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ICSE Class X Sample / Model Paper 2024 : English Paper 1 (English Language)

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Rashmit Roy
Pratt Memorial School, Kolkata
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LA MARTINIERE FOR GIRLS REHEARSAL EXAMINATION-2023.24 ENGLISH LANGUAGE cLASSX Time : 2 Hours + 15 mins. reading time Full Marks-SO This paper consists of .tlq,U printed pages. tely. A~swers to this papa~ must be written on the paper provided separa You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. spent in reading the question paper. The time is to be . . the answers. The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing Attempt all five questions. brackets. [ ]. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in ion 1 and 20 You are advised to s_pend not more than 30 minutes in answering Quest minutes in answering Quest.Ion 2. 1. (Do not spend more than 30 minutes on this question) Write a composition (300-350 words) on any one of ~he following: [20] the occasion (1) Describe a special weekend you_ spent with your family. Write what was, the preparations you made for it and what made it memora_ble. you were (2) During the puja holidays, you had a minor surgery and as a res_ult al and admitted to the hospital for a week. Narrate your experience in the hospit you during how your frtends and family_ members eased your pain and comforted this time. travel, none (3) Write an original short story that begins with: If I'd never learned to time of this would have happened " ! . . . ance.' Express (4) 'The commerciali~ation of festivals has eroded their real signific your views either for or against this statement. [Tum Over J X ENG LAN-1 (LMG) belo W . or an account of ~hat (S) Study the picture given , . w. nte a story or a description . . b. suggests. to you. Your composition rnaY be about the. su Ject of the picture or you :may take suggestions from it however, t~ere must. be a clear connection . . , between the picture and your composition. it 2. (Do not spend more than 20 mi_nutes on this question) Select one of the following . : [10] (1) Your school recently held a Carnival on the school grounds. Write a letter to your. friend telling her about the event and your role in it. Also share your views on how it was an enriching experience for you. . (2) As a memb~r of The_ Interact Club of your school, you are supposed to do some social work. Write a letter to your Principal requesting her to allow the club members to visit a near~y orphanage. Do tell her of your plan, what yo u all intend to do there and how it will benefit the-club members. 3. (1) Your school is hosting an inter- house One Act Play competition. ~rite a notice informing your school about-the event. [5] . (2) Write an e-mail to the Principal o~ a neighbouring school informing him/her of the event and requesting him/her to send one of their teachers to judge the competition. . [5] 4. Read carefully the passage given J>elow and answer the questions that follow: Shortly before we left our hilltop hut at Babeke and travelled down to our last camp at Kumba, we had with us a most unusual gues_t in the shape of Cholmondeiey, known to his friends as Chumley. Having visualized a small, yo ung chimpanzee, I was shaken to discover that he was X eNG LAN-2 (LMG) ... J ., .. '' ~. - .. :..~: .: ' , ..., ........- ;' . .. . ": . . .-;:-., .,-_.-:: __ ~ , . < ......... -. I -;;.-,., : :' :=-, :__ :;- . . . ht or nine years, With hu . st che 81 . 9e arms and a massive, hairy f min . O full-grown- a veteran of 9_ the size e. His h8 ~d was nearly bald, and bad tooth tw t ev . tt)at measured at least ice 8 th 6 me he rd n ough Chumley was not handso . u . . growth gav e his face a we_i look h t I ou as s00n as Y into our . rode He . him on . s eye set ou . h. . : certainly had personahty. It dY.t ly In a uge 8 . and," when its doors were opened, e crat . f a se ted sea , van ll cam p in a sma O a film star; Surveying the surroundings, he n~e fide con selfthe all stepped out with med hand with that bored expression 10 turned to me and held out a soft, pi~k-Pal in I hand shakers. Round his neck was cha on~ essi prof of s face the on s see n ofte one k t 8 xtended bac . e. This would have been crat the into . , fee en fifte whose length, some ~ass aplomb. However, Chumley wore it with a sign of subjugatii:>n with an animal_ of my hand, he gathered the chain carefully a sup erb air of a Lord Mayor. ~fte r sha~ing .he owned it into loops, and walked into our hut as if . a ed hopefully at me. It was obvious that he Chu mle y sea ted himself in a chair and look e r his tidng journey. I asked the coo k to mak expected som e sort of refreshment ~fte y, had great_ liking. When the tea