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ICSE Class X Board Exam 2024 :

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Ammrit Senapati
Loyola School, Bhubaneswar
Class 10
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November 2023 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Copyright, Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations All rights reserved. The copyright to this publication and any part thereof solely vests in the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations. This publication and no part thereof may be reproduced, transmitted, distributed or stored in any manner whatsoever, without the prior written approval of the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations. Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE) MISSION STATEMENT The Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations is committed to serving the nation's children, through high quality educational endeavours, empowering them to contribute towards a humane, just and pluralistic society, promoting introspective living, by creating exciting learning opportunities, with a commitment to excellence. ETHOS OF CISCE Trust and fair play. Minimum monitoring. Allowing schools to evolve their own niche. Catering to the needs of the children. Giving freedom to experiment with new ideas and practices. Diversity and plurality - the basic strength for evolution of ideas. Schools to motivate pupils towards the cultivation of: Excellence - The Indian and Global experience. Values - Spiritual and cultural - to be the bedrock of the educational experience. Schools to have an 'Indian Ethos', strong roots in the national psyche and be sensitive to national aspirations. FOREWORD The Analysis of Pupils Performance document for ICSE (Class X) and ISC (Class XII) Examinations stands out as a unique and indispensable resource. Over the years, it has evolved to become a valuable tool for schools, shedding light on both the strengths and challenges faced by candidates as they navigate these Examinations. We would like to extend our heartfelt appreciation to the Research Development and Consultancy Division (RDCD) of the CISCE for their painstaking efforts in creating this analysis. Furthermore, our gratitude goes out to the examiners who have generously provided feedback on candidates performance during the examinations, along with suggestions for teachers and students to enhance their curriculum. We hope that the schools find this document to be of value. We also invite schools to share their sincere thoughts on its utility and quality. Sangeeta Bhatia Deputy Secretary November 2023 i PREFACE The Analysis of Pupil Performance documents have been prepared by the CISCE since the year 1994, with the objective to facilitate the teaching-learning process by providing subject/ paper wise feedback to teachers regarding performance of students at the ICSE and ISC Examinations. With the aim of ensuring wider accessibility to all stakeholders, from the year 2014, the ICSE and the ISC documents have been made available on the CISCE website These documents are being released after a two-year gap, understandably caused by the challenges in conducting examinations during the pandemic. The documents for the ICSE and ISC Examination Year 2023 include a detailed qualitative analysis of the performance of students in various subjects. The Analysis of Pupil Performance document for ICSE for the Examination Year 2023 covers the following subjects - English Language, Literature in English, History and Civics, Geography, Mathematics, and Computer Applications. The subjects covered in the ISC Analysis of Pupil Performance document for the Year 2023 are English Language, Literature in English, Mathematics, History, Accounts, and Physics. The relevance of this question-by-question analysis lies in the valuable insights into the performance of candidates on each question in the subject paper. The Comments of Examiners section is based on inputs provided by examiners from examination centers across the country. It comprises of question wise feedback on the performance of candidates in the form of the common errors made by candidates. The Suggestions for Teachers section along with, provides pedagogical interventions that teachers can utilize to rectify/ reduce these errors. The criteria used for marking each question has been provided for both teachers and students to understand in the Marking Scheme section. Certain topics in the question paper that were found to be challenging or confusing for the majority of the candidates have been listed, along with general recommendations for candidates to prepare for the subject paper to perform better in the examination. I humbly acknowledge and appreciate the pivotal contributions of all the ICSE and the ISC examiners who have enriched the document with their valuable insights on each question. My gratitude and best wishes to the RDCD team of Dr. Manika Sharma, Ms. Parul Kohli and Ms. Mansi Guleria, who have worked tirelessly towards the meticulous preparation and timely release of this document. We are sanguine that this document will empower teachers to support their students towards efficacious preparation for the upcoming ICSE/ ISC Examinations. Bhawna Taragi Deputy Head - RDCD November 2023 ii HISTORY & CIVICS (H.C.G. PAPER 1) PART I (30 Marks) (Attempt all questions from this Part.) Question 1 Select the correct answers to the questions from the given options. (Do not