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ICSE Prelims 2018 : History and Civics (St. Josephs College (SJC), Allahabad)

2 pages, 47 questions, 43 questions with responses, 68 total responses,    2    0
Abhigyan Shanker
St. Joseph's College (SJC), Prayagraj / Allahabad
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HISTORY & CIVICS H.C.G. - pa (Two Hours) paper mus, b; paper providett ,epar(l,!., I ou wi/l not be ullotved ro ,.rit" a,,, ini ,f," fiir,"tli"),i,,,u,", This imt is to be soettt in ;hc qu'"t,io, p,,,,1)i, ,ne livett or thp t,-^,t .rL'a.ding ^{,t^:..'t;;;; ;,"i;: :f,,,::;1::::);:iil:7i ng,h" u, n, .-1nsv'ers to this ji;:|;:ille ::::::::_J ,lttenpt ";; all quett ions./i.unl fon t fC,offi porr lrom IL two,ut u[three questioisl,oi,s";;,,::;;yi,;:,hree uuestions ure Siection . ,,,,.,,", - out B. o7 file rt, be ",, otkmntpLr questions .from re given in brac.kets I J. PART - I .\rrempt all questions lrom this pan. [30 Marks] (a) Mcntion one adranrase ofthe Lok Sabha. (b) How manl ,".b"., -ur" tl0l by the Presidc-nt to the Lok Sabha? which communit\ do rh"r. ."pr.Lolinated (c) Llcclir)ns in lrrtlia are held.h,r secrel ballot. Giie a re:son lor the same. (d) What is an ,Ordinancc,l \\ hen can ir be passed,l (e) what is understood b1 the tenn 'rndividuar Responsibiritl, in a parliamcntary .(f) i\4ention one imponant Democracr,? function otthe Vt";-"J;;;_;,';f rrdi" (B) !\'ho admirrisrers the oath ol- otllce,",h" C_";;;;;;; i,]n,,,".,, by a ,sinsle rntesrared :rai"Lr's.,r** u. p.oria"a in the rndian (i) Which court does not come unr rhe jurisdiction ol High Courts? 0) Dirferenriate between a nirr.i"ll , *, ),*il:,ffint t Judge and a Session Judge. Q.2 (a) M.ention any one political cause ofthe Lrprising of Ig57. (b) Give hvo objectives of rh (c) Men tion *r,., u,",,#JlHj:fi n.tilffi._", ""r,*. (d) Menrion any provision each of rhe Grrdh; ;.;;';;")lirr"o ,, , n, , (e) Give any rwo causes tbr the (f euir f ra;, Mention any trvo achievet Vf (i) o State tuo N,m *, " " lactors which *:ause ;, a i.' ;, 3. :il?;., ol'the First World war? ;; ffi $', #'.i:,::l ifi PART Q. . "*.""t. (s) Nam e,,,.,," .i rii";ilHilijTJ1:ix::ffi ", (h) What was thc immediate c t20l o1:' o" :,"f# : :J::"' i5'#ff;y,, *. II lso MARKSI J:',Iii?], ?I't * **. with refsrence to the Union parliament, ". (a) Legislative poivers ofthe parliament. ""Oirrli ,rro*,"r,_ (b) The Composition ofthe Lok Sabha and the Raj1,a Sabha. 13l 13l IJCC CL X PC i: (c) How is the Speaker of the Lok SaHu elected? Mention anv two functions of the Speaker. Q, 4. With reference to the Union Executive. rnswer the following: (a) Why is the President of India referred ro as nominal head of the (b) (c) Q, 5. State? State two examples of his legislatire po*ers thal susgests his nominal status. What is meant b; the Collecrire Respnnsibility of the members of the Cabinet? Distinguish between the Cabiner and the Council of Ministers. With reference to the Judiciary: (a) Explain the Composition ofthe Supreme Coun. How are thejudges ofthe Supreme Court appointed? (b) (c) Q. 6. Explain Q. 8. - Judicial Review of the High Court. Supreme Court as a Coun of Record. t4l Mention three economic causes that caused unrest among [ndians. I3l Differentiate between the N{oderates and the Radical Nationalists in their objectives and -methods. (c) Q. 7. 13l Explain the diflerence between the ori,einal and the Appellate Jurisdiction of the High Couft. Menlion any two functions rha! come under Original Jurisdiction of the High Court. t3t SECTION B (HISTORY) Attempt any Three questions from this section. with reference to the First war of Independence, lB57 and the rise of Nationalism, explain the following:- (a) (b) t t3l t3l I4l 13l Name the radical leader known as the forerunner olGandhiii. Wh1,is this person knorvn as the fbrerunner? With reference to the growth of Nationalism:(a) N{ention nro causes that led to the foundation ofthe \luslim League. (b) Explain rhe prosramme of the Non-Cooperation \to\ emenr. (c) What was the impact and significance of the Quit lndia \{or ement? With reference to the transfer of power to India, ansx-er the follo* ing:- (a) l{l t3l t31 14l What was mentioned in the Cabinet Mission Plan regarding rhe provincial Autonomy and setting up of a Constitution making bodr? t3l Why did the Congress accept the Mountbatten Plan? t3t State any four clauses ofthe Indian Independence Act, 1947. tll With reference to Dictatorship and the two World Wars, answer the following:(a) Explain how World War I brought about a changed political scenario olthe world. [3] (b) State any three factors that led to the rise ofdictatorship in Germany and ttaly. tjl (c) Explain the consequences of the Second World War with reference to Cold War and the formation of the United Nations. I4I (b) (c) Q. 9. , Q. 10. With reference to the Non-Aligned Movement and the United Nations:(a) Write the composition of the General Assembly? (b) Explain the role olIINESCO in the field ofEducation and Science. I (c) Mention any four objectives or principles of Non-Aligned Movement. t3I t3t I4t I I I HC6 Cr_.X PC l-:

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