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ISC Class XI Board Exam 2020 : English Paper 2 (English Literature)

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Formatting page ... ENGLISH PAPER 2 LITERATURE IN ENGLISH (Prescribed Textbooks) (Maximum Marks: 100) (Time allowed: Three hours) (Candidates are allowed additional 15 minutes for only reading the paper. They must NOT start writing during this time.) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Answer one question from Section A and four questions from Section B. In Section B choose questions on at least three textbooks which may include EITHER Shakespeare s The Tempest OR Bernard Shaw s Candida Note: You are required to select questions on one play only, EITHER The Tempest OR Candida in Sections A and B. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ]. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SECTION A (Answer one question) TEMPEST Shakespeare Question 1 Choose two of the passages (a) to (c) and answer briefly the questions that follow: (a) Miranda : O, I have suffered With those that I saw suffer! A brave vessel, Who had, no doubt, some noble creature in her, Dashed all to pieces. O, the cry did knock Against my very heart! Poor souls, they perished! Had I been any God of power, I would Have sunk the sea within the earth or ere It should the good ship so have swallow d and The fraughting souls within her. (i) Where is Miranda? What has she seen that makes her suffer? [1] (ii) Name the noble creatures referred to in the extract. How were they in the brave vessel? [2] (iii) What characteristics of Miranda becomes evident in the extract? [2] (iv) How is the brave vessel about to be dashed to pieces? Who is responsible for the destruction? Why would he cause such a destruction? [2] (v) Why is Miranda ignorant of who Prospero was? What are the things that were necessary for Prospero to practise his magic art? [2] (vi) Give the meanings of the following words as they are used in the context of the passage: [1] (a) dashed (b) fraughting -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 SPECIMEN QUESTION PAPER CLASS XI - 2019 (b) Alonso : So is the dear st o th loss Gonzolo : My Lord Sebastian, The truth you speak doth lack some gentleness, And time to speak it in: you rub the sore When you should bring the plaster. Sebastian : Very well. Antonio : And most chirurgeonly! (i) Where does the scene take place? Other than the speakers in the extract, which other characters are present in the scene? [1] (ii) What loss does Alonso refer to in the first line of the extract and why? [2] (iii) What does Gonzalo mean when he tells Sebastian, you rub the sore when you should bring the plaster. ? [2] (iv) What has Sebastian spoken just before the extract for Gonzalo to chastise him in this manner? [2] (v) What does Gonzalo mean when he tells Sebastian that his truth lacked the, time to speak it in ? [2] (vi) Give the meanings of the following words as they are used in the context of the passage: [1] (a) gentleness (b) chirurgeonly (c) Caliban : Art thou afeard? Stephano : No, monster, not I. Caliban : Be not afeard, the isle is full of noises, Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not. Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments Will hum about mine ears, and sometimes voices That, if I then had waked after long sleep, Will make me sleep again: and then, in dreaming, The clouds me thought would open and show riches Ready to drop upon me; that, when I waked, I cried to dream again. (i) What has just happened due to which Caliban tells Stephano not to be afraid? What is the attitude of Trinculo and Stephano to what they hear? [1] (ii) What does Caliban say about the sounds on the island? [2] (iii) What is meant by twangling instruments ? Describe the effect of the sounds on Caliban. [2] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 SPECIMEN QUESTION PAPER CLASS XI - 2019 (iv) Against the background of the extract, explain why the island is known to be enchanted? [2] (v) What does Stephano say about the music on the island? Where is the sound leading them? What do these three conspirators plan to do? [2] (vi) Give the meanings of the following words as they are used in the context of the passage: [1] (a) twangling (b) methought CANDIDA George Bernard Shaw Question 2 Choose two of the passages (a) to (c) and answer briefly the questions which follow: (a) (b) Morell : (Offering his hand with thorough decision) Shake hands, Burgess. Now youre talking honestly. I don t think they ll make me a bishop; but if they do, I ll introduce you to the biggest jobbers I can get to come to my dinner parties. (i) Who is Burgess? For how long had he not visited the Morells? [1] (ii) Why had Morell been annoyed with Burgess? [2] (iii) According to Burgess, how had he become a model employer ? [2] (iv) What is Morell s reaction to this news? [2] (v) Why does Burgess think that Morell is harming working men? [2] (vi) Do you feel that Burgess has really changed? Why? [1] Marchbanks : Happy! Your marriage! You think that! You believe that. Morell : (Buoyantly). I know it, my lad. Larouchefoucauld said that there are convenient marriages, but no delightful