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ICSE Class X Sample / Model Paper 2025 : Physics

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St. Mary's Convent School (SMCS), Santragachi, Howrah
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Section A [Attempt all questions from this section] l. ~hoose the correct answers to the questions 1rom lhe_givefl optioqs. (Do not copy the _:_, ~_,,.,__~-~ 4-esti~;,Tite thecoffectanswers only. ) [15) U) A body is moved along a straight road by a machine delivering constant power. The distance moved by the body in time tis proportional to (iii) Before pl.:iY!fJ.g the orchesu:a ln-a-muskJI _.._ a sitarist adjust the tension and pluck the strings_suitably. In dolng this, he adjusted which ch~racteristics of sound? (a) intensity of sound only (b) Amplitude of sound only (c) Frequ'e ncy of sitar with other -- 1:'unccri, inc;tn1mPnt<; (ii) A radioactive nucleus is represented by ~;7 X . It emits a beta particle and fom1s a different.nuclcus_ofdernent-Y. Which of- - t he foUowing represents this new nucleus? (a) ~;J Y ( b) (c) :fy (d) ~;11 Y ~tY (d) Loudness of sound (iv) Which of the following is not a representation of-moment? _ ___ ~ -- -"" _.. (a) r x F (b)F-r (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) Neit.hc.>r (;i) nor (b) Three similar bulbs A.B nrnl C orcL'Onncclcd to a voll,\gc sorn'l'e ,,s shown In tlw fi~un:. ll' C is n:mowd , l\ow will the illuminotiun nf A ,md 13 nfkl'lcd'? [::ret CaJ Pnr thn wi11H1u.:L,.. IJ.u.: LJ( rc1p L1111 will oppcnr LO bc- lower tb a11 it ,Ktu..i fl y J,s. -..- - - - - - SolllC6 f Both A and B will become dimmer (b) Bot h A ancl B will become brighter (c) A w ill become dimmer and B will bcc:omc (,1) brighter (d) A will become brighter and B wil l heC0me_dimn_1cr (vi) Whid1 of the following docs not rc11 1nin constant m the phenomeno n of refraction ? (a) Phase (b) Frequency (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) Neither (a) nor (b) ( vii) An electric kettle with a 2 kW heater contains 0.25 kg of boiling water. It will take time of .. .... before all the water to boil away. ( LaKe, spcoiJC iatent heat for steam =2.0 MJ/kg) (a) 250 s (c) 600 s (b) 400 s (d) 850 s (viii) The diagram represents two block of copper A and B . The mass of A is two times that of B . When same amount of heat is supplied , the temperature of A nses to haii of rise i.n B. E-0 m= 0.4 kg tiT=20K ,E-+~ mo: 0 .2 kg l'l.T=40K Which statement is correct about above informa lion? (a \ i Tiu: spc.:dGL i1ct.1 l t.d_JJuLi~y u[ A. 1:) i.vvi.u: that of B. , (b) The heat capacity of A is same that of B. (c) The heat capacity of A is half that of B. ( d) TI1e heat capacity of A is twice that of B. (ix) If a swimmer inside water looks at an aeroplane in the sky, then which one of the followin.g conditions is fulfilled? (U) 1-'U f' tile S Wllllllll'r, tile .:icr<,JJl.l.HC WJiJ appear 10 be hlf,!her th an it acwally h . (c ) Pnr the swimmer, the.: aeroplan e will appcnr at lt s actual hc:ighL ( d) For the pllor, the swimmer will a pp<.'M tu be at grcilter depth than ii actually h . (X) Kinetic energy of a freely falling body (a) continuou sly dl"CTl"'n1e4.... (o J cumiuuuusiy i11t:rc.:c1sc..:~ (c) rema in s consrant (d) None of the above (xi) A convex lens of focal length 40 cm. a concave kns of focal lengt h 40 cm and a concave lens of focal length 15 cm arc placed in contact. The power of the combination in dioptre is (a)+ 1.'.> (D) - L:> (c) + 6 .67 (d) - 6 .67 Which of the following phenomena is due to refraction? (a) Lateral shift (b) Dispersion of light (c) Twi.nkling of stars (d) All of the above (xiii ) Assertion Heater wire must have high resistance and rugh melting point. Reason lf resistance is high, the electric conductivity will be less. (a) Both Assertion and Reason are true. (b) Both Assertion and Reason arc false . (c) Assertion is false but Reason is true. I ..I\ A ,.. ,..." , .