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ICSE Mock Paper 2017 : Geography (GEMS Modern Academy, Dubai)

7 pages, 78 questions, 62 questions with responses, 80 total responses,    0    0
Erick Rajamani
GEMS Modern Academy, Dubai
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MOCK PAPER 2017 GEOGRAPHY Grade : 10 Max. Marks : 80 Date : 9th of February, 2017 Time 2 Hours : ______________________________________________________________________________ Answers to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. Answer all questions in Section A and any five from Section B The intended marks for question or parts of the questions are given in brackets ( ) To be supplied with this paper: Survey of India Map Sheet No 45/D7 T99502 ( Map opposite page 75 Rita Rajen) ______________________________________________________________________________ Note: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Do not write or mark on the topographical map. In all Map Work, by a wise use of arrows to indicate positions of countries, cities and other insertions that you made, you will be able to avoid overcrowding parts of the map. The map given at the beginning of this question paper must be fastened with your answer booklet. The extract of the Survey of India Map Sheet No 45 D/7 T99 502 (Map opposite page 75 Rita Rajen)must not be taken out of the examination hall. It must be handed over to the Supervising Examiner on the completion of the paper. All working, including rough work, should be done on the same sheet as the rest of the answer. All sub-sections of each question must be answered in correct order. This paper consists of six printed pages and one outline map. -1- SECTION A (30 MARKS) Attempt all question from this section QUESTION I (20 MARKS) Study the given map-extract of the India, No 45 D/7 (map opp page 75 Rita Rajen ) and answer the following questions: a. Give the six figure grid reference of : (2) i. Triangulated height 217 ii. Spot height 444 b. Give the four figure grid reference of each of the following : (2) i. Confluence of the Perennial channel of the Banas and Balaram Nadi. ii. Depression c. Measure the shortest distance in kilometers between the temple in grid square 9580, and the perennial lined well in 9680. (2) d. What do the following represent? i. Black curved lines in 9680 (2) ii. Red dash line in 9778 e. i. What is the general pattern of settlements in the region shown on the map? Give a reason for your answer. (2) f. Which is the chief form of irrigation shown in the map extract? Why is it necessary? (2) g. What is the main form of transport for Rampura? Give map evidence for your answer. h. i. What is the compass direction of Rampura from Chekhla ? (2) (2) ii. What is the general direction of flow of the Balaram Nadi? i. i. Name the type of drainage pattern found in grid square 9782. (2) ii. What do you mean by 9r in grid square 9278? j. i. What do you understand by R.F. ? (2) ii. What is the R.F. of the map extract? -2- QUESTION II (10 MARKS) On the outline map of India provided, use appropriate colours to: a. c. e. g. i. Mark and label the Eastern Ghats Mark and label Nathu- La pass Mark and label Kolkata. Draw and label the standard meridian of India. Mark and label the Garo hills. b. Mark and label the river Tungabhadra d. Largest offshore oil field of India. f. Mark and label Andaman Sea h. Mark and label the Northern Circars. j. Mark and shade an area of Black soil. SECTION B (50 MARKS) Attempt any five questions from this section QUESTION III (10 MARKS) a. Mention two differences in the climatic conditions, which prevail over Kerala and Uttar Pradesh in the month of June. (2) b. Name : (2) i. The source of winter rain for Punjab and Haryana. ii. The source of winter rain for Tamil Nadu. c. Give reasons for the following: (3) i. The North East Monsoons bring almost no rain to most of India. ii. The Mango showers are beneficial local winds. iii. The latitudinal extent of India is responsible for the variation in the climatic conditions, which prevail in the country. d. Study the climatic data provided below and answer the questions that follow : (3) J F M A M J J A S O N D Temp 24.4 25.5 27.5 30.3 30.05 32.5 30.8 30.3 30.0 28.05 25.08 24.7 ( 0o C) Rain (cms) i. ii. iii. 3.6 1.0 0.7 1.5 0.3 4.9 9.1 11.9 What is the range of temperature? From which monsoon does the town get its main rainfall? What is