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ICSE Class X Prelims 2024 : Biology (Lodha World School (LWS), Palava, Dombivili)

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Sangeeta Kulkarni
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WORLD LODHA WORLD SCHOOL Near Khidkaleshwar Temple, Kalyan Shilphata Road, Dombivali East Palava, Maharashtra 421204, Ph. No. - 0251 6699588 LODHA WORLD SCHOOL -(2023-24) Std X Prelim I Exam Subject - Biology Total Marks: 80 Name: Div: Roll No. Date: Duration:- 2hrs Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately. Youwill not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time isto be spent in reading the Question paper. The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answer. Section Ais compulsory. Attempt any four questions from Section B. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ SECTIONI (Attemptall questions from this Section.) Question 1 Choose the correct answers to the questions from the given options. (Do not copy the question, Write the correct answers only.) [15] (i) Who among the following is called the father of evolution (a) Mendel - (b) Darwin (c) Lamarck (d) Watson and Crick (i)Oil splls are the source of pollution for. - (a) Water (b) Land (c) Air (d)Water and land (i) Plants lose water by guttation when the (a) Rate of transpiration is high (b) Soil is wet and the atmosphere is humid (c) Soil is dryand the atmosphere is dry (d) Soil is wet and the atmosphere is dry (iv) Assertion (A): Vasectomy is a surgical technique of birth control Reason(R): In vasectomy, the fallopian tubes are sealed off so that the mature oVum does not come in contact with the incoming sperms. (a) Both Aand Rare True (b) BothA and Rare False (c) A is True andR is False (d) Ais False and Ris True (v) Grapes shrink when immersed in a very strong sugar solution. Which of the following options is correct based on the information shared above? (P) Avery strong sugar solution is (Q)Grapes deplasmolyse when hypertonicin to the grape juice immersed grape juice. (R) The plasma membrane withdraws itself from the cell wall. (a)Only P (b)Only Q (c)Only Pand R (d)Only Qand R (vi) Agranulocytes are the (a) Lymphocytes, basophils (b) Eosinophils, basophils (c) Eosinophils, monocytes (d) Lymphocytes, Monocytes (vi) is a small branch of an artery that leads to a (a)Venule (b)Arteriole (c)Aorta (d)Lymphatic vessel (vii) The neurons that cary the impulse from spinal are called (a) Sensory neurons capillary cord to effector organs (b) Motor neurons (c) Interneurons (d) Spinal neurons (X) Inesubstances that result in the fall of mature leaves and fruits frcm the plants is (a)Auxin (b)Gibberelins . (c)Abscisic (d)Cytokinin (x) The population of peppered moths in England changed from light to dark after the Industrial revolution. This was because (a) The birds that eat the dark moth were killed by soot. (b) Light moths were killed by soot. (c) Light moths were easy to see against sooty trees and were eaten. (d) Dark moths were produced by industrial processes. (xi) In the Bowman's capsule the -(a) The afferernt arteriole is wider and the efferent arteriole is narrower (b)The afferent arteriole is narower and theefferent arteriole is wider (c)The afferent capillary is wider and the efferent capillary is narrower (d) The afferent capillary is narrower and the efferent capillary is wider (xi) The developing embryo is connected to the placenta by (a) the spinal cord (b) the amniotic fluid -(c) the umbilical cord (d) the developing nerve (xiii) The chromatin condenses and spindle fibers form at each side of the cell. The nuclear membrane disappears. Which phases of mitosis describes the above (a) Anaphase -(b)Prophase (c) Interphase (d)Metaphase (Xiv) The part of the nervoUS system that consists of nerves that branch out is from the central nervous system and connect to other body parts is (a) Sympathetic (b) Parasympathetic (c) Autonomic "(d) Peripheral (xv) A is aset of genes possessed by the individual (a) Karyotype (b) Genotype (c) Phenotype (d)Fingerprint Question 2 i) Name the following. (a) The fubular knot fitting like a cap on the upper surface of ihe tesles [5] (b) The escape ofplant sap from the ruptured or cut surface of the plant due to root pressure. izrd5va (c) The tissue responsible for the ascent of sap. xyl en (d) The blood vessel leaving the left ventricle of the heart. (e) The hormone responsible for i) Arrange and rewrite the terms in converting glycogen toglucose. group in the correct order to be in a logical sequence beginning with theeach term that is underlined. [5] a) Destarched plant, iodine added, washed in water, a leaf boiled in alcohol, placd in sunlight. b) Seminiferous tubule, peris, urethra, epididymis, vas deferens c) Soil w