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ICSE Class X Prelims 2024 : Geography (Sacred Heart School, Siliguri, Darjeeling)

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Class X Reading Time: 15 Min SACRED HEART SCHOOL, SILIGURI First Prelims Examination 2023 2024 Subject Geography Full Marks 80 Time: 2Hrs General Instructions You will not be able to write during the first 15 minutes. This time need to be used in reading the question paper. Attempt all questions from Part I (Compulsory). A total of five questions are to be attempted from Part II. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ] PART I (30 Marks) (Attempt all questions from this Part) Question 1 Study the extract of the Survey of India Map sheet No. G43S7 and answer the following questions: (i) a. Give the six figure grid reference of: 224 [2] b. What do you understand by the term Sluice in grid square 2503 (ii) a. Find the area enclosed in the easting 26-30 and northing 05-09 [2] b. What does the black curved line in grid square 2607 indicate about the weather condition? (iii) a. What is the compass direction of Mahudi Moti from Kuchawada? [2] b. Mention two manmade and two natural features in the grid square 2508 (iv) Find the distance along the cart track from Santarwada (2608) to Panswala (2809) [2] (v) The settlement in the Northern part of the map is nucleated. Mention any four facilities that the people get from here. [2] Question 2 On the outline map of India provided: (i) Shade and label black soil area of India. (ii) Mark with a dot and name the city which lies at the confluence of Ganga and Yamuna. (iii) Mark and name the pass which connect Sikkim with China. (iv) Mark with arrow and label S.W Monsoon wind Bay of Bengal Branch (v) Shade and label Gulf of Kutch. (vi) Shade and label a densely populated area in South India (vii) Mark and name the highest peak in the Karakoram Range (viii) Mark and label the sorrow of Bihar. (ix) Mark and label Tropic of Cancer. (x) Mark and label the coast which receive winter rainfall NH/IG/RSH/PB-I GEOG-X This paper consists of 6 printed pages and 1outline map of India Page 1 Question 3 Choose the correct answers to the questions from the given options. [10] (Do not copy the question, write the correct answers only.) (i) Assertion (A): Even though only the southern part of India lies in tropical region, almost the whole of India experiences tropical climate Reason (R): The Himalayan Mountains act as a barrier and prevent the northerly cold winds from entering India. (a) Both A and R is true, and R is the correct explanation of A. (b) A is true, but R is false. (c) Both A and R are true, but R is NOT the correct explanation of A. (d) A is false, but R is true. (ii) Statement 1: As of March 2020, the Government of India is aiming at 25,750 megawatt (MW) of new power generation capacity from solar plants by 2022. Statement 2: India is a tropical country and receives more direct sunlight. Therefore, India has tremendous possibilities to tap into solar energy. (a) Both statements are correct and statement 1 is the correct justification of statement 2. (b) Statement 1 is incorrect but statement 2 is correct. (c) Statement 1 is correct but statement 2 is incorrect. (d) Both statements are correct and statement 2 is the correct justification of statement 1. (iii) Assertion (A): In recent years, there is a tendency for the sugar mills to concentrate in the Southern and Western States, especially in Maharashtra. Reason (R): The cane produced in the Southern and Western states has higher sucrose content and cooler climate also ensures a longer crushing season. (a) Both A and R is true, and R is the correct explanation of A. (b) A is true, but R is false. (c) Both A and R is true, but R is NOT the correct explanation of A. (d) A is false, but R is true. (iv) Assertion (A): Pulses are considered as a major source of protein in a vegetarian diet. Reason (R): Being leguminous crops they help in restoring the soil fertility by fixing nitrogen from the air (a) Both A and R is true, and R is the correct explanation of A. (b) A is true, but R is false. (c) Both A and R is true, but R is NOT the correct explanation of A. (d) A is false, but R is true. (v) Bellary-Chitradurg belt in Karnataka has large reserves of ------------------(a) Iron-ore (b) Copper (c) Coal (d) Mica (vi) Which stations are connected by North-South corridor? (a) Srinagar-Kanyakumari (c) Delhi-Kanyakumari (b) Punjab-Kochi (d) Silchar-Porbandur (vii) How does an Organic Material Decompose in the Buried Solid Waste? (a) By the action of microorganism (c) By the action of oxidation (b) By soil particles (d) By flow of water NH/IG/RSH/PB-I GEOG-X This paper consists of 6 printed pages and 1outline map of India Page 2 (viii) Assertion (A): Landfills are not a good solution for solid waste disposal. Reason (R): The amount of garbage generated in metro cities has increased so much that these sites are getting filled. (a) Both A and R is true, and R is the correct explanation of A. (b) A is true, but R is false. (c) Both A and R is true, but R is NOT the correct explanation of A. (d) A is false, but R is true. (ix) Assertion (A): Running water cuts through the clayey soils and makes deep channels such as gullies. Reason (R): In the Chambal basin such lands are called Leaching. (a) Both A and R is true, and R is the correct explanation of A. (b) A is true, but R is false. (c) Both A and R is true, but R is NOT the correct explanation of A. (d) A is false, but R is true. (x) Which of the following soil is formed under typical monsoon conditions? (a) Black soil (b) Red soil (c) Laterite soil (d) Alluvial soil PART II (50 Marks) (Attempt any five questions from this Part.) Question 4 (i) Kolkata received 74mm of rain in the last 24 hours, making it the second wettest day of the monsoon season. This comes as a relief after rain deficit July. [2] - Times of India (a) As a student of Geography, what according to you may be the reason for the heavy rainfall? (b) What according to you may be the reason for deficit of rainfall in the month of July? (ii) What are local winds? Name any two local winds stating their benefits. [2] (iii) Give a