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ICSE Prelims 2013 : Geography (St. Mary's School ICSE, Mazagaon, Mumbai)

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Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Bangalore
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Preliminary Examination Geography CLASS: X. December 21, 2012. TIME: 2Hrs. MARKS: 80 PART I (30 marks. Compulsory) I. Answer the following questions with reference to Survey map T11 502 (Eastings 02-13 & Northings 08-18). 1) What are the two most important modes of communication available at Revdar? Ans.: Post and Telegraphy Office (No marks for PTO ) and Telephone service. 2) What is the most important occupation shown in the surveyed region? How is it depicted? Ans.: Agriculture. It is shown with yellow wash (yellow shading). 3) What is the direction of the flow of Sipu river? Apart from the contour heights, give another reason shown on the map to prove your answer. Ans.: North East to South West. It is indicated by the presence of an arrown in the river (in grid 1014). 4) What is form line ? Give the four figure grid reference of a formline nearest to Mitan. Ans.: Formline is a small patch of an unsurveyed region, (marked by the surveyor). 0410. 5) Give the six figure grid reference of the following c) An open oven where lime is made. 088131 OR 089131. d) Distance stone 18. 088084 6) Name the following settlements a) The settlement where people are engaged in the extraction of minerals. Serua. b) The settlement which attracts many people every month. Marol. 7) What is the dominent drainage pattern in the following four figure grids a) 0709 Trellised. b) 0816 Radial. 8) Using the appropirate scale, measure the actual length of the metalled road in meters from the junction of the metalled roads at Karaunti to 050130. Show your working. Ans.: Scale: 1cm to 500 m. Length on the map = 8cms. Therefore actual ground length 8x500m = 4000meters. 9) Are settlements Lilora and Thal intervisible? Give a reason for your answer. Ans.: No. Because there is a ridge separating the two settlements. 10) What is the difference in height between the highest triangulated height and the highest height of the contour line shown in the map extract? Show your calculation. Ans.: Highest height = 413meters. Contour height in 0914 =260 meters. Difference ------------- 153 meters. 11) What is the direction of Warka from Nimbora? Ans.: North. 12) Interpret the black shaded squares in 0609. Ans.: Dry (Seasonal) Tanks. [20] [1] [1] [2] [2] [2] [2] [2] [2] [2] [2] [1] [1] PART II (50 marks. Answer any five Questions only) 1) Though both Mumbai and Pune receive most of their rainfall from the Arabian Sea Branch of South West Monsoon, Mumbai receives much more rain than Pune. Why? [2] Ans.: Mumbai lies on the windward slope of the western Ghats while Pune lies on the leeward side. The western ghats block most of the rain-bearing clouds carried by the Arabian sea branch of South west monsoon. Thus the orography provided by the western ghats cause heavy rainfall over Mumbai. As opposed to this, Pune which lies on the rainshadow region of the western ghats, receives very less rain as compared to Mumbai. 2) Thar desert has lowest atmospheric pressure in late summer (May). Why? [2] Ans.: Temperature and pressure are inversely proportional. Thar desert experiences very high temperature during summer. Therefore it also experiences very low atmospheric pressure. 3) Study the climate chart given below and answer the questions that follow Months Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec (A)Temp. (in C) 10.5 22.7 25.2 30 35 37 34 30 27 22.9 18.9 15.2 (A)Rain (in Cms.) -3 ---25 70 52.5 40 20 5.5 -(B)Temp. (in C) 2 10 18 21 30 32 33.5 30 22 10 7 4 (B)Rain (in Cms) 20 15 3 ---7 5.5 5 -23 25 a) Which winds bring most of the rainfall to place A and B respectively? Give reason for your answer. [2] Ans.: Place A receives rainfall from the South West Monsoon winds because most of the rainfall is received from June to October, which is the period of South West Monsoons. Place B receives rainfall from the North East Monsoon winds. This is because most of the rainfall is received from November to February, which is the period of North East Monsoons. b) What is the annual range of temperature at place A and B respectively? [2] Ans.: A = 37 C - 10.5 C = 26.5 C . B = 33.5 C - 2 C = 31.5 C c) Which of the two places is closer to the sea? Give a reason for your answer. [2] Ans.: Place A lies closer to the sea because it has lower annual range of temperature as compared to place B. [2] IV 1) What is the colour of the alluvial soil found on the eastern coastal plain? Why? Ans.: The colour of the alluvial soil found on the eastern coastal plain is black. This is because the rivers that carry this alluvial soil flow through the Deccan plateau which is largely of volcanic origin. Therefore the alluvial soil deposited by these rivers is black in colour. 