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ICSE Class X Prelims 2023 : Chemistry (Garden High School, Kolkata)

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Anubhav Sarkar
Garden High School, Kolkata
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GARDEN HIGH SCHOOL CLASS X Half-Yearly Examination, 2022 23 Chemistry Time: 2 hours Full Marks: 80 This Question Paper has seven printed pages. Answers must be written in the script/s provided. You will not be allowed to write for the first 15 minutes. This time must be spent in reading the Question Paper. The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing answers. This Paper is divided into two sections. Answer all the parts of Q No 1 (Section I) and any four questions of Section II. Maximum marks for a question or part of a question are given in brackets [ ]. SECTION I (40 marks) Answer each of the following questions. Question No 1 Choose the correct options: [15] (a) The salt that does not produce any white precipitate with dilute sulphuric acid is: (i) lead nitrate (iii) calcium nitrate (ii) zinc nitrate (iv) strontium nitrate (b) The total percentage of potassium in potassium dichromate is: [K = 39, Cr = 52, O =16] (i) 26.53 (ii) 50.64 (iii) 28.62 (iv) 13.26 (c) The gas that is produced when ammonia is passed over heated lead monoxide is: (i) H2 (ii) N2O (iii) NO (iv) N2 (d) An example of a polar covalent compound is: (i) calcium chloride (iii) hydrogen chloride (ii) acetylene (iv) carbon tetrachloride (e) The element in the third period of the Periodic Table that has the highest tendency to accept an electron is: (i) K (ii) Cl (iii) F (iv) Ar (2) (f) A solid compound when treated with dilute hydrochloric acid liberates a gas that turns lead acetate paper silvery black. The anion present in the compound is: (i) sulphite (ii) sulphide (iii) nitrate (iv) chloride (g) The aqueous solution of the compound which contains some ions and some undissociated molecules is: (i) cupric chloride (ii) lead bromide (iii) nitric acid (iv) lead acetate (h) An inert electrode used in the electrolysis of molten lead bromide is: (i) (i) graphite (ii) platinum (iii) nickel (iv) copper When a few drops of methyl orange is added to vinegar, the colour of the solution changes to: (i) (j) blue (ii) yellow (iii) orange (iv) pink When a solution of copper sulphate is electrolyzed using copper electrodes (i) the anode increases in size. (ii) the cathode remains intact. (iii) the blue colour of the electrolyte remains intact. (iv) the colour of the electrolyte fades and finally gets discharged. (k) The alkaline earth metal present in the second period of the periodic table is: (i) (l) sodium (ii) magnesium (iii) beryllium (iv) calcium The vapour density of a gaseous element is equal to its RAM. The atomicity of the gas is: (i) 1 (ii) 2 (iii) 4 (iv) 8 (m) A compound that ionizes in aqueous solution is: (i) ammonia (iii) glucose (ii) carbon tetrachloride (iv) chloroform (n) Which property is not shown by the Gr1 elements? (i) They are strong oxidizing agents. (ii) They have a tendency to lose electrons. (iii) They form ionic bonds with the elements of Gr 17. (iv) They are metallic in character. (o) A metal that can liberate hydrogen gas from both acids and alkalis is: (i) Mg (ii) Al (iii) Au (iv) Cu (3) Question No 2 (a) Arrange the following as directed: (i) [5] Br, I, F, Cl in the decreasing order of electron affinity (ii) K, Li, Na, H in the increasing order of atomic radius (iii) H2O, NH3, HF and CH4 in the increasing order of covalency (iv) Cl , NO3 , SO42 and OH in the decreasing order of probability of getting discharged at the anode (v) Ne, Kr, Ar, He in the decreasing order of the number of shells in the atoms (b) State the reaction that takes place at the anode when each of the following is electrolyzed: (i) [5] fused alumina (ii) acidified water (iii) saturated solution of sodium chloride (iv) molten lead bromide (v) copper sulphate solution with Pt anode (c) Name the gases evolved when: (i) [5] manganese dioxide is heated with concentrated hydrochloric acid (ii) dilute hydrochloric acid is added to sodium carbonate (iii) dilute sulphuric acid is