copy the questions, write the correct answer only). (i) An ordinance has to be approved by the Parliament within __________ weeks. (a) Two (b) Three (c) Six (d) Eight (ii) The junior category of ministers who assist senior ministers: (a) Cabinet Ministers (b) Ministers of State (c) Deputy Ministers (d) Council of Ministers (iii) A major natural calamity has taken place and the opposition wants the house to lay aside all other business and take up this matter of urgent importance. Which motion should the house move to allow this? (a) Adjournment Motion (b) No-confidence Motion (c) Confidence Motion (d) Censure Motion (iv) When the Supreme Court reviews any judgement made by it to remove an error, it falls under __________ jurisdiction. (a) Advisory (b) Revisory 1 [16] (c) Original (d) Appellate (v) The __________ has the power to summon the Houses of Parliament. (a) Speaker (b) President (c) Vice President (d) Chief Justice of India (vi) Court of District Judge : Civil Cases : : Sessions Court : __________ Cases (a) Advisory (b) Criminal (c) Constitutional (d) Appellate (vii) Formation of Congress: 1885 : : Formation of Muslim League : __________ (a) 1905 (b) 1906 (c) 1907 (d) 1908 (viii) The plan of Partition of Bengal was proposed by __________. (a) Lord Canning (b) Lord Dalhousie (c) Lord Curzon (d) Lord Ripon (ix) People protested against the _________ because it had seven British members and no Indian representation. (a) Simon Commission (b) Lucknow Pact (c) Ilbert Bill (d) Cabinet Mission (x) The main objective of the Assertive Nationalists was _________. (a) Constitutional agitation (b) Peaceful protests (c) Purna Swaraj 2 (d) Self-government under British Rule (xi) Identify the Early Nationalist leader. (a) Gopal Krishna Gokhale (b) Bipin Chandra Pal (c) Jyotiba Phule (d) Bal Gangadhar Tilak (xii) The Lucknow Pact was signed between __________. (a) The British and the Congress (b) The Congress and the Muslim League (c) The Early and the Assertive Nationalists (d) The Muslim League and the British (xiii) __________ was one of the causes of the Quit India Movement. (a) Failure of the Second Round Table Conference (b) Rowlatt Act (c) Mountbatten Plan (d) Failure of the Cripps Mission (xiv) The International Court of Justice has __________ judges. (a) 5 (b) 10 (c) 12 (d) 15 (xv) Which of these leaders was an architect of the Non-Aligned Movement? (a) Joseph Stalin (b) Abdel Nasser (c) Winston Churchill (d) Franklin Roosevelt (xvi) The immediate cause of the First World War was __________. (a) Imperialism (b) Alliance System (c) Sarajevo Crisis (d) Arms Race 3 Comments of Examiners (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) (x) (xi) (xii) Suggestions for teachers Most of the candidates chose Two weeks instead of Six weeks as the answer as they may be confused with the time limit required for passing of a money bill. Many candidates chose option (b) Ministers of State instead of (c) Deputy Ministers . Most of the candidates wrote the correct answer barring a few who mentioned Censure motion . While most of the candidates answered this question correctly, some were confused between Advisory and Revisory jurisdiction. This question was well attempted, but some candidates chose Speaker instead of President. The candidates were not clear about the difference between role of the President and that of the Speaker as the Presiding officer with reference to the Lok Sabha . Most of the candidates answered this question correctly. Some candidates chose 1905 as the answer instead of 1906 . Many candidates wrote Lord Canning instead of Lord Curzon . Majority of the candidates answered the question correctly. However, a few candidates chose incorrect option Ilbert Bill since it was a controversial bill too. Some candidates chose Selfgovernment under British Rule instead of Purna Swaraj as they were confused with the concept of the word Swaraj . Most of the candidates answered this question correctly. Some candidates were confused and chose different answers. Most of the candidates answered it correctly but few chose the incorrect option (c) Early and Assertive Nationalists . With the help of flowchart explain exact procedure of making, proclaiming, passing of an ordinance and reasons for calling temporary law. Explain difference in the functions of the ministers of state in the hierarchal manner. Discuss definitions of the prescribed motions in detail. Familiarize and explain students with the names and scope of different jurisdictions of the Supreme Court with relevant examples. Clearly explain the powers of the President in the functioning of the Parliament. Make students acquainted with the broad differences between civil and criminal jurisdiction in Courts, Sessions Court, and District Court, providing relevant examples. Explain in a chronological order/timeline of incidents related to phase of the Independence movement with special focus on incidents and consequences. Provide practice to identify correct dates. Discuss repressive policies in a tabular form. Use timelines and flowchart to explain various policies introduced by Governor Generals, their influences, and impacts. Graphic organizers like mind maps and flow charts can be used to explain the chronology with clarity, causes of the three Gandhian movements. Clearly explain difference in the objectives, methods, and beliefs of the Early and Assertive Nationalists in a tabular form or a categorization chart with relevant examples. Create a comparative study with