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ISC Class Sample / Model Paper 2020 : English 2 : Specimen paper 2021

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Aman Nishad
Dr. Virendra Swarup 21st Century School (VSTCS), Kanpur
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1V ENGLISH PAPER 2 LITERATURE IN ENGLISH (Prescribed Textbooks) (Maximum Marks: 80) (Time allowed: Three hours) (Candidates are allowed additional 15 minutes for only reading the paper. They must NOT start writing during this time.) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Answer Question 1 from Section A (Compulsory) and four questions from Section B, choosing at least one question from each of the three prescribed textbooks. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ]. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION A (20 Marks) (Compulsory) THE TEMPEST Shakespeare Question 1 Choose two of the passages from (a) to (c) and answer briefly the questions that follow: (a) Prospero : Ariel, thy charge Exactly is perform d; but there s more work. What is the time o th day? Ariel : Past the mid-season. Prospero : At least two glasses. The time twixt six and now Must by us both be spent most preciously. Ariel : Is there more toil? Since thou dost give me pains, Let me remember thee what thou hast promised Which is not yet perform d me. (i) Where are Ariel and Prospero? Where had Prospero sent Ariel? [1] (ii) What account of his task does Ariel give Prospero? [2] (iii) What had Ariel done with Alonso and his companions? [2] (iv) Which promise does Ariel remind Prospero about? What does this tell you about Ariel? [2] (v) Why does Ariel think that he deserves what has been promised to him? What effect do his words have on Prospero? [2] (vi) Give the meanings of the following words in the context of the passage: [1] twixt, remember ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 SPECIMEN QUESTION PAPER: ISC 2021 (b) Antonio : Then let us both be sudden. Gonzalo : (Waking) Now, good angels Preserve the king! Alonso : Gonzalo : (i) Where are the speakers? Briefly explain how they were at this place. [1] (ii) What does Antonio mean by Then let us both be sudden ? What does he convince Sebastian to do? [2] (iii) What makes Gonzalo and Alonso wake up suddenly? [2] (iv) What reason do Sebastian and Antonio give for their strange behaviour? [2] (v) Which sounds had Gonzalo heard? What did the king s party decide to do at the end of the scene? [2] (vi) Give the meanings of the following words as they are used in the context of the passage: [1] sudden, (c) Why, how now? Ho! Awake? Why are you drawn? Wherefore this ghastly looking? What s the matter? drawn Stephano : Put off that gown, Trinculo [Reaches for it]. By this hand, I ll have that gown. Trinculo : Thy grace shall have it. Caliban : The dropsy drown this fool! What do you mean To dote thus on such luggage? Let t alone, And do the murder first. If he awake, From toe to crown he ll fill our skins with pinches Make us strange stuff. (i) Where are Trinculo and Stephano? What has distracted Trinculo? [1] (ii) Which murder is Caliban referring to? Why does he want this? [2] (iii) What temptations does he offer to make them carry out the plan? [2] (iv) What would the two have to do first to ensure the success of the plan? [2] (v) What does Caliban fear would happen if they fail? [2] (vi) Give the meaning of the following words as they are used in the context of the passage: [1] dropsy, crown. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 SPECIMEN QUESTION PAPER: ISC 2021 SECTION B (60 Marks) (Answer four questions in all, choosing at least one question from each of the three prescribed textbooks. THE TEMPEST Shakespeare Question 2 Referring closely to the conversation between Prospero and Miranda in Act 1 Scene ii, answer the following: (a) Narrate what Prospero tells Miranda about his past. [5] (b) How does Miranda react to this tale? What is Prospero s purpose in telling her this tale? [5] (c) What do you conclude about Prospero from this conversation? [5] Question 3 [15] Miranda is a perfect blend of innocence and determination. Discuss her role in the play with close reference to the text. ECHOES Question 4 Referring closely to the short story To Build a Fire, answer the following: (a) Describe any two of the man s repeated attempts to keep himself warm. (b) Contrast the attitudes of the Man and his Dog towards the weather. (c) What does the man finally learn from his experience? Question 5 [5] [5] [5] [15] With close reference to the short story The Singing Lesson; describe how the lesson as it progresses, becomes an echo of Miss Meadows feelings. Question 6 [15] Referring closely to the short story The Story of the Hour, give an account of the thoughts and conflicts which go through Mrs. Mallard s mind when she hears about the untimely and sudden death of her husband. REVERIE Question 7 Referring closely to the poem The Darkling Thrush, answer the following: (a) Describe the bleak picture of the day as described by the poet. [5] (b) How does the atmosphere suddenly change? [5] (c) What are the poet s feelings at the end of the poem? [5] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 SPECIMEN QUESTION PAPER: ISC 2021 Question 8 [15] Describe the interaction between the Spider and the Fly in the poem The Spider and the Fly. Question 9 [15] The poem Crossing the Bar is a poem of affirmation and faith. Give your views. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 SPECIMEN QUESTION PAPER: ISC 2021

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