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St.Stephen's Schol- BumBum PRE- BOARD EXAMINATION 2024-25 Class: 12 Subject:- Chemistry Full marks:- 70 Time:-3 hours (Candidates are allowed an additional 15 minutes for only reading the paper. They must NOT start writing during this time.) This paper is divided into four sections -A, B.Cand D. Answer all questions. Section -Aconsists of one question having sub-parts of one mark each. Section -Bconsists of ten questions of two marks each. Section -Cconsists of seven questions of three each and SectionD consists of three questions of five marks marks each. Internal choices have been provided in one question each in Section B. Section C and Section D. Allwork, including rough work, should be done on the same sheet as, and adjacent to the rest of the answer. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ Balanced equations must be given wherever possible and diagrams where they are helpiul. when solving numerical problems, all essential work must be shown. working out problems, use the data: dm atmk'mo Gas constant R= In1.987 cal deg' moH a214 JK' following mot =0.0821 1latm = 1 dm atm =10124Earaday =96500 coulombs. Avogadr 's number r= 6.023x 1023 Section A (14marks) Qupstion 1 in the blanks by choosing the appropriate word(s) from those given in the [4x1] bracket. (Diamagnetic, Methanol, cathode. More Tn.less.Halogen, Carbon,C-X,C-C,triple, double,Anode,paramagnetic.) In a galvanic cell, electrons flow from connecting wires. to through the Haloalkenes undergo both nucleophilic and electrophilic reactions due to the presence of the bond and the atom.