-;...,. .., .;r w-,,.._"' hnt D .n -.. ("n n i c f-.1,-..,. \'''I,#~..,..,..,.,, .. . _.. . . ... .... ,. . ......... - ... ... ,._ .......... - -- (xiv) The diagrnms bdow represent solmd waves displayed on the screen of same oscilloscope with the same control settings. Which of the following diJgrnm represents softest sound with highest pitch? , / Section 3 ./ , ,, [Attem pt any four quest ions) 4 (i) (a) ~hat do you underst and by term spectru m of light"? Name one tural-.spect:rmn farmed by su11i ig ht. -...=.lla. _ : : __,:,_ . - = ~ a,ft~r r~~ Ca~ a monoch romatic light :)IIUW u1{p\:(S 1uii: (b) If a ray of light passes from medium I to mediLUn II without any change of directio n . What can be said aboul th e refracti ve indices of these media [4] (Angle i is not zero)? right a through passes light of ray A a) ( (ii) ~-...::. angtedl )risttta nhown in. the :State me angles of 111c1dcnce at the (2] faces AC and BC. figure:- -- A B (iii) (a) Wlll Lhc f magc of all the letters be in th~- .,_,_ ~- - (lJ - - - .----:flt me place ? sed to rai be will letter ( b) If not, state which your for son rea a Give m. the maximu (1) answer. object an of colour the be will Whal (c) which appears bJue in white Ught and [1] black in red light? a from away cm 25 (iii) An object is placed . 10 cm. converg ing lens of focal length _ .,..._.. ---~-- ----~" '~ ( a,- Drawth er ay diagram. Find the position nf im;1ep ;inrl whM will ht> thp n;1t11Tf" nf (3] the image? [1] (b) Obtain its magnifi cation. 6. (i) Rahul and Priya are playing on a multisto rey buildin g. Sudden ly Rahul throw s a toy of mass 1 kg the toy is falling under the affect of gravity and after sometim es, it reaches on the ground. rr C (b) Name the phenom enon which the ray [1] suffers at the face A C. (1] n? (a) What is meant by refractio ( b) Express the refractiv e index medium ~l h~ of a lioht nf , ,Plt"'\rin, nf rhP in tPYmc T '--" -- - - - - - - J. -- - - - ----- S. (i) The given ray diagram illustrat es the experim ental set up for Lhe determi nation of the focal length of a converg ing lens using a plane mirror. Velocity= v h-x [2] IL in terms of the angle of incidenc e (1) in air and the angle of refractio n (r) in a denser medimn . Veloc lty = O ...:L 1 (_.s) _:t__Velocity = v' (a) What is the momen tum of the toy after 5 s? (b) What is the height of the freely falling [3] body? long a hold walker (ii) (a) Why does a rope r21 pole in his hands? not are boat a in ers (b) The passeng allowed to stand while crossing a river. Why? M (a) State the magnifi cation of the image formed. [1] (b) Write any two characte ristics of image i2.j iormed . which on page a over (ii) A glass slab is placed c11e word VIBGYOR le; printed with each letter in its corresp onding colour. (2) (iii) A pulley system with a velocity ratio of 4 is used to lift a load of 150 kgf through a vertical height of 20 m. The effort require d is 50 kgf in the downw ard directio n. ,.._,_.._.,_._ '-..,C.,U.\.. U.J..U 1,1- (a) the distance moved by the efforL (b) the mechan ical advanta ge. (c) the efficienc y of the pulley system. (1] [1] [1] \ JI (A) ~ ~ l ~~ --~--~ j I _ ___, (h) (11) A t, 11 , ~Etu (d)B (.\'\.') t' t , ,,p 11 1t, d on I, a rix l,t mul IL ., li(ld l,"d y. I 1, ,w d,i,::. Iii : elf, t t ,l 1l1t lnll 1 <1111 1 1r 111 111 tw11 <,,.,, ., , lZ. (IV) tf th ,. 111111111 111 o l / ,1h1111 t ti,, o : 111r~ 1,f ~qtt,11( ' I , 1'1 N -rll, rl wn fir,,J iii,: m 1nnt"11t ol F ubuut /1. 11 n 11 i ""l(Pl A con,1x,ss needle is pl..1ccd ncor one end c_ (.4.) of a solenoid. When a current i!- pa ssed throu1ih the coil. the conmass shmvs a dct1ec.tio n as the figure gi~en below. B A c::: ~ ( 5 ) A ( v) Is N (b) current in the coil is decreased (c) compass is moved nearer to the coil ( d) compass i.s moved 10 position B 2. (i) (a) What kind of pulleys are used in block and tackle system. [1] (b) On what factor does the position of the centre of wavitv of a bodv depend? [1] (c) Mention a., '3 and yin decreasin g order of their ionising power. [1) (ii) (a) From the figure, calculate the moment of force about P. ____ _O____, 25 N miP (a) A body h ow:d upon by a fore~ . 5tatc twn condition s tinder which the work dun~ could be :,_.crv. "' The needle points closer to magnetic nonh when the \a) current m the cmi 1s mcrcasca 0 .05 2: ilo.2m 1 25 N (b) What do you understa nd by centre of gravity? Give an example , in which centre of gravity lies outside the body. (iii) (a) Calculat e the resultant torque from the following diagram. [2) ! l] ( b) What is t h e w ork done by the m.Q(m w he n ii revolve ~ around Lhc earth? (1 ~ (vi) An ob server s tc1nd s at a distance of 850 m ,. 