ter, xylem, cortex, endodermis, root hair d) Renlvein, Renal artery, arteriole, Efferent arteriole, Glomerulus e) Intestine, Liver, Intestinal Afferent artery, Hepatid vein, Hepatic portal vein i) Fill in the blanks with suitable wwords. [5] Bloodpressure is the presSure which the blood flowing exerts on their walls. There are two limits to thisthrough the (a) pressure. The upper limit is (b) pressure and the lower limit is called (c) pressure. Arise in the blood pressure above 140/90 is known as (d) Blood pressure can be measured with the help of an instrument called(e iv) Choose the odd one out from the following terms and name the category towhich the others belong. [5] (a) Immigration, Decline in death rate, Emigration, Increase in birth rate (b) Oxytocin, Insulin, Prolactin, Progesterone (c) Vegetable peels, sewage, DDT, Livestock waste (d) Conjunctiva, Cornea, Cochlea, Choroid (e) Artery, Vein, Portal vein, Lacteal (v) Match the items given in Column I with the most appropriate ones in Columnll and rewrite the correct matching pairs. Column | (a) Gigantisn ColumnI| (b) Luteal phase 1) InvertedRed Triangle 2) Cortisol (c) Family planning 3) Progesterone (d) Addison disease 4) Corpus luteum 5)Growth hormone e) Renal medulla 6) Henle's loop (5) SECTION II Question 3 (Attempt any four questions from this Section.) (i) Define Natality. (ii) What is the cause andmain symptoms of cretinism? (ii) Why is Carbonmonoxide known as asilent and deadly gas? E[2) [2] (iv) Name the largest and smallest White blood cels. [2] (v) Given below is the diagram of the humnan ear. Study the same and answer the questions that follow: (3] Fardrum (a)State the function of part labeled" B" (b) What is the name of the fluid that circulates in part D? (c) Give the function of ear wax. Question 4 (i) Explain the term Chiasma. ( ) Differentiate between stomata and lenticels. (i i)l What is the Greenhouse effect? State its impact on ourglobe. (iv) Define astigmatism. State how the defect can be rectified. [2] [2] [2] (v) Acandidate in order to study the importance of certain factors in photosynthesis took a potted plant and kept it in the dark for over 24 hours. leaves with Then in the early hours of the morning, she covered one of the plant in the sunlight for black paper in the centre only. She placed the potted was covered with black paper for afew hours and then tested the leaf which [31 starch. (a) What aspect of photosynthesis was being investigated? (b) Is there any control in this (c) Why was the If so, state the same. plant kept in experiment? the dark before the Question 5 (i) ( ) State the exact Lamarck's experiment. location of the yellow spot. theory propOses that an body can influence organism's use or (ii) The walls of the heritable traits. explain this with an disuse of are thicker than the example. (iv) State the two ventricles auricles. to Ways (v) Study the diagram givenachieve below sustainable and answer development. the aparticular (2] [2] [2] questions that follow. 2 a) Name the region in the kidney where the above structure is present. b) Name the parts labeled l and 3. c) Name the stage in the of process urine formation which takes place in the above structure. V}hooten Question 6 (i) Expand the abbreviations ADH. Name the essential feature of Darwin's Theory of (ii) Which Natural Selection. is Name one limitation of it. studied with the help of Ganong's ( ) phenomenon [2] Potometer? (iv) State the [2] differences between (v) Draw aneat and labeled [2] of the human eye as section and label the partsdiagram seen in a vertical that suit the following description relating to the a) of layer Photosensitive the eye b) Anterior chamber short-sightedness c) Structure which maintains the shape of the vision. d) Structure which is long-sightedness. eyeball and the area of no responsible for holding the eye lens ir its position. (3) (31 Question 7 (i) Define portal vein. ( ) Name the two methods for abatement of gaseouUS and particulate air pollution. ( i) Colorblindness is more common in men than women. Explain why? (IV) What is the role of the vitreous chamber? [21 [2] [2] (v) Draw a neatand labeled diagram of the stomatal apparatus found in the (3] epidermis of leaves. Question 8 [) [2] (i) Expand the term lAA. (ii) State two differences between mitosis and meiosis. (ii) Plants growing in fertilized soil are often found to wilt if the soil is not [2] adequately watered. Give reasorns why? (iv) Merntion one ape-like character and one man-like character respectively [2) of AustralopithecUs. follow: that [3) questions (v) Study the diagram below and answer the Water Pea seecing (a) Define Tropism. the pictUre shown above called? in displayed response this is What (b) (c)Define the above response

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