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Tanay Nayak
Avalon Heights International School, Mumbai
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Definitions 1. Photosynthesis: Photosynthesis is a physiological process by which green plants in the presence of sunlight and chlorophyll prepare food in the form of carbohydrates using carbon dioxide and water. 6CO2 + 12H2O C6H12O6 + 6H2O + 6O2 2. Photophosphorylation:It is the process in which ADP (Adenosine diphosphate) combines with ip (inorganic phosphate) to form ATP (Adenosine triphosphate) in presence of light in the thylakoid containing chlorophyll. ADP + ip ATP 3. Photolysis: It is a process of splitting of water molecules into hydrogen and hydroxyl ions in presence of light and chlorophyll. 4.Diffusion is defined as the movement of molecules or ions of any substance from a region of their high concentration to a region of their low concentration when the two are in direct contact with each other. 5. Osmosis: It is diffusion of water molecules across a semi-permeable from a more dilute solution to a less dilute solution. 6. Plasmolysis is the contraction of cytoplasm from the cell wall caused due to the withdrawl of water when placed in a hypertonic solution. 7. Turgidity: It is a state of a cell in which the cell wall is rigid and stretched by an increase in the volume of vacuoles due to the absorption of water. 8. Flaccidity: It is the condition in which the cell content is shrunken and the cell is no more tight 9.Transpiration: The loss of water in the form of vapours from the aerial parts of the plants is known as transpiration: OR Transpiration is the physiological process of loss of excess pure water in vapour state from the exposed aerial parts. 10. Guttation: It is loss of water in the form of water droplets on the margin of leaf through hydathode. 11. Bleeding:Loss of water or cell sap from injured parts of plant is known as bleeding 12.Micturition: The process of formation and elimination of urine under the impulse from the nervous system is called as micturition. 13.Osmoregulation: The process by which osmotic concentration (Amount of water, salts and minerals) of the blood inside the body of the living being is maintained is called osmoregulation. 14.Diapedesis: WBCs are amboeid and can produce pseudopodia with which they can squeeze through the walls of capillaries into the tissue, this is called as diapedesis 15.Phagocytosis: The process of engulfing and ingesting foreign particles like bacteria, is known as phagocytois. 16. Natality: It is the number of live births produced per 1000 people of the population per year. 17. Mortality: It is the number of deaths per 1000 people of the population per year. 18.Population Density:Population density is the size of population in relation to the per unit area at a given time. 19. Vaccination : It is a process of artificially introducing the germs into the body for developing resistance to particular diseases. 20.Antibiotic : Antibiotic is any substance produced by micro-organisms, which inhibits or kills another micro organisms. Example : Penicillin Streptomycin, Neomycin, Terramycin. 21.Antigen : Any foreign molecule or particle, toxin or constituent of pathogen which induces the formation of antibodies is called antigen (anti-for antibody, gen-producing). 22. Toxin : toxin is a product of pathogen metabolism harmful to those which stimulated the formation of an antibody (antitoxin) and specific to it. Toxin is a poisonous compound liberated by diseased or injured tissue. 23.Antitoxin : Antitoxin is an agent or chemical elaborated in the body in response to injection of small dose of treated toxin or toxic product formed by a pathogen. It is a chemical that neutralises a toxin. 24.Immunity : Immunity is the ability of an organism to fight or combat disease causing germs at the onset of infection. 25. Antiseptics : Antiseptics are those substances which when applied on the body, kill germs 26. Disinfectants : Disinfectants are germicidal chemicals which also inhibit the growth of pathogens. E.g. carbolic acid (phenol), boric acid, cresol, Lysol, bleaching powder, potassium permanganate 27. Passive immunity Active Immunity It is a type of acquired immunity which It is a type of acquired immunity which is obtained by injecting antiserum develops due to direct infection or (serum = readymade antibodies) in the vaccination against a disease. body of an individual. It provides less effective and host lived It provides more effective and long protection lasting protection. Law of Dominance: Out of the pair of contrasting characters present together, only one is able to express itself while other remains suppressed. Law of Segregation/ Law of purity of gametes The law states that when a pair of alleles is brought together in hybrid cross, the members of the pair remain together without mixing and separate from each other during the formation of gametes. Law of independent assortment: When there are two pairs of contrasting characters, the distribution of the members of one pair into the gametes is independent of the distribution of the other pair. 28. Allele: The alternative form of a gene occupying the same position on a chromosome and affecting the same characteristic but in two alternative ways. 29. Homologous chromosomes: A pair of corresponding chromosomes of the same shape and size, one from each parent. 30.Character: Any heritable feature Eg. Colour of eye, hair shape 31. Trait: The alternative form f a character. Eg. Colour of eye: Brown or blue Hair shape: Straight or curly 32.Genotype: The set of gene present in the cells of an organism. 33. Phenotype: The observable characteristic which is genetically controlled. 34. Turgor pressure: The pressure exerted by cell content on the cell wall is called turgor pressure. 35. Wall pressure:The pressure exerted by cell wall on cell content is called wall pressure. *****************************************************************

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Additional Info : ICSE Biology Notes by Bhomik Acharya (bhomik1018)
Tags : icse bio definitions, ICSE Notes and Tips.  

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