important today, because its computers which are necessary in almost all fields/ they help in speedy actions in the field of communications. (ii) Bengaluru and Hyderabad. (b) The Bhilai Plant and the Bokaro plant. (c) Large concentration of the iron and steel industry in the Chota Nagpur region are: Iron ore is easily available from Singhbhum /Mayurbhanj/ Keonjhar. Coal as a cheap source of energy is obtained from Jharia /Raniganj. Labour force is recruited from the densely populated States of Bihar, U.P. and West Bengal. This regions is well connected by Railway services with the other region for moving the raw materials and finished products. (d) (i) Gurgaon- Maruti car factory (ii) Perambur-Integral Coach Factory(ICF) (iii) Chittaranjan-Electric Locomotive Works. 102 Question 11 (a) Give one disadvantage of air transport. Why is it still a popular means of transportation in India? (b) (c) (d) [2] (i) Give two reasons why peninsular rivers are not ideal for navigation. (ii) Name a port on the east coast which is often hit by cyclones during the months of October and November. [3] (i) State the main objective of the treatment of gaseous waste. [1] (ii) Name two common diseases caused as a result of gaseous pollution. [1] What was the cause of the following? (i) The Bhopal Tragedy. (ii) The Minamata Disease. (iii) The Chernobyl Disaster. Examiners Comments (a) Majority of candidates answered the question correctly. (b) (i) Answers written were correct however, a few committed errors in expression. (ii) Most candidates wrote correct answers. (c) (i) Most candidates answered the question correctly. (ii) Some candidates wrote only Cancer rather than lung cancer. (d) (i) A few candidates wrote carbon monoxide. (ii) A few wrote water contamination without specifying the cause. (iii)A few candidates merely wrote harmful gas . [3] Suggestions for teachers Repeated questioning can help clear doubts and clarify concepts. Students should be told the main characteristics of the rivers of North and South India. The topic on climate should be taught thoroughly to avoid mistakes. - Waste management is the need of the hour hence this chapter needs to be dealt with thoroughly with extensive revision. - Frequent and varied questioning with more visuals can be useful in memorising facts. MARKING SCHEME Question 11. (a) It is the costliest form of transport / It is not economical for short distance service. It provides comfort in travel/It is the quickest means of transport. That is why still it is the popular means of transport in India. (b) (i) Peninsular rivers are not ideal for navigation for the following reasons: - Rivers are seasonal/non-perennial, - They are unsuitable as they are swift flowing. (ii) Chennai. (c) (i) The main objective is to drain polluted air of harmful particles and to maintain clean air as more and more people are suffering from respiratory diseases. 103 (d) (ii) (i) (ii) (iii) Lung cancer, respiratory diseases like bronchial asthma. Leakage of deadly Methyl Isocyanate from Union Carbide Factory. Dumping of mercury in the ocean and subsequent poisoning. Nuclear accident which lead to leakage of radioactive wastes. Topics/Concepts found Difficult/Confusing - Relief features in survey map. - Coastal and Inland refineries. - Intensive subsistence/Intensive commercial farming. - Naming stations with the help of the climatic table. - Reasons for localisation of woollen industry. - Hard durable timber used for ship building. - Advantage of growing rise in nurseries. - Causes of the Bhopal tragedy and Chernobyl disaster. - Industries that use high quantity of coal. - Ports on the east coast hit by cyclones. Suggestions for students - Revise the survey map and solve sample questions/test papers. - Avoid selective study. - Prepare the chapter on Climate with the help of a map. - Solve previous board paper questions followed by active discussion with concerned subject teachers. - Memorize the centres for industry, state/temperature for crops, state for minerals, soil, etc., through tabular presentations. - After answering it is advisable to revise. - Better practice of application/reasoning questions is needed. - Read each question very carefully before answering. - Develop the habit of regular study. 104

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