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Ashutosh Rath
De Paul School, Berhampur
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Table of Contents Table of Contents Grammar WRITING (COMPOSITION & GRAMMAR) ................................................................. 1 ESSAY: ....................................................................................................................................................... 1 The Body of the Essay: ..................................................................................................................... 1 The Conclusion: ................................................................................................................................ 1 Classification of Essays:.................................................................................................................... 2 Guidelines: ................................................................................................................................... 2 Factual:......................................................................................................................................... 3 Short Story: .................................................................................................................................. 4 Reflective:..................................................................................................................................... 5 Writing a Story: ............................................................................................................................. 6 An Exhibition: ............................................................................................................................... 6 Environment and Pollution: .......................................................................................................... 7 A Visit To A Circus: ...................................................................................................................... 7 Factual Composition: Man And Machines ................................................................................... 9 Human Life Of Science: ............................................................................................................... 9 Picture Composition: ....................................................................................................................... 12 Nursing As A Career: ................................................................................................................. 13 Previous Years Questions: ................................................................................................... 13 Practice Questions:................................................................................................................ 19 LETTER WRITING: ..................................................................................................................................... 20 Practice Questions:................................................................................................................ 32 SUMMARY WRITING: .................................................................................................................................. 32 Basic Objectives: ............................................................................................................................. 32 GRAMMAR: ............................................................................................................................................... 33 Rules: ......................................................................................................................................... 33 Review Questions 01: ............................................................................................................ 34 Active And Passive Voice: ......................................................................................................... 36 Change of Tenses In The Passive Voice: .................................................................................. 37 Review Questions 02: ............................................................................................................ 39 Direct and Indirect: ..................................................................................................................... 41 Change of Pronouns: ................................................................................................................. 43 Kinds of sentences: .................................................................................................................... 43 Review Question 03:.............................................................................................................. 45 Unseen passage for Comprehension: ....................................................................................... 45 Unsolved Exercise: ................................................................................................................ 55 Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English I Table of Contents Table of Contents Drama SECTION A: DRAMA ................................................................................................ 57 THE MERCHANT OF VENICE ....................................................................................................................... 57 Character List .................................................................................................................................. 57 Character Analysis .......................................................................................................................... 58 Analysis Act I Scene I...................................................................................................................... 61 Solved Comprehension Passages: ............................................................................................ 62 Analysis Act I Scene II..................................................................................................................... 81 Solved Comprehension Passages: ............................................................................................ 82 Analysis Act I Scene III.................................................................................................................... 85 Solved Comprehension Passages: ............................................................................................ 86 Analysis Act II Scene I..................................................................................................................... 98 Solved Comprehension Passages: ............................................................................................ 98 Analysis Act II Scene II.................................................................................................................. 104 Solved Comprehension Passages: .......................................................................................... 105 Analysis Act II Scene III................................................................................................................. 106 Solved Comprehension Passages: .......................................................................................... 106 Analysis Act II Scene IV ................................................................................................................ 111 Analysis Act II Scene V ................................................................................................................. 111 Solved Comprehension Passages: .......................................................................................... 112 Analysis Act II Scene VI ................................................................................................................ 114 Solved Comprehension Passages: .......................................................................................... 115 Analysis Act II Scene VII .............................................................................................................. 119 Solved Comprehension Passages: .......................................................................................... 120 Analysis Act II Scene VIII .............................................................................................................. 122 Solved Comprehension Passages: .......................................................................................... 123 Analysis Act II Scene IX ................................................................................................................ 126 Solved Comprehension Passages: .......................................................................................... 127 Analysis Act III Scene I.................................................................................................................. 130 Solved Comprehension Passages: .......................................................................................... 131 Analysis Act III Scene II................................................................................................................. 135 Solved Comprehension Passages: .......................................................................................... 137 Analysis Act III Scene III................................................................................................................ 149 Solved Comprehension Passages: .......................................................................................... 150 Analysis Act III Scene IV ............................................................................................................... 151 Solved Comprehension Passages: .......................................................................................... 151 Analysis Act III Scene V ................................................................................................................ 154 Solved Comprehension Passages: .......................................................................................... 154 Analysis Act IV Scene I ................................................................................................................. 155 Solved Comprehension Passages: .......................................................................................... 158 Analysis Act IV Scene II ................................................................................................................ 176 Analysis Act V Scene I .................................................................................................................. 176 Solved Comprehension Passages: .......................................................................................... 178 Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II Writing (Composition & Grammar) 1 Writing (Composition & Grammar) There are seven types of composition writing: Narrative, Descriptive, Argumentative/ Discursive Factual, short story, Reflective and picture composition. An essay is normally divided into three parts i) Introduction ii) The Body iii) The Conclusion Essay: It should be brief, attractive and should strike the keynote of the topic. The first sentence placed at the beginning of the first paragraph should specify what is to follow. It should, in fact, convey clearly what is the vital theme of the subject. Sometimes a short quotation, a proverb, a very brief story, or a common remark about the subject may serve the purpose. But it is not safe to begin with a definition. The Body of the Essay: This is the main part of the essay. It should contain the necessary facts, ideas, illustrations and reflections of the writer on the given subject. Here you should adhere closely to your outline. The paragraphs should be well constructed and in their proper sequence. Do not jump from point to point without showing the connection of one with the other. The Conclusion: The ending, like the beginning, should be brief and striking. It should be natural and not abrupt. If that is impossible, the essay should be completed by summarising the main points raised in the body of the essay. The last sentence, above all, should be not only striking but also pleasing to the mind and the ear. The Style in Writing: z It is the language on which the success of your efforts depends. Yet while writing a composition, the following points should be carefully understood: Choose the subject carefully and having chosen it, stick to it. Write to the point. Be clear and brief. Do not use big words. Proceed in a direct and straight manner. Write grammatically correct sentences. Be brief. Say what you want to say as briefly as you can. Be natural. Write your own ideas and thoughts in your own way. Do not use too many ands , whens and thens . Begin each new sentence with a capital letter. Write correctly proper names and proper adjectives. Avoid scribbling. Write in a neat and legible hand. Keep to the same tense throughout. The average length of an essay is almost forty to fifty lines. Always leave a margin to the left. Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English I 1 2 Classification of Essays: Narrative: z z To narrate means to relate; and a narrative composition consists of a narration of some event or a series of events. Narrative topics such as The Cave and Adventure in a Desert always look attractive, because everyone feels it is easy to tell a story. A student must distinguish between a simple narration of an event and a narration of a story. Narrative essays should not be confused with bits of history. The narration should be based on some incident about which you have some experience. The narrative topic should be treated as a subject for thought and comment. Guidelines: How to write a Narrative Composition: z z z z z Make a well-arranged plan in which logical or chronological order is maintained. Keep the plot simple. Stick to the title don t let your writing drift away from its planned direction. The easiest way to handle a narrative composition is to stick to a series of events in the order in which they have occurred. Give a proper beginning and an effective end to your writing ensuring that all relevant details are given in the body of your composition. Descriptive: z z In this type of composition you normally describe people, scenes or events. A good description relies upon careful observation, which involves manifestation of an eye for detail, a wide vocabulary, and an ability to visualise and describe accurately. Great care must be taken in a descriptive assignment neither to wander off the topic nor to tell a story. The description should be accurate, based on something which you know. Producing a catalogue of features of the person or scene which you are describing is not a descriptive composition. How to write a Descriptive Composition: z z z z z z Stick to the essentials of the topic without being side-tracked into writing a vague and rambling piece founded on only one part of the topic. Follow your plan and develop each part of your plan. Make use of adjectives to develop your description. Involve all your senses, not just sight remember sounds, smells and movements. Make use of contrasts. For example, compare a scene by day with a scene by night. Use comparisons to enrich your writing. Argumentative/Discursive: z z 2 In Discursive/Argumentative compositions, you are to express your opinions on certain issues. You should not attempt this kind of assignment unless you know something about the topic or have enough time to obtain information. You may be asked to write either for or against a particular topic or to present a case in favour of or against a particular point of view. In order to achieve this, you have to put forward effectively persuasive arguments based on sound reasoning. Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English I Volume 1 of 2 Writing (Composition & Grammar) 3 Precautions: z Pay careful attention to your plan so that you are not carried away when dealing with one particular aspect of the topic. It is important that you present a balanced view in terms of content matter and depth of treatment. Planning: z z Make a clear framework of your composition. The plan of your arguments must be clear and could be reducible to simple mathematical proportions. First comes the introduction; then the points in favour of the proposition, followed by the turning point indicated by such words as but , however , and on the other hand . These words indicate that you are going to consider the argument against the proposition. After the turning point, consider arguments against the proposition. Finally, give a personal conclusion How to write an Argumentative Composition: z z z z z z z Make your position clear from the start and present a logical argument to support it. Consider both sides of the question giving the points for and against and leaving your personal opinion until the final paragraph. Present sensible points in an orderly way. Give interesting or unusual ideas and suggestions. Present logical thinking and clear expression. Argue your case with proper emphasis, making use of facts, figures and statistics. Use effective words and expressions to help the reader to make up his mind. Factual: Factual writing is concerned with facts. In factual essays you are asked to present detailed information on a definite topic. If you have ever been asked how to find a particular house, you will know how easy it is to confuse the inquirer by giving him directions in a wrong order or by forgetting to include something important. Practical or factual writing requires care and thought. While explaining how something works, creative writing does not play a major role. Here, you deal with facts and put them in order. You have to give all information necessary in the right order. The following points should be kept in mind while attempting this type of writing: Be relevant: z You will obviously need to go into a lot of detail, but avoid producing a catalogue. Remember that, you re not supposed to add original ideas nor give imaginative touches. You have to keep to the facts while giving an interesting account. Arrange the material in a pleasing way: z The facts must be presented in such a way that the reader is carried smoothly along. Avoid writing disjointed sentences. Keep to the sequence of events: z Events or processes have an order which must be kept up to make your essay intelligible. It is advisable to jot down points in the beginning as they appear; and then to arrange them in a logical pattern. Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English I 3 4 Use of short and simple sentences: z So that your instructions are not confusing, the Present Simple Tense is commonly used for describing a process. Most of the time, the writer is concerned about how something is done. He is least concerned about the doer of the action. Therefore, the Passive Voice is commonly used in describing a process. Be simple and clear: z State the facts clearly in a logical order in such a way as to be intelligible to a man who does not know the subject. Break up potentially dull sections with questions or humour. Short Story: Telling a story involves narrative skill. In this chapter, story does not mean only a short story but includes any narrative account e.g. a description of a visit to a place, an account of a narrow escape, or of an amusing or embarrassing incident. What are the elements of a good story? z z z z z z z z z The plot, i.e., an interesting story-line. Some characters (characterization). The background - which may be a school, a home, a hospital, a shop, a factory, a farm etc. Dialogue and language. Sometimes a particular mood or aim, eg. a story may be humorous, sad, frightening or of educational value. Making up of a plot Most plots arise from some kind of a conflict. Three common sources of conflict are: Conflict with another person. This may happen when two people quarrel, when father and son argue, when friends disagree, etc. Conflict between a person and external conditions such as a storm, an angry bee, a snowfall, etc. Such external troubles cause a problem. Conflict within a person s mind. A person may be unusually sensitive, mean, bad tempered, jealous, greedy etc. We can find problems arising from a person s character in stories about such people as Silas Marner , Shylock , Macbeth , Brutus etc. These principles are useful: z z z z z Describe your character(s) strongly enough to enable your reader to visualize him/them easily. Don t be vague. A long description is not necessary if you can find a few well-chosen words. Use significant details to make your characters stand out clearly. Describe the most striking aspects of a person. Make your characters realistic. Differentiate between men and women. Do not make women speak and act like men. Differentiate between old and young people. Atmosphere: z 4 If possible, you must set your action against a background which you know well and which will be interesting to your reader. You may know quite a lot about the jungle, hotels, cooking, excursions etc. A good writer works very hard to create a good atmosphere for his writing. Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English I Volume 1 of 2 Writing (Composition & Grammar) 5 Reflective: Personal or reflective topics give you a chance to express your individual personality by offering you an opportunity to write from your personal experience. In this type of writing, the background, the characters and the subject matter are more connected with you than in any other type of writing. Personal writing also lends itself to project-work about you or your interests like hobbies, early memories etc. Precautions: z z z Do not drift off the set topic. With so many personal memories, it is important to stick to the relevant part of the assignment. Organise your ideas selectively, keeping in mind the order of your paragraphing. Keep a careful eye on sentence construction and pay attention to details. How to write a Reflective Composition: z z z z z z Write from your personal memories or thoughts to make your composition more lively. Arrange the thought pattern in a logical and sensible order. Select reflections which are vivid and clear in your mind, discarding vague or ill-defined recollections. Give background details of each event such as Where were you? How old were you? Your memories about people, relatives and others who were near. Be selective in what you choose to describe. You will be given better credit for vividly describing thoughts than for a disjointed, lengthy and sparsely described list. Picture Composition: z z One of the recent trends in modem examinations is the increased use of visual material. This includes pictures, photographs, graphs, tables and statistics. Very often detailed instructions are given. A common introduction to your task, based on a picture or a photograph, might be: Write a story or description or an account of what the picture suggests to you. Your composition may be directly about the subject of the picture or may take suggestions from it, but there must be some clear connection between the picture and the composition. The last part of this instruction is very important. You must make sure that your writing has a close link with the picture. The picture, in fact, serves as a stimulus to which you are expected to respond. The idea sparked off by the picture could be the basis of your essay, story, feelings or thoughts. In this assignment your response is open ended and a situation can be interpreted in a number of ways. However, what you write must be relevant and convincing. How to develop composition based on a given picture: Describing a Picture: z Find the theme of the picture i.e. what it is showing. It may be a scene at a market, showing a man selling clothes. It may be men at work at a building site, or somebody scoring a goal in a football match. z Look at the exact wording of the question. Does it say: Describe the picture.... or Write about the thoughts which come into your mind when you see the picture or something else? Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English I 5 6 z If you have to describe a picture: First give a general impression of what is happening or what you can see, e.g. a man is selling clothes at a market. Then describe the people or places in the picture, e.g. the hawker, his goods, his customers, spectators, etc. Make a careful plan so that you do not finish it too quickly. If you have to write 350-400 words, do not describe all the important people or places in the first ten lines. Use all your senses. Describe what you can see and what you could probably hear. Smell and feel (or even taste) at the scene. You can sometimes finish by looking into the future, i.e. by saying what the scene in the picture would be like in an hour s time or the next day. Writing a Story: Include a plot for your story which develops to a climax or contains a moral. Set the scene quickly and unfold the plot as soon as possible. Have a few characters who appear real to the readers. Include elements which arouse emotions in the reader. Let the characters describe themselves through their dialogue and actions. Imagine that you are one of the characters in the picture. Get involved in an imaginative way in the scene to enable you to hold your reader s attention thoughts and feelings suggested by the picture. In this aspect of writing you make the picture as the starting point of your composition. The picture gives you enough freedom to express yourself. z A brief description of the picture focusing on a particular aspect which you want to develop. z Offer a personal reaction to what you see. You will be rewarded for sensitivity z Look for an unusual interpretation you will be rewarded for originity z Round off your thoughts and feelings n order to give a befitting conclusion to your composition. An Exhibition: An Exhibition is a place where beautiful, attractive and artistic things are arranged for public show. It has great commercial and educative value. Delhi has seen many such exhibitions like Railway Exhibition, Post and Telegraph Exhibition International Exhibitions create friendly relations between various nations. An International Industrial Exhibition was arranged by the Indian Government in Delhi. Last Saturday, I had a chance to visit this exhibition with some of my friends. At the booking windows there was a great rush and every man wanted to purchase the ticket first. We requested a gentleman to purchase our tickets also, because he was tenth or eleventh in the queue. Thus we took the tickets and entered the gate. First of all we saw a fountain just in front of the gate and it was foaming. Then we selected to see the stalls of the U.S.A., Democratic Germany, Poland, Russia, China and India, and made up our minds to see those stalls on the same day. First we entered the U.S. stall and saw a man, who appeared to be just like a magician. He was showing various wonderful things. He converted the sound waves produced by a gramophone into light waves and focussed the light waves somewhere. Then as he placed some obstacle in the way of light waves, the gramophone stopped. In the same way a moving train obeyed his orders. He said the word Stop , and the train at once stopped and when he said Move forward , it obeyed and when he said Now move back the train began to move back. In the U.S. stall, 6 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English I Volume 1 of 2 Writing (Composition & Grammar) 7 there was a picture-hall, in which three hundred persons could sit at a time. In the picture, the principle of Atomic Structure was clearly explained. A magic hand was also a good thing. Now we entered the stall of Democratic Germany. There, the glass-man was one of the interesting things. The Chinese stall was one of the best stalls. On the left of that stall, there was some machinery to which we did not pay much attention. But on the right, good crockery work was exhibited. There were also different kinds of fruits made of wax. They looked like real ones. My younger brother wanted to have some of them, but I told him that it was wax. Then we went to the Polish stall. We did not take any interest there, because there was nothing except large machines. So we did not waste any time there. It was 9.30 p.m. We were tired and did not want to see more. We decided to leave and come out of the exhibition area. Highly pleased with what we saw there, we returned home in a taxi. Environment and Pollution: Pollution is the contamination of earth s environment that contaminates and interferes with human health and ecosystem functioning. Environmental pollution may be natural or human. The natural pollution is caused by volcanoes, storms, floods etc. while human caused pollution is very diversified. Most of the environment pollution is the result of human activities. Material that pollutes the environment is called pollutant and is either biodegradable or non-biodegradable. Air pollution is the addition of harmful substances in air that causes severe damage to the environment, human health and the quality of life. Air pollution is not a recent phenomenon, it dates back to ancient times but it became a major problem only during industrial revolution. Since then the capacity of atmosphere to absorb huge quantities of pollutant gases is decreasing day by day and the atmosphere has been made a big dustbin of gaseous waste. Various human activities like industrialization, transportation and use of pesticides and other chemicals have resulted in the release of many pollutants in the air. Natural activities like volcanic eruptions also release pollutant gases like sulphur dioxide. Automobile exhaust, smoke, smog and acid rain are some of the types of air pollution. Water is essential for all life forms 71% of the earth s surface is covered with water. More than 97% of the water is contained in the oceans but marine water is saline and is of little use to man. Remaining 3% water is fresh water that includes ground water, rivers, lakes etc. The ground water is the major source of water for man which makes only 0.6% of the total water of earth. On the surface it appears in the form of springs or is pumped out with tubewells. The contamination of water bodies like rivers, lakes, seas etc, is called water pollution. Soil is a living system which after combining with water, air and sunlight becomes capable of supporting plant life. The process of photosynthesis is necessary to support plant life because it converts sunlight into energy. Soil pollution refers to the building up of toxic chemical compounds, salts, radioactive material and disease causing organisms i.e. pathogens. All these pollutants affect the plant and animal life. Noise pollution refers to the exposure of ears to annoying and stressful sound which may even damage the ears. The urban centres are becoming noisier with increasing industrial activity, transport etc. Aeroplanes cause a lot of noise pollution. A normal jet engine produces sound around 10 decibels. Getting closer to it may produce 130 decibels of sound. Deafness or hearing loss is the major health problem associated with noise pollution. A Visit To A Circus: During the Christmas holidays, the Great Oriental Circus came to our town. They set up their canopy in the Burlton Park. The announcement was made with the beat of drums. Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English I 7 8 Big and multicoloured posters were displayed at important places of the town. A procession of elephants was led through the main bazar. My friends and I went to see the show on the opening day. The circus tent was brightly illuminated with electric lights. There were seats arranged in a big circle a round an open space where the animals were to show their tricks. There were chairs for persons holding first or second class tickets. We got comfortable seats. At 5.30 p.m. the bell rang and the circus band began to play. Then the show began. The first item was a dance by young girls. Then came some girls who performed wonderful athletic feats. They climbed to the roof of the tent by means of a rope ladder. There they walked and ran on a roof of wire hung between two poles. They twisted their bodies at all angles and in all directions. Then came two funny clowns with painted faces. One was dressed like a monkey while the other looked like a lion. Most of the children thought at first that these were animals that could speak and walk. They made us laugh with their funny tricks. Next came the animals-elephants, horses and dogs to display their feats. The elephants performed very funny tricks. They stood upon their hind legs and danced. The band played a dance tune, and all the horses went round in a circle dancing in tune to the music. The riders got up and stood on the backs of the horses. The horses and the rider amused the public with their wonderful tricks. There were loud cheers from all sides. During the interval the clowns amused the onlookers with their funny tricks and odd pranks. How wonderful it was to see the tamed lion. There stood the lion-tamer with a strong whip in his hand. There were three lions who were made to stand in a row, and a goat was made to jump from the back of one lion on to another. The three lions were made to jump over the back of a cow. It was really very surprising to see all this. Last of all, a Bengali motor-cyclist drove his cycle at break-neck speed on the walls of the Well of Death. We returned home, enriched with experiences both amusing and amazing. India has always believed in the value of the family. Discuss the changes, both good and bad, that have resulted from the break-up of the traditional Indian joint family. Ans: Family plays an important part in everyone s life. But now the trend of a tradition joint family is breaking up. In a joint family, all the brothers with their wives and children and parents live together under one roof. But now the system of a joint family has been replaced by a nuclear family. A nuclear family has only parents and their children. A joint family develops the spirit of co-operation, sacrifice, mutual goodwill and discipline. But in a nuclear family there is a lack of these values. Whereas a joint family is economical, the nuclear family is expensive because all the burden of the house is on a single person. On the other hand, in a joint family this burden is less. Expenditure for all the things is shared. For women also joint family is a boon. Kitchen work is divided among all the women. But in a nuclear family all the household work is on the shoulders of a single woman. In a joint family, if someone wants to go somewhere he has to take the permission of his elders where as in a nuclear family man is free. He needs no permission from anyone. He can take all the decisions. The woman in a nuclear family is not placed within the four walls of the house. She is no more a cook and a nurse. Women are not regarded as mere decorative pieces. They are not treated as mere slaves toiling for their families. They are now functioning as doctors, teachers, lawyers and I.A.S. officers. These are some of the above-mentioned changes, both good and bad, which are responsible for the breaking-up of a traditional joint family. High aspirations, individualism, lack of patience and toleration all make it difficult to cope up with big joint families which are fast yielding to nuclear families. Our society seems to have no objection to these changes which have now come to stay. Let love, sympathy and fellow-feelings rule the hearts of the people who should learn to live in peace, whether in joint or nuclear families. 8 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English I Volume 1 of 2 Writing (Composition & Grammar) 9 Factual Composition: Man And Machines At first sight, it might seem as if modern human beings who spend so much time getting help from machines are very lazy. What are the machines for but to save people trouble? They are extra limbs which men have made outside themselves to do their work for them. Cranes and lifts are extra arms to do the job of lifting trains and motors extra legs to do the job of walking and running. And yet it is difficult to suppose that men would have gone to the extent of inventing these complicated machines to serve as their extra limbs merely because they were lazy; that they would have taken all this trouble merely to save themselves from trouble. And in fact man is not at all lazy; he is the most restless and energetic of all living creatures. Why is it, then, that we have gone through the trouble of inventing so many devices for saving ourselves the labour of lifting and carrying and walking and remembering? The only answer seems to be that these things bore us; they are not the things we really want to do, and so we get the machines to do them for us, in order that we may have time and energy for other things we really want to do. What things? First and foremost there are order and safety. If today I have a quarrel with another man and if I do get beaten up merely because I am physically weaker and I can get knocked down, I go to the law, and the law will decide as fairly as it can between the two of us. Thus in disputes right has taken the place of might. Now, the law protects me from robbery and violence. Nobody may come and break into my house, steal my goods or run off with my children. Of course there are burglars, and the law punishes them whenever it catches them. It is difficult for us to realise how much this safety means. Without safety those higher activities of mankind which make up civilisation could not go on. The inventor could not invent, the scientist could not find out and the artist could not make beautiful things. Hence order and safety, although they are not themselves civilization, are things without which civilisation would be impossible. They are as necessary to our civilisation as the air we breathe in is to us; and we have grown so used to them that we do not notice them any more than we notice the air. Human Life Of Science: The twentieth century is an age of science. Electricity is one of the greatest wonders of science. Next to man, it is the most important and revolutionary creation in the world that has practically revolutionized the world. It has brought about a stupendous change in industry. With it our modern gigantic machines are worked. Computers as also calculators sum up totals and make other calculations with the utmost accuracy. Newspapers are printed in millions overnight. There is not a single phase of human life and its progress that is not indebted to electricity. Innumerable indeed are the blessings of science. We light and warm our homes, we drive the machines in factories, and we run our trains and buses. We send our messages, converse with people thousands of kilometres away. The television has shortened time and distance. It is a good means of instruction and entertainment. The electric telegraphy, the electric telephone, the electric bell, the electric train, the electric fan, the electric heater, the electric bulb are but a few of the many wonders of science. Man has conquered air now he wants to conquer space also. Electricity has enabled us to travel in aeroplanes and fly into the cold atmosphere of the sky. Travellers, before being taken off, are supplied with electric wires which resist the cold of the upper air. We have electric trains in big cities like Delhi, Mumbai and Kolkata and Delhi. Broadcasting by itself is a miracle of science. Ships in danger can send messages and receive immediate help. Teleprinters bring us the latest news and photographs from all over the world. Many great feats of modern engineering, such as making of the Panama Canal, the Suez and the Bhakra Nangal Dam have become the possibilities of today. Science has become a part and parcel of our daily life. It cooks our food, washes our clothes grinds our corn, lights, warms and propels our machines. It lifts for us the heaviest weight. It runs our factories. It fans us in summer and warms us in winter, cheers us in sadness, and transmits our messages. It diagnoses internal diseases and cures them. In fact there is hardly anything which science does not do for us. Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English I 9 10 Write a short story to illustrate the proverb Knowledge is Power Once upon a time there was a king. He was very popular among his subjects. He wanted his kingdom to be the best in the world. He sent his messengers all over the kingdom to find out how he could do so. He promised rich rewards to anyone who came up with the best suggestion/idea. He got many suggestions. Some wise men told him that he must always consult holy men before embarking upon any work of importance. Others told him to be kind and benevolent to the poor. While others said that he must build strong armies so that he could conquer many lands and defend his kingdom against neighbours. The king was wise and just. He was pious and charitable. These ideas did not appeal to him. Many times he would go incognito amongst his subjects just to find out whether they were happy and satisfied with his rule. However, he continued with his search. He heard that there was a hermit who lived alone in solitude on a hill. He met only the common people. He was simple and lived in a mud-hut. He cultivated a small patch of land and spent his time in meditation. He was also known to be very wise. The king decided to go to him. He dressed simply and sought the old hermit. He was well received by the hermit who was busy planting saplings. Forgetting that he was king he offered to help. Soon it was time to go back. Just then a man came running there, he was the brother of one of his enemies. He stabbed the king and ran away. The hermit helped the bleeding king to his hut and tenderly looked after him. In a couple of days, the king was fit enough to return. His guards had come to escort him back to the palace. The king thanked the hermit and asked him how he could make his kingdom the best in the world. The hermit looked at him kindly and smiled. He said O King, knowledge is power, used judiciously it will take you to great heights. Remember that the present time is most important. Do not ponder over the past, as one cannot bring it back. Do not worry about the future as we have no control over it. But the present is in our hands, use it judiciously. The most important person is the one you deal with. So, do you best. Forgive your enemies and love your friends. The king was satisfied and came back to his palace, and with this knowledge he ruled his great and powerful kingdom. Write a short story which illustrates the truth of the statement, Self-help is the best help. There is a proverb- God helps those who help themselves. This world is selfish. People are self-centred. Life is running very fast. No one has time to help others as he himself is not being helped by anyone else, so why should he help others? The best help is always from within and not from without. We know the story of Eklavya , a boy of the Gond-Tribe. He went to the great Guru Dronacharya to learn archery but Dronacharya said that since he was a boy from the Gond-Tribe, he could not accept him as a disciple, as he taught the princes only. The boy said that whether Dronacharya accepts him as a disciple or not; he had accepted him as his Guru or teacher. After saying so he came to his hut. There he made an idol of Dronacharya and started practising how to shoot an arrow. He was using the hit and trial method as there was no one to mend his mistakes. But you have heard that failures are the stepping stones to success, and mistakes are our teachers. The young man went on practicing for a long period of time. During this period he learnt how to shoot seven arrows together. Thus he learnt by himself and wherever he made a mistake, He analyzed it and found out where he had taken a wrong step. The next time, he was conscious not to make that mistake. Thus with endurance, patience, regularity and hard labour he became a great archer. One day Dronacharya and his best disciple Arjun, who was also a great archer, were going through a forest. They had a dog also. The dog ran to one direction and then began to bark. But all of a sudden his barking stopped. Dronacharya and Arjun became alert. Why had the dog stopped barking? They called the dog and the dog came but his mouth was shut by seven arrows. Arjun was surprised to see it. He was thinking that he was the greatest archer of the world. He could shoot five arrows at a time. But here was someone else who could shoot seven arrows at a time. He along with his teacher Dronacharya proceeded further. He saw a youth with 10 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English I Volume 1 of 2 Writing (Composition & Grammar) 11 a well built body wearing only a loin cloth, with a bow and arrows. Arjun asked him whether it was he who had closed his dog s mouth with seven arrows. The youth said that it was he. In the meanwhile Dronacharya came. As soon as the Gond-youth saw Dronacharya, he fell at his feet and tears began to flow from his eyes. He addressed Dronacharya as Guru and called himself his disciple. He took Dronacharya to his hut and showed him his idol made of clay. Dronacharya found that the boy was worshipping his image with flowers and coconut and some incense burning there. The Gond-youth asked Dronacharya what he could do for him. Dronacharya asked him who had taught him the art of archery. The youth laughed and said that he was the disciple of Dronacharya and who else could teach him? Dronacharya was confused as he had not given the youth even a single lesson on archery. Then the boy explained that he used to practice before the clay image of Dronacharya and asked him again and again whether he was doing right. He felt in his heart that his Guru was with him. So Dronacharya said that he had learnt the art of his archery by himself. He patted the boy and said, Self-help is the best help . Write an original short story which concludes with the sentence, After it was all over, I realized that every cloud has a silver lining . Strange are the ways of fate. She can be malicious and deceptive at times and then expose a split personality by showering one with kindness and fortune. Can you believe a millionaire turning into a pauper overnight? It s indeed a bitter pill to swallow, but it is true. This is what happened to me six years back, but today I am back on my feet I shudder at the mere thought of it. I am Kshitiz Singh. Six fateful years ago, I was the owner of three chemical factories. Being a very ambitious businessman, I wanted to scale new heights in the chemical business. My optimistic attitude and success earned me the respect of society. But I was unaware of my enemies who were growing at a much faster rate. My arch rivals could not bear my success anymore, and they hatched a conspiracy against me. It is an annual routine; the government sends their representatives and inspectors to inspect our factories for faulty or adulterated chemicals. Also checked is the quality of raw materials used and the products of the same. I was completely confident that like the proceeding years, this year would be no exception and my factories would get a clean chit. Imagine my shock when I was told that the chemicals of all the three factories were found to be adulterated and, if allowed to enter the market, would cause much harm to the consumers. The report was filed and the government took immediate action on this. My factories were sealed and a case was registered against me. I was summoned before the court with my lawyer. This was just the tip of the iceberg, the beginning of my problems. I tried approaching good lawyers to take up my case but no one was willing to touch my case even with a yardstick. Everyone backed off. It seemed that they were under some sort of death sentence if they made the fatal mistake of accepting my case. It was then that I realized it was the handiwork of none other than Rafique, a noted and feared don of the city. The reason was as clear as crystal to me. I had been a witness to one of his crimes and had testified in court. I had been instrumental in sending him to jail. It had just recently become all the more clear to me when I received a call from the dreaded don himself. He admitted that he was the one who had mastermined all that was happening to me and that all the eminent lawyers of the city had been warned against taking up my case or they would have to face death. But someone has said that when God closes all doors, then definitely he leaves one door open. I was still in a daze and completely crestfallen when my childhood friend Kuldeep who is a lawyer by profession and practices in Mumbai, arrived after four years to pay me a visit. Imagine his surprise, when he saw a bearded man in ordinary clothes sitting depressed. He heard my story and immediately took a firm decision. He would fight my case. That day he proved the saying true that A friend in need is a friend indeed . During the trial of the case we had to overcome many threatening calls, which he received but nothing deterred him from his task. He was like a man possessed; more passionate about the case than myself. I still vividly remember the last day of the trial. We were waiting for Kuldeep in court. He had failed to turn up. My heartbeats were rising when Kuldeep suddenly entered the court. He was Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English I 11 12 ble eeding profu usely. I imme ediately rushed to his aid d and helped d him to reacch the witne ess box in fro ont of the jud dge. He was clutching a file f in his han nd which he handed h overr to the judge e. He said tha at there was enough pro oof in that file e to prove me innocent He H also told tthe court tha at Rafique wa as responsib ble for his inju uries. Th he file conta ained vital documents co oncerning th he case. It proved p that the previou us reports su ubmitted by the governme ent inspectors were fabriicated. Rafiq que had boug ght them off, or rather ha ad threatened d them with dire consequ uences. The e inspectors were w alreadyy present in court. On be eing interroga ated, they acccepted that they had be een bribed and a also threatened if the ey did not do o his bidding.. Evverything wass out in the open o now. Rafique R and the inspectorrs were arressted and put into jail. I wo on the case and a also all the t factories were handed over to me e. I also a regained all the losst respect an nd honour off society, an nd it was all thanks to my m friend, Ku uldeep, who stood like a solid rock by my side in all period ds of trial. A After it was all a over, I rea alized that evvery cloud ha as a silver lin ning. Write a short story which h illustrates the truth off the stateme ent, Rumour is a great traveller. Ans: Ru umour is a great traveller. It sprea ads like fire. I was goin ng to Canad da by Indian n Airlines. Evverything was fine. I had got the clea arance from the t customs officers. As I was ready y to board the e plane, I he eard an announcement from f the pla ane, All the passengers are requestted not to bo oard the plan ne. It is suspe ected that a terrorist has planted a bo omb in the p plane. As so oon as the an nnouncement was made e, panic spre ead all aroun nd. Passeng gers ran here e and there and at a disstance far away a from th he plane. Then T a spec cial squad of police wass sent by th he Airline au uthorities. Th hey had spe ecial detecto ors to detectt anything that was alivve and work king. The se earch started at 10 a.m. and a went up to t 2 p.m. Fin nally the help p of trained dogs was take en. There wa as no explossive in the pla ane. After 2 p.m. the air authorities declared d thatt there was nothing n in the e plane. It was w just a rum mour. After the announce ement, there e was a sigh of relief on the faces of the people. The flight, affter checking g all the thing gs, took off. It is, of course e, a matter of o deep con ncern that te errorists have e become ve ery over acttive these da ays. They co ontinue to operate o freely throughou ut the counttry. They allways prove e to be a de etermined lott, ready to sa acrifice their own lives for their targetted missions. They are th he agents of the devil qu uite often the ey act as live human bo ombs. They succeed s in sstriking wherrever and wh henever theyy please. Th hey evidently out-smart the law-enfforcing agen ncies that arre caught eitther napping or not fully prepared p to apprehend a th he action pla ans of the terrrorists. The main aim of the terroristss is to shatte er peace, create anarchy and disturb economy. e Th he bomb atta acks have ressulted in hug ge loss of life e and limb. The T governm ment should take t effective steps agaiinst those pe eople who sp pread rumourrs that affect the peace of o the people of our counttry. Pictu ure Com mposition: Sttudy the pictture given below: b Write a story or o a description or an acccount of wh hat the piccture sugge ests to you u. Your co omposition may m be abou ut the subjecct of the piccture or you u may take suggestions from it. Ho owever, therre must be a clear con nnection be etween the picture and yo our composittion. 12 Un niversal Tutorrials IX & X ICSE Englissh I Volu ume 1 of 2 Writing (Composition & Grammar) 13 Nursing As A Career: Nursing has perhaps never found so much favour with Indian girls as it has done today. Now-a-days it is regarded as the second best profession for enterprising and educated young girls who want to be self-supporting and independent. Previously it was thought to be something inferior and degrading and below the dignity of an Indian girl. This kind of employment was considered to be against all canons of morality. But with the change of outlook due to the spread of literacy and enlightenment of the Indian mind Nursing is no longer regarded as objectionable. On the other hand, it is looked upon as beneficial to society and materially helpful to women. In England also, before the middle of the nineteenth century, nursing was not a popular profession with women. Well-trained nurses were difficult to find. This was why there was a great loss of life during the Crimean war in the reign of Queen Victoria. Thousands of wounded British soldiers lay in the hospitals at Scutri. There were no doctors and no nurses to attend upon them. As a result of an appeal by the Government, Miss Florence Nightingale organized a group of trained nurses and accompanied them to Crimea where she was shocked to find the horrible state of affairs. By her untiring efforts and devotion to her work, she saved thousand of lives from death and for the service she was richly rewarded by the government. Since then Nursing has become a regular and honourable profession in England. Nursing combines in it the spirit of service and sympathy. It gives relief to the suffering humanity. It inculcates in women habits of cleanliness and regularity. It teaches them the harm done by dirt and filth. By it they learn the scientific methods of treating patients. They get a fair knowledge of the diseases and their cures. They are fully acquainted with the science of obstetrics and can confidently handle cases of childbirth and female ailments. In modern hospitals both in the male and female wards, one finds hundreds of nurses taking care of children and adults. Careful nursing is as much necessary for cure and health as good medicine and right treatment is. Today Nursing is a part and parcel of the medical profession. Its importance has become all the more great in view of its usefulness. A cheerful disposition, kind words and sympathetic feelings are a few of the qualities of a good nurse. These bring comfort and peace to the ailing millions. But it is a pity that the conservative opinion in India about Nursing is still unchanged and the orthodox people regard it as a career unworthy of Indian girls. Their religious prejudices do not permit it. Their caste restrictions do not allow it. But the liberal-minded who are mentally wide awake and who have no faith in the implications of caste, think it to be quite harmless and useful. With its manifold advantages, Nursing is as suitable a profession for Indian girls as any. But it requires thorough training and careful practice. There are now many colleges of nursing all over the country. The girls are taught and trained to be good nurses. The fall in the death rate among infants, the growth of healthy children and the physical well-being of women are mostly due to the efforts of nurses. So it is no wonder why it should not be held at par with other careers considered suitable for Indian girls. PREVIOUS YEARS QUESTIONS: 1) No other subject taught in school is as important as Moral Science. Express your views either for or against this statement. [2008] Ans: Morality Strikes Best! It is better to learn humanity than physics and mathematics. Humanity teaches us the secret of a successful life and leads us on the path of morality. No life can be successful without the teaching of moral science. Science without morality is bound to destroy our civilization as it would go on creating lethal weapons in thirst of pseudo-victory. Man cannot and will not survive without ethics and it is his moral guidance only that will open the door of happiness for him. The electronic country chaos around us is a result of our immoral life-culture where nobody is willing to rise above selfishness, casteism and many other materialistic pursuits. There are so many incidents like road-rage, violence, loot and arson, murder, theft and cheating, etc. in each and Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English I 13 14 every corner of our country which are the result of lack of moral science in our society. Let us stop it in and out and go back to the classroom of moral science. If truth is beauty, moral science is the only truth of our life. Look at the angry young man riding on the bike and recklessly crashing into the car without the least sense of realizing what he has done. The story doesn t end here; he gets down and hits the car driver, starts beating him black and blue while the people around choose to become an audience only. Is this the morality of our metro-cities or even the cities of our country? Nobody is willing to give room to others-not on the roads as well as not on the roads of wealth and happiness! The teaching of moral science is the demand of the hour. Moral science is the only tool to develop patience, kindness, togetherness and love in our society. The seeds of love should be sown in the barren land of this third world to paint an evergreen future of rich culture and healthy environment. Road rage is not the only road that badly needs the teaching of moral science but it is felt strongly everywhere entering into a bogie of a crowded train, in a queue in a bank or office, at a public place, in the battlefield of terrorism and even in protecting the diamonds of our old age i.e. senior citizens. The youngsters must be taught the value of moral science and it should be a compulsory part of our syllabus in schools and colleges otherwise the world will soon be converted into a dark and damp forest where no man will breathe the air of satisfaction and happiness. Let us take an oath today to plant the tree of moral science on human soil so that we could announce proudly, No other subject taught in school is as important as MORAL SCIENCE 2) Recall a remarkable event of social importance in your city or locality. Give a little of its background, the event as it occurred, and its impact on the lives of people. [2007] Ans: A Touch of Happiness The spontaneous austerity of the flute was echoing in each and every corner of Seagate Auditorium, The hall was absolutely covered with a sheet of pin-drop silence as if a magician had played the magic of silence on a large number of people sitting in the hall. All were truly mesmerized by the beautiful rhythm of the flute; a feeling of lovable satisfaction was entering their heartbeats whereas the sparks of admiration could be easily seen on their faces for the man who made it possible yes, this was the cultural evening of Ustad Bismillah Khan s flute recital. Like every Indian, I also had a feeling of adorable oriole for the great genius, Ustad Bismillah Khan and when my uncle asked me the other day to accompany him to the live concert, I readily agreed and was waiting enthusiastically for the red letter day. The tickets were booked well in advance and both of us tried to complete our routine life-hurdles a day in advance so that nothing could stop us from enjoying the moment in a complete and full- fledged manner. We reached the auditorium in a fantastic mood and took our reserved seats about thirty minutes before the recital. The show anchoring was as beautiful and punctual as Ustad Bismillah Khan s attributes and it began in a splendid manner. The entire programme lasted for more than two hours. The Ustad played a number of classic notes on the flute one after another, In spite of his old age, he was drowned in the pool of music. Each and every note of music flowing from his flute was a real treat to our heart and soul. The art of music itself narrated the tale of his tireless work, unconditional devotion and matchless perfection. During the session, he spoke a little bit but he was an example of his own during the interactive session that followed the flute recital. As he attended to the people s curious queries in his calm, lovely and confident voice, Ustad Bismillah Khan left an indelible impression on them. All were highly impressed and admired his skills and art. They were also won over by his politeness and peace-loving temperament the way he had faced every turbulent colour of life to touch the zenith of success and satisfaction. Asked about the secret of his success, he just said Bear pains happily; love your work as well as the people around you as you love yourself . 14 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English I Volume 1 of 2 Writing (Composition & Grammar) 15 3) India has always believed in the value of the family. Discuss the changes, both good and bad, that have resulted from the break-up of the traditional Indian joint family. [2006] Ans: The Family Umbrella The six letter word family is the most pleasant existence of love and affection extending the panorama of happiness and protection for all. As the word, family is spoken, it creates a feeling of everlasting bond that gains new strength day by day. The big family tree of yesteryears protects the flowers of the new generation in India with sweet guidance of their grandparents and great grandparents. This has been the victorious spirit of our happy Indian family though a few cracks can be seen here and there under the stress of modernisation. The great culture of Indian joint family is like an umbrella that protects each and every member of the family even in the worst circumstances. In an age of crime and poisonous environment, a large joint family acts as a strong protection guiding the children utmost. It proves a wonderful boon for the working parents as their children depend on maids no more and get good food and virtuous guidance even in their absence. The grandparents can easily be seen teaching the kids and helping them in their homework etc. The best side of a joint family is the benefit of a rich and a lengthy experience of their elders which they share and this strengthens their mental as well as financial power. Most of the business families are joint families only because success doesn t come so soon it takes blood of many generations! Though the wonder-boons of joint families are unlimited yet it is a crucial fact that Indian families are broken very soon. In the urban and metro cities alike, young couples tend to live away from their parents for the sake of freedom and no interference . In the metros, the families are going to shambles faster. Besides freedom, the sad reason for the break-up of joint families is the rising prices where it becomes difficult to manage the joint family with a limited income. Moreover, the lack of understanding and tolerance also uproots the family tree in no time. But these reasons are temporary only and it is expected that people would realize at last that a joint family is the best unit of a comfortable life . 4) Teenagers are showing an extremely cool indifference to book-reading nowadays. Why is it so ? How can it be improved? Discuss it with relevant examples. Ans: Reading is the most inexpensive hobby that contributes to the making of an expensive personality. In this electronic world of movies and media, the teenagers seem to have lost the charm for reading. The world of books is disappearing fast in one s life leaving no room for the development of intelligence and skills. We have entered the new millennium without the power of books. For teenagers, life is an attraction but the book reading scene is so dismal that even the school and college students hardly read a book apart from their syllabus. They prefer to be busy on the telephone for a long chat or go to a movie or enjoy the birthday of their friend in a restaurant but they are miles away from the pleasures of reading a story book or a humorous play. This is the routine of a big-city-student who grows in the company of cynic wealth without the guidance of a book. As a result, the new generation lacks understanding and falls prey to depression very soon. Their intellectual skills are not trained enough and they have no knowledge of renowned Indian leaders or world leaders or scientists. They are not aware of the wonderful world and hence, they have no high ambitions in a truthful manner; they seem to be clowns busy in building castles in the air only. The culture of book-reading is no more than a shadow even outside these big cities though the reasons are different. In most of the villages and towns in our country, the public libraries play a very limited role and are not popular among the teenagers at all. No plans are drawn as well as no publicity is done to spread the habit of reading for pleasure. The government and the private agencies have little thought about it till date, even in a village, one can easily find a cinema hall or a video-game shop (with power back-up) but nothing is being done for reading for pleasure. Since the cult of book-reading is dying fast, a few schools have taken an initiative about it. They have announced the prizes for book reading and award gold, silver or bronze medals to encourage their students. Similarly, a few public libraries have also come up and they have positively promoted the concept of regular attendance. But it is not enough. The prestigious Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English I 15 16 5) Ans: 6) Ans: 16 organizations like Rotary Club, Lions Club and Red Cross Society etc., should also lead from the front to spread it all over the country. Good books should be selected and published exclusively at a very nominal price because high price is also a very big factor to discourage book-reading. Let us encourage our teenagers to revive the love for book-reading in them and make our country a civilized nation. Elements of Western Culture have had a very influential role on cultures of the world. How are these elements different from those of Indian culture? What, according to you, should we as Indians adopt from the West to make life more meaningful? [2008] The sparks of western culture are visible in every atom of the world today, as it has become a global village with a revolution in the communication and travel sciences. Almost every day proves to be a new day with some sort of new inventions and the western culture acts as a strong bond to scatter such inventions and ideas around the world. Sometimes in this scientific world, all of us behave like robots. We eat, drink and think alike and English has even become our universal language. We prefer English songs to our traditional folk songs and we have given up our traditional style of dress and entertainment. At times, the difference is so much that we lose our identity and look alike in a group. In our attempts to become cool and trendy, we have lost our individuality. Though we follow everything that the western people do, we fail to follow what is good in them. Why should we not adopt the punctuality and discipline of western culture? Most of us have a tendency to violate traffic rules and spoil our environment. We should learn from the west how to keep our roads and houses clean. We simply have lost our aesthetic sense and have little respect for our girls and women. Instead of looking down on them, we should give due respect to women and children and encourage them to lead their lives according to their own wishes and not let their aspirations be suppressed. We should forget all gender biases and caste discrimination to build a free society. Instead of blindly following the western culture, we should inculcate only those values in our culture which are good for us without sacrificing our moral values. There is much to learn from space technology and science inventions. Dedication and devotion to work is another aspect of their culture which could make our life a highly achievement oriented phenomenon. People in our villages are still blindly following superstitions and are trapped in the webs of quacks. It needs a revolution on a massive scale and the government must frame a policy to give them opportunities to pull them out of the clutches of social evils. Such attempts will certainly make India a better country a country of our dreams. Write a short story in which a little girl, her twin brother and the school bully are the main characters. [2008] The bell of Sunflower Public School rang but a little girl and a boy still clung to their father crying. They never wanted to go to school as Manav, a boy of class VI constantly bullied them. But their father consoled them saying nothing would happen to them. The girl s name was Agnes while Anshul was her twin brother. They studied in class II. Ultimately, their father won them over to his side and they ran up the school stairs. The students of their class were very afraid of a gang of std. VI boys who used to eat their lunch forcibly, tear down their bags or even break their pencils, pens and smash almost everything that came their way. Headed by Manav, they even stole their copies, pulled the ponytails of little girls and slapped the little boys for no apparent reason. Manav specially liked to trouble the twins. He would exchange their things saying it shouldn t make a difference to them as they had the same appearance. He deliberately called Agnes by Anshul s name and vice-versa. As they reached school, that day seemed no different than other days to them. The recess bell rang and the little children quickly ate their lunch fearing Manav s arrival. Alas they failed; for midway their meal, a shout was heard Manav has come! The children ran helter-skelter in front of the school bully - struggling to hide their lunch boxes. He came straight to Agnes and Anshul s lunch boxes. The poor twins started crying in vain. It gave him much pleasure and he broke their boxes as well as took away their copies. He went out laughing with his gang-boys. Fifty of them complained to their class teacher but it was of no use. They were not afraid of any punishment nor did they expect any. Tired of such nuisance, Agnes decided to teach him a lesson at last. Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English I Volume 1 of 2 Writing (Composition & Grammar) 17 The next day, Anshul and Agnes reached school early and consulted their friends about their plan to get rid of Manav. All the children hid their copies and lunch boxes. In the recess, when Manav and his boys came, both of them stayed in the classroom and signalled to other children to go away secretly. He came to them and started bullying them, He asked them to give their copies and lunch boxes but they refused. He started abusing them and in a fit of rage, began searching all the bags for copies and lunch boxes. His friends also started searching the whole room. When they were busy doing so, both of them slipped out of the room very silently and bolted the door. They were locked in the room and they felt really trapped. They made a lot of noise and even threatened in the beginning but all the children laughed outside, At last they realized that they were in trouble. An hour passed but the little children refused to open the door unless they promised not to bully them in future. They remained locked for the whole day and were finally let out when they promised not to bully them again not even to enter their corridor, In this way, the quick wit of Agnes and Anshul saved all the students from the bullies and won them many accolades from their friends. 