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ICSE Class X Prelims 2019 : Commercial Applications (Billabong High International School (BHIS), Thane)

2 pages, 42 questions, 19 questions with responses, 20 total responses,    0    0
Aryan Jani
Billabong High International School (BHIS), Thane
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( ;racJt Subj~c l>aCt l>unfic.n Muimum M rlu No. of 6de, :X : CommHdal A1,pHcatlon : 0~ . 10. IH : 2 hour. : kO 81UA90fl6 HtOI :2 f lnl Tum Ina I tu min a Hon Gt-nf'rtl lndn c-tlon ~: Wnt c all answcn in the amwcr "hcc-1 agai nst correc t que1ttion numbers Read Lhc qu"slion:11 thorou~hl y. Wrllc in legible hand writin g and mai11tain neatnc,, SECTION A (40 MARK~) (Attempt all queHti ons from th 1ci 'l l1<m) Qoestion 1 Givt f)ne differenu bttween each of the following: (a) Spot market and Future market (b) Cash Credi t and overdraft (c) Fixed aSJICt..'1 and Current a~scts (d ) Open Cheque and Crossed Cheque (cJ Market in g and Selling Queiition 2 (a) Mc,,tion four methods of direct selling. (b) What is the principle of materiality? ('-) Menuon W'IY Lwo advantages of colt plus pricing. {d) \Vh,,i is " bank draft? Who issues it? (c ) .. HR M iJ similar to nervous system in the human bod y." Comment . Qunfion J (a) Slate any t .vo U5CS of Income and Expenditure account. (b) Whal 1s brand eq uity? (c) Enumerate any four mclhod5 of sales prom otion. ( d) Mention any four rca,on~ for increasing importance of s,:~ icel\. (e) Swtc any two agency function.s perfonned by the commercial bn.nh Qutstion .C Ju1t if) titbtr for or c iatf b) c6, ing two r~aaon, for nch: (a) Introduction stage lfl II product li fe cycle i5 not very ri , ky (b) (~nitaJ txanx 11 the lender of the la.s1 rewrt . ( CJ Closing stock iJ aJway1 v4Jucd at Jn4fkct price . <dJ ~k.mumng pncmg auru Lo 1ncrcuc: mat'Ut hare of a company It) All memhenhtp fees col lected by a non-trading <.:ooccm must be cntaed in the ll!ld! side of lhc balance sheet . 12] [21 121 12] [2] [21 121 121 !21 [2 1 [2] 121 121 121 (2 I 121 121 12 1 (l I [1] srCTION R (60 ~l-\RKS) (:\th.':lnpt 110~- four quc..~tions from this .~--ction) Question 5 (a) Explain t.i1c strnh.-gics h) ht- adopte<i durin~ ~n1wt.h a.'ld nmturit~ 5:tage of product !it~ cycle. (h) !:.\.-plain an~ two $1.~ges in the ~volution c-f mark~ting. (c) Distinguish hN\\ttn Rxcipt:s and Paymmt Ac-rount !nd Cash B<x'k. Q~tstion 6 {a} Descriht- the first t\\'l" steps in the process of pt"!'SOn:J sdlinb. (b) E..xplain any twCl ~'PCS of endorsements of dlc-ques. (c) Distinguish ~tw~n :idYenising and puhlicity. Question 7 (a) Wrik' shon nu~s on: ( i) TI1e ~"1.atching Principle (ii) Product Mix (b) What is hmnd promotion? R-x-plain the three me-thods ofbmnd promotion. (c) E.-xplain the benefits of packaging in the marketing of goods. Question 8 (a) Briefly e.'-.plain the- of detemuning the marketing mix. (b) &,-plain any th e fuctors intluencing the- choice of advertising media. (c) Briefly explain the procedurt' for 0pening a Nmk OC'{'(\tml. Question 9 The lndi3.ll Electric Co. is a city based manufac-ture of wclding mschines and motors . When Neeraj Sh:lb established the comps.ny i.'l 1970 ,.he was keenly :: .,':!..--e cf the in.~~ce of a highly motivated workforce. and how the company s success .in tact depended on it Therefore Shah hsd to ensure that each employee being selecte<i would work as diligently as poss:ble for the good of the u!~"'lu1i.z.alioo. Shah re3.!i~~ thclt the bes1 way to motiYate empioyees would be to link the reward and recognition to company's (a) &-plain the personal attributes of a good human resource manager. (b) Brietly ex-plain any two functions of human resource management. (a) E\.-plain the significance of HRM for an enterprise. Question 10 India faced a steep inflationl!I'y pressure right from the be-ginning of the year 2008. In May 2008. inflation touched double digit figures and continued to wnve in an upward direction. The inflation was feared ro choke the steadv growth of the Indian economy. The Indian government took several step~ to combat inflation. 1n July, the Reserve Bank also took action to tame irulation by increasing the Repo rate and Cash Reserve Ratio ro indicate a ri'-tht monetary policy to be implemented. The Central hank was able to withdraw ; subsrantii amount of money th.rough the tight monetary policy. [SJ [.5 J [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] (a) How does the Cffltral bank use the SLR Mld CRR to exerci~ credit control in the country? (b) Differentiate between Centrn.1 bank and Commercial Bfillk. (c) Explain the clearing house facility of the Central bank with suitable example. [5] [5] [5) ' ,

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