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ICSE Prelims 2017 : Chemistry (Nitrogen and Ammonia MCQ)

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Nitrogen and Ammonia Multiple Choice type. Choose the best option. Q.1 Nitrogen was named by whom ? 1. Antoine lavoisier 2. Antoine Chaptal 3. Daniel Rutherford 4. Antoine Rutherford Q.9 Which of the following is 'bleaching powder'? 1. CaCl2 2. Ca3Cl 3. CaOCl2 4. Ca2Cli2 Q.2 In the periodic table, Nitrogen is placed in group 5a, it ranks which position ? 1. First 2. Second 3. Third 4. Fourth Q.10 Ammonium dichromate has which colour? 1. Red 2. Orange 3. Blue 4. Green Q.3 Which of the following is a 'Metalloid'? 1. Phosphorus. 2. Nitrogen 3. Antimony 4. Bismuth Q.4 The outermost Shell of elements belonging to group 5 possess how many electrons ? 1. Two 2. Three 3. Four 4. Five Q.5 Which of the following form hydrides, halides and oxides.? 1. Nitrogen 2. Phosphorus 3. Antimony 4. All of them. Q.6 Which is most acidic of all ? 1. As 2. Sb 3. P 4. Bi Q.7 Nitrogen is an important part of which bio molecule ? 1. Carbohydrate 2. Fats 3. Minerals 4. Proteins. Q.8 from of Nitrogen is Ammonia. 1. Oxide 2. Hydride 3. Sulphide 4. Halide MCQ-ammonia Jaydip.Chaudhuri Q.11 Nitrogen obtained from nitrogenous compound is called 1. Synthetic Nitrogen 2. Heavy Nitrogen 3. Bubbly Nitrogen 4. Chemical Nitrogen. Q.12 Nitrogen is 1. Yellow in colour 2. Sweet smelling 3. Green in colour 4. Odourless Q.13 Boiling point of liquid N2 is 1. -210oC 2. -40oC 3. 83oC 4. -195.8oC Q.14 Nitrides are decomposed by 'boiling water' to form corresponding hydroxides and 1. Ammonia 2. Methane 3. Nitric acid 4. Nitrogen oxides. Q.15 CaCN2 is an important fertilizer and is commercially known as 1. Nitride 2. Carbide 3. Cyanide 4. Nitrolim Q.16 Nitrogen reduce the effect of which element in atmosphere ? 1. Hydrogen 2. Oxygen 3. Helium 4. Carbon 1 Q.17 What is the relative Molecular Mass of NH3 ? 1. 16 2. 17 3. 18 4. 19 Q.18 Who proved Ammonia to be a compound consisting of elements Nitrogen and hydrogen ? 1. Mendeleyev 2. Lavoisier 3. Humphry Davy 4. Fritz Haber Q.19 Calcium oxide is commonly known as 1. Quick lime 2. Fresh lime 3. Milk of lime 4. Calcium lime Q.20 Liquor ammonia fortis is 1. Hydride of ammonia 2. Nitrite of ammonia 3. Saturated Solution of ammonia in water 4. Carbide from of ammonia. Q.21 Which element was considered the best catalyst to from ammonia ? 1. Iron 2. Antimony 3. Copper 4. German Silver Q.25 Ammonia affects 1. Ink glands 2. Sweat glands 3. Sebaceous glands 4. Tea glands. Q.26 Freezing point of liquid ammonia is 1. -33.5oC 2. -44.5oC 3. -55.6oC 4. -77.7oC Q.27 During oxidation of Ammonia , catalyst is 1. Iron 2. Platinum 3. Carbon (coke) 4. Molybdenum Q.28 Ammonium hydroxide reacts with sulphuric acid to give water and 1. (NH4) SO4 2. NH2 SO4 3. (NH4)2 SO4 4. (NH3)2 SO4 Q.29 When Nitrogen reacts with excess chlorine, it from yellow liquid (explosive) , which is 1. N2Ci2 2. NCi2 3. NCl3 4. N2Cl4 Q.30 Ammonia is used to manufacture sodium Q.22 Reaction between nitrogen and hydrogen is carbonate by 1. Haber's process 1. Usually rare 2. Solvay process 2. Exothermic 3. Ostwald's process 3. Endothermic 4. None of the above 4. Very high Q.23 Which of the following is an 'promoter' during "Haber's Process" ? 1. Nitrogen 2. Molybdenum 3. Silica 4. Finely divided iron. Q.24 Which of the following is commonly known as 'Nessler's Reagent' ? 1. K2I4 2. K2CCl4 3. K2HgI4 4. K2Ci2Hg2 MCQ-ammonia Jaydip.Chaudhuri 2

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