ones. You don t know the comfort of seeing through and through a thundering liar and rotten cynic like that fellow. Ha! Ha! Now, off with you to the park, and write your poem. Half past one, sharp, mind: we never wait for anybody. (i) Who is Marchbanks? Where did Morell find him for the first time? [1] (ii) What does Marchbanks think about Morell s married life? [2] (iii) Why does Morell call Larouchefoucauld a liar? [2] (iv) What are Morell s views on marriage? [2] (v) [2] What is Marchbanks attitude towards Candida? (vi) What is meant by, Convenient marriages, but not delightful ones ? [1] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 SPECIMEN QUESTION PAPER CLASS XI - 2019 (c) Morell : [incredulously] Of Prossy? Candida : [laughing] No, No, No, No. Not jealous of anybody. Jealous for somebody else, who is not loved as he ought to be. Morell : Me? Candida : You! Why, youre spoiled with love and worship: you get far more than is good for you. No: I mean Eugene. Morell : [startled] Eugene! (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) Why would Candida be jealous of Prossy? Does Candida accept Morell s observation? Why? Why does Candida say that Morell is spoiled with love and attention ? What does Candida think of Eugene? How does Morell react to Candida s observation? [1] [2] [2] [2] [2] (vi) Who interrupts the conversation between Candida and Morell? What does he ask? [1] SECTION B (Answer four questions on at least three textbooks which may include EITHER The Tempest OR Candida.) THE TEMPEST Shakespeare Question 3 (a) Give a vivid account of the first meeting between Miranda and Ferdinand. [8] (b) How had Prospero engineered their meeting and attraction for one another? [6] (c) What does the conversation between the two young people tell you about their natures? [6] Question 4 [20] Discuss how Act III, Scene i, brings out the love between Ferdinand and Miranda. Why is the scene significant? CANDIDA George Bernard Shaw Question 5 (a) Describe the interaction between Morell and Burgess. [8] (b) What are the reasons for Morell s dislike of his father-in-law? [6] (c) What do you conclude about the two characters from their conversation? [6] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 SPECIMEN QUESTION PAPER CLASS XI - 2019 Question 6 [20] Narrate the conversation between Proserpine and Marchbanks in Act II. What do you conclude about their attitudes to love? THINGS FALL APART Achebe Question 7 (a) Describe the circumstances which led to Ikemefuna living with Okonkwo. [8] (b) How does Ikemefuna make a place for himself in Okonkwo s household? [6] (c) Describe the friendship between Nwoye and Ikemefuna. [6] Question 8 [20] Give a vivid description of the first day of the Feast of the New Yam? What insight do you get about Okonkwo through his behaviour during the feast? Question 9 [20] Describe the public trial held in the village to resolve the conflict between Uzowulu and Mgbafo. What does the trial tell you about tribal traditions? CONTEMPLATIONS Question 10 (a) Referring closely to the essay Dream Children , what had the narrator told the children about their great-grand mother, their uncle and their dead mother? [8] (b) What were Lamb s memories related to the big house where his grandmother lived? [6] (c) Comment on the ending of the narrative. [6] Question 11 [20] Examine the rules for living happily with others as laid down by Sir Arthur Helps in his essay, On the Art of Living with Others . Question 12 [20] What has inspired you in Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam s essay, My Visions for India ? Examine with close reference to the text. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 SPECIMEN QUESTION PAPER CLASS XI - 2019 ECHOES Question 13 (a) Referring closely to the story The Chinese Statue , relate how Sir Alexander Heathcote came into the possession of the Chinese statue. [8] (b) How was the generosity of the old craftsman reciprocated? [6] (c) What was the reason for the statue to be auctioned? [6] Question 14 [20] In the story Salvatore by W. Somerset Maugham, how does the narrator depict that even though the protagonist faced a number of disappointments in life, he was an example of radiance and goodness? Question 15 [20] The story Quality depicts the struggle of a lone artist for survival in the world of vulgar commercialism using cheap methods of cut-throat competition and mass production. Discuss. REVERIE Question 16 (a) Referring closely to the poem John Brown , describe how the mother of John Brown glorified war and heroism. [8] (b) When did the son realise the futility of war and what was the realisation? [6] (c) How did John Brown repay his mother for her lopsided view about the glory of war? [6] Question 17 [20] With appropriate textual references, establish The Spider and the Fly as a cautionary tale for the na ve and the innocent. Question 18 [20] The Gift of India starts as a celebration of India s contribution to the causes of others but ends as a cry against war and destruction. Discuss with close reference to the text. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6 SPECIMEN QUESTION PAPER CLASS XI - 2019

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