the help of grouping table regarding contributions of six nationalist leaders. Emphasise upon names of the founders of different organisations related to UN and NAM. 4 (xiii) Most of the candidates answered this question correctly. (xiv) Some candidates chose 5 judges instead of 15 as the composition of the International Court of Justice. (xv) Some candidates chose Churchill or Stalin as the option. (xvi) This question was well answered by almost all the candidates. Question 1 Suggestions for teachers Create a comparative study with the help of grouping table regarding contributions of six nationalist leaders. Prepare a classification chart to teach students the causes and results of different nationalist movements with timeline. Highlight clearly United Nations Organisation with specific terms like composition, term, and functions. Explain in detail immediate cause of all three wars-First war of Independence, World War I and World War II. MARKING SCHEME (i) (c) Six (ii) (c) Deputy Ministers (iii) (a) Adjournment Motion (iv) (b) Revisory (v) (b) President (vi) (b) Criminal (vii) (b) 1906 (viii) (c) Lord Curzon (ix) (a) Simon Commission (x) (c) Purna Swaraj (xi) (a) Gopal Krishna Gokhale (xii) (b) The Congress and the Muslim League (xiii) (d) Failure of the Cripps Mission (xiv) (d) 15 (xv) (b) Abdel Nasser (xvi) (c) Sarajevo Crisis 5 Question 2 (i) Mention any two ways in which the Constitution ensures the independence of the Judiciary from the Executive. [2] (ii) State any two legislative powers of the Cabinet. [2] (iii) Mention any two repressive policies of Lord Lytton. [2] (iv) Give two reasons for the acceptance of the Mountbatten Plan by the Congress. [2] (v) State any two objectives of the Muslim League. [2] (vi) Mention any two clauses of the Treaty of Versailles. [2] (vii) Name the two alliances formed in Europe before the beginning of the First World War. [2] Comments of Examiners (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) Suggestions for teachers Most of the candidates were not able to answer this question. They were not clear with the concept of Independence of Judiciary from the Executive . Majority of the candidates got confused between the legislative and executive powers . Most chose policy making as a legislative power . Several candidates were not able to attempt this question properly as they wrote Administrative powers in place of Legislative powers . Most of the candidates could answer this question correctly. This question was well attempted by all candidates. Few candidates wrote generalized answers. Some candidates got confused between the objectives of Muslim League and Congress . Most of the candidates answered this question correctly. Many candidates answered correctly but some mentioned about Axis and Allied powers . Explain the necessity to maintain the independence of the judiciary for the functioning of a democracy. Differentiate between the various powers of the Union Cabinet. Explain the meaning of the words Legislation, Legislative and Executive powers of the Cabinet and Parliament in detail through a classification chart. Prepare a classification chart to clarify and teach students the difference between the Indian Independence Act, 1947 and the Mountbatten Plan -its clauses and reasons for its acceptance. Guide students to understand the views of both the Muslim League and the Congress separately. Clearly define objectives of the various parties and organisations with examples. Discuss in detail the Treaty of Versailles its main clauses and how it became a cause for the Second World War. Encourage students to prepare flash cards and use mind maps to acquire and recall the names of the countries and the alliances formed during the two world wars. 6 Question 2 (i) MARKING SCHEME The judiciary and executive are involved in the appointment of the judges/judges can be removed only through impeachment /they have the security of tenure and can remain in office until they are 65 years of age/their salaries are from the Consolidated Fund of India and not subject to vote of the Parliament/they have the freedom to announce decrees and decisions/their decisions cannot be criticized in public/they can punish anyone for contempt of court/the state has to ensure their safety/The court has full control over its work and establishment / No discussion can take place in the legislature on the conduct of any judge/ judges are prohibited from practising after retirement/. Salaries are reduced only during financial emergency. (Any two points) (ii) Introduction of bills/act as a source of information /move amendments to the Constitution/ summon houses of Parliament through the President/prepare the special address of the President/advise the President to issue ordinances. (Any two points) (iii) The Vernacular Press Act Gagging Act / Press Regulation /The Indian Arms Act/Organising the Grand Delhi Durbar/reduced the maximum age for the Indian Civil Service Examination from 21 to 19 years/removed the import duties on British textiles which destroyed Indian Industries. (Any two points) (iv) It was a solution to the large scale communal riots/the League had joined the interim government to obstruct and not cooperate/ the only alternative to partition was a federation with a weak centre/further continuity of British rule would mean a greater calamity/not agreeing to the partition many result in the creation of many Pakistans/further delay could lead to a civil war/partition would help get rid of separate