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ICSE Class X Prelims 2019 : Biology (Billabong High International School (BHIS), Thane)

5 pages, 89 questions, 22 questions with responses, 29 total responses,    2    0
Aryan Jani
Billabong High International School (BHIS), Thane
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{t :X : Biology (;l'luk Suhjl'l't Dntl' nurnlion Mnximum Minks No. of sitll's : 16 .0t.2019 : 2hrs : 80 BILLABON6 HIGH'NI~~\\ Thone (W) :5 Second Preliminary Examination Answers to this Paper must be -..vritten on the paper provided separately. You will not b0 allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the Question Paper. The time given ut the head uf this paper is the time allowed for writing the ans-..vers. Section I is compulsory. Attempt any four questions from Section II . The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ]. SECTION 1 (40 Marks] AH questions are compulsory Ql A Gh c tcdmicnl terms for the following. l. The form in which glucose is stored in the liver. 2. 3. -1. 5. [5] Knot-like mass of blood capillaries inside the Bowman s capsule. The structure formed from the villi of the embryo and the uterus of the mother. The stage when sister chromosomes separate from the paired condition. The ear ossicle which is attached to the tympanum. B Diffcrcntintc between the following pairs on the basis of what is given in the brackets . l51 I. Spinn I nerves and crnnial nerves [number of nerves] 2. Near vision and distant vision [shape of the eye lens] 3. Prostate gland and Cowper' s gland [nature of the secretion] 4. Simple goitre and exophthalmic goitre [cause of the disorder] 5. Light reaction and dark reaction [location] C Choose the odd one out and name the category to which the others belong. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. [5] Haemoglobin, glucagon. k,dopsin, rhodopsin Urethra, uterus, urinary bladder, ureter Oxytocin, insulin, prolactin, progesterone Cyton, photon, axon, dendron ADH, TSH, NADP, ACTH D Stntc whether the following statements arc True or False. Correct and rewrite the false statements. 151 I. 2. 3. 4. Duplicated chromosomes remain attached at a point termed centrosome KOH absorbs carbon dioxide. Glycogen is p~oduced by the beta cells of the pancreas. The phase i11 the menstrual cycle in which the remnant of follicle in the ovnry turns to corpus luteum is the follicular phase. Binh r~lll: is the term used for the m1mber of li ve births per 100() indiv ;du:ils of the popu1:Hion pc-r year. 5. Complete the following paragraph by filling in the blanks 1 to 5 with appropriate E \Sl words. The amount of urine output is under the regulation of a ho,.mone called (1) _ _ _ secreted by u,1:: (2)._ _ _ lobe of the pituitary. If this hormone secretion is reduced, there is "'n incre3.bed production of urine. This disorder is called (3) _ _ _ _ .Sometimes exce:;s glnC<Y~ is passec with urine due to hyposecretion of anoth~r hormone called (4) ____ leading to the cause of a disease called (5) _ _ _ __ F Oefine the following terms. 2. Photolysis of water l . Gestation 5. Population density 4. Greenhouse effect G Match the following terms and rewrite the matching pairs. 3. (SI B A l .Allele 2. Utriculus 3. Lamarck's theory 4. Cytokinins 5. Clotting of blood 15] \ \ a. static equilibrium b. inhibits apical dominance c. calcium d. survival of the fittest e. giraffe f. alternate form of genes I Given below are five groups of terms. In each group arrange and rewrite the term s in the correct order so as to be in a logical sequence. 151 H l. 2. 3. 4. 5. l ntestine, liver, intestinal artery, hepatic vein, hepatic portal vein Homo habHis, Homo sapiens, Australopithecus, Neanderthal man, Homo erectus Fibrin, platelets, thromboplastin, fibrinogen, thrombin Receptor, spinal cord, effector, motor neuron, sensory neuron Uterus, parturition, fertilization, gestation, implantation SECTION Il [40 Marks] Attempt any 4 questions out 6 ~-2 A. The diagram below shows two test-tubes A and B. Test-tube A contains a green water plant. Test-tube B contains both, a green water plant and a snail. Both Test-tubes are kept in sunlight. Answer the questions that follow: \51 n i) Name the physiological pror,ess that releases ii) the bubhles of oxygen. Explain the physiological process as mentioned iii) iv) v) above in Q.2 (A) (i) . What is the purpose of keeping a snail in test-tube 'B'? Why does test-tube 'B' have more bubbles of oxygen? Give an example of a v,1ater plant that can be used in vi) the above experiment. Write the overall chemical equ,,tion for the process mentioned ahov~. ~}-J A ~ } b11P>f>U~ ~ o--t'fC. .M ~ o ~ G , t . U ~ l '-'f,T6 PIJ\ '~- '~ e ~'"'" ''- \::~l'>~''. / _ ,, ;, 1:~- "''""''~~ :-~-",{"' ....._if! :~:;...,_,.... ~-,....._ ~ ' ' . B. Give biological reasons for the following statements: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 [5] Some women have facial hair like beard and moustache. Urine is slightly thicker in summer than in winter. Erythrocytes are biconcave disc like and lack nucleus. Yellow spG~of human eye is called the area of best vision. Meiosis is referred to as reductional division. !J..3 A. Observe tlie diagram given below and answer the question that follows: [5] leaf shoot Air bubble Graduated capillary tube Coloured water ,(Q i) ii) iii) iv) v) Name the apparatus. Mention one limitation of this apparatus. Which phenomenon is studied with the help of this apparatus? What is the function of the part marked 'reservoir' ? What is the role of the air bubble in the experiment? B. State the location of the following. I. Prostate gland J 2.Guard cells 4. Thyroid gland J 5. Meninges \ [Sl v 3. Semicircular canal J _9'.4 A. The given below represents a nephron and its blood supply. Study the diagram and answer the following questions. [Sl i) ii) iii) iv) Label the parts 1, 2, 3 and 4. State the reason for the high hydrostatic pressure in the glomerulus. Give the definition of excretion. Name the two main stages of urine formation . t \i, '-~ -('~ ~~-,.( ~,-.. "1. ~ t . ~ ...J. "- ~~~f' 1J B.i ii i . .~~ In a certain species of animals black fur (B) is dominant over brown fur (b). Predict with the ,, ~ help of a Punnett square, the genotype and phenotype of the offspring when both parents are Bb o~ have hererozygous black fur. Give reason: Colour blindness is more common in men than in women. [41 [1l . \ ./4.5 A. The diagram given is the sectional view of an ovary showing changes taking place in it during the menstrual cycle. Observe the diagram and answer the questions that follow: [51 1. ii. 111. iv. V. B. Name A and C. \ Nan1e the pro.cess shown in B. 1 Why does the menstrual cycie stop if the egg gets fertilized and implanted in the uterine wall?\_h State the function of c. \ Name the term which m~ans the beginning of the menstrual cycle., ~lassify the following actions as simple reflex or conditioned reflex 1) Playing a guitar ' ii) Removing your hand suddenly when pricked by a thorn.. I iii) Applying sudden brakes when a dog crosses the path. o iv) Blinking of eyelids on exposure to light. . one , s shoe lace ' v) T ymg \ Q.6 A. The following simplified diagram refers to the outline of the circulation of blood in a mammal. Ao{-+o 'n , ,2 ~ 3 I\ . ~ 5 P, \I KIDNEY HEART 9,~ 7 8 Po,~ ~U\ 6 [5] ~ ~ \J II ,;,. ( -- ~ ~- --?/ I . , ~'"' ~-.'"" : :c {~ C ~ .,-t, . ,i~""- . \ ; : ~~~~-{ '\ .~, .' ' , "~' _.,.-~,' ,-:. ~ i) Study the diagram and write the name of the blood vessels 1, 2, 3, 5, 8 and 9. Several hours after a meal containing a lot of protein, which vessei will contain the highest concentration ofurea? It. ' ~ ii) iii) \ iv) v) B. WLich vessel would contain the highest concentration of amino acids and glucose soon after a meal? t\ , ~." Which vessel begins and ends in capillaries? H , \J In which vessel will the blood carry the most oxyhaemoglobin? \J c:D P, Answer the folbwing questions: 1. State two harmful effects of acid rain. [1] 2. Explain two factors that have contributed to the increase in human population. ['2] 3. Explain the tenn plasmolysis. Give one application of this phenomenon in 1our daily lives.[2] _Q .7 A. A candidate in order to study the process of osmosis has taken 3 potato cubes and put .,, them in 3 different beakers containing 3 different solutions. After 24 hours, in the first beaker the potato cube increased in size, in the second beaker the potato cube decreased in size and in the third beaker there was uo change in the size of the potato cube. The following diagram shows the result of the same experiment. [5] r - - - - -- - --- - - - : : : : : : : : :_:_:_:_:_ -- -- ----- ::::::::::::: - - ----- -- - -- - 5,::::::: ~~~=~=~D=Kt ,---- g .-- - - - - --- -- - - --------- ~:=:=:=:=_ -- - - i) ii) iii) iv) v) n. i) ii) iii) (a) (b) Size increased Size decreased ---------- - --- -,; (C) Size remains same q\ l v Give the technical terms of the solutions used in beakers, a, band c. In beaker 'c' the size of the potato cube remains the same. Explain the reason in biief. Write the specific feature of the cell sap of root hair which helps in absorption of water. What is osmosis? 1 How does a cell wall and a cell membrane differ in their permeability? 1 What are vestigial organs? Name any two vestigial organs in humans. [2] State two functions of gibberellins on plants. (2] Mention any two adaptations found in plants to favour the process of photosynthesis. 11 l ------ - - - - - i 1,, \ -- - -- ----- ~ ..

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