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ICSE Prelims 2017 : Biology

12 pages, 115 questions, 115 questions with responses, 251 total responses,    0    0
faiz Khan (funky faiz)
R. B. K. School (RBK), Mira Road
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BIOLOGY BOARD EXAMINATION REVISION Section I Attempt all the questions in this Section. Question 1 (a) Name the following: 1. The allotropic form of oxygen. 2. The process in which part of blood plasma is filtered out under pressure through the glomerulus into the Bowman s capsule. 3. A small erectile, equivalent of male penis situated in front of the urethral opening. 4. Aggregates of nerve cells from which nerve fibres may arise. 5. A general term used for any poisonous substance produced by an animal. 6. The pressure developed in the roots due to the inflow of water. 7. The enzyme which converts prothrombin into thrombin. 8. The receptors of taste of the tongue and smell of the nose. 9. The cells of the testes that produce the male hormone. 10. Groups of histone molecules surrounded by DNA strands. (b) Copy and complete the following by filling in the blanks numbered 1-5 with appropriate words/terms/phrases: In cholera, the patient suffers from ______ and ______. His intestines are unable to absorb water into the blood. The result is that his kidneys reabsorb almost all water from the urine in the _______ and with it even the urea. The immediate treatment is to replenish water in the blood by _______ drip or by giving _______ through mouth. (c) Given below are five sets with four terms each. Identify the odd one from the set and state the category to which it belongs: 1. Mercurochrome, boric acid, formalin, iodine. 2. Nausea, skin pigmentation, loss of weight, weakness. 3. Clitoris, Labia minora, labia majora, follicle. 4. Polymerisation, Phosphorylation, activation of chlorophyll, splitting of water. 5. Condom, Copper T, Diaphragms, Spermicidal agents. (d) The given diagram shows a cross section of a part of root showing cell to cell water conduction. Study the diagram carefully and answer the question that follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Show the conduction of water from the root hair to the part A using the letters only. Identify the parts G and B. Write the function of Part A and B. Explain the forces contributing to the ascent of sap. State the cause: (a) Root pressure (b) Guttation. (e) Complete the table by filing in the gaps: GLAND LOCATION SECRETION 1. Pancreas 1 Glucagon 2. Thyroid 3 4 5 4. Adrenal 9 6 Caps above the kidney Upward sideward position of the eye orbits. Follicle Stimulating Hormone 8 Tears FUNCTION 2 Regulates the movement of Calcium ions from blood to bones 7 Influence fat metabolism. 10 (f) Explain the following: 1. Mitosis 2. Myopia 3. Vehicular Strands 4. Cardiac cycle 5. Osmoregulation (g) A pure breeding plant bearing Purple flowers and round seeds is crossed with a pure breeding plant bearing white flowers and wrinkled seeds. Derive the dihybrid ratio in F2 generation. Draw a punnett square to show gamete formation and F2 generation. State the genotype and phenotype and also state the law illustrated. (h) Given below are certain biological terms. Write the collective term for each: 1. Utriculus, Sacculus. 2. Sulphadiazine, Sulphanilamide. 3. Hammer, Incus, Stapes 4. NADP, NADPH, Hydrogen ions. 5. Bacteria and Fungi. Section II Question 2 A. The given diagram shows the front view of Human heart. Study the diagram carefully and answer the question that follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Label the parts H,G,A and E. Write the function of C and G. What is meant by double circulation in mammals? Write the location of F. Explain in brief the steps of a heart beat. The technical for the chest pain caused due to insufficient blood to the heart muscle. B. The given diagram shows the internal structure of a chloroplast. Study the diagram carefully and answer the question that follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Label the parts A,B,C,D. Write the overall chemical reaction for Photosynthesis. State the location of: Chlorophyll and Thylakoids. How does temperature and Carbon dioxide concentration affect Photosynthesis? Mention one difference between: Producers and consumers [Mode of Nutrition] Why is it necessary to place a plant in dark before starting an experiment on Photosynthesis? Question 3 A. The below given diagram shows an apparatus to measure the rate of Transpiration. Study the diagram carefully and answer the question that follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Identify the apparatus and label part A and B. Define Transpiration. State two limitation of the above device. How can the part A brought back to its original position? Name the plants: (a). Plant with narrower leaves. (b).Plants whose leaves are covered by thick cuticle. 