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ICSE Prelims 2015 : Biology (Narbheram Hansraj English School (NHES), Jamshedpur)

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Arindol Dey
Narbheram Hansraj English School (NHES), Jamshedpur
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STD. 10 A&B NARBHERAM HANSRAJ ENGLISH SCHOOL BISTUPUR, JAMSHEDPUR PRE-BOARD 20% TEST 2015-16 BIOLOGY Q1.a) State the location and function of the following structures :i) corpus callosum ii) vitreous humour iii) tympanum b) Define :i) Adaptation iv) lacrymal F.M.20 [5] v) Eustachian tube [4] ii) reflex action iii) power of accommodation iv) synapse c) Differentiate on the basis of the points given :i) sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system (overall effect on the body) ii) Myopia and hypemetropia (cause of the effect) iii) Dynamic balance and static balance (organ involved ) iv) Rods and cones (sensitivity) [4] d) Give reasons :i) Axons are called white matter ii) Throat infection can lead to ear infection iii) The hand automatically shows the direction to turn a cycle without thinking. iv) We cannot distinguish colours in moon light [4] e) Name two eye defects caused in older people. How can they be corrected ? What is the cause of such defect. [3] ******* STD. 10 A&B NARBHERAM HANSRAJ ENGLISH SCHOOL BISTUPUR, JAMSHEDPUR PRE-BOARD 20% TEST 2015-16 BIOLOGY Q1.a) State the location and function of the following structures :i) corpus callosum ii) vitreous humour iii) tympanum b) Define :i) Adaptation iv) lacrymal F.M.20 [5] v) Eustachian tube [4] ii) reflex action iii) power of accommodation iv) synapse c) Differentiate on the basis of the points given :i) sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system (overall effect on the body) ii) Myopia and hypemetropia (cause of the effect) v) Dynamic balance and static balance (organ involved ) vi) Rods and cones (sensitivity) [4] d) Give reasons :i) Axons are called white matter ii) Throat infection can lead to ear infection v) The hand automatically shows the direction to turn a cycle without thinking. vi) We cannot distinguish colours in moon light [4] f) Name two eye defects caused in older people. How can they be corrected ? What is the cause of such defect. [3] *******


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