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ICSE Class X Prelims 2024 : History and Civics (Lodha World School (LWS), Palava, Dombivili)

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Anamica Basu
Lodha World School (LWS), Palava, Dombivili
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LODHA WORLD SCHOOL Near Khidkalesbwar Temple, Kalyan -Sbilphata Road, Dombivali East. Palava, Mabarashtra 421204, Ph. No. - 0251 6699588 LODHA WORLD SCHOOL - 2023-2024 Prelim Exam II Std: X History & Civics Total Marks: 80 Duration: 2 Hours Div: Name: Roll no: Date:8.1.2024 Answers to this Paper mUst be written on fhe answer sheet provided separately. You willnof be allowed to write during the first FIFTEEN minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. Aftempt all questions from PartI (Compulsory). A total of five questions are to be attempted fromPart Il, two out of three questions from Section Aand three ouf of five questions from Section B. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets (). PART I Aftempt all questions from this Part Question1 (16) Choose the correct option: i) TheLok Sabhais more powerful than the Rajya Sabha. Which of the folowing is true in this context? a) The Lok Sabha represents the States of the Union b) No-Confidence motion can be introduced and passed in the Lok Sabha c) The members of the Lok Sabhaare indirectly elected by the people ) d) The Lok Sabha does not elect the President i) P.T.Ushawas nominated to Ralya Sabha in exercised a) Discretionary b) Judiclal Ji) Nominated members of eliaible to be included in the a) Lok Sabha c) The Parliament 2022. Here the President has power. c) Executive d) Legislative and State Assermblies are not Electoral college of the President. b) Rajya Sabha d) State Legislative Councils jurisdiction the powers to grant special leave to gppeal against the judgement means delivered by any court in the country. a) Original b) Appellate c) Advisory d) Revisory wWhichof the following statements with respect to Cabinet Ministers is NOT Correct? a) Cabinet Ministers hold important portfolios SUch as Defence and Finance b) The Prime Minister aiways consults the Cabinet c) Cabinet Ministers are not in charge of any Ministry. d) All the major appointments though made by the President are decided upon by the Cabinet. L vi) Adetained person has not been produced before the magistrate within 24 hours of arrest. Which legal remedy is available to him/her? a) Writ of Mandamus c) Writ of Habeas Corpus b) Writ of QUo Warranto d) Writ of Prohibition Vi) Read the following statements and find out the incorect option: I. Nana Saheb wasnot the adopted son of Baj Rao ll. I1. He was forced to live at Kanpur. I. His fanmily seat Was at Poona. todifferent parts emissaries send inherited wealth to utilized the IY. Nana Saheb generating awareness. of India for c) only I b)I,I, IV d) I, IV Chauri-Chaura tragedy at the (B). about given below relationship between (A)and statements wM) Read the two shows the correct that option station on fire. and select the the police a)only IV fired at the A)The police the B)Gandhiji started a) A set following this non-cooperation movement B is the reason for c) A is true but B peasants who in turn is false incident. reason for A b) Bis the B is true d) A is false but book written by Raja the by influenced History was this book? Mahesh,a studentof Monotheists'. What is described in Roy 'Gift to Ram Mohan women's rights. a) He wrote about castes. distress felt by the lower and hardships the b) He described drain-theory in his book. c) He proposed the against beliefs in many Gods. d) He put forward his views BRITISH ZONE ONE ANERICANE ONE FRENG Observe the image and identify which consequencedoes itrepresent? a) Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki b) Defeat of Axis powers c) Formation of the UN d) Cold War wldentify the odd one out of the following objectives: a) Reorganisation of agriculture and industry on [ocialist lines b) Abolition of the zamindari system c) to organise an armed revolution and to the British army with modern arms. d) introduction ofa new monetaryy and credit system Xi Acollege student named Asha is doing a project on a prominent lndian naionalist leader whose ore work revolved around finding the root cause for the economic ills of Indiawas the exploitationof by the British. Who is India Asha MOST LIKELY writing about? a) Surendranath Banerjee b) PherOzeshah Mehta c) Dadabhai Naoroji d) Jyotiba Phule Aii) Which of the followingclauses was NOT part of the Cabinet Mission Plan of 1946? a) Grouping of provinces c) Federal Union b) Freedom to join the Commonwealth .d) A Boundary Commission v ) The principal judicialorgan of the UN is the a) General Assembly Deslberare b)Security Council everutlne c) Trusteeship Council xv) The largest sector of a) Education -d)tnternational Court