7) There are three kinds of people in the world wills, the won ts and the can ts. The first accomplish everything, the second oppose everything and the third fail in everything. By giving reasons or referring to some incidents, state in which category you fall. [2001] Ans: Look at your steps. They are not matching with your face expressions! What re you doing ? No, you can t. The dance teacher had finally lost her cool and had almost decided to throw me out of the ballet. This was the rehearsal for the Annual Play that was going on in full swing and being in the lead dancer role, I was the centre of attraction. She was annoyed and told me to leave the stage. But I implored her for a last chance and somehow, she agreed with a shadow of disappointment largely written on her face, she instructed me again and played the cassette. Thank God! My steps were right and not only did I save myself for the school ballet but also won the Best Dancer Award for it. That was hardly a few months ago and since then, I never looked back. My determination brought more confidence in me and today I can proudly announce my category the class of achievers, i.e. the wills . I think I belong to this category because I always look at the positive side and so, I never give up. I know my friends don t take me seriously and think that I am not an achiever at all times. They even sometimes call me stubborn and wish I could be a little more flexible. My parents appreciate my determination and they also appreciate whenever I help my friends and even share their problems. It is important to try without being disappointed at the first step or just leave it to the others to succeed at some time or not to be demoralized by their constant pricks like it s impossible . The other day, our school football team lost their hearts before losing the match just because our captain was injured. All of us cheered our team and somehow our players managed to play a goalless draw and ultimately won in penalty shoot-out. This is the spirit that ultimately rules over the fate and encourages us to achieve success step by step, always believe that failures are the stepping stones to success and none has the right to throw mud on a warrior who is bleeding on the battlefield and who still fights on. Bitter criticism is a sign of lack of selfconfidence, i.e. the won ts or the can ts are the signs of pessimism and defeat and no success is possible on this route. All of us must believe in Tough things don t last, tough people do or (as Shakespeare says) Sweet are the uses of adversity. 8) Study the picture given below. Write a story or a description or an account of what it suggests to you. Your composition may be about the subject of the picture or you may take suggestions from it; however, there must be a clear connection between the picture and your composition. [2008] Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English I 17 18 Ans: Th he rain was pattering inccessantly; it had been raining for ovver a week n now. The villlage was flo ooded badly as the two main m canals meant for irrrigation gave e up their boundaries and d allowed the e tempestuo ous water to o hit the mu ud-wall hous ses of the villagers. v The administra ation was wo orking on a war scale helping and rescuing r the e villagers tw wenty four ho ours. But tha at proved pro obably nothiing against Nature s N furyy. Many NG GOs like Bacchpan were also engaged in the resscue operation and did their t best to save the pre ecious huma an lives. The mission of Bachpan wa as to harbou ur the homele ess children and give the em shelter so s that they ccould be independent so ome day. The e head office e is stationed d in Mumbai but they too ok no time in n reaching Jo orbagh (a ne earby village of Mumbai) when the he eavy rain hit the t village an nd caused ho orrible floods s. Th heir little hom mes made up p of mud-wa alls was in th he northern corner c of the e village. The e flood hit the eir house in the t dead of night n and the eir parents ne ever knew when w they we ere swept aw way by the strrong currentss of water. The T only surrvivors of the e family were e Lakshmi and her three e year old bro other Ravi who w were sleeping on a high h box and the box wass swept awa ay. Next morn ning, they fou und themselves in the centre c of the village as th he box was gliding on w water. Lakshm mi looked do own and tried d to get dow wn but it wass all horror floating f down n the veno omous serpe ents were sw wimming with h an army of other creattures. Nobod dy was seen n around as it was impo ossible for the em to come to the centre e of the villa age. Lakshmi noticed the e water level rising alarm mingly and sh he knew that both of them m would be drowned d soo on. She some ehow manag ged to tie her younger bro other on her back and shouted in full f strength for help. He er painful crries went ev verywhere exxcept the helping ears. The T operatio on incharge of Bachpan n , Akshit, wa as still too far. f Soon, La akshmi was tired t and losst all hope off survival. Th he whole da ay passed an nd it was getting dark ag gain. When Akshit A sense ed some pain nful human cries; c he lostt no time and d shouted ba ack in the sa ame direction n. Soon, it was w confirme ed to him tha at some chilldren might be trapped there. t He strruggled hard d against the e flow of wate er and his tw wo-hour orde eal was rewa arded at lastt when he sa aved Lakshm mi and Ravi. Everybody E a appreciated Lakshmi L who o stood firmlyy for many lo ong hours till help reache ed her. It wa as indeed a victory of co ourage and determinatio on of a child over the tem mpestuous mood m of Natu ure. 9) Write a shorrt story which illustrattes the trutth of the statement, s Rumour is a great [2006] tra aveller. Ans: Ru umour is a grreat travellerr Pa anic was reig gning everyw where the street s as welll as bylanes leading to th he Gait Nursiing Home we ere packed with angry people shou uting crazy slogans aga ainst the doctors though h nobody exxactly knew why w they we ere crowded there. The n news that trravelled from m the interior rooms of the e hospital was that the patient p broug ght last night after seriou us multiple in njuries in an n accident ha ad died. Som me people added a fuel to t fire with their t whimsiical views th hat the docttors were de emanding no less than on ne lakh rupee es to give the dead bodyy to his relativves. People s mobiles we ere ringing frrantically and d, probably because b of these t mobile es only, more e people were getting ha alf baked me essages and d were rushing to the hospital h to show their so olidarity aga ainst such ca allousness. Insside the ope eration theatrre it was a different d scen ne. A team of o six doctorrs was virtua ally facing the e death cha allenge and they were compelling hard to sa ave the life of the you ung man, 18 Un niversal Tutorrials IX & X ICSE Englissh I Volu ume 1 of 2 Writing (Composition & Grammar) 19 Deependra. They were confident and lost to do the job but they were equally worried too. Every attempt was being made to save him because the reputation of their hospital was at stake No failure till date! Such was a stark difference between the world of reality and the world of rumour. All the seniors were in the operation theatre but Dr. Ragnee, a resident surgeon who was trying to convince the relatives and friends of Deependra. Contrary to their sincere efforts they were misunderstood and thought that Deependra was already dead and the doctors were avoiding them. They shouted here and there and dragged the crowd into their own story. They spread rumours out of delay and frustration. The tussle was gradually taking the form of riots and in no time, the police was called. By now, the rumour of Deependra s death proved a great traveller and had convinced all the agitating mob that Deependra couldn t be alive. Due to it, the crowd became dangerous and started smashing the window panes. The SSP took a serious note of the situation and sent for heavy police force. His commanding approach brought results. He himself walked into the OT with Dr. Ragnee and was convinced that Deependra was alive. The rioting miscreants were taken into custody and thus, he managed to stop the rumour till the operation was over. The Head of OT came out and announced that Deependra was safe. Everybody came back to his senses and some of them were really sensible as they were regretting the whole incident and were heard saying, Rumour is a great traveller . PRACTICE QUESTIONS: Write a composition on the following topics in 350-400 words. Your presentation should be logical, clear, fluent and convincing: 1) Eco-friendly environment is more likely a fashionable term of modern society than a reality. Discuss. 2) Examination is a phobia, not an assessment of a child s performance . Explain your point of view with suitable illustrations. 3) You feel sad and disgusted as you find so many children working in shops, hotels and factories, etc., in spite of the government s best efforts to give them education. Evaluate the pathetic situation of child labour with a few examples from daily life. 4) Democracy is the best form of government. Give your views either for or against this statement. [2001] 5) Are you really helping the needy when you give money to beggars? Argue either for or against this statement. 6) The commercialization of public schools has adversely affected the quality of education. Give reasons to prove your point for or against it. 7) Rivers and lakes are always interesting and commercially important to people who live near them. Describe some of the ways in which people living close to a lake or a river use it to their advantage commercially and also for their relaxation and amusement all through the year. [1999] 8) Cigarette smoking in public places should not be allowed. Argue either for or against this statement. [1999] 9) You have lived in your ancestral house since birth. The house is to be sold so that flats may be built. Narrate the circumstances that led to this decision and describe your feelings about moving out of the house. [2004] 10) Describe a weekly market scene in your area. State why you like or do not like the scene. [2001] 11) You have been on a plane journey recently. While going through a cloud, the plane developed engine trouble. Describe what took place in the plane and how you were saved. [2000] 12) You are sleeping in your bedroom. Someone knocks at your door. You wake up and see an alien. You are thrilled. Write an account of what he tells you about his life in space. [1998] 13) Study the picture given below. Write a story or a description or an account of what it suggests to you. Your composition may be about the subject of the picture or you may take suggestions from it. [2002] Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English I 19 20 13) Study the pictu ure given be elow. Write a story or a description or o an accoun nt of what th he picture su uggests to yo ou. Your composition may m be about the subjecct of the pictture or you may take su uggestions frrom it but there must be a clear connection n between the picture and the [1997] co omposition. Letter Writting: Form mal Informal Letter of Applica ation Students will have h to write e a letter from m a choice of o two subjeccts requiring either a form mal or an infformal mode of treatmentt. Suggestion ns regarding the content of the letter may be give en. Th he layout off the letter with addre ess, introduc ction, conclu usion etc. w will form pa art of the asssessment. Candidates C w be expectted to be fam will miliar with the e use of apprropriate saluttation. Forrmat and style s for le etters: Inttroduction: No o matter wha at occupation n you take up p in life, you will w find that you have to write letters.. With this in vie ew, most of th he examinatiion boards in nclude questtions which h have to be an nswered e that this will be a practtical test of your y writing sskills, since it is likely In letter form, they believe tha at you will ha ave to write le etters in reall life. 20 Un niversal Tutorrials IX & X ICSE Englissh I Volu ume 1 of 2 Writing (Composition & Grammar) 21 There is no better means of communicating with people than through a letter. Communication by telephone or wireless may be faster but it lacks the quality of permanence. You can refer to a letter after a long time. A good letter fosters lasting relations with persons and firms. The letter has a personal touch if written by hand, since each handwriting is unique in character expressing the personality of the writer. A good letter must foster good relations with other persons and firms. Informal Letter: Letters to parents, relations, friends, colleagues at work and acquaintances are called personal letters. They are written in simple, familiar and informal style. The usual subjects of such letters (besides exchange of greetings, news, etc.) are invitations, requests, apologies, congratulations, postponements, inquiries, sympathies, conveying thanks For the sake of convenience, we shall consider such letters in two parts layout and subject matter. Layout: 1) The address of the writer is written at the top left-hand corner of the page. The address tells the reader from where the letter comes. Never write your name above the address. The last line ends with a full stop. The lines themselves are indented as: 47, Pragati Apartments, Kalikaji Extension, New Delhi 110 019. The address may also be written in block form without using punctuation marks, as: 47, PRAGATI APARTMENTS, KALKAJI EXTENSION, NEW DELHI 110 019. 2) The date of the letter tells you when the letter was written. It should be written under the last line of the address. Leave a little space between the address and the date, as follows: 31, Civil Lines, Delhi 110006, 3rd March, 199.... . It is advisable to write the date in full as shown above. There is a comma after the month, and a full stop after the year. Note that rd in 3rd is on the line, that it is written as 3rd and not 3. No full stop is necessary after d as rd are the last two letters of third. The same principle holds good for 1st, 2nd, 9th, etc. Abbreviated forms of writing the date as 3/3/94, 3.lII.94 or Sept. 8, 94, are not considered appropriate by some; and therefore, should be avoided. 3) Greeting or Salutation: After you have written your address and the date, go to the left-hand side of the page and write the salutation. It has a line to itself. The form of greeting will depend upon the relation in which you stand with the person to whom you are writing. Here are some examples of greetings. To whom Near relatives Close friends Acquaintances Volume 1 of 2 Greetings Dear Mummy,Dear Dad, Dear Uncle Jack, Dear Grandma, Dear Sonia etc. Dear Bunty, My dear Lilly, etc. Dear Mr. Aggarwal, Dear Miss Bannerjee, etc. Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English I 21 22 4) The opening sentence of the letter should have a reference to the subject of the letter. Here are some examples of how to begin the first sentence of a letter: I was delighted to hear that (Many) congratulations on . What wonderful news! It was good to hear from you Thank you very much for . How can I ever thank you for . I can t thank you enough for How very kind of you to I have to apologize for . Please forgive me but .. I am very sorry to have to tell you (expressing apology) I am very sorry to hear that (expressing sympathy) 5) The body of the letter contains the subject matter of the letter. The body must be broken up into paragraphs like any other composition. 6) You may write a concluding sentence which may be in the form of conveying love and respect to the family members. These are the kinds of sentences at the end of the personal letter which leave a friendly impression: Give my regards to your parents. Please remember me to your brother. Don t hesitate to write again if I can be of any further help. We all miss you here. I am looking forward to your visit. Do write again. Don t leave me without news for too long. I look forward to hearing from you soon. 7) Subscription or Leave-taking. The letter must not end abruptly. It must close with certain forms of polite leave-taking, as, To whom Near relatives Close friends Acquaintances Leave-taking Yours affectionately, Your affectionate son relatives (nephew, sister, uncle etc.) Your loving son, Yours sincerely, Yours sincerely, Note: i) The leave-taking phrase must be written at the bottom of the letter, on the left-hand side of the page ii) The first letter of the subscription must begin with a capital letter; as Yours . 8) The signature or name of the writer comes below the subscription: Yours sincerely, Nidhi Use your first name only to sign personal letters. 22 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English I Volume 1 of 2 Writing (Composition & Grammar) 23 9) The Address or Superscription on the envelope: Mr. Arun Joshi 96, S. P. Road Bombay 400 019. Note: You need not write the address on the envelope in the ICSE examination unless asked for. Format of an informal letter: 12, Station Road, Lucknow-221001, Uttar Pradesh, Your address 12th June, 19. Dear ., // ... .. .. // .. . // . .. Space Date/Month/Year Space Salutation Main body of the letter Space Subscription Space Signature Yours sincerely Thomas ii) Formal Letters Formal letters are written to a person or a firm in formal, official capacity. They include letters to firms, institutions, officials and to the press. A good formal letter must be brief, clear and to the point. The following points will help you to write a formal letter: Layout The writer s address and the date. The writer s address and the date are written in the same way as in a personal letter. The name and address of the addressee are inserted immediately after the address of the sender and the date, but on the left-hand side of the letter. It is a business practice not to indent the name and address of the addressee. Here are three examples of the names and addresses of addressees: i) an individual (ii) a firm and (iii) addressee unknown. i) The Chief Librarian, M.G.M. Library, Annadorai Street, Madras 600 018. ii) Messrs Bob Gibson and Sons Ltd., Lower Regent Road, Calcutta 700 009. Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English I 23 24 6) 7) 8) 9) 24 iii) The Advertiser/s, Box No. 129, The Times Publishing Co. Ltd., Gulab Bhawan, New Delhi 110 039. The salutation is written about an inch below the name and address of the addressee. It is not a normal practice to indent the salutation in a formal letter, i.e. it must be vertically in line with the name and address of the addressee. A comma after the salutation is mandatory. The salutation varies according to the person/s addressed. It may be Dear Sir, Dear Madam, Dear Sirs, according to the man, woman, business firm addressed. The business heading: The subject with which the letter deals is indicated by a business heading that is written in the middle of the writing space between the salutation and the first paragraph. It is underlined and makes the subsequent filing of the letter easier. The opening sentence of the letter should either be in response to an earlier communication or have a reference to the topic of the letter. Here are some useful suggestions for effective opening sentences: i) I shall like to order ii) I wish to apply for the position of advertised in the .. iii) I wish to complain about iv) Thank you for your letter of 12th August, ______ v) I should like to inquire whether vi) Would you please . vii) I wonder if viii) I shall be glad if you will give your immediate attention Body of the letter: i) Divide your letter into paragraphs. ii) Write to the point; there is no need to use creative or imaginative skills. iii) Maintain the official formal tone. A business letter does not deal with intimate personal relationships. iv) Be polite even when you complain. Politeness and patience always pay. v) Use clear and straightforward language. The concluding sentence varies according to the topic of the letter. If it is an application for employment, it could be: i) I would be grateful if my application is favourably considered. ii) I am anxiously awaiting a favourable reply. If it is a letter of request, the following could be applicable: a) I should be grateful if my request is granted. b) We hope that our request would be granted as early as possible. c) We shall be expecting some positive action from your department. Subscription: Yours faithfully is the usual subscription in a formal letter. It is written at the bottom of the letter on the left-hand side of the page. Yours begins .with a Capital Y and faithfully with a small f. The comma after faithfully is mandatory. The Signature: As against the first name in the case of personal letters, writing the name (or the initials) and surname are mandatory and are to be legibly written under the subscription in all formal letters. This would enable the recipient to know to whom he should direct the reply. Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English I Volume 1 of 2 Writing (Composition & Grammar) 25 If the signature is not legible, the full name in capital letters, within brackets, should be written again under the signature. Note that a male writer signs, for example A.B. Pandey (no Mr. is needed). A female writer signs, for example, Deepa Pandey (Mrs. or Miss may be written within brackets), as, i) A.B. Pandey or (A.B.Pandey) ii) Deepa Pandey (Miss) Salutations and Subscriptions Every letter is an individual communication fulfilling a particular function and therefore, the salutation and subscription should reflect the tone and style you have chosen. However, for examination purposes it can be useful to have some general pointers to help you if you cannot decide which phrase is most appropriate. Letter being sent to Salutation Subscription A person in an official capacity, or one who Dear Sir, Yours faithfully, is not known to you Dear Madam, The press, i.e. the editor of a newspaper Sir, Yours faithfully, Yours etc. A company or a partnership firm Dear Sirs, Yours faithfully, Format Of A Formal Letter Your address 12, Station Road, Lucknow-221001, Uttar Pradesh, th 12 June, 19 .. Ref D. Wilson and Co, Barkford Chambers, Crescent Street, Calcutta 700 002. Dear .. // .. // .. .. // . .. Yours faithfully, Thomas Kollappallil Space Reference (if applicable) Date Space Receiver s address Salutation Heading Main body of the letter Space Subscription Signature 1) Write a letter to a friend, inviting him to come to stay with you after the examination and telling him how you would entertain and amuse him. Patel Chowk, Jalandhar, February 12, 20. Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English I 25 26 Dear Suraj, My father has taken a house at Dharamsala for the hot weather this year, and all the members of our family are going there in April. I understand that your examination commences on the 5th of March and that you are working very hard. May I ask you to come over to our place as soon as your examination is over? I asked my father the other day if I might invite you to come and stay with us, and he very readily agreed. You are aware of the fact that I feel the greatest amount of pleasure in your company. I, therefore hope that I shall not be disappointed. Dharamsala is a very pretty place. The houses are built on the slopes of hills, and our house is near a tank which abounds with fish of all kinds. We can really have good sports there and pass the cool hours of morning and evening on its banks. There are beautiful walks, and fine scenery, and we shall enjoy climbing the hills in the fine bracing air. Surely a sojourn in the country will tend to improve your health. I do hope you will say yes Please let me have an answer as soon as possible With kindest regards, Yours sincerely, Abhinav 2) Recently you visited the city museum. Write a letter to your friend giving an account of your visit. Anand Mohan Road, Kapurthala, March 13, 200 .. Dear Harminder, Many thanks for your letter of the 16th instant. I am glad to learn that you are doing, well in business. Perhaps you will like to hear about my visit to the local museum. A few days ago, I paid a chance visit to the museum. The building itself is extremely grand and imposing. It is divided into three parts. Each part represents a different style of architecture. The first represents Hindu architecture, the second gives an impression of the Moghul style of buildings, while the third is designed on the English style. At the gate stand two huge stone idols. One of them is a large statue of Lord Buddha and the other is of some Hindu god. Once inside, you feel moved. It is a fine collection of things of great beauty and worth. Some of the articles and paintings are masterpieces of art. They speak highly of the genius of the ancient Hindu sculptors and painters. One of the most extraordinary paintings is a series of figures of men, women and children awaiting the arrival of King Jehangir. The clay models of animals are placed in glass cases and some of them are as good as real. The section of the museum, containing arms such as coats of mail, helmets, swords, daggers, knives, shields and spears is alone well worth a visit. I cannot find suitable words to describe all that I saw there. If you come, I shall show you a round its galleries of rich carvings and fine textures. And then you will be able to appreciate all these. With love and best wishes, Your affectionate friend, K.L Jain. 3) You are a senior employee (Assistant Manager) in a computer firm. The Managing Director has written to you from the Head Office, which is in another city requesting you to interview and select one of the three candidates who have applied for the job of a secretary in the firm. Write him a letter informing him of the candidate you have selected giving the reason for your choice, and why you consider the other two unsuitable. 26 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English I Volume 1 of 2 Writing (Composition & Grammar) 27 G.L. Gupta, Assistant Manager, ABC Computer Firm, Agra, 19th October, 2004. The Managing Director ABC Computer Firm, Chandini Chowk, Delhi - 6. Subject: Selection of the Secretary. Sir, As per your instructions, I conducted the said interview on 18th October, 2004 at 10 a.m. in my office. There were three candidates, Mr Chaman Lal, Mr Ashok Kumar and Miss Malini Singh Chaman Lal was 36 years of age and a graduate. He had no knowledge about the functions of a secretary. As regards, Mr Ashok Kumar, he was a fresher merely of 20 years. He was a post graduate, but he was trying to go out to some foreign country and for the same he had applied to various concerns. As far as Miss Malini Singh is concerned, she is a post graduate in the subject of Pol. Science and has worked as a secretary for five years in M/s.Greenword Enterprises, Jalandhar. Now she is living in Agra as her parents have settled there, she had to resign her job. She possesses a pleasing personality; she has a good working knowledge of office routine. She is thirty years old and has an impressive personality. She is soft spoken. I have selected Miss Malini Singh for the job of a secretary. Thus is for your kind information and necessary action please. With regards, Yours faithfully, G.L. Gupta. 4) Letter of complaint to the police about the movements of some suspicious looking characters in your locality. L-63 Krishnalok Colony, Kanpur Road, Lucknow 226 005. The Station House Officer, Krishnalok Police Station, Lucknow - 226 005. Sir, I wish to draw your attention towards the movements of some suspicious looking characters in our locality since the past few days. These men have never been seen in our locality before this. They are usually found huddled together late in the evenings smoking something which could well be drugs. The residents of our locality fear they are upto no good and they could also prove dangerous to the children who play in the park. I hereby request you to kindly investigate this matter and take appropriate action at your earliest so that the residents of this locality can be at peace once again. Thanking you, Yours faithfully, Sawan Choudhary. Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English I 27 28 Letter of Application: 1) You are Ankit/Amita staying at 4, Syndicate Road, Chennai. You have come across an advertisement in The Times of India , for recruitment of Computer Engineer trainees by Shivam software. Apply in response to this advertisement, giving your detailed bio-data (curriculum vitae). Invent all necessary details. 4, Pycrofts Road, Chennai, May 5, 2008. The Managing Director, Shivam Software, Chennai. Subject: Application for the job of a Computer Engineer trainee Dear Sir, In response to your advertisement in The Times of India , dated 3rd May, for the recruitment of Computer Engineer trainees, I offer myself as one of the candidates for the said job. As regards my qualification, experience and other details, I enclose herewith my biodata for your consideration. If selected, I assure you to do my duty honestly and conscientiously. Yours faithfully, Ankit. Encl: Bio-data sheet Bio-Data 28 Name Father s Name Address : : : Date of Birth Martial Status Educational Qualification : : : Experience Salary Expected Personal details Hobbies Languages known References : : : : : : Ankit Mehta Sh. Subhash Mehta 4, Sydicate Road, Chennai 17th March 1982 Unmarried B.E. from Hans Raj Engineering College, Delhi M.E. (Computer Engineering) From Punjab University, Chandigarh At present working in an IT firm as an assistant Rs.20,000/- p.m. Good health, height 178 cm Reading and travelling English, Hindi, Punjabi 1) Dr. G.P. Sharma Head of the Department of Computer Engineering Punjab University, Chandigarh 2) Shri R.N Chopra Manager Suchet Information Technology New Delhi Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English I Volume 1 of 2 Writing (Composition & Grammar) 29 2) A company has been marketing spurious medicines behind claims that its product could be effective in preventing the avian flu or other forms of influenza. Write a letter to the Drug Controller General of the Directorate of Health Services, examining the claim of the company and explaining the harm these kinds of claims could cause. [2007] Ans: III/2307, Tendulkar Street Moradabad 2 April, 20XX The Drug Controller General Directorate of Health Services Hazratganj Lucknow Subject: Marketing of spurious medicines Sir, Medicines are an elixir of life and the medico-world plays a decisive role to save the life of a man in our society. They are the social benefactors but they have became blind today to their social cause and want to mint money even at the cost of people s lives. Through this letter I want to inform you that a drug manufacturing company is selling spurious medicines in the market in the name of B. Pharma Pvt. Ltd. and as usual, is making tall claims without any ground reality. It is quite strange and shocking that the company in question (B. Pharma Pvt. Ltd.) is running its business openly and fearlessly. They have pasted formal posters on the city-walls about their claims of curing even fatal diseases like avian flu or influenza. The innocent sick people have fallen an easy prey to their evil designs. Their sales executives are raising people s hope by issuing baseless statements. Its door to door campaign claims that some of its tablets and injections can even cure asthma, fatal flu and all kinds of influenza. To exploit the people most, such medicines are sold at a very dear rate i.e. Rs.100/- per tablet and the injections range Rs.1000 1800 each. People buy these medicines and suffer miserably because of their adverse effect. Some medical stores have also joined this game out of greed. Due to such a vicious circle, nobody comes to the rescue of the suffering people. Last month, three women died in our locality after consuming these medicines while six children were hospitalized in a very serious condition. In these circumstances, you stand as the only hope to satiate these poor and suffering people. I request you to set up a thorough enquiry on the whole issue and put an immediate ban on the medicines of this company. I am confident that you will take immediate steps to save the lives of the masses. Thank you, Yours sincerely Shivanil 3) Write a letter to the Director of the Archaeological Survey of India complaining about the damage caused to a historical monument in your city due to negligence. Suggest steps that the civic authorities should take to preserve the monument. [2005] Ans: II/23, Queen s Apartment Ayn Rand Road Delhi Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English I 29 30 26 March, 20XX The Director Archaeological Survey of India M. G. Marg, New Delhi Sir Subject: Damage caused to the Qutub Minar History speaks of itself in a candid manner through our historical monuments and the Qutub Minar is not an exception to it. It is one of the most beautiful historical monuments of our country and is aptly famous all over the world. The great monument was built in the reign of the famous Sultan Qutub-ud-din Aibak though its greatness is under shadow nowadays. It is a pity to watch the miserable condition of the Qutub Minar now. There is a lot of dirt surrounding it and a few cracks have developed in the minar. The slabs of the monument are getting eroded clay by clay with its thick layers falling down like dead leaves. The water available there is dirty and full of toxic elements causing decay to the main building. The boundary wall is also not looked after properly and it appears that nobody has paid any attention to repair it. Due to such surroundings, several diseases have infected the people. The big gaps in the boundary wall offer an open opportunity to the cattle and the anti-social elements to wander aimlessly. As a result, the great monument is in shambles. In my opinion, such a condition of the monument is due to the utter negligence of the civic authorities and the CPWD department and your department has to play a lead role to restore the glory and glamour of the monument. I request you to set up a team of experts to look into the matter and do the needful within the set frame of time. Since it is the main attraction for the foreign tourists, its renovation will improve our image all over the world. It is also suggested that no eatables should be allowed inside the monument and fresh and pure water should be supplied immediately. I hope you will treat this as top priority. Yours sincerely Beenu Arora 4) Write a letter to a friend who was absent from school on a day when a really comical incident took place. Describe the incident, say what was so funny about it and what you learnt from it. [2008] Ans: C 2, Green Valley Sunder Apartments Delhi 23.4.20XX Dear Beenu School days are full of fun and comical incidents. Today was also such a wonderful day when a really comical incident took place but alas I You was absent. Today we had a double period of math coupled with an extra class. It was a horribly boring period and all of us dreaded it but thanks to the circumstances, we enjoyed it a lot. 30 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English I Volume 1 of 2 Writing (Composition & Grammar) 31 As our maths sir stepped into the class, he found us sitting with downcast faces. But the moment we looked at him, our boredom was swept away and a smile went up on every face. We looked at sir and then at each other and couldn t stop our laughter. Noticing this, sir asked us what the matter was but nobody would tell him anything. He smiled and tried to laugh with us to avoid his depression but that made us laugh even more. At last, he started teaching us. There was a question and that involved some calculation on the number of teeth. On reading it, we again couldn t stop ourselves and laughed loudly. What a scene it was I You would be wondering now what was the cause for our laugher. Well, sir had forgotten to wear his artificial upper jaw, teeth and as a result, his mouth looked really funny without the boundary of one set of teeth, I know it was bad of us but we couldn t help it. But sir was in a jovial mood and he told us it seemed as if we had inhaled laughing gas. So, he stopped teaching and left us free to get over our fits of madness! Coincidentally, that was all we wanted and we enjoyed a lot. I hope you will come to school soon otherwise you might miss out on another dose of laughter. Yours affectionately Apoorva 5) Recently you went to a restaurant for dinner and there you saw your favourite sports star. You had an opportunity of spending some moments with him or her. In a letter to your friend, give a brief account of your memorable meeting with the sports star. [2006] Ans: A-1/12 Shivanil Apartments Kailash Hills Delhi 2 March, 20xx Dear Deepshikha Lady-luck smiled on me like a dream fairy when I had a sweet encounter with my very special hero guess who he was? I bet you can t guess for I met none other than Rahul Dravid, the Wall the Wall of India and the Wall of the Indian Cricket Team . I know you won t believe me because I also couldn t believe myself that Rahul, the Wonder Wall was with me in the restaurant. I was dining at Radisson with my brother just for a change when he popped up. He was wearing a pair of blue denims and a white T-shirt. He looked cool and looked around for a free table. Both of us jumped out of joy because no table was free and here was an open chance for me. I invited him almost dragging him to my table. He smiled and allowed some minutes to lapse till our breathing returned to normal. Then he began chatting amicably. Slowly we lost our shyness and began laughing, chatting with a hearty meal. He asked our names and hobbies and became very happy when he came to know that he was my favourite super-star. He freely told us about various interesting episodes of the cricket team. He said that Harbhajan is the most naughty man in the team. Bhajji can t sit quiet for a moment and always teases everybody in the dressing room. Sachin is very sensitive about his batting and really enjoys hitting bowlers out of the field. The three of us rolled with laughter clutching our sides. It was really a great day! Soon after he had to go. But he proved himself to be a perfect gentlemen when my brother tried to pay the bill. He paid the bill for us because he wanted to make us remember that this was Rahul s treat. I enjoyed every bit of the beautiful evening. I still enjoy it most now when I am narrating it to you through this letter. I hope you can feel the experience with me. Do write back soon. Waiting for your reply Your friend Sahil Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English I 31 32 PRACTICE QUESTIONS: 1) Write a letter to the Principal of your school expressing your wish to continue studying in the same school after class X. Your letter should make clear what course or stream (Commerce, Science or Humanities) you wish to follow and why you have decided to choose that course. [1999] 2) Write a letter to the manager of your local bus depot, pointing out that there are very few buses on your route in the morning and these are invariably late, thereby causing great inconvenience to many daily passengers. [1998] 3) The roads in your town are in a miserable condition showing ditches and deep patches everywhere. It becomes horrible in the rainy season causing many accidents. Write a letter to the Municipal Corporation giving adequate details asking for the urgent repair and maintenance of the roads. 4) There are no sports facilities in your town for the young students though there are three sports complexes. But all of them are running for namesake only. Write a letter to the District Magistrate drawing his attention to this important issue and request him to organize a few tournaments for the promotion of games and sports. 5) You wish to become a journalist while your parents want you to become a doctor. Write a letter to your mother giving reasons why you should be allowed to pursue your ambition. [2003] 6) Being adventurous by nature, you love trekking. Write a letter to your friend living in Bangalore about an unforgettable experience. Mention clearly why do you consider it as an unforgettable hiking/ trekking adventure. Summary Writing: A summary (precis) is a shortened form of an original prose passage written in one s own words within a certain word-limit and according to particular instructions. It trains you to read closely someone else s written word and to put the relevant points in your own words. Such skill is very useful since the fast pace of life today requires one to be concise and brief. Basic Objectives: Summary writing tests the following skills: 1) Ability to concentrate 2) Ability to condense 3) Command of structure and vocabulary 4) Ability to select, arrange and present relevant information 5) Skill in keeping to a word limit, It also tests the basic abilities in the English language, such as: 1) Spelling and punctuation 2) Appropriate vocabulary 3) Logical arrangement of words and sentences 4) Harmonious arrangement of ideas. How to Write a Summary 1) Read the instructions. Make sure of what you are asked to do. 2) Read the passage through for a general idea of its content. You may not be able to make sense of it immediately. Get a general idea. 3) Read again the passage carefully against the background of the questions. 32 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English I Volume 1 of 2 Writing (Composition & Grammar) 33 4) 5) 6) 7) Note down the relevant points. Read the passage quickly to ensure that all essential facts are included. Avoid any comments of your own. Write your first draft using your own words. You may find it helpful to write six words a line spread across the page. It will help you to note the number of words. 8) Write in the reported speech (in the past tense most of the time). 9) After checking your draft write your final copy. 10) Read it carefully to ensure that there are no errors. The length of a summary, unless otherwise stated, is about one-third of the passage. Suitable Title: The title of the summary indicates the theme of the passage. It could be expressed in a word, phrase or a clause. Grammar: Rules: 1) When two or more singular subjects are connected by and , they take a plural verb; as E.g. i) John and Abraham are the best of friends. ii) Raj and Rakesh were often seen together. 2) When two subjects are joined by and but represent one idea, then the verb is in the singular; as: E.g. i) Time and tide wait for none. ii) Honour and glory is his ultimate reward, 3) When two singular subjects are joined by, and are proceeded by each and every , the verb is in the singular; as: E.g. i) Each man and each woman was given a bunch of flowers. ii) Each boy and every girl has achieved a pass certificate. 4) When two singular nouns refer to the same person or thing, the verb must be singular as: Eg. i) The politician and poet has departed from the city. ii) The accountant and cashier is absconding. 6) A collective noun takes a singular verb when the idea of oneness is expressed by the Collective noun. If the Collective noun can note the individuals of the collection, it will take a plural verb; as: E.g. i) The jury has delivered the verdict ii) The committee has issued its report iii) The committee are divided on a minor issue 7) If two nouns are joined by with or as well as , the verb agrees with the first noun, i.e. if the first noun is singular, the verb will be singular even if the second noun is plural; as: Eg. i) The mother, with all her sons, was invited. ii) Sonal, as well as her friends, has gone to visit the museum. iii) The king, as well as his courtiers, is to attend the games. 8) Either, neither, each, everyone, many a, must be followed by a verb in the singular; as: E.g. i) He asked me whether either of the servants was suitable for the job. ii) Neither of the two men was entrusted with the task. iii) Each of these places is found in India. iv) Everyone of the classrooms is full to its capacity. v) Many a man does not agree to his faults. Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English I 33 34 9) The following nouns which are plural in form but singular in meaning generally take a singular verb; as: E.g. i) Mathematics is one of the mainstream subjects. ii) The gallows is where he is destined to meet his death. iii) Today s news is hot enough to be read. iv) His wages is what he is arguing about. 10) When the plural noun is the proper name for some single object or some collective unit, it must be followed by a singular verb; as: E.g. i) The Arabian Nights is one of the best story books of all times ii) The United States has got a vast navy. REVIEW QUESTIONS 01: 1) i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) ix) x) Ans: 2) i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) ix) x) Ans: 3) i) ii) iii) iv) v) 34 Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs: Three fourths of the house .. destroyed. The quality of the pens .. not good Ten thousand rupees .. a good sum of money. None but the brave .. the fair. Which of those pens . yours? Either Nisha or her sisters at fault. The dancer and singer arrived. Each of the boys .. given an apple A large number of children .. present at the function. Gulliver s travels written by Swift. i) were ii) was iii) is iv) deserve vi) are vii) has viii) was ix) were Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs: Each day and each hour . us joy. The priest and the leader . come. The poet and statesman been elected. Neither food nor water to be found here. Either you or he correct. Neither Jatin nor his friends .. to blame. The Parliament . elected the speaker. There a large number of pupils in the class. The king with all his sons . arrested. Everyone provided with blankets. i) brings ii) have iii) has iv) is vi) is vii) has viii) is ix) was Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs: Either of the two leaders . competent. Many a boy .. tempted to be up to mischief. The quality of the mangoes .. not good. One of his speeches . been circulated. The cost of all the food articles risen. Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English I v) is x) was v) is x) was Volume 1 of 2 Writing (Composition & Grammar) vi) vii) viii) ix) x) Ans: 4) i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) ix) x) Ans: 5) i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) ix) x) Ans: 6) i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) ix) x) Either Ritesh or Yash .. to be invited Neither my friend nor I . sorry. The crew punished for their disobedience. A large number of students .. caught playing in the sun. Rakesh, as well as his friends, .. passed the examination. i) is ii) is iii) is iv) has vi) is vii) am viii) were ix) was Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs: The jury divided in their opinion The accountant and the cashier . absent. The shop, with all its contents . insured. The teacher, as well as her pupils .. present. Either Seeta or I .. to blame. Rice and curry his favourite food. Each of his brothers and sisters at fault. The United States .. a powerful country. One of his articles . printed in a magazine. To take pay and then not to work .. dishonest. i) were ii) were iii) is iv) is v) am vii) is viii) is ix) was x) is Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs: You as well as he .. ruined. Each man and each woman given a silver coin. Everyone .. his troubles sometime or the other. Each of the suspected men .. arrested. For him, art . the basis of his life. All possible means .. been tried. None . so blind as those that will not see. He is a fool, or else I . No nook or corner . left unexplored, The scenery here .. very good. i) is ii) was iii) has iv) has been vi) have vii) is viii) am ix) is Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions: The boys ran .. the cave. My house is the river. The dog ran . the thief. The teacher distributed sweets .. the children. The farmer s four sons fought .. themselves. He is sitting . the table. The cat climbed the tree. There is a garden .. my house. She went . the market . me. We sat . a tree. Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English I 35 v) has x) has v) is x) is 35 36 xi) xii) xiii) xiv) xv) xvi) xvii) xviii) xix) xx) Ans: What is the time your watch? He lives .. Haridwar but I often see him Mumbai. It has been raining morning. I have been doing this work . three hours. Manju is terribly afraid .her father. Indira is angry .. me because I did not listen to her. Are you interested .. singing? I have been studying here .1999. I saw the book ..the table. He has disposed his old car. i) into ii) near iii) after iv) among v) among vi) at ix) to, with x) under xi) by xii) at, in xiii) since xiv) for xvii) in xviii) since xix) on xx) off vii) up xv) of viii) near xvi) with Active And Passive Voice: The voice of the verb shows whether the subject is the doer or receiver of the action. Let us study the following sentences and learn to identify the Subject and the Object as well as Active and Passive sentences. Joseph completed the work last night. (subject) (verb) (object) In this sentence (Joseph) is the doer of the action so the verb (completed) is said to be in the Active Voice. The work was completed by Joseph last night. In this sentence, (The work) is the sufferer or the receiver of the action, so the verb (was completed) is said to be in the Passive Voice. A verb is in the Passive Voice when its form shows that something is done to the person or thing denoted by the subject. The agent by is usually used in the Passive sentences. Students must understand that the Active Voice is used when the Subject of the sentence i.e. the doer of the action is to be made prominent. The Passive Voice is used when the object i.e. the receiver of the action is to be made prominent. The Passive Voice is generally preferred when the active form usually involves unclear noun or pronoun like someone, somebody, nobody, everybody, they, the people, we etc. as a subject. In this case it is not clear who the agent is. e.g. Passive My book has been stolen. The police were informed. English is spoken in England All the guests will be invited. The captive was bound to the tree. Now study the following sentences: Active Voice I love my mother Sita switched on the TV. The peon is ringing the bell. The men are cutting the firewood. Stephen sells cellular phones. 36 Active Someone has stolen my book They informed the police. People in England speak English We will invite all the guests. They bound the captive to the tree Passive Voice My mother is loved by me. The TV was switched on by Sita. The bell is being rung by the peon. The firewood is being cut by the men. Cellular phones are sold by Stephen. Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English I Volume 1 of 2 Writing (Composition & Grammar) 37 You will notice in the first sentence, the object (my mother) in the Active Voice becomes the subject of the sentence in the Passive Voice. Similar is the case in the other sentence also. Only sentences that have Transitive verbs can be changed to the Passive Voice because an Intransitive Verb has no object. i.e., the subject has to pass over a Transitive Verb to reach an object for it to be able to change to Passive Voice. e.g. The masons are building the outer portion of the wall (subject) (transitive verb) (object) Can be changed The outer portion of the wall is being built by the masons. e.g. The child is crying (subject) (Intransitive Verb) (No object) Cannot be changed Change of Tenses In The Passive Voice: Study the following table: The Present Tenses Tense 1) Simple Present 2) Present Continuous 3) Present Perfect 4) Present Perfect Cont. The Past Tenses 1) Simple Past 2) Past Continuous 3) Past Perfect 4) Past Perfect Cont The Future Tenses 1) Simple Future 2) Future Continuous 3) Future Perfect 4) Future Perfect Cont. Active I eat an apple I am eating an apple I have eaten an apple I have been eating an apple Passive An apple is eaten by me An apple is being eaten by me An apple has been eaten by me No Passive Form I ate an apple I was eating an apple I had eaten an apple I had been eating an apple An apple was eaten by me An apple was being eaten by me An apple had been eaten by me No Passive Form I will eat an apple I will be eating an apple I will have eaten an apple I will have been eating an apple An apple will be eaten by me No Passive Form An apple will have been eaten by No Passive Form Note: The following tenses cannot be changed to Passive form: 1) Present Perfect Continuous 2) Past Perfect Continuous 3) Future Continuous 4) Future Perfect Continuous Rules For Changing Active Voice To Passive Voice: A sentence in the Active Voice can be changed into the Passive Voice according to the following rules and conditions as applied. i) The subject of the Active Voice is transferred to the place of the object in the Passive Voice. The object of the Active Voice is transferred to the place of the subject in the Passive Voice e.g. subject verb object Tom eats bananas (Active Voice) Bananas are eaten by Tom (Passive Voice) z Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English I 37 38 Note: Only the Past Participle form of the verb is used in the Passive voice and the agent by is used before the new object. ii) Transitive Verbs having two objects: When a Transitive Verb has two objects in the Active Voice, the direct or the Indirect Object may become the subject in the Passive Voice. e.g. My father gave me a pen (Active Voice) I was given a pen by my father .. OR (Passive Voice) A pen was given to me by my father (Passive Voice) iii) Prepositional Verbs: When the verb in the Active Voice is a Prepositional Verb, i.e., a preposition is attached with the verb, the preposition is not dropped when changed to Passive Voice, as it is a part of the verb; as: i) The crowd laughed at the clown (Active) The clown was laughed at by the crowd (Passive) ii) He agreed to dispose off his property (Active) His property was agreed to be disposed off by him (Passive) iv) Auxiliary Verbs: When the Verb in the Active Voice is an Auxiliary Verb, the word be along with the Past Participle is added to the verb in the Passive Voice; as: i) You must do your homework. (Active) Your homework must be done by you (Passive) ii) He may lose the contract (Active) The contract may be lost by him (Passive) v) Interrogative Sentences: An Interrogative Sentence remains an Interrogative in the Passive Voice too; as i) Has he finished the task? (Active) Has the task been finished by him? (Passive) ii) Who gave you these orders? (Active) By whom were you given these orders? (Passive) vi) Imperative Sentences: If an Imperative sentence is in the Active Voice, then let . be is used in the Passive form of the sentence that is, if the sentence is to remain in the Imperative, otherwise should . be is used, as: i) Open the door (Active Voice) Let the door be opened (Passive Voice) The door should be opened ii) Bring the keys (Active Voice) Let the keys be brought (Passive Voice) The keys should be brought In the Imperative sentences, the agent by is not used in the passive voice but the sense of the object is hidden in the sentence itself; as, i) Sit down (order) (Active Voice) You are ordered to sit down (Passive Voice) ii) Work hard (advice) (Active Voice) You are advised to work hard (Passive Voice) iii) Close the shop (Active Voice) It is time for the shop to be closed (Passive Voice) 38 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English I Volume 1 of 2 Writing (Composition & Grammar) 39 REVIEW QUESTIONS 02: I) Rewrite the following sentences in the Passive Voice: 1) I called Sheeba on duty. 2) She closed the door of the car. 3) The lion dragged away the deer into the dense forest. 4) Our football team has won the match. 5) The young boy teased the monkeys in the cage 6) Sapna was reading the newspaper. 7) Sanya will have done her brother s homework. 8) Shikha always obeys her elders. 9) When did Romesh write this sweet poem? 10) He has taken his meal. 11) They would have praised you if you had succeeded in the task. 12) Are the mountaineers not climbing the mountains? 13) Bengalis like fish. 14) One should not break promises. 15) The villagers caught the thieves and handed them over to the police 16) The boys have solved the questions 17) By Tuesday, we shall solve this problem. 18) Please do not go there. 19) Do not let him do the work. 20) I have tasted all the mangoes. Answers: 1) Sheeba was called on duty by me. 2) The door of the car was closed by her. 3) The deer was dragged away into the dense forest by the lion. 4) The match has been won by our football team. 5) The monkeys in the cage were teased by the young boy. 6) The newspaper was being read by Sapna. 7) Her brother s homework will have been done by Sanya. 8) Her elders are always obeyed by Shikha 9) When was this sweet poem written by Romesh? 10) His meal has been taken by him. 11) You would have been praised by them if you had succeeded in the task. 12) Are the mountains not being climbed by the mountaineers? 13) Fish is liked by Bengalis. 14) Promises should not be broken by anyone. 15) The thieves were caught by the villagers and handed over to the police. 16) The questions have been solved by the boys. 17) By Tuesday, this problem will be solved by us. 18) You are requested not to go there 19) You are advised not to let him do the work. 20) All the mangoes have been tasted by me. Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English I 39 40 II) Rewrite the following sentences in the Active Voice: 1) Abhimanyu was killed in the battlefield. 2) This book has finally been printed. 3) A lot has already been said on this topic. 4) The secret has already been disclosed to me by Ravi. 5) The work will have been done by the time you reach there. 6) You are requested to bring me a glass of water. 7) You are advised to complete your work before playing. 8) This boy must be taught English by you. 9) All the fruit has been consumed by me. 10) This letter was written by Jacob. 11) This meal will be liked by my friend very much. 12) The bell was not rung by the peon. 13) This work was surely not done by you. 14) Is not this room cleaned by them everyday? 15) Why have these clothes not been washed? 16) By whom was this building demolished? 17) You are forbidden to go to his house. 18) Let the child not be disturbed. 19) It is being said that the committee will revise their decision. 20) You are requested to accept my application. Answers: 1) The soldiers killed Abhimanyu in the battlefield. 2) We have finally printed this book. 3) The speakers have already said a lot on this topic. 4) Ravi has already disclosed the secret to me. 5) We shall have done the work by the time you reach there. 6) Please bring me a glass of water. 7) Complete your work before playing 8) You must teach English to this boy. 9) I have consumed all the fruit. 10) Jacob wrote this letter. 11) My friends will like this meal very much. 12) The peon did not ring the bell. 13) You did not surely do this work. 14) Do they not clean this room everyday? 15) Why has the washerman not washed these clothes? 16) Who demolished this building? 17) Do not go to his house. 18) Do not disturb the child. 19) They say that the committee will revise their decision. 20) Please accept my application 40 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English I Volume 1 of 2 Writing (Composition & Grammar) 41 Direct and Indirect: Direct Speech: The speech in which the actual words of the speaker are used is called Direct speech. Indirect Speech: When the words of the speaker are reported in our own words, we call that Indirect Speech. e.g.: He said, I am going to school. This sentence is in the direct speech as the actual words of the speaker have been used in the inverted commas. e.g.: He said that he was going to school. This sentence is in the Indirect speech as the words, I am going to school have been used in the reported speech in our own words without the use of inverted commas. Reporting Verb: In the direct speech, the words which are outside the inverted commas are called the reporting words as they are introducing the words of the speaker. Reported Speech : The words inside the inverted commas are called the Reported Speech as they are reporting the actual words of the speaker. e.g. He said to Manish I have already followed all your instructions. Reported Verb Reported Speech Now note carefully the following points: a) In Direct Speech: 1) The reported speech is put within Inverted commas ( ). 2) The first word of the reported speech begins with a capital Letter. 3) The reported speech is separated by a comma from the reporting verb b) In Indirect Speech: 1) Inverted commas ( ) are not used, but reported speech is generally introduced by the conjunction that . 2) The comma separating the reporting verb from the reported speech is removed. 3) The tense of the reporting verb is never changed. 4) The question mark (?) and the mark of exclamation (!) are never used. 5) The Interrogative, the Imperative and the exclamatory sentences are put as statements. c) Change of Tenses: Rule 1: If the reporting verb is in the present or future tense, the tense of the verb in the reported speech is not changed i.e. the tense of the reported speech will remain in whatever tense it is in; as: He says, I am in deep trouble. (Direct) He says that he is in deep trouble. (Indirect) Remember: The reporting verb He says is in the present tense so the tense of the reported speech I am remains in the same tense and becomes He is . He will say, I like to watch action movies . (Direct) He will say that he likes to watch action movies. (Indirect) The reporting verb He will say is in the future tense so the tense of the reported speech I like remains in the same tense and becomes He likes . Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English I 41 42 Rule 2: If the reporting verb is in the past tense, as is usually given in the board examinations, the tense of the reported speech will change according to the following table: 1) Simple Present changes to Simple Past .say or says said 2) Present Continuous changes to Past Continuous .is saying was saying 3) Present Perfect changes to Past Perfect .has said or have said had said 4) Present Perfect changes to Past Perfect Continuous Continuous he has being saying he had been saying 5) Simple Past changes to Past Perfect he said he had said 6) Past Continuous changes to Past Perfect Continuous .was saying had been saying 7) Past Perfect and Past Perfect Continuous remain unchanged. 8) Future tense becomes Conditional. 9) Future perfect becomes Conditional Perfect. 10) Said to is changed to told . 11) Shall is changed to should or would . 12) Will is changed to would . Rule 3 If the reported speech expresses some historical fact or universal truth or habitual fact, the tense of the verb in the reported speech is not changed into the corresponding past but remains exactly as it is; as: Historical fact: i) The lecturer said, The Taj Mahal was built by Shah Jahan, (Direct) ii) The lecturer said that the Taj Mahal was built by Shah Jahan. (Indirect) iii) The teacher said, The Duke of Wellington was the commander of the joint forces in the battle of Waterloo against Napoleon. (Direct) iv) The teacher said that the Duke of Wellington was the commander of the joint forces in the battle of Waterloo against Napoleon. (Indirect) Universal truth: 1) The teacher said, The earth revolves around the sun. (Direct) The teacher said that the earth revolves around the sun. (Indirect) 2) He said, God is above all in the world . (Direct) He said that God is above all in the world. (Indirect) Habitual fact: 1) He said, The Christians bury their dead. (Direct) He said that the Christians bury their dead. (In direct) 2) He said, I go to bring the milk everyday . (Direct) He said that he goes to bring the milk everyday. (In direct) 42 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English I Volume 1 of 2 Writing (Composition & Grammar) 43 Rule 4: Words expressing nearness in time or place are changed into words expressing distance as: Now becomes then these becomes those Here becomes there hither becomes thither Hence becomes thence ago becomes before Come becomes go today becomes that day the next day or Tonight becomes that night tomorrow the following day The previous day The night before Yesterday becomes or last night becomes or The day before the previous night Change of Pronouns: A) First person pronouns of the reported speech change with the subject of the reporting verb; as 1) I said, I am not in the mood today . (Direct) I said that I was not in the mood that day. (Indirect) 2) You said, I am not in the mood today . (Direct) You said that you were not in the mood that day. (Indirect) 3) She said, I am not in the mood today (Direct) She said that she was not in the mood that day. (Indirect) B) Second person pronouns of the reported speech change with the object of the reporting verb; as, 1) He said to me, You are a handsome boy. He told me that I am a handsome boy. 2) I said to you, You are a handsome boy. I told you that you are a handsome boy. 3) You said to him, You are a handsome boy. You told him that he is a handsome boy. C) Third person pronouns of the reported speech do not change; as, 1) He said, She will be coming home soon. He said that she would be coming home soon. 2) You said, They are doing their work now. You said that they were doing their work then. Kinds of sentences: 1) Assertive sentences (statements) Assertive sentences in the Indirect speech are usually introduced by the conjunction, that . Direct : Raj said to Raman, I am learning Yoga. Indirect : Raj told Raman that he was learning Yoga. Direct : He said to me, I do not trust you . Indirect : He told me that he did not trust me. 2) Interrogative sentences (questions) While reporting a question in the indirect speech: Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English I 43 44 a) The reporting verb is changed into asked, inquired etc. Direct : He said to me, Where do you live? Indirect : He asked me where I lived. Direct : You said to her, Whom did you speak to? Indirect : You asked her whom she had spoken to. b) If the question begins with an Interrogative pronoun or an Interrogative adverb, such as, what, which, whose, who, where, how, why etc., the same word is used in the indirect speech to introduce the words spoken by the speaker. The interrogation sign is replaced by a full stop. Direct : I said to Meena, What is the nature of your business? Indirect : I asked Meena what was the nature of her business, Direct : Genie said to Johnny, why did I not meet you before? Indirect : Genie asked Johnny why she had not met him before c) If or; whether is used to introduce the question part in the indirect speech, when the question begins with helping verbs, like, is, are, do, has, have, shall, will, can etc such a question has a yes or no as an answer Direct : Gemma said to Leslie, Is it necessary for me to attend the party? Indirect : Gemma asked Leslie if it was necessary for her to attend the party. Direct : Craig said to his brother, Are you buying me the car today? Indirect : Craig asked his brother whether he was buying him the car that day. d) The interrogative form is changed into the assertive form Imperative Sentences: a) In reporting an imperative sentence, the reporting verb, say or tell is changed into a verb expressing a command, advice or request. In this case the students should use the right verb best suited to the sense. The verb may be selected in the following manner. 1) Command : order, command, bid, tell 2) Advice : advise, urge 3) Request : request, ask, desire 4) Entreaty : beg, pray, entreat, implore 5) Prohibition : forbid 6) Proposal : propose, suggest b) The imperative mood is changed into the infinitive mood by placing to; before the verb c) The rules for change of the pronouns are to be observed. Conversion from direct to indirect (imperative sentences) Direct : The teacher said to Jacob, Stop making a noise . Indirect : The teacher ordered Jacob to stop making a noise Direct : My mother said to me, You must work hard for your examinations. Indirect : My mother advised me to work hard for my examinations. Direct : I said to my friend, Please help me in my business. Indirect : I requested my friend to help me in my business. Direct : She said, Be silent and listen to my words . Direct : She urged them to be silent and listen to her words Direct : He said Let us go for a walk . Indirect : He suggested that they should go for a walk. 44 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English I Volume 1 of 2 Writing (Composition & Grammar) 45 REVIEW QUESTION 03: Change the following sentences into direct speech: 1) My brother said that he earnestly wished that it rained hard. 2) The hunter said that a bird in hand is worth two in the bush. 3) The traveller asked me if I could guide him to the nearest hotel. 4) The man said that he was not responsible for all that destruction. 5) The accused told the judge that he should be punished if he was proved guilty. 6) The girl exclaimed with sorrow that she had lost her way in the woods. 7) The Principal told the students that he would come down heavily on the defaulters. 8) The notice declared that Admit Cards would only be issued after the clearance of all the dues. 9) He asked Puja what the state of her health was and how she had passed the night. 10) He thanked the teacher for all the help she had provided him. Answers: 1) My brother said, I earnestly wish that it rains hard. 2) The hunter said, A bird in hand is worth two in the bush. 3) The traveller said to me, Can you guide me to the nearest hotel? 4) The man said, I am not responsible for all this destruction. 5) The accused said to the Judge, I shall be punished if I am proved guilty. 6) The girl said, Alas I have lost my way in the woods. 7) The Principal said to the students, I will come down heavily on the defaulters. 8) The notice declared, Admit Cards will only be issued after the clearance of all dues. 9) He said to Puja, What is the state of your health and how have you passed the night ? 10) He said, Thank you teacher for all the help you have provided me . Unseen passage for Comprehension: 1) Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow: If there is life on the planet-Mars, it will have to stand extreme cold at night. This should not be too difficult for plants. Cold country plants on the earth tolerate Arctic conditions for some months each winter, and plants that grow on high mountains in the tropics tolerate severe temperatures which frequently fall below freezing point during the night. Large animals on the earth try to keep from freezing, but many insects spend the winter in frozen surroundings. Bacteria, protozoa and other small organisms can be kept frozen for many years and thawed out alive and healthy. So life on Mars should not have too much trouble with the cold. An obvious way to avoid the shortperiod cold of the Martian night would be to burrow into the ground as many cold-country animals do on the earth. Another difficulty for life on Mars is scarcity of oxygen and water, but their lack may not be as serious as they appear from the human point of view. Perhaps, an atmosphere like the earth s is a luxury, not a necessity. Martian plants might have strong impervious need for oxygen when the sun is not shining, as the earth s plants do, they may store it as a gas or as some oxygen-rich chemical compound. They would need some way of absorbing a little carbon dioxide, but in other respects they could live for most martian springtime. They would absorb enough water to last them until the following year, and during the same season they would probably do most of their growing and reproducing. Martian animals would have a tougher time, but if there are plants on Mars, there must be animals of some sort. An animal, by the scientists definition, is an organism that eats plants using parts of the plant s material to build its own body and the rest to burn for energy. We Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English I 45 46 usually think of animals, including men, as preying on plants, but if we choose, we can think of them as the plant s benefactors. If there were no plant-eating animals on the earth, not even bacteria, the plants would grow until they had absorbed all the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Then they would die. We can only guess what Martian animals may be like. They may be as small as bacteria, or they may be larger animals that move very slowly, a few inches per day, because the scarcity of oxygen permits their muscles to generate only a little energy. Or perhaps Martian animals may depend on the oxygen that the plants have accumulated for their own use. After one of these animals has eaten a plant and its oxygen, it would be able to move comparatively fast and creep to another oxygen yielding plant. a) i) The passage mentions three things about conditions on Mars that would make life difficult what are they? ii) How do we know that living creatures could survive the freezing temperatures of Mars? iii) How could living creatures escape from cold on Mars during the night? iv) Give the meaning of, An atmosphere like the earth s is luxury. v) By what means would Martian plants survive a) Without water, and b) without much oxygen? b) Give in your own words the meaning in their context, of the following words and phrases. i) tolerate ii) accumulated iii) thawed out iv) burrow v) scarcity c) In not more than 60 words, state how plant and animal life could exist on Mars. Answers: a) i) The three things that would make life difficult on Mars are: a) extreme cold b) scarcity of oxygen and c) scarcity of water. ii) Bacteria, protozoa and other small organisms can be kept frozen for many years and thawed out alive and healthy. iii) A very clever way to avoid the short-period cold of the Martian night would be to burrow into the ground as many cold-country animals do on the earth. iv) The atmosphere at Mars is not very suitable for plants to survive, yet they survive but the atmosphere on the earth for plants is very suitable and so the writer calls it a luxury. v) Martian plants have strong impervious skins to keep the moisture in their tissues from evaporating into the thin, dry air. For oxygen, they store it as a gas or as some oxygen rich chemical compound. b) i) tolerate to bear with ii) accumulated to gradually get more of some thing iii) thawed out melted out iv) burrow to make holes or crevices v) scarcity shortage c) Cold country plants on the earth tolerate Arctic conditions for some months. Same is the case for plants that grow on high mountains in the tropic. They survive temperatures which often fall below freezing point. Animals move into the burrows as many cold country animals do on the earth. 2) Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow: The habit of reading is one of the greatest resources of mankind; and we enjoy reading books that belong to us much more than if they are borrowed. A borrowed book is like a guest in the house; we must see that it sustains no damage; it must not suffer while under your roof. You cannot leave it carelessly, you cannot mark it, you cannot turn down the pages, you cannot use it familiarly. And then, some day although this is seldom done, you really ought to return it. 46 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English I Volume 1 of 2 Writing (Composition & Grammar) 47 But your own books belong to you; you treat them with that affectionate intimacy that annihilates formality. Books are for use, not for show; you should own no book that you are afraid to mark up, or afraid to place on the table, wide open and face down. A good reason for marking favourite passages in books is that this practice enables you to remember more easily the significant sayings, to refer to them quickly, and then in later years, it is like visiting a forest where you once blazed a trail. You have the pleasure of going over the old ground and recalling both the intellectual scenery and your own earlier self. Everyone should begin collecting a private library in youth; the instinct of private property, which is fundamental in human beings, can here be cultivated with every advantage and no evils. One should have one s own bookshelves, which should not have doors, glass windows, or keys; they should be free and accessible to the hand as well as to the eye. The best of mural decorations is books; they are more varied in colour and appearance than any wallpaper, they are more attractive in design, and they have the prime advantage of being separate personalities, so that if you sit alone in the room in the firelight, you are surrounded with intimate friends. The knowledge that they are there in plain view is both stimulating and refreshing. You do not have to read them all. Most of my indoor life is spent in a room containing six thousand books; and I have a stock answer to the invariable question that comes from strangers. Have you read all of these books? Some of them twice . This reply is both true and unexpected. My devotion to reading has never made me a recluse. How could it? Books are of the people by the people, for the people. Literature is the immortal part of history; it is the best and most enduring part of personality. But book friends have this advantage over living friends; you can enjoy the most truly aristocratic society in the world whenever you want it. The great dead are beyond our physical reach, and the great living are usually almost as inaccessible; as for our personal friends and acquaintances, we cannot always see them. Perchance they are asleep, or away on a journey. But in a private library, you can at any moment converse with Socrates or Shakespeare or Carlyl or Dumas or Dickens or Shaw or Barrie or Galsworthy. a) Five words are given below. Give the meaning of each word as used in the passage. One word or short phrases will be accepted. i) punctiliousness ii) annihilates iii) private iv) enduring v) advantage b) Answer the following questions briefly in your own words: i) What is the greatest resource of mankind? ii) What is the status of a borrowed book in the house? iii) How do we treat our own books? iv) Why should we begin collecting a private library? v) What are the disadvantages of borrowed books? c) In not more than 60 words of your own, give a summary of this extract. Answers: a) i) punctiliousness carelessness ii) annihilates destroys, ends iii) private not public iv) enduring lasting v) advantage benefit b) i) The greatest resource of mankind is the habit of reading books. ii) A borrowed book is like a guest in the house. It must be treated with a certain formality iii) We treat our own books with affectionate intimacy. We can mark some favourite passages and use them the way we like. iv) We should form the habit of collecting a private library in our youth. It cultivates the habit of reading good books. v) There are a few disadvantages of borrowed books eg. Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English I 47 48 a) They are mere guests in our house. b) We have to treat them very carefully. c) We cannot mark any line or passage. d) We cannot leave them carelessly. e) They have to be returned some day. c) The greatest resource of mankind is the habit of reading books. The company of books is very enjoyable. They are the store house of knowledge. We can make use of them in any way and at any time. But a borrowed book is like a guest in the house. It is treated with a considerate formality. So we should form the habit of collecting a private library in our youth. The books which belong to us, give us a sense of satisfaction. They are like never-failing friends. The knowledge contained in books is both stimulating and refreshing. Functional Grammar: Subject Verb Agreement: The verb agrees with its subject in number and in person, that is, the verb should be of the same number and person as the subject. Let us now get acquainted with the rules and some common singular and plural verbs. Tense Singular Verb Plural Verb i) Present is, am are ii) Past was were iii) Present Perfect has have It is interesting to note that when s is added to a noun it becomes a plural word e.g. boy + s = boys, but when s is added to a verb, it becomes a singular word e.g. The boys sing (plural) but the boy sings (singular) 3) Read carefully the passage given below and answer the questions that follow: CHICKENS / KANGAROOS ARE SMARTER THAN US Pigs and chickens are more intelligent than most people believe, scientists said on Wednesday. Chickens can learn from each other and are encouraged by example, and pigs use subtle social behaviour and signal their competitive strength to rivals, researchers from the University of Bristol told in a science conference. Despite their reputation as bird-brains of the avian world, chickens can be taught what food to eat or avoid, are able to adapt their behaviour and can learn to navigate, studies have shown. There are hidden depths to chickens, said Professor Christine Nichol who has studied their behaviour. Pigs have also demonstrated cunning behaviour and shown they can exploit the knowledge of their colleagues to obtain food. They may also be able to discriminate between different levels of aggressiveness to sort out their social order. Australian scientists have discovered a sublime method of researching the laws of locomotion: Stick a kangaroo on a treadmill and watch it hop. Zoologists at the University of New South Wales have set up treadmills in the laboratory and are using the variety of kangaroos, ranging from the six foot red to brush-tailed bettong, to study how mammals propel themselves through their environment. According to the report in the Sydney Morning Herald on Saturday, they have discovered that, in terms of energy expended versus speed, the hopping motion of the kangaroo is almost as efficient as flying. The horse is the only mammal that is more athletic. The secret of the roo s success is that, during the period in the air between bounces, it is able to recover half of the energy used for the one jump and uses it again for the next. Professor Terry Dawson, who is conducting the research with the group of zoology students, says that this mode of locomotion is so efficient that a large kangaroo making five- meters bounds can travel long distances through the desert at 45 kmph, which is faster than the world s best sprinters who can manage over a mere 100 metres. 48 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English I Volume 1 of 2 Writing (Composition & Grammar) a) Ans: b) Ans: 49 The kangaroos, bred in captivity, have apparently taken well; to be used as guinea pigs. However, it takes a month of daily practice, during which the treadmill is gradually speeded up, before they become accustomed to the concept of enforced motion in a laboratory. As they hop along, going nowhere, they are monitored for their oxygen consumption for the length and frequency of their jumps. The study is also examining how the muscles of a mammal respond to strenuous exercise. Hopping according to the scientific definition is two legs moving together in synchrony; the kangaroo family is the only group of large mammals that is known ever to have hopped. The researchers have found that a large red kangaroo can hop 120 times a minute, and that its speed is limited only by the length of the treadmill. One postgraduate student, Koa Webster, who has trained six bettongs and gave each a 15 minutes daily workout on the treadmill said: We have to get them used to moving and not going anywhere. Professor Dawson said that kangaroos were the only animals that defied the theory of the energy cost of running. Until kangaroos fit into the theory, we haven t got a theory. Explain the following words as they mean in the above passage: discriminate, propel, sprinters, captivity, strenuous discriminate : differentiate, distinguish propel : drive sprinters : short distance runners captivity : imprisonment strenuous : active, leading to exertion i) Mention any two points to prove that chickens are intelligent. ii) The hopping motion of the Kangaroo is almost as efficient as flying . Comment. iii) What s the secret of the Kangaroo s unlimited energy? iv) How do Prof. Dawson s findings affect the traditional theory of the energy cost of running? v) Mention any two points to show the similarity between the chickens and the Kangaroos. vi) Use the word subtle in a sentence of your own such that it has a different meaning from that as used in the passage. i) Chickens are quite intelligent as they learn everything very fast e.g. choice of food could be easily taught to them. They quickly adapt themselves to the changing pattern of life as well as to the art of navigation during flying. ii) Of course, kangaroos are very efficient hoppers. They hop in a highly athletic manner and more important, they save energy while hopping. Thus hopping is a kind of energy saving exercise for them even at a speed of 120 times a minute. iii) The secret of kangaroo s unlimited energy is their dynamic style of hopping. During a jump a kangaroo recollects half of the energy spent and can spend this recollected energy for the next jump and so on. It keeps them active and they don t feel tired very soon. iv) Prof. Dawson s findings affect the traditional theory considerably because he illustrates a kangaroo s hopping as energy saving process, not entirely as energy wasting process. Traditionally, it is believed that any kind of motion or running is energy utilizing process in totality, According to him, kangaroos recharge themselves upto 50% while hopping and as a result, the energy cost of running is effectively reduced. v) The chickens and kangaroos are quite intelligent and both of them are very fast learners. They are highly active and quickly learn by examples. vi) The player showed a subtle progress throughout the training session. Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English I 49 50 c) The animals are much more capable than what we think of them . Give your views in not more than 80 words. Ans: Capability is not the sole property of human beings but animals are also the masters in this arena and may be they are much better than us. The above passage emphatically points out that kangaroos, chickens and even pigs are quite capable and this capability is easily noticeabIe in their activities. The kangaroos, in particular, are far superior to human beings in terms of speed, wit and dynamism. Their muscles respond to strenuous exercises in a positive manner. They can travel through the desert at 45 kmph speed while their hopping speed is 120 hops per minute. Due to such diversified capabilities of the animal world, they can be easily called the brains of modern world just like the chickens are called bird-brains of the aviation world. d) Give a title to your summary in (c) above and give a reason to justify your choice. Ans: The suitable title is The Bird Brains . It is an appealing title because it justifies that most of the birds including chickens and kangaroos are intelligent and active. Their lifestyle is very dynamic. 4) Read carefully the passage given below and answer the questions that follow: THE MATCHLESS KEINO He entered the South African Airways Flight 304 from Cape Town, somewhat uncertain as he looked for seat 21E. He moved slowly, wearing a black T-shirt advertising the 2004 Olympics in Athens, and clutching two 2003 World Cup memento hats and a little bag. Slowly, the face and the name came together. Kip Keino, one of the greatest long-distance runners ever. Then, this correspondent realised that Keino was heading straight towards his row, in fact, to the seat right next to his. A little scar on the right side of the forehead, a broken thumbnail on the left hand. This was the man who had set the track on fire, this man who was so hesitantly opening the packets of food and tea bags. Excuse me sir, are you Kip Keino ? was the hesitant question. Yes came the even more timid reply, and then the smile. Born in 1940, Kipchoge Kip Keino became one of Kenya s and the world s top track athletes and a two- time gold medallist at the Olympic Games. At the 1964 Olympics in Tokyo, Keino represented Kenya in their first games as an independent nation, placing fifth in the 5,000m event. Later in 1964, he set two world records in the 3,000 m distance with a time of 7 minute 39.6 seconds, and in the 5,000 m distance with a time of 13 minutes 24, 2 seconds. But it was in 1968 Olympics at Mexico City that Keino had his most famous victory. After having to jog a mile to the stadium because his taxi was stuck in traffic, he won the 1,500 m in an Olympic record of 3 minutes 34.9 seconds. The mark stood until 1984. He also won the silver medal in the 5000 m despite an acute gall bladder infection. At the 1972 Olympics in Munich, he won his second gold, in the 3,000 m steeplechase, and also won a silver medal in the 1500 m. Keino retired from international running in 1973. Shortly thereafter, he and his wife, Phyllis, purchased a farm in Kenya, on which they began an orphanage, Keino also began coaching Kenyan track and field teams. Back in the aircraft, the discussion shifted to the World Cup Opening Ceremony, where Keino was one of the African athletes who marched with the teams. Inevitably, the conversation shifted to Kenya and New Zealand s decision to boycott their game there. It is their decision , Keino said, But I refuse to believe that they were ever the target. The terrorist attacks were targeting the US and the Israelies. But is that not enough for anyone to get scared? Yes, fear will always be there, but sportsmen are hardly ever the target of terrorists and extremists. Whatever the reasons, it is sad that New Zealand refuses to play in Nairobi. Keino added. The people there were looking forward to the World Cup matches. 50 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English I Volume 1 of 2 Writing (Composition & Grammar) a) Ans: b) Ans: 51 Cricket, Keino says, will soon catch up with football in Kenya. There is a lot of interest, and many youngsters are taking up the game but they need a lot of money to get the game really going. Then he had his own set of questions. There are so many talented women athletes in India, why don t they come up to international levels ? And what is happening to hockey? You were so good at it. . The Opening Ceremony drew a lot of praise from Keino. I will most probably be back for the final and I will also be in India for the Afro-Asian Games. By now, we had landed in Johannesburg, and Keino got up and left hurriedly. He had to catch the connecting flight to Nairobi. Last seen, he was jogging towards the international terminal, and that brought a smile and sadness. A smile, because if Keino can t run and catch a plane, no one can. Sadness because there went an old man who had once ruled the world, but had no one now to escort him to his next plane, so that he could get there with dignity. Give meaning of the following words as used in the passage: timid, inevitably, scared, orphanage, to set the track on fire. timid : shy Inevitably : certain to happen scared : frightened orphanage : institution for housing orphans to set the track on fire : to become famous, popular i) Why does the author describe Keino s victory in 1968 Olympics as his most famous victory? ii) Comment on Keino s reactions on New Zealand Cricket team s decision to boycott the Nairobi match. iii) What are the problems being faced by the Kenyan youngsters for taking up the games? iv) Is he happy about the sports scene in India at large? How do you know? v) Mention any two qualities of Keino s character that impress you most. Give examples too. vi) Give an evidence to show that Keino still loves athletics. vii) Use the word shifted in your own sentence in such a manner that it has a meaning different from that used in the passage. i) This was the most famous victory for Keino because he made it a point to set up a world record in 1500 m race even after jogging a mile to reach the stadium as his taxi was stuck in traffic jam. It shows his confidence and determination in the most heroic manner. ii) Keino sadly regretted New Zealand team s decision not to play in Nairobi. In his opinion, usually the players are not the terrorists target and the latter were against the Americans and the lsraelies, not against New Zealanders. The local people were highly disappointed due to their decision. iii) The Kenyan youngsters have been very enthusiastic to excel in games but they lack resources and sponsors. Shortage of funds proves a stumbling block to their success. iv) Keino is not happy with the sports-scene in our country. It is clearly mentioned that he believes that Indians have a great potential to win everywhere. What he finds is the failure of Indian hockey team as well as that of the women athletes. v) Keino impresses us as a heroic figure because of his qualities of hardwork and determination. His everlasting success in 1964 and 1968 Olympic Games stand testimony to his qualities. He worked hard every time and even once; he was determined to reach in time in 1968 Olympics though his taxi was stuck in traffic jam. Not only this he set the world record on the same day. Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English I 51 52 vi) c) Ans: d) Ans: 5) 52 Keino s love for the athletics is perpetual and it is clear by the fact that he runs a coaching centre for the training of young boys and girls in track and field events. He runs it on his own farm in Kenya. vii) He has shifted his luggage to the new house. Do you think the last paragraph is ironical? If so, explain. The last paragraph ironically recalls Keino as the lost hero . In his hey days, he was worshipped by one and all and led a very popular life. But the glamour of his success was lost and nobody cares for him any more now to the extent that he got nobody to help him catch the next flight. He brought success and glory to his country and people but they have forgotten him completely. He should be honoured till the end and that will probably be the best gift for him from all. Give a title to your answer in (c) above and give a reason to justify your choice. Keino-the Lost Hero is the suitable title. It aptly presents that Keino is no more adored as he used to be in the past. But he is still a living legend. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow: [2008] Sita went to her grandfather and sat down beside him. When you are hungry, tell me, she said, and I will make the bread. Is your grandmother asleep? Yes. But she will wake soon. The pain is deep. The old man stared across the river, at the dark green of the forest, at the leaden sky, and said, If she is not better by morning, I will take her to the hospital in Shahganj. They will know how to make her well. You may be on your own for two or three days. You have been on your own before. Sita nodded gravely she had been alone before; but not in the middle of the rains with the river so high. But she knew that someone must stay behind. She wanted grandmother to get well and she knew that only grandfather could take the small boat across the river when the current was so strong. Sita was not afraid of being left alone but she did not like the look of the river. That evening it began to rain again. Big pellets of rain were scarring the surface of the river. But it was warm rain and Sita could move about in it. She was not afraid of getting wet, she rather liked it. In the previous month, when the monsoon shower had arrived, washing the dusty leaves of the tree and bringing up the good smell of the earth, she had exulted in it, had run about shouting for joy. She was used to it now, even a little tired of the rain, but she did not mind getting wet. It was steamy indoors and her thin dress would soon dry in the heat from the kitchen fire. She walked about barefooted, barelegged. She was very sure on her feet. Her toes had grown accustomed to gripping all kinds of rocks, slippery or sharp, and though thin, she was surprisingly strong. Black hair, streaming across her face. Black eyes. Slim brown arms. A scar on her thigh: when she was small, visiting her mother s village, a hyena had entered the house where she was sleeping, fastened on to her leg and tried to drag her away but her screams had roused the villagers and the hyena had run off. She moved about in the pouring rain, chasing the hens into a shelter behind the hut. A harmless brown snake, flooded out of its hole, was moving across the open ground. Sita took a stick, picked the snake up with it, and dropped it behind a cluster of rocks. She had no quarrel with snakes. They kept down the rats and the frogs. She wondered how the rats had first come to the island - probably in someone s boat or in a sack of grain. She disliked the huge black scorpions who left their waterlogged dwellings and tried to take shelter in the hut. It was so easy to step on one and the sting could be very painful. She had been bitten by a scorpion the previous monsoon and for a day and a night she had known fever and great pain. Sita had never killed living creatures but now, whenever she found a scorpion, she crushed it with a rock! When, finally, she went indoors, she was hungry. She ate some parched gram and warmed up some goat s milk. Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English I Volume 1 of 2 Writing (Composition & Grammar) a) Ans: b) Ans: c) Ans: d) Ans: 53 Grandmother woke once and asked for water and grandfather held the brass tumbler to her lips. The roof was leaking and a small puddle formed on the floor. Grandfather kept the kerosene lamps alight. They did not need the light but somehow it made them feel safer. It rained all night. Three words from the passage are given below. Give the meaning of each word as used in the passage. One word answers or short phrases will be accepted. (i) gravely (ii) steamy (iii) parched i) gravely : seriously ii) steamy : hot and humid iii) parched : excessively dry Answer the following questions briefly in your words. i) Why was Sita willing to stay alone? ii) What had made Sita like the first monsoon shower? iii) Why did Sita have a scar on her thigh? iv) Which word in the passage tells us that Sita did not need to fear the snake? v) Why did she think snakes were useful? vi) What did Sita do with the snake? vii) The passage tells us that Sita never killed living creatures. Why did she then crush the scorpions with a rock? viii) Why did they keep the lamps alight? i) She was willing to stay alone because she realized that somebody had to stay back. ii) Sita liked the first monsoon shower when she was completely wet in rain. She enjoyed taking a bath in the rain with her wet clothes and shouting out of joy and exhilaration. She appeared like a replica of perfect happiness and bright satisfaction. iii) Sita had a scar on her thigh as a result of a hyena s attack when she was only a child. The hyena had entered her mother s house and tried to drag her. But the villagers got up due to her screams and the hyena ran away. iv) No quarrel / picked the snake up . v) She felt so because the snakes used to kill rats and frogs and stopped their population from rising at an alarming level. vi) She picked up the snake and dropped it behind the rocks. vii) She crushed the scorpions because a scorpion had stung her in the last monsoon. She had suffered miserably out of pain and discomfort Moreover, the scorpions could easily enter her hut and it was very difficult to avoid them. viii) They kept the lamps alight because it made them feel safe . What kind of a girl was Sita? Describe her in 60 words. Sits was a brave and courageous girl willing to fight against the odds of life at every stage. She loved her grandparents very much and was always worried about their safety. She was really sorry for the pathetic condition of her grandmother and wanted her to be well soon. She was a kind and gentle girl but hated scorpions at heart. She was very responsible and used to carry out all household work diligently. She is a typical girl of a lower middle class Indian family. Give a title to your summary in (c). State a reason to justify your choice. Title: Sita The title Sita is justified because it highlights her ideal characteristic features like The Great Sita Of Ramayana. She is decent, dynamic and dutiful in every walk of life. Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English I 53 54 6) Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow: [2006] There came to our town some years ago a showman who owned an institution called the Gaiety Land. Overnight, our gymkhana grounds became resplendent with banners and streamers and coloured lamps. From all over the district, crowds poured into the show. Within a week of opening, in gate money, they collected five hundred rupees a day. Gaiety Land provided us with all sorts of fun and gambling and side-shows. For a couple of annas, in each booth, we could watch anything from performing parrots to crack motor cyclists. In addition to this, there were lotteries and shooting galleries, where, for an anna, you always stood a chance of winning a hundred rupees. There was a particular corner of the show which was in great favour. Here, for a ticket costing eight annas, you could be lucky enough to acquire a variety of articles - pin cushions, sewing machines or even a road engine. One evening, they drew a ticket, number 1005, and I happened to own the other half of the ticket. Glancing down the list of articles, they declared that I had become the owner of a road engine! I looked stunned. People gathered around and gazed at me as if I were some sort of a curious animal. Some people muttered and giggled, Fancy anyone becoming the owner of a road engine! It was not the sort of prize one could carry home at short notice. I asked the showman if he could help me to transport it. He merely pointed at a notice which decreed that all the winners should remove their prizes immediately after the draw and by their own effort. However, they had to make an exception in my case. They agreed to keep the engine on the gymkhana grounds till the end of the season, and then, I would have to make my own arrangements to take it out. When I asked the showman if he could find me a driver, he just smiled and said, The fellow who brought it here had to be paid a hundred rupees for the job and five rupees a day. I sent him away and made up my mind that if no one was going to draw it, I would just leave it to its fate. Can t I sell it to some municipality? I asked innocently. He burst into a laugh. As a showman I have enough trouble with municipal people. I would rather keep out of the way. My friends and relatives poured in, to congratulate me on my latest acquisition. No one knew precisely how much a road engine would fetch; all the same they felt that there was a lot of money in it. Even if you sell it as scrap iron, you can make a few thousands, some of my friends declared. Every day I made a trip to the gymkhana grounds to have a look at my engine. I grew very fond of it. I loved its shining brass parts. I stood near it and patted it affectionately, hovered about it, and returned home everyday only at the close of the show. I thought all my troubles were coming to an end. How ignorant I was! How little did I guess that my troubles had just begun! a) Three words from the passage are given below. Give the meaning of each word as used in the passage. One word answers or short phrases will be accepted. i) resplendent ii) stunned iii) acquisition Ans: i) resplendent : gleaming/shining brilliantly ii) stunned : shocked/surprised iii) acquisition : possession b) i) Which two sentences in the first paragraph show that Gaiety Land was popular? ii) Give three reasons for the popularity of Gaiety Land. iii) What is meant by, it was not the sort of prize one could carry home at short notice ? iv) What was the showman s response to the narrator asking for help to transport the road engine? v) Why was the showman ready to leave the road engine to its fate? Ans: i) The following two sentences in first paragraph show that Gaiety Land was popular: 1. From all over the district, crowds poured into the show. 2. Within a week of opening, in gate money, they collected five hundred rupees a day. 54 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English I Volume 1 of 2 Writing (Composition & Grammar) c) Ans: d) Ans: 55 ii) Gaiety Land became very popular because it provided various kinds of fun. There were gambling, lotteries and side-shows too. People could enjoy adventure sports like motorcycling, etc. Above all, everything was quite cheap and affordable even for a common man. iii) The narrator found his prize i.e. the road engine very big and heavy. It was not easy to move from the gymkhana grounds in a short time and he could not arrange any driver at once. He could not understand how to remove it from there. iv) The showman expressed his helplessness in arranging a driver for the narrator s road engine. He had already spent a lot of money on it i.e. Rs.100/- on transportation and five rupees a day for its upkeep. The person who had brought it there had already left him. v) The showman was ready to leave it there because he wanted to get rid of it. It was very big and almost had no utility at present. Its transportation and maintenance invited heavy expenditure and hence, it had become a heavy burden to him. In not more than 60 words, describe the reactions of the public, friends and relatives towards the narrator on his winning the road engine. How did he treat his proud possession? Every success brings a host of responsibilities, a few prove unbearable. Winning the road engine was no more a different experience for the narrator. In the beginning, he was overwhelmed and fascinated when his friends and relatives congratulated him. They thought it was going to make him a rich man because even its scrap would fetch a lot of money. If he decides to sell it, he would be richer by many thousand rupees. But he soon realised that there were no takers and he had to dump it on the gymkhana grounds only. Give a title to your summary in (c). State a reason to justify your choice. Title: The Showman s Engine The Showman s Engine is a suitable title as it reflects his wit and smartness to get rid of the heavy road engine. He proved to be a real showman and cornered the narrator in a helpless situation with the unbearable burden of the road engine. UNSOLVED EXERCISE: 1) Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow: [2005] The story of Robinson Crusoe, few people know, is based on a real life incident. The son of a cobbler, Alexander Selkirk was a wayward young man, with little respect for authority. Abject conditions at sea and the cruelty of the captains made the sailors miserable in those days. It was not surprising that Alexander became rebellious and malevolent when he became a sailor. In 1704, he was Sailing Master on a ship; when it anchored for repairs near the desolate island of Juan Fernandez about 650 kilometres west of Chile. They were looking for gold, which they often got by plundering other ships. In the days that followed, Alexander hatched a conspiracy. He instigated the other sailors to leave the ship and remain on the island. They would declare a mutiny. Perhaps, Alexander reasoned, that the Captain would accept their demands if he believed that his men would refuse to sail otherwise. Unfortunately for Alexander, the crew played the Judas. The Captain, getting to know of Alexander s part in the planned mutiny, left him behind on the island as he was a bad influence on the men. He was provided with a few necessities, among them, a copy of the Bible. Alexander, marooned on an island populated only by wild cats and goats became adept at hunting and his food soon comprised of fish, turtles and meat. He also made clothes with goat skin. Although a cobbler s son, he could not make shoes. Running barefoot after goats had hardened the soles of his feet. He read the Bible again and again and slowly took to reading it aloud. He spoke and sang to the cats and learnt to milk goats. Once, during his stay on the island, a Spanish ship anchored near the island and the crew rowed in. Alexander was petrified and hid in the thick foliage. In those days Spain and England were at daggers drawn. Fortunately the Spaniards left after a brief rest. Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English I 55 56 a) b) c) d) 56 In February, 1709, two English ships sailed in to collect fresh water and shoot goats. Alexander rushed to them for succour. He looked strange with his unkempt hair, beard and goat skin clothes. His rescuers understood him with great difficulty. His speech had changed a great deal. His vocabulary had shrunk and he had to grope for words. They did, however, manage to understand his story finally. Alexander took a job as a sailor on one of the ships and reached London in 1711. He returned home with a large fortune. However, he ran out of his fortune in two years and had to return to sea. Alexander s adventure became well-known. Eight years later, Daniel Defoe gave the story a new shape with many twists, calling it The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe. It was now the story of a man who was shipwrecked on an island and lived alone for an unbelievable twenty eight years. Three words from the passage are given below. Give the meaning of each word as used in the passage. One word answers or short phrases will be accepted. i) instigated; ii) marooned; iii) unkempt Answer the following questions briefly in your own words i) Explain the phrase, with little respect for authority . ii) Why did Alexander become reckless and malevolent when he became a sailor? iii) What was the conspiracy that Alexander hatched? Why did he do so? iv) How did the crew play the Judas? v) Why was Alexander petrified when the crew of the Spanish ship rowed in? vi) Mention two points of differences between Alexander s actual story and Defoe s version. In about 60 words of your own, give an account of Alexander s adventure on the island. Give a title to your summary in (c). Give a reason to justify your choice. Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English I Volume 1 of 2 Section A: Drama 57 Section A: Drama The Merchant of Venice William Shakespeare Character List Antonio : A wealthy Venetian merchant who occasionally lends money, but never charges interest. Since his main source of income is from his merchant ships, he is the merchant of the play s title. Bassanio: He is a typical Elizabethan lover and nobleman who is careless with his money; hence, he has to borrow from Antonio so that he can woo Portia in style. Portia : As one of Shakespeare s most intelligent and witty heroines, she is famous for her beauty and for her wealth, and she is deeply anguished that she must marry only the man who chooses the single casket of three which contains her portrait. Shylock: Shylock is an intelligent businessman who believes that, since he is a moneylender, charging interest is his right; to him, it makes good business sense. The Duke of Venice: He presides as judge over the court proceedings in Shylock s claim on Antonio. The Prince of Morocco one of Portia s suitors; loses the opportunity to marry her when he chooses the golden casket. The Prince of Arragon: He chooses the silver casket; he is another disappointed suitor for Portia s hand in marriage. Gratiano: He is the light-hearted, talkative friend of Bassanio, who accompanies him to Belmont; there, he falls in love with Portia s confidante, Nerissa. Lorenzo: He is a friend of Antonio and Bassanio; he woos and wins the love of Shylock s daughter, Jessica. Jessica: She is the young daughter of Shylock; she falls in love with Lorenzo and, disguised as a boy, she elopes with him. Nerissa: Portia s merry and sympathetic lady-in-waiting. Salarino: He is a friend who believes that Antonio is sad because he is worried about his ships at sea. Salanio: He is another friend of Antonio; he thinks Antonio s melancholy may be caused because Antonio is in love. Salerio: A messenger from Venice. Launcelot Gobbo: He is a clown, a jester, the young servant of Shylock; he is about to run away because he thinks Shylock is the devil; eventually, he leaves Shylock s service and becomes Bassanio s jester. Old Gobbo: The father of Launcelot, he has come to Venice to seek news of his son. He is partially blind. Tubal: He is a friend of Shylock s; he tells him that one of Antonio s ships has been wrecked. Leonardo: Bassanio s servant. Balthasar: The servant whom Portia sends to her cousin, Dr. Bellario. Di Bellario: A lawyer of Padua. Stephano: One of Portia s servants. Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II 57 58 Character Analysis Antonio : Although the plot turns on Antonio s predicament, his character is not sharply drawn. He is a rich man and a comfortable man, and a popular man, but still he suffers from an inner sadness. One obvious, dramatic reason for Antonio s quiet melancholy is simply that Shakespeare cannot give Antonio too much to do or say without taking away valuable dialogue time from his major characters. Therefore, Shakespeare makes Antonio a quiet, dignified figure. One of Antonio s most distinguishing characteristics is his generosity. He is more than happy to offer his good credit standing so that Bassanio can go to Belmont in the latest fashions in order to court Portia. And one of the reasons why Shylock hates Antonio so intensely is that Antonio has relieved Shylock s borrowers by lending them money at the last minute to pay off Shylock; and Antonio never charges interest. He is only too happy to help his friends, but he would never stoop to accepting more than the original amount in return. Antonio s generosity is boundless, and for Bassanio, he is willing to go to the full length of friendship, even if it means that he himself may suffer for it. Antonio is an honorable man. When he realizes that Shylock is within his lawful rights, Antonio is ready to fulfill the bargain he entered into to help Bassanio. The Duke cannot deny the course of the law, he says. And later, he adds that he is arm d To suffer, with a quietness of spirit. For if the Jew do cut but deep enough, I ll pay it presently with all my heart. Antonio s courage and goodness are finally rewarded; at the end of the play, when the three pairs of lovers are reunited and happiness abounds at Belmont, Portia delivers a letter to Antonio in which he learns that the remainder of his ships has returned home safely to port. Bassanio: Bassanio s character is more fully drawn than Antonio s, but it does not possess the powerful individuality that Shakespeare gives to his portraits of Portia and Shylock. First off, when one begins considering Bassanio, one should dismiss all the critics who condenm him for his financial habits. Bassanio s request to Antonio for more money is perfectly natural for him. He is young; he is in love; and he is, by nature, impulsive and romantic. Young men in love have often gone into debt; thus Bassanio has always borrowed money and, further more, no moral stigma should be involved. Shakespeare needs just such a character in this play for his plot. If Bassanio is not a powerful hero, he is certainly a sympathetic one. First, he has some of the most memorable verses in the play language which has music, richness, and dignity. Second, he shows us his immediate, uncalculated generosity and love; this is especially obvious when Bassanio, who has just won Portia, receives the letter telling him of Antonio s danger. Bassanio is immediately and extremely concerned over the fate of Antonio and is anxious to do whatever is possible for his friend. Here, the situation is melodramatic and calls for a romantic, seemingly impossible, rescue mission. When at last Bassanio and Portia are reunited, he speaks forthrightly and truthfully to her. He refuses to implicate Antonio, even though it was at Antonio s urging that he gave away his wedding ring to the judge who cleverly saved Antonio s life: If you did know, he tells Portia, for what I gave the ring And how unwillingly I left the ring. . . You would abate the strength of your displeasure. No matter how powerful the circumstances, he admits that he was wrong to part with the ring because he had given his oath to Portia to keep it. As the play ends, Bassanio s tempetuous nature is once more stage center. Speaking to his wife, he vows: Portia, forgive me this enforced wrong; and by my soul I swear I never more will break an oath with thee. Of course, he will; this, however, is part of Bassanio s charm. He means it with all his heart when he swears to Portia, but when the next opportunity arises and he is called on to rashly undertake some adventure full of dash and daring, he ll be off. Portia knows this also and loves him deeply, despite this minor flaw. Portia: Portia is the romantic heroine of the play, and she must be presented on the stage with much beauty and intelligence. Of her beauty, we need no convincing. Bassanio s words are 58 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II Volume 1 of 2 Section A: Drama 59 enough; thus we turn to her love for Bassanio. Already she has given him cause to think that it is possible that he can woo and win her, for on an earlier visit to Belmont, Bassanio did receive fair speechless messages from her eyes. And when Nerissa mentions the fact that Bassanio might possibly be a suitor, Portia tries to disguise her anxiety, but she fails. Nerissa understands her mistress. Portia is usually very self-controlled, but she reveals her anxiety concerning Bassanio a little later when he has arrived at her mansion and is about to choose one of the caskets. She has fallen in love with him, and her anxiety and confusion undo her. Pause a day or two, she begs, for in choosing wrong, I lose your company. She thus makes sure that he knows that it is not hate but only love that she feels for him. Bassanio s correct choice of the casket overwhelms Portia. She wishes she had more of everything to give Bassanio: This house, these servants and this same myself! Are yours, my lord: I give them with this ring. She willingly shares all she owns with Bassanio. Once master of her emotions, she has fallen completely under the spell of love s madness. Love is a reciprocal giving and receiving, and so it is with perfect empathy that she sends her beloved away almost immediately to try and save his friend Antonio. They will be married, but their love will not be consummated until his friend is saved, if possible. Portia s second characteristic that is most readily apparent is her graciousness that is, her tact and sympathy. Despite her real feelings about the Prince of Morocco, Portia answers him politely and reassuringly. Since the irony of her words is not apparent to him, his feelings are spared. She tells him that he is as fair as any corner I have look d on yet, for my affection. She shows Morocco the honor his rank deserves. But once he is gone, she reveals that she did not like him. A gentle riddance, she says; Draw the curtains. When the Prince of Arragon arrives, Portia carefully addresses him with all the deference due to his position. She calls him noble. But after he has failed and has left, she cries out, O, these deliberate fools! To her, both of these men are shallow and greedy and self-centered; yet to their faces, she is as ladylike as possible. Lorenzo appreciates this gentle generosity of spirit When Portia has allowed her new husband to leave to try and help his best friend out of his difficulty, he says to her: You have a noble and a true conceit of god-like amity. In the courtroom, Portia (in disguise) speaks to Shylock about mercy, but this is not merely an attempt to stall; she truly means what she says. It is an eloquent appeal she makes. Her request for mercy comes from her habitual goodness. She hopes, of course, to soften his heart, knowing the outcome if he refuses. But the words come from her heart, honestly and openly and naturally. Finally, of course, what we most remember about Portia, after the play is over, is her wit and her playfulness. Even when Portia is complaining to Nerissa about the terms of her father s will, she does so wittily: Is it not hard, Nerissa, that I cannot choose one nor refuse none? And then she ticks off, like a computer, the eccentricities of the six suitors who have arrived at Belmont to try for her hand. They are either childish, humorless, volatile, ignorant, too fantastically dressed, weak, or have a drinking problem. She is clearly glad to be rid of them all, when it is announced that they are departing. We recall too the humorous way that she imagines dressing up ike a man and aping the mannerisms of all the men she has observed in her short life. She bets Nerissa that she can outman any man when it comes to swaggering and playing the macho bit: I have within my mind / A thousand raw tricks of these bragging Jacks, which I will practise. Men are as transparent as stale beer to her; she revels in turning the tables and having a bit of fun even while she is on a daring mission to try and save Antonio s life. And even in the courtroom, when Bassanio extravagantly offers his life for Antonio s, Portia quips in an aside that Your wife would give you little thanks for that, if she were by, to hear you make the offer. The entire ring plot is Portia s idea, and she and Nerissa relish the prospect of the jest at their husbands expense. B ssanio swears over and over that he never gave his ring away to another woman (and he is more than a little embarrassed to admit that he gave it to another man), but Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II 59 60 with a fine sense of comedy, Portia plays the role of the angry wife just as well as she played the role of the learned young lawyer at Antonio s trial. Only when Portia first falls in love with Bassanio does she lose all self-control; once she regains self-control, she takes matters in hand until the very end of the play, and there she displays total command of the situation. You are all amazed, she tells them, and then she shows them a letter from Padua, explaining everything, and she gaily invites them inside where she will continue to explain and entertain. She is a delightful creature, one of Shakespeare s most intelligent and captivating heroines. Shylock: Shylock is the most vivid and memorable character in The Merchant of Venice , and he is one of Shakespeare s greatest dramatic creations. On stage, it is Shylock who makes the play, and almost all great actors of the English and Continental stage have attempted the role. But the character of Shylock has also been the subject of much critical debate: How are we meant to evaluate the attitude of the Venetians in the play toward him? Or his attitude toward them? Is he a bloodthirsty villain? Or is he a man more sinned against than sinning ? One of the reasons that such questions arise is that there are really two stage Shylocks in the play: first, there is the stage villain who is required for the plot; secondly, there is the human being who suffers the loss of his daughter, his property, and, very importantly for him, his religion. Shylock s function in this play is to be the obstacle, the man who stands in the way of the love stories; such a man is a traditional figure in romantic comedies. Something or someone must impede young, romantic love; here, it is Shylock and the many and various ways that he is linked to the three sets of lovers. The fact that he is a Jew is, in a sense, accidental. Shakespeare wanted to contrast liberality against selfishness in terms of money and in terms of love. There was such a figure available from the literature of the time, one man who could fulfill both functions: this man would be a usurer, or moneylender, with a beautiful daughter that he held onto as tightly as he did his ducats. Usury was forbidden to Christians by the church of the Middle Ages, and as a consequence, money lending was controlled by the Jews; as a rule, it was usually the only occupation which the law allowed them. As a result, a great deal of medieval literature produced the conventional figure of the Jewish moneylender, usually as a minor character, but also too, as a major character. It is from this medieval literary tradition that Shakespeare borrows the figure of Shylock, just as Marlowe did for his Jew of Malta. Some commentators have said that the character of Shylock is an example of Elizabethan (and Shakespeare s own) anti-Semitism. In contrast, many have the creation of Shylock as an attack on this kind of intolerance. But Shakespeare, they forget, was a dramatist. He was not concerned with either anti-nor pro-Semitism, except in the way it shaped individual characters in his plays to produce the necessary drama that he was attempting to create. The play is thus emphatically not anti-Semitic; rather, because of the nature of Shylock s involvement in the love plots, it is about anti-Semitism. Shakespeare never seriously defined or condenmed a group through the presentation of an individual; he only did this for the purposes of comedy by creating caricatures in miniature for our amusement. Shylock is drawn in bold strokes; he is meant to be a villain in terms of the romantic comedy, but because of the multidimensionality which Shakespeare gives him, we are meant to sympathize with him at times, loathe him at others. Shakespeare s manipulation of our emotions regarding Shylock is a testament to his genius as a creator of characters. When Shylock leaves the courtroom in Act IV, Scene 1, he is stripped of all that he has. He is a defeated man. Yet we cannot feel deep sympathy for him some, perhaps, but not much. Shakespeare s intention was not to make Shylock a tragic figure; instead, Shylock was meant to function as a man who could be vividly realized as the epitome of selfishness; he must be defeated in this romantic comedy. In a sense, it is Shakespeare s own brilliance which led him to create Shylock as almost too human. Shylock is powerfully drawn, perhaps too powerfully for this comedy, but his superb dignity is admirable, despite the fact that we must finally condemn him. Perhaps the poet W. H. Auden has given us our best clue as to how we must deal with Shylock: Those to whom evil is done, he says. do evil in return. This explains in a few words much of the moneylender s complexity and our complex reactions towards him. 60 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II Volume 1 of 2 Section A: Drama 61 Analysis Act I Scene I The first task confronting any playwright in his opening scene is his exposition of that play that is, be must identify the characters and explain their situation to the audience. Shakespeare accomplishes this task of informative exposition very subtly in the opening fifty-six lines of dialogue between Antonio, Salarino, and Salanio. We learn that Antonio is a wealthy merchant; that he is worried for some obscure reason which makes him melancholy; that he is a member of a group of friends who arrive later Bassanio, Lorenzo, and Gratiano who represent the lively, convivial life of Venice. And perhaps most important for the purposes of the plot, we are told that Antonio has many shipping ventures mercantile risks and although he is not worried about them now, the idea is subtly suggested to us that his business ventures on the high seas may miscarry. We should recall this matter when Antonio initially decides to indebt himself to Shylock on Bassanio s behalf. In this opening scene, Shakespeare begins to sketch in some of the characters and some of the atmosphers of the play. Antonio, for example, is presented as being sad, afflicted with a melancholy which he himself does not appear to understand. Critics have puzzled over this is Antonio to be viewed as a normally melancholy character? Is his sadness caused by his knowledge that he may shortly lose the companionship of his old friend Bassanio, who has told him of embarking on a secret pilgrimage to woo a beautiful and wealthy woman in Belmont? Or is his mood to be put down simply to an ominous foreboding which he has of some approaching disaster? For all dramatic purposes, in this scene Antonio s gravity serves, foremost, as a contrast to the lightheartedness of his friends. Despite its dark and threatening moments, one should always remember that The Merchant of Venice is a romantic comedy and, like most of Shakespeare s romantic comedies, it has a group of dashing, if not very profound, young men. For example, Salanio and Salarino are not terribly important. Their lines are interchangeable, and they are not really distinguishable from one another. They represent an element of youthful whimsy. Salarino begins, typically, with a flight of fancy in which Antonio s ships are described as being like rich burghers on the flood and like birds, flying with their woven wings. He continues into a delightfully fantastic series of imaginings; on the stage, of course, all this would be accompanied with exaggerated gestures, intended to bring Antonio out of his depression. Thus, through the presentation on the stage of the sober, withdrawn Antonio, surrounded by the frolicsome language and whimsy of the two young gallants; Shakespeare suggests in compressed form two of the elements of the play the real dangers that the merchant of Venice will face and the world of youth and laughter which will be the background to the love stories of Bassanio and Portia, Lorenzo and Jessica, and Gratiano and Nerissa. This same note of gentle raillery is carried on when we see the entrance of three more young courtiers Bassanio, Gratiano, and Lorenzo. Again, Antonio s mood is remarked on. Here again, Shakespeare is using Antonio as a foil for the spirited byplay of the others. Gratiano, especially, is ebullient and talkative, yet he is quite aware of his effervescence; he announces that he will play the fool ; Gratiano talks, Bassanio tells Antonio, of nothing, more than any man in all Venice, and his willing accomplice is Lorenzo; significantly, both of these characters are more distinctly drawn than Salanio or Salarino, and they will play more major roles in the development of the romantic plot and subplot of the play Gratiano with Nerissa, and Lorenzo with Jessica. One of the major purposes of this opening scene is to introduce Bassanio and his courtship of Portia, which will constitute the major romantic plot and also set the bond story in motion. Antonio s question concerning Bassanio s courtship of Portia is turned aside by Bassanio; he goes directly to the question of money, in order that the basis for the bond story can be laid. Some critics have seen in Bassanio s speeches some evidence of a character who is extremely careless of his money and very casual about his obligations; he seems, furthermore, to have no scruples about making more requisitions of a friend who has already done much for him. Yet clearly Shakespeare does not intend us to level any harsh moral judgments at Bassanio. According to the Venetian (and Elizabethan) view, Bassanio is behaving as any young man of his station might be expected to behave; he is young, he is in love, and he is Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II 61 62 broke. The matter is that simple. Antonio s immediate reassurance to his old friend reminds us of the strong bond of friendship between the two men. Interestingly, neither of them seem to be unduly concerned about money at this point; one is a wealthy merchant and the other, a carefree young lover. This is a quality which we shall notice throughout the play in connection with both Bassanio and Portia; both of them recognize the necessity of money, but neither of them consider money to be of any value in itself. In their world of romantic love and civilized cultivation, they feel that they don t need to be unduly concerned with money. Shakespeare is setting up this point of view to contrast later with Shylock s diametrical point of view. For Shylock the moneylender, money constitutes his only defense against his oppressors. Considering again Bassanio s problem with money and Antonio s reaction to it, note that Bassanio is straightforward in this scene with Antonio. His request is made In pure innocence, and we take it at its face value. Those critics who decry Basanio read more into his frank confession of poverty and his attempt to borrow money than is really there. We must recall that when Shakespeare wants to make us aware of some defect in one of his characters, he is always able to do so. The absolute the unconditional friendship of Antonio and Bassanio is one of the assumptions of the play, and we must never question it. SOLVED COMPREHENSION PASSAGES: Passage 1 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: ANTONIO Believe me, no: I thank my fortune for it, My ventures are not in one bottom trusted, Nor to one place; nor is my whole estate Upon the fortune of this present year: Therefore my merchandise makes me not sad. SALARINO Why, then you are in love. ANTONIO Fie, fie! SALARINO Not in love neither? Then let us say you are sad, Because you are not merry: and twere as easy For you to laugh and leap and say you are merry, Because you are not sad. Now, by two-headed Janus, Nature hath framed strange fellows in her time: Some that will evermore peep through their eyes And laugh like parrots at a bag-piper, i) Who are Salanio and Salarino? What are they worried about? Ans: Salanio and Salarino are Antonio s friends. They find Antonio inexplicably sad. They are worried about his sadness because he looks almost always sad. They try to guess the reason of his sadness. Salanio feels that he is sad because he is worried about his ships while Salarino thinks he is sad because he is in love. ii) What is it that is denied by Antonio? What claims does he make? In what sense do his claims prove to be wrong later? Ans: Antonio denies that he is worried about his ships. He claims that he has more than one ship and that they are sent to different parts of the world. His claims seem to be wrong or absurd when it is reported later that he has lost all his ships and has gone bankrupt. iii) What do the words Fie, fie ! reveal about Antonio? Ans: Salarino, in trying to arrive at some conclusion about Antonio s melancholy, says that he is sad because he is in love. Antonio denies it vehemently and wonders how he has arrived at such an absurd suggestion. His words show that he is a practical, unromantic sort of person. 62 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II Volume 1 of 2 Section A: Drama 63 iv) What makes Salarino refer to two-headed Janus? What suggestion does he want to make? Ans: Salarino refers to the two-headed Roman god, Janus, only to say that there are two kinds of persons in this world the non- serious and the serious. He wants to suggest that Antonio belongs to the category of serious persons. v) What is the dramatic significance of Antonio s melancholy? Ans: Antonio s melancholy which remains baffling seems to be innate in his character. It strikes the key-note of the play. His melancholy is ominous, and prepares us for the oncoming trouble. Passage 1 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: ANTONIO: In sooth, I know not why I am so sad; It wearies me; you say it wearies you; But how I caught it, found it, or came by it, What stuff tis made of, whereof it is born, I am to learn; And such a want-wit sadness makes of me, That I have much ado to know myself. i) Who address these Lines to whom? Ans: Antonio addresses these Lines to Salario in the Merchant of Venice. ii) What does the words : in sooth mean? Ans: The words In sooth mean to tell you the truth. iii) What is intended by the Sadness of Antonio? Ans: This sadness of Antonio is probably in the key-note of the play which illustrates that the coming events cast their shadows before. The play revolves round this theme mainly. iv) What does the word want-wit mean? Ans: The word want-wit means an idiot. v) Explain : I have much ado to know myself. Ans: Antonio says that he has great difficulty in recognising himself on account of the sadness that has made him a dullard as such. Passage 2 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: Gratiano : There are a sort of men whose visages Do cream and mantle like a standing pond, And do a wilful stillness entertain, With purpose to be dress d in a opinion Of wisdom, gravity, profound conceit, As who should say, I am Sir Oracle, And when I ope my lips let me dog bark! . i) In whose company is Gratiano ? What has provoked him to give a long lecture? Ans: Gratiano is in the company of his friends: Antonio, Bassanio, Lorenzo, Salanio and Salarino. Antonio has remarked that he is destined to play a sad role in life. This comment of Antonio provokes Gratiano to give a long lecture. ii) Why do some people, according to Gratiano, try to look serious? Ans: According to Gratiano, some people try to look serious so that the world should regard them as wise persons. They want to be passed for oracles. They want that no one should interrupt them when they speak. Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II 63 64 iii) Whom is Gratiano criticising indirectly? Ans: Gratiano s target of criticism is Antonio who, he feels, remains serious and quiet, perhaps to get a reputation for wisdom, which is not desirable. He believes one should enjoy life as it is. iv) Later in the scene Gratiano says he will continue his speech: When are the friends meeting again? How does the meeting become important? Ans: Gratiano says he will continue his speech, which shows that he is talkative. He thinks he will complete his speech at the meeting of friends at dinner time. The meeting at dinner becomes important because Bassanio has invited their arch-rival and enemy Shylock to for dinner. v) What impression does Gratiano leave on Antonio and his friends? Why does he leave abruptly? Ans: Gratiano does not leave a good impression on Antonio or Bassanio. Bassanio clearly tells Antonio that rational words in his talk are like two grains in two bushels of chaff. Gratiano leaves abruptly as he feels he should leave Antonio and Bassanio alone. Passage 3 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: SALARINO: Your mind is tossing on the Ocean; There, where your Argosies, with portly sail, Like Signiors and rich burghes on the flood, Or, as it were, the pagents of the sea, Do over peer the petty traffickers, That curt sy to them, do them reverence, As they fly by them with their woven wings. SALANIO: Believe me, sir, had I such venture forth, The better part of my affections would Be with my hopes abroad. I should be still Plucking the grass, to know where sits the wind; i) What has Antonio just narrated that makes the speaker say that Antonio s mind is tossing on the ocean?? Ans: Antonio has just narrated the state of his mind. He is sad without knowing the reason what makes him sad. He does know the nature of his mysterious sadness, nor does he know the source of its origin. This sadness had made him stupid. On hearing Antonio s explanation, his friend, Salarino tries to diagnose the disease. He guesses that Antonio is sad because he is worried about this merchant-ships gone into different directions on the sea. ii) Where are Antonio s ships? How do these ships move? How do they present an impressive spectacle on the sea? Ans: His ships are at the sea. With their majestic sails they voyage upon the seas and present an impressive spectacle. It appears as if other ships bow down before Antonio s ships. iii) How are Antonio s big ships compared with the smaller ships? Ans: Antonio s large ships tower above small vessels engaged in petty traffic, in the same way as gentlemen of status and other rich citizens look far superior to humble people. The smaller ships fitted with light sails, bob up and down under the influence of the waves and so appear to show respect to Antonio s ships. iv) How would Salanio have behaved if he had ships at sea like those of Antonio what would have made him sad? Ans: Salanio would have also remained worried about his ships if he had any at sea. If he were facing a similar situation of having a commercial enterprise in danger, the greater part of his feelings would also have been connected with his hopes of safety of his ships. Thinking of the risks at the sea, he would have become sad like Antonio. 64 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II Volume 1 of 2 Section A: Drama 65 v) Why would he be plucking the grass? What else would he be doing to console himself? Ans: He would continually be plucking blades. of grass and throwing them in the wind to find out which way the wind blew. Moreover, he would be examining the maps to know the situation of harbours, piers and anchorages. Every object that seemed to do harm to his ships would certainly make him sad. Passage 4 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: In Belmont is a lady richly left; And she is fair, and, fairer than that word, Of wondrous virtues: sometimes from her eyes I did receive fair speechless messages: Her name is Portia, nothing undervalued To Cato s daughter, Brutus Portia: Nor is the wide world ignorant of her worth, For the four winds blow in from every coast Renowned suitors, and her sunny locks Hang on her temples like a golden fleece; Which makes her seat of Belmont Colchos strand, And many Jasons come in quest of her. O my Antonio, had I but the means To hold a rival place with one of them, I have a mind presages me such thrift, That I should questionless be fortunate!. i) Who lives in Belmont ? How has Bassanio got interested in her? Ans: A very beautiful and rich lady, Portia, lives in Belmont. Bassanio has got interested in her as he has received many silent messages of love from her. He feels that she is in love with him. ii) What tells you that Portia is a centre of attraction for many young people? Ans: According to Bassanio, Portia s reputation as a rich, beautiful lady has spread far and wide. A number of eligible bachelors are reaching Belmont to try their luck in quest of her. iii) How does Bassanio describe Portia? Ans: Bassanio says that Portia is beautiful and rich. She also possesses all qualities of head and heart. In no way is she inferior to the well-known Portia, the daughter of the Roman senator, Cato and wife of the still more famous Brutus. iv) What is the significance of the allusion to Jason and the golden fleece? Ans: Jason was one of the Greek heroes in search of the golden fleece. Jason put his life into danger to get the golden fleece. According to Bassanio, many brave persons, like Jason, are risking everything of theirs to get Portia who is as rare and valuable as the golden fleece. v) What is the purpose of Bassanio in telling about Portia to Antonio ? How does he succeed in getting Portia as his wife ? Ans: Bassanio wants to go to Belmont in style to woo Portia. He wants Antonio to lend him three thousand ducats for the purpose. Later, he succeeds in his mission by choosing the right casket at the lottery of caskets designed by Portia s late father. Passage 5 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: SALARINO: My wind, cooling my broth Would blow me to an ague, when I thought What harm a wind too great might do at sea. I should not see the sandy hour-glass run But I should think of shallows and offlats; Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II 65 66 i) Ans: ii) Ans: iii) Ans: iv) Ans: v) Ans: And see my wealthy Andrew dock d in sand, Vailing her high-top lower than her ribs, To kiss her burial. Should I go to church, And see the holy edifice of stone And not bethink me straight of dangerous rocks, Which, touching but my gentle vessel s side, Would scatter all her spices on the stream, Enrobe the roaring waters with my silks, And, in a word, but even now worth this, And now worth nothing? Shall l have the thought To think on this; and shall I lack the thought That such a thing, bechanc d, would make me sad? But tell not me; I know, Antonio Is sad to think upon his merchandise. Why would Salario be blown to an ague? If Salario s ships had gone to sea and if he had heard of a storm that could damage his ships then he would be blown to an ague. What effect would the running of the sandy hour-glass produce on Salario? The running of the sandy hour-glass would make him think of shallow waters and sand-banks. He would imagine his richly laden ship Andrew run aground. What would a visit to the church set him doing? Even the stones in the church walls would bring to Salario s mind the dangerous rocks against which his ships might collide and his spices and silk loaded in the ships would scatter on the surface of the water of the sea. What could cause sadness to him? The fear to the safety of his ships would certainly make Salario sad. How does Salario interpret or explain about Antonio s sadness? Thus, says Salario, about Antonio who is sad because his ships laden with goods are at sea and he fears danger to their safety. Passage 6 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: Portia : By my troth, Nerissa, my little body is aweary of this great world. Nerissa : You would be, sweet madam, if your miseries were in the same abundance as your good fortunes are : and yet, for aught I see, they are as sick that surfeit with too much as they that starve with nothing. It is no mean happiness, therefore, to be seated in the mean superfluity comes sooner by white hairs, but competency lives longer. i) Where are the speakers now ? Why is Portia sad and bored? Ans: The speakers are now in a room in Portia s house. Portia is sad and bored because she is not happy to make a free choice in the matter of her life partner. She is bound to the lottery of caskets designed by her father. ii) Who is Nerissa ? Who are happy according to her? Ans: Nerissa is Portia s maid. In reality, she is her trusted companion. According to her, only those persons are happy who are neither too rich nor too poor. Excessively rich people like Portia remain sad and bored. iii) What does Nerissa have in mind ? Do you agree with what she seems to suggest? Ans: While commenting on human nature, Nerissa has Portia in her mind. She thinks Portia is sad and bored because of her excessive riches, which is wrong. Portia is sad and worried thinking of her future. 