2) List any four factors that decide the rate (degree) of soil erosion. [2] Ans.: The four factors are a) Topography / slope of the land b) Nature of Rainfall c) Nature of soil d) Human factors e) Extent of over grazing f) Poor farming techniques g) Extent of Deforestation (Any four only). III. 3) Distinguish between Khadar soil and Bhangar soil (Three differences only). Ans.: KHADAR BHANGAR New alluvial soil found in the lower beds Old alluvial soil found about 30 in the valley through which the river meters above mean sea level in river meanders. terraces. More fertile because it is replenished Less fertile as no new deposits are (new layer is deposited) by floods every possible due to its distance from the year. present river plains. It is lighter in colour and has less clayey It is darker in colour and has more composition. clayey composition. 4) Give one word for the following a) The process of soil formation. Pedogenesis. b) The process by which the nutrients in top soil get eroded or get percolated down to subsoil level due to heavy rain and alternating wet and dry weather periods. Desilication. c) The uncultivable waste land formed by extensive gully erosion. Bad-lands. V [3] 1) Cite any two reasons why Tropical evergreen forests are difficult to exploit. Ans.: They are dense evergreen forests with too many species of trees. They have dense undergrowth and therefore difficult to venture into them. They are largely found in the hill slopes which are inaccessible for effective lumbering. (Any other relevant point). 2) Explain these terms a) Van Mahotsav: It is a govt initiative to encourage people to plant saplings on open land where soil erosion is very common. This is done in the month of August. b) Afforestation: Planting saplings to bring that patch of land under forest cover. 3) List any three special characteristics of Littorals. Ans.: Ans.: The chief characteristics of littorals are [2] [3] [2] [3] a) The trunk of these trees is supported by a number of stilted roots which are submerged during high tides. b) They are dense evergreen forests. c) Unlike other trees they thrive in saline water conditions. (Any other correct point may also be considered) 4) Suggest any three steps that can be taken to conserve our forest resources. Ans.: Ans.: The four steps that can be taken to conserve our forest are- a) Check on indiscriminate deforestation by implementing strict laws in this direction. b) Increasing forest cover by undertaking reforestation and afforestation. c) Restriction on overgrazing. d) Total ban on shifting cultivation. e) Providing cheap & alternative sources of energy to the rural population and thus reducing their dependence on firewood. f) Ensuring reafforestation when an existing forest cover is removed for any justifiable reason. (Any three of the above or any other relevant point may be considered) [3] VI 1) List any two disadvantages of open well irrigation. Ans.: a) Open wells irrigate relatively smaller area in comparison to tube wells [2] or canals b) They occupy much of usable land. c) There is greater evaporation resulting into greater content of salinity in the water. d) Erratic power supply in rural areas affects timely well irrigation. (Any three of the above or any other correct point maybe considered) 2) List any four advantages (benefits) of rainwater harvesting. Ans.: a) It meets the demand for water during summer months when there is [2] real scarcity. b) Reduces the loss of fresh water by surface run-off. c) Reduces flooding in the low lying areas. d) Raises the groundwater table by adding to groundwater reserves. e) Improves the quality of groundwater by reducing groundwater pollution. f) Reduces soil erosion by minimizing surface run-off. (Any four of the above or any other relevant point) 3) What are the three main requirements for the popularity of tank irrigation? Ans.: The following are the three main requirements for the success of tank irrigationa) Topography of depression for the collection of rainwater. b) Ample of seasonal rainfall to ensure water supply in these tanks. c) Non porous rock-bed to prevent the further percolation of water. 4) Which states are associated with the following terms related to rainwater harvestinga) Dongs Assam b) Kere Karnataka c) Cheruva Andhra Pradesh. VII 1) Which mineral is called Liquid Gold ? Why? Ans.: Petroleum is knwon as Liquid gold due to its versatile use. It is also [3] [3] [2] called black liquid gold because crude oil is black in colour. 2) Which is the largest coal mine in India? In which state is it located? Ans.: Jharia. Jharkhand. 3) Give one reason each for the extensive use of aluminium in the following industries Ans.: a) Aviation Light Metal. b) Electrical cables Good conductor of Electricity c) Utensils Good conductor of heat. 4) What is PCRA? Which state has the largest deposits of manganese? Name any two important manganese mining sites in this state. Ans.: Petroleum Conservation Research Association. Madhya Pradesh. Important mines are - Balaghat, Chhindwara, Mandla and Jabalpur (Any two) VIII 1) List any two special characteristics of intensive commercial farming. [2] [3] [3] [2] A) Ans.: Practiced in thickly populated regions. Per capita land holding is low but demand for food grains is more. More than one crop is cultivated in a year. Optimum use of land is made for agriculture. (Any two only) 2) What are the two types of groundnut plants cultivated in India? Which state is the largest producer of groundnut in India? Ans.: Bush type and Runner Type. Gujarat. [2] 3) Explain the Ratoon method of sugarcane cultivation. Ans.: The existing plant is harvested by cutting it very close to the ground [3] instead of uprooting it completely. The field is well irrigated after such a harvest. New plant begins to grow up from those shoots. 