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ICSE Prelims 2017 : Computer Applications (Infant Jesus Anglo - Indian Higher Secondary School (IJHSS), Kollam)

2 pages, 26 questions, 17 questions with responses, 18 total responses,    0    0
Adhithyan Js
Good Shepherd Public School & Junior College, Thengana, Changanasserry
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Class X Subject COMPUTER APPLICATIONS Attempt all the questions from Group-A and any four from Group-B. This is mandatory for mentioning the group before to write any answer. Maintain sequence of writing answers. Group-A (4x10=40) Question 1: a) Define an Identifier. Give example. b) What is case sensitivity? Is java a case sensitive programming language? c) List the main features of OOPs. d) What is this key word? e) What are the different types of constructors used in a class? Question 2: a) Differentiate between Binary and Linear search. b) Distinguish between = and == operators. c) Differentiate between static and instance variable. d) Differentiate between equals() and compareTo() function. e) Distinguish exit and entry control loop. Question 3: a) Math.max(Math.min(60,75),5) b) (int) ( computer .charAt(4)) c) INDIA .substring(2,3) d) THAN .compareTo( THEN ) e) A=2,b=5,c=7 then a + (b++) * (c++) and a * (- - b) % c Question 4: a) Math.sqrt(Math.floor(Math.ceil(15.3))); b) What is the purpose of new operator? c) If(num<=100) num=num+1; else n=num; convert it into do while d) in tar[]={1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; int i=2; ar[i] += ar[i++] + 1 - ++ar[i-1]; e) for(i=1;i<=3;i++) System.out.print(ar[i]); Group-B Attempt any four (4x15=60) Question 5: Create a menu driven program to enter a number and check whether the number is Armstrong or Krishnamurthy or wrong choice. Question 5: Write a program to calculate the Taxi fare by entering the KM traveled by the passenger in the following way. void take( ) To initialize the KM / enter the KM traveled. void calculate( ) Calculate the fare by the following conditions. KM Rate/KM First 5 RS 50 Next 5 RS 5/KM Next 5 RS 4/KM Above RS 3/KM An additional charge of 2% will be added with every bill. void display( ) Display the total Kilometer traveled and Amount to be paid by the passenger separately. Question 6: Enter 20 numbers in an array and sort them in ascending order by using selection sort technique. Question 7: Enter the name of a person and print the initials along with title. Eg Input - Samarendra Nath Das Output-S.N.Das Question 8: Enter 10 state and their capitals in two separate SDA and also enter the state name to display the capital by searching technique. Question 9: Solve the following problems: a) Sum=1/!1 +2/!2 +3/!3+ .N/!N b) 54321 5432 543 54 5

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