was read t~a, for whi~h I had bee n told Ch~mley 20 tablespoons of sugar. "Oooooh, umph" I filled a hug e tin mug and added three the mug from me with both hands. y accepted . . Chu mle y said approvingly, and ca~. efull he. the tea to see if it was too hot. It was, so Then, with low er lip extended, t)e tested due of syrupy n. Discovering a resi . then drank it dow . blew- on it unti l it was right arid . l the last of the sugar had on_ his nose unti . . sug ar at the bott om, he balanced t~e mug . . . l. refil a tor mug his out trick led into his mou th. The n he held of everything that wen t d view ld have a goo . . Chu mle y's crat e was plac ed where he cou day, comm ents to me as-.we worked. Tha t first uted sho n ofte he and hut the nd rou on scarcely returned to the hut whe n a frightful_ I cha ined him to a stum p nea r his crate. I had out s which were tethered nearby. I da~hed uph eav al too k plac e amo ng our ~on key g them , _of a cabbage, land in "their midst-missin .jus t-in time to see a ston e, _the size _- .. : -' engaging. in bowling practice. 30.__ . -.... ' fort una tely . Chu mle y, it see ~ed , was . . . . won der ing wha t tim~ e , shouting and at the sam Sei zing a stic k, I race ~ dow n uporit .him . To my ent to ari animal with twic e ~Y strength _ wou ld hap pen if I dea lt. out pun ishm arm s cov d his face and head. with his long . , und gro the on lay y mle Chu ~ rise surp ere . . ed him tw.ic e with ~he flimsy stic~ saying fli~k e. voic 1 ed at the top_ <?f his_ , ,:, , t. an~. s~r~am oooOO/ he replied, glancing up at me ooO "Wh iill 8nim ked Wic very a are u vo ly, st8m shyly. . . . ' . .. ... . . ... . . .. ' [Tum Over J . . . . he gr~eted me with loud "hoo That night when I earned Ct:lumley s food to ht~, knuckles on the ground B f hoos . d htS e ore he of de~ight an~ Jogge_ up and down beat1n 9 hands in his and carrie . . tollched his dinner, however, he seized one of rnY t of m f . d it to his th With some trepidation I waited she carefully pu_ one . Y mgers between mou . . a tood 1n the chimpanzee his great teeth and very gently bit it. Then I unders . world, 40 to place a finger between another ape's teeth is both a greeti ng a nd a sign of trust. The Life and peath of Cholmondeley by G~ra/d Durrell 11 .,o For each word given below chOo~e 'the correct meaning (as used in the passage) froin the options provided. . .. (1) unusua_l (line 2) [2] . a) uncommon b) outlandish c) bizarre . . ,. . . .. I .... .. .. (2) scarcely (line 28) . _ . , .. . 1 _ ... .,: . '. ' - ! .. , . . . (a) rarely .: . ' '' d) remarkable . . <. . I . I . , . . _: . (b) .infrequently~ . . _:, .. (c) hardly _.: . . . ' . .. ' .. . , . \ _. (d) seldomly- . . . . . ... .. . . . ... I ,. # . ' . . . . . . . . .. . . (3) _Which word in. the ~as_sag~ means _oppo~ite. to_- the word agitatedly?_ . _ . . (a) ca;~fully.:- . . . . .. . --: ... . . [1] . - - . (b) .certainly I -i.. . . ..:. (c) approvingly # , .. (d)" sedately . .. . . -. . _ ... .. . (II) Answer the following ~u~stfonS briefly In your own wOrds. . - (a) Why did the authOr feel that Churnley ~ertciinly- had personality?. .. [2] (b) What was the reaso~ for._the f~ightful Upheaval' among the monkeys? . . [2] (c) Why wasthe author surpriSed when. he- went to. reprimand ChuITlley w_ith a stick? . [2] .(d) Would you agree that a bond of friendship was formed between Chumley and the J .. ~~~~or? Why? ' [2] X EN~ LAN-4 (LMG) th0 c {e) Chumley did not allow say this? hain around h.18 neck to break his spirit_. How can yo~ [11 d to b8 hiQhly intell' . igent creatures. In not more than 50 (iii) Chimpanzees are considere 1ayed his.1nte111g d _ence when he was given .a cup of tea? words show how Chumley isp [8] 5. b ed blanks With correct form of the word given in b (i) Fill in each of the num er l order the word brackets. Do not copy the passage ut Write in correct seria [4] or phras e appropriate to the blank space. Answer: (0) called we (O)_ _ _ _ _ (call) ourselves the 'Four Feathers', the feathers signifying knights of the that we were companions in adventure, comrades-in-arms, and his emblemround table. Bimal (1) _ _ _ _ (adopt) peacock's feather as 2 (choose) a falcon's featherhe was always a bit showy. Riaz ( ) (offer) crow's although we couldn't find one. Bran and I were at first (3) _ _ _ _ (protest) vigor~usly and (5) _ _ __ or murghi feathers, but we (4) - . - (settle) for a parrot's feather and (threaten) a walkout. Finally, I (6) _ a _(suit) him, as Bran (7} _ _ _ _ (find) a woodpecker's, which (8) _ _ _ he was always knocking things about.. (ii) Fill in the blanks with appropriate words: (a) A new railroad is _ _ _ _ construction. (b) I felt out _ _ _ _ place in that party. (c) It was so dark that I had to turn - - - : - - - the