of Justice UNESCO's activity is in the field of b) Science c) Culture 1) Non-alignment means a) Non- membership to military b) non- alignment to power blocs c) active in participation international issues d) Allof the above d) Health Question 2 (14) ) Mr. Kumar is 26 years of gge, Which House of Paliament can he be amember (2) of? Why? Imagine that you met one of the Assertive Nationalists. After talking to him, you realised the difference in the methods adopted by them and the Early Nationalists. State any two methods Used by the Early Nationalists whichdiffered fromthat of the (2) Assertive Nationalists. (2) Which Act changed the HinduLaw of Property? w What was the most important but tragic provision of the Mountbatten Plan?2) v) What were the two causes of the Civil Disobedience Movement? vi) When and where did the All-ndia Congress Working Committee pass the Quit IndiaResolution? (2) vi) Name the two zonesunder which Germany was divided at the end of World War li. paofect 8Mby Adopted, 'wardha PART II (2) SECTIONA Aftempt any fwo questions from this Section. /Question 3 7 With reference to the Union Parliament, answer the following questions: Why is Rajya Sabha called a permanent House? i) How does the Parliament exercise State the financial functions Question4 With reference to the questions. i) Why is the (3) control over the Executive? performed by the Parliament. executive organ of the government, President elected indirectly? (4) answer the following (4) i) The power to promulgate an Ordinance is subject to condltiors, Explir, thi statement with the help of examples. i)Explain the discretlonary powers of the President of India. Question 5 With reference to the judicial organ of the governmernt, answer the folloi quesfions. Mention three ways in which the Constitution ensures the independence of tha Judges of the Supreme Court. i) How does the High Courtact asa protector of Fundamental Rights? State the differences between the court of the District Judge and Court. Sessions (4) Section B Question 6 Attempt any three questions from this Section. With reference to the Indian National Movement, answer the following questions: i) What was the Doctrine of Lapse? Name the queen who becamea victim of this policy. LoYd (uT2on (4 i) Who partitioned Bengal? State any two actual reasons behind the Partition.(3) The split in the Congress was unfortunate it gave an opportunity to the because British to exploit the situation to their advantage. Explain this statement with the help of examples. LoNcesion t eoeelon. Question 7 Read the excerpt given below and answer the following questions: Early Congressmen had full faith in the sense of justice and they just Wanted some reforms. They even felt toBritish an extent that Indians had benefited from the British administration, i.e. introduction of English and modern means of On the other hand, Tilak was the communication. one whobrought a new wave in Indian as politics he a was and afrue leader of fighter agaressive nationalism, He had no fearless faith in petitions. He started two newspapers, The Kesari' (Marathi) and 'The (3 Mahrafta' (English) both of which made a bitter attack on the govenment. He used his newspapers as powertu weapons to spread discontent against British rule. He preached the ideas of Swadeshl, Boycott and Prohibition, and later on, these ideas were followed by Mahatma Gandhi. It was his conviction that independence would come to India only when the Indians were strong enough to snatch it from the British hands. He was the first leader who sought close contact with the session in masses. It was under his influence that the Congress, in its annual 'Swaraj is my 1906, had to pass aresolution regarding Swaraj. He said,names birth right and Ishallhave it." Nationalism? i) How did Lokmanya Tilak preached 2 (4) o(3)... f govt oy j i) Why did Tilak establish the Home Rule League? o d , ost tvnlo l 4 (3) Gandhiji? ii) Jn what ways was he the forerunner of Question 8 With reference to the Second World War, answer the following questions: Second World i) Explain how the policy of appeasement became a cauSe of the War. i) What was the immediate cause of the Second World War? 2/ (3) 214) i) Explain about the formmation of the United Nations as a consequence of the Second World War. 1 Ote LQuestion 9: - (O Study the picture and answer the following questions: iMgentify the image. With which movement is this picture associated with? (3) Which pact was signed before this conference and what were its conditions? (4) , iJWhy did this conference fail? (3) Question 10 With reference to the UN organs, agencies and the movement, answer the following questions: Non-Aligned AoWhat is the composition of the Security Council? Mention any four functions of UNESC . } What are the basic principles of Panchsheel? (3)

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