electorates and other undemocratic procedures./ Result of Direct action day/ A small India with a strong centre was better than a bigger state with a weak centre / British were encouraging the rulers of Indian states to remain Independent. (Any two points) (v) To promote among Muslims of India, support for the British government/to remove any misconceptions regarding the intention of the government with regard to the Muslims/to protect and advance the political rights and interests of the Muslims/to represents their needs and aspirations to the government in a mild and moderate language/to prevent the rise of hostility between Muslims of India and other communities. (Any two points) 7 (vi) Germany was declared guilty of aggression/had to pay a war reparation of 33 billion dollars/had to supply coal to France, Italy and Belgium for 10 years/ the area of the Rhine valley was demilitarized /it was to be occupied by the Allied forces for 15 years/Germany lost Alsace Lorraine to France/Eupen-et-Malmedy to Belgium/Schleswig to Denmark/Danzig became a free port in the Polish territory/the Saar coal mines were ceded to France/ Germany lost all her colonies to the victorious allies/German colonies in the Pacific were given to Japan/The German army was restricted to one lakh soldiers/ navy was restricted to 15,000 men / 24 ships/the air force and submarines were banned/the treaty gave complete independence to Belgium, Poland, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia/the covenant of the League of Nations was added to the Treaty of Versailles/ All German Merchant Ships given to Allies. (Any two points) (vii) Triple Alliance and Triple Entente. PART II SECTION A (20 Marks) (Attempt any two questions from this Section.) Question 3 The Union Legislature comprises the President and the two houses of the Parliament. With reference to the Parliament, answer the following questions: (i) Mr. Raj wants to be a member of the Lok Sabha. [3] Mention any three qualifications required to contest elections for the Lok Sabha. (ii) Mention any three legislative powers of the Union Parliament. [3] (iii) The Parliament controls the Executive. [4] Mention any four ways in which it exercises its control. 8 Comments of Examiners Suggestions for teachers (i) Most of the candidates answered this question correctly. (ii) Many candidates attempted this question well. However, some candidates got confused and mentioned different powers. (iii) Majority of the candidates could not answer this question completely as they wrote one or two points only. Question 3 (i) Prepare a classification chart to teach students differences in the qualifications, term, composition, and functions of the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha. Explain powers of the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha in a tabular form with examples. Refer scope of syllabus to cover on the topic role of Parliament in exercising its control. MARKING SCHEME Must be a citizen of India/must be at least 25 years of age/should have his/her name in the electoral rolls in some part of the country/should not be an insolvent/should not hold any office of profit under the government/should not be a proclaimed criminal/ should not be unsound of mind / Must have qualifications prescribed by parliament from time to time. (Any three points) (ii) Can make laws on subjects in the Union List/ Can make laws on subjects in the Concurrent list/can make laws on subjects in the Residuary list /can make laws in the state list when there is an emergency or when two or more states request it or Rajya Sabha approves it by 2/3 majority /can approve ordinances/has powers over a state during an emergency/all bills except money bills can originate and can be passed by both houses. (Any three points) (iii) Through interpellation during question hour /through question, discussions and debates/through a vote of no-confidence/ adjournment motion/through other motions of censure/ rejection of a Government Bill / passing of a Private Member Bill against the wishes of the Government/cut motion/examining the reports of the Auditor- General/ Zero hour/Monetary control/Debates. (Any four points) 9 Question 4 The President is the head of the State and exercises his / her powers on the advice of the Prime Minister and the Council of Ministers. With reference to this, answer the following questions: (i) What are the three types of emergencies that can be proclaimed by the President? [3] (ii) Mention any three legislative powers of the President. [3] (iii) Give any two reasons to justify the need for indirect election of the President. [4] What is the composition of the Electoral College which elects the President? Comments of Examiners (i) Most of the candidates answered this Suggestions for teachers question correctly. Some candidates Explain Emergency names with did not name the emergency but circumstances and relevant examples. described the circumstances under Clearly define Legislative powers and which the emergencies be proclaimed. Executive powers while sharing various Few candidates wrote the impact and powers of the President of India. time period of each emergency instead of the types of emergencies. Mention clearly that the President of (ii) Many candidates got confused between India is not elected directly by the people the Legislative and Executive powers since India has a Parliamentary form of of the President due to lack of clarity on Government. powers of the President of