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2 pages, 26 questions, 25 questions with responses, 36 total responses,    0    0
Arjun Mohan
Good Earth School, Kanchipuram
1st to 12th
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COMPUTER APPLICATONS (THEORY) (Two Hours) This paper is divided into two sections. You are to answer all questions from Section A, and any four questions from Section B. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ]. SECTION-A (40 Marks) Attempt all questions. Question 1 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) State the difference between double and Double. What is continue in while statement. What do you mean by keyword? What is meant by a finite loop? Give an example. State the difference between equals & compareTo. [2] [2] [2] [2] [2] Question 2 (a) Name the following i) A package name which have Math class in it. ii) A function that returns index of first occurrence of a specified character. iii) A function to extract a part of string. iv) OOPs principal that implement data hiding. (b) What do you mean by Wrapper class? (c) Which of these are valid integers constant? -400 3,000 045 2.00 +50 090 X12 0XAB [4] [2] [4] Question 3 (a) Distinguish between char and String . (b) Which of these are valid real constant. -2.15 2,200.25 2E2 5.12 2E 3.10F 1.2E2.1 (c) What do you mean by nested if explain with syntax. (d) Find the value of z in the following program segment. int y = 12, z; (i) z = y<<2 (ii) z = y>>1 (e) if String x = Computer , y = Applications ; What do the following functions return for? i) x.equalsIgnoreCase(y); ii) y.indexOf( T ,3); iii) x.length( ) + y.length( ); iv) y.substring(4,9); (f) Rewrite the following code using switch statement. if ( x == 5) { y = y 5; System.out.println( Value of y = + y ); } else if ( x == 10) { y = y 10; System.out.println( Value of y = + y ); } else { y = y 15; System.out.println( Value of y = + y ); } (g) Difference between entry & exit controlled loop. Page - 1 - [2] [4] 4.1 x 102 [2] [2] [4] [4] [2] SECTION-B (60 Marks) Attempt any four questions from this section. Question 4 [15] The standard form of quadratic equation is given by: ax2 + bx + c = 0, where d = b2 4*a*c , is known as discriminate which determines the nature of the roots of the equation accordingly : If d >= 0 Roots are real If d < 0 Roots are imaginary WAP in Java to determine the roots of a quadratic equation (if d > 0) taking a, b, c as input, otherwise roots are Imaginary. Where roots are given by the formula: b b 2 4ac r1 = , 2a b b 2 4ac r2 = 2a Question 5 [15] In an election, out of 1249 voter in a booth, only 861 voters used their franchise correctly. If five candidates are contesting, write a program in Java to find: (i) The number of invalid and valid votes and (ii) The percentage of the valid votes received by each candidate. Question 6 [15] Write a program to input a number and display sum of first and last digit only. e.g. input num = 3459 output sum = 3 + 9 = 12 num = 568 output sum = 5 + 8 = 13 Question 7 [15] Write a program to display following series 123454321 1234 4321 123 321 12 21 1 1 Question 8 [15] Write a program to input a no and check no is PalPrime no or not. (PalPrime is a no which Palindrome as well as Prime) e.g. 131 ----------x---------x----------x--------- Page - 2 -

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