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THE atSHOp 9 eDUCATITIN SOCI TY, PUrl !!ATHT&ATICS - RIV!:iIOItI PAPER II i. ^tt Lp !p.11 i rrn.l rq ire ;!ert i. r.pri r lr.,f21:J/ queirio's nn.r szctio. a:.t ary tou( qr..t...! ctt.h B he tt.atty sh.wn a^d mutr be dane.n th.l .v4r*it19, in.tdirg ftoqh wark, 'irst oeir$;r, oresse,.ra, wr.k;rg Nill te.utt itt tois Rt itarks lt. ht.rn". a.tle t.t yf:15.,arrurtr,r:! rr.4iv''n rr i SECIION r -I t40m1 Aftemot all ouestions trom this section Qr. a) A m.n borcwed Rs. 1600 for 2 years at 6old smpe interest. At what rate nterest sholld he end the same slm forthe sarne time to qa n Rs. 571 b) c) Form the qladraUc equation, whos. roots are 3 and 4. Ir the I ne toinins the point (-2,3) and (5,-4) is perpendcu.r to the valle of p and the polnt of intersedon? (3m) (3m) lfe Q,2 d) Fnd Nvo conscohve posit ve odd nlmbers, the slm ofwhose squares s 802 b) Find the c) Draw a valle I oir.nd y, f 2 3 3 crce or dils 3 cm. Take a point the po nt P y9 0 :l (3m) (3m) P outsde it, draw tvvo tangents (4m) which is 5cm from Q,3 a) A vesse of radils 6 cm and heqht 8 cm is competey fl ed wth owered nto the w.ter and its sre s such that whef t (3m) What fractio. of water oved ows? b) I'b i. h" "d p opor o b6h64_ 'o touches the sides, d d_d , pro.. rqar (3n) c) A={8x 1>sx+1};x N B={7r 2u 3(x+6};t N F nd A ! B and A ., B. Represent on a .lnber Ine. (4m) Q. 4. frqlre, C is the centre of the circe. IPCQ = r2oo. Gc! ate,.PRQ and,,QPR. (3m) ean by slitabe method : 20 30 t0 30-40 6 40 50 50-60 60,70 70 7A 9 s0 90 (3m) pot the po nts 4(6,4) ard B(0,4). B in the orgin to qet the mages A and c) Using a qraph paper/ . ii. ii. v. ReflectA and B' Wr te the coordinates State the qeometrcal ior the lqure ABA'B' Fnd ts permeter. (4m) SECrION -II t40nl Answerany four of the fo owing qu6tions: Q.5) bit b) I lt i 2 If fl Ll I 0 It; ll*o *" *,,"' Rs. 30,000/ f 59 (3m) aid se s it at (3m) a gnin of 10%. He also charges a amount that the buyer willpay to the shopkeeper. (4m) Q.6 n 50.e -Dro r de rna, pEce,. t1,r,20, o,/-O b) (3m) cl Evaludte w thoUt usrnq 661", 4961 _ 1!!4d cos 23' ..i 50' (4m) Q.7 a) rfA(2, 3), B(4, s) and c(7,2) are vertices of AABC. Write down the co-ord nates ofA, B and C reflect on of x = 1as cotq 1 tanA A, B, silL cosA SinA = corq ba.[ a.count of (3m) C'. (3m) * sinA Nlr. Papu a e Deposits (Rs.) Balance (tu ) (RsJ 1500 Feb. 12 9700 -stiheaui) I ev .tiici," 6000 3700 12150 Apn 23 7800 4350 13io 3000 10000 13000 9000 Of lune 25, Mr. Papu closed the bdnk eccount and hence received amount he qets at s% al the money, Find th p.a. (4m) Q.8 a, Whch is a better lnvestment? 14% Rs. 25 shares at Rs.28 or 16% Rs. 1 (3m) 6 n 5", c. 3u, = !11Y,1n61. (3m) 2y A man lnvests a certa n sum In 6% hundr d rupee shares at Rs. 12 shares fa lto Rs. 96, he se ls out the shares and invests the proceeds in (4m) at Rs.8. tfthe change in hs income s Rs.540/ find the surn lnvested. Q.9 a) The length of a strng between a kite and a polnton the ground is 90m.lfthe strng makes an anqle e wth the eve qrolnd, sLch that tan e =1s / how hgh s the kte. Assume the straght. b) A card ls drawn from a wel-sh!ffled pack of52 cards. Find the probabiity that the i. li. strng is (3m) ard drawn s Neither a Jack, nor a queen of back Nether a card ofdiamonds nora red queen. (3m) mathematcs test are given be owi I 010 10 20 f 20-10 16 3A-4Q 22 40,50 26 50 60 18 60-)a 11 j I j 70-70 80 90 90-100 I an ogve and use itro find No. of stldents who gets No. of studenls who qets (4m) Q10 A man borowed a sum of money and aqrces to pay otr by paying Rs, 3550 at the end year. Ard Rs. 3990 at the end of second year. tf the rate tind the sum offirst of compound nteresr is 5% p.a., botrowed (3m) ofa.iounta n, th e evation of ts slmmt is 450. After ascend nq 1000m towards moLntain up a sope oi30u nctnauon, the eevation is iound to be 600. Fnd the heght of At the foot trre (4m) o In a tiangle ABC/ D and E are ponts on AA and AC such rhat DE is paratet to BC. If DE:BC=4]5, calcuate the ratios ofthe areas oftrangtes ADE and trapezium BCED. (3m) Q.11 dl rrt .he ,d .e ot t. .rt-e or ralce behdcel b) If m:n=l:4, and a:b=5:7, find the vatues I o A o . ;Lt r"r o| o i. r. os ,000. of Do.t !., 1) and (1,2J a 5 4mr Lo Amolnt of VAT rece ved by governmeni. Amount paid by the consumer. uts. f! (3m) (3m) rb n,l c rfotescte. ro. p) rerdiq .e,s sert\ o -t- n U-e toOOO. tf (4m)