India. Explain the meaning in detail for (iii) This question was well attempted by procedural terms such as Electoral the candidates. Instead of two reasons, College and so on. majority of the candidates had only described one reason for indirect election of the President. A few candidates misunderstood the question as they mentioned about the procedure of election. The composition of Electoral college for the President was answered well be most of the candidates. Question 4 (i) MARKING SCHEME National or General Emergency/ civil war/threat to security/ insurgency/war/external aggression/internal disturbance/armed rebellion/Financial Emergency/ threat to the credit of India/financial crisis/financial instability/ Emergency due to Breakdown of Constitutional Machinery / State Emergency / Government report to the President /Government cannot function according to Constitution/State Government is unable to control law and order. (Any three points) 10 (ii) Addresses the first session of the Parliament/sends messages to the Parliament/can summon and prorogue the Parliament/can dissolve the Lok Sabha /nominates 12 members to the Rajya Sabha/gives assent to a bill to make it a law/can promulgate ordinances/can give his/her assent to some state bills /Previous sanction to the Money bills /Introduction of Bills/Give approval for introduction of Bills regarding alteration of State /formation of state. Can call for a joint session of parliament. (Any three points) (iii) Need for indirect election (Two points) Saves money and time/if elected directly he /she would become a rival to the Prime Minister/the President is just a nominal head/it would be difficult for the whole country to vote for one position /difficult to provide electoral machinery/India has a parliamentary government/Majority of the population is illiterate/Election of the president is dignified procedure/President will become nominee of the ruling party, so states are also allowed to vote. Electoral College The Members of the Parliament / The Members of the State Legislative Assemblies. Question 5 The Constitution of India provides for a High Court for each State. With reference to the High Courts and Subordinate Courts, answer the following questions: (i) Who appoints the judges of the High Court? [3] Mention any two qualifications required for a person to be appointed as a judge of a High Court. (ii) Mention any three cases that come under the Original Jurisdiction of the High Court. [3] (iii) What are Lok Adalats? [4] Mention any three advantages of the Lok Adalats. 11 Comments of Examiners (i) Most of the candidates answered the first part correctly but a few candidates were confused and mentioned about Chief Justice and Governor instead of the President . In the second part of the question about qualifications required for a judge, some of the candidates were confused between the qualifications of the High and Supreme Court judges. (ii) Majority of the candidates responded correctly even though some candidates were confused between the High Court and the Supreme Court cases. The common errors made were regarding all civil cases and criminal cases mentioned instead of specific examples of cases that are a part of the original jurisdiction of High Court. (iii) This question was answered correctly by most of the candidates, even though, some candidates could not define mentioned about village panchayats. Question 5 (i) Suggestions for teachers Help students understand the difference between qualifications required for a judge of the Supreme Court and the High Court using tabular comparative table. Clearly explain appointments, qualifications, related terms, and jurisdictions of Supreme Court and High court. Make a flowchart of cases to distinguish between the original jurisdiction of the Supreme court and High Court. Guide students to write specific examples of the types of cases instead of general terms. Define Lok Adalats as a Court of People and its advantages with examples. the term Lok Adalat and a few candidates MARKING SCHEME The President Qualifications - must be a citizen of India/must not be above 62 years/Must have held a judicial office in India for at least 10 years/must have been a High Court advocate for at least 10 years. (Any two points) (ii) State revenue and its collection/cases regarding wills / divorce, marriage / and company law/contempt of court/interpretation of constitution/enforcement of Fundamental Rights/election petitions challenging election of members / Protection of minorities/Admirality. (Any three points) (iii) People s court or Court of People Advantages - provide quick legal aid/eliminate high cost /works on the spirit of compromise/ reduces the burden of the high courts. decision is final/can pass sentences in pre litigation stage/cases can be filed by giving petition in plain paper/no 12 complication/person can argue his case without the help of lawyers/promote social justice. (Any three points) SECTION B (30 Marks) (Attempt any three questions from this Section.) Question 6 The Indian Nationalists described the Great Uprising of 1857 as the First War of Independence. With reference to this, answer the following questions: (i) Mention any three policies used by the British to expand their political power in India. [3] (ii) The Revolt of 1857 is also known as the Sepoy Mutiny. [3] Mention any three military causes which led to the uprising. (iii) Mention any four economic causes of the Revolt. Comments of Examiners Suggestions for