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ICSE Board Exam 2016 : Geography

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Aryan Porwal
Playway English School, Fatehpur
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ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE (82) (Candidates offering Environmental Applications are not eligible to offer Environmental Science.) 3. To appreciate the influence of human activity on natural processes. 4. To develop an awareness of the need and responsibility to keep the natural system in a condition that it sustains life. 5. To develop sensitivity in personal attitudes to environmental issues. 6. To develop an understanding of how local environments contribute to the global environment. 7. To develop a sense of responsibility and concern for welfare of the environment and all life forms which share this planet. 8. To develop a keen civic sense. 9. To develop a sound basis for further study, personal development and participation in local and global environmental concerns. The subject deals with the interdependence of living things within their environment and provides an insight into the orderly interplay of factors influencing environmental change. The impact of human demands on renewable and non-renewable resources and the limited availability of these resources in nature, have been linked to correlate with patterns of human behaviour necessary to evolve a sustainable environmental paradigm. Aims: 1. To acquire knowledge of the origin and functioning of the natural system and its correlation with the living world. 2. To develop an understanding that human beings, plants and animals are part of a natural phenomenon and are interdependent. CLASS IX To be studied with reference to the developed and developing countries. There will be one paper of two hours duration carrying 80 marks and Internal Assessment of 20 marks. (d) The root of environmental problems. The paper will have two Sections: Population crisis and consumption crisis should be covered. Section A (Compulsory) will contain short answer questions covering the entire syllabus. (e) A sustainable world. Section B will contain six questions. Candidates will be required to answer any four questions from this section. Concept of sustainability to be explained; sustainable societies to be discussed. 2. Living things in Ecosystems 1. Understanding our Environment (a) What is an ecosystem? (a) What is Environmental Science? Concept of ecosystems to be explained; biotic and abiotic structures, organisms and species; populations, communities. What do we understand by Environment ? What does the study of Environmental Science involve? (b) Habitat and ecological niche. (b) What are our main environmental problems? To be discussed in terms of address and function. Environmental problems to be studied in terms of resource depletion, pollution and extinction of species. (c) A global problems. perspective of (c) How species interact with each other. environmental Interaction of species should be covered in terms of - predation, competition, parasitism, 139

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