1 ,.,.. ' lJVlJI C.t LiJJl Q l lU ,. . IJJ.t.. :) Cl ,!SUJ .L r. r\Jl.C.l YVllCll titnc gap will h e hccH the echo, if sound travel s at a speed of 350 m/s in air? [2) (vii) (a) What causes the potentiaJ differenc e bet ween the two terminals of a cell? (l] (b) What determin es the rate at whJch energy is delivered by a current? (l] 3. (i) (a) Tf the lens is 11lt11-c-d in water instead of air, how docs its focal length change? [l] (b) Which lens, thick or thin has greater focal le ngth? [11 (ii) (a) State Ohm's l..:1w. (1] (b) Dlagramm atie,1lly illust.rate how you would connt!l.'.t a key. a battery, a voltmeter . an ammeter , an unkno;,..,-n resistance Rand .1 rheostat. so that It cm1 be used to verify the above law? [1] (iii) It is establish ed that an eltxtric current through a metallic conducto r produces a magnetic field around it. ls there a similar magneric fidct produced around a thin beam of moving (a) a-particl es. (b) neutrons ? Justify your ,rnswer. [2) (Iv) Which of the rnclioacti vc radiation s occur3 in I he follow1n~ ca.,es ( ,1) Th.1 t c.1 n caust seven.' genC"t ical disorder. 10 N SON ~ (b) Are tlcrlcncd by an dc<:trk fidd? (1) [l] (v) Define the cen11 l-.ilorie. St'1tc Its relation 11\ith joule. [2] , f I 1. (i) ..1 A man standing in front of vertical cliff fires .a gun . He hears the echo nfLer 4 s. On mo~1~ng 150 rm towards cliff, he fires again d.llll 11C'<:ll!) clll\.:1 .>.U :i. CaJculclte the .- --"-- --l~t.auce o.f d ifttFom---i11fl11itial posit1~n . [1 ] of man. (b) speed of sound. (ii) The nucleus ~~ P losses (a) one proton. (c) [1 ] (1) one a-particle . [ 1] Write the symbol of the new nucleus in ,q1ch case-and expl'es-S--etrcn-change-by a_ reaction. (iii) (a) Name the type of waves that bats produces in order to detect the [2] obstacles in their path. (b) Write the conditions for formation of echoes. (c) What do you understand by loudness (2] of sound? ' (ii) The diagram below shows a cooling curve [.j j for a substance. (a) State the temperatures at which the substance con~enses and_solldifie.s,_....._-.- respect lvely. (b) The temperature range in which the substance is in liquid state. I Temperature (0 C) .150[ 60 10 -- -- .. -- ---- \ (iii)The diagram below shows a magnet placed between two coils A and B. The magnet is moved along the axis towards (4) coil B. (a) State the polarities induced at the ends Q and R of 1..he coil due to the motion of I.he magnet. (b) Name the phenomenon due co which the current is induced in the coils. (c) Name the Jaw which helps to find the polaritjes at the ends Q and R. PeQ ( c) a y-radiation [3] (a) Define staircase wiring. (1] Magnet IN sl RQS [31 B 13- particle and (b) An electric heater is rated at 2 kW Calculate the cost of using it for 2 h Time(s) (c) Why do we prefer ice to ice-cold water for cooling a drink? (ii) Write the two properties of each of (a) an a-particle, (iii) ~ (0 , 0) (a) If input voltage is 220V and current is 0.5 A, then at what rate the electrical energy is transfonned by the fan? (b) How much energy is transformed in 2min? ( c) If cost of energy is t 4.5 per kWh, then how much it wiU cost in 30 days. (The ( b) a ' 1 8. (i) A ceiling fan is rotating and Rahul is observing that fan . He thought to calculate how much electrical energy is ht-in~ rnnvPrtPrl into mt>rh;inical energy by the fan. fan ic; O!)~raterl 6 h/rlay\ dally l'or I hl' 1110111 h of scptcmbc:-r, if [3] each unit rnsts tJ . 9. (i) A me1.:1l piece pre~c:nt. at J 20') C ls quickly dropped j11 J l:illlliilllClt'I ur llldl)I) ov ~ ~tajnlng 200 g nf WilLcr-ttt--36"C:- Tm:- final temperature attained by the mixt11re is 40 C. Calculate the thermal copacity of the metal piece. [Specific heat capacity of water = 4 .2 Jg - l oc - 1, specific heal rnpadty of calorimeter = 0.4 Jg- 1 "C - 1 J[3 ) (d) If the magnet do not move, then which polarities will be induced at the ends Q and R? ..

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