added to zinc sulphide (iv) ammonia burns in air (v) lead nitrate crystals are heated (d) Match and pair: Reaction [5] Property of sulphuric acid (i) blue vitriol + conc H2SO4 (A) oxidizing agent (ii) Zn + dilute H2SO4 (B) precipitating agent (iii) Cu + conc H2SO4 (C) typical acid (iv) KCl + conc H2SO4 (D) dehydrating agent (v) (E) less volatile than hydrochloric acid Ba(NO3)2 + dilute H2SO4 (4) (e) (i) Define: [2] (A) Vapour density (B) Strong electrolyte (ii) Hydrated calcium sulphate contains 21% of water of crystallization. Calculate the number of molecules of water of crystallization in the hydrated compound. [Ca = 40, S = 32, O = 16, H = 1] [3] SECTION II (40 marks) Answer any four questions. Question No 3 (a) Draw the electron-dot diagram of each of the following: (i) C2 H 4 (ii) H3O+ [5] (iv) N2 (v) MgCl2 (iii) Na2S [ C = 6, H = 1, O = 8, Na = 11, S = 16, N = 7, Mg = 12, Cl = 17 ] (b) Complete and balance the following chemical equations: (i) [5] Pb3O4 + HCl (ii) PbCO3 + HNO3 (iii) Zn + HNO3 (cold and dilute) (iv) FeCl3 + NH4OH (v) S + H2SO4 Question No 4 (a) What do you observe when: (i) [5] molten lead bromide is electrolyzed? (ii) an excess of a solution of ammonium hydroxide is added to a solution of blue vitriol? (iii) an excess of chlorine gas reacts with ammonia? (iv) copper turnings are heated with concentrated nitric acid? (v) concentrated sulphuric acid is added to glucose? (5) (b) With respect to electroplating with silver, see the diagram given below and answer the questions that follow: (i) Name the objects used as X and Y. [2] (ii) Give the equation of the reaction at Y. [1] (iii) What is Z? Why can a solution of silver nitrate not be used as Z? [2] Question No 5 (a) An organic compound contains C = 12.67%, H = 2.13% and Br = 85.11%. The vapour density of the compound is 94. Find the molecular formula of the compound. [3] [C = 12, H = 1, Br = 80 ] (b) State Gay Lussac s Law of combining volumes. [1] (c) A mixture of 200 cc of carbon monoxide and 200 cc of oxygen present at room temperature is ignited. Find the composition of the resultant gaseous mixture. [2] (d) With respect to the laboratory preparation of ammonia gas answer the following questions: (i) Give the balanced chemical equation of the reaction involved in the preparation. (ii) Why is a higher proportion of alkali maintained in the process? (iii) Name the compound used to dry the gas. (iv) How is the gas collected? [4] (6) Question No 6 (a) Study the following table and answer the questions that follow. [The element R has a stable octet configuration] (i) [6] ELEMENT ATOMIC NUMBER P Z+2 Q Z 1 R Z S Z 2 T Z+3 U Z+1 Arrange the metals in the increasing order of reducing character. (ii) Name the element that has the highest ionization potential. (iii) Name the most electronegative element. (iv) Compare the ionic radii of Q and S. (v) Predict the formula of the compound that is formed between the elements S and T. (vi) Draw the electron-dot diagram of the chloride of the element P. (b) Give reasons why: (i) [4] Solid P2O5 is not used to dry hydrogen chloride gas. (ii) Acetic acid is a monobasic acid, though it has four hydrogen atoms in its molecule. (iii) Iron is rendered passive by fuming nitric acid. (iv) For synthesis of ammonia by the Haber s process, a high pressure is maintained. Question No 7 (a) Give a chemical test to distinguish between: (i) Pb(NO3)2 and Ca(NO3)2 by using a solution of sodium hydroxide (ii) Na2SO3 and Na2S2O3 by using dilute hydrochloric acid (iii) NaNO3 and Na2SO4 by using a solution of barium chloride [3] (7) (b) Distinguish between: (i) [2] An active electrode and an inert electrode (ii) An acid salt and a basic salt (c) Name the following: (i) [5] The compound that is added to water to produce sulphuric acid in the Contact process (ii) The oxidizing agent present in aqua regia (iii) A tribasic acid (iv) A salt used as an electrolyte for electroplating with nickel (v) A deliquescent alkali Question No 8 Give balanced chemical equations of the reactions involved in the following conversions: [10] H NH3 A NO J B NO2 H2 C HNO3 I D H 2SO4 E SO2 G F SO3

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