teachers (i) Many candidates remained puzzled between the Policy of expansion and political causes as they mentioned about the ill treatment of Bahadur Shah, Absentee Sovereignty, etc. (ii) This question was answered correctly by most of the candidates with explanations correctly. Some of the candidates could not write the exact cause. (iii) This question was well attempted by almost all the candidates. Use varied teaching aids such as mind maps, graphic organizers, videos, and role play in class to explain the British policies in effected Indian states with examples. Help students to write down key words of causes in the form of mind-map and provide practice to students to write in complete sentences. Explain the causes of the Revolt of 1857 under sub headings such as, Economic causes, Military causes, and Political causes in a tabular form to avoid any overlapping. 13 [4] Question 6 (i) MARKING SCHEME The Doctrine of Lapse/The Subsidiary Alliance/ outright wars/pretext of misgovernance or Annexation of Awadh. (Any three points) (ii) Ill treatment of Indian soldiers / General Service Enlistment Act / Larger Proportion of Indians in the British army / Bleak prospects of promotions / Deprivation of Allowances / Faulty distribution of troops / Poor performance of British troops or loss of prestige in Afghan war / Discontent or disaffection in the Bengal Army / Introduction of Enfield rifles or incident of greased cartridges./ Soldiers were badly housed/Ill fed/Poorly paid/British soldiers were paid more/Soldiers could not wear sectarian marks/Disbanding of Indian troops. (Any three points) (iii) Economic causes - exploitation of economic resources/drain of wealth/decay of cottage industries and handicrafts/economic decline of peasantry/growing unemployment/inhuman treatment of indigo cultivators/poverty and famines/Annexation of rent-free lands or decline of landed aristocracy / India reduced to an agricultural colony of the British. / Heavy revenue on famers. Impoverishment /any point on peasants. (Any four points) Question 7 Look at the picture given below and answer the following questions: 14 (i) Name the march being led by Gandhiji in the above picture. Which movement did this march launch? [2] (ii) What were the three causes of the Non-Cooperation Movement? [4] Name the incident which led to the suspension of this movement. (iii) Mahatma Gandhi and Lord Irwin signed a pact in 1931. [4] Mention any two conditions that the Congress agreed to and two conditions that the British Government agreed to according to this pact. Comments of Examiners Suggestions for teachers (i) Majority of candidates mentioned first sub-part correctly. However, a few candidates answered incorrectly the second sub-part as they mentioned it as Non-Cooperation Movement. (ii) This question was well answered by many of the candidate, however, a few of them mentioned the causes of Civil Disobedience Movement connecting it with the picture. (iii) Many candidates did not correctly mention the terms of the pact in the two conditions required. Majority of the candidates mentioned four clauses together without segregation. Question 7 Explain the difference between the Civil Disobedience Movement and NonCooperation Movement causes and consequences in a tabular form. Provide practice by giving several pictures to identify. Discuss the difference in the causes of the three Gandhian movements with the help of the timeline. Make a clear demarcation in agreement between the British government and Congress. Historical facts / clauses / provisions need to be presented in a factual manner. MARKING SCHEME (i) Dandi March Civil Disobedience Movement (ii) The Rowlatt Act /The Jallianwala Bagh Massacre/ The Khilafat Movement (Three points) The Chauri Chaura incident (iii) Congress agreed to suspend the Civil Disobedience Movement/participate in the Second Round Table Conference/not press for investigation into police atrocities. (Any two points) The British government agreed to withdraw all ordinances and end prosecutions/release all political prisoners except those guilty of violence/permit peaceful picketing of liquor and foreign cloth shops/restore the confiscated properties of the satyagrahis/permit people near the coast to manufacture salt. (Any two points) 15 Question 8 The heroism of the Indians was revealed by the courage of Subash Chandra Bose and the Indian National Army. With reference to this, answer the following questions: (i) Mention any three objectives of the Forward Bloc. [3] (ii) Mention any three contributions of Subash Chandra Bose. [3] (iii) Who was the founder of the Indian National Army? [4] Mention any three of its objectives. Comments of Examiners Suggestions for teachers (i) Majority of the candidates answered this question correctly, even though some of the candidates could not frame the objectives correctly and mentioned only key words. (ii) This question was well attempted by the candidates. Instead of writing about the contributions of Subash Chandra Bose, some candidates mentioned about the achievements of the Indian National Army. (iii) Most of the candidates mentioned Subash Chandra Bose and Rash Behari Ghosh as the founder of the Indian National Army instead of Mohan Singh. Some of the candidates incorrectly either mentioned objectives of the Forward Bloc or a mix of the objectives of both Forward Bloc and the Indian National Army. Revisit the objectives of all organizations at a regular interval for better clarity. Share this topic in a staggered way emphasizing on the chronology. Highlight the importance of Subash Chandra Bose and his overall contribution to the freedom movement instead of focusing on his role in the INA. Clearly explain the role of Subash Chandra Bose as a Supreme Commander of the INA and not as its founder through the chronology of INA formation. Bring clarity by sharing a tabular representation with the objectives of each organization written in separate columns. 