6. State the external factor which affects Transpiration. B. Give biological reasons for the following: 1. Sperms are produced in the testes at a temperature 2 to 3oC lower than the body temperature. 2. Population in India has been considerably increasing in the past few years. 3. Injury to the cerebellum may lead to death. C. Rearrange the following in their correct sequence of order: 1. Shrinkage of cytoplasm, 5% salt solution, Withdrawal of plasma membrane, Flaccidity. 2. Pulmonary artery, Right ventricle, Pulmonary veins, Lungs, left auricle. 3. Ear drum, Sound waves, Oval window, Ear ossicles, Auditory nerve, Cochlear canal Question 4 A. Study the diagram carefully and answer the question that follows: 1. Label the parts 8 and 5 also state their functions. 2. State the location of Part 2. 3. How does part 7 regulate the temperature? 4. Draw a flowchart to demonstrate the course of sperms in male. 5. How does the uterus prepare for the reception of zygote? What happens to the uterus if Fertilisation fails to takes place? B. Draw a neat labelled diagram of a Malpighian Capsule. C. Complete the Analogous: 1. Character: Heritable feature: Alternative forms of character: 2. Stomata: Transpiration and Photosynthesis: Hydathodes: 3. : Diabetes Insipidus: Insulin: 4. Deficiency of Vitamin A: : Colour Blindness: 5. Epididymis: : Muscular Contraction to push egg down into the uterus: Question 5 A. A part of the ear is given below.Study the diagram carefully and answer the question that follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Label the parts A,E,D and B. Name the fluids present in C. Name the areas possessing sense cells in part C. State the function E. State the biological names of: (a). Yellow spot(b).Cell plate formation phase. (c). Outer covering of neuron. (d).Blood disease cause by gene mutation. 6. State the path of reflex arc. B. Identify the cell phase in which: (a). Nucleoli reappears (b).Spindle fibres disappears C. Define Chiasmata. D. Differentiate between: (a). Testosterone and Oestrogen. [Function] (b).Homozygous and Heterozygous [Definition} Question 6 A. Answer the following questions: 1. Explain the Surgical methods in Females for contraception. 2. State the uses of Antibiotics. 3. State the first aid method for a sting by a bee. 4. Name the headquarters of WHO and Red Cross. 5. How to control vehicular air pollution? B. Study the diagram carefully and answer the question that follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. What is the aim of the experiment? Name two alternatives for Pond Weed in the above experiment. Complete: Wheat _____ _____ State four uses of simple sugar glucose by the plants. Where do fungi and bacteria obtain their nourishment from? Question 7 A. Study the diagram of Human Endocrine glands and answer the following: 1. Pick out the letters corresponding to the endocrine glands. 2. Explain the function of Adrenaline in the body parts: (a). Fat deposit. (b).Breathing centre of the brain. (c). Muscles of the body. (d).Liver. 3. State the functions of: (a). Aldosterone. (b).LH. (c). Prolactin (d).Oxytocin. B. Given below are few situations. What effective change will occur in the organ or body part mentioned and which part of the autonomic system brings it about it: 1. You have entered dark room. Organ or Body Part- Eye 2. You are chewing a tasty food. Organ or Body Part- Salivary Gland 3. You are retiring to bed for sleep. Organ or Body Part-Heart 4.You are shivering in intense cold. Organ or Body Part-Body hairs. 5. Your body is consuming a lot of glucose while running a race. Organ or Body Part-Liver

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