66 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II Volume 1 of 2 Section A: Drama 67 iv) How does Portia receive Nerissa s speech? What is Nerissa s reaction ? Ans: Portia receives Nerissa s speech well. She appreciates her feelings and acknowledges the logic of what she has said. Nerissa thinks her thoughts should be better put into practice. v) What is the real reason of Portia s sadness ? Ans: The real reason of Portia s sadness is that she wants to marry the person of her choice but she cannot. She cannot disobey the will of her late father who has designed the lottery of caskets for her marriage. Passage 7 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: ANTONIO: Believe me, no; I thank my fortune for it, My ventures are not in one bottom trusted, Nor to one place; nor is my whole estate Upon the fortune of this present year: Therefore my merchandise makes me not sad. SALANIO: Why, then you are in love. ANTONIO: Fie, fie! SALANIO: Not in love neither? Then let us say, you are sad, Because you are not merry; and twere as easy For you to laugh, and leap, and say you are merry, Because you are not sad. Now, by two-headed Jamus Nature hath fram d strange fellows in her time: i) What does Antonio mean by saying Fie, fie ? Ans: The word Fie means shame on you . ii) Why does he react to Salanio s suggestion in this way? Ans: Antonio means to say that Salanio should feel ashamed of himself for having made the suggestion that Antonio might be in love. Antonio reacts to Salanios suggestion adversely because. being an elderly man, he cannot fall in love. If he had not fallen in love in his younger days, there is no possibility of his falling in love now. Thus Antonio totally rejects the suggestion which Salanio has made. iii) According to Salanio, what strange fellows have been framed by Nature in her time? Ans: Some fellows keep laughing without much reason, and others always look serious and sullen: In other words, some have extremely cheerful temperaments, while others are too sober and serious- minded. The serious-minded ones do not laugh even at a joke which is very amusing. iv) What is meant by two-headed Jamus ? Ans: Jamus is the name of the God of doors. This god was represented as having two heads facing opposite directions because a door may be used for making an entry into a room and it may also be used for making an exit out of a room. Furthermore, this god was represented with one of his two faces as smiling and the other as frowning. v) How does Antonio afterwards explain his melancholy? Ans: Antonio afterwards says that he regards this world as the stage of a theatre on which everyone has to play some part, his own part on this stage being a sad one. In other words, Antonio says that he is, by nature and by temperament, a melancholy man and that there is no particular reason for his feeling melancholy at this time. vi) What light does the dialogue quoted above throw upon the characters of the speakers? Ans: This dialogue shows that Antonio is so serious-minded man that he has never fallen in love. He regards love as a frivolous pastime. This dialogue also shows the Antonio has full confidence in his continuing prosperity. He believes himself to be a shrewd businessman who has not invested all his money on the merchandise carried by a single ship, and whose other investments also Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II 67 68 have been made discreetly and intelligently. As for Salanio, he is a well-wisher of Antonio; and both he and Salarino are trying to talk Antonio out of his melancholy. They are trying to divert Antonio s mind by offering different explanations for his melancholy. Passage 8 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: Portia : If to do were as easy as to know what were good to do, chapels had been churches and poor men s cottages princes palaces. It is a good divine that follows his own instructions. I can easier teach twenty what were good to be done, than be one of the twenty to follow mine own teaching. The brain may devise laws for the blood, but a hot temper leaps o er a cold decree : such a hare is madness the youth, to skip o er the meshes of good counsel the cripple. . i) Where are the speakers now ? What is the occasion ? Ans: The speakers, Portia and Nerissa, are in a room in Portia s house in Belmont. They are speaking as many suitors from different parts of the world have arrived to try their luck at the lottery of caskets. ii) What prompts Portia to react? In which mood is she? Ans: When Nerissa says that her thoughts would be better and effective if they were put into practice, Portia retorts that it is easy to know what is good but very difficult to put it into practice. She is in a sad and sombre mood. iii) What does Portia say ? What comes in the way of happiness and prosperity? Ans: Portia says that to practise good is not as easy as to know what is good. Man often does not practise what he preaches. This is what comes in his way of happiness and prosperity. iv) To what is youth compared here ? What poetic device is used here ? Ans: Youth is compared to a rash hare, which easily skips over snares and nets laid by wise old men, and invites troubles. The poetic device used here is simile. v) Who enters later in the scene ? What news is conveyed to Portia? Ans: A servant enters later in the scene. He conveys the news that four suitors are leaving without taking a chance, while a new suitor, the Prince of Morocco, is coming soon to try his luck. Passage 9 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: GRATIANO : Let me play the fool! With mirth and laughter let old wrinkles come; And let my liver rather heat with wine, Than my heart cool with mortifying groans. Why should a man whose blood is warm within Sit like his grandsire cut in alabaster? Sleep when he wakes? and creep into the jaundice By being peevish? I tell thee what, Antonio, I love thee, and it is my love that speaks; There are a sort of men, whose visages Do cream and mantle like a standing pond; And do a wilful stillness entertain, With purpose to be dress d in an opinion Of wisdom, gravity, profound conceit; As who should say, I am Sir Oracle, And, when I ope my lips, let no dog bark!. i) Why would Gratiano like to play the role of a comic actor? Ans: He is gay and cheerful by nature. It is difficult to find him sad and gloomy. He finds Antonio sad and serious. But he would like to play the role of a clown. He will grow old with fun and laughter. 68 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II Volume 1 of 2 Section A: Drama 69 ii) Why does Gratiano want to drink wine? Ans: Gratiano is a jolly goodman who believes in eating, drinking and making merry. He doesn t want to sticken his heart with sad sights and sobs. iii) Why doesn t he like a serious looking man? Ans: Gratiano believes that a youngman has no reason to be sad and serious. He cannot tolerate a warm youngman sitting like a marble statue of his grandfather. It is against his nature. iv) What truth does he want to reveal to Antonio? Ans: Gratiano wants to reveal to Antonio that there are some persons whose faces are always sad and sullen. They look like a stagnant pool But the fact is that they deliberately look serious so that they may earn the reputation of being wise and thoughtful.. v) Explain the line- I am Sir Oracle. And when I ope my lips let no dog bark. Ans: Like Sire Oracle, commenting upon the men who always look serious and thus pretend to be wise and deep thinkers. Gratiano says that they wish to be known as prophets. When they speak they do not want any one to disturb them. In other words, nobody should have the courage to contradict them for they speak the last word on the subject. Passage 10 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: Bassanio : If it pleases you to dine with us. Shylock: Yes, to smell pork; to eat of the habitation which your prophet the Nazarite conjured the devil into. I will buy with you, sell with you, talk with you, walk with you, and so following, but I will not eat with you, drink with you, nor pray with you. i) Where are the speakers now ? Who has come to Shylock, and why? Ans: The speakers, Bassanio and Shylock are at a public place in Venice. Bassanio has come to Shylock to ask for a loan of three thousand ducats. He is immediately followed by Antonio as it is on his surety that the loan can be secured. ii) What is Shylock s response to Bassanio s request for three thousand ducats ? Why does Bassanio need so much money? Ans: Shylock s response to Bassanio s request for three thousand ducats is somewhat confusing, though it is not totally negative. Bassanio needs so much money to go in style to impress Portia. iii) Why does Shylock refuse to dine with Christians ? What does it show ? Ans: Shylock does not want to eat pork in the company of Christians because he is a Jew. He cannot even stand the sight of pork. it shows that he is a bigot. In fact, he hates all Christians. iv) What does Shylock propose later? Does Antonio accept the proposal ? Ans: Shylock proposes a bond to be signed by Antonio, according to which Shylock will be entitled to cut a pound of flesh from Antonio s body if he fails to pay back the loan in a specified time. Yes, Antonio accepts the proposal. v) What alarms Bassanio ? Why is Antonio confident of meeting Shylock s condition? Ans: The penalty of the pound of flesh alarms Bassanio. However, Antonio is ready to sign the dangerous bond because he is confident of paying the loan as he expects his ships to arrive very shortly. Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II 69 70 Passage 11 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: GRATIANO : O my Antonio, I do know of these That therefore only are reputed wise For saying nothing; when I am very sure If they should speak, would almost damn those ears Which (hearing them) would call their brothers fools, I ll tell thee more of this another time. But fish not with this melancholy bait For this fool gudgeon, this opinion:Come, good Lorenzo,-fare ye well a while, I ll end my exhortation after dinner. LORENZO: Well, we will leave you then till dinner-time I must be one of these same dumb wise men For Gratiano never lets me speak. GRATIANO : Well keep me company but two years more Thou shalt not know the sound of thine own tongue. ANTONIO: Fare you well, I ll grow a talker for this gear GRATIANO: Thanks I faith, for silence is only commendable In a neat s tongue dried, and a maid not vendible. i) What is the point of the first speech in the above dialogue? Ans: The point of the first speech in this dialogue is that there are some people who try to win the reputation of being wise by remaining silent most of the time. Actually such persons are not wise. Actually they may even be foolish or stupid; but, by remaining silent most of the time, they try to create an impression that they are serious-minded and philosophical. ii) Explain the following lines in your own words: But fish not with this melancholy bait For this fool gudgeon, this opinion:? Ans: Gratiano says that Antonio should not use his melancholy as a means of gaining a reputation for being a wise man. Gratiano compares melancholy to a bait with which a fish can be caught. In the present case, the fish is the reputation for wisdom which a man seeks to win. Gratiano disapproves of any man s adopting melancholy as a pose in order to attain a reputation for wisdom. The word opinion here means public opinion or reputation which is compared to a fish. The word gudgeon means a kind of fish. iii) Does Antonio really grow a talker afterwards? Ans: No, Antonio does not grow a talker even afterwards. He is a serious-minded man and remains serious-minded throughout. Even in the trial scene he talks very little, though he does make two long speeches, one to describe Shylock s cruelty, and the other to bid farewell to Bassanio when he feels certain that Shylock is going to kill him. iv) Is Gratiano right in his comment on Antonio s melancholy? What is your view of Antonio s melancholy, and how has Antonio himself explaine. Antonio is not trying to win any reputation for wisdom by looking melancholy. Our own view of his melancholy is that he is by nature a melancholy man; and he himself also explains his melancholy as something temperamental and inborn. He says that his part on the stage of the theatre of this world is that of a sad man. v) What is the dramatic importance of Antonio s melancholy? Ans: Antonio s melancholy in the opening scene strikes the keynote of the whole play. The Merchant of Venice certainly contains several comic elements and several romantic elements. Yet there is 70 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II Volume 1 of 2 Section A: Drama 71 an atmosphere of seriousness and sadness in it also. The whole of the bond story in the play is serious and sad; and Antonio s melancholy prepares us unconsciously for the sad events which would take place in Antonio s life. Passage 12 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: (Aside) How like a fawning publican he looks! I hate him for he is a Christian, But more for that in low simplicity He lends out money gratis and brings down The rate of usance here with us in Venice. If I can catch him once upon the hip, I will feed fat the ancient grudge I bear him. He hates our sacred nation, and he rails, Even there where merchants most do congregate, On me, my bargains and my well-won thrift, Which he calls interest. Cursed be my tribe, If I forgive him ! i) Who is with Shylock? Who is seen coming? Does Shylock speak these lines to someone? Ans: Bassanio is with Shylock. Antonio is seen coming. No, Shylock does not speak these lines to anyone. He speaks to himself in an aside a way to express what one is thinking at the moment. ii) Why does Shylock hate Antonio? Do you think he is right in hating Antonio? Ans: Shylock hates Antonio for being a Christian and his business rival who jeopardises his business interests by lending money without interest. He is not totally wrong in hating a person who humiliates him in public and runs down his faith. iii) Like a fawning publican . Explain. Ans: Shylock feels that Antonio looks like a cringing publican (keeper of a pub). He uses this expression in hatred of the man who is coming to seek monetary help. iv) What is Antonio s behaviour towards Shylock ? Do you approve it ? Why or Why not? Ans: Antonio s behaviour towards Shylock later is simply outrageous. He says he is ready to call him a dog and spit on him again. It is strange that he gets so provoked even when he is a supplicant, needing financial help for his friend. v) What makes Antonio accept the dangerous bond proposed by Shylock? What does it tell you of him? Ans: Antonio agrees to sign the dangerous bond proposed by the cunning Shylock as he believes that he will pay back the loan before the stipulated time. It shows that he is over-confident and rash, too. Passage 13 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: Bassanio : Gratiano speaks an infinite deal of nothing (more than any man in all Venice), his reasons are as two grains of wheat hid in two bushels of chaff. You shall seek all day ere you find them and when you have them, they are not worth the search. Antonio: Well, tell me now what lady is the same To whom you swore a secret pilgrimageThat you promis d to tell me of? Bassanio: Tis not unknown to you Antonio How much I have disabled mine estate, By something showing a more swelling port Than my faint means would grant continuance. Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II 71 72 i) Explain Bassanio s comment on Gratiano s talk. Ans: Bassanio means to say that Gratiano talks too much and that there is very little sense in his talk Suppose that there are only two grains in a large heap of chaff. One would take a long time in order to find those two grains of wheat which have got lost somewhere in that big heap of straw. In the same way, one may listen to the copious talk of Gratiano but may feel lost in the torrent of words coming from Gratiano s mouth and may not be able to find much meaning in those words. There is, according to Bassanio, very little substance in the glib talk of Gratiano. ii) In what sense has the word pilgrimage been used here in the above dialogue? Ans: The word pilgrimage means a journey to a sacred place. Here this word has been used for the place which Bassanio wishes to visit; and Antonio uses this word for that place because Bassanio has given him an impression that his proposed journey is connected with a matter of the heart or with his passion of love for a lady. For a lover, the woman, with whom he is in love, is a kind of goddess to be worshipped; and the place where she lives is sacred. Thus from Bassanio s point of view Belmont is a kind of a shrine. Of course Antonio at this moment does not know Bassanio s exact reason for undertaking a journey but Bassanio has mentioned to him a lady whom he wants to visit without telling many people about his intention. iii) To which place has Bassanio sworn a secret pilgrimage, and what is the outcome of his pilgrimage? Ans: Bassanio has sworn a secret pilgrimage to Belmont, and the outcome of his pilgrimage is his marriage to Portia. iv) What light does Bassanlo s reply to Antonio s question throw on Bassanio s character? Ans: Bassanio s reply to Antonio s question shows that he is a prodigal young man who has been living beyond his means and who now finds it difficult to continue the standard of living which he has been maintaining till now. He has impoverished himself by his lavish style of living, and he may thus be regarded as being an irresponsible, and even reckless, kind of a young fellow. v) Explain the phrase swelling port . Ans: The word swelling here means showy or ostentatious; and the word port here means the style of living. The phrase swelling port , therefore, means a lavish style of living or living above one s means in order to enjoy oneself and in order to impress other people with one s largeheartedness and wealth even if one is not actually wealthy. Passage 14 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: Antonio: The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose An evil soul producing holy witness Is like a villain with a smiling cheek, A goodly apple rotten at the heart O, what a goodly outside falsehood hath ! Shylock: Three thousand ducats; tis a good round sum. Three months from twelve; then, let me see; the rate i) What provokes Antonio? What does he think of Shylock? Ans: Shylock s referring to the Biblical story of Jacob to justify his charging interest. This provokes Antonio. He thinks that Shylock is a cunning hypocrite who can do anything to justify his evil deeds, even it is quoting the Bible for his benefit. ii) How does Antonio describe a wicked person like Shylock? Ans: Antonio describes Shylock as a villain who keeps smiling to hide his real intentions. He is like an apple which is good to look at but is rotten inside. He is like a liar who puts on an impressive show. 72 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II Volume 1 of 2 Section A: Drama 73 iii) Later in the scene Shylock reminds Antonio of his behaviour. How has Antonio insulted him in the past? Ans: Shylock reminds him how Antonio had abused and insulted him many times in public. He has called him an atheist and unbeliever. He has spat on his face and his cloak. He has called him a dog. He has instingated his enemies. He has done everything to harm his business interests. iv) What proposal is made by Shylock ? What makes Antonio accept it? Ans: Shylock proposes a bond to be signed by Antonio according to which Shylock will be entitled to cut a pound of Antonio s flesh in case he fails to pay back the loan in time. Antonio accepts it, thinking that he will be able to pay back the loan soon or before the stipulated time. v) How does Shylock trap Antonio to accept his proposal ? What is his aim? Ans: Shylock proposes a dangerous bond which he says he is doing in a spirit of mere fun. He says that he wants to befriend Antonio. In this way he is able to entrap Antonio. His real aim is to make the best of the opportunity by taking revenge on Antonio. Passage 15 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: Tis not unknown to you, Antonio, How much I have disabled mine estate. By something showing a more swelling port Than my faint means would grant continuance: Nor do I now make moan to be abridged From such a noble rate; but my chief care Is to come fairly off from the great debts Wherein my time, something too prodigal, Hath left me gaged. To you, Antonio, I owe the most in money and in love And from your love I have a warranty To unburthen all my plots and purposes How to get clear of all the debts I owe. i) Who is the speaker of above words and to whom? Ans: Bassanio is the speaker of these words. He speaks these words to Antonio in Act. I Scene I of the play. ii) What light do the above lines throw on the character of Bassanio? Ans: The above lines reveal the character of Bassanio. He is a young man who has been living his life beyond his means and has now reduced himself to penury. He is now unable to maintain the high standard of living that he has been used to. Another important facet of Bassanio s character that is revealed to us is his honesty. Although Bassanio has squandered all his wealth and is now in distress yet he is keen to pay his debts which he has incurred because of his extravagance. iii) Explain the meaning of the phrase swelling port . To whom is this phrase applicable? Ans: In the above mentioned passage the word swelling means ostentations and the word port means a style or living beyond one s means. This phrase applies to Bassanio who has lived his life spending lavishly much beyond his means. iv) From the above mentioned lines what do you know about Antonio? Ans: The above mentioned passage throws a valuable light on the personality of Antonio. He seems be a wealthy and generous man as he has lent, money to Bassanio in the past. Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II 73 74 v) What does the above mentioned passage tell us about the relation between Bassanlo and Antonio? Ans: From the above passage we come to know that Bassanio and Antonio are very good friends Bassanio has full faith in Antonio and he discloses to Antonio all his plans and thoughts. Bassanio; tells Antonio everything about his past and present life. Antonio has been a good friend to Bassanio in the past Antonio has lent money to Bassanio. Passage 16 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: Morocco : Mislike me not for my complexion, The shadow d livery of the burnish d sun, To whom I am a neighbour and near bred. Bring me the fairest creature northward born, Where Phoebus fire scarce thaws the icicles, And let us make incision for your love, To prove whose blood is reddest, his or mine. i) Where are the speakers now ? What is the occasion? Ans: The speakers, the Prince of Morocco and Portia are in a room in Portia s house in Belmont. The occasion is Morocco s trying his luck at the lottery of caskets in an attempt to marry Portia, a rich and beautiful lady. ii) What is the Prince of Morocco proud of? What is his plea to Portia? Ans: The Prince of Morocco is proud of his bravery and fearlessness. His plea to Portia is that she should not reject him simply because of the black colour of his skin. iii) What does he think of himself ? How is he mistaken? Ans: He thinks that he is the bravest man. He can defeat anyone. He can dare a hungry lion roaring for some prey. In saying so he is greatly mistaken. He does not understand that the lottery of caskets is not a test of physical valour but of mental and moral character. iv) What does Portia tell him? Ans: Portia tells him that she is not free to choose one whom her eyes approve. If her choice had not been restricted, he would have stood as good a chance of being selected as any other of her suitors. v) Which casket does Morocco choose ? How does he lose? Ans: Morocco chooses the gold casket. He thinks that the inscription on the gold casket provides the right clue. Portia, he feels, is rightly desired by many men. So he chooses the casket and loses. He loses because he is tempted by the outward show or glitter of gold. Passage 17 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: BASSANIO : To you. Antonio, I owe the most in money and in love; And from your love I have a warranty To unburthen all my plots and purposes, How to get clear of all the debts I owe. ANTONIO: I pray you, good Bassanio, let me know it And, if it stand, as you yourself still do, Within the eye of honour, be assur d, My purse, my person, my extremest means, Lie all unlock d to your occasions. 74 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II Volume 1 of 2 Section A: Drama 75 i) Who owes money to Antonio? Does he owe him anything else? Ans: Bassanio confesses that he has wasted much money by spending it extravagantly. He has also taken loans from Antonio to meet his expenditure. Thus, he owes money to Antonio. Besides money, Bassanio owes love to Antonio. He has always been treated with sympathy and love by Antonio. He has yet to repay his money and love to Antonio. ii) What encourages him to disclose his plans to Antonio? Ans: Bassanio fully relies on Antonio s love. He knows that his friend will always help him in need. This has encouraged him to disclose his plans to Antonio. iii) How has his plan expected to help him to pay off Antonio s loans? Ans: Bassanio hopes that his plan will succeed. He will make enough money to pay off Antonio s debt. In fact, he is planning to try his luck among the suitors of a rich lady. For this he will have to travel to Belmont. But he is sure that he will be lucky to marry that lady with a rich inheritance. This will make him rich. He will be able to clear his debts. iv) How does Antonio respond to his friend s needs? Ans: Antonio responds eagerly to his friend s needs. He is keen to know what he can do to help Bassanio. He is ready to place at his friend s disposal everything he has. v) Explain: a) my purse b) my person c) my extremist means? Which of these is Antonio going to employ to help his friend? Ans: Antonio offers to help Bassanio in every possible way. a) He offers him money which his purse can make available. Purse refers to ready money. b) Antonio is ready to do anything in person for the sake of his friend. c) Antonio is not considering the question from the point of his affording to spare the money. It is not a question either of easy availability. He is ready to stretch his means to do anything for Antonio. Antonio is going to employ all his means to arrange money for his friend. He is going to sign a bond while risking his person to secure a loan for Bassanio. Thus, he is stretching all his means to meet Bassanio s needs. Passage 18 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: Morocco : If Hercules and Lichas play at dice Which is the better man, the greater throw May turn by fortune from the weaker hand So is Alcides beaten by his page; And so may I, blind fortune leading me, Miss that which one unworthier may attain, And die with grieving. Portia: You must take your chance, And either not attempt to choose at all Or swear before you choose, if you choose wrong Never to speak to a lady afterward In way of marriage : therefore be advised. i) When are these lines spoken by the Prince of Morocco? What has Portia assured him earlier? Ans: These lines are spoken by the Prince of Morocco before making his choice of the casket. Portia has earlier assured him that his black complexion does not matter at all, for she is not free to choose her life partner. Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II 75 76 ii) Who are Hercules and Lichas ? Why does Morocco refer to Hercules and Lichas ? Ans: Hercules was a great Greek hero and Lichas was his servant. Morocco refers to them in order to equate himself with Hercules who may get defeated by his servant at a game of dice. He wants to say that he may lose, like Hercules, while the right casket may be chosen by a less worthy man. iii) What is Morocco s regret ? What does he decide to do ultimately? Ans: Morocco s regret is that courage and bravery which he has in plenty have no place in this lottery. Ultimately, he decides to try his luck, whatever be the outcome. iv) What is his fate ? Why does he lose the lottery of the casket later ? Ans: He fails to choose the right casket because he is tempted by the outward glitter. He is misled by the inscription on the gold casket which he chooses. v) What lesson does he learn ? Ans: He learns to his dismay that all that glitters is not gold. Appearances have often deceived man. Passage 19 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: ANTONIO : I pray you good Bassanio let me know it, And if it stand as you yourelf still do, Within the eye of honour, be assur d My purse, my person, my extremest means Lie all unlock d to your occasions. BASSANIO : In my school-days, when I had lost one shaft, I shot his fellow of the self-same flight The self-same way, with more advised watch To find the other forth, and by adventuring both, I oft found both: I urge this childhood proof Because what fellows is pure innocence. I owe you much, and (like a wilful youth) That which I owe is lost, but if you please To shoot another arrow that self way Which you did shoot the first, I do not doubt, (As I will watch the aim) or to find both, Or bring your latter hazard back again, And thankfully rest debtor for the first. i) What does Antonio mean to say in the following lines: And if it stand as you yourself still do, Within the eye of honor, be assured. Ans: Antonio says that he would do anything for Bassanio s sake if Bassanio has undertaken some honourable task. Antonio admits that Bassanio has always behaved and acted in an honourable manner in the past, and says that, if Bassanio s present intention is also honourable, then he would go to any length to help him. ii) What is Bassanio driving at, and in what context is he talking about shooting arrows? Ans: Bassanio is going to ask Antonio for a second loan; and it is in that context that he here talks about the sport of shooting arrows. Bassanio tells Antonio that as a boy he sometimes used to locate the first arrow by shooting a second arrow in the same direction in which he had shot the first arrow which he had failed to find. By keeping a watch on the second arrow, he could find the second arrow, and then also find the first arrow which lay somewhere near the second arrow. Thus Bassanio indirectly assures Antonio that, if he now gets a second loan, he would not only repay the second loan in course of time but would also repay the first loan which has so far remained unpaid. 76 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II Volume 1 of 2 Section A: Drama 77 iii) How does Antonio react to Bassanio s speech and what is your own reaction to it? Ans: Antonio feels somewhat impatient at Bassanio s roundabout manner of talking. He would like Bassanio to come to the point rather than indulge in unnecessary talk. Our own action to Bassanio s speech is exactly the same as Antonio s. We too feel that Bassanio is beating about the bush. His account of his experience of his school-days has nothing very interesting or exciting about it; and so we find this account to be absolutely dull, and also superfluous. But Bassanio finds it awkward to ask for a second loan straight away, and he therefore tries to prepare the ground for his request before he actually makes the request for the second loan. iv) What does Bassanio s request lead to? Ans: Bassanio s request leads to Antonio s obtaining a loan of three thousand ducats from Shylock, his signing a bond to the effect that, if he fails to repay this loan to Shylock within a period three months, the latter would acquire the right to cut off a pound of flesh from any part of Antonio s body that he might like. v) Do you approve of Antonio s response to Bassanio s request? Ans: In view of Antonio s deep affection for Bassanio, we certainly approve of Antonio s favourable response to Bassanio s request. Bassanio wants to go to Belmont to try to win a rich and beautiful heiress as his wife. There is nothing wrong with Bassanio s aspiration; and, as Bassanio should have enough money to equip himself for his journey to Belmont, Antonio would certainly like to help him, Nobody could have anticipated that Antonio would suffer heavy losses and would be reduced to a state of bankruptcy. His obtaining a loan from Shylock even on Shylock s own terms is nothing to which we can object. Passage 20 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: Jessica I am sorry thou wilt leave my father so: Our house is hell, and thou, a merry devil, Didst rob it of some taste of tediousness. But fare thee well, there is a ducat for thee: And, Launcelot, soon at supper shalt thou see Lorenzo, who is thy new master s guest: Give him this letter; do it secretly; And so farewell: I would not have my father See me in talk with thee. Launcelot: Adieu! tears exhibit my tongue. Most beautiful pagan, most sweet Jew! if a Christian did not play the knave and get thee, I am much deceived. But, adieu: these foolish drops do something drown my manly spirit: adieu. i) Where are the speakers now ? How are they related ? Ans: The speakers, Jessica and Launcelot, are in a room in Shylock s house. Jessica is Shylock s daughter, while Launcelot, a Jester, is a servant in her father s service. ii) Who is Jessica ? What does she think of her father and her home ? What does she ask Launcelot to do? Ans: Jessica is Shylock s daughter. She thinks her house is a hell. She considers her father as a heartless person. She wants Launcelot to hand over her letter to Lorenzo (her lover) who would be present at his new master s (Bassanio s) home as a guest. iii) Who is Launcelot s new master ? What does Launcelot desire ? Ans: Launcelot s new master is Bassanio. Launcelot wants Jessica to run away with Lorenzo and marry him, which is not otherwise possible. iv) What is Jessica s plan ? Why does she decide to leave her father s home ? Ans: Jessica s plan is to escape from her father s home at the time of the masque and run away with her lover, Lorenzo. She decides to leave her father s home where she feels stifled. Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II 77 78 v) Later in the play, what happens to Jessica and her lover Lorenzo? Ans: The masque does not materialize, but Jessica and Lorenzo are able to get away. Jessica takes with her a lot of cash and jewellery. Both of them reach Portia s place in Belmont. Passage 21 : i) Ans: ii) Ans: iii) Ans: iv) Ans: v) Ans: Read the passage and answer the following questions: BASSANIO: In Belmont is a lady richly left., And she is fair, and,fairer than that word, O wondrous virtues. Sometimes from her eyes I did receive fair speechless messages: Her name is Portia; nothing undervalued To Cato s daughter, Brutus Portia. Nor is the wide world ignorant of her worth; For the four winds blow in from every coast Renowned suitors, and her sunny locks Hang on her temples like a golden fleece; Which makes her seat of Belmont, Colchos strand, And many Jasons come in quest of her. O, my Antonio! had I but the means To hold a rival place with one of them, I have a mind presages me such thrift, That I should questionless be fortunate. What importance is attached to Belmont? Belmont has become a very important place. It is like the Coast of Colahos to which many lovers come to seek Portia s hand in marriage. What is her name? What comparisons are drawn? Her name is Portia. She is in no way inferior to Cato s daughter and Brutus wife, Portia. What kind of lady lives in Belmont? Bassanio makes a reference about a lady who lives in Belmont. She has inherited considerable wealth. She is extremely beautiful and possesses wonderful qualities. What response did Bassanio receive from Portia? Bassanio loves the lady very much. He has received speechless messages from her. This is a clear indication that she has love for him. What attraction does Portia offer the suitors? Portia is rich and virtuous. She draws highborn suitors from every part of the world. Her golden locks look like golden fleece and make of her a golden prize. Passage 22 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: The patch is kind enough, but a huge feeder; Snail-slow in profit, and he sleeps by day More than the wild-cat: drones hive not with me; Therefore, I part with him, and part with him To one that would have him help to waste His borrow d purse. Well, Jessica, go in; Perhaps I will return immediately: Do as I bid you; shut doors after you: Fast bind, fast find; A proverb never stale in thrifty mind. 78 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II Volume 1 of 2 Section A: Drama 79 i) Who is Shylock addressing? Why is he delivering this speech ? Ans: Shylock is addressing his daughter Jessica. He is delivering this speech only to while away time. He has been invited to dinner by Bassanio which he has half a mind to join. ii) Why is he satisfied that Launcelot is leaving his services ? Ans: He is satisfied that Launcelot is leaving his services. He feels that Launcelot is a parasite and a huge feeder. Moreover, he thinks he should go to Bassanio whose stock of borrowed money needs to be exhausted. iii) What does he mean to say Waste his borrowed purse ? Ans: By waste his borrowed purse , he means that Launcelot will help waste the borrowed money of his new master Bassanio. He seems to take a perverse delight in the thought. iv) Where is he going ? Who leaves her home soon after he has left? Ans: He is going to join a dinner party arranged by Bassanio and his Christian friends. Jessica, his daughter, leaves her home soon after he has left, to elope with her lover Lorenzo. v) Mention any four character traits of Shylock. Ans: Shylock seems to be as fanatic as Antonio. He hates all Christians. Then he is a very crafty person, which is clear from the way he is able to entrap Antonio. He is a heartless, stingy fellow. He is also a hardhearted money-lender. Passage 23 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: BASSANIO : Nor is the wide world ignorant of her worth, For the four winds blow in from every coast. Renowned suitors, and her sunny locks Hang on her temples like a golden fleece, Which makes her seat of Belmont Colchos strand, And many Jasons come in quest of her. O my Antonio, had I but the means To hold a rival place with one of them I have a mind presages me such thrift, That I should questionless be fortunate. BASSANIO : though knows st that all my fortunes are at sea: Neither have I money or commodity To raise a present sum; therefore go forth, Try what my credit can in Venice do: i) What is the point of the first speech in above dialogue? Ans: In the first speech Bassanio speaks to Antonio asking for a loan. Since Bassanio has not paid the previous loans he beats about the bush. He informs Antonio about his intention of marrying a girl called Portia, for which he needs the money. ii) What light does the first speech throw on the character of Portia? Ans: From Bassanio s speech we come to know that Portia is a beautiful and rich lady of many good qualities. Many eminent men from all over the world visit her place Belmont with a desire to get married to her. iii) Explain the significance of golden fleece , Colchos strand and Jason . Ans: In Colchos in Asia near the Suxine on the Black Sea was a ram with golden fleece. In one of the oldest stories Jason led a party of Greek heroes called the Argonauts through many hazards in order to bring back the golden fleece. Jason succeded with the help of Medea, daughter of Acetes, who loved him. Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II 79 80 iv) What light does the second speech throw on the character of Antonio? Ans: The second speech of Antonio reveals him as a wealthy and generous merchant. Although all his money is invested in the cargoes which his ships are carrying on the ocean yet he is willing to help Bassanio. He asks Bassanio to raise money from Shylock on his (Antonio s) surety on any terms. v) From the above mentioned lines what idea do you form of the relation between Bassanio and Antonio? Ans: From the above mentioned lines we come to know that Bassanio and Antonio are good friends Bassanio trusts Antonio so much that he reveals to Antonio all his plans and thoughts. He tells Antonio about his wish to be married to a girl called Portia. Antonio also proves to be a good friend. Although he has no money to lend it to Bassanio yet he is willing to help him in raising money on his credit. Passage 24 : i) Ans: ii) Ans: iii) Ans: iv) Ans: v) Ans: Read the passage and answer the following questions: Morocco: Let s see once more this saying graved in gold Who chooseth me shall gain what many men desire. Why, that s the lady; all the world desires her; From the four corners of the earth they come, To kiss this shrine, this mortal-breathing saint; The Hyrcanian deserts and the vasty wilds Of wide Arabia are as thoroughfares now For princes to come view fair Portia: Who is Morocco speaking to ? What is the occasion? Morocco is speaking aloud to himself. He is going to try his luck at the lottery of caskets. What does he think while reading the inscription on the gold casket? While reading the inscription on the gold casket, he feels that it is Portia who is desired by all men who are coming to get her from all parts of the world. How does he praise Portia? He calls Portia a saint and her residence a temple which is visited by a number of men to pay their homage to this flesh- and-blood saint. The Hyrcanian deserts and the vasty wilds ... thoroughfares now . Explain. The deserts in Persia and the wild wastes of Arabia have now become well-trodden roads for princes eager to pay court to Portia, according to Morocco. What makes him choose gold casket ? What does he find in the gold casket? How does he react on losing the game ? He feels that the picture of so beautiful a woman as Portia can only be in a beautiful, gold casket. To his dismay, he finds a skull with a scroll sticking out of one of its eyes. He feels greatly disappointed on losing the lottery. Passage 25 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: ANTONIO: Thou know st that all my fortunes are at sea; Neither have I money, nor commodity To raise a present sum: therefore go forth, Try what my credit can in Venice do; That shall be rack d, even to the uttermost, To furnish thee to Belmont, to fair Portia. Go, presently inquire, and so will I, Where money is; and I no question make, To have it of my trust, or for my sake. 80 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II Volume 1 of 2 Section A: Drama 81 i) Who speaks these words? To whom are these addressed? Ans: Antonio speaks these words to his friend Bassanio who has made a demand for money as a loan to finance his journey to Belmont to win the hand of a rich beautiful lady. ii) How are all his fortunes at sea? Ans: Antonio tells Bassanio that all his ships laden with merchandise are on the sea. He does not have commodity to sell to procure money for his friend. iii) What are his difficulties about raising a sum? Why does he need any such sum? Ans: His difficulties in raising the sum are that he has no ready money at present. Nor does he have ready commodity which he can sell in exchange for cash. Antonio needs to raise such a sum to help his friend join on equal footing the suitors of a rich lady in Belmont. She is going to decide in favour of the person who wins in the lottery of caskets. iv) What is his suggestion about raising the sum? Ans: When Antonio finds that he has neither ready money nor he has commodity to sell for cash, he suggests that a loan may be raised on interest. He tells Bassanio to go and try if he can get any money in the city of Venice on his behalf. After all, Antonio is a famous merchant of Venice and there should be people willing to give a loan on his security. v) Is the speaker taking any risk in raising a loan for the other person? Ans: Antonio has made a liberal offer to his friend to raise a loan for him on any condition. Thus, he is going to run a great risk of his life by signing a bond which stipulates dangerous conditions. Analysis Act I Scene II First off, the opening of this scene is deliberately reminiscent of the opening of Scene 1. Like Antonio, Portia announces her sadness, but unlike Antonio s, Portia s sadness is clearly due to the conditions imposed on her by her dead father s will: in the matter of her marriage, she must abide by the test of the choice of the three caskets; she can neither choose who I would nor refuse who I dislike [as a husband]. We had been led to expect that Portia would be a woman who was very beautiful and very rich, but at what we have now before us is a woman who is not only fair but quite impressive for her wit, for her agility of mind and for her sharp, satiric intelligence. It is, in fact, Portia s satiric flair that provides this comedy with most of its sparkle; here, it is displayed brilliantly when Nerissa urges Portia to reconsider her various suitors thus far, and Portia offers her wry and droll comments on each one. It is at this point that Shakespeare is giving his audience the conventional Elizabethan satiric view of the other European nations. Portia s dismissal of each of her suitors corresponds to her age s caricatures of the typical Italian, Frenchman. German, and so on. The Neapolitan prince does nothing but talk of his horse, a characteristic of only the southern Italian; the County Palatine (from the Rhineland) is a pure, unadulterated dullard: he is unable to laugh at anything; Monsieur Le Bon is every man in no man that is to say, he has many superficial and changeable characters but no single, substantial one. (To marry him. as Portia says, would be to marry twenty husbands. ) The English suitor, on the other hand, affects European fashions in clothing but gets all of the various national fads in clothes, music, literature, etc. completely confused, and refuses to speak any language except his own. And then there is the Scot defined by his anger at the English and finally, there is the German who does nothing but drink. Portia sensibly refuses to be married to a sponge. Basically, we can say that this scene has three major purposes. First, it outlines the device of the caskets for us, which will provide the diamatic basis for the scenes in which the various suitors hazard their choice of the proper casket for Portia s hand in marriage. Second, it introduces us to Portia not simply as the fair object of Bassanio s love, but as a woman of powerful character and wit, perceptive about the people around her and quite able to hold her own in verbal combat with anyone in the play. This is a very important quality, given Portia s subsequent importance in the development of the plot. Her brilliance much later in the play, as a result, will not come as a surprise to the audience, especially Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II 81 82 when she superbly outwits the crafty Shylock. Finally, there is a minor but significant touch toward the end of the scene, when Nerissa asks Portia whether or not she remembers a certain Venetian, a scholar and a soldier who had earlier visited Belmont. First, we hear Portia s immediate recall of Bassanio, indicating her vivid memory of him and implying an interest in him. This scene reminds us that, despite the obstructions to come, this is a comedy, and that because of Bassanio s attempt to win Portia and her affection for him, both of them will be finally rewarded. SOLVED COMPREHENSION PASSAGES: Passage 1 : i) Ans: ii) Ans: iii) Ans: iv) Ans: v) Ans: Read the passage and answer the following questions: Salanio: I never heard a passion so confused, So strange, outrageous, and so variable, As the dog Jew did utter in the streets My daughter ! O my ducats ! O my daughter! Fled with a Christian ! O my Christian ducats ! Justice ! the law O my ducats, and my daughter! A sealed bag, two sealed bags of ducats. Who is Salanio addressing to ? Where is he at present ? Salanio is addressing his friend Salarino. He is in a street in Venice. What has happened ? What makes Shylock almost mad? Lorenzo and Jessica have eloped. Jessica has taken with her a lot of money and jewels. That Jessica has taken away so much of his money makes Shylock almost mad. He curses and abuses his daughter in public. In what mood is Salanio ? Why is he so contemptuous of the Jew? Salanio is in a gleeful mood. He is contemptuous of the Jew because he is a heartless moneylender and a stingy Jew. Later in the scene he expresses his fear. What is it about ? Does it turn to be true? Later he expresses the fear that Jessica s elopement with a Christian will harden Shylock s attitude towards Antonio. He fears the Jew will not spare Antonio if he forfeits the bond. Yes, his fear turns out to be true. What does he say about Antonio and Bassanio towards the end of the scene ? He says that Antonio and Bassanio are great friends. There were tears in Bassanio s eyes at the time of his parting from Antonio. Antonio was also very sad and serious. Passage 2 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: PORTIA : By my troth, Nerissa, my little body is a weary of this great world. NERISSA : You would be, sweet madam, if your miseries were in the same abundance as your good fortunes are; and yet, for aught I see, they are as sick that surfeit with too much, as they that starve with nothing. It is no mean happiness, therefore, to be seated in the mean; superfluity comes sooner by white hairs, but competency lives longer. PORTIA : Good sentences, and well pronounced. NERISSA : They would be better, if well followed. i) Who is Nerissa? What is her relationship with Portia? From where are Portia and Nerissa speaking? What is the special significance of that place? Ans: Nerissa is a waiting woman to Portia. Her relationship with Portia is not that of a mistress and servant but that of two friends who are free and frank in their speeches. 82 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II Volume 1 of 2 Section A: Drama ii) Ans: iii) Ans: iv) Ans: v) Ans: vi) Ans: 83 Portia and Nerissa persons are speaking from Belmont, the city where the young lady, Portia lives, The significance of this place is that many suitors are coming here in the hope of marrying this beautiful lady. They have to win the game of lottery by choosing the right casket in order to qualify for winning the lady s hand. How does Nerissa explain why Portia s body is aweary of this great world? Where does her happiness lie according to Nerissa? According to Nerissa, Portia is aweary of this world inspite of her good fortunes. She draws conclusion that those who have too much of everything are as sick of the world as those who have nothing. It is no small happiness therefore to occupy a middle position. Give the meaning of a) they are as sick that surfeit with too much as they that starve with nothing: b) superfluity comes sooner by white hairs, but competency lives longer. a) People are unhappy if they have too much of everything. Similarly, those who suffer a want of things and thus starve, are unhappy. b) Those who have too much grow old sooner but those who have neither too much nor too little have a longer life. Against the background of what is said after this extract briefly explain why Portia is sad. Portia is worried because she has to marry according to the will left by her father. He has devised a lottery of a casket. Her marriage depends upon her suitor s choosing the right casket. Portia is not free to choose her husband. She cannot choose the person she likes, nor is she free to reject him whom she dislikes. The will of her dead father imposes a restraint upon her free choice of a husband. It is this that makes her aweary of this great world. What is the difference between Antonio s weariness and that of Portia? Antonio is weary without knowing the cause of his weariness. Perhaps his heart is sad because it senses a crisis in the future. He has perhaps a premonition of his suffering in future. The signing of the bond is going to land him in the greatest trouble of his life. His life is going to be in peril. Portia s weariness is understandable. She herself can identify the reason. It is the time when she is going to decide the question of her marriage. Her father is dead but she has to carry out his instructions while selecting a husband. She feels insecure because she is not allowed to exercise her free choice. Identify two lines of witty dialogue between Portia and Nerissa? There is an exchange of a witty dialogue between Portia and Nerissa. When Nerissa comments on Portia s weariness that is born of an excessively prosperous condition, Portia remarks that she has said some smart words. These are good maxims spoken impressively. Here Nerissa retorts that the value of these words would depend upon the condition whether these are acted upon or not. Passage 3 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: Arragon : I will not choose what many men desire, Because I will not jump with common spirits And rank me with the barbarous multitudes. Why, then to thee, thou silver treasure- house; Tell me once more what title thou dost bear Who chooseth me shall get as much as he deserves: And well said too; for who shall go about To cozen furtune and be honourable Without the stamp of merit ? Let none presume To wear an undeserved dignity. Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II 83 84 i) Who had tried his luck at the casket lottery before the Prince of Arragon ? What was the result? Ans: The Prince of Morocco had tried his luck at the casket lottery. He had chosen the gold casket which was a wrong choice. He had to leave disappointed. ii) Why does the Prince of Arragon reject the gold casket? What does it reveal to you about his character? Ans: The Prince of Arragon rejects the gold casket because he does not want to go with the common people who get tempted by the attractive outside of things. He considers himself to be out of the common. He is self-conceited and arrogant. iii) Why is he impressed by the inscription on the silver casket? What does it reflect?? Ans: The inscription on the silver casket makes him feel that he fully deserves Portia. So he goes for the silver casket. It shows that he has a very high opinion about his own merit. iv) To what extent is he right ? Where does he go wrong? Ans: He is right in thinking that honour should be won by merit and that merit should be the sole criterion for a high position in life. He goes wrong in thinking that he is meritorious and deserves to be the husband of Portia. v) What casket does he choose ? What does he find in it? How does Portia react on his leaving? Ans: He chooses the silver casket. He finds in it the picture of an idiot. When he leaves after making a lot of fuss, Portia remarks that some people take a very long time in coming to a decision, and thus, choose wrong. Passage 4 : i) Ans: ii) Ans: iii) Ans: iv) Ans: 84 Read the passage and answer the following questions: NEERISSA: You need not fear, lady, the having any of these lord: they have acquainted me with their determinations, which is indeed to return home, and to trouble you with no more suit unless you may be won by some other sort than your father s imposition, depending on the caskets PORITIA: If I live to be as old as Sibylla, I will die as chaste as Diana, unless I be obtained by the manner of my father s will. I am glad this parcel of wooers are so reasonable, for there is not one among them but I dote on his very absence: and I pray God grant them a fair departure. Explain the idea expressed in the first speech of the above dialogue? In the first speech Nerissa assures Portia that she need not have any fear of being compelled to marry anyone of the suitors who had lately come to Belmont. She informs her that they have all decided to return to their respective countries. Illuminate the meaning of the phrase Your father s imposition depending on the caskets ? Nerissa means that the suitors of Portia do not find the conditions imposed by the will of her father to their liking. They are too hard for them. These conditions are that in the event of a suitor failing to choose the right casket should take his departure and never marry afterwards. What light does Portia s reply throw on her character? Portia s reply proves that she is deeply attached to her father. She respects his will and desires to be married only according to his will. She is determined not to violate her father s will even if she has to pay a price by remaining unmarried. Another facet of Portia s character that is revealed to us is her kindness. She bears no malice towards her suitors and prays to God to grant all of them a safe departure.. Explain the meaning of the term Sibylla ? Sibylla is the name given by Romans and Greeks to a prophetess inspired by some deity usually the Sun-God Apollo. She had a very long life. The God, Apollo granted her as many years of life as she could hold grains of sand in her hand. Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II Volume 1 of 2 Section A: Drama 85 v) Explain the meaning of the term Diana ? Ans: Diana is the Goddess of hunting. She is also regarded as a symbol of virginity because she never fell in love and never married. vi) Explain the meaning of the first two lines of Portia s speech in above passage? Ans: Portia says that even if she is to live for centuries like Sibylla she would not marry except in accordance with her father s will. She asserts that she would not mind remaining unmarried and untouched by a man like Diana, the virgin, Goddess of hunting, unless a man is able to win her by passing the test laid by her father. Analysis Act I Scene III This scene has two important functions. First, it completes the exposition of the two major plot lines of the play: Antonio agrees to Shylock s bond three thousand ducats for a pound of flesh; and second, and more important dramatically, this scene introduces Shylock himself. In this scene, Shakespeare makes it clear at once why Shylock is the most powerful dramatic figure in the play and why so many actors have regarded this part as one of the most rewarding roles in all Shakespearean dramas. Shylock enters first; Bassanio is following him, trying to get an answer to his request for a loan. Shylock s repetitions ( Well ... three months . . . well ) evade a direct answer to Bassanio s pleas, driving Bassanio to his desperately impatient triple questioning in lines 7 and 8; the effect here is similar to an impatient, pleading child badgering an adult. Throughout the whole scene, both Bassanio and Antonio often seem naive in contrast to Shylock. Shylock has something they want money and both Antonio and Bassanio think that they should get the loan of the money, but neither one of them understands Shylock s nature. In reply to Bassanio s demand for a direct answer, Shylock still avoids answering straightforwardly. Shylock knows what he is doing, and he uses the time to elaborate on his meaning of good when applied to Antonio. Only after sufficient haggling does he finally reveal his intentions: I think I may take his bond. At Antonio s entrance, Shylock is given a lengthy aside in which he addresses himself directive to the audience. Shakespeare often uses the devices of asides and soliloquies to allow his heroes and, in this case, his villain, a chance to immediately make clear his intentions and motivations to the audience as Shylock does here. Shylock s declaration of his hatred for Antonio immediately intensifies the drama of the scene; the audience now waits to see in what way he will be able to catch Antonio upon the hip and feed fat the ancient grudge I bear him. Then Shylock is called back from the front of the stage by Bassanio, and he pretends to notice Antonio for the first time. Their greeting has ironic overtones for the audience, which has has just heard Shylock s opinion of Antonio. There then follows a debate between Antonio and Shylock on the subject of usury, or the taking of interest on a loan permissible for Shylock but not for Antonio, according to Antonio s moral code. In making Shylock avoid committing himself immediately to lending Antonio the money, Shakespeare is building a dramatic crisis. For example, Antonio s mounting impatience leads to increased arrogance; he compares the moneylender to the apple rotten at the heart. Still, however, ShyIock does not respond; he pretends to muse on the details of the loan, producing from Antonio the curt and insolent remark, Well, Shylock, shall we be beholding to you? Only then does Shylock bend to answer directly, and he does so with calculated calm. Signior Antonio, he says, many a time and off in the Rialto you have rated me. His words are controlled but carry a cold menace that silences Antonio at once. At the phrase You call me misbeliever, cutthroat dog, Shylock reveals to us that Antonio did void your rheum upon my beard and foot me as you spurn a stranger cur over your threshold! This is a vivid dramatic change, climaxing in his taunting lines: Hath a dog money? Is it possible a cur can lend three thousand ducats? In Shylock s earlier aside ( I ll hate him [Antonio] for he is a Christian ), the audience was inclined to pigeonhole Shylock as the villain of this drama; anyone who hates a man simply because he is a Christian must logically be a villain. Yet now, in this speech, there is much more depth and complexity; Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II 85 86 we are given a most revealing glimpse of a man who has been a victim, whose imposition of suffering on others is directly related to his own suffering. Shakespeare is manipulating us emotionally; we have to reconsider Shylock s character. After Shylock regains control of himself and skillfully leads Antonio toward the sealing of the bond, he says that he would like to be friends with Antonio. This gives him the excuse to make light of the bond, but a bond sealed in merry sport a bond where a pound of flesh can be cut off and taken in what part of your body pleaseth me. Here, Shakespeare has the difficult problem of making us believe that Antonio is actually innocent enough to accept such a condition; after all, Antonio is probably fifty years old and a wealthy merchant; he is no schoolboy, and this merry sport of a bond is absurd. Clearly, to us, Shylock s interest is not only in money in this case, but Antonio does not realize this, nor does he realize or fully understand the depth of Shylock s hatred of him. He is therefore unable to be persuaded that this bond is dangerous. To him, the bond is merely a merry bond. And thus Shylock is able to rhetorically ask Bassanio: Pray you tell me this: if he should break his day, what should I gain by the exaction of the forfeiture? Shakespeare has set up a situation in which a man has put his life in the hands of a moral enemy and the outcome depends on fortune that is, whether or not Antonio s merchant ships survive pirates and the high seas. Antonio and Shylock are diametrical opposites. Shylock is cunning, cautious, and crafty; he belongs to a race which has been persecuted since its beginnings. As a Christian, Antonio is easygoing, trusting, slightly melancholy, romantic, and naive. Shylock trusts only in the tangible that is, in the bond. Antonio trusts in the intangible that is, in luck. Here, Shylock seems almost paranoid and vengeful, but on the other hand, Antonio seems ignorantly over-confident rather stupid because he is so lacking in common sense. SOLVED COMPREHENSION PASSAGES: Passage 1 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: Madam, there is alighted at your gate A young Venetian, one that comes before To signify the approaching of his lord; From whom he bringeth sensible regreets, To wit, besides commends and courteous breath, Gifts of rich value. Yet I have not seen So likely an ambassador of love: i) Who is speaking these lines and to whom ? What has happened early in the scene ? Ans: A servant is speaking to Portia. Earlier, the Prince of Arragon has made a wrong choice and left after making a lot of fuss, leaving Portia in a bad mood. ii) Who is the young Venetian referred to here ? Why is the speaker so impressed? Ans: The young Venetian referred to here is Bassanio s messenger. He has brought with him a number of gifts and graceful compliments from his master. This has greatly impressed the speaker. iii) How does Portia react on hearing the news ? Ans: Portia reacts sharply on hearing the news. She is in no mood to hear of another suitor soon after a skirmish with Arragon. She suspects that the servant is overreacting in praising the new comer. iv) What does Nerissa wish at the end of the scene ? What clue does it provide to you? Ans: At the end of the scene Nerissa wishes that this suitor should turn out to be Bassanio. It provides us with the clue that Portia has some interest in Bassanio and Nerissa wants her to marry him. 86 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II Volume 1 of 2 Section A: Drama 87 v) In which mood in Portia ? Who is able to choose the right casket later in the play? What does it tell us of the person? Ans: Portia is in a bad mood. It is Bassanio who chooses the right casket later. Bassanio s choice of the lead casket is deliberate. He takes a deliberate risk and wins. It shows his adventurous nature and right judgement. Passage 2 : i) Ans: ii) Ans: iii) Ans: iv) Ans: v) Ans: Read the passage and answer the following questions: SHYLOCK : Three thousand ducats for three months, and Antonio bound. BASSANIO : Your answer to that. SHYLOCK : Antonio is a good man. BASSANIO : Have you heard any imputation to the contrary? SHYLOCK : Ho no, no, no, no: my meaning in saying he is a good man, is to have you understand me that he is sufficient,- yet his means are in supposition: he hath an argosy bound to Tripolis, another to the Indies, I understand moreover upon the Rialto, he hath a third at Mexico, a fourth for England, and other ventures he hath squander d abroad,- but ships are but boards, sailors but men, there be land-rats, and water-rates, water-thieves, land thieves, (I mean pirates), and then there is the peril of waters, winds, and rocks: the man is not standing sufficient, - three thousand ducats, - I think I may take his bond. What is the occasion for the dialogue quoted above? The occasion for this dialogue is Antonio s request to Shylock for a loan of three thousand ducats. Antonio s request has been conveyed to Shylock by Bassanio who had been authorized by Antonio to borrow the required amount of money in Antonio s name from somebody or the other in Venice. It is in that connection that the present dialogue takes place between Shylock and Bassanio. What does Shylock mean by saying that his means are in supposition , and how does he substantiate his view? Shylock means to say that Antonio s present wealth is in some doubt. Shylock tries to prove the point by saying that all Antonio s wealth at present consists of the ships and the merchandise which those ships are carrying to different destinations. Antonio has no cash in hand. If Antonio did have any cash, he would not be seeking a loan from a money-lender. Ships sailing upon the seas face many dangers. Ships may get wrecked in a storm or by colliding against rocks. Or sea- robbers may attack ships and take away all the merchandise. Thus Antonio might suffer heavy losses and find it impossible to repay the loan within a period of three months. Do you find Shylock s logic in his speech to be convincing? Shylock s speech is perfectly rational and logical and, therefore, quite convincing. Ships in those days did get wrecked in storms, and there were pirates also in those days to rob trading vessels Shylock talks here in a very plausible manner and, we may say, even in a realistic manner subsequently Antonio does suffer heavy losses, and is reduced to a state of bankruptcy. What inference can you draw from this dialogue about Shylock s character? Shylock here appears to be a worldly kind of man possessing a lot of practical experience of life and a lot of practical sense. He is aware of all the dangers which ships sailing upon the seas had to face. He is also aware of the fact that sometimes a debtor finds it impossible to repay a debt. Thus Shylock here gives evidence of his shrewdness and his capacity to talk in a plausible and convincing manner. He gives us the impression of being a seasoned money-lender, and a money lender who knows how to transact his business. He is a very calculating kind of man who peers into the future and assess the prospects of a bargain into which he is entering. Why does Shylock take his bond , and what does he gain or lose thereby? Take his bond means accept Antonio as surety for the repayment of the loan . Shylock gains the opportunity to take his revenge upon Antonio, but soon afterwards loses the opportunity. He is thwarted in his purpose by the superior intelligence of Portia and by her ingenuity in Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II 87 88 interpreting the bond in such a way as to frustrate Shylock s design. But Shylock does experience a sense of exultation, though temporarily, at finding that he might, after all, be able to take his revenge on Antonio. Passage 3 : i) Ans: ii) Ans: iii) Ans: iv) Ans: v) Ans: Read the passage and answer the following questions: Salarino : Why, I am sure, if he forfeit, thou will not take his flesh: what s that good for? Shylock : To bait fish withal: if it will feed nothing else, it will feed my revenge. He hath disgraced me, and hindered me half a million; laughed at my losses, mocked at my gains, scorned my nation, thwarted my bargains, cooled my friends, heated mine enemies; and what s his reason? I am a Jew. Where are the speakers now ? Who is the with them ? The speakers, Salarino and Shylock are now in a street in Venice. Salanlo is with them. Salanio and Salarino are obviously in a mood to tease and harass Shylock who is distressed at the loss of a daughter and his ducats. What prompts Salarino to ask Shylock about his intentions towards Antonio? The news that Antonio has lost his ships and has become bankrupt is really frightening. It prompts Salarino to ask Shylock what he would do in case Antonio forfeited the bond. What does Shylock reveal? Shylock reveals his true intentions in taking revenge on Antonio. He hates Antonio who has harmed and insulted him in many ways. How has Antonio insulted Shylock? Antonio has harmed his business interests. He has laughed at his losses. He has scorned his community. He has sided with his enemies. According to Shylock, Antonio has illtreated him simply because he is a Jew. Do you think Shylock has been greatly wronged? How would you justify his hardened stance towards Antonio later? Yes, we feel that Shylock has been greatly wronged. A man who has been harmed and humiliated in public cannot do anything else but think of revenge. Antonio s behaviour has been extremely provocative and unjustified. Passage 4 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: SHYLOCK : (aside) Flow like a fawning publican he looks! I hate him for he is a Christian: But more, for that in low simplicity He lends out money gratis, and brings down The rate of usance here with us in Venice. If I can catch him once upon the hip, I will feed fat the ancient grudge I bear him. He hates our sacred nation, and he rails Even there where merchants most do congregate On me, my bargains, and my well-won thrift, Which he calls interest: Cursed be my tribe If I forgive him! BASSANIO : Shylock, do you hear? 88 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II Volume 1 of 2 Section A: Drama 89 SHYLOCK : i) Ans: ii) Ans: iii) Ans: iv) Ans: v) Ans: I am debating of my present stores, Any by the near guess of my memory I cannot instantly raise up the gross Of full three thousand ducats: what of that? Tubal a wealthy Hebrew of my tribe Will furnish me; but soft! how many months Do you desire? (To Antonio) Rest you fair good signior, Your worship was the last man in our mouths. What are the grounds for Shylock s ancient grudge against Antonio? Shylock bears a grudge against Antonio because Antonio has been bringing down the rate of interest in Venice by lending out money gratis. Shylock is also hostile to Antonio because Antonio hates the Jews and because Antonio has been criticizing and defaming Shylock at the Venetian Stock Exchange. Antonio has been condemning Shylock s money-lending operations and the undue profits which Shylock has been-making from those operations. What idea would you form about Shylock s character from the dialogue quoted here from The Merchant of Venice? Shylock here appears as a revengeful kind of man. He hates Antonio because Antonio is a Christian while Shylock himself is a Jew. Thus Shylock is a fanatical follower of his religion. Then we find that Shylock is a usurer who cannot tolerate the idea of any man lending out money gratis and thus bringing down the general rate of interest in the city. He is also a hypocrite. because, when he says that he does not have so much cash in his own possession and that he would get some money from Tubal, he is telling a lie. He is trying to create an impression on Bassanio that it would be very difficult for him to lend such a large amount of money to Antonia. To what extent does Shylock afterwards succeed in feeding fat his ancient grudge Antonio? Shylock afterwards does succeed in feeding his ancient grudge against Antonio to some extent, but his success is short-lived and very limited. Antonio does become a bankrupt, and he does forfeit the bond. The bond is found to be in order by the judge trying the case; and Shylock is even told that he can cut off a pound of Antonio s flesh. But, when Shylock is almost ready with his knife, the judge warns Shylock against shedding any blood while cutting off the flesh. And so Shylock is, at the last moment, deprived of the opportunity of feeding his ancient grudge. Explain the words which Shylock here speaks to Antonio. Shylock offers his good wishes to Antonio and says that Antonio s name had just been mentioned by him (Shylock) and Bassanio. Antonio s name, says Shylock, had been mentioned in the very last exchange of remarks between him (Shylock) and Bassanio before Antonio s arrival on the spot. To what extent do you find Shylock s reasoning in his first speech here to be convincing? Shylock s reasoning in his first speech here is quite plausible and even convincing to some extent. The reasons, which Shylock here enumerates for his hatred of Antonio, are seen to be quite strong. Antonio hates Shylock for being a Jew; and Shylock is, therefore, justified in hating Antonio for being a Christian. Shylock is a usurer, while Antonio lends out money gratis thus bringing down the rate of interest in Venice. Here Shylock is not justified because usury is not something which we can defend. But Shylock is justified in his grievance that Antonio has been publicly denouncing him for charging high rates of interest and for driving hard bargains with his clients. Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II 89 90 Passage 5 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: Portia : Now he goes, With no less presence, but with much more love, Than young Alcides, when he did redeem. The virgin tribute paid by howling Troy To the sea-monster: I stand for sacrifice The rest aloof are the Dardanian wives, With bleared visages, come forth to view The issue of the exploit. Go, Hercules! Live thou, I live: with much, much more dismay I view the fight than thou that makest the fray. i) When does Portia speak these lines ? In what mood is she? Ans: Portia speaks these lines when Bassanio goes to make his choice of the casket. She is in an excited and tense mood. She is a bit afraid of the outcome. She has mixed of feelings at this time. ii) How does she view Bassanio ? Is she right in what she says ? How? Ans: She views Bassanio as Hercules (Alcides) who has gone forward to rescue a young maiden from a sea-monster. She is right in making the comparison. As she loves Bassanio, she is doomed if he fails. iii) Live thou, I live . What does this line tell us of Portia? Ans: Portia says that if Bassanio succeeds, he will confer a happy life on her. If he fails, she will virtually die. The line reveals Portia s senstivity as a lover. iv) How does Bassanio succeed in marrying Portia later ? Ans: Bassanio chooses the lead casket because he accepts the challenge contained in the inscription on the casket. He rejects the gold casket as he knows that appearances are often deceptive. He rejects the silver casket as silver is only a metal for business transactions. He hazards all he has, and thus, succeeds in making the right choice which enables him to wed Portia. v) Mention any four qualities of Portia. Ans: Portia is witty and clever. Her speeches reveal her wit and sense of humour. She is intelligent. The way she turns the tables on Shylock in the trial scene reveals her intelligence. She is generous, sincere and helpful. She goes all out to rescue a friend of her husband. Passage 6 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: SHYLOCK: Signior Antonio, many a time and oft, In the Rialto you have rated me About my moneys, and my usances: Still have I borne it with a patient shrug, For sufferance is the badge of all our tribe: You call me, misbeliever, cut-throat dog, And spit upon my Jewish gaberdine, And all for use of that which is mine own. Well then, it now appears you need my help: Go to then: you come to me, and you say, Shylock, we would have monies; you say so, 90 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II Volume 1 of 2 Section A: Drama i) Ans: ii) Ans: iii) Ans: iv) Ans: v) Ans: 91 You, that did void your rheum upon my beard, And foot me, as you spurn a stranger cur Over your threshold; monies is your suit. What should I say to you? Should I not say, Hath a dog money? is it possible A cur can lend three thousand ducats? or Shall I bend low, and in a bondman s key, With bated breath, and whispering humbleness, Say this Fair sir, you spat on me on Wednesday last; You spurn d me such a day; another time You call d me dog; and for these courtesies I llend you thus much moneys? What is Shylock s grievance against Antonio? Shylock s grievance is that he has been on several occasions scolded by Antonio for the loans he had given to people by taking interest from them. In what ways has Antonio insulted Shylock? Shylock has been called a misbehavier, a cut throat dog by Antonio, Antonio has also spat upon his Jewish gaberdine. What according to Shylock, is the cause for which Antonio has been abusing Shylock? Antonio has been abusing Shylock for charging interest on the money which he gave to people. What tone does Shylock talk while considering Antonio s request for money? Shylock talks in an ironical tone. Who is Fair Sir , and who is Cur in the passage? Antonio is Fair Sir and Shylock is the Cur in this passage. Passage 7 : i) Ans: ii) Ans: iii) Ans: iv) Ans: Read the passage and answer the following questions: Bassanio : How many cowards, whose hearts are all as false As stairs of sand, wear yet upon their chins The beards of Hercules and frowning Mars; Who, inward search d, have livers white as milk; And these assume but valour s excrement To render them redoubted!. What is the occasion of Bassanio s speech? What is he doing at the moment? Bassanio is about to make his choice of the casket. He is brooding over the inscription on each of the caskets carefully so that he may get some clue to this choice. What has Bassanio to say about the dishonest and pretentious persons ? What has prompted him to say these words ? Bassanio says that many dishonest persons who are timid in reality put on the looks of the brave with bearded faces and stern- looks. He has been prompted to say these words on reading the inscription on the gold casket. What does he say of beautified persons later ? According to him, persons who use most cosmetics often become light (in character) in proportion to the weight of the aids they use. They become frivolous and irresponsibly gay. Why does he reject the gold and silver casket ? He rejects the gold casket because the outward glitter hides the reality. He rejects the silver casket because silver is the metal of commercial coinage, handled by the mass of men. Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II 91 92 v) What makes him favour the lead casket and win Portia ? What does it reflect on his character? Ans: The dull look of the lead casket appeals to him. He accepts the challenge thrown by the lead. He is prepared to hazard all that he has to win Portia. It tells us that he is bold, adventurous and self-sacrificing. Passage 8 : i) Ans: ii) Ans: iii) Ans: iv) Ans: v) Ans: 92 Read the passage and answer the following questions: ANTONIO : l am as like to call thee so again, To spit on thee again, to spurn thee too. if thou wilt lend this money, lend it not As to thy friends; (for when did friendship take A breed for barren metal of his friend?) But lend it rather to thine enemy; Who, f he break, thou mayst with better face Exact the penalty. SHYLOCK: Why, look you, how you storm! I would be friends with you, and have your love, Forget the shames that you have stain d me with, Supply your present wants, and take no doit Of usance for my monies, and you ll not hear me: This is kind offer. I am as like to call thee so again, What has Antonio called Shylock. He insists on calling him so again, why so? When Antonio approaches Shylock for a loan to satisfy the demand of his friend, Shylock reminds him that he has always treated him badly. Antonio has called him a dog. Now Shylock demands, if a dog can lend money. He reminds Antonio that he has come to seek the help of the person whom he has always abused. Antonio is still undeterred in saying that he has not only called Shylock a dog in the past but he is going to do it again in future. He is not going to change his attitude towards the Jew, just because he is intending take a loan from him. It is a question of his personal like or dislike. Taking or giving a loan is a business transaction based on profit-making. What else is Antonio prepared to do again? What reasons has he for behaving in this manner? Antonio is angry when he says that besides calling Shylock a dog, he is going to spit on him again. He is likely to kick him again. Antonio has his own reasons for behaving in this manner. He thinks that it is immoral to charge any interest on loans given to the needy people. Why should Shylock not advance the loan on a friendly basis? Antonio challenges Shylock and tells him not to advance any loan as if he is doing so to a friend. When we advance a loan to a friend, we do not charge any interest on it. But Shylock is not going to give up his interest, as this is a business loan not a friendly one. But lend it rather to thine enemy . Antonio admits that he is Shylock s enemy. What is Shylock s benefit in lending it to an enemy?? Antonio admits that he is Shylock s enemy. He is frank is saying that Shylock may lend it rather to him who is his enemy. It will have the benefit of providing an opportunity to the Jew to claim penalty in case of non-repayment of the money. Does Shylock extend the hand of friendship to Antonio? Shylock seems to extend the hand of friendship to Antonio. He tries to comfort him by saying that he will love to win Antonio s love. He may forget the unpleasant past. On his part, Shylock makes a surprising offer that he will give the loan without charging any interest on it. Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II Volume 1 of 2 Section A: Drama 93 vi) Is he really making a generous offer to his former enemy? Ans: Shylock seems to be making a generous offer. A hard bargainer like him is willing to give a loan on such terms. But he is not sincere in what he is saying. He is a cunning fellow dealing with a simple person like Antonio. Passage 9 : i) Ans: ii) Ans: iii) Ans: iv) Ans: v) Ans: Read the passage and answer the following questions: Bassanio : Therefore, thou gaudy gold, Hard food for Midas, I will none of thee; Nor none of thee, thou pale and common drudge Tween man and man : but thou, thou meagre lead, Which rather threatenest than dost promise aught, Thy paleness moves me more than eloquence; And here choose I; joy be the consequence ! What is the occasion of Bassanio s speech ? Where is he at the moment? Bassanio utters these words as he is going to make his choice of the casket. He is in a room where the three caskets of gold, silver and lead are placed. He stands before the gold casket at the moment. What are his reasons for rejecting the gold and silver caskets ? He rejects the gold casket because the outward glitter is always deceiving. He rejects the silver casket because silver is the metal used in business transactions by the mass of men. What, makes him opt for the lead casket ? How does he feel on finding Portia s picture in the lead casket? The dull look of the lead casket is challenging. The inscription on it warns the person choosing it to be ready to hazard all. Bassanio accepts the challenge and is ready to hazard all he has. Thus, he chooses the lead casket. He feels pleasantly surprised on finding Portia s picture in the lead casket. How does Portia present herself to Bassanio later in the scene ? Portia completely submits herself to Bassanio in utter humility later. She asks him to accept her as she is, an untaught and inexperienced girl. Who decide to get married after Bassanio succeeds in winning Portia ? Gratiano and Nerissa decide to get married after Bassanio succeeds in winning Portia. Gratiano has been courting Nerissa all along while Bassanio is busy making his mind to choose his lucky casket. Passage 10 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: SHYLOCK: This kindness will I show: Go with me to a notary, seal me there Your single bond; and, in a merry spot, If you repay me not on such a day, In such a place, such sum, or sums, as are Express d in the condition, let the forfeit Be nominated for an equal pound Of your fair flesh, to be cut off and taken In what part of your body pleaseth me. i) What kindness is referred to by Bassanio? Which are the legal formalities proposed by Shylock before he would give the loan? Ans: Bassanio is referring to Shylock s offer to advance a loan of three thousand ducats, on which he will charge no interest. According to Bassanio, it will be an act of kindness. Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II 93 94 ii) Ans: iii) Ans: iv) Ans: v) Ans: vi) Ans: Shylock, however, proposes that certain legal formalities may be completed before he would give the loan. They will go to a Notary, an official who attests agreements of this kind. There Antonio will execute a bond, affirming that if the money is not repaid on the fixed day, Antonio will lose a pound of flesh to be cut off from any part of his body. State the remark which Shylock makes in order to calm any fear Antonio might have about sealing the proposed bond. Is Shylock sincere in his remark? Give a reason to substantiate your answer? Shylock remarks that in a merry sport the bond will mention the penalty for failure to repay the loan on time. This remark that it will be just for fun that they state the unusual penalty, is cleverly made to calm any fear Antonio might have about sealing the proposed bond. Shylock is not sincere in his remark. He is trying to cover up the cruel nature of his condition to pay the loan. This fact is brought out by the future events when Shylock insists on cutting off a pound of flesh from Antonio s body. Why does Shylock insist on demanding a pound of Antonio s flesh? Which aspect of his character is shown in his demand?? Shylock insists on demanding a pound of Antonio s flesh because he hates this Christian. Shylock loves to earn interest on the loan advanced to others. But in case of Antonio he has personal and professional reasons to take his revenge on this man. Shylock shows his cruel and heartless nature. He is cunning in concealing his intention hiding his words in a pleasant language. What does Antonio say in reaction to Shylock s demand? What aspect of Antonio s character is shown in this incident? Antonio readily agrees to sign the bond. He accepts all conditions proposed by Shylock. This shows that Antonio is a simple hearted person. He does not suspect his enemy s motives in proposing an unusual penalty on forfeiture of the bond. How does Bassanio react to Antonio s willingness to sign the bond? Bassanio forbids his friend to sign such a cruel bond. He prefers to deal without the money he needs rather than ask his dear friend Antonio to seal such a bond. Why is Antonio so confident that he would not have to forfeit a pound of his flesh? Do you think that Antonio acts prudently in agreeing to sign the bond? Antonio does not act prudently in agreeing to sign the bond. As we know, he has his many ships carrying merchandise to different destinations. His earnings depend upon the safe return of these ships. These ships are subject to the usual risks of the sea, like winds and storms and piracy. It is particularly difficult to calculate the exact time when the ships might return to Venice. Antonio fails to foresee the unexpected that might happen to delay the return of his ships. He also fails to imagine that his enemy will not relent in the matter of claiming his pound of flesh if his money is not repaid by the fixed date. Antonio is confident that he would not have to forfeit a pound of his flesh. The bond grants him a period of three months for repayment. He expects to have in his hands at least nine times the amount of the bond money before the expiry of two months. He will have enough money with him a month before the due date of repayment. So he can go ahead without any fear. Passage 11 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: Portia : You see me, Lord Bassanio, where I stand, Such as I am: though for myself alone I would not be ambitious in my wish, To wish myself much better; yet, for you I would be trebled twenty times myself; A thousand times more fair, ten thousand times more rich; That only to stand high in your account, 94 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II Volume 1 of 2 Section A: Drama i) Ans: ii) Ans: iii) Ans: iv) Ans: v) Ans: 95 I might in virtue, beauties, livings, friends, Exceed account; but the full sum of me. Is sum of something, which, to term in gross, Is an unlesson d girl, unschool d, unpractised; Happy in this, she is not yet so old but she may learn. When does Portia speak these lines to Bassanio? Which mood is she in ? Portia speaks these lines to Bassanio after he has made choice of the right casket. She is in a happy and excited mood. She submits herself completely to her future husband. How does Portia describe herself ? What do you learn about her character? Being humble, Portia describes herself as an untaught and inexperienced girl. She wishes to be better to win his esteem. We feel that she is very humble and polite. She deliberately underestimates her worth. What do you think is the most sterling quality of her character? The most sterling quality of Portia s character is her generosity. She is rich and beautiful, yet she is free from arrogance and petty-mindedness. She does everything possible to save Antonio. No ordinary person would be as generous towards a stranger as she is. Who enters later in the scene ? Lorenzo, Jessica and Salarino enter later. Bassanio welcomes them with Portia s permission. Lorenzo and Jessica have come on the advice of Salarino who has brought Antonio s letter for Bassanio. What news saddens Bassanio on this happy occasion ? What does Portia ask him to do? Bassanio becomes sad immediately on reading the news that Antonio has forfeited the bond and is in great trouble as Shylock insists on the penalty the pound of flesh. Portia at once asks Bassanio to go to Venice with as much money and gold as he needs to rescue his dear friend. Passage 12 : 21) Read the passage and answer the following questions: ANTONIO: Content in faith; I ll seal to such a bond And say there is much kindness in the Jew. BASSANIO: You shall not seal to such a bond for me I ll rather dwell in my necessity. ANTONIO: Why, fear not, man, I will not forfeit it; Within these two months, - that s a month before This bond expires, - I do expect return Of thrice three times the value of this bond. i) Where are Antonio and Bassanio? Why are they there? Who else is present? Ans: Antonio and Bassanio are in Venice. They have come to meet Shylock, the Jew, who is a moneylender. Bassanio is in need of three thousand ducats. Antonio, who does not have ready money to help his friend, comes to the money-lender to borrow it from him against his own security. Besides Antonio and Bassanio the other person present there is Shylock, the Jew. ii) Explain what the word: bond here means? What were the terms of this bond? Ans: The bond here means an agreement relating to a loan of three thousand ducats. This loan is being given by Shylock, the Jew, and is being received by Bassanio, with Antonio binding himself to the responsibility of repaying it within three months. The terms of the bond are that the loan of three thousand ducats are being given as an interestfree loan and will have to be repaid within three months. If Antonio fails to repay it within this period, the bond fixes a penalty for the forfeiture. Shylock will have the right to cut off a pound of flesh from any part of Antonio s body. Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II 95 96 iii) What does Antonio means by saying kindness in the Jew ? Was this justified later? Give a reason to substantiate your answer. Ans: Antonio means to say that by agreeing to give the loan, Shylock, the Jew, has shown that he is a kind hearted man. The harsh penalty in case of forfeiture does not seem to be of any concern to this simple-hearted merchant of Venice, as he was confident that he could repay the loan within the stipulated time. Antonio was totally unjustified in seeing any kindness in the Jew. It was his error of judgement that he did not suspect any foul play. Later it was proved that the Jew (Shylock) was not only unkind but callous and cruel. He insisted on cutting off a pound of flesh from Antonio bosom even if it meant the poor fellow s death. It hardly mattered to him if as a result of the wound, Antonio bled to death. iv) What danger does Bassanio foresee for Antonio? What does Bassanio mean by saying rather dwell in my necessity ? Ans: Bassanio cautions his friend Antonio not to sign the bond. He sees the danger in signing such a bond. He correctly judges Shylock. He understands that the money-lender s intentions are not good and he means to play mischief. If such a situation arises, Shylock will not hesitate to penalise Antonio. Thus, Bassanio says that he would rather prefer to live with his needs unfulfilled than risk his friend s life in standing surety for him in that manner. v) What does not forfeit it mean here? What reason does Antonio give for his confidence with reference to what Shylock has said earlier in this scene regarding Antonio s ships? Do you consider that Antonio acts wisely in accepting the bond? Ans: Antonio means to say that he would be able to repay the money within the specified period. He would not forfeit the bond because he would repay the sum within the specified period. He would rather incur the penalty. Antonio does not act wisely in accepting the bond. Shylock has already said earlier in the scene that he has full knowledge of Antonio s business. He admits that Antonio is a rich merchant. he has invested his everything in ships that are sailing in different seas heading for various ports. As such, his whole money is in danger. In the light of this assessment, Antonio has acted unwisely in accepting the terms and conditions of the bond. vi) At the end of this scene, Antonio speaks of Shylock as gentle Jew and Bassanio speaks of him (Shylock) as having a villain s mind . What do these two phrases tell us about the natures of Antonio and Bassanio? Which of these opinions later proved true, and why? Ans: At the end of the scene, Antonio has totally revised his opinion about Shylock. He calls him a gentle Jew who is turning to be a Christian by growing kind, Bassanio, however, does not like to hear polite language about a person who is a known villain. Of the two opposite opinions expressed, later it is proved that Bassanio was right in his judgement. He was more alert than Antonio in suspecting Shylock s plan. He was unwilling to believe that a villain was capable of doing good. Passage 13 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: Jessica : When I was with him I have heard him swear To Tubal and to Chus, his countrymen, That he would rather have Antonio s flesh Than twenty times the value of the sum That he did owe him: and I know, my lord, If law, authority and power deny not, It will go hard with poor Antonio. Portia : Is it your dear friend that is thus in trouble? Bassanio The dearest friend to me, the kindest man, The best-condition d and unwearied spirit 96 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II Volume 1 of 2 Section A: Drama i) Ans: ii) Ans: iii) Ans: iv) Ans: v) Ans: 97 In doing courtesies, and one in whom The ancient Roman honour more appears Than any that draws breath in Italy. What has happened early in the scene? Who is Jessica ? What is she talking about? The news has reached Belmont of Antonio s forfeiting the bond. Jessica is Shylock s daughter. She says that she has heard her father swear to his fellow Jews that he would have Anotonio s flesh rather than twenty times the amount of the loan. How does Portia react ? What does it tell us of her character? Portia reacts sympathetically at once. It reveals that she is a very tender, sympathetic, generous and helpful person. She is ready to do everything for her husbands s friend. Who is the dearest friend, the kindest man referred to by Bassanio ? What has happened to him? Antonio is the dearest friend, the kindest man . He has forfeited the bond and is in danger of losing his life if Shylock insists on cutting a pound of flesh from his body. What does Portia learn ? What does she ask Bassanio to do? Portia learns that Antonio, the dearest friend of her husband is a noble person. She asks Bassanio to go to Venice and pay him three times and even more the amount of loan due to save Antonio. What does Bassanio decide to do to help his friend in trouble? When Portia allows Bassanio to go to Venice, Bassanio decides not to lose any time and reach Venice to help Antonio. Passage 14 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: SHYLOCK : O father Abram, what these Christians are, Whose own hard dealings teaches them to suspect The thoughts of others! Pray you, tell me this; if he should break his day, what should I gain By the exaction of the forfeiture? A pound of man s flesh, taken from a man, Is not so estimable, profitable neither, As flesh of muttons, beefs, or goats. I say, To buy his favour, I extend this friendship; If he will take it, so; if not, adieu; And, for my love, I pray you wrong me not. i) Why does Shylock call all Christians strange? Ans: Shylock feels that all Christians are strange people. Their own rigid business desires make Shylock suspect the motives of others. ii) What will Shylock gain by having a pound of flesh? Ans: Shylock will not gain anything by having Antonio s pound of flesh if he forfeits the bond. iii) Can flesh fetch any price in the market? Ans: Human flesh cannot fetch any price in the market, It has neither the value nor the utility. Flesh of animals like sheep, goats, pigs, or cattle do have a price in the marker. iv) What does the word adieu mean? Ans: The word adieu means farewell or good bye. v) Why does he extend this friendly offer? Ans: He extends this friendly offer in order to win Antonio s favour. If he accepts it, well and good. If not farewell. Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II 97 98 Analysis Act II Scene I In contrast to the businesslike mood of Act I, this act begins with much visual and verbal pomp. Visually, the Prince of Morocco and Portia enter from opposite sides of the stage to a flourish of comets, each followed by a train of attendants. Morocco then opens the dialogue with a proud reference to his dark skin, and the rich, regular, sonorous poetry which Shakespeare gives him to speak suggests that the prince possesses a large, imposing physical presence. Because we have already listened to Portia blithely dismiss the other suitors who have already appeared at Belmont so far, here, her greeting has both courtesy and respect Yourself, renowned prince, then stood as fair as any corner I have looked on yet for my affection. Since there are three caskets for Portia s suitors to choose from, there will therefore be three occasions in which suitors will attempt the test of the caskets to win Portia in marriage. Thus the three contestants are subtly contrasted. The first, Morocco, is intensely physical; he is a warrior. He speaks of his red blood, the power of his scimitar, and of the courage that can mock the lion when he roars for prey. Morocco is a straightforward soldier-prince; he is rightly self-assured and is contrasted to the Prince of Arragon (in Scene 9 of this act), whose excessive pride is concerned with lineage and position. Both of these suitors will fail, and although the audience knows, or suspects this (since the play is a romantic comedy, it must end happily, with Bassanio making the right choice and winning Portia), this knowledge does not interfere with the thrill of dramatic anticipation as Morocco, first and later, Arragon make their choices. Rationally, we may know how a story ends, but this does not prevent our imaginative excitement in watching the unfolding of events. SOLVED COMPREHENSION PASSAGES: Passage 1 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: Portia : O love, dispatch all business, and be gone ! Bassanio : Since I have your good leave to go away, I will make haste: but, till I come again, No bed shall e er be guilty of my stay, No rest be interposer twixt us twain . i) What makes Portia so concerned? What does she want? Ans: Antonio s words of love and affection in his letter to Bassanio make Portia feel concerned about the man in deep trouble. She wants Bassanio to leave for Venice at once. ii) Why is Bassanio in a hurry? What does he assure Portia? Ans: Bassanio is in a hurry because his dearest friend, Antonio is in great trouble. He assures Portia that he will lose no time in despatching his business and will be back soon. iii) Is Bassanio able to save Antonio? Why / Why not? Ans: Bassanio fails to save Antonio with the offer of money. Shylock refuses to accept any amount as he wants only Antonio s flesh and nothing else. iv) Portia has told Bassanio My maid Nerissa and myself meantime will live as maids and widows . What is the truth? Ans: What Portia has told Bassanio is not true. She has in mind another plan. With the help of her lawyer cousin she plans to defend Antonio as a lawyer in a male disguise. v) What does Portia do after Bassanio has gone? Ans: Portia sends a messenger to her cousin, a renowned lawyer, for advice and necessary articles of clothing. She takes Nerissa along and tells her on the way what she has in mind. 98 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II Volume 1 of 2 Section A: Drama 99 Passage 2 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: MOROCCO : Mislike me not for my complexion, To shadowed livery of the burnish d sun, To whom I am a neighbour, and near bred. Bring me the fairest creature northward born, Where Phoebus fire scarce thaws the icicles, And let us make incision for your love, To prove whose blood is reddest, his, or mine, I tell thee, lady, this aspect of mine Hath fear d the valiant; by my love, I swear, The best-regarded virgins of our clime Have lov d it too: I would not change this hue, Except to steal your thoughts, my gentle queen. i) What justification does the Prince of Morocco offers in support of his dark complexion? Ans: The Prince of Morocco tells Portia not to dislike him for his dark complexion. His dark complexion is the result of the burning hot sun in his country. ii) What proof does Morocco give for his bravery? Ans: Morocco tells that he is ready to stand comparison with the fairest man born in the northern region. Let both of them make deep cuts in their veins to draw blood to prove her love. The test will reveal his strong love for her. iii) What expressions are visible on his face? Ans: The prince is bold and fearful. His face has frightened the bravestmen. iv) What are his boasts? Ans: He takes pride in telling Portia that many young maidens of his country have loved his face with a dark complexion. He will not like to change his colour, except only to win her love. v) Who is my gentl queen ? Ans: Portia is the gentle queen. Passage 3 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: Antonio : The duke cannot deny the course of law: For the commodity that strangers have With us in Venice, if it be denied, Will much impeach the justice of his state; Since that the trade and profit of the city Consisteth of all nations. Therefore, go: These griefs and losses have so bated me, That I shall hardly spare a pound of flesh Tomorrow to my bloody creditor. Well, gaoler, on. Pray God, Bassanio come To see me pay his debt, and then I care not! i) Where is Antonio ? Whom is he addressing? Who has brought him there? Ans: Antonio is in the street of Venice, in the custody of the jailor. He is addressing Salarino, his friend. The jailor has brought him there in order to have a talk with Shylock. Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II 99 100 ii) What does Shylock want the jailor to do early in the scene ? How does he react to Anotonio s request to listen to him? Ans: Shylock wants the jailor to watch Antonio closely lest he should escape. He reacts angrily to Antonio s request to listen to him. He does not want to hear any petition for mercy. iii) What makes Antonio say that the Duke cannot refuse to let the law take its course ? Ans: Antonio says that the Duke cannot refuse to let the law take its course because then the laws of the state will become suspect, especially in the eyes of the foreign merchants. On their goodwill depends the prosperity of the state. iv) What tells you that he has already suffered lot ? What is his attitude at the moment? Ans: He has already suffered mentally and bodily and is reduced to a skeleton. His attitude is now of calm resignation to his fate. He is now mentally prefered for any eventuality. v) What is his last wish? What does it tell you of his character? Ans: His last wish is to see Bassanio, his dearest friend, before he breathes his last. It reveals his intense love for Bassanio. He is a sincere and devoted friend. Passage 4 : 24) Read the passage and answer the following questions: PORTIA: In terms of choice I am not solely led By nice direction of a maiden s eyes Besides, the lott ry of my destiny Bars me the right of voluntary choosing: But if my father had not scanted me And hedged me by his wit, to yield myself His wife who wins me by that means I told you, Yourself (renowned prince,) then stood as fair As any corner I have looked on yet For my affection. i) What light do above lines throw on the character of Portia? Ans: From the above mentioned speech of Portia she appears to be a loving daughter who is deeply attached to the memory of her father. She is firm in marrying only in accordance with the terms of her late father s will. She is very loyal to the memory of her father and does not want to marry according to her own choice. ii) Explain the meaning of the sentence nice direction of a maiden s eyes ? Ans: Nice direction of a maiden s eyes means the fastidious guidance of a girl who is to choose her life partner. Portia cannot be guided exclusively by the assessment of a maiden s eyes in her choice of a husband. iii) What will has Portia s father imposed on her? Ans: Portia s father has left a will which relates to her marriage. Her father s will has imposed a very hard condition on her. It makes it obligatory for her to marry only the man who chooses the right casket. She would not refuse to marry the man who makes the right choice of a casket even if she does not like that man. iv) What is the meaning of the phrase the lott ry of my destiny ? Ans: Lottery actually means something depending upon chance and not upon voluntary choice. By the phrase the lott ry of my destiny Portia means the test by which her fate is to be decided. It prevents her from exercising the right of choosing a husband on the basis of her own will. 100 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II Volume 1 of 2 Section A: Drama 101 Passage 5 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: Lorenzo : Madam, with all my heart; I shall obey you in all fair commands. Portia : My people do already know my mind, And will acknowledge you and Jessica In place of Lord Bassanio and myself. And so farewell, till we shall meet again. i) Where are the speakers now ? What has Portia asked Lorenzo to do? Ans: The speakers are now in a hail in Portia s house. Portia has asked Lorenzo to look after the house during Bassanio s absence as they are also going to a convent for prayers. ii) Portia is ready to leave her house. What does she tell Lorenzo and Jessica ? Where is she actually going? Ans: Portia tells Lorenzo and Jessica that her people (servants) could obey them as their masters in her absence. She is actually going to Venice to defend Antonio as a lawyer in male attire. iii) What tells you that Portia is extremely humble? Ans: Portia is so humble and considerate that she does not even call her servants as servants. She calls them her people out of respect and humility. iv) After Jessica and Lorenzo leave, later in the scene, whom does she meet, and for what? Ans: After Jessica and Lorenzo have left, she meets Balthazar, one of her servants, whom she asks to go with a letter to her cousin in Padua. She wants the help of her cousin, a civil doctor, in Antonio s case. v) What does she tell Nerissa later? Ans: She tells Nerissa later that they are leaving for Venice in male dresses. She will be a lawyer and Nerissa her clerk. She says she will explain to her the whole plan on the way. Passage 6 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: MOROCCO : Mislike me not for my complexion. The shadowed livery of the burnished sun, To whom I am a neighbour, and near bred. Bring the the fairest creature northward born, Where Phoebus fire scarce thaws the icicles, And let us make incision for your love, To prove whose blood is reddest, his or mine. I tell thee lady this aspect of mine Hath fear d the valiant,- by my love I swear, The best-regarded virgins of our clime Have lov d it too: 1 would not change this hue, Except to steal your thoughts my gentle queen. PORTIA: In terms of choice I am not solely led By nice direction of a maiden eyes. Besides, the lott ry of my destiny Bars me the right of voluntary choosing: But if my father had not scanted me, And hedg d me by his wil to yield myself His wife, who wins me by that means I told you, Yourself (renowned prince) then stood as fair. Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II 101 102 i) What idea would you form of the prince of Morocco s character from the speech here quoted? Ans: The prince of Morocco seems to be very conscious of his qualities as a man of exceptional strength and physique, as also of his holding a high position in life. He also believes that some of the best maidens of his own country are his admirers, and that even some among the bravest soldiers have felt afraid of his war-like appearance. ii) What light does Portia s speech, quoted here, throw on her character? Ans: Portia is evidently very loyal to the memory of her father. She wishes to marry only in accordance with the terms of her late father s will and not according to her own choice in the matter. Her father s will has imposed a very hard condition on her; but she is not prepared to disobey the will which makes it obligatory for her to marry only the man who chooses the right casket. She would not refuse to marry the man who makes the right choice of a casket even if she might not like that man otherwise. iii) Who ultimately comes out as the winner in this contest and how? Ans: Bassanio proves to be the winner in the contest. He chooses the right casket by arguing that outward shows should not be relied upon, and that external decoration generally misleads human beings into making all kinds of mistakes. He rejects the gold casket because gold is something gaudy and may, therefore, prove to be deceptive; and he rejects the silver casket because silver is a medium of monetary transactions among human beings, and nothing more. He chooses the leaden casket which holds out a threat rather than a temptation. iv) Do you think that Portia s father was really wise in prescribing the test of the caskets as the means of winning Portia? Ans: We do not think that Portia s father was really wise in prescribing the test of the caskets for Portia s suitors. Although an eminent critic has argued that it is character which determines a man s choice in a matter like this, we feel that the lottery of the caskets is like any other lottery. Success in a. lottery is a matter of pure chance. In Portia s case, chance favours her, and she gets a husband of her own linking. v) Give the meanings of the italicized expressions. Ans: a) To whom I am a neighbour-near which I live; I am a native of a hot country where the sun shines with great intensity. b) Phebus fire-the intense heat of the sun. Phoebus in ancient classical mythology was the god of the sun. c) The best-regarded virgins of our clime-the best-admired maidens of our country. The word clime means climate, and therefore, a country which has its own climate distinct from the climates of other countries. d) And hedg d me by his wit- and put restrictions upon me by his wisdom. Hedg d means put limits to my freedom or imposed conditions upon my freedom of action. The word I wit here means wisdom. Passage 7 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: Portia : Like a fine bragging youth, and tell quaint lies, How honourable ladies sought my love, Which I denying, they fell sick and died; I could not do withal; then I ll repent, And wish for alt that, that I had not killed them; And twenty of these puny lies I ll tell, That men shall swear I have discontinued school Above a twelve month. I have within my mind A thousand raw tricks of these bragging Jacks, Which I will practise.. 102 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II Volume 1 of 2 Section A: Drama 103 i) Who is Portia speaking to ? What is her plan? Ans: Portia is speaking to her companion Nerissa. Her plan is to go to Venice in male attire. She will act as a lawyer and Nerissa, her clerk. She hopes to defend and rescue Antonio. ii) How does Portia describe her in the role of a young man? Ans: Portia says that she will act as a bold dashing young man. She will speak in a shrill voice and boast of duels and fights as the fashionable young men do. She will also refer to her imaginary love conquests. iii) What is Portia s tone and attitude as she describes the youth of her age? Ans: When Portia describes the youth of her age her tone is hilarious and attitude satirical. Her words are a satirical commentary on the hollow youth whc waste a lot of their time in idle pursuits. iv) What do you learn about Portia from her scheme ? Ans: From her scheme it becomes clear that Portia is a good planner. She is bold and adventurous. She does not believe in sitting idle at home. She is a doer in the true sense of the term. v) Why has Portia not gone to Belmont with Bassanio ? Ans: Portia has not gone to Belmont with Bassanio. Perhaps she thinks of going to Venice herself later. Or she wants to spring a surprise on Bassanio, which seems to be more plausible. Passage 8 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: MOROCCO : Even for that I thank you; Therefore, I pray you, lead me to the caskets, To try my fortune. By this scimitar, That slew the Sophy, and a Persian prince, That won three fields of Sultan Solyiman, I would outstare the sternest eyes that look, Out brave the heart most daring on the earth, Pluck the young sucking cubs from the she-bear, Yea, mock the lion when he roars for prey, To win thee, lady. But, alas the while! If Hercules and Lichas play at dice Which is the better man the greater throw May turn by fortune from the weaker hand: So is Alcides beaten by his page; And so may I, blind fortune leading me, Miss that which one unworthier may attain, And die with grieving. i) Why does Morocco wish to be led to the caskets? Ans: Morocco wants to be led to the caskets to try his luck. ii) What does this speech tell you about the heroic exploits of Morocco? Ans: We learn that Morocco killed the King of Persia with his sword. He killed the Persian Prince who had defeated the Sultan Solyman in three battles. iii) What all, does Morocco promise to do to win Portia? Ans: Morocco claims that he can frighten the most fearful eyes. He can show more bravery than the most daring person on this earth. He can even snatch away the young ones from the breast of the she-bear. He can even challenge a lion when the latter is looking for his prey. iv) Who were Alcides, Hercules and Lichas? Ans: Alcides was a Greek hero. Hercules and Lichas were his servants. v) Describe briefly the objections raised by Morocco to the lottery of the caskets. Ans: Morocco does not like the lottery of the caskets because the choice of the right casket would depend upon mere luck. He fears that the under serving man might be favoured by fate. Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II 103 104 Analysis Act II Scene II This scene, like Scene I and most of the rest of the nine scenes in Act II, deals with minor diversions and developments in the plot the elopement of Lorenzo and Jessica, and Launcelot Gobbo s transfer of his services from Shylock to Bassanio. Almost all of this scene is taken up with the antics of Launcelot Gobbo, and it may be useful here to consider for a moment the clowns and comedy of the Elizabethan stage. Two of the most important members of any Elizabethan theatrical company were the actor who played the tragic hero and the actor who played the clown. It is obvious why the actor who played the great tragic roles was important. but it is perhaps not so easy for us to see, from the standpoint of the modern theater, why the role of a clown took on so much importance. The clowns, though, were great favorites with the Elizabethan audiences. Their parts involved a great deal of comic stage business improvised actions, gestures, and expressions and they had their own special routines. Launcelot, for example, would be given a great deal of leeway in using his own special comic devices. Much here depends on the actor s business mime, expressions of horror or stupid self-satisfaction, burlesque or parody movements around the stage, and so forth. This sort of scene is not written for verbal comedy (as Portia s scenes are); rather, Shakespeare wrote them to give his actors as much scope as was necessary for visual antics. Today we call these gimmicks sight gags or slapsticks. The dialogue itself is not particularly witty because the comedy was meant to be mostly physical. Launcelot s opening speech takes the form of a debate between the fiend and his own conscience. The comedy here lies in the fact that the jester- clown Launcelot should regard himself as the hero of a religious drama, but this gives him the opportunity to mimic two separate parts, jumping back and forth on the stage and addressing himself: Well, my conscience says, Launcelot, budge not. Budge, says the fiend. Budge not, says my conscience (18-20). Visually, this makes for good comedy; while reading this play aloud, one can enhance this brief scene by imagining that the voice of the conscience is delivered in high, falsetto, flute-like tones; the voice of the fiend, in contrast, is delivered in low, evil-sounding growl s. In addition to this clowning business, verbal confusion was also a favorite device in this sort of scene, and it occurs throughout the play. Notice, for example, the directions for finding Shylock s house which Launcelot gives to his father: Turn up on your right hand at the next turning, but at the next turning of all, on your left; marry, at the very next turning of no hand, but turn down indirectly. Small wonder that Old Gobbo exclaims, twill be a hard way to hit! There is more visual comedy when the two Gobbos confront Bassanio at line 120. Here, it is suggested by the lines that Launcelot bends down behind his father, popping up to interrupt him at every other line and finishing his sentences for him. This kind of comedy depends on visual and verbal confusion, especially mistaking obvious words and phrases. Particularly characteristic of this clowning is the confusion of word meanings. Here, Launcelot speaks of his true-begotten father, and he uses infection frutify for certify, defect for effect, and so on. Toward the close of the scene, two more details of the central plot are developed. First, Launcelot leaves Shylock s household for that of Bassanio s this prepares us for a similar, if a much greater defection from Shylock by his daughter, Jessica, in the following scene. It also makes it possible for Launcelot to appear at Belmont in the final act, where, a little of his clowning adds to the general good Humor. Secondly, Gratiano announces his intention of going to Belmont with Bassanio; he must be there to marry Nerissa and take part in the cpmedy of the ring story, which ends the play with lighthearted wit. 104 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II Volume 1 of 2 Section A: Drama 105 SOLVED COMPREHENSION PASSAGES: Passage 1 : i) Ans: ii) Ans: iii) Ans: iv) Ans: v) Ans: Read the passage and answer the following questions: Shylock Some men there are love not a gaping pig; Some, that are mad if they behold a cat; And others, when the bagpipe sings i the nose, Cannot contain themselves for affection, Mistress of passion, sways it to the mood Of what it likes or loathes. Now, for your answer: As there is no firm reason to be render d, Why he cannot abide a gaping pig; Why he, a harmless necessary cat; Why he, a woollen bagpipe; but of force. Must yield to such inevitable shame As to offend, himself being offended; So can I give no reason, nor I will not, More than a lodged hate and a certain loathing I bear Antonio, that I follow thus A losing suit against him. Are you answer d? Who is Shylock addressing? What is he being asked? Shylock is addressing the Duke in the Trial Scene. He is asked to be lenient, and moderate in his demands and show mercy to Antonio. How does he explain the case ? Is he being logical? He explains his allergy to Antonio by saying that each one of us is allergic to one thing or the other. The aversion to a thing or person cannot be explained. In explaining his hatred of Antonio Shylock is not logical. A losing suit against him . Explain. Shylock means to say that he is pursuing this case against Antonio in this manner even though it entails a heavy loss of money He is doing so only because of his deep-rooted antipathy to Antonio How does Bassanio react to Shylock s utterance later in the scene ? Bassanio reacts angrily and asks him whether all men kill the thing they do not like. What impression do you form of Shylock from what he says ? It becomes clear from the way Shylock speaks that he is a hard-hearted and determined enemy. He has become blind in the pursuit of revenge, though circumstanc s have made him what he is. Passage 2 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: LAUNCELOT : Certainly, my conscience will serve me to run from this Jew, my master. The fiend is at mine elbow, and tempts me; saying to me, Gobbo, Launcelot Gobbo, good. Launcelot, or good Gobbo, or good Launcelot Gobbo, use your legs, take the start, run away My conscience says, no; take heed, honest Launcelot; take heed, honest Gobbo; or, (as aforesaid) honest Launcelot Gobbo; do not run: scorn running with thy heels: well, the most courageous fiend bids me pack; Via! says the fiend; away! says the fiend, for the heavens rouse up a brave mind, says the fiend, and run. Well, my conscience, hanging about the neck of my Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II 105 106 i) Ans: ii) Ans: iii) Ans: iv) Ans: v) Ans: heart, says very wisely to me, my honest friend Launcelot, being an honest man s son: or rather an honest woman s son; for, indeed, my father did something smack, something grow to, he had a kind of taste; well, my conscience says, Launcelot, budge not: budge, says the fiend; budge not, says my conscience: Conscience, say I, you counsel well; fiend, say I, you counsel well: to be ruled by my conscience, I should stay with the Jew my master, who, (God bless the mark!) is a kind of devil; and to run away from the Jew, I should be ruled by the fiend, who, saving your reverence, is the devil himself. Certainly, the Jew is the very devil incarnation: and, in my conscience, my conscience is but a kind of hard conscience, to offer to counsel me to stay with the Jew: the fiend gives the more friendly counsel: I will run, fiend; my heels are at your command, I will run. What is forcing Launcelot to run away from the service of the Jew? The devil tells Launcelot to run away from the service of the Jew. What does his conscience urge him to do? His conscience ugres him to stay on with the Jew. What according to Launcelot, does his conscience do for him? His conscience gives him good advice and asks him to stay on with the Jew. Who would be ruling Launcelot if he were to run away from the Jew? He would be ruled by the devil. Whom does Launcelot decide to obey in the end? He decides to obey the devil. Analysis Act II Scene III This brief scene in Act II provides the final piece of plot exposition. Here, we are introduced to Shylock s daughter, Jessica, and in her first words, we have a clear idea about her relationship with her father and we receive some justification for her plan to leave the old moneylender s house; she says, Our house is hell. Her love letter to be given to Lorenzo, will figure, in the second of the play s love affairs (Gratiano and Nerissa will prove a third in this play). It is important that the audience in this scene and in the next scene be aware of Jessica s elopement with Lorenzo, since it adds very heavy irony to Shylock s multiple warnings to his daughter in Scene 5 to guard his house well. In this scene, Shylock is cast in the clich d role of the villain, primarily because of Jessica s remarks, but one should remember that in a romantic comedy, one of the fathers would have to be a villain of sorts; here it is Shylock. Interestingly, even though Jessica s intention to leave her father s household and rush into her lover s arms seems natural enough, Jessica is aware of her sin, being her father s child. Finaliy, though, as part of the romantic plot, all will be well with Jessica, and she will be a part of the general happiness at the play s end. SOLVED COMPREHENSION PASSAGES: Passage 1 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: Bassanio : Good cheer, Antonio! What, man, courage yet! The Jew shall have my flesh, blood, bones and all, Ere thou shalt lose for me one drop of blood. Antonio : I am a tainted wether of the flock, Meetest for death: the weakest kind of fruit Drops earliest to the ground; and so let me You cannot better be employ d Bassanio, Than to live still and write mine epitaph. 106 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II Volume 1 of 2 Section A: Drama 107 i) Where are the speakers ? Why does Bassanio ask Antonio to be cheerful ? What do his words reveal about him? Ans: The speakers are in the court. Bassanio, seeing Antonio depressed and defeated, asks him to be courageous and cheerful. His words reveal his positive outlook in life. He seems to believe that one should fight to the last. ii) I am a tainted wether of the flock. Explain. Ans: Antonio compares himself to a diseased sheep of the flock which must be killed to spare other sheep. These words reveal his defeatist attitude. He seems to have given up even before the fight has begun. iii) What does Antonio want Bassanio to do after his death ? Ans: Antonio wants Bassanio to write the suitable epitaph for his tomb after his death. He knows that Bassanio who loves him is the best person for the job. iv) What impression do you form of Antonio from his words? Ans: Antonio is a pessimist. He has already accepted his defeat. He does not see any ray of hope for him. It is strange that he is so timid while his friends are still hopeful and are fighting for him. v) Who enters the court immediately after Antonio s speech, and why? Ans: After Antonio s brief speech, Nerissa, in male disguise, enters the court. She tells the Duke that she is coming from Doctor Bellario in Padua, and presents him a letter from him. Passage 2 : i) Ans: ii) Ans: iii) Ans: Read the passage and answer the following questions: JESSICA : I am sorry thou wilt leave my father so; Our house is hell, and thou, a merry devil, Didst rob it of some taste of tediousness: But fare thee well: there is a ducat for thee And, Launcelot, soon at supper shalt thou see Lorenzo, who is thy new master s guest: Give him this letter; do it secretly, And so farewell; I would not have my father See me in talk with thee. LAUNCELOT : Adieu! - tears exhibit my tongue. Most beautiful pagan, most sweet Jew! Christian did not play the knave and get I am much deceived. But, adieu! these foolish drops do something drown my manly spirit adieu! Can you give reasons why Launcelot is leaving Jessica s father? Why is Jessica s house a hell? In an earlier scene, Launcelot explains why he is leaving Shylock to join Bassanio. Bassanio wonders why he should leave a rich master to join a poor gentleman like himself. Launcelot replies wittily. He quotes a proverb which says that grace of God is better than all the wealth of the world. Bassanio has the grace of God and Shylock all wealth. Launcelot prefers to join the service of a person with a human heart. Shylock s house is a miserable place to live in. So it is a kind of hell. Who is called a merry devil ? Why is Jessica sorry that he is leaving her father s house? Launcelot is called a merry devil . He is a poor person with a cheerful, jovial disposition and a devil-may-care attitude. Jessica is sorry that Launcelot is leaving her father s house. His presence has been a source of fun and joviality. His absence from there will leave the house a dull place. Why does Jessica give a ducat to Launcelot? To whom is Launcelot to hand over the letter? Why is he told to hand over the letter secretly? Jessica gives a ducat to Launcelot as his reward for carrying her secret letter to her lover Lorenzo. The letter is to be handed over to Lorenzo. Launcelot is told to hand it over secretly lest anyone should know about their secret love affair. Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II 107 108 iv) Why is meant by: Didst rob it of some taste of tediousness? What does this statement indicate about Shylock and his household? Ans: Launcelot s witty remarks and funny observation relieved Shylock s miserable house of its dreariness. This statement indicates that Shylock s house was not a happy place to live in. The stone hearted jew had reduced it to the condition of a hell on earth. Even Shylock s daughter felt fed up with the atmosphere of the house. v) What does this extract show about the character of Jessica? In what way does her character differ from that of Portia? Ans: Some critics have called Jessica a flighty girl. She is unsteady in her thoughts. She is not loyal to her father. She is sending secret communications to her lover Lorenzo. She is corrupting the servant of the house by making him an accomplice in her task. In this respect she differs from Portia who is ready to obey the will of her dead father in the matter of choosing her husband. However, Jessica reveals herself as a sympathetic and loving kind of person, whom Launcelot describes as most beautiful pagan, most sweet Jew . vi) What does Launcelot means when he says If a Christian do no play the knave and get thee. I am much deceived: ? Ans: Launcelot predicts that Jessica is a loving creature fit only to be married to a Christian. He believes that a Christian is likely to play mischief and induce her to run away with him. Perhaps the servant knows something about the secret love affair between Jessica and Lorenzo. Passage 3 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: Portia : The quality of mercy is not strain d, It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven Upon the place beneath: it is twice blest; It blesseth him that gives and him that takes: Tis mightiest in the mightiest: it becomes The throned monarch better than his crown; His sceptre shows the force of temporal power, The attribute to awe and majesty, Wherein doth sit the dread and fear of kings; But mercy is above this sceptred sway; It is enthroned in the hearts of kings, It is an attribute to God himself; i) On what occasion does Portia utter these words ? What makes her beg for mercy from Shylock? Ans: Portia utters these words while defending Antonio in the court. She appeals for mercy in order to persuade Shylock to give up his obdurate stance. She also wants to give him one opportunity. ii) It is twice blest . What does Portia mean to say? Ans: Portia says that the quality of mercy is doubly blessed. It blesses both the parties, the giver as well as the recipient. One gets the benefit and the other gets the satisfaction of doing good. iii) In what sense is mercy a divine quality? Ans: Mercy is a divine quality in the sense that it is manifest in God himself. God shows us mercy when we seek it sincerely. Mercy is far above any other worldly quality. iv) How does Shylock turn down Portia s plea for mercy ? What does he insist on? Ans: Shylock turns down Portia s plea for mercy by saying that he is ready to face the consequences of his action. He insists on the penalty as specified in the bond. v) How does he later turn down three times the amount of loan offered by Bassanio? Ans: He turns down three times the amount of loan offered by Bassanio, saying that he has sworn to have only the penalty. He asks Portia if she wants him to be guilty of betraying his pledge. 108 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II Volume 1 of 2 Section A: Drama 109 Passage 4 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: LANCELOT : Adieu! Tears exhibit my tongue. Most beautiful pagan, most sweet Jew! If a Christian did not play the knave and get thee, I am much deceived. But adieu, these foolish drops do something drown my manly spirit adieu! JESSICA : Farewell, good Lancelot. Alack, what heinous sin is it in me T be ashamed to be my father s child! But though I am a daughter to his blood, I am not to his manners. O Lorenzo, If thou keep promise, I shall end this strife, Become a Christian, and thy loving wife. i) What was the occasion for the dialogue quoted above? Ans: Lancelot has obtained a place among the servants of Bassanio. Here he is bidding farewell to young Jessica who is sad at Lancelot leaving her house. Lancelot tells her that in his sorrow even words are failing him. ii) Who is the beautiful pagan mentioned in the first sentence of the first speech of the dialogue? Ans: Lancelot refers to Shylock s daughter Jessica as the beautiful pagan . The word pagan means one who is not a Christian. Since Jessica is a Jewess, she is referred to as the most beautiful pagan . iii) Explain the meaning of the phrase if a Christian do not play the knave and get thee, I am much deceived . Ans: Lancelot tells Jessica that some Christian will do a smart thing and carry her away. He believes that some Christian would play mischief and acquire her as his wife. iv) What inference can you draw from the above dialogue about the speakers. Ans: From the above dialogue it is clear that both Lancelot and Jessica are sad by being separated from each other. The speakers are very emotional. Lancelot finds it difficult to refrain his tears from falling and says that they are making him loose something of his manly nature. v) What light does the above dialogue throw on the character of Jessica? Ans: The above dialogue shows that she is not a daughter devoted towards her father. She is devoid of any love that a daughter usually has for her father. She is ashamed of being Shylock s daughter We also come to know that she is in love with a Christian called Lorenzo whom she wishes to marry. Passage 5 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: Antonio Commend me to your honourable wife: Tell her the process of Antonio s end, Say how I loved you, speak me fair in death; And, when the tale is told, bid her be judge Whether Bassanio had not once a love. Repent but you that you shall lose your friend, And he repents not that he pays your debt; For if the Jew do cut but deep enough. I ll pay it presently with all my heart. Bassanio Antonio, I am married to a wife Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II 109 110 i) Ans: ii) Ans: iii) Ans: iv) Ans: Which is as dear to me as life itself; But life itself, my wife, and all the world, Are not with me esteem d above thy life: I would lose all, ay, sacrifice them all Here to this devil, to deliver you. On what occasion does Antonio speak these lines ? What is he prepared for ? Antonio speaks these lines after Shylock has rejected the plea for engaging a surgeon to attend to his wounds to prevent his death. He seems to be prepared for his end. What does Antonio want Bassanio to do? How does he console him? Antonio wants Bassanio to remember him to his wife and tell her how he died as also about their friendship. He consoles him saying that he should not feel guilty that he is dying for his debt. What tells you that Bassanio loves Antonio sincerely? Bassanio says that he is prepared to sacrifice everything of his, his life and even his wife, to save him from Shylock s clutches. It shows his deep love for Antonio. Why is he snubbed by disguised Portia later in the scene? Portia (in the disguise of a male lawyer) snubs Bassanio that he is ready to sacrifice even his wife. She points out that his wife is not likely to be thankful to him if she were to hear him say this. Passage 6 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: GRATIANO : You must not deny me. I must go with you to Belmont. BASSANIO : Why, then you must, But hear thee, Gratiano; Thou art too wild, too rude and bold of voice; Parts, that become thee happily enough, And in such eyes as ours appear not faults; But where thou art not known, why, there they show Something too liberal: pray thee, take pain To allay with some cold drops of modesty, Thy skipping spirit; lest, through thy wild behavior, I be misconster d in the place I go to, And lose my hopes. i) Gratiano makes some request to Bassanio. But he seems to doubt if his request will be granted. Why does Gratiano have such doubts? Ans: Gratiano has learnt that Bassanio is making preparations to go to Belmont to try his luck in the game of lottery. He makes a request to Bassanio to let him accompany him to that place. Gratiano doubts if his request will be granted. He is not sure if Bassanio will consider it proper to take a non-serious man like Gratiano with him on a serious business like winning the hand of a beautiful rich lady. ii) Does Bassanio respond favourably? Does Bassanio have some reservations? Ans: Bassanio initially responds favourably. He agrees that Gratiano may accompany him too. But he does have his fears and reservations. Gratiano is outspoken, rude and unmannerly. He is likely to be misunderstood in the those who do not know his real character. Gratiano fears that he may not create an impression while in Belmont. iii) Parts that become thee happily enough, And in such eyes as our s appear not faults; Explain what Bassanio means by saying the above lines ? Ans: Gratiano is much loved by his friends. His talkative habit and coarse wit amuse people like Bassanio. So his frankness and wild nature do not look like faults to his friends. 110 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II Volume 1 of 2 Section A: Drama 111 iv) What is Gratiano advised to do when he is in the company of strangers? Ans: Bassanio advises Gratiano to mend his too wild behaviour. He must moderate his wild spirit with a bit of modesty. This he must do while in the company of strangers at Belmont. v) In what way can Gratiano s behaviour harm the interests of Bassanio at the place where they are planning to go? Ans: Bassanio is afraid lest Gratiano s acts of wild behaviour among strangers should belittle Bassanio s position and lessen his chances of success in his mission. Bassanio intends to create the best of impressions at Belmont where he is going to win the heart of Portia. Analysis Act II Scene IV The masque, which the characters discuss never occurs; perhaps the play has been cut, or perhaps Shakespeare felt that there was simply not enough time for a masque. In any event, however, the anticipation of the masque causes the audience to envision it, and thus it suggests a youthful and romantic background to the Jessica-Lorenzo development ( Fair Jessica shall be my torchbearer ), a mood which is clearly antithetical to the self-denying and puritanical life of Shylock s household. Analysis Act II Scene V This scene laborates on and gives additional dimension to the character of Shylock. We know of Jessica s intended elopement, and thus we understand Shylocks sense of foreboding when he speaks of some ill a-brewing. Indeed, ill is brewing for him, and much of the drama in this scene is derived form the fact that both Jessica and Launcelot are anxious to get Shylock on his way so that they can make final arrangements for the elopement. Their suspense at his indecision as to whether to go or stay is the key to the drama here; Shylock says, I am bid forth. . . But wherefore should I go? But yet I ll go. I am right loath to go. Launcelot, in his excitement and anxiety, almost gives the elopement plans away. He lets slip the phrase They have conspired together , but he immediately covers his mistake with some confused nonsense about his own prophetic dream; he predicts that there will be a masque at the party because his nose fell a-bleeding on Black Monday. This is not only a comic parallel of Shylock s superstition concerning dreams, but also diverts the old moneylender from the suggestion that his daughter might be planning to elope. Also central to this scene is Shylock s concern with his possessions; note, for example, his obsession with locking and guarding the house, which he entrusts to Jessica. He calls her to him and gives her his keys, then almost takes them back again: I am loath to go, he says. The emphasis is on the protection of his wealth, and this emphasis appears again when he says, Hear you me, Jessica: lock up my doors, and it occurs again in stop my house s ears I mean my casements ; even the idea of music entering his house is repellent to Shylock. He warns Jessica that perhaps he will return immediately, thus producing new anxiety in her and in the emotions of the audience. Shylock s last words shut doors after you. fast bind, fast find illustrate his inability to leave his possessions. Yet, even so, Shakespeare manages to suggest in his portrayal of Shylock s miserliness a kind of unspoken, grudging affection for his daughter and, in this scene, for Launcelot; he calls Jessica, affectionately, Jessica my girl, and of Launcelot he says, the patch [a kindly nickname for a clown] is kind enough. Still, though, both phrases are immediately followed by a return to his central fixation his possessions. The great irony of the scene, of course, lies in our knowledge that while Shylock is concerned with his valuables, it is his daughter that he is about to lose, and it is to her that he entrusts his possessions. This is classic dramatic irony. Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II 111 112 SOLVED COMPREHENSION PASSAGES: Passage 1 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: Bassanio : There s more depends on this than on the value. The dearest ring in Venice will I give you, And find it out by proclamation: Only for this, I pray you, pardon me. Portia : I see, sir, you are liberal in offers You taught me first to beg; and now me thinks You teach me how a beggar should be answer d. i) Where are the speakers ? What offer was made to Portia by Bassanio on winning the case ? Ans: The speakers, Bassanio and Portia, are in the court room. Bassanio presses Portia to accept something as a token of their regard for her on winning the case. ii) What has Portia demanded ? Why is Bassanio reluctant ? What offer does he make? Ans: Portia has demanded a ring which she gave to Bassanio. Bassanio is reluctant to give it to her because of his promise not to part with the ring in his life time. He offers any other ring, the costliest, in its place. iii) Why does Portia refuse the offer ? In which mood is she? Ans: Portia refuses the offer saying that she has a strong desire for that ring only which Bassanio wears on his finger given to him by Portia. She pretends to be in an angry mood on being denied the ring after the offer of a gift has been made to her. iv) You teach me how a beggar should be answer d . Explain Ans: Portia pretends to be angry. She says that Bassanio has shown how a beggar should be treated. Bassanio feels himself to be in a tight spot. v) Does Bassanio fulfil Portia s demand ? How? Ans: Yes, Bassanio fulfils Portia s demand by giving him the ring he does not want to part with. Antonio makes him give the ring greatly against his will. Passage 2 : 31) Read the passage and answer the following questions: Lock up my doors, and when you hear the drum And the vile squealing of the wry-necked fife Clamber nor you up to the casements then, Nor thrust your head into the public street To gaze on Christian fools with varnished faces: But stop my house s ears, I mean my casements, Let not the sound of shallow fopp ry enter My sober house. By Jacob s staff I swear I have no mind of feasting forth tonight: But I will go. Go you before me, sirrah Say I will come. i) What is the occasion for speaking these words? Ans: When Lancelot speaks of the masque arranged by Lorenzo and others, Shylock warns his daughter before leaving the house to attend the feast to be given by Bassanio. Shylock asks his daughter Jessica to lock all the doors of his house. He urges her not to climb upto the windows and look out into the street when she hears the drum. 112 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II Volume 1 of 2 Section A: Drama 113 ii) What is the meaning of the phrase wry-necked fife ? Explain the meaning of the third line in the passage. Ans: The phrase wry-necked fife means a wry-necked musician for he always looks away from his instrument. Shylock warns Jessica not to climb upto the windows to see what is going on in the street when she hears the sound of the drum and the hateful noise of the fife, which is a musical instrument having a bent mouth. iii) What light does the above passage throw on the character of Shylock? Ans: The above mentioned passage shows that Shylock is a strictly religious jew. He is shocked to hear that there will be masques in the street. He objects to such profane shows. Moreover, he does not want his young daughter to watch such shows of dance and merriment. He does not want his strictly religious house to be profaned with any sound of loose enjoyment. iv) Explain the significance of the line To gaze on Christian fools with varnished faces . Ans: The above mentioned lines reveal Shylock s hatred for Christians. The phrase Christian fools shows Shylock s contempt and hatred for the people who persecute his race, and for whose religion he has no respect. v) Is Shylock interested in attending the feast to be given by Bassanio? Ans: Shylock has no desire to go out in order to attend any feast. He even swears by Jacob s staff, which is sacred for the Jews, that he has no wish to go to the feast. However, he decides to go probably to feast on the prodigal Christian. Passage 3 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: Lorenzo : The moon shines bright: in such a night as this, When the sweet wind did gently kiss the trees And they did make no noise, in such a night Troilus me thinks mounted the Trojan walls And sigh d his soul toward the Grecian tents, Where Cressid lay that night. Jessica : In such a night Did Thisbe fearfully o ertrip the dew And saw the lion s shadow ere himself And ran dismay d away. i) Where are the speakers ? which mood are they in ? Ans: The speakers, Lorenzo and Jessica, are in a grove before Portia s house in Belmont. It is a moonlit night, and the two lovers are in a joyful, romantic mood. ii) Who was Troilus ? What did he do at a moonlit night? Ans: Troilus was the son of Priam, king of Troy. He climbed the walls of the city of Troy on a moonlit night. He expressed his love loud sights for his beloved Cressida asleep in the Grecian tents. iii) Who was Thisbe? What happened to her? Ans: Thisbe was a girl loved by Pyramus. She came out to meet her lover on a moonlit night. Sighting a lion s shadow before her she ran away in terror. iv) Why are Lorenzo and Jessica referring to old romantic stories? Ans: Lorenzo and Jessica are referring to old romantic stories as they are in a romantic mood, and are playing this kind of game to while away the time while waiting for the return of Portia and Bassanio. v) Who enters later in the scene ? What news does he bring? Ans: Stephane, a messenger, appears later in the scene. He has brought the news that his mistress (Portia) will be back at home before dawn. At present she is visiting chapels and churches, praying for a happy married life. Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II 113 114 Passage 4 : i) Ans: ii) Ans: iii) Ans: iv) Ans: v) Ans: Read the passage and answer the following questions: SHYLOCK : The patch is kind enough; but a huge feeder, Snail-slow in profit, and he sleeps by day More than the wild cat: drones hive not with me, Therefore I part with him; and part with him To one, that I would have him help to waste His borrow d purse Well, Jessica, go in; Perhaps, I will return immediately; Do as I bid you, shut doors after you: fast bind, fast find; A proverb never stale in thrifty mind. JESSICA : Farewell; and if my fortune be not cross d, I have a father, you a daughter, lost With whom is Shylock engaged in conversation. What place is this? Who else is present there? Shylock and Jessica are engaged in coversation. The place is Shylock s residence. Launcelot too was present there. He had just left. A man is described as kind enough . Who is he? Does the speaker mention some negative quality of the person concerned? The person referred to as kind enough is Launcelot, who has been a servant in the house. He is leaving Shylock to join Bassanio s service. Shylock admits that Launcelot is a nice sympathetic fellow. But he is a glutton. He eats too much. This for Shylock is a disqualification. Added to this is Launcelot s laziness. He is very slow in doing work. What is the point of comparison between Launcelot and a wild cat? Launcelot sleeps too much. He is thus like a wild cat which is an animal of nocturnal habits as it sleeps by the day and prowls by the night. drones hive not with me, What does Shylock want to say here? Refer to his three comparisons. Shylock declares that he cannot put up with idle and lazy persons like Launcelot. The male bee is called the drone. It never searches for honey but depends upon the female bee to do all the work. Launcelot is a drone. Shylock cannot give shelter to a person like him. Such is this man s laziness that it stirs his master s fancy. Shylock compares him to three different animals in two lines-wild cat, snail and drone. Shylock is glad to part with the person? What are the reasons? Shylock is glad to get rid of a slow and lazy person like Launcelot. As a servant he is a mere liability. Shylock is glad that Launcelot is leaving him to take service under Bassanio. This servant will disable his new master s means which he has just raised by borrowing money. Shylock hates all Christians. It gives him great pleasure if Bassanio s money is wasted in this manner, and is unable to repay his loan. Analysis Act II Scene VI There is no real break between this scene and the preceding one. As Shylock exits, and Jessica exits only moments later, Gratianio and Salarino enter, costumed for the masque and carrying torches. Gratiano, as we might expect, does most of the talking as the two chaps wait beneath the overhanging roof of Shylock s house. When Lorenzo arrives onstage and Jessica appears above him, a modern audience would almost certainly think of the lovers Romeo and Juliet. Thus the romantic mood is immediately set except that 114 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II Volume 1 of 2 Section A: Drama 115 this romantic heroine is dressed in the lovely garnish of a boy. This was a popular and recurrent Elizabethan stage convention, and a very convenient one, since all the girls roles were played by boys. Shakespeare uses this disguise convention later in this same play with Portia and Nerissa disguised as a lawyer and his clerk. At this point, since Jessica is both deserting her father s house and robbing it, it is almost too easy, in one sense, to disapprove of her; Shylock hasn t really shown us a truly villainous side. One doesn t take the pound of flesh bond literally yet. SOLVED COMPREHENSION PASSAGES: Passage 1 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: Lorenzo : therefore the poet Did feign that Orpheus drew trees, stones and floods; Since nought so stockish, hard and full of rage, But music for the time doth change his nature. The man that hath no music in himself, Nor is not moved with concord of sweet sounds, Is fit for treasons, stratagems and spoils; The motions of his spirit are dull as night And his affections dark as Erebus: Let no such man be trusted. Mark the music. i) Who is being addressed to by Lorenzo? What has prompted him to dwell on the power of music? Ans: Jessica is being addressed to by Lorenzo. The sound of music has prompted him to dwell on the power of music. Music, according to him, enchants humans as well as animals. ii) What has the speaker told about the effect of music on wild horses ? Ans: Lorenzo, the speaker, has said that even when the horses were to hear accidently the sound of a trumpet or some other music, they would suddenly stand still. All the wildness would disappear in their eyes. iii) Who is the poet referred to here ? What did he imagine? Ans: The poet referred to here is Ovid. He imagined that the great musician Orpheus could draw trees, rocks and rivers after him. He could influence them with the power of his music. iv) What does the speaker think of a man who has no love for music? Ans: According to the speaker, Lorenzo, the person who has no love for music is an abnormal and wicked person. Such a man is fit for only conspiracies and acts of plunder. v) Who enters immediately after this speech? From where have they come? Ans: Portia and Nerissa enter immediately after Lorenzo s speech. They have come from Venice, unknown to everyone related to them, since they went there in male dress. Passage 2 : 33) Read the passage and answer the following questions: Where is the horse that doth untread again His tedious measures with the unbated fire That he did pace them first? All things that are, Are with more spirit chased than enjoyed. How like a younger or a prodigal Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II 115 116 i) Ans: ii) Ans: iii) Ans: iv) Ans: v) Ans: The scarfed bark puts from her native bay, Hugged and embraced by the strumpet wind . How like a prodigal doth she return, With over-weathered ribs, and ragged sails, Lean, rent, and beggared by the strumpet wind! What is the context in which the above speech is made? Above quoted speech made by Gratiano is from Act II, Scene 6 of the play. Gratiano just like Salanio is surprised that Lorenzo is staying away beyond the appointed hour; for newly- lovers are usually keen to keep the time. Gratiano feels that Lorenzo has been very quick in making a promise of his love to Jessica but is very slow now in making his appearance to keep that promise. What is the main idea expressed in the above quoted passage? The central idea of the above mentioned speech is that all things are pursued with great eagerness but when they have been achieved, there is not the same eagerness in enjoying them. Gratiano amplifies the idea expressed by Salanio in the previous speech. This idea has been elaborately expressed by using many similies. Gratiano says that there is no horse which retraces its steps with the same energy and vigour which it had displayed when it had set out on a journey. What is the meaning of the words prodigal and scarfed bark . Prodigal refers to the parable of the prodigal son in the New Testament who left his father s home after taking his share of his father s property but squandered it away and returned home. However, he was welcomed home by his father even when he (the son) had lost everything. The word scarfed bark means a decorated ship. The word bark here signifies a ship or a vessel. Explain the phrase strumpet wind . The phrase strumpet wind refers to the wind which keeps changing in intensity and direction and is therefore not faithful to the sailors. The word strumpet means a prostitute. The wind is here called a strumpet because wind like a prostitute is not dependable. Explain the meaning of the last three lines of the above quoted speech. Gratiano says that when a ship returns from its voyage it looks worn-out and heavily damaged and its condition at this time is similar to that of the prodigal young man who has been robbed of all his money by the prostitute. Here Shakespeare has referred to the story of the prodigal son in the Bible, who has been beggared by harlots and other extravagances Passage 3 : i) Ans: ii) Ans: iii) Ans: 116 Read the passage and answer the following questions: Portia : What ring gave you my lord? Not that, I hope, which you received of me. Bassanio : If I could add a lie unto a fault, I would deny it; but you see my finger Hath not the ring upon it; it is gone. What makes Portia to know about the ring? Gratiano says that Lord Bassanio gifted his ring to the judge (Portia in disguise) who asked for it. This makes Portia to know which ring Bassanio has given to the judge. Who has taken the ring from Bassanio? Why does she pretend not to know? Portia, in the guise of a male lawyer, has herself taken the ring from Bassanio, unknown to him. She pretends not to know only because she is in a mood to tease Bassanio just to have some fun. What has Bassanio to confess ? How does he feel? Bassanio has to confess that he gave the lawyer the very ring Portia had given to him on the promise that he would never part with that. He feels embarrassed and even guilty. Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II Volume 1 of 2 Section A: Drama 117 iv) What is Bassanio accused of ? How does he try to defend himself later in the scene ? Ans: Bassanio is accused of being a cuckold. He tries to defend himself by swearing on his soul and on his honour that he did not give the ring to any woman. He gave the ring to the lawyer a man. v) Who settles the dispute ? What surprises Bassanio the most? Ans: It is Antonio who settles the dispute by pledging himself upon his soul that her husband will never again break his oath with her. When Portia asks him to give a ring to Bassanio with the promise to keep it in safe custody, Bassanio is greatly surprised to see that it is the same ring which he had given to the lawyer. Passage 4 : 34) Read the passage and answer the following questions: JESSICA : Here, catch this casket, it is worth the pains. I am glad tis night, you do not look on me, For I am much ashamed of my exchange: But love is blind, and lovers cannot see The pretty follies that themselves commit. For if they could, Cupid himself would blush To see me thus transformed to a boy. i) What is the occasion for the above quoted speech? Ans: The above given words are spoken by Jessica to her lover Lorenzo. She is planning to elope with her lover in the absence of her father Shylock. Jessica throws a casket containing her father s Jewels and gold to Lorenzo from a window. Then she apologies for being dressed in the guise of a boy. ii) What light does the above mentioned speech throw on the character of Jessica? Ans: The above mentioned speech proves that Jessica does not care at all about her father. She is not a devoted daughter. In the absence of her father Jessica plans to elope with her lover Lorenzo without caring for the feelings of her father. She does not think of the pain that her father would feel because of her act. She is also materialistic because she intends to take away with her a casket containing her father s jewels. iii) From the above quoted speech what information can you gather about the relation between Lorenzo and Jessica? Ans: It is clear from the given passage that Lorenzo and Jessica are deeply in love with each other. They are very intimate with each other. Lorenzo goes to Jessica s house at night in the absence of her father to help her to escape from her father s house. Jessica is also keen to run away with Lorenzo without caring for her father. iv) Why is Jessica feeling ashamed? Ans: Jessica is ashamed of appearing in her uncommonly disguise of a boy. She regrets wearing boy s clothes and she is feeling ashamed, of the same. v) Explain the last four lines of the passage. Ans: In the above mentioned lines Jessica says that love is blind or uncritical and a lover cannot realize the folly of some of the foolish things he does. She feels that if lovers could realize the absurdity of their actions even Cupid would blush with shame to see her changed into a boy. Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II 117 118 Passage 5 : i) Ans: ii) Ans: iii) Ans: iv) Ans: v) Ans: Read the passage and answer the following questions: Portia : How now, Lorenzo My clerk hath some good comforts too for you. Nerissa : Ay, and I ll give them him without a fee. There do I give to you and Jessica, From the rich Jew, a special deed of gift, After his death, of all he dies possess d of. Lorenzo : Fair ladies, you drop manna in the way Of starved people. What good news makes Portia turn to Lorenzo ? What does her clerk have for him? Antonio has got the news that his ships have safely come to harbour. This good news makes Portia to turn to Lorenzo. Her clerk , that is Nerissa, has good news for him. What does Nerissa tell Lorenzo and Jessica ? Nerissa tells them about the gift deed signed by Shylock, according to which they will inherit all of his property after his death. How does Lorenzo react to the news ? Lorenzo reacts exultantly to the news. He calls the gift deed as a sort of heavenly food for hungry people. They will not have to worry about their future. Where is the conversation going on ? Why does Portia later ask all of them to go inside? The conversation is going on in the grove before Portia s house. Portia asks all of the people present to go inside. She knows that her listeners are still not satisfied with what she has told them. She promises to answer their all questions and satisfy their curiosity in every way. What do you think of the ending of the play? Shakespeare has intended to make The Merchant of Venice a comedy. Naturally, the play ends on a happy note for all, except for Shylock. Seen in this context, the last act or scene cannot be called superfluous, as some critics have opined. Passage 6 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: GRATIANO : Now, by my hood, a gentle and no Jew. LORENZO : Beshrew me but I love her heartily, For she is wise, if I can judge of her, And fair she is, if that mine eyes be true, And true she is, as she hath proved herself: And therefore, like herself, wise, fair, and true, Shall she be placed in my constant soul. i) Explain the context in which the first speech of the above mentioned dialogue is made. Ans: These words spoken by Gratiano in Act II, Scene VI are his comments on Jessica s nature. Jessica has disappeared from the upper window after telling Lorenzo that she will soon bring some more gold coins with her. Now Gratiano says that though Jessica is the daughter of a Jew yet she has not inherited any bad qualities of a typical jew. ii) What light does the above quoted dialogue throw on the character of Jessica? Ans: The above mentioned dialogue reveals Jessica in a positive light. She is praised by both Gratiano and Lorenzo. Gratiano says that though she is a daughter of a Jew yet she has the good qualities associated with non-jews or christians. Lorenzo also admires her good qualities by describing her as beautiful, wise and faithful, 118 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II Volume 1 of 2 Section A: Drama 119 iii) Critically analyse Gratiano s comment in the above quoted dialogue. Ans: Gratiano s comment shows his contempt for the jews. He associates jews with evil qualities. He says that though Jessica is a jew yet she does not have the evil qualities of a jew. These remarks of Gratiano shows his arrogance as he, believes christians to be associated with good qualities. iv) What inference can you draw about Lorenzo from his speech? Ans: Lorenzo s speech shows that he is deeply in love with Jessica. He says that he will always be loyal to Jessica and she will always live in his heart. He pays a compliment to her by describing her as beautiful, wise and faithful. He is a passionate lover who is deeply in love with Jessica. v) What does the phrase by my hood and gentile refer to in the first line of the first speech? Ans: The phrase by my hood is an oath which Gratiano swears. Gentile means one who is not a jew, hence here a non-jew or a heathen. Analysis Act II Scene VII In contrast to the scene preceding this one, now we have another colorful and theatrical spectacle of yet another rich suitor who has come to try and outwit fortune and claim Portia for his bride. As Morocco inspects the caskets, Shakespeare is able to inform the audience more fully of the details of the casket competition for Portia s hand. The casket that will win her contains a miniature portrait of her, and all of the caskets have inscriptions upon them, which Morocco reads for us. These inscriptions are important each succeeding suitor will reflect upon them, and as he does so, he will reveal the truth about his own character. The inscriptions are, of course, intentionally ambiguous; they can be interpreted in more than one way. Remembering that this is a romantic comedy, we expect that Morocco will misinterpet them, as will Arragon later, and that finally Bassanio will read the inscriptions and interpret them correctly. We should remember as we read this scene that Portia herself, at this point, does not know which of the caskets will win her. As Morocco moves from one to the next, Portia will be reacting on stage, silently revealing her thoughts, for she cannot guide Morocco, and we have some evidence for believing that Portia is not usually a quiet woman. Morocco s long speech, beginning at line 13, was no doubt inserted by Shakespeare to allow the actor plenty of time to move back and forth with much hesitation between the caskets. Talking to himself, he says Pause there, Morocco. . . . What if I strayed no further, but chose here? He is postponing the moment of choice and prolonging the suspense of this dramatic moment. We have already seen Morocco and know that he is a proud and powerful prince, rich in his dress and in his language, and therefore it is no surprise to watch him move from the least beautiful and outwardly appealing of the caskets to the most beautiful; he has, he says, a golden mind. Thus he makes the most straightforward and obvious choice for him: the golden casket, for Never so rich a gem was set in worse than gold. When he opens it and finds the skull and the scroll, Shakespeare s moral is clear that is, wealth and sensory beauty, symbolized here by gold, are merely transitory: Many a man his life hath sold but my outside to behold. We shall see later that the test of the caskets contains a theme that occurs elsewhere in the play: the difference between what merely seems and what really is that is, the difference between appearance and reality. The caskets also suggest another element in the play namely, the illusion that material wealth (gold and silver) is of value, when, in reality, it is of ultimately little value. Yet material wealth is Shylock s obsession; gold is his real god, and therein is his tragic flaw. Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II 119 120 SOLVED COMPREHENSION PASSAGES: Passage 1 : i) Ans: ii) Ans: iii) Ans: iv) Ans: v) Ans: 120 Read the passage and answer the following questions: MOROCCO : Some god direct my judgment! Let me see. I will survey the inscriptions back again: What says this leaden casket: Who chooseth me, must give and hazard all he hath. Must give For what? for lead? hazard for lead? This casket threatens: Men that hazard all Do it in hope of fair advantages: A golden mind stoops not to shows of dross; I ll then nor give, nor hazard, aught for lead. What says the silver, with her virgin hue? Who chooseth me, shall get as much as he deserves. As much as he deserves? Pause there, Morocco, And weigh thy value with an even hand: If thou be st rated by thy estimation, Thou dost deserve enough; and yet enough May not extend so far as to the lady: And yet to be afeard of my deserving, Were but a weak disabling of myself. As much as I deserve! Why, that s the lady: I do in birth deserve her, and in fortunes, In graces, and in qualities of breeding; But more than these, in love I do deserve. Why does Morocco want some god to direct his judgement? Morocco wants his judgment to be directed by the some god so that he may be able to choose the right casket and marry Portia. What is his reaction to the inscription on the lead casket? He thinks that the lead casket is threatening him because it requires him to sacrifice his all for Portia s lake. He feels that a noble mind does not lower itself so much as to be attracted by rubbish (lead) What is his reaction to the inscription on the silver casket? The silver casket offers him as much as he deserves. He assesses his own value in an impartial manner. He feels that he deserves enough but he also feels that it may not include Portia. How does Morocco explain his fear about not deserving Portia? Morocco explains his fear by saying that it would mean a weak under-estimation of himself What is Morocco s assessment of himself in regard to Portia? Morocco thinks that he deserves Portia because of his noble birth, his fortunes, his graces, his fine breeding and because of his love for her. Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II Volume 1 of 2 Section A: Drama 121 Passage 2 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: What if I strayed no further, but chose here? Let s see once more this saying grav d in gold: Who chooseth me, shall gain what many men desire Why that s the lady: all the world desires her: From the four corners of the earth they come, To kiss this shrine, this mortal, breathing, saint. The Hyrcanian deserts and the vasty wilds Of wide Arabia, are as through-fares now, For Princes to come view fair Portia: The watery kingdom, whose ambitions head Spits in the face of heaven, is no bar To stop the foreign spirits; but they come, As o er a brook, to see fair Portia. i) What reasoning makes Morocco s say, What if I strayed no further? Ans: Morocco has read the inscription on the silver casket which carries the promise, who chooses me, shall get as much as he deserves . The Prince feels confident that he very much deserves the lady. He deserves enough. But then the next moment he falters, though he thinks that he deserves the hand of fair Portia. He deserves her in birth, in fortunes, in graces, in qualities of breeding. So e may stray no further and chooses the silver casket. ii) How does he come to the conclusion that it is the lady whom many men desire? Ans: The Prince was just on the verge of taking the decision to choose the silver casket, but then he decided to re-consider others once again. Morocco read the inscription on the golden casket which said Who chooseth me shall gain what many men desire He knows that she is the lady who many men desire, and they come from far and near to woo her. iii) How is the journey over the ocean of suitors of Portia described by Morocco? Ans: He describes the journey of princes coming from the four corners of the world in the hope to marry Portia. The deserts of Hyrcania and the vast and desolate territories of far-reaching Arabia are like thorough fares for these suitors. The ocean, whose waves rising high seem to throw a challenge to the sky, cannot prevent the foreign travelers from coming to Belmont. They cross the seas as if it were merely a stream. iv) Why does Morocco think that Portia s picture is not in the leaden casket? Ans: He believes that Portia s picture is not in the leaden casket; because he thinks that this casket is too coarse and unworthy even to enclose her shroud, let alone the idea being a cover for Portia precious portrait. v) Is there any religious touch in the imagery of these lines? Ans: Yes, the whole sentiment is expressed in religious imagery. Portia here is called a living saint. Her house is a shrine. Her suitors coming from different parts of the world are like pilgrims as the shrine of a holy person has a great sanctity of its own, it attracts pilgrims from far off distances Similarly, Portia, known for her beauty and wisdom, attracts suitors from all the four corners of the world. Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II 121 122 Passage 3 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: MOROCCO : One of these three contains her heavenly picture. Is t like that lead contains her? Twere damnation To think so base a thought: it were too gross To rib her cerecloth in the obscure grave. Or shall I think in silver she s immur d, Being ten times undervalued to tried gold? O sinful thought! Never so rich a gem Was set in worse than gold. They have in England, A coin that bears the figure of an angel, Stamped in gold; but that s insculp d upon; But here an angel in a golden bed Lies all within Deliver me the key; Here do I choose, and thrive I as I may! i) Is it possible for the leaden casket to contain Portia s picture? Ans: The Prince of Morocco feels that it will be a sin to have such a mean thought in his mird. The lead casket cannot contain the beautiful picture of Portia. ii) Should the prince believe that the silver casket contains her picture? Ans: Silver is ten times inferior to gold. It cannot contain the picture of a virtuous lady. So it is again a sinful thought. iii) Which casket is fit to contain such a pearl? Ans: The gold casket is fit to contain the picture of Portia. She is a pearl and the only place to preserve it properly is the casket of gold. iv) What kind of gold coin is in England? Ans: To Justify his love for gaudy things the prince gives a reference of a gold coin in England. The coin has the picture of an angel marked upon it. But here angel lies hidden within a casket of gold. v) Which casket does the prince wish to unlock? Ans: The prince finally decides to choose the casket of gold. He asks for the key to know his fate. Analysis Act II Scene VIII Salarino s and Salanio s opening lines are hurried and excited. Here and elsewhere in the play, notably in Act I, Scene 1, these two acts more or less like a chorus; that is to say, they discuss developments of the plot not shown on the stage so that the audience will be aware of them and also of their importance. Here, they are concerned about Antonio s fate, since Shylock is in a terrible temper, and the once merry bond is no longer merry. Salanio s speech, beginning at line 12, is introduced here for two reasons: First, Shylock s rage must be described before it is shown so that we can anticipate his state of mind at his next entrance. Second, Shylock s loss of both his daughter and much of his money are important for our understanding the extent of Shylock s desire for revenge. At the beginning of the play, he has only two real reasons for hating Antonio a commercial hatred and a religious hatred. To these is now added a shattering personal loss he has lost his daughter, his only child, to a Christian, a friend of Antonio 122 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II Volume 1 of 2 Section A: Drama 123 making plausible his implacable desire for revenge against all Venetian Christians in the person of a man whom he has legally cornered: Antonio. In a very real sense, our sympathy goes out to Shylock, yet Shakespeare keeps us from pitying the man by having Salanio enact a sort of exaggerated parody of Shylock s greedy, histrionic behavior as he tells his friend S larino how Shylock was chased in the streets by young boys, howling after him. Shylock s repetitions of O my ducats! O my daughter! my ducats and my daughter indicate that Jessica is simply, at this point, another possession, like his coins. Thus we are prevented from being too oversympathetic to an obsession which has blinded the old moneylender to the true difference between monetary and human values. SOLVED COMPREHENSION PASSAGES: Passage 1 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: SALANIO : I never heard a passion so confus d, So, strange, outrageous, and so variable As the dog Jew did utter in the streets, My daughter! O my ducats! O my daughter! Fled with a Christian! O my Christian Ducats! Justice, the law. my ducats, and my daughter! A sealed bag, two sealed bags of ducats, Of double ducats, stol n from me by my daughter! And jewels, two stones, two rich and precious stones, Stol n by my daughter! Justice, find the girl, She hath the stones upon her, and the ducats! SALARINO : Why all the boys in Venice follow him Crying his stones, his daughter, and his ducats. SALANIO : Let good Antonio look he keep his day or he shall pay for this, i) What is your reaction to Salanio s account of Shylock s lamentations in the streets? Ans: Salanio s account of Shylock s lamentations gives us the impression that Shylock has gone almost crazy on account of the losses he has suffered. His daughter has run away with a Christian, and she has also taken away a substantial portion of his money and his jewels. Shylock is feeling deeply grieved by his daughter s conduct. He is unable to exercise self-control; and he gives way to his grief and bitterness publicly in the city streets. He does win some of our sympathy on this occasion but he also appears to be a comic figure by the way in which he cries My daughter! Fled with a Christian! O my Christian ducats! ii) What does Salanio mean by his last speech in this extract from the play? Ans: Salanio means to say that Antonio should take care to repay the loan in time. If Antonio fails to repay the loan, he would have to pay a heavy penalty which, in terms of the bond, would be a pound of his flesh. iii) Does Antonio really pay for this ? If so, how ; and if not, why not? Ans: Antonio comes very near to paying the penalty, but escapes from actually doing so. He comes very close to paying it because the judge has admitted the validity of the bond and has held that Shylock is entitled to cut off a pound of Antonio s flesh. The judge has even asked Antonio to prepare his bosom for Shylock s knife. However, Antonio escapes this sad fate because the same judge then declares that Shylock is entitled only to a pound of Antonio s flesh and is not authorized to shed any blood in the process of cutting the flesh. No blood has been mentioned in the bond, says the judge. And so Antonio escapes an evil fate. Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II 123 124 iv) What is your opinion of the conduct of Shylock s daughter as described here by Shylock? Ans: Shylock s daughter, whose name is Jessica, has behaved in a most unfilial manner. She has brought disgrace and dishonour to her father by running away from home; and her conduct becomes all the more reprehensible because she has run away with a Christian man while she herself is Jewish. However, we have to take a lenient view of Jessica s conduct because Shylock has been behaving like a very tyrannical father and Jessica has been feeling like a prisoner in her father s house. Shylock has never shown any tenderness towards her; and she has been feeling miserable with him. Thus there is some justification for her running away from home, though we are certainly not inclined to forgive her entirely. v) Does Justice find the girl, as demanded by Shylock? Ans: No, justice is unable to find the girl. Actually Jessica and her lover Lorenzo have escaped from Venice into Genoa where the Venetian police could not have chased them. Passage 2 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: SALANIO : I never heard a passion so confused, So strange, outrageous, and so variable, As the dog Jew did utter in the streets, My daughter! O my ducats! O my daughter! Fled with a Christian? O my Christian ducats! Justice! the law! my ducats, and my daughter! A sealed bag, two sealed bags of ducats, Of double ducats, stol n from me by my daughter! And jewels - to stones, two rich and precious stones, Stol n by my daughter! Justice! find the girl! She hath the stones upon her, and the ducats! SALARINO Why, all the boys in Venice follow him Crying, his stones, his daughter, and his ducats. SALANIO Let good Antonio look he keep his day. Or he shall pay for this. i) What is your reaction to SALANIO s account of Shylock s condition? Ans: From Salanio s description we learn that Shylock is shocked and has become mad on the account of the losses he has suffered. His daughter has run away with a Christian and has taken away a big portion of his money and jewels. Shylock is feeling deeply grieved by his daughter s conduct. He is exercise self-control and gives way to his grief and bitterness publicly in the streets. ii) What light does Shylock s first speech throw on the character of Shylock? Ans: The above mentioned speech of Salanio presents Shylock as a miser and greedy man. In his madness also he harps upon the idea of his lost wealth. He is hurt not so much by the loss of his daughter as by loss of his wealth. Passage 3 : 41) Read the passage and answer the following questions: SALARIO A kinder gentleman treads not the earth, I saw Bassanio and Antonio part: Bassanio told him, he would make some speed Of his return; he answer d Do not so, Slubber not business for my sake, Bassanio, But stay the very riping of the time; 124 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II Volume 1 of 2 Section A: Drama i) Ans: ii) Ans: iii) Ans: iv) Ans: v) Ans: 125 And for the Jew s bond, which he hath of me, Let it not enter in your mind of love: Be merry; and employ your chiefest thoughts To courtship, and such fair ostents of love, As shall conveniently become you there: And even there, his eye being big with tears, Turning his face, he put his hand behind him, And, with affection wondrous sensible, He wrung Bassanio s hand, and so they parted. Who is the kinder gentleman referred to? The kinder gentleman is Antonio. What was the parting advice given to Bassanio? Antonio advised Bassanio not to come till the completion of his work. He also asked him not to bother about the bond. He should rather keep cheerful and keep busy in his love affairs. What assurance was given by Bassanio to his friend? Bassanio assured Antonio that he would return as soon as possible. How did Bassanio s friend Antonio feel on parting from Bassanio? Bassanio s friend Antonio felt very sad on parting from Bassanio. Tears welled (came) up in his eyes. What idea does this passage give you about the friendship between Bassanlo and his friend? They were very fast friends. Passage 4 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: SALARINO : A kinder gentleman treads not the earth, I saw Bassanio and Antonio Part, Bassanio told him he would make some speed Of his return : he answered, Do not so, Slubber not business for my sake Bassanio, But stay the very riping of the time, And for the Jew s bond which he hath of me, Let it not enter your mind of love. Be merry, and employ your chiefest thoughts To courtship, and such fair ostents of love As shall conveniently become you there. And even there (his eye being big with tears), Turning his face, he put his hand behind him, And with affection wondrous sensible He wrung Bassanio s hand, and so they parted. SALANIO : I think he only loves the world for him I pray thee let us go and find him out. And quicken his embraced heaviness With some delight or other. SALARINO : Do we so. Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II 125 126 i) What idea of Antonio s character does this passage give you? Ans: Antonio here is depicted as a very kind-hearted man and as being very devoted to Bassanio. He is here shown to be more interested in Bassanio s welfare and in Bassanio s happiness than in his own safety. Antonio feels Bassanio s separation from him to be something very painful to him. ii) Where is Bassanio going and why? Ans: Bassanio is going to Belmont in order to try to win Portia as his wife. iii) What is Salarino s and Salanio s attitude towards Antonio as reflected in this passage? Ans: Salarino and Salanio are here shown to be great admirers of Antonio. Salarino says that Antonio is the kindest gentleman living on the earth; and Salanio says that Antonio s feeling of friendship for Bassanio is very ardent and perfectly sincere. In Salanio s opinion, Antonio loves the world only for Bassanio s sake. Both Salanio and Salarino now decide to do something to relieve Antonio of the sadness which he is experiencing on account of Bassanio s departure from Venice. iv) Give reasons for Salarino s view of Antonio s kindness and for Antonio s hatred and illtreatment of Shylock? Ans: Antonio is certainly a kind-hearted man. He has been lending out money gratis; and he has even saved some debtors from the Jews forfeitures. But he had always held the Jew in contempt and has always ill-treated him. The fact is that Antonio is a fanatical Christian who hates the Jewish religion and who is, for that reason, intolerant of Shylock. But he hates Shylock even more for another reason. Shylock is a usurer, a miser, and a hoarder of money who exploits needy persons wanting loans; Antonio strongly disapproves of Shylock s practice of charging excessive rates of interest on the loans which Shylock gives to the needy persons, and thus exploiting the financial difficulties of those persons. v) Give the meanings of the following words and phrases: a) the very riping of the time b) ostents of love c) his embraced heaviness Ans: a) The very riping of the time-when one s plans have matured; when the purpose has been achieved. b) Ostents of love-signs of love; tokens of love; shows of love; manifestations of love. c) His embraced heaviness-the sadness which he has accepted as his due. The word heaviness in this context means sadness caused by a weight on the mind. In the present case it is Bassanio s departure from Venice which has begun to weigh upon Antonio s mind. The word embraced has been used to mean accepted or received or acquired . Analysis Act II Scene IX This scene focuses on the Prince of Arragon s choice of the three caskets. The Prince of Morocco s was straightforward and simple. He chose the gold casket; it seemed to be the most obvious, most desirable choice. In contrast, the Prince of Arragon s choice is done with more prudence. He is a proud man; he seems older than Morroco and almost bloodless, compared to Morocco s fiery charismatic bearing. Often, Shakespeare makes his characters names suggest their primary qualities here, Arragon was probably chosen for its resemblance to arrogant . At any rate, Arragon is arrogant, a temperament befitting a Spanish grandee of noble blood, a familiar and conventional on the Elizabethan stage. Once again, we hear the ambiguous inscriptions read for us, and we ourselves puzzle over the enigma of the metals and their relationship to the inscriptions. Arragon considers the caskets, but he does not make Morocco s obvious choice. If gold represents what many men desire, then Arragon s powerful belief in his own superiority to the fool multitude that choose by show makes him reject it. We can 126 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II Volume 1 of 2 Section A: Drama 127 agree with that logic, but we have to reject his reasoning ultimately because it is based on his absolute assumption of his own superiority to the multitude. The silver inscription, Who chooseth me shall get as much as he deserves, has an immediate appeal for Arragon. It prompts his observations on merit (35-48), in which he laments the fact that there is so much undeserved dignity in the world; he means those who are given honor without coming by it legitimately, through the true seed of noble inheritance. The man is a snob; he has absolutely no doubts about what he deserves, and since his nobility is inherited nobility, he can safely (he thinks) choose the silver casket and assume desert. A factor that we should be aware of in this entire scene is an absence of any evidence that Arragon has any love, or even any affection, for Portia. Portia is deserved. Nowhere can we discern even an inkling of any craving for her. As was noted, the prince is rather bloodless. In the suitors choice of the caskets, we have yet another variation of the illusion-reality theme: Gold and silver appear to be the obvious choices to the first two suitors, whose motives for choosing are in some way flawed; neither of them is truly in love with Portia, for example. Yet Bassanio, who does love Portia, will choose the casket which appears to be the least valuable; in reality, it will turn out to be the most valuable. Thus the ability to choose and to distinguish between what appears to be valuable and what really is valuable depends not so much on intelligence Shylock is far more intelligent than Antonio or Bassanio but on something deeper and more intangible. In this play, that certain intangible something is love; it is not glory (Morocco), nor nobility of social position (Arragon), nor wealth. SOLVED COMPREHENSION PASSAGES: Passage 1 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: ARRAGON : And so have I address d me: Fortune now to my heart s hope! Gold; silver; and base lead. Who chooseth me, must give and hazard all he hath. You shall look fairer ere I give, or hazard. What says the golden chest? ha! let me see: Who chooseth me, shall gain what many men desire. What many men desire.that many may be meant By the fool multitude, that choose by show, Not learning more than the fond eye doth teach; Which pries not to th interior but, like the martlet, Builds in the weather on the outward wall, Even in the force and road of casualty. I will not choose what many men desire, because I will not jump with common spirits, And rank me with the barbarous multitudes. Why, then to thee, thou silver treasure-house; Tell me once more what title thou dost bear: Who chooseth me, shall get as much as he deserves. And well said toom for who shall go about To cozen fortune, and be honourable Without the stamp of merit! Let none presume To wear an undeserved dignity: O, that estates, degrees, and offices, Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II 127 128 i) Ans: ii) Ans: iii) Ans: iv) Ans: v) Ans: Were not deriv d corruptly! and that clear honour Were purchas d by the merit of the wearer! How many then should cover that stand bare! How many be commanded that command! How much low peasantry would then be glean d From the true seed of honour! and how much honour Pick d from the chaff and ruin of the times, To be new vanished! Well, but to my choice: Who chooseth me, shall get as much as he deserves. I will assume desert: Give me a key for this, And instantly unlock my fortunes here. On what condition is the Arragon willing to give or hazard for the sake of the lead casket? Arragon is willing to do so if the lead casket improves its appearance. How does he interpret the word many ? By the word many Arragon means the silly, common people who are guided by the outward appearance of things. What is martlet? How does it behave? A marlet is a bird like the swallow. It builds its nest on the outward wall of a house. Its nest is exposed to strong winds and storms. Its behaviour is unwise. Why does not Arragon like to choose what many men desire? He does not do so because he does not agree with the ordinary people. He would not like to place himself at par with the uncivilised and ill-mannered crowds of people. What is Arragon s opinion about the inscription on the silver casket? Arragon thinks that the inscription on the silver casket is absolutely correct. The inscription reads that the chooser will get as much as he deserves. He thinks that no one can cheat fortune and get an honourable position without giving proof of his merit. Passage 2 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: ARRAGON : What is here? The fire seven times tried this; Seven times tried that judgment is, That did never choose amiss. Some there be that shadows kiss, Such have but a shadow s bliss: There be fools alive, I wis, Silver d o er; and so was this. Take what wife you will to bed, I will ever be your head: So be gone: you are sped. Still more fool I shall appear By the time I linger here: With one fool s head I came to woo,. But I go away with two. Sweet adieu! I ll keep my oath, Patiently to bear my wroth. 128 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II Volume 1 of 2 Section A: Drama 129 i) Ans: ii) Ans: iii) Ans: iv) What in your opinion has been tried seven times in the fire? Silver has been tried seven times in the fire. What judgement according to the Arragon has fool-proof correctness? A judgement that has been tried seven times has fool-proof correctness. What do those people by shadows gain? Shadows here means illusion. Those people gain only unreal happiness, Where were these words written, Take what wife you will to bed. I will ever be your head? Ans: These words were written on the piece of paper that Arragon found in the silver casket. v) What fate did Arragon meet? Ans: Arragon failed to choose the right casket. He felt disappointed. Passage 3 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: PORTIA : Thus hath the candle sing d the moth: O these deliberate fools! when they do choose, They have the wisdom by their wit to lose. NERISSA : The ancient saying is no heresy, Hanging and wiving goes by destiny. i) What is the occasion for the above quoted dialogue? Ans: The Prince of Arragon has made a wrong choice by choosing the silver casket. After he leaves with his train; Portia comments on him and men like him. ii) How does Portia react to the failure of the Prince of Arragon in choosing a right casket? Ans: Portia is delighted at the defeat of the Prince of Arragon. This shows that he is not the man of her choice and she is not keen to marry him. iii) Who are the deliberate fools referred to in the first speech of the above quoted dialogue? Ans: Portia uses the phrase deliberate fools for her suitors. She considers her suitors foolish who make wrong choices by resorting to deliberate reasoning. iv) Explain the speech of Portia in the above quoted dialogue? Ans: In the above mentioned lines Portia compares the Prince of Arragon to a moth and the shining of the silver casket to the light of a candle. Just as a moth attracted by the light of a candle approaches it and gets itself burnt, similarly the Prince of Arragon is attracted by the shining of silver and the seeming fairness of the inscription on the silver casket chooses it and shows himself to be a fool. He is quickly disposed of like the burning of the moth by the flame of the candle. Portia feels that her foolish suitors resort to lengthy reasoning in order to make their choice and they make a wrong choice precisely because of what they believe to be their wisdom. v) Explain the meaning of the second speech in the above quoted dialogue? Ans: In the above mentioned speech Nerissa quotes an ancient proverb. She means that it is not wisdom or our own choice which can bring us good fortune or misfortune. Destiny or some force beyond us decides whether a man will live or be hanged and whether he will get married or not. Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II 129 130 Analysis Act III Scene I This act opens with Salanio and Salarino again functioning as a chorus, informing the audience of the development of events against which the action of the scene will take place. The suggestion made earlier that Antonio s mercantile ventures at sea might founder is now made specific. One of Antonio s ships lies wrecked on the narrow seas ... where the carcases of many a tall ship lie buried. The news of the danger to Antonio also prepares us for the entrance of Shylock, the embodiment of that danger, who has by now discovered Jessica s elopement. The moneylender enters, and both we and Salanio know perfectly well what news concerns Shylock; Salanio s sardonic greeting, with its pretense of wanting to know the news, is calculated to infuriate : Shylock, for even though we have not seen Shylock since the elopement of his daughter, we know that his anger will have been fueled by the fact that Lorenzo and, by implication, the whole Christian community has dealt him a blow. One should be fully aware that Shylock is ever conscious of his Jewishness in a Christian community. Then at the mention of Antonio, Shylock says ominously, Let him look to his bond. Without question, the bond is merry no longer but Salanio has not comprehended this yet. His half-serious question Thou wilt not take his flesh. What s that good for is answered savagely; If it will feed nothing else, it will feed my revenge, Shylock declares. The malicious digs of Salanio and Salarino produce one of Shylock s most dramatic speeches in the play. It is written in prose, but it is a good example of the superb intensity to which Shakespeare can raise mere prose. Shylock s series of accusing, rhetorical questions which form the central portion. Of the speech, from Hath not a Jew eyes? to If you poison us, do we not die? completely silences Shylock s tormentors. In fact, this speech silences us. We ourselves have to ponder it. It is one of the greatest pleas for human tolerance in the whole of dramatic literature. But it is also something more, and we must not lose sight of its dramatic importance; It is a prelude to Shylock s final decision concerning how he will deal with Antonio. Shylocks speaks of a Christian s humility with heavy sarcasm; humility, he says, is a much-talked of Christian virtue, but a virtue which is not much in evidence. The humility of a Christian, Shylock says, ceases when a Christian is banned, for then the Christian takes revenge. That is the Christian s solution, and that will also be Shylock s course of action, his solution to the wrongs he has suffered; The villainy you teach me I will execute. And toward the end of the speech, he repeats, like a refrain, the word revenge. Shylock s speech on revenge is so powerful and so unanswerable that it is lost on Salanio and Salarino, who are none too bright anyway, but their silence on stage stuns us. Shakespeare has manipulated our sympathy. Then, just when we were secure in feeling that Shylock s reasoning was just, Shakespeare shows us another facet of Shylock, one which we have seen before his concern with possessions and thus we must reconsider the whole matter of justice which we thought we had just solved. Shylock s friend Tubal enters, and in the exchange which follows, we realize that Shylock has become a miser in order to build his own personal defence against the hostile Christian mercantile world of-Venice. But his defence has increased to such an extent that he no longer can contain it; it possesses him now. He cannot properly distinguish between the love of riches and his love for his daughter, Jessica. Shylock s obsession for possesion has blinded him; he is angry at the Christian who corrupted her, he has even lost all love for his daughter; I would my daughter were dead at my foot, and the jewels in her ear! Would she were hearsed at my foot, and the ducats in her coffin! Thereby, we see the extent of Shylock s hatred. By the end of the scene, the audience is convinced, if it was not before, that Shylock s attack on Antonio will be absolutely relentless. If he can, he will literally take his pound of flesh. 130 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II Volume 1 of 2 Section A: Drama 131 SOLVED COMPREHENSION PASSAGES: Passage 1 : i) Ans: ii) Ans: iii) Ans: iv) Ans: v) Ans: vi) Ans: Read the passage and answer the following questions: SALARINO : There is more difference between thy flesh and hers, than between jet and ivory; more between your bloods, than there is between red wine and rhenish: but tell us, do you hear whether Antonio have had any loss at sea or no? SHYLOCK : There I have another bad match: a bankrupt, a prodigal, who dare scarce show his head on the Rialto; a beggar that was used to come so smug upon the mart. Let him look to his bond: he was wont to call me usurer; Let him look to his bond: he was wont to lend money for a Christian courtesy; let him look his bond. Where are Salarino and Shylock? Is there anyone else there? The scene is set in Venice. Salanio, Salarino and Shylock are engaged in conversation. Who used this phrase flesh and blood ? Was it misunderstood by anyone? Shylock used this phrase to describe his daughter, Jessica. He was sorry to say that his own flesh and blood rebelled. He was thus referring to Jessica s elopement. It is unbearable for Shylock to note that his own daughter should run away with a Christian and show her disregard for her father. This remark was misunderstood or deliberately misinterpreted. Shylock uses the phrase flesh and blood in the usual sense, that Jessica is his natural daughter. He refers to the biological relationship between father and child, But Salanio/Salarino make fun of him, asking him if his physical desires are roused even in hid old age. Explain the comparisons made by Salarino between a) Jet and ivory, b) Red wine and rhenish? Salarino is quick to point out that there is hardly any similarity between Shylock and his daughter Jessica. . a) If Jessica is ivory which is white and beautiful, Shylock is jet black and unattractive. b) Jessica is rehnish (white wine) while Shylock is red wine. There can be no confusior between the two. In what sense is Antonio a prodigal? Is he a bankrupt? Explain Shylock s views. Give your comments. When Salarino talks about Antonio s losses, Shylock speaks impatiently. He had given a loan of three thousand ducats against this man s security. Shylock calls Antonio a bankrupt who has no money to spend. All he had has beeh lost. Then Shylock charges Antonio for being a prodigal. He has wasted his money thoughtlessly According to Shylock, Antonio has ruined himself by taking a loan for his extravagant friend. This is a culpable prodigality. We may not, however, agree with Shylock in blaming a self- sacrificing gentleman like Antonio. Why is Antonio not seen at the Rialto? Now that Antonio is a bankrupt, with many debts and loans yet to be cleared, he does not come to Rialto, the stock exchange. This remark of Shylock shows that of late Antonio had stopped visiting Rialto where merchants generally gather to do business. Shylock gives the warning, let him look to his bond . What are his reasons? Shylock gives the warning to be conveyed to Antonio to take care of his bond. He must repay the money within the prescribed limit of time. Shylock complains that Antonio used to call him a despicable money-lender charging high interest. He also used to lend money to people without interest to show his Christian generosity. Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II 131 132 Passage 2 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: SHYLOCK: To bait fish withal: if it will feed nothing else, it will feed my revenge. He hath disgraced me, and hindered me half a million; laughed at my losses, mocked at my gains, scorned my nation, thwarted my bargains, cooled my friends, heated mine enemies; and what s his reason? I am a Jew: hath not a Jew eyes? hath not a Jew hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions ? fed with the same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject to the same diseases, healed by the same means, warmed and cooled by the same winter and summer, as a Christian is? If you prick us, do we not bleed? if you tickle us, do we not laugh? if you poison us, do we not die? and if you wrong us, shall we not revenge? If we are like you in the rest, we will resemble you in that. If a Jew wrong a Christian, what is his humaility? revenge. If a Christian wrong a Jew, what should his sufferance be by Christian example? why, revenge. The villainy you teach me I will execute; and it shall go hard but I will better the instruction. i) Ans: ii) Ans: iii) Ans: iv) Ans: v) Ans: What substance is meant to bait fish? Flesh is meant to bait fish Who is responsible for harming Shylock? Antonio is the man who is responsible for this. Point out in what all ways the Christians and Jews are alike? Christians and Jews are alike in wishes, desires, feelings and emotions. The Jews have hands organs, limbs and senses like the Christians. They eat the same type of food: they are wounded: with the same weapons, liable to suffer from the same diseases and cured by the same medicines. They feel heat and cold like the Christians. How does a Christian behave when he is insulted by a Jew? A Christian takes revenge. How will Shylock match the villainy of the Christians? He will also practise villainy. He would try his best to improve upon the lesson he has been taught by the Christians. Shylock believes in the policy of tit-for-tat.. Passage 3 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: SALARINO : Why I am sure if he forfeit, thou will not take his flesh,- What s that good for? SHYLOCK : To bait fish withal: if it will feed nothing else, it will feed my revenge. He hath disgraced me, and hindered me half a million; laughed at my losses, mocked at my gains, scorned my nation, thwarted my bargains, cooled my friends, heated mine enemies; and what s his reason? I am a Jew: hath not a Jew eyes? hath not a Jew hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions? fed with the same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject to the same diseases, healed by the same means, warmed and cooled by the same winter and summer, as a Christian is? If you prick us, do we not bleed? if you tickle us, do we not laugh? if you poison us, do we not die? and if you wrong us, shall we not revenge? If we are like you in the rest, we will resemble you in that. If a Jew wrong a Christian, what is his. humility? revenge. If a Christian wrong a Jew, what should his sufferance be by Christian example? why, revenge. The villainy you teach me I will execute; and it shall go hard but I will better the instruction. i) About whom are Salarino and Shylock talking? Ans: Salarino and Shylock are talking about Antonio. 132 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II Volume 1 of 2 Section A: Drama 133 ii) Is Shylock justified in his complaint? Ans: Shylock certainly seems to be justified in his complaint against Antonio. Judging the case by Shylock s version of the facts, Antonio has always been most unjust to him. According to Shylock s account, Antonio has been insulting and humiliating Shylock, and also been ridiculing and mocking at him, Antonio has, furthermore, been hindering Shylock s transactions and been instigating Shylock s enemies against him. iii) Explain the last sentence in Shylock s speech. Ans: Shylock says that the Christians have been treating the Jews in a most wicked and cruel manner, and that now he too would follow the example of the Christians and would treat the Christian Antonio in the same cruel manner. Nay, Shylock would treat the Christian Antonio in a more cruel manner than the Christians have been treating the Jews. iv) Does Shylock really better the instruction ? Ans: The Christian Antonio had limited his cruelty towards the Jew only to the extent of disgracing him and ridiculing him, thwarting his bargains, and otherwise harassing him. Shylock certainly tries to better the instruction. He certainly tries to cause the death of Antonio who is a Christian. However, Shylock does not succeed in his purpose. He exerts himself to the utmost and comes very close to achieving his object but at the last moment he is deprived of the opportunity which had come his way. v) Why has this speech by Shylock become famous? Ans: This speech by Shylock has become famous because it contains a factual account of how the Christians of the time were treating the Jews, and because this kind of inter-racial prejudice and hostility exists even today between certain communities and between certain religions, though the antagonism between the Jews and the Christians does not exist and longer. In fact, this speech is a classic account of the persecution which the Jews have been suffering for centuries at the hands of the Christians. We have here a succinct account of the injustice which the followers of one religion have been suffering at the hands of the fanatical followers of another religion. The wording of the account and the logical reasoning behind the account are really superb. And the speech is an excellent example of rhetoric and oratory. Passage 4 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: SHYLOCK : How now Tubal! What news from Genoa? hast thou found my daughter ? TUBAL : I often came where I did hear of her, but cannot find her. SHYLOCK : Why there, there, there, there! a diamond., gone cost me two thousand ducats in Frankfurt, the curse never fell upon our nation till no I never felt it till now, Two thousand ducats in that, and other precious, precious jewels; I would my daughter were dead at my foot, and the jewels in her ear: would she were hears d at my foot and the ducats in her coffin:no news of them? Why so! and I know not what s spent in the search : why thou-loss upon loss! the thief gone with so much, and so much to find the thief, and no satisfaction, no revenge, nor no ill luck stirring but what lights o my shoulders, no sighs but o my breathing, no tears but o my sheddng. TUBAL : Yes, other men have ill luck too, Antonio (as I heard in Genoa)i) What is Shylock s predicament as reflected in this passage? Ans: Shylock is in a sad state because of the loss of his money and his jewels. Of course, he is feeling grieved also on account of the disgrace which his daughter has brought on him by running away from home, and more particularly by running away with a Christian. ii) In what light do you see Shylock on this occasion? Ans: Shylock here appears to be a pathetic figure. Any father would experience similar feelings of grief and degradation at the gross misconduct of this kind on the part of his daughter. Shylock s Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II 133 134 iii) Ans: iv) Ans: v) Ans: grief is natural. But he also appears here in a comic light. The manner in which he laments his loss has a touch of absurdity. In fact, he is more grieved by the loss of his ducats and his jewels than by the loss of his daughter and by a sense of disgrace. He appears as a comic figure also because he is magnifying his personal loss by giving it the dimensions of a national loss. The curse never fell upon our nation till now , he says. Why does Shylock want his daughter dead at his foot and the jewels in her ear? Shylock wants his daughter dead at his foot because his daughter has not only brought him disgrace and dishonour by running away from home and that too with a Christian but has also caused him a heavy financial loss by stealing his money and his jewels. He would not mind his daughter s having the jewels in her ears if he can have the satisfaction of seeing his daughter dead before him. Death would be the only adequate punishment for her misconduct. He would feel tortured if his daughter remains alive and goes about in Genoa, flaunting the jewels which she had stolen from him. If she lies dead before him with the jewels in her ear, he can gloat over the sight. Death is the minimum punishment that he thinks his daughter should receive and he would then not mind the loss of his jewels. Actually these would be the feelings of any father in Shylock s situation. What consolation does Tubal offer to Shylock? Tubal tells Shylock that he (Shylock) is not the only man who has suffered bad luck, and that there are other men also in this world who become victims of bad luck. He then mentions the case of Antonio. It is a well-known fact that we feel our own losses much less when we learn that other people have also suffered losses. And our grief over our losses is further diminished if we are told that our enemies have suffered heavy losses. On being told that Antonio has lost his ships on the seas, Shylock feels greatly consoled in his distress. Does Shylock get any satisfaction or revenge afterwards? Shylock does get some satisfaction afterwards though this satisfaction proves to be short-lived. He comes very close to getting his revenge upon Antonio when the judge tells him that he is entitled to a pound of Antonio s flesh. Shylock feels exultant and jubilant at this time, and he had even begun to sharpen his knife. But then the judge tells him that, in the process of cutting the flesh, he must not shed any blood because no blood has been mentioned in the bond. Thus Shylock is unable to get any real satisfaction because he is deprived of the opportunity to take his revenge upon his enemy. Passage 5 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: TUBAL: One of them showed me a ring, that he had of your daughter for a monkey. SHYLOCK : Out upon her! Thou torturest me, Tubal: it was my turquoise: I had it of Leah, when I was a bachelor: I would not have given it for a wilderness of monkeys. TUBAL : But Antonio is certainly undone. SHYLOCK : Nay, that s true, that s very true. Go, Tubal, fee me an officer, bespeak him a fortnight before: I will have the heart of him, if he forfeit; for were he out of Venice, I can make what merchandise I will. Go, Tubal, and meet me at our synagogue; go, good Tubal; at our Synagogue, Tubal. i) Who showed Tubal a ring? What did he tell him about this ring? How does it concern Shylock? Ans: Some of the creditors of Antonio who came with Tubal to Venice, told him something about Shylock s daughter. One of them showed him a ring that he got from Jessica in exchange for a monkey. This ring had been stolen by Jessica from her father s house. ii) Why is Shylock touched to the quick? Why was this painful and angry reaction on hearing the news about the ring? Ans: It is a piece of painful news for Shylock that his daughter not only stole away the ring from his house, but gave it up in exchange for a monkey. 134 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II Volume 1 of 2 Section A: Drama iii) Ans: iv) Ans: v) Ans: vi) Ans: 135 Shylock reacts sharply to the news because the ring had a turquoise stud in it. It was particularly dear to Shylock because it had been given to him by his wife when he was courting her. He is touched to the quick to hear that his daughter has given up so heartlessly her father s bridal present from his late, much lamented wife. Why does Tubal say that Antonio is undone? What makes Tubal say with certainty that Antonio is undone? Tubal tells Shylock that Antonio has been ruined. He says so on the authority of Antonio s creditors who travelled with him to Venice. They are supposed to posses authentic information about the financial status of the merchant whom they had given loans. What was Shylock reaction on hearing of Antonio s misfortunes? Why is he anxious to get Antonio out of Venice? Shylock is happy to hear that Antonio has been ruined. It is a source of great consolation to this man who considers Antonio his enemy. Shylock is anxious to get Antonio out of Venice. In his absence he can do good business in lending money to people charging them high rates of interest. So long as Antonio is in the city, he will advance loans that are interest-free. This harms Shylock s money-lending business. Why does Shylock plan to go to a Synagogue? Give your opinion. Shylock is going to his synagogue. He asks Tubal to meet him there. His purpose, perhaps, is to present his case before other Jews and win their sympathy and support for his cause. Explain, fee me an officer be speak him a fortnight before. ? Shylock instructs Tubal to engage an officer even a fortnight before the expiry of the bond. He should be ready to get Antonio arrested on the forfeiture of the bond. Shylock is certain that Antonio will not be able to repay three thousand ducats loaned to Bassanio against Antonio s security. Analysis Act III Scene II This long scene brings the casket story to its climax with Bassanio s choice. It begins with Portia s speech begging Bassanio to delay in making his choice of caskets, for in choosing wrong i lose your company. Essentially, this speech is evidence for us of Portia s love for Bassanio, and the charm of her speech lies in the fact that Portia cannot openly admit her love. She continues, and her attempts to verbally circumvent stating outright her feelings for Bassanio lead her to utter absolute nonsense. She declares : One half of me is yours, the other half yours mine own I would say; but if mine, then yours and so all yours! This makes absolutely no sense at all; she is nearly giving in to her urge to tell Bassanio directly of her love for him. Bassanio is obviously relieved to see that his love is returned. He speaks of feeling as though he were strained tautly on the rack. This admission, in turn, relieves Portia s anxiety somewhat, and her old spirit of jesting returns and she wittily picks up on Bassanio s choice of metaphor and teases him. This witty word play has the effect of delaying the choice of caskets and further allowing Portia to relax and dispIay her spirit and sense of wit. We are never allowed to forget her intelligence because this element will be the key ingredient in the play s climactic scene. Bassanio moves to the caskets, and Portia begins a lovely speech, built around the notion of sacrifice. Her phrase I stand for sacrifice is particuIarly apt. Twice, we have watched Portia prepare to become a sort of sacrificial victim, as it were to unwanted suitors. She has not complained, but we now see that her role in this casket contest contains special intensity. Should Bassanio choose wrongly, she will literally be a sacrifice to a later, unloved husband, as well as being forever a victim of unfulfilled love. The central idea in the song that is used as background music while Bassanio is making his choice of caskets focuses on the word fancy. Fancy, for Elizabethans, carried the meaning of whimsical affection. Bassanio picks up on this idea and elaborates on it when he meditates on the way in which outward shows mislead or deceive the observer. He extends this perception to law, religion, military honor, and physical beauty. Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II 135 136 We are thus reminded of the way in which the Princes of Morocco and Arragon were taken in by the outer appearance of the gold and silver caskets. Bassanio rejects both of these caskets, and his reasons are significant in the total meaning of the play. He calls gold hard food for Midas ; Midas imagined that gold itself could be something nutritive or lifegiving, and he starved to death for his mistake. This causes us to think of the play s Midas-figure Shylock, for whom wealth is, in itself, something final, ultimate value. Bassanio calls silver the common drudge tween man and man. Although silver is valued as a precious metal, more often than not it is a medium of exchange money and again, we think of Shylock s misplaced, values, which make silver an end in itself. And so Bassanio finally comes to choose the least likely looking casket the leaden one and, of course, his choice the right one. Both Bassanio s speech and his choice of caskets touch on one of the central themes of the play the contrast between appearance and reality; what appears to be valuable (gold and silver) turns out to be worthless, and what appears to be worthless (lead) turns out to he valuable. If we ask ourselves why Bassanio is enabled to judge rightly when others fail, the answer is simply that his motive is love, rather than pride or the desire for worldly gain. Another idea that Shakespeare is developing here is concerned, again, with wealth. Bassanio sees wealth as useful only in securing love and happiness. Bassanio s conduct suggests that the only use for wealth, for all that he hath, is in giving or risking it in the pursuit of happiness, not in hoarding it or worshipping it for its own sake. The exchange of vows between Portia and Bassanio is conducted at an intense and exalted level. But because the play is a romantic comedy, its tone becomes lighter when Gratiano reveals that now, that Bassanio has won Portia, he has won Nerissa, and his wooing is presented in bold contrast to Bassanio. Gratiano has worked at it until I sweat again, and he offers to bet that he and Nerissa will be the first of the two couples to produce a child, which rounds off the whole sequence with a typical coarse jest. The Elizabethans would have loved this ribald touch. Portia and Bassanio have presented their idyllic romantic love as something ideal; Gratiano readjusts the balance by the reminder that love is a physical as well as a spiritual union. So far, Venice and Belmont the world of mercantile ventures and the world of love have been kept separate. Now, with the arrival of Lorenzo, Jessica, and Salerino from Venice, these two worlds meet, and the evils of wealth, spawned in Venice, disrupt the happy serenity of Belmont. The news of Antonio s danger puts a fearful obstacle in the way of the fulfillment of the play s love story, for now Bassanio is torn by an agonizing conflict between his love and loyalty toward his new wife and his love and loyalty towards his old friend Antonio. Indicative of Portia s rare character in this scene is her immediate reaction to the crisis at hand. She makes a decision and immediately attempts to put it into effect. Bassanio, she says, must First go with me to church and call me wife, and then away to Venice to your friend! With such decisive ingenuity, it comes as no real surprise to us later when she is able both to conceive and successfully execute the strategy of the lawyer s disguise and the courtroom victory over Shylock. 136 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II Volume 1 of 2 Section A: Drama 137 SOLVED COMPREHENSION PASSAGES: Passage 1 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: PORTIA : I would detain you here some month or two, Before you venture for me. I could teach you How to choose right, but then I am forsworn, So will I never be: so may you miss me; But if you do, you ll make me wish a sin, That I had been forsworn. Beshrew your eyes, They have o erlook d me, and divided me; One half of me is yours, the other half yours, Mine own, I would say; but if mine, then yours, And so, all yours: O! these naughty times Put bars between the owners and their rights; And so, though yours, not yours. i) In what way does Portia show that she is more fond of Bassanio than the other two suitors who had attempted the choice of caskets. Ans: Portia s treatment of Bassanio as a suitor is different from her treatment of other suitors. She was unemotional and business like while talking to the Prince of Morocco and the Prince of Arragon. She was glad to find that they made the wrong choice. Their failure was her satisfaction. But not so in the case of Bassanio. First, she wants Bassanio to wait for some time before exercising his choice. In case he chose wrongly, she would lose his company. This is a clear confession of Portia s personal interest in: Bassanio. One of the conditions of the lottery of caskets is that a suitor who is so passionately inclined towards Portia, is afraid that in the event of Bas sanio s wrong choice; he would have to leave Belmont immediately. This would deprive her of his sweet company. ii) How and at what risk has Antonio helped Bassanio? Ans: Antonio has helped Bassanio to raise a loan of three thousand ducats from Shylock. The money lender has imposed a dreadful condition that if the money is not repaid within three months, he would have the right to cut of a pound of flesh from any part of Antonio s body. Thus, Antonio has secured the loan at the risk of his own life. iii) What does Portia mean by, I would detain you here some month or two before you venture for me ? Why does she speak in this manner? Ans: Portia tells Bassanio to desist from making the choice of the casket. She wishes to detain him there for a month or two before allowing him to take the final plunge. Earlier in a line she talked of detaining him for a day or two . This time she has lengthened it to a month or two . The style is clearly indicative of a maiden s unexpressed love which she is finding hard to conceal. iv) What does I am forsworn mean? What does Portia refer to by this expression? Ans: Portia could very easily teach Bassanio how to choose the right casket. But she is bound to honour the will of her father. If she discloses the secret, it would mean the breach of faith and the breaking of an oath. v) What is the sin referred to in the extract? Why does Portia feel she can sin? Ans: Portia says that if Bassanio chooses wrongly he will have to leave Belmont at once. She would be filled with remorse, wishing that she had rather broken the oath and helped him to win by choosing correctly. In case of such a failure she would have entertained such a sinful wish. Portia does not want to break the wish either, nor does she want to lose Bassanio. She tries to remain non-committed but her attitude deceives no one. Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II 137 138 vi) How can you conclude at this point of the play that Portia has already fallen in love with Bassanio? Ans: At this point of the play, we can easily conclude that Portia has already fallen in love with Bassanio. From her cautious confessions and nervous style, we can surely conclude that she is passionately in love with the handsome suitor. Portia speaks the language of a romantic lover when she says that Bassanio s eyes have bewitched and divided her. One half of her already belongs to Bassanio. The other half which belongs to her too belongs to Bassanio. So she wholly belongs to him. She is no longer a mistress of herself. These are the symptoms of the disease called love.. Passage 2 : i) Ans: ii) Ans: iii) Ans: iv) Ans: 138 Read the passage and answer the following questions: PORTIA : Away then: I am lock d in one of them If you do love me, you will find me out. Nerissa, and the rest, stand all aloof. Let music sound, while he doth make his choice; Then if he lose, he makes a swan-like end, Fading in music: that the comparison May stand more proper, my eye shall be the stream, And watery death-bed for him. He may win; And what is music then? Then music is Even as the flourish, when true subjects bow To a new-crowned monarch: such it is, As are those dulcet sounds in break of day, That creep into the dreaming bridegroom s ear, And summon him to marriage. Now he goes, With no less presence, but with much more love, Than young Alcides, when he did redeem The virgin tribute paid by howling Troy To the sea-monster: I stand for sacrifice, The rest aloof are the Dardanian wives, With bleared visages, come forth to view The issue of the exploit. Go, Hercules! Live thou, I live: with much-much more. What does Portia tell Bassanio? Portia tells Bassanio to make his choice of the three caskets. Her picture is shut in one c: these caskets. If he really loves her, he will find it. What instructions does Portia give before the choice is made? She instructs Nerissa and others to stand apart. Music should be played when Bassanio is making the choice. What role will the music play if in case Bassanlo succeeds? If Bassanio succeeds in his choice of the casket, music will be like the sound of trumpet at the coronation of a king; or it will be like sweet sound of the dawn that steals into the ears of the sleeping bridegroom. In what way the Bassanio look like young Hercules? Bassanio looks like young Hercules who saved the life of Virgin Hesione from being sacrificed to the sea-monster. Portia s fate is similar to hers. Nerissa and others standing nearby represent the women of Troy. Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II Volume 1 of 2 Section A: Drama 139 v) What is Portia s anxiety? Ans: Portia is more anxious about the contest than Bassanio who is actually making the choice. Passage 3 : i) Ans: ii) Ans: iii) Ans: iv) Ans: v) Ans: Read the passage and answer the following questions: BASSANIO : So may he the outward shows be least themselves; The world is still deceiv d with ornament. In law, what plea so tainted and corrupt, But, being season d with a gracious voice, Obscures the show of evil? In religion, What damned error, but some sober brow Will bless it, and approve it with a text, Hiding the grossness with fair ornament? There is no vice so simple, but assumes Some mark of virtue on his outward parts. How many cowards, whose hearts are all as false As stairs of sand, wear yet upon their chins The beards of Hercules and frowning Mars. Who, inward search d, have livers white as milk; And these assume but valour s excrement To render them redoubted! Look on beauty, And you shall see tis purchas d by the weight; Which therein works a miracle in nature, Making them lightest that wear most of it: What is meant by ornament in the passage? Ornament means external show or decoration. How can we obscure the show of evil in law? The show of evil in law can be obscured if the legal argument is seasoned by the pleasing voice of an advocate. How can an error in religion be approved? It can be approved by the authority of a holy quotation. How do some cowards try to show themselves to be brave? They try to look brave by wearing beards like Hercules or Mars. But actually such people are chicken-hearted. What is Bassanio s opinion about beautiful looking women? Bassanio thinks that women use beauty aids or cosmetics to look beautiful. Their beauty is artificial. Those women who make a very good use of cosmetics look superficial although outwardly they may look beautiful. Passage 4 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: So are those crisped snaky golden locks, Which make such wanton gambols with the wind, Upon supposed fairness, often known To be the dowry of a second head, The skull, that bred them, in the sepulchre. Thus ornament is but the guiled shore Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II 139 140 i) Ans: ii) Ans: iii) Ans: iv) Ans: v) Ans: To a most dangerous sea; the beauteous scarf Veiling an Indian beauty; in a word, The seeming truth which cunning times put on To entrap the wisest. Therefore, thou gaudy gold Hard food for Midas, I will none of thee: Nor none of thee, thou pale and common drudge Tween man and man. But thou, thou meagre lead, Which rather threat nest than dost promise aught, Thy plainness moves me more than eloquence, And here choose I. Joy be the consequence! What is Bassanio s opinion about the golden locks of women? Bassanio thinks that the golden locks of the women are other people s property. They had grown on the head of some other woman who is dead. How does Bassanio describe ornament? Bassanio compares ornament to a deceptive sea-shore which leads a ship into a dangerious sea. It might also be compared to the beautiful scarf covering an ugly Indian woman. It could further be compared to the seeming truth which people put on to deceive even the wisest persons. Why does Bassanio reject gaudy gold? Who was Midas? He rejects gold on the grounds that it could not serve as food in the case of king Midas. King Midas was a miserly king. Some divine power gave him the power of turning whatever he touched into gold. Thus it became impossible for him to eat anything. What is Bassanios impression of silver? Bassanio thinks that silver is only a common means of exchange among human beings. Why does he choose the leaden casket? He chooses the leaden casket because he is impressed more by its simplicity than the appeal of showy gold. Passage 5 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: Therefore then thou gaudy gold, Hard food for Midas, I will none of thee, Nor none of thee thou pale and common drudge Tween man and man : but thou, thou meager lead Which rather threat nest than dost promise aught Thy paleness moves me more than eloquence, And here choose I joy be the consequence, PORTIA : How all the other passions fleet to air As, doubtful thoughts, and rash-embrac d despair And shudd ring fear, and green-eyed jealousy. O Love, be moderate. Allay thy ecstasy. In measure rein thy joy, scant this excess; I feel too much thy blessing, make it less, For fear I surfeit! i) Who is Midas . Why is gold said to be a hard food for Midas? Ans: Midas was a king who got the power of turning whatever he touched, into gold. As a result, even the food, which he touched, changed into gold, thus making it impossible for him to eat. It became hard for that greedy king who wanted to have all gold in his life. 140 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II Volume 1 of 2 Section A: Drama ii) Ans: iii) Ans: iv) Ans: v) Ans: vi) Ans: 141 This legendary king touched his own daughter, and she turned into gold. Then he repented, and his power of turning things into gold was taken back from him. He learnt the lesson that other things in life were far more important than gold. Why is gold referred to as gaudy ? Explain why Bassanio rejects the gold casket. Gold is referred to as gaudy which me hs that it is showy with no real worth of its own. On the strength of arguments he has so far advanced against the falsity of outward appearance, Bassanio rejects gold with its glittering look. It is the hard food which Midas, the greedy king got a punishment for his greed. Bassanio would not have anything to do with it. That s why he rejects the golden casket. What is the meaning of thou pale and common drudge tween man and man. What is referred to as pale and common drudge? Why is it said to be a common drudge Tween man and man? Bassanio then turns to the silver casket. He calls it merely pale and a common drudge between man and man. Silver is the medium of exchange between man and man through silver coins. Drudge actually means a hard-worked slave. With reference to silver, its coins are of a very busy common currency. Why does Bassanio choose the lead casket? Bassanio chooses the lead casket with its unassuming appearance which does not make attractive promises. Lead threatens rather than promises anything. So it has its intrinsic unassuming worth. Its paleness proves more attractive, finally, than the bright appearance of other two metals. It may be said that the inscription on the leaden casket appeals to Bassanio s gambling and adventurous spirit. He is prepared to risk all for love. For this he could put his friend s life into danger. What was the reaction of Portia to the choice made by Bassanlo? Portia stands watching anxiously which casket Bassanio is going to fix upon. From what she has seen of the choices by Morocco and Arragon, she knows that the leaden casket is the right casket to choose. When Portia sees Bassanio inclining towards that casket she bursts into a mood of extreme joy which is hard to contain. Portia s heart was troubled by mixed emotions. There were the doubts of success and the feelings of hopelessness which made her tremble with fear of a possible failure. But all these emotions vanish at the sight of Bassanio making the right choice. She is not only relieved of tense feelings, but she is overwhelmed with, a rapturous joy. Explain briefly how the theme of appearance and reality is referred to in this extract. Before making his choice, Bassanio dwells in detail on the theme of appearance and reality. He knows that the world is cheated by external decoration. In a law case, for example, very unworthy and corrupt arguments conceal their wickedness if these are delivered in a pleasing voice. In religion, damnable errors and sins, if supported with a quotation from the scripture, look like good deeds. Bassanio refers to other examples to explain his point. So many cowards whose hearts are altogether weak, hide their cowardice by carrying a ferocious look on their faces. As for beautiful women, they adopt artificial means to look attractive. Outward show of beauty is the deceitful shore, which might attract a sailor, but the sea ahead of it is dangerous. Passage 6 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: BASSANIO : What find I here? Fair Portia s counterfeit? What demi-god Hath come so near creation? Move these eyes? Or whether riding on the balls of mine, Seem they in motion? Here are sever d lips, Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II 141 142 i) Ans: ii) Ans: iii) Ans: iv) Ans: v) Ans: Parted with sugar breath; so sweet a bar Should sunder such sweet friends. Here in her hairs, The painter plays the spider; and hath woven A golden mesh to entrap the hearts of men, Faster than gnats in cobwebs. What does he find in the leaden casket? Bassanio finds the portrait of Portia in the leaden casket. What is Bassanio s impression about the creator of the picture of Portia? Bassanio thinks that only a supernatural being and not a human hand could have painted such a life-like picture. What are Bassanio s observations about the eyes of Portia in the picture? He thinks that the eyes of the picture move; or they appear to be moving because they are reflected in his eyes. What is the sweet bar between the lips of Portia? Her sweet breath is the bar between the lips of Portia. What was the painter s object in painting the spider in Portia s hairs? The object was to capture the hearts of men. Passage 7 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: BASSANIO : but her eyes, How could he see to do them? having made one, Me thinks it should have power to steal both his, And leave itself unfurnish d. Yet look, how far, The substance of my praise doth wrong this shadow In underprizing it, so far this shadow Doth limp behind the substance. Here s the scroll, The continent and summary of my fortune. You that choose not by the view, Chance as fair, and choose as true! Since this fortune falls to you, Be content, and seek no new. If you be well pleas d with this, And hold your fortune for your bliss, Turn you where your lady is, And claim her a loving kiss. i) What according to Bassanio, were the dangers encountered by the painter while painting the eyes of Portia? Ans: Portia s eyes were so magical that the painter should have become blind after the painting only of the eyes. ii) What, according to Bassanio, was the experience of the painter after he had painted one eye of Portia s picture? Ans: According to Bassanio, the painter should have lost both his eyes and thus not have been able to complete the eyes in his painting. iii) Do you think Bassanlo is satisfied by his praise of Portia s beauty? Ans: Bassanio feels that he has not been able to describe the beauty of Portia sufficiently. 142 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II Volume 1 of 2 Section A: Drama 143 iv) What does the scroll say about a person who does not choose by the external qualities? Ans: The scroll says that such a person may make his choice as wisely as he may be very lucky. v) What does the scroll advise Bassanio to do since he has been lucky to choose the right casket? Ans: It advises him to be satisfied and not to run after anything new. Passage 8 : i) Ans: ii) Ans: iii) Ans: iv) Ans: Read the passage and answer the following questions: I come by note, to give and to receive. Like one of two contending in a prize, That thinks he hath done well in people s eyes, Hearing applause and universal shout, Giddy in spirit, still gazing in a doubt. Whether those peals of praise be his or no; So, thrice fair lady, stand I, even so; As doubtful whether what I see be true, Until confirm d, sign d, ratified by you. Who is the speaker of these words? On what occasion are these words spoken? What has the speaker come to give and to receive? These words are spoken by Bassanio and are addressed to Portia. He has just chosen the right casket. Inside, he finds Portia s portrait, and soon he falls into a great ecstasy-of praise. Then he reads the scroll in which there is a blessing for him that he may be always lucky just as he has been here. Bassanio turns to Portia to give and receive love. As a token of this expression he kisses his lady love and expects a kiss from her. This is done in accordance with the instructions given in the scroll. What prize has Bassanio won? Briefly state the reasons which made the speaker to choose the casket in order to win the prize. The speaker has won the hand of fair Portia by choosing the right casket. He has proved to be the luckiest of all the suitors who came to take part in the game of lottery. He will have the fortunc of marrying this beautiful rich lady. Bassanio was able to choose the right casket simply because he had the wisdom of interpreting the inscriptions on the three caskets correctly. He was not led by appearance. He rejected the golden and the silver caskets inspite of their showy appearances. He was prepared to risk everything for the sake of love. So he chose the dull-coloured leaden casket which challenged him to dare something for love. Whom does the speaker compare himself to? Explain clearly the points of comparison. Bassanio compares himself to one of the two competitors contesting for a prize. He is not sure whether the cheers of the audience are meant for him or his rival. So he stands puzzled. Looking anxiously at the crowds. Bassanio is both thrilled and puzzled. He has won a victory, but he is not sure of himself. He has yet to absorb the overwhelming quality of his emotion. Give the meaning of: a) peals of praise? b) until confirmed, signed, ratified by you. a) peals of praise means shouts of acclaim by spectators on winning a prize. b) until it is confirmed. approved and attested by Portia. Bassanio cannot believe that he has won until Portia Confirms this fact. Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II 143 144 v) Why is the speaker doubtful whether what he sees is true? In what mood is the speaker at this point of time? Give evidence from the extract to show that he is in such a mood. Ans: The splendid success which followed B ssanio s choice of the right casket is too good to be believed by him. This is why he is doubtful of his success even when it has been achieved. Bassanio refers in the text to his being in a giddy spirit after having performed what looks like a miracle. He hears the universal shout but he cannot right now believe if this applause is meant for him or not. vi) State in your own words how the fortune of the Bassanlo changes after he wins the prize. Ans: Bassanio s fortune changes incredibly after he wins the prize. He not only gets a beautiful, intelligent wife, but also almost inherits, through her, a great property. The person who did not have money enough to arrange a journey from Venice to Belmont, has now enough to repay his loan many times the principal amount. Such is the nature of his would-be-wife (Portia) that in all humility she places herself as well as all her wealth at the disposal of this young man, who was a pauper before coming to her and who will be rich like a lord after marriage,. Passage 9 : i) Ans: ii) Ans: iii) Ans: iv) Ans: 144 Read the passage and answer the following questions: PORTIA : You see me Lord Bassanio where I sand, Such as I am: though for myself alone I would not be ambitious in my wish, To wish myself much better, yet for you, I would be trebled twenty times myself : A thousand times more fair, ten thousand times More rich that only to stand high in your account, I might in virtues, beauties, livings, friends, Exceed account: but the full sum of me Is sum of nothing: which to term in gross, Is an unlessoned girl, unschool d, unpractis d, Happy in this, she is not yet so old But she may learn. You see me Lord Bassanio where I stand, Such as I am: What does Portia want to say in the above words? After choosing the right casket, Bassanio comes forward to claim beautiful Portia as his future wife. This he does by kissing her. Portia offers herself humbly by saying that she stands before him with whatever shortcomings and merits she has. How is Portia unambitious in her wishes for herself? Portia tells Bassanio that for her ownself she would be quite contented to be what she is. She was satisfied with her lot. She has everything she needs in life. What does she wish to be for the sake of Bassanio? Why does she want to be so? But for the sake of Bassanio, she wishes to be many times richer than what she is so that he might love her and prize her highly. She wishes to be rich beyond reckoning in point of virtue. beauty, wealth and friendship. All these possessions she wants in order to be rated high in Bassanio s opinion. What does Portia claim to be? Is she really an unlessoned girl? Portia claims to be a humble girl. She says that the total value of all her qualities is very little. In actual terms, this total is an uneducated girl, lacking in guidance and experience. Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II Volume 1 of 2 Section A: Drama v) Ans: vi) Ans: 145 In saying this, Portia is undervaluing herself. This is in keeping with her essential character as a dignified lady. Her worth is yet to reveal itself in her brilliant interpretation of the law while defending Antonio in the law court. What is the source of her satisfaction at this stage? Portia humbly states that she has no accomplishment and no experience to boast of. But she is happy that she is not yet so old and rigid that she cannot learn. She is happier still that she has the aptitude to learn. She is pleased to surrender herself to Bassanio, to be guided by him. What is your assessment of Portia? Portia s words belie her real worth and yet they reveal her character. With noble courage and grace she speaks openly of that which any woman less sincere or less wise would have tried to pass over. She disparages her wealth, and wishes it to be ten times as great it is at present for the sake of Bassanio. Portia says that a short while ago, she was the mistress of that beautiful palace, with all servants. But in a moment everything belongs to Bassanio. It will be seen how much he loves Bassanio she has sacrificed her all for him. That s how she is a noble person. Passage 10 : i) Ans: ii) Ans: iii) Ans: iv) Ans: v) Ans: Read the passage and answer the following questions: PORTIA : I might in virtues, beauties, livings, friends, Exceed account: but the full sum of me Is sum of nothing; which, to term in gross, Is, an unlesson d girl, unschool d, unpractis d: Happy in this, she is not yet so old But she may learn; happier than this, She is not bred so dull but she can learn; Happiest of all, is, that her gentle spirit Commits itself to yours to be directed, As from her lord, her governor, her king. Myself and what is mine, to you and yours is now converted: but now, I was the lord Of this fair mansion, master of my servants, Queen o er myself, and even non but now, This house, these servants, and this same myself, Are yours, my lord, I give them with this ring, Which when you part from, lose, or give away Let it presage the ruin of your love, And be my vantage to exclaim on you. In what way does Portia sum up her qu.alities? Portia admits that she is as a whole nothing better than an ignorant girl having no training or experience of life; still she is happy because she is not too old to learn. Why does Portia think herself fortunate? She is fortunate because she is not dull by nature and can learn things. The most fortunate thing is that she is surrendering her humble self to the guidance and control of her husband. How does she submit herself to Bassanio? She accepts Bassanio as her master, lord, governor and king. Who is the owner of her estates now? A moment ago she was the mistress of this beautiful house. Now all these things-servants and herself belong to Bassanio. He is the lord of all. What promise does she take from Bassanlo after giving him the ring? She transfers all these things to Bassanio with a ring. She takes a promise from him that Bassanio will not part with it, lose it or give it to anybody. Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II 145 146 Passage 11 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: GRATIANO : I thank your lordship, you have got me one. My eyes, my lord, can look as swift as yours: You saw the mistress, .1 beheld the maid; You lov d, I lov d for intermission. No more pertains to me, my lord, than you. Your fortune stood upon the caskets there, And so did mine too, as the matter falls: For wooing here, until I sweat again, And swearing until my very roof was dry With oaths of love, at last, promise last, I got a promise of this fair one here, To have her love, provided that your fortune Achiev d her mistress. i) Who is the speaker of these lines? Whom does he address as your lordship ? Ans: These lines are spoken by Gratiano and he addresses them to Bassanio, whom he calls your lordship . ii) Who are the other persons present there? What is the situation? Ans: Others present at the scene are Portia and Nerissa. Bassanio has just chosen the right casket. Inside he has found Portia s portrait and a scroll announcing his success. Bassanio and Portia have expressed their love and commitment to each other. Portia has presented a ring to Bassanio, extracting a promise from him that he will not lose it. It was a token of Portia s love and remembrance and if it was ever lost, it will mean the end of their love. After all this is said, Nerissa wishes good luck to the couple. It is here that Gratiano has his turn to speak. iii) You have got me one . What one has the other person got the speaker? Ans: Gratiano congratulates Bassanio and Portia. He then springs a surprise by expressing his wish to get married. He seeks Bassanio s permission that when they celebrate their marriage, he too may be allowed to marry. Bassanio heartily welcomes the suggestion and grants Gratiano s request provided he can find a wife. Gratiano informs Bassanio that he himself has got him (Gratiano) a wife. Bassanio gets Portia as his wife.This also indirectly has given Gratiano his wife in Nerissa. In this manner, Bassanio has got Gratiano a wife. iv) Explain .... Intermission no more pertains to me my Lord than you. Ans: Gratiano proves that he is no less smart and quick than his master, Bassanio. When Bassanio saw lady Portia, Gratiano saw her maid, Nerissa. Bassanio fell in love with the lady while Gratiano lost his heart to Nerissa. In short, to neglect an opportunity is against his nature as it is against Bassanio s nature. He caught the time by the forelock, and he has achieved success. v) How did the fortune of two persons stand on the caskets there? Ans: The fortune of both Bassanio and Gratiano depended upon the right choice of the casket. Bassanio has the wisdom and good luck to choose the leaden casket which contained Portia s portrait. His effort has ben rewarded with success. He is going to marry Portia, the beautiful rich lady. Thus, Bassanio s luck is shining, it is only after the result of Bassanio s choice is known that Gratiano discloses the agreement he and Nerissa had reached regarding their own marriage. They too would marry if the right casket was chosen. 146 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II Volume 1 of 2 Section A: Drama 147 vi) Explain how the lottery of caskets won by someone; got the speaker the benefit of the bargain. Ans: Gratiano had been quick in wooing the maid while his master was busy in going through the formalities of choosing the casket. He had to try hard with his oaths of love to win Nerissa s heart. At last, he was able to secure the promise that Nerissa would marry Gratiano if Bassanio won the hand of Portia. Thus, when Bassanio won, victory came to Gratiano as well. Gratiano got the benefit of the bargain. Passage 12 : i) Ans: ii) Ans: iii) Ans: iv) Ans: v) Ans: Read the passage and answer the following questions: Here are a few of the unpleasant st words That ever blotted paper! Gentle lady, When did first impart my love I freely told you, all the wealth I had Ran in my veins, I was a gentleman; And then I told you true: and yet, dear lady, Rating myself at nothing, you shall see, How much I was a braggart. When I told you My state was nothing, I should then have told you That I was worse than nothing; for, indeed, I have engag d myself to a dear friend, Engag d my friend to his mere enemy, To feed my means. Here is a letter, lady; The paper as the body of my friend, And every word in it a gaping wound, Issuing life-blood. But is it true, Salarino? Have all his ventures fail d? What, not one hit? From Tripolis, from Mexico, and England, From Lisbon, Barbary, and India? And not one vessel scape the dreadful touch Of merchant-marring rocks? What did Bassanio say about his wealth when he first told Portia of his love? He told Portia that all his wealth flowed in his blood. That is all his wealth consisted in his noble birth. What was Bassanio s actual financial position according to his own confession? His financial position was worse than nothing. All the wealth that he had ran in his veins. How did Bassanio manage money? He managed money through his friend who signed a bond with his enemy and got the money How does he compare the words written in the letter? The words in the letter stand for wounds on the body of his friend. And blood is flowing from those wounds. What informations does the passage give about the losses of Antonio? The passage tells us that some damage has been done to Antonio. His ships at sea are supposed to have been ruined. Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II 147 148 Passage 13 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: SALARINO : Not one my lord. Besides, it should appear, that if he had The present money to discharge the Jew, He would not take it: never did I know A creature that did bear the shape of man So keen and greedy to confound a man. He plies the duke at morning and at night, And doth impeach the freedom of the state I they deny him justice. Twenty merchants, The duke himself, and the magnficoes Of greatest port have all persuaded with him, But none can drive him from the envious plea Of forfeiture, of justice and his bond. JESSICA: When Iwas with him, Ihave heard him swear To Tubal and the Chus, his countrymen, That he would rather have Antonio s flesh Than twenty times the value of the sum That he did owe him: and I know my lord, If law, authority, and power deny not, It will go hard with poor Antonio. i) Ans: ii) Ans: iii) Ans: iv) Ans: v) Ans: 148 Where are the speakers at this moment? The speakers are at Belmont at this time. About whom is Salarino talking and to whom? Salarino is talking about Shylock, and he is talking to Bassanio though a few other persons including Portia are also present. In what light does Salarino depict the person he is talking about? Salarino depicts Shylock as a villain who is determined to demand a pound of Antonio s flesh because Antonio has forfeited the bond. Salarino speaks of Shylock s inflexible resolve in this matter. Nobody in Venice has been able to dissuade the Jew from his purpose: Shylock, according to Salarino. is a greedy and revengeful man who wants to destroy Antonio. To what extent do you agree with Salarino s assessment of that person? Salarino s assessment of Shylock is perfectly correct; and we agree with it though we also know that Antonio too had been ill-treating Shylock and had even been spurning and denouncing him for his greed and usury. Does it really go hard with poor Antonio? Yes, it really goes hard with Antonio for a time. Shylock succeeds in making Antonio feel miserable because of his demand for a pound of Antonio s flesh. Not only Antonio but his friends also feel deeply distressed over the sad fate which threatens Antonio. However, ultimately Antonio is rescued from the Jew s clutches by Portia s ingenuity. Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II Volume 1 of 2 Section A: Drama 149 Passage 14 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: PORTIA : What, no more? Pay him six thousand, and deface the bond; Double six thousand, and then treble that, Before a friend of this description Shall lose a hair through Bassanio s fault. First go with me to church, and call me And then away to Venice to your friend; For never shall you lie by Portia s side With an unquiet soul. You shall have gold To pay the petty debt twenty times over; When it is paid, bring your true friend along: My maid Nerissa and myself, meantime, Will live as maids and widows. Come, away, For you shall hence upon your wedding-day: Bid your friends welcome, show a merry cheer: Since you are dear bought, I will love you deai But let me hear the letter of your friend. i) Ans: ii) Ans: iii) Ans: iv) Ans: v) Ans: How much money is Portia willing to give to have the bond defaced? Portia is willing to give thiry-six thousand ducats. What does Portia want Bassanio to do before going to Venice? She wants him to go to the church with her and legally make her his wife. What would Portia do if Bassanio did not go to Venice? She would not let him lie by her side with a disturbed mind. What do Portia and Nerissa plan to do in the absence of Bassanio? They plan to live like unmarried girls or like widows Why is Portia s love for Bassanio very dear? Portia s love for Bassanio is very dear because not only does she love him deeply but she has also paid a heavy price for him. Analysis Act III Scene III In this short scene, the action of the bond plot quickens towards its climax at the beginning of Act IV. Here, Shylock s language indicates his obsession with a single idea through the repetition of a single word. The word is bond, repeated twice at the opening of his speech, recurring again at lines 12 and 13, and a final time as Shylock makes his exit, deaf to any more pleading: I will have my bond. In constrast to Shylock s fiery outbursts is Antonio s quiet, almost fatalistic acceptance of his positon. He sees that prayers are useless; later, he conceives of himself as being a tainted wether of the flock. The phrase He seeks my life is delivered with the hopeless finality of one already on the way to execution. Such passive acceptance suggests that he is doomed and increases our dramatic anticipation of what is to come. Furthermore, Antonio himself points out that the Venetian state cannot save him; their commercial existence depends upon the rigorous enforcement of the law. Yet, Shakespeare has embedded in our minds how miserly Shylock is; now he teases us and keeps us in suspense: Will Portia s money be enough to satisfy Shylock and make him give up his obsession with the bond of a pound of flesh? Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II 149 150 SOLVED COMPREHENSION PASSAGES: Passage 1 : i) Ans: ii) Ans: iii) Ans: iv) Ans: v) Ans: 150 Read the passage and answer the following questions: ANTONIO : Let him alone, I ll follow him no more with bootless prayers: He seeks my life, his reason well know I often deliver d from his forfeitures Many that have at times made moan to me, Therefore he hates me. SALANIO I am sure the duke Will never grant this .foifeiture to hold. ANTONIO : The duke cannot deny the course law: For the commodity that strangers have With us in Venice, if it be denied, Will much impeach the justice of the state, Since that the trade and profit of the city Consisteth of all nations. Therefore go. These griefs and losses have so bared me That I shall hardly spare a pound of flesh Tomorrow, to my bloddy creditor, Well gaoler, on. Pray God Bassanio come To see me pay his debt, and then I care not. About whom is Antonio talking to Salanio? Antonio is talking to Salanio about Shylock. Where is this conversation taking place? This conversation is taking place outside the jail in which Antonio had been sent as a consequence of Shylock s filing a suit against Antonio over his failure to repay Shylock the loan which he had taken from Shylock. The jailer has brought Antonio outside the jail at Antonio s request because Antonio wanted to speak to Shylock in an effort to appease him and to request him to withdraw his case. What reason does Antonio give for his hatred of the person who seeks his life? Is this the only reason? Antonio says that Shylock hates him because he had rescued many debtors from Shylock s clutches. Many debtors, who had forfeited the bonds signed by them to repay their debts to Shylock, had approached Antonio with their complaints against Shylock s cruelty; and Antonio had helped those debtors with money. Why does Antonio want Bassanio to come, and from where? Antonio wants Bassanio to come back from Belmont in order to see him paying his debt to Shylock in the form of a pound of his flesh. Having failed to repay the loan in terms of money to Shylock, Antonio has now to let Shylock cut off a pound of his flesh; and he would like Bassanio to be present to witness the Jew s exaction of the penalty. Explain the following lines: These griefs and losses have so bated me That I shall hardly spare a pound of flesh Tomorrow, to my bloody creditor. Antonio says that his losses, and the grief which those losses have caused him, have greatly been weighing upon his mind. He has been feeling so worried and distressed that he has been Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II Volume 1 of 2 Section A: Drama 151 losing his bodily weight. He says that he has been reduced almost to a skeleton, and that he does not have enough flesh on his body to make it possible for the Jew to obtain a full pound of flesh from his body. He describes Shylock as a bloody creditor because Shylock is a bloodthirsty man, who, having failed to receive the repayment of the loan which he had given to Antonio, now wants to kill him by cutting off a pound of his flesh from nearest his heart. Analysis Act III Scene IV Lorenzo s praise of Portia, of her nobility and godlike amity, is introduced here so that she can be associated with Antonio, who is termed the bosom lover of Bassanio. Both people are very alike, and both of them are very dear to Bassanio. Earlier in the play, it had been Antonio who exemplified the principle of selfless generosity in his treatment of Bassanio. Now Portia takes over this role. Her material generosity to Bassanio symbolizes her loving generosity to him. In contrast to this generosity of both Portia and Antonio is of course; the character of Shylock. His love has turned inward on himself and on his possessions. The concepts of friendship and love provided many of the central themes for many Elizabethan plays. For the Elizabethans, friendship was as precious and important a relationship as love. Shakespeare has Portia make it plain that she understands the depth of friendship between Antonio and her husband, and that she is purchasing the semblance of my soul in saving Antonio, who is valuable to her because of his friendship with Bassanio. In this scene, Shakespeare also prepares us for Portia s appearance in the court. Under cover of living in prayer and contemplation, she and Nerissa plan to go to Venice, but this must be kept secret from the other characters of the play. SOLVED COMPREHENSION PASSAGES: Passage 1 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: PORTIA: I never did repent for doing good, Nor shall not now; for in companions That do converse and waste the rime together, Whose souls do bear an equal yoke of love, There must be needs a like proportion Of lineaments, of manners, and of spirit: Which makes me think, that this Antonio, Being the bosom lover of my lord, Must needs be like my lord. If it be so, How little is the cost I have bestow d, In purchasing the semblance of my soul From out the state of hellish cruelty! This comes too near the praising of myself. Therefore, no more of it: hear other things. Lorenzo, I commit into your hands The husbandry and manage of my house, Untii my lord s return; for mine own part, I have toward heaven breathed a secr t vow, To live in prayer and contemplation, Only attended by Nerissa here, Until her husband and my lord s return: There is a monastery two miles off, Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II 151 152 i) Ans: ii) Ans: iii) Ans: iv) Ans: v) Ans: And there will we abide. I do desire you Not to deny this imposition, The which my love, and some necessity, Now lays upon you. What does Portia say of her past actions? Portia says that she has never repented doing a good action in the past. What is her opinion about those friends who spend their time together? Portia thinks that such friends must have similar characterstics of conduct, manner and temperament. Why does not Portia want to continue the talk about the resemblance between Bassanio and Antonio any more? Portia feels that this kind of talk amounts to self-praise. So she does not want to continue it. What does she want to do until the return of Gratiano and Bassanio? Portia and Nerissa have pledged to live alone until the return of their husbands. They will spend their time in prayer. Where will Nerissa and Portia live in the meantime? They will stay in a monastery. Passage 2 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: PORTIA : They shall, Nerissa; but in such.a habit, That they shall think we are accomplished With that we lack. I ll hold thee any wager, When we are both accoutred like young men, I ll prove the prettier fellow of the two, And wear my dagger with the braver grace; And speak, between the change of man and boy, With a reed voice; and turn two mincing steps Into a manly stride; and speak of frays, Like a fine bragging youth: and tell quaint lies, How honourable ladies sought my love, Which I denying, they fell sick and died; I could not do withal; then I ll repent, And wish, for all that, that I had not kill d them: And twenty of these puny lies I ll tell, That men shall swear I have discontinued school Above a twelve month: I have within my mind A thousand raw tricks of these bragging Jacks, Which I will practise. i) Ans: ii) Ans: 152 What sort of habit will they have? They will wear male dress. But being women, they will not have manly qualities. How will Portia try to look more manly? Portia will wear her dagger in a more suitable and dashing manner. She will speak in a sharp voice suiting a lad who is growing from boyhood into manhood. She will take one long step like a man instead of two short steps like a woman. Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II Volume 1 of 2 Section A: Drama 153 iii) What kind of lies will Portia tell? Ans: She will tell skilful lies. She will tell people how respectable ladies who thought her (now him) to be a youngman wanted to fall in love with her (now him) but she (now he) rejected their advances. iv) What other tricks does Portia intend practising? Ans: Portia will practise a thousand crude tricks. v) What do you understand by Raw tricks of bragging Jacks? Ans: They are boyish tricks practised by boastful boys. Passage 3 : i) Ans: ii) Ans: iii) Ans: iv) Ans: v) Ans: Read the passage and answer the following questions: PORTIA : I have within my mind A thousand raw tricks of these bragging Jacks, Which I will practise. PORTIA : But come, I ll tell thee all my whole device When I am in my coach, which stays for us At the park gate; and therefore haste away, For we must measure twenty miles to-day. Who are referred to as bragging Jacks ? In what favourable condition will the speaker be to practise tricks on these bragging Jacks ? Portia refers to those boastful young men who often talk of their imaginary adventures in love and war. They are referred to as bragging Jacks . Portia will be disguised as a youngman. So will be her maid Nerissa. But Portia is confident that she will look smarter. She will be able to play the role of those bragging Jacks with perfection. Briefly state any three of Portia s tricks referred to just before this extract. Portia will wear her dagger in a gallant way. She will speak in a voice that is between a young boy s and a man s, which will be a shrill voice. She will tell strange lies about how honourable ladies tried to win his (being dressed as youngman) love, but fell sick and died when he refused to reciprocate. This description of how Portia will behave disguised as a young man, besides revealing her own ingenuity and wit, gives a satirical picture of the typical young gentlemen of the period, who were fond of duelling, boasting, of love and leading a fashionable, roving life. What has Portia told Lorenzo about her plans before her departure? Portia discloses her plan to leave her house along with Nerissa. She has taken a vow to pass her time in prayer and meditation until the return of her husband. Nerissa will be with her, waiting in the same manner for her husband. There is a monastery two miles away, and they will stay there. Portia hands over the charge of her house and servants to Lorenzo and Jessica. In her absence, they will manage the house. The servants too have been given all instructions, and they will treat Lorenzo and Jessica as master and mistress of the house respectively. Where does Portia really plan to go? What was the purpose of her mission? Portia is actually planning to go to Venice to try to save Antonio s life. Her mission is to seek advice from Dr. Bellario of Padua who is an authority on the Venetian law. Then she will appear in the Duke s court when Antonio comes for trial. Why has she to haste away ? What does this extract tell us about Portia s character? Portia has a very urgent reason to haste away to Venice. Antonio s case is coming for hearing in the court. She wants to be there to defend the good merchant before it is too late. She has no time to lose. Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II 153 154 Portia is quick in taking decisions and she has a perfect clarity of vision. She knows that she herself cannot go to Padua to get her cousin, Dr. Bellario s legal advice. So she deputes her very dependable servant, Balthazar, to rush to Padua with her letter. After getting some notes and garments (Lawyer s robes), Baithazar meets her at the ferry which plies to and from Venice. From there she will proceed to Venice. Analysis Act III Scene V As in the previous scene, the light comic and romantic relief in this scene is dramatically in order, since it will be immediately followed by the courtroom scene, which is the longest scene in the play and certainly the most emotional scene in the play. Much of this scene focuses on Launcelot Gobbo s clowning and punning. For example, Launcelot uses bastard in a sense that can be both figurative and literal; in addition, he plays elaborately on the two senses of the word cover laying a table and putting on one s hat. The tender, affectionate exchange between Lorenzo and Jessica at the end of the scene serves to establish their new happiness. They will reappear in Act V in the same roles. In both scenes, we see a Jessica who has changed and blossomed in the environment of Belmont, and this has its significance. Portia and Nerissa are, for example, to the manner born, but Jessica is an outsider. She was reared by a miser and a man who keenly felt his alienation in the Venetian community. Jessica s character and personality were molded by these attitudes. Now we see her maturing, and her new happiness suggests that Belmont (symbolically, a beautiful mountain) is not so much a place as a state of mind. Jessica s journey from Shylock s household to the sunlight and freedom of Belmont is, in its way, a symbolic journey one from hatred to love and, especially in Jessica s case, a journey from sterility to fruition. SOLVED COMPREHENSION PASSAGES: Passage 1 : i) Ans: ii) Ans: 154 Read the passage and answer the following questions: JESSICA : Past all expressing, it is very meet The Lord Bassanio live an upright life For having such a blessing in his Lady. He finds the joys of heaven here on earth. And if on earth he do not merit, it Is reason he should never come to heaven Why, if two gods should play some heavenly match, And on the wager lay two earthly women, And Portia one: there must be something else. Pawn d with the other: for the poor rude world Hath not her fellow. Who is the speaker of these words? To whom are these words addressed? What is the occasion? Jessica is the speaker of these words. She is talking to her husband, Lorenzo. The two are staying in Belmont in Portia s house. Portia and Bassanio are away to Venice. Lorenzo just asks his wife to say how she likes Bassanio s wife. To this Jessica gives the reply in these lines. What is described as Past expressing ? According to Jessica, she likes Portia (Bassanio s wife) very much. She lacks words to express her appreciation for Portia. We have known Portia s charm and sweetness from the way she treated people. This praise from Jessica to whom Portia must have been very courteous and obliging, still further enriches our conception of her character. Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II Volume 1 of 2 Section A: Drama 155 iii) What kind of life should lord Bassanlo lead? What are the reasons to form this expectation? Ans: Jessica says that Bassanio who has the good fortune of getting such a noble wife, should live a morally upright life, for he has got through her all the joys of heaven on earth. Perhaps it is a hint that Bassanio s life in the past has not been up to the mark. He has been indulging in frivolities. iv) On what condition will he lose the right to enter heaven? Ans: Jessica gives her argument that if by not living uprightly Bassanio does not appreciate this heaven on earth, then after death he will have no right to come to heaven above. This passage means that if Bassanio on earth in the sweet company of Portia does not merit the joys of heaven by leading a pure life and making Portia happy, then even in heaven he should not expect any happiness. v) Explain what is indicated in the comparison of two gods who play some heavenly match . Ans: Jessica poetically explains that she wants to impress upon Lorenzo, that if two gods should enter into a competition and two earthly women be on stake, it will create a difficult situation if Portia was to be one of them. It will be impossible to find another women to match Portia. Something else will have to be added to the other woman to make her equal to Portia. Jessica is all praise for Portia, whom she considers incomparable. vi) Does the other person claim something humorously? Is his claim accepted? Ans: It is then that Lorenzo humorously points out that just as Portia is a matchless wife, similarly, Lorenzo is a matchless husband to Jessica. Jessica banteringly contradicts him. She pretends to be dissatisfied with his way. Thus, there is a comic touch about his non-serious domestic quarrel between newly-married man and wife. Analysis Act IV Scene I We now reach the dramatic high point of the play. In this scene, the matter of the bond reaches its crisis and its resolution: Shylock is defeated, Antonio is saved, and the lovers are free to return to Belmont; thus, Shakespeare gives us the happy ending which a romantic comedy requires. In the introductory speeches by the duke and Antonio, we are reminded of the antithetical positions of the two adversaries. The Duke of Venice himself calls Shylock an inhuman wretch, uncapable of pity and Antonio characterizes himself as lost no lawful means can save him. Sympathy surrounds Antonio, but dramatic sympathy is also structured around the solitary figure of Shylock. He is an intensely sympathetic figure here, alone in his solitude, surrounded on all sides by his enemies. This will be even more striking at the moment of his defeat. By asking Shylock to show mercy toward Antonio, the duke provides Shylock with a final opportunity to restate his position and, dramatically, Shakespeare prolongs the suspense of whether or not Shylock will actually demand Antonio s life. Throughout this scene, Shylock is asked, both by the court and by his opponents, why he refuses to relent towards Antonio. In each case, his answers are themselves unanswerable; he stands upon the law ; the law is a creation of those who are now asking him to break it. Shylock s principles are as good, and better, than his inquisitors; it is under their law that he has sworn, To have the due and forfeit of my bond. However, Shylock goes beyond this and, in effect, he admits that his desire for revenge lies in the lodged hate that he bears toward Antonio. Although he professes to stand on the letter of the law, Shylock reveals quite clearly that his real motive has nothing to do with right or wrong,justice or injustice, but with his desire to destroy another human being a Christian who has publicly scorned and spat upon him. This admission is important, since it figures later in Portia s plea, in her powerful quality of mercy speech. Antonio knows that mercy is unlikely from Shylock, and Shakespeare tightens the tension of this scene by having Antonio beseech Bassanio to stop trying to win any sympathy from Shylock. It is no use; Shylock insists upon having justice carried out according to the law. Yet, while Shylock is demanding justice, Shakespeare makes it absolutely clear to the audience that Shylock s inhumanity, his Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II 155 156 obsession with revenge, is what motivates his demands. When Shylock says, the pound of flesh . . is dearly bought, is mine, and I will have it, he is not speaking of rights anymore; he is demanding his enemy s blood. Tension increases further when Nerissa (as the law clerk) is announced, and she presents the letter from Bellario to the duke. Tension increases almost unbearably as the duke reads the letter and Shylock pulls out his knife and begins to sharpen it on the sole of his shoe. It is an almost melodramatic touch, giving Shylock s inhumanity powerful, visible form. Shylock now seems in complete command, secure in the knowledge that, legally, he has bested everyone in the courtroom. He, an alien Jew, in a Christian community that has spurned him, has triumphed over prejudice and has won in a Venetian court because of the binding integrity of Venetian law. When Portia is brought on in disguise, Shakespeare sustains the tension still longer by having her question the legality of the bond Antonio may not have agreed formally or he may have agreed to another set of conditions. Her question Do you confess the bond? emphasizes once more that no avenue of escape is possible for Antonio. He answers that he agreed to the bond. The quality of mercy speech that follows is a last plea; seemingly, Portia sees no other hope for Antonio. Thus, she confirms the decree established, and this gives her yet one moment more to think of some new strategy. In a moment of inspiration, she asks to see the bond; she inspects it, and she discerns a flaw: Antonio s flesh may be forfeit, but nothing has been stipulated concerning the letting of blood. Thus she, like Shylock, decides to stand on the absolute letter of Venetian law: Shylock may indeed claim a pound of flesh, to be by him cut off! Nearest the merchant s heart. She can declare this, knowing full well that Shylock s knife will never touch Antonio. This explains her surprisingly legal coldness; Portia knows exactly what she is doing. At this point, however, the audience doesn t, and this, of course, adds to the tension of the scene. Thus she proceeds with methodical legality until the last moment, when she says, understatedly, Tarry a little; there is something else, words which will reverse the whole situation. Now it can be demonstrated anew that Shylock remains merciless in order to justify the punishment which he finally receives. Portia s delay demonstrates this and shows us Shylock s insistence on the absolute letter of the law, for it will be in accordance with the law that Shylock will punish Antonio. When Portia orders Antonio to lay bare your bosom, Shylock is able to quote from the bond; So says the bond. Nearest his heart ; those are the very words. And when Portia humanely asks Shylock to have some surgeon . . . to stop his wounds, Shylock is appalled at Portia s lack of legalese: Is it so nominated in the bond ? . . . I cannot find it; tis not in the bond. Clearly, Portia is leading Shylock slowly into a trap which he has prepared for himself with his reply to her plea for mercy, My deeds upon my head! I crave the law. At this point, the dignity which Shylock possessed at the scene s beginning and the sympathy which Shakespeare evoked for him has now gone, as he exults over Antonio s approaching death. As an avenger of past wrongs by Antonio, Shylock gained some sympathy from the audience; now, whetting his knife and anticipating with relish the moment when he will be able to use it, he becomes a butcher and loses that sympathy. All of this is necessary for the total effect of the play; this is why Shakespeare wisely makes Portia delay final pronouncements and then ingeniously begin to reveal new interpretations of absolute justice. Shakespeare is manipulating, with genius, the sympathy of the audience. Antonio s seemingly last speech in line 263 has a dignified nobility; he declares once more his love for Bassanio; he asks him neither to grieve nor repent. At this point, the situation is a potentially tragic one, and once more Shakespeare needs to remind his audience that this play is not, finally, tragic. He achieves this at the moment of greatest tension when he allows the drama to slacken for a moment, and we listen in on the little exchange between the disguised wives (Portia and Nerissa) as their husbands declare their love and loyalty for one another; we chuckle when we hear Portia and Nerissa comment on these last words between Antonio and Bassanio. The judge and the clerk agree that the wives of these two gentlemen would not be happy to hear their husbands exchange such vows of ready sacrifice of lives for one another. 156 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II Volume 1 of 2 Section A: Drama 157 The turning point of this act and of the play occurs in line 304: Tarry a little; there is something else. Obviously, Shylock has come toward Antonio and now stands with his knife raised to strike, while the group on stage stands transfixed. Portia s voice, still calm, cuts through the silence. With Portia s pronouncement that the law allows no jot of blood, Shylock s case is lost. He is almost struck dumb; Is that the law? is all he can ask. He was absolutely certain that his trust in the law was inviolate. The law that he believed to be so solid crumbles before him, and he realizes that his case is now absolutely, irrevocably reversed. The law goes on to condemn him, reversing his position so completely that he himself is threatened. Shylock s last appearance before us, in total defeat, can, in some cases, depending on the actor win back some of the sympathy lost earlier in this scene. But he is given little to say in comment upon the judgment passed upon him. Here, silence is the most powerful kind of eloquence. One can hardly imagine his next-to-be-last line, I am content, uttered in any other way than in almost a whisper. He has been defeated he, a Jew in a Venetian, Christian court of law, and as part of his punishment, he has had to agree to become a Christian. This is an ultimate punishment for so orthodox a jew. So stunned is he that he begs his judges: I pray you give me leave to go from hence: / I am not well. send the deed after me, and I will sign it. This is a masterstroke of simple, understated pathos. Now Shylock has lost everything. He has shown us, however, how hate breeds hate, and Shakespeare has demonstrated how hate is finally, ultimately, defeated. Through Shylock s extreme behavior, Shakespeare dramatizes the way in which the laws of justice and property on which society is based can be, without charity and mercy and humanity, as ferocious as the law of any jungle. This, then, rather than the legal quibbles, is what is important in this scene. There is no denying that the rule of law is necessary. But law, when it is not tempered with mercy, is, as Shakespeare vividly shows us, both inhuman and destructive. Since this is the central scene of the play and since it turns on our interpretation of Shylock, it follows the way we see Shylock, and determines the way we see the whole play. If he is played as a neartragic figure, the conflict between mercy and justice is to some extent obscured. Shylock is left stripped of his daughter, his property, and his religion. That seems a harsh judgment; at times, it is difficult to see Shylock as anything but a figure of pathos. We tend to agree with the nineteenth-century writer Hazlitt, who wrote that certainly our sympathies are oftener with him than with his enemies. He is honest in his vices; they are hypocrites in their virtues. On this point, we ought to recall three things. First for the Elizabethan audience, Shylock was not just a characterization ; he was the villain of a romantic comedy, and as such, he has to be punished. Second, Shylock s money, which he had hoarded for hirnself is to go to Lorenzo and Jessica, two of the play s lovers. Love and hate are thematically opposed in this play, and since Shylock is slowly revealed to be the embodiment of hate, there is a satisfying kind of justice in his riches going to a pair of lovers. And third, the court s judgment that Shylock become a Christian would have pleased the Elizabethan audience immensely. They all genuinely believed that only a Christian could achieve salvation; they would see the court s decision as a chance for Shylock to achieve salvation. Thus the judgment was imposed, quite literally, for the good Shylock s soul. After Shylock s exit, the play, which has, at times, come near to tragedy, and which has had, because of Shylock, an element of pathos, reverts completely to the tone of a romantic comedy. The barrier to the true fulfillment of love has been removed. It remains only for us to return to Belmont for the closing act of the play; the threats and conflicts of this act are removed and are replaced by an atmosphere of rye and concord. Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II 157 158 SOLVED COMPREHENSION PASSAGES: Passage 1 : i) Ans: ii) Ans: iii) Ans: iv) Ans: v) Ans: Read the passage and answer the following questions: DUKE : Make room, and let him stand before our face. Shylock. the world, thinks, and I think so too, That thou but leadst this fashion of thy malice To the last hour of act; and then, tis thought Thou lt show thy mercy and remorse, more strange Than is thy strange apparent cruelty: And where thou now exact st the penalty, Which is a pound of this poor merchant s flesh, Thou wilt not only loose the forfeiture, But, touch d with human gentleness and love, Forgive a moiety of the principal; Glancing an eye of pity on his losses, That have of late so huddled on his back, Enough to press a royal merchant down, And pluck commiseration of his state From brassy bosoms, and rough hearts of flint, From stubborn Turks and Tartars, never train d To offices of tender courtesy. We all expect a gentle answer, Jew. What do the Duke and the world expect Shylock to do? The Duke and the world expect Shylock to show pity at the last moment when the time to cut off a pound of flesh would come. How does the Duke expect Shylock to conduct himself in regard to the demand of a pound of flesh ? The Duke thinks that Shylock will exempt Antonio from the penalty of a pound of flesh. He will also remit a part of the principal amount of the loan of three thousand ducats. Why is Shylock expected to do so? Shylock is expected to do so because he will be touched with gentleness and love. What kind of answer is expected from Shylock? A kind answer is expected from the Jew. What is pressing the Royal Merchant? The heavy losses sustained by the Royal Merchant are pressing him. Passage 2 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: SHYLOCK: I have possess d your grace of what I purpose; And by our holy Sabbath have I sworn, To have the due and forfeit of my bond: If you deny it, let the danger light Upon your charter, and your city s freedorn. You ll ask me, why I rather choose to have A weight of carrion flesh, than to receive Three thousand ducats: I ll not answer that: 158 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II Volume 1 of 2 Section A: Drama i) Ans: ii) Ans: iii) Ans: iv) Ans: v) Ans: 159 But, say, it is my humour is it answer d?. What, if my house be troubled with a rat And be pleas d to give ten thousand ducats To have it ban d? What, are you answer d yet! Some men there are love not a gaping pig: Some, that are mad if they behold a cat And others, when the bagpipe sings I the nose. Cannot contain themselves: for affection. Master of passion sways it to the mood Of what it likes, or loathes, now, for your answer. As there is no firm reason to be rendered. Why he cannot abide a gaping pig; Why he, a harmless necessary cat Why he, a woollen bagpipe, but of force Must yield to such inevitable shame, As to offend himself, being offended; So can I give no reason, nor I will not, More than a lodg d hate, and a certain loathing, I bear Antonio, that I follow thus A losing suit against him. Are you answer d? What information has Shylock given to the Duke? He has told the Duke that he would obtain the penalty which is due to him. What, according to Shylock, will happen if he is denied the penalty of the bond? In that case the free rights and the freedom of the city of Venice will suffer. What reason does Shylock give for insisting on having a pound of Antonio s flesh? He does not give any reason. It is only a whim of his. Why, according to Shylock, people like one thing and not the other? People like things according to their nature that produces emotions. It is actually the nature of a man which makes him like or dislike something. What is Shylock s deep reason for pursuing a suit against Antonio? The reason is that he has a deep hatred for Antonio. Passage 3 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: man. BASSANIO : This is no answer thou unfeeling. To excuse the current of thy cruelty SHYLOCK : I am not bound to please thee with my answers! BASSANIO Do all men kill the things they do not love? SHYLOCK: Hates any man the thing he would not kill? BASSANIO Every offence is not a hate at first! SHYLOCK : What! Wouldst thou have a serpent sting thee twice? ANTONIO : I pray you think you question with the Jew. You may as well go stand upon the beach And bid the main flood bate his usual height, You may as well use question with the wolf, Why he hath made the ewe bleat for the lamb. Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II 159 160 i) Ans: ii) Ans: iii) Ans: iv) Ans: v) Ans: Where are the speakers at this time? The speakers at this time are in a court of law in Venice. What answer had the unfeeling man given? The unfeeling man, namely Shylock; had told the Duke that he was not prepared to forego the pound of flesh which he was entitled to as a consequence of Antonio s failure to have repaid the loan within the prescribed period of time. Shylock had also said that he now wanted the pound of flesh, and not the money, because of his hatred for Antonio and his loathing for that man. What light do these verbal exchanges throw on the characters of the speakers? Shylock here appears as a man of inflexible resolve, while Bassanio is trying his best to prevail upon Shylock to give up his resolve which is to cut off a pound of Antonio s flesh. Bassanio pleads for a humane view of the situation, but Shylock hates Antonio so much that he compares that man to a serpent. Antonio, intervening in the conversation between Bassanio and Shylock, tells Bassanio that it is futile to argue with Shylock because Shylock is as merciless and savage as the wolf which kills and eats up a lamb. Thus Antonio knows what kind of a man Shylock basically is. Whose arguments here are more convincing: Bassanio s or Shylock s? The arguments of both Bassanio and Shylock have considerable force. Bassanio pleads for mercy from Shylock, while Shylock depicts Antonio as a man who had done great damage to him financially and also in terms of reputation. However, Bassanio s arguments are certainly more convincing because it is extreme of cruelty and savagery on the part of a man to try to take the life of another man, no matter what his grievances against the other man might be. Comment on Antonio s assessment of the Jew s attitude. Antonio s assessment of the Jew s attitude is perfectly sound. Shylock has certainly suffered much at the hands of Antonio; but he is undoubtedly a man without any human feeling. Antonio rightly compares Shylock to a wolf who kills a lamb and eats it up to satisfy his hunger. And Antonio then rightly points out that it is as futile to try to alter the Jew s attitude of cruelty as it would be to ask the pine trees on the mountains not to let their branches move at all when strong winds are blowing in the sky. Passage 4 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: ANTONIO : I pray you think you question with the Jew, You may as well go stand upon the beach. And bid the main flood bate his usual height. You may as well use question with the wolf. Why he hath made the ewe bleat for the lamb: You may as well forbid the mountain pines To wag their high tops, and to make no noise When they are fretted with the gusts of heaven: You may as well do any thing most hard. As seek to soften that, than which what s harder: His Jewish heart. Therefore I do beseech you Make no more offers, use no farther means.. i) Who has been arguing with the Jew? What have been the bases of pleading by: (i) the Duke. (ii) Bassanio? Ans: In the trial scene, as the case comes for hearing, the duke makes an appeal to Shylock to drop his case against Antonio. This is followed by Bassanio s request to the Jew to relent in his cruel attitude towards that helpless merchant. i) First, the duke makes a very well-worded appeal to Shylock asking him to show pity to Antonio who has suffered heavy losses in his ships. He tactfully tells the Jew that everybody 160 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II Volume 1 of 2 Section A: Drama ii) Ans: iii) Ans: iv) Ans: v) Ans: 161 thinks that Shylock is only putting up an appearance of malice against Antonio. At last, he will show mercy by not only giving up the demand for Antonio s punishment but also by forgiving a part of the principal amount of the loan. But Shylock claims that he has taken an oath to punish Antonio. So he cannot change his mind. Shylock refuses to explain why he is so cruel in his demand of a pound of flesh from Antonio s body. He gives many examples to prove that men hate certain things and cannot tolerate them. Similarly, he cannot tolerate Antonio. So he must exert his penalty. If the duke refuses to give him his legal due, it will bring a bad name to the rule of law in Venice. ii) As for Bassanio, Shylock dismisses him even more rudely. When Bassanio asks the Jew why he is giving such unreasonable answers, the Jew retorts that he is not bound to please him with his answers. When Bassanio asks if all men kill the things they do not like. Shylock wants to know if he should allow a snake to bite him twice. Thus, Bassanio s pleading makes the Jew even more angry. Were they able to convince the Jew? What was the Jew s main answer? Both the duke and Bassanio failed to convince the Jew to have mercy on Antonio. Shylock s main answer was that it was settled hate and a strong loathing for Antonio that made him pursue a suit which involved a financial loss to him. What does Antonio now say? Does he approve of any more pleading with the Jew? Antonio knows enough about Shylock s obstinacy and revengeful spirit. So he realises that arguing with the Jew is futile. The suspense of the trial is unbearable to him, and he prefers to hear the verdict. Explain the following i) making the ewe bleat for the lamb . ii) forbidding the mountain pines To wag their high tops. iii) bid the main flood bate his usual height ? Antonio makes several comparisons to explain the stubbornness of the Jew. It is futile to argue with him. i) It is as futile as arguing with the wolf and asking him why he has devoured the lamb and thus make the mother- sheep cry in distress, ii) It is as futile as ordering the pine-trees growing on the mountain-tops not to shake their top most branches and not produce any sound when they are agitated by the assaults made by. the winds blowing over them. iii) It is as futile as going and standing on the sea-shore and calling upon the high tide to remain lower than its usual height. Does Antonio speak in a mood of calm resignation? Is he afraid of consequences? Antonio speaks in a mood of philosophic resignation. He does not seem to be afraid of the consequences. He is ready to hear th judgement to let the Jew have what he wants. He knows that the Jew s revenge is volcanic and sweeping in its motion and range. He, therefore, resigns before his fate. Passage 5 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: DUKE : How shalt thou hope for mercy rend ring none? SHYLOCK: What judgment shall I dread doing no wrong? You have among you many a purchas d slave, Which (like your asses, and your dogs and mules) You use in abject and in slavish parts, Because you bought them. Shall I say to you, Let them be free, marry them to your heirs? Why sweat they under burdens? Let their beds Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II 161 162 i) Ans: ii) Ans: iii) Ans: iv) Ans: v) Ans: Be made as soft as yours, and let their palates Be seasoned with such viands? You will answer The slaves are ours . So do I answer you: The pound of flesh which I demand of him Is dearly bought, tis mine and I will have it: If you deny me, fie upon your law! There is no force in the decrees of Venice: I stand for judgment. Answer, shall I have it? Where are the speakers at this time? The speakers at this time are in a court of law in Venice. On what basis does Shylock say that the pound of flesh being demanded by him is his, and that he will have it? Shylock makes a claim to a pound of Antonio s flesh on the basis of the bond which Antonio had signed and which Antonio has forfeited. Why does Shylock say that the pound of flesh is dearly bought ? Shylock had given Antonio a loan of three thousand ducats which Antonio has failed to repay within the prescribed period of time. As Antonio has forfeited the bond which he had signed, Shylock is now entitled to a pound of Antonio s flesh. In other words, having lost an amount of three thousand ducats, Shylock can demand a pound of Antonio s flesh as the penalty specified in the bond. Three thousand ducats is a large amount of money; and therefore Shylock says that he has paid a heavy price for the pound of flesh which he is demanding. He would not now accept any amount of money in lieu of the flesh to which he is entitled; and so the price, which he is now paying for that flesh, is even higher than before because Bassanio is now willing to pay the Jew any amount of money in order to save Antonio. What answer does the Duke give to Shylock s question? Shylock s question is whether or not the Duke is willing to enforce the law and let him cut off a pound of Antonio s flesh. To this question, the Duke replies that he would use his authority to dismiss the court and to resume the proceedings only when a learned doctor of laws by the name of Bellario arrives here. The Duke says that he has sent for that learned lawyer to decide Shylock s claim against Antonio. To what extent does Shylock s comparison of the pound of flesh with asses, dogs, and mules seem to you to be appropriate? Shylock s comparison of a pound of Antonio s flesh with asses, dogs, and mules owned by the Duke and by other persons in Venice is perfectly sound. The owners of asses, dogs and mules have full authority over their animals, and have a right to use them for any purpose they like. Shylock, having become legally entitled to cut off a pound of Antonio s flesh, has now acquired similar authority over that flesh. The owners of those animals had paid a price to buy them and then to use them to carry goods from one place to another or for any other purpose, according to their requirements. Shylock too had purchased a pound of Antonio s flesh at a certain price. He had given Antonio an amount of three thousand ducats which he had not got back; and, therefore, according to the terms of the bond, he has acquired a right over a pound of Antonio s flesh which he can then use in any way he likes. Passage 6 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: BASSANIO: Good cheer Antonio! What man, courage yet! The Jew shall have my flesh, blood, bones, and all, Ere thou shalt lose for me one drop of blood. ANTONIO : I am a tainted wet her of the flock, Meetest for death,-the weakest kind of fruit 162 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II Volume 1 of 2 Section A: Drama i) Ans: ii) Ans: iii) Ans: iv) Ans: v) Ans: vi) Ans: 163 Drops earliest to the ground, and so let me, You cannot better be employ d Bassanio Than to live still and write mine epitaph. Where are the speakers at this time? The speakers are in a court of law in Venice at this time. Under what circumstances does this dialogue take place? This dialogue takes place when Shylock s case against Antonio seems to be going against Antonio. The Duke s personal appeal to Shylock has produced no effect on Shylock; and Bassanio s pleading with Shylock has also failed to serve any purpose. Do you think that Bassanio is sincere in giving the assurance which he gives to Antonio in his speech? Bassanio is certainly sincere in giving Antonio the assurance that he would not allow the Jew to cut off any flesh from Antonio s body, no matter what sacrifice he (Bassanio) might have to make. Bassanio is willing to give the Jew his own flesh, blood, bones, and every other part or organ of his body to save Antonio s life. It is another matter that Shylock would not accept any such offer from Bassanio; but Bassanio is quite sincere in making the offer. Of course, Bassanio s offer is made in a rhetorical manner and cannot be taken literally, but his sincerity towards Antonio cannot by doubted. Why is Antonio willing to die? Antonio thinks himself to be a useless man now when he has become a bankrupt, and has completely lost his flourishing business. He compares himself to a sheep which becomes infected with some disease dangerous to the other sheep as well. It would be better if an infected sheep, and the continued presence of which in a flock of sheep can prove dangerous to the other sheep as well. It would be better if an infected sheep dies than it should infect the other sheep as well. In the same way, Antonio would like to die instead of continuing to live and cause endless anxiety to his friends like Bassanio. Explain the following expressions: a) a tainted wether of the flock b) Meetest for death c) and write mine epitaph a) A tainted wether of the flock- an infected male sheep of a flock of sheep; a sheep which has caught some disease and which is likely to infect the other sheep as well, by its contact with the others. Actually the word wether means a male sheep which has been castrated and thus rendered incapable of impregnating the female sheep. b) Meetest for death- most fit to die. The word meet in this sense means proper or appropriate . Meetest is the superlative degree of the word meet which is here an adjective. Meetest therefore means most proper or most appropriate . c) And write mine epitaph- and compose the epitaph to be inscribed on my tomb. Epitaph means the words (in prose or in verse) which are inscribed on a tombstone. An epitaph is generally a tribute paid to a dead man or woman by his or her relatives or admirers. What feelings does this piece of dialogue arouse in your heart? This piece of dialogue arouses our sympathy for Antonio and our admiration for Bassanio. We are filled with deep pity at the fate which Antonio is on the verge of meeting; and we certainly admire Bassanio for his sincerity towards his friend who is in deep trouble. Passage 7 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: BASSANIO : Why dost thou whet thy knife so earnestly? SHIYLOCK : To cut the forfeiture from that bankrupt there! GRATIANO : Not on the sole: but on thy soul (harsh Jew.) Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II 163 164 i) Ans: ii) Ans: iii) Ans: iv) Ans: v) Ans: Thou makest thy knife keen : but no metal can, No, not the handman s axe-bear half the keenness Of the sharp envy: can no prayers pierce thee? SHYLOCK : No, none that thou has wit enough to make. GRATIANO : O be thou damn d inexorable dog! And for thy life let justice be accus d. Thou almost makst me waver in my faith, To hold opinion with Pythagoras, That souls of animals infuse themselves Into the trunks of men. Where are the speakers at this time? The speakers are in a court of law in Venice at this time. What is the difference between sole and soul as used by Gratiano? In w hat sense has the word keen been used? The word sole means the bottom side of a shoe, and the word soul means the spirit of a man. A sole is made of leather (and, in some causes, of rubber), while a soul is the spirit which dwells inside a body and which is immortal. The words sole and soul have an identical pronunciation though they have different meanings. Thus we have a pun here. The word keen as used here means sharp. In what way is Shylock making his knife keen on his soul? Gratiano means to say that Shylock s knife has been made sharp by the cruelty of his spirit, and not as a result of his rubbing the knife against the leather sole of a shoe. Explain the line: And for thy life let justice be accus d . Justice itself would deserve to be condemned and denounced if it allows a revengeful and savage man like Shylock to continue to live in this world. Gratiano mean s to say that the law should take cognizance of Shylock s inhumanity and savagery, and should condemn him to death instead of allowing him to cut off another man s flesh and killing the other man. Who was Pythagoras? Pythagoras was an ancient Greek Philosopher who believed in the transmigration of the soul. According to him, the soul of a man might, after his death, enter the body of an animal, and vice versa. (That is the belief that many Hindus also hold even in these scientific times) Passage 8 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: GRATIANO : O be thou damn d, inexorable dog. And for thy life Justice be accus d Thou almost rnak st me waver in my faith: To hold opinion with Pythagoras That souls of animals infuse themselves Into the trunks of men. The currish spirit Govern d a wolf who hang d for human slaughter Even from the gallows did his fell soul fleet: and whilst thou lay st in thy unhallowed dam. Infus d itself in thee: for-thy desires And wolvish, bloody, starv d and ravenous. SHYLOCK : Till thou canst rail the seal from off my bond Thou but offend st thy lungs to speak so loud: 164 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II Volume 1 of 2 Section A: Drama 165 i) Why does Gratiano use an abusive language for Shylock? What has exactly provoked him so much? Ans: All appeals to Shylock to have mercy on Antonio, have failed. The Jew is bent upon inflicting penalty on his enemy by cutting off a pound of flesh from his body. Gratiano reminds Shylock that he is bringing damnation to his soul by persisting in his blood-thirsty course. When Gratiano asks Shylock if any prayers can influence the Jew, Shylock curtly replies saying that no words can soften his heart. In sheer desperation, Gratiano bursts into a language of abuse. He calls Shylock a merciless dog. ii) Why does Gratiano blame justice? Ans: Gratiano blames justice for allowing a person like Shylock to live and enjoy human rights. This blood-thirsty fellow is less like a human being and more like a beast. iii) What makes him waver in his faith? What is his faith? Ans: Gratiano is a Christian, but on seeing a man like Shylock, his faith in Christianity is shaken. He begins to believe in the doctrine of the ancient Greek philosopher, Pythagoras. This doctrine is known as the doctrine of transmigration of souls. This meant that the souls of animals often entered the bodies of men. iv) In what respect does he seem to agree with Phytha-goras? Ans: Accounting thus for Shylock s behaviour, Gratiano says his spirit was earlier in a wolf who was hanged for killing human beings. Then this spirit fled from the body of the wolf, and entered Shylock s mother s womb. This is the reason that Shylock has his insatiable wolfish desires. In this respect Gratiano seems to agree with Phythagoras. v) How does Shylock respond to Gratiano s outburst? Ans: Shylock responds to Gratiano s angry outburst in a calm and assured manner. He knows the futility of all curses uttered against him. So long as Gratiano s curses cannot erase Antonio s seal from his bond, he (Gratiano) is only injuring his lungs to curse the Jew so loudly. In a malevolently patronising attitude, Shylock advises Gratiano to look to his wit or it will be ruined past all repair. Shylock stands for law, and abusing or cursing him is altogether foolish. Passage 9 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: PORTIA : The quality of mercy is not strain d, It droppeth, as the gentle rain from heaven Upon the place beneath: it is twice bless d; It blesseth him that gives, and him that takes: Tis mightiest in the mightiest; it becomes The throned monarch better than his crown; His sceptre shows the force of temporal power; The attribute to awe and majesty, Wherein doth sit the dread and fear of kings; But mercy is above this scept red sway, It is enthroned in the hearts of kings, It is an attribute to God himself And earthly power doth then show likest God s When mercy seasons justice. Therefore, Jew, Though justice be thy plea, consider this That in the course of justice, none of us Should see salvation: we do pray for mercy; And that same prayer, doth teach us all to render The deeds of mercy. I have spoke thus much, Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II 165 166 i) Ans: ii) Ans: iii) Ans: iv) Ans: v) Ans: To mitigate the justice of thy plea, Which if thou follow, this strict court of Venice Must needs give sentence gainst the merchant there. What does she mean by saying that the quality of mercy is not strain d? It means that mercy cannot be shown under compulsion. How can the flow of mercy be described? The flow of mercy is as natural and spontaneous as the drops of rainn falling from the sky on the earth. How does mercy confer a double blessing? Mercy is a blessing for him who receives. It is also a blessing for him who shows mercy. Thus it is a double blessing. When does an earthly power conduct itself like God? An earthly power acts like God when it seasons justice with mercy.. Why according to Portia, should we do deeds of mercy? We pray to God for mercy. That prayer teaches us to perform merciful acts. To deserve God s mercy, we should show mercy to others. Passage 10 : i) Ans: ii) Ans: iii) Ans: 166 Read the passage and answer the following questions: I will be bound to pay it ten times o er. On forfeit of my hands, my head, my heart. If this will not suffice, it must appear That malice bears down truth And I beseech you Wrest once the Law to your authority. To do a great right, do a little wrong. And curb this cruel devil of his will. PORTIA : It must not be, there is no power in Venice Can alter a decree established. Twill be recorded for a precedent, And many an error by the same example. Will rush into the state it cannot be. Who will be bound to pay it ten times? What is the original sum? Why does the speaker offer to pay ten times? It is the trial scene of the play, The Merchant of Venice . Shylock has taken the stand that he wants the forfeiture of the bond. All appeals to him to show mercy on Antonio, have failed. Portia appears in the duke s court as the young lawyer. She finds the case quite clear. She also tries to appeal to the good sense in Shylock, but all in vain. Then she asks if Antonio cannot make the payment. At once, Bassanio offers to make the payment on behalf of his friend. He offers to make twice the principal. If that is not acceptable, he is ready to make ten times that sum. The original sum is three thousand ducats. Bassanio offers ten times this sum in order to tempt Shylock to accept, the money and spare Antonio s life. What else does the speaker offer? Why he make such an offer? Bassanio knows that his dear friend s life is in danger. He is ready to do anything to save him. He, therefore, assures Shylock that if he fails to pay ten times the sum, he will forfeit his hands, his head and his heart. In short, Bassanio mortgages his own life if that can satisfy the Jew. Explain what argument is given to say that malice bears down truth ? Bassanio says that if Shylock is not prepared to accept even ten times of what he lent, it must be apparent that his malice is defeating all sense of fairness. Shylock is then interested more in satisfying his malice than in getting justice. Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II Volume 1 of 2 Section A: Drama 167 iv) What is ultimately suggested by the Bassanio? Ans: Bassanio suggests that in these extraordinary circumstances the law for once may be made inoperative. He argues that a little wrong, i.e. suspending the operation of the law, may be allowed to do a great right, i.e. saving Antonio s life. By doing this, it will be possible to prevent the devilish Jew from getting what he wishes to have, i.e. a pound of Antonio s flesh. Bassanio implores the judge to twist the law a little in order to save the life of an honest man like. Antonio. Shylock could not be prevented from mischief by following a strictly legal procedure. v) What is Portia s opinion on the question of Venetian law? Ans: Portia rejects Bassanio s suggestion. She asserts that there is no power in Venice which changes the law. It will set a bad precedent and this example will be quoted in future to do wrong things. If this is allowed, other mistakes will find their way into the administration of the state. vi) How does Shylock respond to Portia s interpretation of law? Ans: Shylock is delighted to Portia s argument while rejecting Bassanio s appeal to interfere with the law. He thinks that Portia is pleading in such a manner that he must win the case. So he praises her skill and sense of justice. Shylock compares Portia with Daniel, a young Jewish prophet who in case had exposed the falsity of certain witnesses by cleverly cross-examining them. Passage 11 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: PORTIA Shylock, there s thrice thy money offered thee. SHYLOCK : An oath, an oath, I have an oath in heaven. Shall I lay perjury upon my soul? No not for Venice. PORTIO : Why this bond is forfeit, And lawfully by this the Jew may claim A pound of flesh, to be cut off Nearest the merchant s heart : be merciful, Take thrice thy money, bid me tear the bond. SHYLOCK: When it is paid, according to the tenour It doth appear you are a worthy judge, You know the law, your exposition Hath been most sound. I charge you by the law, Whereof you are a well-deserving pilla; Proceed to judgment. By my soul I swear, There is no power in the tongue of man To alter me. I stay here on my bond. ANTONIO : Most heartily I do besech the court To give the judgment. PORTIO : Why then thus it is: You must prepare your bosom for his knife. i) Ans: ii) Ans: Where are the speakers at this time? The speakers are in a court of law in Venice at this time. Why does Shylock refuse an offer of money? Shylock refuses the offer of money because he wants to put an end to the life of a man whom he regards as his enemy and whom he hates fiercely. iii) What makes Portio say: be merciful, Take thrice thy money, bid me tear the bond? Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II 167 168 Ans: Portia in these words makes a two fold appeal to Shylock. Originally she had suggested that Shylock should accept the money and spare Antonio s flesh. She had then appealed to Shylock to show mercy to Antonio and spare his life. Now she combines both those appeals into one. She first asks him to show mercy and then, in the same breath, she appeals to his greed, suggesting that he should accept times the amount which he had given to Antonio as a loan. Thus she tries her utmost to induce Shylock to soften or relent. She would like to put an end to the dispute in this way, and to tear the bond on the basis of which Shylock is demanding a pound of Antonio s flesh in order to kill him. iv) Why does Antonio beseech the court to proceed to judgment instead of wanting the judgment to be delayed? Ans: Antonio is feeling impatient because Shylock has refused to budge from his position in spite of many appeals which have been made to him. Antonio does not want that any more appeals should be made to the Jew because he knows that the Jew is not going to relent. He sees no point in the proceedings of the court being prolonged because he feels certain that no purpose would be served by delaying them. Being a serious-minded and stoical kind of man, he wants that the proceedings should be expedited, and the judgment be delivered without any further appeals being made to the Jew. v) What causes a turn in the course of events as depicted here? Ans: The turn in the events is caused by Portia s sudden announcement that the Jew can have a pound of Antonio s flesh but that the Jew must not shed a single drop of Antonio s blood in the course of his cutting off the flesh. Passage 12 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: ANTONIO : But little; I am arm d, and well prepar d. Give me your hand, Bassanio: fare you well! Grieve not that I am fallen to this for you; For herein Fortune shows herself more kind Than is her custom: it is still her use, To let the wretched man out-live his wealth, To view with hollow eye, and wrinkled brow, An age of poverly; from which lingering penance Of such misery doth she cut me off. Commend me to your honourable wife: Tell her the process of Antonio s end, Say, how I lov d you, speak me fair in death; And, when the tale is told, bid her be judge Whether Bassanio had not once a love. Repent not you that you shall lose your friend, And he repents not that he pays your debt; For, if the Jew do cut but deep enough, I ll pay it instantly with all my heart.. i) Ans: ii) Ans: 168 Who is the speaker of these lines? Antonio is the speaker of these lines. What is the state of the speaker s mind? He is fully prepared for his death. Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II Volume 1 of 2 Section A: Drama 169 iii) Why does the speaker think that fortune is kinder to him? Ans: He thinks fate is kinder to him because it is always the custom of fate to let the wretched man, live even when he is absolutely penniless. He is being allowed by fate to die. Thus he would not live a life of poverty. iv) What does Antonio want Bassanio to do? Ans: Antonio wants Bassanio to convey his greetings to his (Bassanio s) honourable wife. He also wants him to tell her the manner of his death. v) What does the Antonio expect Bassanio s wife to judge? Ans: He wants her to judge whether Bassanio did not at one time have a sincere friend in him. Passage 13 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: NERISSA : Tis well you offer it behind her back. The wish would make else an unquiet house. SHYLOCK: These be the Christian husbands: I have a daughter. Would any of the stock of Barrabas Had been her husband, rather than a Christian We trifle time. Ipray thee pursue sentence PORTIA : A pound of that same Merchant s flesh is thine. The Court awards it, and the Law doth give it. SHYLOCK : Most rightful Judge. PORTIA : And you must cut this flesh from off his breast The law allows, it, and the Court awards it. i) Who is you referred by Nerissa in the first line of extract? What is the offer made and why would it make an unquiet house? Ans: The person referred to as you is Gratiano. He has made an offer that is likely to make an unquiet house. He has declared that he loves his wife, but he wishes that she were in heaven, so that she could request some heavenly power to change the mind of the villainous Jew. Nerissa remarks that it is better for Gratiano to make this offer in the absence of his wife. If she heard this, she would be annoyed with her husband. This would make an unquiet house. There is dramatic irony in Nerissa s remark. She herself is his wife and she is listening to what he has said. This fact is not known to Gratiano because Nerissa is dressed as the lawyer s clerk. ii) Name two husbands who have said something which makes Shylock exclaim These be the Christian husbands . What have they said about their wives? Ans: The two husbands are Bassanio who is Portia s husband, and Gratiano, who is Nerissa s husband. Both these husbands have offered to sacrifice their wives to save Antonio from the clutches of the cruel Jew. Shylock, to whom everything no Jewish is inferior and mean, here sneers at what he considers the lightness of these two Christian husbands in offering to sacrifice thir wives. Shylock says that he would prefer his daughter to marry a Jew. iii) Give two reasons-one financial, the other emotional- which made Shylock annoyed with his daughter. Ans: Shylock is annoyed with his daughter for two reasons. One is financial. She stole her father s ducats and precious stones before leaving his house. Secondly, she gave Shylock emotional pain by eloping with a Christian. Elopement of a daughter is always scandalous for a father. But Shylock is twice pained because she ran away with the member of community whom he hates. Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II 169 170 iv) Who is Barrabas? Why is he preferred in comparison to a Christian? Briefly state why Shylock hates Christians? Ans: Barrabas was a murderer whose story figures in the Bible. He was set free while Jesus Christ was sentenced to be crucified, Murder is a sin which is particularly rare and highly contemptible act amongst the Jews. Yet Shylock says that he would have preferred to see Jessica married to a descendant of Barrabas rather than to a Christian. Shylock has his cogent reasons to hate Christians. The first reason is that the Christians hate him just because he is a Jew. They hate him because he does the business of money-lending. He earns his profit by charging interest on the loans he gives to people. The Christians disapprove of this business of money-lending for profit. Shylock has been insulted by Christians often at the stock exchange where merchants gather to do business. One of the Christians, Antonio, lends money to people and his loans are interest-free. This harms the business interests of the Jew. Thus, these are the many reasons why Shylock hates Christians. v) What quarrel does Nerissa have with her husband towards the end of the play? What is humorous in that incident? Ans: Towards the end of the play, Nerissa has a quarrel with her husband. They are back to Belmont. When she finds that Gratiano s marriage ring is missing, she charges him with infidelity. She blames him for making a gift of her ring to some other woman. It is a humorous incident. Gratiano does not know that he gave his ring to Nerissa herself when she was dressed as the lawyer s clerk. Later he finds it difficult to defend himself before his wife, who enjoyed the fun at his cost. vi) What is meant by We trifle time ? What sentence does Portia pursue? What is the outcome of her sentence? Ans: Shylock is in a hurry. He does not want the court to waste any more time. He wants to hear the final judgement. He is itching to take his revenge by cutting off a pound of flesh from Antonio s body. He requests the court to pass the sentence without delay. Portia has accepted the Jew s claim. She declares that a pound of Antonio s flesh is Shylocks. The court awards it and the law allows it. Thus, Portia passes the judgement that the court gives Shylock the right to get a pound of Antonio s flesh according to the provisions of the law. However, when Shylock jubilantly proceeds forward with a knife in his hand, tables are turned against him. Portia who gave the hope, finally demolishes the fine structure of the Jew s success. Shylock is defeated and Antonio honourably acquitted. Passage 14 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: SHYLOCK : Most learned Judge, a sentence, come prepare. PORTIA : Tarry a little, there is something else. This bond doth give thee here no jot of blood. The words expressly are a pound of flesh Then take thy bond, take thou thy pound of flesh, But In the cutting it, if thou dost shed One drop of Christian blood, thy lands and goods Are by the laws of Venice confiscate Unto the State of Venice. GRATIANO : O upright Judge. Mark Jew. O learned Judge SHYLOCK : Is that the Law? i) Whom does Shylock call a learned judge ? Why does he give such a praise to anyone? Ans: Shylock praises Portia as a learned judge. She is disguised as a young lawyer. She has interpreted the Venetian law. She has upheld the claim made by the Jew. She has declared that 170 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II Volume 1 of 2 Section A: Drama ii) Ans: iii) Ans: iv) Ans: v) Ans: vi) Ans: 171 the bond s forfeiture cannot be denied because Antonio has failed to repay the loan within the time limit. Shylock is delighted to hear a verdict favourable to him. Shylock talks of a sentence . What is this sentence? Whom does he ask, come, prepare ? Shylock talks of the sentence which gives the Jew the right to cut off a pound of flesh from Antonio s body. The court has awarded it according to the provisions of the law. He now victoriously turns Antonio to prepare himself for a deadly stab from his enemy. Tarry a little, there is something else, What has been said already, to which something need be added? Portia interrupts Shylock as he moves towards Antonio. She asks him to wait a bit to consider some very important legal point. She has already awarded to the Jew a pound of flesh claimed by him. That was the simple meaning of the bond. But the young lawyer has a very fine point to make now. This will hinder the unqualified execution of the sentence. What does the bond give the Jew? What is it that it does not give him? Portia agrees that the bond entitles the Jew to receive his pound of flesh. But the words expressly mention only a pound of flesh and no more. It does not give him the right to shed a single drop of blood. What is the warning given to the Jew? Portia warns the Jew that he may cut off a pound of flesh but he should not shed a drop of blood. If he sheds one drop of Christian blood, his lands, his goods shall be confiscated by the state of Venice. This is the law of Venice. Does Shylock continue to claim a pound of flesh from the merchant s body? Does he change his stand at any stage? What is the consequence? When Shylock finds that he has been defeated on his own ground, he changes his stand. He agrees to receive three times the original sum. Bassanio is willing to make this payment But the young lawyer pushes the Jew into a tight corner by telling him that he would be given no payment. He must have his bond. As a consequence, the Jew loses all his money. He also receives punishment for conspiring to take a citizen s life. Passage 15 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: PORTIO: Soft! The Jew shall have all justice. Soft, no haste! He shall have nothing but the penalty. GRATIANO : O Jew! an upright judge, a learned judge! PORTIO : Therefore prepare thee to cut off the flesh. Shed thou no blood, nor cut thou less nor more But just a pound of flesh. If thou tak st more Or less than a just pound, be it but so much As makes it light or heavy in the substance, Or the division of the twentieth part Of one poor scruple, nay if the scale do turn But in the estimation of a hair Thou diest, and all the goods are confiscate. GRATIANO : A second Daniel, a Daniel, Jew! Now infidel I have you on the hip. Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II 171 172 i) Where does this dialogue take place and when? Ans: This dialogue takes place in a court of law in Venice; and it takes place after Portia has made it impossible for the Jew to cut off any flesh from Antonio s body, and when the Jew expresses his willingness to accept the money and let Antonio go. ii) To whom are Gratiano s remarks addressed, and what is the significance of these remarks? Ans: Gratiano s remarks are addressed to Shylock. Gratiano s remarks here are bitterly sarcastic, He is poking fun at Shylock and tormenting him with his savage irony. Indeed, Gratiano s irony now is as savage as Shylock s desire for revenge had previously been. iii) Who was Daniel? Ans: Daniel is the name of a Biblical personage. According to the Biblical account, Daniel was a man of exceptional wisdom. He delivered judgments which were unique in their wisdom and their justice. iv) Explain the line: Now infidel I have you on the hip. Ans: Gratiano describes Shylock as a misbeliever, and says that now he has the misbeliever in his grip. As a Christian, Gratiano regards a Jew as an infidel (or a non-believer in Christ and in the faith which Christ preached). To have somebody on the hip means to have him in one s hold or in one s grip. v) What are your feelings as you go through this dialogue? Ans: We at this time feel greatly relieved because Portia has been able to rescue Antonio from the Jew s clutches; and we also enjoy the manner in which Gratiano ridicules and mocks at Shylock who has been thwarted in his purpose. Gratiano shows an exceptional talent for making sarcastic remarks which are most appropriate at this time, and which the audience in a theatre would greatly relish. The tables have been turned upon Shylock; and Gratiano is now repeating Shylock s own words in order to mock at him. We have here to remember that previously Shylock had used these words for the judge: An upright judge, a learned judge! A second Daniel, etc. Passage 16 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: PORTIA : Tarry, Jew; The law hath yet another hold on you. It is enacted in the laws of Venice, If it be proved against an alien That by direct or indirect attempts He seek the life of any citizen, The part gainst the which he doth contrive, Shall seize one half his goods; the other half Comes to the privy coffer of the state; And the offender s life lies in the mercy Of the Duke only, gainst all other voice. In which predicament, I say, thou stand st: For it appears by manifest proceeding, That, indirectly, and directly too, Thou hast contriv d against the very life Of the defendant; and thou hast incurr d The danger formerly by me rehears d. Down, therefore, and beg mercy of the Duke. 172 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II Volume 1 of 2 Section A: Drama i) Ans: ii) Ans: iii) Ans: iv) Ans: v) Ans: 173 What does Portia mean by telling Shylock that the law hath yet another hold on him? Portia means to say that Shylock is in the clutches of the law in one more respect. What has been laid down in the laws of Venice? The law of Venice say that if a foreigner has tried directly or indirectly to take the life of any native citizen of Venice, the victim shall be entitled to get one half of the property of the defaulter. The other half will be attached by the state treasury. The life of the defaulter would be at the mercy of the Duke. Can the decision on the Judgement of the Duke be changed? No. It cannot be changed by any other person. What does Portia find Shylock guilty of? She finds Shylock guilty of having plotted against the life of Antonio. What does Portia order Shylock to do? Portia orders Shylock to go down on his knees and beg mercy of the Duke of Venice. Passage 17 : i) Ans: ii) Ans: iii) Ans: Read the passage and answer the following questions: PORTIA : What mercy can you render him GRATIANO : A halter graits, nothing else for God s sake. ANTONIO : So please my Lord the Duke, and all the Court To quit the fine for one half of his goods, I am content: so he will let me have The other half in use, to render it Upon his death, unto the Gentleman That lately stole his daughter. Two things provided more, that for this favour He presently become a Christian The other, that he do record a gift Here in the court of all he dies possess d Unto his son Lorenzo, and his daughter. On whom does Portia expect Antonio to show mercy? What role is Portia playing? Portia is speaking to Antonio as a young lawyer interpreting the Venetian law in the court of the Duke. She asks Antonio if he will show mercy to Shylock. Was Shylock earlier asked byl Portia to show mercy to Antonio? What was his response then? What is his situation now? A short while ago, Portia had asked Shylock if he will show mercy to Antonio. Then it was Antonio in the dock. He had failed to repay the loan, and he was to lose a pound of his flesh to the Jew. The Jew then refused to have mercy on Antonio. He was not willing to receive his money with interest. He was bent upon cutting off a pound of flesh from the body of the defaulter. Now the situation has reversed. Shylock who was in a winning position earlier, finds himself in a tight corner. He is now charged with conspiring to take the life of a Venetian citizen, i.e. Antonio. Antonio is now in a position to take mercy on the Jew. How does this scene show a difference between the attitudes of Jews and Christians? The scene bring out a contrast between the attitudes of Jews and Christians. These points have been emphasised by the Duke in his speech addressed to Shylock. The Duke said that the Christian spirit is to forgive while the Jewish spirit is to avenge. The Duke, being a Christian, forgave Shylock s life even without his asking for it. But half of his wealth was given to Antonio.. The other half which was for the treasury of the state, was to be commuted to a fine if Shylock showed a humbler attitude. Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II 173 174 iv) What does Antonio suggest about the fine which was to be charged by the state from the Jew? Ans: Antonio requests the Duke to remit that part of Shylock s fine which is to go to the state. Shylock may be allowed to retain half of his property by paying a fine only. v) What would Antonio do with the other half of the property? Ans: Antonio will receive the other part of the property belonging to the Jew, which he will keep in trust. This he will give to Lorenzo (who has married Shylock s daughter) on the death of the Jew. vi) Comment on Antonio s character as revealed in his response to this situation. Ans: Antonio gives that concession to Shylock on two conditions. First, he must become a Christian at once. Secondly, he must write a deed leaving all his property on his death to his son-in-law. Lorenzo and his daughter Jessica. Thus Shylock will be deprived of only half of his property which will be held in trust by Antonio. the other half will remain with him if he executes a will bequeathing all his possessions to his daughter and son-in-law. Antonio s gesture raises him further in our estimate. He is now a man without financial resources. He could have kept the Jew s property. But he leaves his legal share for the Jew s daughter. Passage 18 : i) Ans: ii) Ans: 174 Read the passage and answer the following questions: PORTIA : I humbly a desire your Grace of pardon, I must away this night toward Padua, And it is meet I presently set forth. DUKE : I am sorry that your leisure serves you not. Antonio, gratify his gentleman, For in my mind you are much bound to him. Exit Duke and his train BASSANIO : Most worthy gentleman, I and my friend Have by your wisdom been this day acquitted Of grievous penalties, in lieu where of Three thousand ducats due unto the Jew We freely cope your pains withal. ANTONIO : And stand indebted over and above In love and service to you evermore. Where are Portia and the Duke? Why does Portia asks to be excused? What, in reality, is the reason for the excuse? Portia and the Duke are in the Duke s court in connection with the trial of Antonio who has failed to repay the loan to Shylock. Portia is disguised as a young lawyer, interpreting the law of Venice in the court. After the trial is over, the Duke invites Portia for dinner at his residence. Portia begs to be excused for not being able to join him. She says that she has to reach Padua, and for that she must start immediately. In fact, Portia will not waste any moment after the court is adjourned, since she with Nerissa has to reach Belmont before their husbands do. Why does the Duke call Portia a gentleman ? Give the meaning of the word gratify . Why according to the Duke, must Portia be gratified? The Duke calls Portia a gentleman even though she is a woman. It is because she is dressed as a young lawyer, posing to be a gentleman and not a woman. The word gratify here means to give a reward for something done by the young lawyer. The Duke asks Antonio to thank and reward the young lawyer, Portia, who is solely responsible for saving his life. As a judge, it seems strange that she should accept any reward. But it is necessary for the needs of the drama which concludes with the happy resolution of the ringepisode. Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II Volume 1 of 2 Section A: Drama 175 iii) What does Bassanio offer to Portia in order to gratify her on Antonio s behalf? What does Antonio say in support of Bassanio s offer? Ans: On behalf of Antonio, Bassanio comes forward. He expresses his gratitude to Portia for releasing his friend from the worst forfeiture and penalty. For this he gladly offers that sum of three thousand ducats as compensation for the lawyer s efforts. Antonio supports his friend s offer by saying that no amount of money can repay their debt of gratitude for the lawyer. They would owe love and service to him for ever. iv) How does Portia respond to Bassanio s offer? What does Bassanio ask Portia to grant him. What two things does Portia ask for? What is the humour in the conversation that follows? Ans: Portia speaks humbly that she is satisfied with what she has done. Thus his effort has been fully paid. She has been fully compensated by having succeeded in saving the gentleman from a harsh penalty. She never did anything for money. She only wishes them to recognize her when they meet again. This simple sentence has a deeper meaning. When they meet again, Bassanio would not recognize her; his wife who was the erstwhile lawyer. Bassanio insists on the lawyer accepting some token of remembrance. He wants her to grant this request to him. She then agrees to accept a pair of gloves and the ring which Bassanio is wearing on his finger. Now Bassanio tries hard to save this ring, and Portia refuses to accept anything else. Finally, Bassanio has to yield. v) Briefly state your opinion of Portia at this point of the play. Ans: The trial scene ends with a note of comedy. We see the situation growing tense in the beginning, but with Shylock s defeat the atmosphere changes. And all this is the outcome of the role played by Portia. We admire Portia for her sharp intelligence, her self-possession, her sagacity, her sweet reasonableness and her capacity for practical jokes. Passage 19 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: BASSANIO : There s more depends on this than on the value. This dearest ring in Venice will I give you, And find it out by proclamation. Only for this I pray you pardon me. PORTIA : I see sir you are liberal in offers. You taught me first to beg, and now me thinks You teach me how a beggar should be answer d. BASSANIO : Good sir, this ring was given by my wife, And when she put it on, she made me vow That I should neither sell, nor give, nor lose it. PORTIA : That e cuse serves many men to save their gifts And if your wife be not a mad woman, And know how well I have deserv d this ring, she would not hold out enemy for ever for giving it to me; well, peace be with you. i) There is more depends on this than on the value. What is meant by this statement? Why has Bassanio to say this? Ans: Bassanio says these words to Portia who insists on having his ring as a reward for her role in the trial before the Duke. Bassanio explains to the young lawyer that the ring has a significance for him beyond its price. He wants to be true to his oath to his wife. Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II 175 176 ii) What does Bassanio promise to give Portia? What for? What is he unwilling to give her? Ans: Bassanio promises to give Portia the most expensive ring available in Venice. He will find it by openly announcing it in the city that he is ready to buy such a ring. But he is uwiling to give her the ring he is at present wearing on his finger. iii) Why does Portia protest in response to Bassanjo s words. Only for this I pray you pardon me. Ans: Wthen Bassanio begs to be excused for not sparing his own ring, Portia pretends to be offended at his refusal. She taunts him for not keeping his promise to give her whatever she asked for and. She protests that first he pressed upon her a gift, and when she asked for it, he held it back. Thus, he has treated her like a begger. iv) Why does Bassanio reveal the secret of the ring? Ans: Portia will not listen to any of Bassanio s entreaties. She must have the ring. Bassanio is thus ultimately forced to reveal the secret of the ring. This is the ring which his wife gave him with a pledge that he would not lose it, it is for this reason that the ring has its emotional value far beyond the actual value in terms of money. v) How does Portia induce Bassanio to part with the ring? Ans: Portia then induces Bassanio to part with his ring by saying that unless his wife were mad, she would not quarrel over his giving it to so deserving a person as the lawyer who had saved his dearest friend s life. Her reasons are sound and her argument is skillful. All this makes Bassanio appear very mean in refusing such a simple request. vi) At what stage does Antonio intervene to settle the issue? What follows this? Ans: In a mood of pretended annoyance, Portia leaves the scene. In her absence Antonio prevails upon Bassanio to make a gift of the ring to the young lawyer. He wishes that the great service done by the lawyer combined with Bassanio s love for his friend may prove stronger than a command which Bassanjo s wife gave him. Bassanio can no longer resist. He sends Gratiano with the ring to be given to Portia There, Gratiano is also going to lose his ring to Nerissa who will make such a demand from him. Analysis Act IV Scene II This act s final, brief scene continues the previous scene s closing mood; it is really its conclusion. By this point in the play, we are absolutely sure that Portia and Nerissa will both outface and out-swear the men. It is almost commonplace that in every one of Shakespeare s romantic comedies, the women emerge as shrewder and wittier than the men. Portia is one of those Shakespearean heroines. She is not only superior to all of the men in the climactic scene in the world but she also excels them in deed. It is she who plans to execute Antonio s deliverance and sees that merciful justice is carried out. Analysis Act V Scene I Act IV was given over almost entirely to the threat posed to the romantic love theme and was dominated by the figure of Shylock. In the play s last act, consisting of only this scene, we return to Belmont the world of comedy and romance. The opening dialogue between Lorenzo and Jessica reestablishes the atmosphere of harmony. Lorenzo s opening words call upon us to imagine that the lovers are surrounded by night and moonlight, when the sweet wind did gently kiss the trees. Their dialogue is used to create the general atmosphere of love and night and moonlight, thus establishing the tone of the scene. Lorenzo introduces the theme of love and moonlight with two speeches of great beauty. In the early lines of the act (55-65), he introduces the idea that music is the music of the spheres. This was a popular Elizabethan notion, according to which the revolution of each planet around the earth produced a sound, and the combination of all the individual sounds of the planets made a divine harmony. 176 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II Volume 1 of 2 Section A: Drama 177 Lorenzo s next speech also concerns music. Having summoned Portia s own personal musicians, he signals them to play, and he elaborates on the nature of music to Jessica. Significantly, music is very often an important element in Shakespeare s plays, both as a theatrical device and also as a genera critrion of character. Those characters who dislike music are invariably incomplete or distorted human begins. Here, Lorenzo underlines the idea that the man that hath no music in himself. . . Let no such man be trusted. The arrival of Portia and Nerissa, and then of Bassanio, Gratiano, and Antonio, sets in motion the final movement of the play: the denouncement of the ring story. Shakespeare has been quietly preparing us for this story as far back as Act III, Scene 2, when Portia presented her ring to Bassanio, Which when you part from, lose, or give away, let be my vantage to exclaim upon you. The audience, of course has been anticipating this development since the first scene of Act IV, when Antonio prevailed upon Bassanio to give the ring to the young doctor of Rome. After Bassanio, Antonio, and Portia converse sweetly together, Nerissa begins to take Gratiano to task and their words suggest the beginning of a fairly violent disagreement. When Gratiano says, By yonder moon, I swear you do me wrong, he invokes an air of injured innocence. One of the comic elements in what follows lies in the righteous confusion into which Bassanio and Gratiano are thrown. While they admit to having, for what seemed at that particular time to be the best of reasons, they did indeed part with their wedding rings. But they cannot understand their wives furious accusations that they gave them to other women, Of course, in the comedies of ancient Greece and even in today s comedies, the sight of a man wrongly accused by his wife, yet totally unable to defend himself, is surefire comedy, and it is given a thorough workout here. As Nerissa berates Gratiano, Portia delivers her speech, with pious confidence, to the effect that her husband would never on any account, part with the wedding ring which she gave him. Almost unconsciously, we wince in sympathy with Bassanio when he turns aside and says: Why I were best to cut my left hand off and swear I lost the ring defending it. The element of the comedy here lies in the irony of many of the lines that is, the knowledge which the two women have and the knowledge which the audience has and the knowledge which the two husbands do not have. This produces some lines which sound horrifyingly improper to the two husbands but are quite literally true. Portia says, for example, of the doctor to whom Bassanio gave the ring, that if he comes near my house . . . I ll not deny him anything I have, no, not my body nor my husband s bed. . . . I ll have that doctor for my bedfellow. To which Nerissa adds, sassily, And I his clerk. And further, when they return the rings, Portia is able to affirm, For by this ring the doctor lay with me, to which infidelity Nerissa is again able to add, the doctor s clerk. By this time Bassanio and Gratiano have been teased enough, and the end of the scene is a succession of revelations: first, the true identity of the lawyer and his clerk, then of Antonio s good fortune, and finally, of Lorenzo and Jessica s inheritance. Ending the comedy with the ring story serves two purposes. In the first place, Bassanio and Gratiano discover who Antonio s true saviors were. Second, and more important, there is always the threat of anticlimax at the end of a romantic comedy, when all the loose ends are tied up and the lovers are all reunited; suddenly, the sweet talk can become unbearably insipid. This is uniquely, usually, not the case with Shakespeare. He had a keen sense of the bawdy, and here he tempers his romantic scene with salty comedy in order to suggest that these lovers are very human lovers; their marriages will have their misunderstandings, but all this can be overcome with the aid of love and with another ingredient, a good sense of humor. Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II 177 178 SOLVED COMPREHENSION PASSAGES: Passage 1 : i) Ans: ii) Ans: iii) Ans: iv) Ans: v) Ans: Read the passage and answer the following questions: LORENZO : Sweet soul, let s in, and there expect their coming; And yet no matter: why should we go in? My friend Stephano, signify, I pray you, Within the house, your mistress is at hand: And bring your music forth into the air. How sweet the moonlight sleeps upon this bank! Here will we sit, and let the sounds of music Creep in our ears; soft stillness, and the night, Become the touches of sweet harmony Sit, Jessica. Look how the floor of heaven Is thick inlaid with patens of bright gold. There s not the smallest orb which thou behold st, But in his (notion like an angel sings, Still quiring to the young-eyed cherubins: Such harmony is in immortal souls; But, whilst this muddy vesture of decay Doth grossly close it in, we cannot hear it. What does Lorenzo suggest to his sweet heart? Lorenzo suggests to his beloved that they should go inside and wait for the arrival of Bassanio and Gratiano. Then he drops the suggestion. What does Lorenzo tell Stephano to signify? Lorenzo tells him to go and tell the servants that their mistress is about to come and they should bring their musical instruments in the open air. Describe the moon-light scene and the playing of music. The moon-light is falling gently on the bank. Musicians are playing on the musical instruments. A soft silence and the time of night befit the playing of musical instruments. Describe briefly the beauty of the sky. The sky is studded with the bright, golden stars. Even the smallest planet produces an angelic music. Why cannot human beings hear the music of spheres? Human beings cannot hear the music of the spheres because their bodies are made of insensitive clay. Passage 2 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: LORENZO : The reason is, your spirits are attentive. For do but note a wild and wanton herd, Or race of youthful and unhandled colts, fetching mad bounds, bellowing, and neighing loud, Which is the hot condition of their blood, If they but hear, perchance, a trumpet Sound, Or any air of music touch their ears, You shall perceive they make a mutual stand. 178 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II Volume 1 of 2 Section A: Drama i) Ans: ii) Ans: iii) Ans: iv) Ans: v) Ans: 179 Their savage eyes turned to a modest gaze, By the sweet power of music. Therefore, the poet Did feign that Orpheus drew trees, stones and floods; Since nought so stockish, hard, and full of rage, But music for the time doth change his nature. The man that hath no music in himself, Nor is not mov d with concord of sweet sounds, Is fit for treasons, stratagems, and spoils; The motions of his spirit are dull as night, And his affections dark as Erebus: Let no such man be trusted, Mark the music. What effect does music produce on wild horses? Wild horses become lame on hearing music. What impact did Orpheus create by the power of his music? Orpheus had the power to draw trees, stones and floods to him with his music. How does Lorenzo characterises a man who does not like music? Such man is fit for treacherous actions, plots and acts of plunder. The impulses of the mind of such a person are dull as the time of night. His feelings are as dull as the regions of hell. Is a man who also does not love music reliable? He is not reliable, who does not love music. What do you understand by treasons, stratagems and spoils? Treasons mean treacherous deeds, Stratagems are conspiracies and spoils are looting. Passage 3 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: GRATIANO : About a hoop of gold, a paltry ring That she did give me, whose posy was For all the world like cutler s poetry Upon a knife: Love me and leave me not. NERISSA : What talk you of the posy or the value: You swore to me when I did give it you, that you would wear it till the hour of death, And that it should lie with you in your grave, Though not for me, yet for you vehement oaths, You should have been respective and have kept it Gave it a judge s clerk: no, God s my judge The clerk will ne er wear hair on s face that had it. i) Which quarrel is referred to in the extract? What does Shakespeare want to show by introducing a quarrel among the lovers? Ans: The quarrel referred to in the extract is between Gratiano and his wife Nerissa. This is about the ring given by Nerissa to her husband which he does not have in his possession now. Shakespeare introduces a quarrel among the lovers to produce the comic effect in the serious atmosphere of the play. The Merchant of Venice assumes the seriousness of a tragedy, particularly in the trial scene when Antonio s life is threatened by the forfeiture of the bond. The playwright introduces the ring episode to relieve the tension. Thus, the play concludes happily. The quarrel itself is a practical joke played by Portia and Nerissa on their husbands. Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II 179 180 ii) Give the meaning of: (a) a hoop of gold, (b) cutler s poetry. Ans: a) A hoop is a circular band of metal or anything, here made of gold. It is contemptuously used for the ring. Gratiano wants to minimise the importance of the ring so that there may not be much fuss about it. b) It was customary to have inscriptions on spoons and table knives. They were perhaps not so poetical in tone. Gratiano says humorously that the motto inscribed on the ring was like the one on a piece of cutlery. It was the least poetic. iii) Who had given the ring to Gratiano? What promise was made by him at that time about the ring? Ans: Nerissa had given the ring to Gratiano soon after their marriage. At that time, Gratiano had made the promise to his wife that this ring was a token of her love, and he would never lose it. iv) To whom did Gratiano give the ring? Why? What is the practical joke about the ring episode? Ans: Gratiano gave the ring to the lawyer s clerk. The practical joke about the ring is that he actually gave it to none other than his own wife, Nerissa who was disguised as the lawyer s clerk. Nerissa had herself demanded it in order to tease her husband on returning home. Gratiano was unable to recognise the lawyer s clerk as his wife when she was dressed in the new outfit. v) What does Portia say about the quarrel referred to in the extract? Ans: On hearing the sharp exchange of words between Nerissa and Gratiano, Portia comments that there is a quarrel so soon after their marriage. She does not expect such a development. vi) Why did Portia join in accusing Gratiano of doing wrong? What did she say about the ring she had given to Bassanlo, before she had finished speaking against Gratiano? Ans: Portia soon joins Nerissa in accusing Gratiano for so non-seriously parting with his wife s first present to him. She does so to caution Bassanio that a similar attack is going to be launched on him for a similar lapse. She concludes her speech by saying that if Bassanio ever behaved in this manner, she would go mad in grief. There is a dramatic irony in this speech of Portia s. She naturally takes the side of the woman in this loving battle between sexes. Thus she cleverly introduces the parallel quarrel about her own ring, reminding them that there was a ring similarly given by her to Bassanio. She is deliberately making the situation uncomfortable for Bassanio, and increasing the effect of irony for the delight of the audience. Passage 4 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: PORTIA : If you had known the virtue of the ring. Or half her worthiness that gave the ring, Or your own honour to contain the ring. You would not then have parted with the ring; what man is there so much unreasonable, If you had pleas d to have defended it With any terms of zeal: wanted the modesty To urge the thing held as a ceremony Nerissa teaches me what to believe. I ll die for t but some woman had the ring.. BASSANIO : No by mine honour Madam, by my soul No woman had it but a civil doctor Which did refuse three thousand ducats of me, And begg d the ring: the which I did deny him, and suffer d him to go displeas d away: 180 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II Volume 1 of 2 Section A: Drama 181 i) What defence has Bassanio given in the lines preceding the passage, for losing the ring? Ans: In the lines preceding this passage, Bassanio makes an earnest plea while explaining the circumstances in which he was compelled to part with the ring. He is sure that Portia will excuse him if she comes to know to whom the ring was given away. She will understand if she learns for whom it was done, and last of all, the reluctance with which it was finally given to the lawyer.. ii) How does Portia reject his argument to magnify his offence? Ans: Portia seems to reject her husband s argument. She is equally vehement in magnifying his offence of parting with the marriage ring soon after his marriage. -Portia rejects Bassanio s plea as incredible. She thinks that if he had zealously defended the ring, no man would have been so unreasonable and unmannerly to ask for the ring which was a ceremonious gift. iii) What effect does the repetition of the word ring achieve? Ans: Portia succeeds in seriously embarrassing her husband. She achieves the effects of strong emphasis by repeating tn word ring at the end of each line four times. iv) Is Portia right in accusing her husband of having given the ring to some other woman? Ans: Portia is right in accusing her husband for giving away the ring to some woman . But, as the audience know, the woman whom he gave the ring was no other than Portia herself, without knowing it. v) How far is Bassanio truthful in saying that he did not give the ring to any woman? Ans: Bassanio is truthful when he swears that he did not give the ring to a woman. He gave it to the lawyer, who appeared to be a youngman. He gave it unwillingly under pressing circumstances. This too is true. And yet he gave it unknowingly to the young man who was actually a young woman , i.e. Portia herself. vi) What is the source of amusement in this dialogue? Ans: This dialogue should be very amusing for the audience. The pleasure is derived from the fact that what Bassanio and Gratiano do not know, is well known to the audience. It is a delightful situation to watch young husbands being befooled and teased by their newly-wedded wives. Passage 5 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: PORTIA : Let not that doctor e er come near my house, Since the hath goth the jewel that I loved, And that which you did swear to keep for me, I will become as liberal as you. I ll not deny him any thing I have, No, not my body, nor my husband s bed: Know him I shall, I am well sure of it. Lie not a nightfrom home. Watch me like Argos, if you do not, if I be left alone, Now by mine honour which is yet mine own, li have the doctor for my bedfellow. i) Who speaks these words? To whom are these addressed? Where are these persons? Ans: Portia is the speaker of these words, and she is in conversation with Bassanio. They are in Belmont at Portia s residence. Both have returned from Venice after attending Antonio s trial. ii) Who is the doctor referred to in the lines? Has the other person said, something earlier? Ans: .The doctor referred to is the Doctor of Law, whom Bassanio referred to as the civil doctor. He is the person who interpreted the Venetian law in the court of the Duke in the dispute between Shylock and Antonio. Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II 181 182 iii) Which Jewel has the doctor taken away? What is the speaker s complaint? Ans: Portia complains that the doctor has taken away the ring which was given by her to her husband as a token of her love. This she mentions as a Jewel . By this she means a precious thing. iv) Why does the speaker say the following? Let not the doctor e er come near my house. ? Ans: Portia has heard Bassanio s version of how he could not resist the doctor s earnest demand for the ring. She now says that if the doctor was so very persuasive, then Bassanio must see to it that he does not come that way. If he could while away the ring from his finger, it was just possible the same doctor may succeed in prevailing upon her to part with her most valuable possession, which was her honour and chastity. Portia here pretends to have great grievance against the doctor. She goes to the extent of saying that she would become as free in her associations as was Bassanio. Then she would not refuse the doctor anything, as a retaliation for Bassanio s licence. v) Does the speaker give any warning to the other person? Ans: Portia warns Bassanio not to stay away from home even for a night. The doctor might come in his absence and form intimate relations with her (Portia). Bassanio must guard against this possibility. vi) Watch me like Argos, Explain the reference about Argos. Ans: Portia wants Bassanio to watch her carefully, i.e. with a hundred eyes, as Argos watched. Irgos in classical mythology. He was a person with hundred eyes. Only one of his eyes slept at a time. For this reason, Juno directed him to keep watch over another goddess with whom Jupiter had fallen in love. Passage 6 : Read the passage and answer the following questions: Portia: Speak not so grossly, you are all amaz d: Here is a letter, read it at your leisure, It comes from Padua from Bellario, There you shall find that Portia was the doctor, Nerissa there her clerk, Lorenzo here Shall witness I set forth as soon as you, And but e en now return d: I have not yet Enter d my house. Antonio you are welcome, And I have better news in store for you Than you expect: unseal this letter soon, There you shall find three of your Argosies Are richly come to harbour suddenly You shall not know by what strange accident I chanced on this letter. i) Speak not so grossly, you are all amazed, Portia advises not to speak grossly . What have they been talking about ? Why are they amazed? Who are the other people present there? Ans: They had been talking something indecent. Portia said that she would sleep with the young lawyer if he came there. Nerissa said that she would have relations with the lawyer s clerk. All this was said to tease Bassanio and Gratiano At last, Portia decides to stop talking in that manner. All are amazed to see that Portia has got the ring which Bassanio presented to the doctor of the laws. Similarly, Nerissa has the ring which Gratiano gave to the lawyer s clerk. This amazement changes into embarrassment to hear from the two woman that they slept with other men to secure these rings. 182 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II Volume 1 of 2 Section A: Drama 183 ii) Which letter is being shown by Portia? What is the need of showing this letter? Ans: She needs to show this letter to those present there to prove to them that the doctor who defended Antonio in the court was no other person that Portia herself. Bassanio, Gratiano, Antonio and others are listening to her account in sheer amazement. Portia is showing them a letter written by Dr. Bellario of Padua. authorising Portia to act as his representative while arguing the case in the court of the Duke in Venice. iii) What are the new facts revealed by Portia? Where has she come from? Ans: Portia springs a surprise on everybody by telling everybody that she and Nerissa have just returned from Venice. They had left the house soon after Bassanio and Gratiano left for Venice. This fact can be confirmed from Lorenzo, who was left in charge of the house in her absence: The new facts revealed by Portia are that she herself acted as the doctor of laws in the court of the Duke. Nerissa stood beside her as her clerk. After concluding the case in the court and extracting the rings from Bassanio and Gratiano, these two clever women rushed back to Belmont to overtake their husbands.. iv) What good news does Portia have for Antonio? Ans: Portia has good news for Antonio, She has a letter with her which gives the information that three of Antonio s merchant ships laden with merchandise have reached home safely. Antonio had earlier been told that all his ships have been destroyed at sea. This means that Antonio is once again a rich merchant of Venice. v) Does she have any good news for Lorenzo and Jessica? Is Portia anyway responsible for bringing this good news for them? Ans: Portia does have very good news for Lorenzo and Jessica. She has with her a deed signed by Shylock beqeathing his share of the property to his daughter and son-in-law. He would have disinherited Jessica who had eloped with a Christian. Portia has played a vital role in not only saving Antonio s life, but also in interpreting the law in a manner that pushed Shylock into a tight corner. Half of the Jew s property went to Antonio and the remaining was left to be used by Shylock in his life time. Thereafter, it goes to Jessica and Lorenzo. In this, Antonio has also played a gracious role. He is to hold half the Jew s property only as a trust, to pass it on to the Jew s daughter and son-in-law. Volume 1 of 2 Universal Tutorials IX & X ICSE English II 183


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