16 Question 8 (i) MARKING SCHEME To attain independence with the support of workers, peasants and youth/ work towards establishing a socialist state through reorganisation of agriculture and industry on socialist lines/abolition of zamindari system/introduction of new monetary and credit system/ Right to work to be make a fundamental right. Providing benefit to workers/Freedom for religious worship/Linguistic and cultural autonomy. (Any three points) (ii) Was the founder of the Forward Bloc/ Was the Supreme Commander of the INA/set up the Provisional Government of Free India/He gave the call Give me Blood and I Will give you freedom/gave the slogans Delhi Chalo and Jai Hind/ President of Indian National Congress/Renamed Andaman and Nicobar islands as Shaheed and Swaraj/ Introduced Women regiment /Hoisted the tricolour flag/Set up the Azad Hind radio/Set up Free India centre in Berlin/Set an inspiring example. (Any three points) (iii) Mohan Singh Objectives: To organise an armed rebellion against the British with modern arms/assign the task of rebellion to the Indians living outside India/to organise a provisional government of Free India/to fight until the last Britisher is thrown out of the country/total mobilisation of Indian manpower and money for a total war/the motto of the INA was unity, faith and sacrifice (Any three points) Question 9 The world wars marked a turning point in the history of the world. With reference to this period, answer the following questions: (i) Mention any three similarities between the ideologies of Fascism and Nazism. [3] (ii) State the three consequences of the Second World War. [3] (iii) Mention any four causes of the Second World War. [4] 17 Comments of Examiners Suggestions for teachers (i) Most candidates answered this question correctly. However, some Help students to prepare a consolidated candidates mixed up the ideologies of table with similar causes and ideologies Nazism and Fascism with the of the dictators. Provide detailed causes that led to the rise of explanation on the ideologies. dictatorship in Germany and Italy . Refer and adhere to the scope of syllabus (ii) Many candidates could not answer this which clearly mentions three outcomes question correctly and mentioned loss of the Second world war. Students must of life, property and economy as outcomes of the war. Some candidates be clear of three different points instead mentioned the consequences of World of one. War I instead of World War II or Ensure students should not jumble the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki . words, for instance, First or Second Most of the candidates described in World War. detail only one consequence i.e. Revise the causes of World War I and II Defeat of Axis power excluding the in a tabular format to bring clarity. other two consequences of war. (iii) This question was well attempted by most of the candidates but a few of them mentioned the causes of the First World War. Question 9 (i) MARKING SCHEME To have faith in the totalitarian rule / Despise democratic political systems / uphold one Party and one Leader / Believe in aggressive nationalism and imperialism / War as an instrument for furthering national interests / Intensely nationalistic / anticommunistic / and anti- democratic / The state is supreme / and it could suppress the Fundamental rights and freedoms of people. / Freedom of speech /press/Believed in racial supremacy/Anti-intellectualism. (Any three points) (ii) Cold war/defeat of Axis powers or Division of Germany /establishment of the UNO. (Three points) (iii) Dissatisfaction with the Treaty of Versailles/ Rise of Fascism and Nazism/Japanese invasion of China/ Failure of the League of Nations/ Hitler s invasion of Poland. (Any four points) 18 Question 10 The United Nations Organisation aims to maintain international peace. With reference to its organs and agencies, answer the following: (i) What is the composition of the Security Council? [3] What is the term of the non-permanent members? (ii) Mention any three functions of the General Assembly. [3] (iii) Give the full form of UNESCO. [4] Mention any three of its functions. Comments of Examiners Suggestions for teachers (i) Most of the candidates answered the first part of the question correctly but made Explain the difference between an error with the term of the nonpermanent and non-permanent members permanent members; few wrote about in terms of method of election of the nonthe permanent member and missed out permanent members and elaborating the non-permanent members or vice versa. number of permanent and nonThe regional representation of the ten permanent members separately. non-permanent members in detail was Encourage students to learn the functions written by few candidates which was not required. in simple points instead of long (ii) Majority of the candidates answered this explanations. part correctly while some of the Guide students to prepare a chart candidates were confused and reflecting comparative differences mentioned the objectives of the UN as between the composition and functions functions of the General Assembly . A of the General Assembly, Security few students mentioned the headings Council, and International Court of like deliberative function, financial Justice. function, etc. for the functions of the Advise students to learn the expansion of General Assembly without any acronyms with correct spellings. explanation. Encourage students to prepare a chart (iii) Though this question was answered correctly by most of the candidates, displaying comparative differences in the some incorrectly wrote the expansion of functions of UNESCO, UNICEF and UNESCO as Social instead of WHO. Scientific in the full form. Common errors in this question basically were that candidates mixed-up the functions of UNESCO with UNICEF and WHO . 