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CBSE Notes Class 10 2020 : Economics (Lions English School, Silvassa) : Consumer rights

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Anandita Gupta
Lions English School, Silvassa
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Consumer Rights Q.1 Explain any three ways in which consumers are exploited in the marketplace.(3 marks) Q.2 What are the rights given under COPRA for the redressal of grievances? (3 marks) Q.3 Explain briefly the three tier quasi-judicial machinery setup for resolution of consumers dispute? Q.4 If any damage is done to a consumer by a trader, under which consumer right one can move to consumer court to get compensation? (1 mark) Q.5 Which logo would you see on an electric heater to be sure of its quality? (1 mark) Q.6 Who is a consumer? (1 mark) Q.7 How does right to be informed help consumers? Explain with the help of an example. (3) Q.8 What is standardization of products? Mention any two organizations responsible for the standardization of products in India. (3) Q.9 What are the three functions of consumer protection councils? (3) Q.10 How did consumer movement originate as a social force in India? Explain.(3) Q.11 Consumer movement can be effective only with consumer s active movement. Analyze the statement. (5) 12. How does the government of India protect the interest of consumers? Explain with five examples.


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