the total rainfall? -3- 12.0 30.5 35.5 13.9 QUESTION IV (10 MARKS) a. Explain two ways by which forest can affect the climate of an area. b. State any one use of Sandalwood and Semul. c. With reference to thorn forest answer the following questions: (2) (2) (1+2=3) i. Mention any two states of India where such type of vegetation is available. ii. How do the plants adapt itself to the harsh environment? d. Carefully study the given pictures, and answer the following questions: i. Identify the type of vegetation. (1) ii. Name any two regions of India where the vegetation, mentioned by you, is available. (2) FIG A FIG B QUESTION V (10 MARKS) a. Define the following terms: (2) i. Insitu ii. Humus b. Name one important crop cultivated in (2) i. Red soil ii. Alluvial soil c. Differentiate between the black and red soils of India. What is Leaching? (2+1=3) d. i. Name the transported soil most widely found in India. (1x3=3) ii. State the two sub-categories (found along the river) into which it is generally divided. iii. Which one of them is superior and why? QUESTION VI (10 MARKS) a. Distinguish between the coalfield belonging to Gondwana and Tertiary period. b. Give reason : (2) (2) i. Most oil refineries are located along the coast in India. ii. Manganese is essential in the manufacture of Iron and Steel. c. Name the metal for which Bauxite is an ore. Mention any two uses of the metal . -4- (3) d. Name the : (3) i. State with the highest number of oilfields in India ii. First Oil Refinery in India iii. Drilling rig of Mumbai High QUESTION VII (10 MARKS) a. What do you understand by the term Plantation ? Name two important plantation crops grown in India. (2) b. Jhumming in North Eastern states, Podu in Andhra Pradesh and Dahiya in Madhya Pradesh are all names of which type of agriculture? What is the attitude of the Government towards it? (2) c. Give a reason: (3) i.Tapping is usually conducted in the morning. ii. Coffee estates are interplanted with orange trees, cardamom and pepper vines. iii. Tea plants are pruned after every 2 years. d. Name and explain the three agricultural seasons. QUESTION VIII (3) (10 MARKS) a. Need for irrigation in India is growing in importance Give reasons b. Give another name for Drip irrigation. State any of its advantage. c. i. Why is well irrigation confined mainly to the alluvial plains? (2) (2) (3) ii. Name any two states where well irrigation is practiced. d. With reference to rain water harvesting answer the following questions: (3) i. What is it? ii. Cite two examples of how rain water can be collected? QUESTION IX (10 MARKS) a. Name two textile industries using plant fibre, and name the most important centre for each industry named. (2) b. State two reason for the migration of sugar industry to South India. (2) c. With respect to silk industry , answer the following : (3) i. Karnataka leads in silk production in India . Why? ii. Mention two problems faced by the silk industry. -5- d. West Bengal , despite its disadvantage, is a major cotton textile producing state in the country. State the disadvantage it faces as well as the two reasons favouring its development . (3) QUESTION X a. b. c. d. (10 MARKS) Explain two advantages of the location of the Vishakhapatnam Steel Plant. (2) Name four Iron and Steel plants in the public sector. (2) Explain three major factors that favour setting up of industries in Mumbai . (3) With reference to the Iron and Steel plant located at Jamshedpur answer the following questions: (3) i. From where does the plant get its Iron Ore? ii. Which river provides water to the township? iii. Name two states that provide its labour force. QUESTION XI (10 MARKS) a. Identify whether the picture on the right indicates a biodegradable or a non-biodegradable waste. Give evidence to support your answer. (2) b. i. Differentiate between Biodegradable and Non-Biodegradable waste. (1) ii. Sort the following waste into the following categories: Biodegradable, Hazardous, and E-waste (2) Oil-based paints, Jute bag, Vegetable peel, Calculator, Batteries, and hydraulic oil c. Name any two rivers in Peninsular India which are used for inland waterway. Define ports (2) d. Give reasons: (3) i. North-Eastern states do not have good roads ii. Air transport is relatively expensive iii. Roadways are the most common mode of transport in hilly region. -6- -7-

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