19 Question 10 (i) MARKING SCHEME 5 permanent members and 10 non-permanent members 2 years/ non-permanent members are elected by General assembly (ii) To make recommendations in maintenance of international peace and security/discuss any question relating to peace and security/to make recommendations on any question within the scope of the charter/initiate studies to make recommendations to promote international political, social and economic cooperation/make recommendations for peaceful settlement of disputes /receive and consider reports from Security Council and other organs /to consider and approve the budget of the United Nations/to elect the non-permanent members of the Security Council /The ECOSOC /Trusteeship Council and judges of the International Court of Justice/Uniting for peace/ to appoint Secretary-General on the recommendation of the Security Council/ Admission of new members. Amend the charter/Distribute the Contributions among member states. friendly relations between nations. (Any three points) (iii) United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation Removal of illiteracy/encourages adult education/distance education/open school system/financial assistance for education of disabled children / provision of grants and fellowships to teachers and scholars / organisation of library systems / and promotion of international understanding through education / organisation of book fairs and festivals at international and national levels / encouragement of science education by providing regional training centres / promotion of education as an instrument for international understanding / UNESCO organises seminars and conferences of scientists of various countries / it promotes basic research in fields like geology / mathematics / physics and oceanography / it helps in correcting the imbalance in scientific and technological manpower / it encourages the study of social sciences / it has set up regional networks / trained technicians and deals with both hardware and software aspects of informatics / it improves the quality of the Press, the films and video services / UNESCO provides technical advice and assistance / equipment and funds for the preservation of monuments and other works of art / It has prepared a World Heritage List to identify the monuments and sites which are to be protected / it aims to protect the world inheritance / it gives encouragement to artistic creations in literature and fine arts / it pays attention towards the cultural development through the medium of films / It sends cultural missions to different countries. Preservation of Manuscripts/Girls and women education/Give information about human rights. (Any three points) 20 GENERAL COMMENTS Topics found difficult/ confusing by candidates (a) Topics/Concepts found difficult: The powers of the Parliament. Parliament s control over the Executive. The power of Judicial Review and the Revisory Power of the Supreme Court. Objectives of Forward Bloc and Indian National Army. Independence of the Judiciary. (b) Topics/Concepts between which candidates were confused: Suggestions for candidates The powers of the Cabinet. Categories of Ministers. The powers of the High Court and the Supreme Court. The powers of the President. Causes of the movements launched by Mahatma Gandhi. Alliances formed during both World Wars. Causes and consequences of both the World Wars. Similarities between ideologies of both Fascism and Nazism. Adhere to the scope of syllabus. Try to comprehend and understand the topic instead of rote-memorization. Every topic must be studied with sub-headings, to attain clarity. Strategize and realistically utilize the given time while penning down answers in the examination. Draft answers in precise points avoiding unnecessary details. Identify key words and chronology. Make use of mind maps and tabular columns to compare and contrast similar and confusing concepts. Presentation of answers should be neat and in legible handwriting. Pay special attention to question that has many parts and sub-parts to it. Questions must be numbered correctly, using the same system as given in the question paper. Read books, newspapers, and periodicals regularly to connect chapters in Civics to the current affairs. Prepare answers by mentioning all relevant points instead of explaining only one point in detail/ writing headings only. Practice to answer critical and analytical questions. Study entire syllabus and avoid selective study. Once the paper is received, utilise the first 15 minutes reading time judiciously to make a proper choice of questions by understanding the requirements of the question. 21

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