reason for the following: [3] (a) N.E monsoon doesn t bring any rainfall in India. (b) Peninsular India doesn t experience well defined change in weather. (c) Rajasthan receive very less rainfall. (iv) Study the climate data given below and answer the following questions: [3] Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 0 Temp C 23.1 24.8 26.5 29.2 32 32.8 33.1 32.1 30.5 29..3 28.7 26.1 Rainfall 15.3 10.1 0.3 0.1 1.3 4.5 6.1 10.2 10.5 20.1 16.8 19.0 cm (i) Calculate the annual rainfall experienced by the station. (ii) Suggest the name of the station, giving a reason for your answer. (iii) Calculate the annual range of temperature. NH/IG/RSH/PB-I GEOG-X This paper consists of 6 printed pages and 1outline map of India Page 3 Question 5 (i) Identify the picture given above. What according to you may be the causes that led to this incident? [2] (ii) Name the process by which Laterite Soil is formed. Give a reason as to why the soil is not suitable for agriculture. [2] (iii) Give a reason for the following: [3] (a) Khadar is more fertile than Bangar. (b) The foothills of the Himalayas are prone to excessive soil erosion. (c) Red soil is good for Dry Farming. (iv) What do you mean by soil conservation? Mention any two measures adapted by government to prevent soil erosion. [3] Question 6 (i) Mahesh went for an excursion with his friend in Rajasthan and came across some small stunted trees. [2] (a) Which natural vegetation belt did he come across? (b) Mention any two characteristics of the vegetation mentioned by you. (ii) Give two characteristics of the Tropical Evergreen forest that make it difficult to exploit. [2] (iii) Natural vegetation and its products play a very important role in a nation s economy. Justify the statement giving three reasons. [3] (iv) Give a reason for the following: [4] (a) Trees in the littoral forests grow aerial roots. (b) Monsoon deciduous forests shed their leaves for about 6-8 6 8 weeks during MarchApril (c) There is a rapid depletion of forest resources. NH/IG/RSH/PB-I GEOG-X This paper consists of 6 printed pages and 1outline map of India Page 4 Question 7 (i) State two reasons why irrigation is important to a country like India. (ii) [2] Identify the picture above. Why this system of irrigation is required? (iii) With reference rence to canal irrigation, answer the following questions: (a) Mention any two conditions necessary for digging canals. (b) Differentiate between perennial and inundation canals. [2] [3] (iv) Give a reason for the following: (a) Well irrigation on is still a popular means of irrigation in India. (b) Tank irrigation is very popular in South India (c) Conservation of water has become necessary. [3] Question 8 (i) Mention two advantages of using non-conventional non conventional sources of power. [2] (ii) With reference to the Bhakra Nangal Dam, answer the following: [2] (a) Name the river on which it has been constructed. (b) Name two states that benefit from this project. (iii) (a) Mention two advantages of wind energy. [3] (b) What is the advantage of using nuclear power in place of conventional sources of energy? (iv) Name : [3] (a) Metal obtained from Bauxite (b) Multipurpose project which provides power to Himachal Pradesh. (c) Mineral found in Bababudan hills in Karnataka. Question 9 (i) India must shed obsession with marginal farmers . Their future lies outside farms in dairy, poultry, food retail. retail Farming is best left to those who can do it well. Better fewer, but better. ---------Indian Express (a) What type of farming is spoken in the above lines? Mention two advantages of this type of farming [3] NH/IG/RSH/PB-I GEOG-X This paper consists of 6 printed pages and 1outline map of India Page 5 (ii) Give the geographical requirement for the cultivation of coffee in Karnataka. [2] (iii) Give a geographical reason for the following: [3] (a) Millets are known as dry crops. (b) Pulses are grown as rotational crops. (c) Jute stems must be retted. (iv) What are the two methods of propagating sugarcane? Which is the best method and why? [2] Question 10 (i) Give two ways in which the Electronic Industry is important for India. [2] (ii) How are industries classified on the basis of management? [2] (iii) With reference to silk industry, answer the following: [2] (a) Name four varieties of silk. (b) Mention any two factors responsible for concentration of silk industry in Karnataka. (iv) Which is the first shore based steel plant in India? From where do they get the supply of iron-ore and coal? [2] (v) Why are the petrochemical industries located near oil refineries? Mention two advantages of this industry. [2] Question 11 (i) Transport is the backbone of a Country s economy. Give two reasons to support the statement. [2] (ii) Give two reasons why airways are used extensively despite being an expensive mode of transport. [2] (iii) Mention three reasons why inland waterways are better developed in Northern India than in Southern India. [3] (iv) State three advantages of roadways over railways. [3] Question 12 (i) India is among the 12 countries, along with China, Brazil, Indonesia, Thailand, Russia, Mexico, the United States, Saudia Arabia, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Iran and Kazakhstan, which are responsible for 52 per cent of the world s mismanaged plastic waste, it pointed out. Under current scenarios, despite pledges and increased waste management capacity, increased production of plastics will lead to global plastics pollution tripling by 2040, it pointed out. -------- Down to Earth (a) How does plastic affect the environment? What according to you would be the best solution to this problem? [2] (ii) Why is dumping considered a harmful method of waste disposal? [2] (iii) Define the following terms: [3] (a) Waste (b) Biomagnification (c) Eutrophication. (iv) Mention three ways to reuse waste that is generated at home [3] NH/IG/RSH/PB-I GEOG-X This paper consists of 6 printed pages and 1outline map of India Page 6 Name: ______________________________ Class: __________ Sec: _________ NH/IG/RSH/PB-I GEOG-X This paper consists of 6 printed pages and 1outline map of India Page 7

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