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ICSE Class X Prelims 2024 : History and Civics (Euroschool Airoli, Mumbai)

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Arnavi Shah
Euroschool Airoli, Mumbai
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EuroSchooI IIIS'I'ORY & CIVICS (II.C.G. Paper - l) -1 (2023-24) Maxitnum Marks: 80 Time allowed: Two hours Answers to this Paper must be written on the answer sheet provided separately. Youwill not be allowed to write during the.firsl 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed.for writing the answers. Attempt all questions Jhom Part I (Compulsory) A total offive questions are to be attempted from Part Il, two out of three questionsfrom Section A and three out o/ five questions /i omSection B The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ]. PART 1 130marksl Attempt all questions from this Part. Question I (Each question carry I mark) 1161 Choose the correct answers to the questions from the given options. (Do not copy the question; write the correct answers only.) i) If the maximum strength of Lok Sabha is 350, what will be the quorum? a) b) c) d) 36 30 35 25 xii) Who was assassinated at Sarajevo by a Serbian nationalist on June 28, 1914? a) Gavrilo Princip b) Archduke Francis Ferdinand c) Lloyd George d) George Cletnenceau Niii Which ofthe l llowing was the inunediate cause of the Second World War? a) Japanese invasion of China b) Mussolini's invasion of Abyssinia c) Hitler's invasion of Poland d) Rise of totalitarian rule xiv Which a) b) c) d) the following was a part of "Axis Powers"? Turkey Japan Britain Sweden (b) Exatnine the Collowinglogo and identity the function of this agency. a) b) c) d) It aitns at lighting diseases and preventing thetn ti onlspreading It contributes to maintaining peace and security in the world It provides services in primary healthcareand wotnen's developrnent It provides financial assistance for the education of disabled children xvi) Your school has partnered with Ketto and is organising a crowdfunding carnpaign. You have gone to a city to help raise funds. You realise that the city is facing a total lack of potable drinking water and inadequate waste disposal. Besides the local government, who else could help you sort out these issues? a) UNO b) WHO e) UNESCO d) Your School b) A Court where judicial records are kept for security reasons c) A lower Court d) A Court to deal with litigation on records vo A Country in Asia named X has decided to establish an alternative dispute redrcssal mechanism where disputes can be settled through compromise and understanding. Based on this infonnation, which type of court is likely to be established in this country? a) Supreme court b) High Court c) Session Court d) People's Court vii) The ruler of which one of the following States was removed from power by the British on the pretext of misgovernance. a) b) c) d) viii) a) b) c) Awadh Jhansi Nagpur Satara e East India Association was founded by Dadabhai Naoroji Surendranath Banerjee W C Banerjee d) A. O Hume ix) Brahma Samaj:Raja Ram Mohan Roy Satya Shodak a) Swami Dayananda Saraswati b) Jyothiba Phule c) Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamasa d) Ayyankali x) Swadeshi became a watchword of the National Movement as it would a) Make India self-sufficient b) Make Indian goods attractive for export c) Encourage trade d) Encourage the British to buy Indian goods xi) During which movement was the slogan 'Do or Die' raised by Gandhiji? a) Dandi March b) Non-Cooperation Movement c) Quit India Movement d) Khilafat Movement Name Age Details 25 Holds an office under the Government of India 30 A citizen of India 35 Member of the Council States 40 A relative of the President a) c) iv) Read the statements given below about the President of India and select the option that sh the correct relationship between (A) and (B). A: The President is the Head of the State and Supreme Commander of the Defense Forces India. B: The President has the discretionary power to appoint a Prime Minister in case of a HI Parliament. a) A is True, and B is False b) B contradicts A c) Both A and B are True, but B is not the correct explanation of A d) A is False, and B is True v) The High Court is a 'Court of Record' like the Supreme Court. Which of the statements correctly describes the same? a) A Court whose judgements can be produced as precedents f0110\ Section B 130marks) Attctnpt any three questions from this Section. Question 6 Gandhi was a chatnpion of non-violence and civil disobedience. I-Ic showed the world that it is possible to achieve social and political change through peaceful means. Gandhi's message is a beacon of hope tot' all who are sttuggling for justice and equality. In this context, answer the following questions: i) Describe the tragic events which unfolded on 13 April 1919 at Jallianwala Bagh ii) Mention any three progratnmes ol' the Non-Cooperation Movement. iii) What is the significance of the Quit India Movement? [3] [3] [4] Question 7 "l have a burning desire in my heart to free my country. I am ready to sac.rifice everything for it. I am prepared to die for it. I am sure that millions of Indians share this same desire. If we all unite and fight together, we can surely achieve our goal of independence." From Subhas Chandra Bose's speech(1944) In this context, answer the following questions: i) Name the Party established by Subash Chandra Bose. Mention any two objectives of the party. [3] ii) State any three contributions of Subash Chandra Bose to the Indian National Army. [31 iii) Mention any four objectives of the Indian National Army. 141 Question 8 The British were forced to think about leaving India and transferring the power to the country. The Cabinet Mission and Mountbatten Plan were significant steps in the Indian independence movement. In this context, answer the following questions: i) Who sent thc Cabinet Mission to India to facilitatc the power transfer? State any two clauses of the Cabinet Mission plan. ii) Mention any three clauses of the Mountbatten Plan. 131 iii) Mention any four reasons for the acceptance of the Mountbatten Plan. 141 (31 i) State any three points of distinction bctwcen the Council of Ministersand the Cabinet. [3] ii) Mention any three Financial powers of the President. iii) State any four ways in which the Prime Minister functions as the Leader of the Nation. [4] Question 5 The Supreme Court of India is the highest judicial forum and final court of appeal under the Constitution of India. With reference to this, answer the following questions: i) Who appoints the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of India? Mention any two qualifications rcquircd for thc appointment of a Judgc of the Suprcmc Court. yii) State any three powers of the Supreme Court under the Original Jurisdiction. iii) Describc how thc Suprcmc Court safeguards thc Rights of citizens of India. [3] [3] [41 United Nations Meetings Coverage and Press Releases economie n' COVrnAC.r tsr SPECIALSESSION. (AM PM) octootg General Assembly Adopts Resolution Calling for Immediate, Sustained Humanitarian Truce Leading to Cessation Of Hostilities between Israel, Hamas Coenen Question 9 Europe in 1914 witnessed terrifying and devastating power conflicts between countries. This resulted in the First World War, which engulfed the world with chaos and huge losses. With reference to the above statement, answer the following questions. i) Mention any three causes of the First World War. ii) Name the Treaty imposed on Germany. State any two terms of this Treaty. iii) Mention any four causes of the rise of Nazism in Germany. 131 131 141 Question 10 Look at the picture given below and answer the following questions: i) Identify the Big Three from the above picture. 131 ii) When is the United Nations Day observed? Apart from the International Court of Justice, which are the other two organs of the United Nations? 131 iii) Mention any four functions of the International Court of Justice. 141

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