l~ght. personality. (d) The decorations in the house are in keeping _ _ _ _ !1er hi~ fingers. (~) He has not come this far to let opportunity slip _ _ _ _ . (ij As they alighted _ _ _ _ the car, wfnston came- to meet them . (g) She was alarmed __ __ _ the prospect of travelling alone him. (h) The very idea of cheating People is distasteful _ _ _ _ [ Turn Over J X ENG LAN-S (LMG) the following sentences to make one complete sentence without .using . (iii) Join _ and, but or so. Choose the correct options. [ ] 4 1. The food ~as cooked. The guests were invited to dine. (a) As soon as the food was cooked, the guests were invited to dine. (b) The guests were invited to dine because the food was cooked. (c) The guests were dining while the food was being cooked. (d) The food which was cooked was served to the guests to dine. 2. Sara pushed as hard as she could. The door would not open. (a) Sara failed to open the closed door. (b) Sara pushed as hard as she could but" could not open the door. (c) Despite pushing the door as hard as she could, Sara failed to open it. (d) Despite pushing the hard door, Sara could not open it. 3. the trekkers got lost due to the heavy fog .. They had misplaced their map. (a) The trekkers had lost their map in the heavy fog and then their way. (b) The trekkers got lost due to the heavy fog and also misplaced their map. (c) The trekkers not only got lost due to the heavy fog but also misplaced their map. (d) The trekkers got lost due to the heavy fog as well as misplaced their map. 4. They could hardly hear each other. It was v~ry noisy. (a) Because of the noise, they hardly heard each other. (b) They could hardly hear each other as it was very noisy. . . (c) Too much noise prevented them from communicating with each other. (d) There was too much noise so they could not hear each other. (iv) Re-write the following sente nces according to the instructions- giv~n after each. Make other changes that may be necessary, but do not change the meani_ng of each sentence. Choose the correct option. [8] (1) The Taj Mahal is the grandest monument in the world. (Begin: No other... ) (a) No other monument in the w~rld is grander than the Taj Ma~al. (b) No other monument in the world is as grand as the Taj Mahal. X ENG LAN-6 (LMG) t 1 n the WOrld i 1 Ike the Taj Mahal. (9) No other monumen . . t n I the world is as close to the Taj Mahal in. its grandeur. (d) No ot~er monumen th0 garden shed. (Begin: The ...) (2) Someone stole the bicycle from garden shed. (a) The bicycle was stolen by sorneone and kept in the th rd (b) The bicycle which was in e ga en shed is missing. th one. (c) The bicycle wasSt~IEin from e garden shed by some n shed. {d) The bicycle thief is someone Who stole it from the garde g up. (Begin: In spite ...) (3) The hot weat her did not deter a huge crowd from turnin (a) In spite the hot weather, a huge crowd turned ~p. (b) In spite of the hot weather, a huge crowd turned up. red t'rom turning up. {c) In spite the hot weather, the huge crowd was not deter huge still turned up. {d) In spite of the weat her being hot, the crowd which was (Begin: No sooner...) (4) As soon as we finished our work, we went to the mall. the mall. (a) No soon er did we finished our work than we went to the mall. (b) No soon er did we finish ~ur work than we went to mall. (c) No soon er we finished ~ur work when we went to the to the mall. (d) No soon er had we finished our work when .we went n: Rajat's ~oth er...) (5) ~ajat is more coura geou s than his brother Rohit. (Begi (a) Rajat's broth er Rohi t is less courageous than him.. (b) Rajat's broth er Rohi t is as courageous as him. (c) Rajat's b~other Rohi t is more courageous than him. (d) Rajat's broth er is not courageous at all. in: The docto r ) (6) The docto r said that tie must not lift weights. (Beg. (a) The docto r felt he must not lift weights. (b) The docto r was again st the idea of weightlifting. hts. (c) The doctor said no to hill'l when he wanted to lift weig (d) The docto r forba de him from lifting weights. X ENG LAN-7 (LMG) { Turn Over J (7) When the cat is away, the mice Will play. (Begin: In the ... ) (a) ,n the cat's absence~ the mice will get a chance to play. (b) In the game, the cat Will be absent while the mice wjll play. (c) In the presence of the cat, the mice will not play. (d)- In the absence of the cat, the mice will play. (S) Only the brave can face such-a daunting challenge. (Begi n: N~ne ...) (a) None but the brave can face such a daunting challe nge. (b) None excep t for the brave Will face daunting challenges. (c) None else can face the daunting chailenge other than the brave ones. (d) None can face the daunting challenge, however, only the brave ones will. I X ENG LAN-8 (LMG)

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