4) Which crop is associated with the following termsa) Ginning Cotton. b) Fermentation Tea. c) Sluicing Coffee. IX 1) Classify the industries in to four broad categories on the basis of the source of their raw materials. Ans.: Agro based, Mineral based, forest based and Animal based. 2) List any two important reasons to justify India s quest for rapid industrialization. Ans.: Agriculture, the predominant sector (about 60%), cannot meet the growing demand for better employment opportunities. [3] [2] [2] Rapid industrialization can provide varied employment opportunities and support the agricultural base. Self-reliance can be achieved. India can become a strong economy in the world. Goods required for all other sectors i.e. agriculture, power, health, education, defence, space science etc can be produced within the country. Decentralized industrialisation can bring about a balanced economic growth in the country. Industrialization helps in maintaining favourable balance of trade i.e. more exports and less imports. Industrialization improves our standard of living by giving the people better purchasing power by means of better employment opportunities. (Any two only) 3) What is sericulture? What are the two broad categories of product? Ans.: The process of breeding silkworms and obtaining silk is called sericulture. [3] The two varieties Mulberry silk b) Non-mulberry silk. 4) What are the three most important by-products of sugar industry? List one use of each of them. Ans.: a) Molasses: It is the brown thickened sugar syrup after sucrose is removed. It [3] is used to manufacture alcohol, fertilizers and synthetic rubber. b) Bagasse: Residue of the crushed sugarcane. Used as organic fertilizer, cattlefeed, fuel for mills, biogas, and as raw material for paper, cardboard and synthetic industry. c) Press-mud: It is used to extract leather polish material, carbon paper and wax. (Any one use for each of the three) X 1) Where does the Bokaro Steel Plant procure its Iron ore and Limestone from? Ans.: Iron ore Kiriburu Limestone Bhavnathpur. 2) What are the four general requirements for the development of heavy engineering industry in any region? Ans.: a) Heavy and large amount of raw materials. b) Enormous amount of un-interrupted power supply. [2] [2] c) Large scale capital investment. d) Large amount of workforce with advanced technical knowledge. 3) Give three reasons why there is greater encouragement to set up mini steel plants. [3] Ans.: a) They require less capital investment. b) They use electric furnaces & thus save coal, which is an exhaustible raw materials, leading to lesser pollution. c) They enable the proper recycling of scrap iron by using it as raw material. d) They are smaller in size. Therefore they can be conveniently set up in the industrial townships. This leads to low transport cost. (Any three) 4) What do the following abbreviations stand for Ans.: a) ITI Indian Telephone Industry. b) HMT Hindustan Machine Tools. c) ISRO Indian Space Research Organization. XI 1) List any two advantages of Golden Quadrilateral. [3] [2] Ans.: It is interconnecting many major cities and ports and thereby enabling swifter road transport. It has enabled the easy truck transport throughout India. It will give a boost to balanced industrial growth of smaller towns connected by it. It has enabled the easy transport of agro-products from hinterlands to areas of demand. It has created new job opportunities in the field of construction and has created greater demand for iron, cement and other building materials. (Only two) 2) What are the two advantages of dumping waste in sanitary landfills? Ans.: Ans.: The advantages of sanitary landfill are- [2] a) It is free from air pollution caused by burning the waste. b) The health problems are minimized since flies, rodents and other pests cannot breed in landfill because of the covered waste. c) It is mostly free from fire hazards. (Any two only) 3) What are the three advantages of using compost? [3] Ans.: The following are some of the advantages of compostinga) It enhances soil nutrients and water retention capacity of soils. b) It suppresses plant diseases. c) It makes infertile soil fertile by adding humus (compost). d) It reduces the cost of farming by reducing the need for excess water and fertilizers. (Any 3) 4) Identify the ports Ans.: a) The largest container port of India Jawaharlal Nehru Port / Nhava Sheva b) The oldest artificial port on the eastern coast Chennai Port. c) The queen of the Arabian sea Kochi Port. [3]

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Additional Info : ICSE Board Preliminary Examination (Prelims Exams) Question Paper 2013 Geography (Solved / Marking Scheme) - St. Mary's School, Mazagaon, Mumbai
Tags : ICSE Board, Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations, ICSE 2016 Examination, ICSE Free Solved Specimen Question Papers 2016, ICSE Solved Exam Papers, Guess Practice Papers, ICSE Board Paper with Answers, Detailed Solutions & Explanations, Online Model Answers, Students, Teachers, ICSE Top Leading Schools, India, ICSE Examination Results, Sample / Model / Mock Papers, Geography, St. Mary's School Mumbai.,  

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