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ICSE Prelims 2018 : Physics (St. Josephs College (SJC), Allahabad)

3 pages, 55 questions, 36 questions with responses, 47 total responses,    0    0
Abhigyan Shanker
St. Joseph's College (SJC), Prayagraj / Allahabad
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PHYSICS SCIENCE Paper -I (Two hours) -1nsv,er,s to this Paper must be wrilten on the puper prorided seFaraie !,, You will not be alloi,ed to write during rhe _tirst lS nrinute; This time is to be spent in reading the Question paper. 7'ie t inte .qiten at the head of this Paper is the time allotted Jbr vt.iting :4c u,s\t ers. Section I i.s .orrtpulson. Attempt any four questions .fron Seuion IL The intende,l marksfor questions or parts oJ questions are gi"-en in brackets I J. SECTION I (40 I\AARKS) .!ftempt all questionsfrom this seoiott QUESTION 1' 110) (a) Calculate the kineti!- e:.':-1 oia Lt':y ..: ness 0.I kg and mon:::::-:: L. .: : I (b) State the energr trai.:sii::.:::ior in il:e ic:rL.!\:;1{: ii)dynamor:.,3;-r;,13 (c) Name a machine rtr:.:;i rri;bilo\ir:S L)3:': IIo change the oir+c::.-i .-i -..-:c: i:i r :o cbtain gain in speed. (d) Name two factors on s:icn lhe ret;-acr:r t :;ier of a medium Je-:ts. (e) When is the potenti3, ::rersr oiar o;c:l!:iir: :imple pendulurn ri, ::rimrm ( ij) minimum Ql ESTIO:\I 2r ( I0) .;, .\ ::jar sel:s a signal l..r an a.ropla:re a: a;:st::'rce 45 km a$a1 \\ith a speed 3x108 ms-1. After hou long is the signal received.back from tle seq|n*-- - , (b) Whar is lhe causc of r efracrion ol light i.r hen ir-passei llom ohe medium to another? (c) How does (d) (e) the angle olmitritrum deviation produced b1 a prism change with increase in (i) the wave length incident light and (ii) the refracrive angle of prism? Write the expression for the magnifying power ofa simple microscope. How can it be increased? State the condition under which the phenomcnon of resonance takes place. bursrrox s, of (r0) (a) which two properties are needed to make a given material suitable for making a fuse wire? (b) Suggest one way. in each case, by which rve can detect the presence of: (i) inliared radlation (ii) ultraviolet radiation. (c) Differentiate between the forced and resonant vibrations. (give only two differences) (d) Name two factors on whjch intemal resistance ofa cr'll depend and state how does it depend Dn the thctors stated by you? (e) A mixture ofradioactive (i) (ii) substance gives offradiations. Name the radiarion which travels with the speed ofiighr. Name the radiation rvhich has the highest ionizing powcr. QUESTION (10) (a) Define the term resislivity and slate its SI unit. (b) Draw the diagram of a simple circuit that may be used for verifl,ing Ohm.s law. (c) Cive reason why switch is always connected in series rvith a iive wire. (d) Complete the follorving nuciear reaclions ( i) (ii) ,P'-r ,rU"'* (e) A device PI]Y CI, X PC I,] 0u - :--n6Thlla + ------ + gngpgy is used to transfonn l2V a.c. to 220V a.c. ti) Name the device (ii) name the principle on which it works,

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